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So We're Halfway Through the Season...

Dr. Sparkle

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How would you list all thirteen episodes so far in Season 4, from favorite to least favorite?

For me, the list would go:

1. Pinkie Pride

2. Flight to the Finish

3. Bats

4. Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 2

5. Rarity Takes Manehattan

6. Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1

7. Power Ponies

8. Simple Ways

9. Castle Mane-ia

10. Three's a Crowd

11. Pinkie Apple Pie

12. Daring Don't

13. Rainbow Falls


Of course, this is just my humble opinion.  How would your list go?

Edited by Dr. Sparkle
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  1. Pinkie Pride


Three's A Crowd

Rarity Takes Manehatten

Flight To The Finish

Daring Don't

Pinkie Apple Pie

Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 2

Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1

Castle Mane-ia

Power Ponies

Simple Ways

Rainbow Falls


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1. Pinkie Pride

2. Rarity Takes Manehattan

3. Castle Mania

4. Power Ponies

5. Bats

6. Flight to the Finish

7. Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 2

8. Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1

9. Pinkie Apple Pie

10. Rainbow Falls

11. Three's a Crowd

12. Simple Ways

13. Daring Don't

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Pinkie Pride

Rarity Takes Manehattan

Flight to the Finish

Power Ponies


Pinkie Apple Pie

Daring Don't 


Princess Twilight Sparkle

Three's a Crowd

Simple Ways

Rainbow Falls


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1. Pinkie Pride

2. Pinkie Apple Pie

3. Flight to the Finish

4. Princess Twilight Sparkle

5. Three's a Crowd

6. Rarity Takes Manhattan 

7. Bats!

8. Castle-mania

9. Daring Don't

10. Power Ponies

11, Simple Ways

12. Rainbow Falls


Note that just because something is low on there doesn't mean I hated it, It just means I didn't find it as good as some of the other episodes or I found it meh overall. That's why episodes like Power Ponies and Daring Don't are so low because even though I liked them I did see problems but they didn't bother me.



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Pinkie Pride

Pinky Apple Pie


Flight To The Finish

Three's A Crowd

Princess Twilight Sparkle part 2

Princess Twilight Sparkle part 1

Rainbow Falls

Daring Don't

Power Ponies

Castle Mane-ia

Rarity Takes Manehattan

Simple Ways

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1.Pinkie pride

2. Castle-mania

3. Rarity takes Manhattan


5.Princess twilight sparkle

6.Power ponies

7.Flight to the finish

8.Three's a crowd

9.Pinkie Apple Pie

10.Simple ways

11.Rainbow falls 

12.Daring Don't


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Love it:

1. Pinkie Pride


2. Pinkie Apple Pie


3. Rarity Takes Manehattan


Like it:

4. Castle Mane-ia


5. Bats!


6. Three's a Crowd


7. Daring Don't



8. Power Ponies


Dislike it:

9. Simple Ways


10. Flight to the Finish


11. Princess Twilight Sparkle


Hate it:

12. Rainbow Falls


If you want to see my arguments in full, head to my blog here.

  • Brohoof 1

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While I haven't rewatched most of these episodes yet, these are my current rankings based primarily off my first viewing.


1. Pinkie Pride

2. Power Ponies

3. Bats!

4. Princess Twilight Sparkle Parts 1&2

5. Pinkie Apple Pie

6. Flight to the Finish

7. Rainbow Falls

8. Castle Mane-ia

9. Three's a Crown

10. Simple Ways

11. Rarity Takes Manhattan

12. Daring Don't

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1. Bats -- Best Episode. In the series. Period.
2. Pinkie Pride -- Weird Al Yankovic. 'Nuff said.
3. Pinkie Apple Pie -- Interesting plot, great song.
4. Three's a Crowd -- Discord FTW.
5 and 6. Princess Twilight Sparkle Parts 1 & 2 -- Great way to start the season.
7. Castle Mane-ia -- I liked how they followed seperate stories only to tie together in the end.
8. Rainbow Falls -- That was a pretty interesting episode. Spitfire was out of character in my opinion, though.
9. Flight to the Finish -- Meh, it was alright.
10. Daring Don't -- The plot was okay. I hated Rainbow Dash's resolve at the end, though.
11. Rarity Takes Manehattan -- Not a good episode, whatsoever. The song was absolute crap, also.
12. Power Ponies -- What the hell. Okay, it's the kind of episode to have fun with, but that story is the most ridiculous thing I've ever hea-

