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Keys and Rainbow items

Winona the Dog

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I think the keys or in this case the items and rainbow shimmering in their eyes, represent the challenges that the Mane 6 have to overcome and challenges that they already did overcome to grow more as characters to know the true meaning of what their element is to understand it more. Just my guess.

Edited by Scootalove
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I'm so eager! 
I can't wait to see what the box uncovers...i'm hoping another element, because there is more than Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Laughter, Magic, Kindness that make up a friendship! :3

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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Well, it could fit. All of the objects we have that we suspect of being keys do have rainbow hues...

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The spool and the medal are both the keys, IMO (as many seem to have deducted already)
They get their "realization" from one object that shines the colors of the Mane 6 (Rarity realized when she saw the empty seats behind the rope, and Rainbow with the flag)
The "keys" themselves have the same shine and are all rainbow. I believe they are all connected through the rainbow because they all got their cutie marks when they saw the sonic rainboom in the sky during CMC - thus, every key is going to have rainbow on it as well as shine.


My theory.

Edited by Razzmataz
  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, it's what they've gotta be. Why else would something so similar happen in two different episodes? ;)

I think the trend here will be 'episodes with character's names in them', so Pinkie Pride is sure to be next. Shouldn't be a hard thing to predict now. :P

The keys have in common:


-small objects


-have to do with talent of the pony

-last object shown in the show



So we have FS fang. R spool, and RD pin.

I don't think Fluttershy's fang will be a key... the trend so far seems to be things gained for showing your element for your friends or something, I think, and Fluttershy didn't do that to get the fang. Also, no shiny rainbow thing on it, I think if it doesn't have that it's pretty null and void. :huh:
  • Brohoof 1


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I think that another point that has yet to be noted is that both items were given to Rarity/Dash as recognition from another. I feel this may continue.

  • Brohoof 3


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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I think what will happen(seeing as how its been foreshadowed by rainbows) is that the mane 6 will receive a rainbow glowing key and the box will allow them to transform into the Rainbow Ponies and those transformations will replace the Elements of Harmony


special thanks to Lunia for this AWESOME signature


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At the end of s4 ep9 and s4 e10, Rainbow dash and rarity both recieve an item at the end of the episode. In both episodes, they express who they are a lot. The items at the end of each episode are most likely the keys for the box that came out of the Tree of Harmony. I think the next episodes will be about different characters and they get their keys. They probably later figure out that those are the keys and unlock the box. Who agrees????

i just realized that there was fluttershy's fang too, sorry

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this would explain a lot, and well, i can't really think of a whole lot that would disagree with your theory.

well, there's pfcpurse the fact that the box has actual keyholes.


and i dunno how a fang is gonna fit into that. but other than that, this is now my fav theory to what are gonna be the keys too!


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Im pretty sure Rainbow and rarity have theirs. but not so sure about fluttershy. also is anyone else getting the feeling that pinkie is getting her key from weird a- i mean cheese sandwich/


SIgnature by Reverie


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I think that another point that has yet to be noted is that both items were given to Rarity/Dash as recognition from another. I feel this may continue.


Agreed. It seems this season the ponies have become teachers of their Element of Harmony to others. Once they have taught another, they receive a key from them.




Twilight has to teach Lecturing, er, Magic to somepony (probably last key).

Pinkie has to teach Laughter (Weird Al episode?!?).

Applejack has to teach Honesty (maybe to discord, that would be fun).

Fluttershy has to teach kindness (that Bull character perhaps?)

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Today episode made me think,what if the objects that are shown in the last seconds of the episodes are the keys that will open the Box that was shown in the season premiere? 

Let's analyze those a bit: 

First we have the Rainbow spool of thread,which was given to Rarity by Coco Pommel in the episode "Rarity takes Manehattan",what can it mean? Probably it is there to teach a lesson,about Generosity of course,it is there to remember Rarity that not everybody is generous,but in the crowd somebody will always stand tall against the others,Coco give it to her because Rarity shown her that,and they ended remember each other what is important,for one it was Her Element of Harmony,for the other is was that true friendship is the one that counts,not the one based on pure mutual interests; And so we now have one of the keys and a "reformed" Keeper of the Element. (with "reformed" i mean that she has now new trust in her element and now knows that it will always exist)


Second is the brooch that Spitfire gave to Rainbow Dash at the end of "Rainbow Falls",which is the manifastetion of Spitfire's gratitude towards Rainbow Dash,the mare that reminded the Wonderbolts Captain what is important in a team,Loyalty,and made RD conscious (once again) that her friends are something really important in her life,something that is more important than a gold medal,which lead her to trust her Element again and more strongly; So now we have two "reformed" Keepers of the elements and two keys. The other ones will probably make their appearance in near future episodes.