13. Simple Ways -- DEAR GOD!  :blink:

  • Brohoof 1
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  1. Pinkie Pride

Pinkie Apple Pie

Rarity Takes Manehatten


Power Ponies

Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1 (6, or 7. I liked Part 1 and 2 equally)

Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 2

Three's a Crowd

Daring Don't

Simple Ways

Rainbow Falls

Flight to the Finish

Castle Mania


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Hm, good question...

1. Rarity Takes Manehatten- Rarity's triumphant return(10/10

2. Pinkie Pride- musical and emotional genius(10/10)

3. Castle Mane-ia- very spooky and very silly(10/10)

4. Bats- great musical number and the best twist since Chrysalis(10/10)

5. Simple Ways- Rarity being adorable and many hilarious antics(10/10)

6. Princess Twilight Sparkle- best season opener ever(9.5/10)

7. Three's a Crowd- Discord feels blue and hilarity ensues(9.5/10)

8. Rainbow Falls- probably the best Rainbow Dash episode ever(9.5/10)

9. Power Ponies- a somewhat unneccesary episode, but still a nice ponified spin on superheroes(9/10)

10. Daring Don't- a bit filler-y, but still a fun and action-packed episode(9/10)

11. Pinkie Apple Pie- great musical number and some silly jokes, but some of the dialogue is annoying and the end goal of the story lacks true closure(8.5/10)

12. Flight to the Finish- good for a CMC episode, but the musical number isn't great and the story had so much more potential for developing Scootaloo(8/10)


I've really liked the season as a whole so far though, I wouldn't say there was a single bad episode to me. Grouping the top 5 there was kinda difficult though, since I really love those episodes... :wacko:

Edited by Radiance64
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1:Pinkie Apple Pie


2:Pinkie Pride


3: Bats!


4: Rarity Takes Manehattan


5:Flight to the Finish


I'm pretty meh on the episodes below this line for the most part. Might need to rewatch them though.


6:Daring Don't-Ending and message about heroism was great, sloppy characterization and messy otherwise, especially in the first half.


7:Power Ponies


8: Simple Ways




10:Three's a Crowd


11:Princess Twilight Sparkle


12: Rainbow Falls-Worst episode in the series. I have no idea what they were thinking.There were so many better ways to give Dashie a key, and they ignored all of them and spat on the characters for good measure.

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1.Pinkie Pride


2. Rarity Takes Manehatten


3. Rainbow Falls


4. Three's a Crowd


5. Pinkie Apple Pie


6. Princess Twilight Sparkle


7. Flight to the Finish


8. Bats


9. Daring Don't


10. Power Ponies


11. Castle Mane-ia


12. Simple Ways

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1. Pinkie Pride (my new favorite the inseries)

2. Rarity Takes Manehattan

3. Pinkie Apple Pie (recently swapped places with Bats!)

4. Bats! (recently swapped places with Pinkie Apple Pie)

5. Flight to the Finish

6. Castle Mane-ia

7. Three's a Crowd

8. Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 2

9. Daring Don't

10. Simple Ways (it grew on me)

11. Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1

12. Power Ponies (has also grown on me a little)

13. Rainbow Falls (I still don't like this one. Sorry Dashie)


I have 12 episodes that now fall into at least my LIKED IT! rating from a 13 episode half-season...That's an Academy Record!  :fiery:

  • Brohoof 1

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


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You know, I'm honestly stunned at the low ranking of Simple Ways on peoples lists here. That final act of Redneck Rarity vs Fashionista Applejack was one of the funniest sequences the show has ever produced.