Those "keys" show really well the Elements and their importance,importance that was a bit set aside after the premiere,but comes alive once again with those objects,objects that have a meaning,so i will not be surprised if this whole speculation is true,but only time will tell,i'm confident that I have had the right supposition.


Now I want to ask a question to every user that is seeing this Topic,do you think that this is a good intuition? And if so,what are your thoughts about it,did you "capture" other useful information? Just write below :squee:  

  • Brohoof 5


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I think it's more like the mane 6 are spreading thier element influence among other people.


Rarity with Coco and some Manehattan citizens


Rainbow Dash did this to Spitfire and other Wonderbolt members.


As they do this they get a item that's manifested into something that represents the pony's desires or talents.

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I just saw rainbow falls and once I saw the brooch i thought it could be a key to that box and i also knew its her element. When i saw that other one with the rainbow thread i didn't really think much of it.

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I think from what I learned and seen about the Rainbow objects, they signify the importance of the Elements where it will lead up to something that connects the items to the keys of the box. I did notice a pattern:


  • Rarity's generosity towards the Manehattan citizens and Coco
  • Rainbow Dash to Spitfire and the Wonderbolts, including her friends

The thing I see is, the elements are being portrayed as an influence to help ponies learn from their mistakes.

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After watching Rainbow Falls and Rarity Takes Manehatten I can say this: I KNOW WHAT THE KEYS ARE, I KNOW WHAT THE KEYS ARE!!!!! And I would be happy to explain.

Today episode made me think,what if the objects that are shown in the last seconds of the episodes are the keys that will open the Box that was shown in the season premiere? Let's analyze those a bit: First we have the Rainbow spool of thread,which was given to Rarity by Coco Pommel in the episode "Rarity takes Manehattan",what can it mean? Probably it is there to teach a lesson,about Generosity of course,it is there to remember Rarity that not everybody is generous,but in the crowd somebody will always stand tall against the others,Coco give it to her because Rarity shown her that,and they ended remember each other what is important,for one it was Her Element of Harmony,for the other is was that true friendship is the one that counts,not the one based on pure mutual interests; And so we now have one of the keys and a "reformed" Keeper of the Element. (with "reformed" i mean that she has now new trust in her element and now knows that it will always exist) Second is the brooch that Spitfire gave to Rainbow Dash at the end of "Rainbow Falls",which is the manifastetion of Spitfire's gratitude towards Rainbow Dash,the mare that reminded the Wonderbolts Captain what is important in a team,Loyalty,and made RD conscious (once again) that her friends are something really important in her life,something that is more important than a gold medal,which lead her to trust her Element again and more strongly; So now we have two "reformed" Keepers of the elements and two keys. The other ones will probably make their appearance in near future episodes. Those "keys" show really well the Elements and their importance,importance that was a bit set aside after the premiere,but comes alive once again with those objects,objects that have a meaning,so i will not be surprised if this whole speculation is true,but only time will tell,i'm confident that I have had the right supposition. Now I want to ask a question to every user that is seeing this Topic,do you think that this is a good intuition? And if so,what are your thoughts about it,did you "capture" other useful information? Just write below :squee:


Hey guys, just letting you know that I merged the topics you made about rainbow objects/keys to the box with the first one that was made. Thanks for your understanding. :)

(And try not to make more duplicates everyone, m'kay?) :huh:


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I have two things to say on this topic.  The truth about the Elements of Harmony...or any virtue we have...is that we don't always live up to them.  There will moments when we are truly tempted to turn our backs on the principles we hold dear.  But in both Rarity Takes Manehattan and Rainbow Falls, Rarity and Rainbow Dash both had that breakthrough moment.  An epiphany.  In the end, they remained true to their most cherished personal values.  :)


The second thing was pointed out by some others in this thread already:




I think it's more like the mane 6 are spreading their element influence among other people. Rarity with Coco and some Manehattan citizens Rainbow Dash did this to Spitfire and other Wonderbolt members.




I did notice a pattern: Rarity's generosity towards the Manehattan citizens and Coco Rainbow Dash to Spitfire and the Wonderbolts, including her friends


Correct.  That is the second thing we see going on here.  One of the greatest ways to express values like generosity and loyalty is to teach them to others by our actions.  That's what Rarity and RD did in their key episodes.  And this is what's going to happen in the four yet to come.  So far we have a spool and a badge.  I can't wait to find out what the other key items are!  :D

  • Brohoof 2
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I definitely think the spool and the badge have something to do with either the box or this Rainbow Power thing mentioned. I am excited to see what the other items are that appear, I think Pinkie's will appear in the episode with Weird Al. Still can't wait!!  :D  :D  :D


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