1)Rarity Takes Manehattan

2) Pinkie Pride

3) Simple Ways

4) Pinkie Apple Pie

5) Power Ponies

6) Bats

7) Threes A Crowd

8)Castle Mane-ia

9) Rainbow Falls

10)Flight to the Finish

11-12)Princess Twilight Sparkle

13) Daring Don't


I used to like the premiere more but as time has passed I think I'm much more aware of its flaws.

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Rank Fantasticalabuliscious


1. Rarity Takes Manehatten


2. Bats!


3. Pinkie Pride


4. Pinkie Apple Pie


5. Castle-Mane-ia


Rank It's Really Good Yet Really Bad


6. Flight to the Finish


7. Simple Ways


Rank Blah Dislike


8. Three's A Crowd


9. Daring Don't


10. Power Ponies


11/12: Princess Twilight Sparkle




13. Rainbow Falls

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1. Pinkie Apple Pie. My personal fave by a hair.

2. Pinkie Pride. Objectively the best episode of the season.

3. Rarity Takes Manehattan. The best Rarity episode there is.



4. Bats! One of my favorite conflicts thus far.

5. Simple Ways. Funniest episode this season.

6. Power Ponies. Fun concept but could have been executed better.



7. Castle Mane-ia. The unique horror theme was a treat.

8. Flight to the Finish. At times brilliant, otherwise underwhelming.

9. Princess Twilight Sparkle. Exciting plot hampered by shaky pacing.



10. Daring Don't. Daring Do being real is a huge don't.

11. Three's a Crowd. Not bad per se but forgettable. Weak humor and a rehashed moral.



12. Rainbow Falls. This episode falls alright. There are contrivances left and right, few things make sense, the Wonderbolts were terrible, and all in all this is truly the only episode this season that I strongly dislike.

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Don't know why Rainbow Falls is at the bottom of nearly everyone's list. I thought it was pretty good.


A lot of people don't like how the Wonderbolts were villainous but I like them that way.

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Don't know why Rainbow Falls is at the bottom of nearly everyone's list. I thought it was pretty good.


A lot of people don't like how the Wonderbolts were villainous but I like them that way.

While I don't have as big of problems as other people, I do tend to agree with a lot of the criticisms


For starters, it really does cheapen Rainbow's Wonderbolt arc by putting Spitfire and Fleetfoot in such a negative light. Sure, we don't know if SF or FF represent the WB 100%, but seeing as how they're some of the more prominent members doesn't help. I can forgive Fleetfoot, but Spitfire just feels very inconsistant(and the episode ruined her for a lot of people). Personally I always hoped she'd grow out of the WB, but it's an arc that a lot of people looked forward too and the episode really hurt it imo


Another factor is it's weight in the current arc, whereas Rarity's and Pinkie's key episodes were some of the best episodes in the series, by comparison as Rainbow's key episode it was an embarrassment. You could make an episode that consisted of nothing but Rainbow kicking a bunch of stallions in the groin and it'd still make a better key episode


Again, I don't hate the episode like most people(there were quite a few things I liked), but the thing was a colossal disappointment, as well as how RD has been handled so far this season(especially in comparison to S3, though maybe I'm just getting paranoid)

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1. Rarity Takes Manehattan 

2. Princess Twilight Sparkle Parts 1 and 2 

3. Bats 

4. Castle Mane-ia 

5. Power Ponies 

6. Pinkie Pride

7. Pinkie Apple Pie

8. Three's a Crowd 

9. Daring Don't 

10. Flight to the Finish

11. Simple Ways 

12. Rainbow Falls


People love Flight to the Finish, and for good reason. They've articulated their reasons and I don't object. All the same, I had some problems with the episode that really held it back for me. I rated it low, yet I don't think it's a bad episode, I just don't enjoy it much personally. 


As for the first half of the season on the whole, the only episode that I strongly disliked was Rainbow Falls. The problem is that there wasn't any episode, besides maybe Rarity Takes Manehattan, that I would call great. 

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