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The Nightmare Six

Rarity Paige Belle

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Princess Celestia awoke with a start. She'd been having the same dreams ever since she fled Equestria for the safety of Evora. Dreams where she saw her sister, Luna beheaded after the battle of Canterlot. Dreams where she watched the city burn.

The gods, Celestia thought, I wish I could bring my Sister back. Nobody deserved her fate. Paraded around Canterlot before being executed in the main square while the Nightmare six looking gleefully on.

Suddenly there was a knock on a door.

'Who is it?' Celestia asked.

'Spike, Your Royal Highness.'


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Dex walked into his hideout. It was just a cave that was refitted to his needs. There was ample room so he had a training area taking up most of the space. Other than that, His workara included a table with three screens resting on it, underneath was what one would consider a massive computer. Dead Eye sat at the desk and up popped a screen full of tasks, most of which had a check next to them, all except the last. He then put a check next to it and said "Contract complete."


He then went over to his training area and started to work out for the day.


((I forgot if you said 20th or 21st century, so I just picked one))

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Incognito sat in  a tree, long rifle in hands. He had just finish up his to-do-list. He read it out loud ""Kill some outlaw and get paid... Check" Incognito smiled under his mask and jumped down. He walked down a field and found is solid black horse. He jumped on and grabbed the reins. "Get movin' Mortem" He said before the horse started trotting. Incognito looked out at the open field as he passed the corpse of the outlaw he just shot square it the head.

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Mackenzie parked her Harley next to a tree and gathered more water in her canteen. She then checked her gun for any damages. Mackenzie felt like something will happen today so she's ready with her hand gun in hand. She collected some apples before riding away... To the sunset (dat clique end doe XD)

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"I can't believe it... gone... everything gone..."


A shocked White Rose was helped along by two ponies next to her- a cloaked pony known as Shadow Seer, and a skull-clad pony known as the Jester of Death. The Jester was silent, and Shadow Seer made slight, soothing sounds, laying her down lightly on a nearby couch.


"Canterlot... Equestria... Raze... all fallen..."


"I understand that this is a shock to you, White... and I'm terribly sorry. But you are not the only one to suffer. I have heard that Luna was lost in the conflict... my her soul re-"


"No." The grinding voice of the Jester sounded as he rose. "She is not in peace, with her kingdom in ruins, her sister on the brink of insanity, and her murderers still drawing breath."


"Shh... my friend, do not aggrava-"


"Aggravate? Meet my rear. I have to meet with Celestia, for there is the matter of a bargain that I must needs fulfill my part of..."


As he stalked off, Shadow Seer looked at White with sorrow. The two suddenly embraced, and their sobs could be heard throughout the room...



The form of the Jester of Death was brimming with rage. How dare they? They, the forces of evil, strip the world of his charge? They would all burn, soon enough, by his own hand, as that would be the only thing that would possibly be enough to sate his own bloodlust. Yet, as much as he wished to, he could not go without the permission from the remaining Sister- Celestia- to exact his revenge. Walking up behind Spike silently, so that his silhouette, skull mask, and recently unraveled scythe, would be recognized by Celestia of his presence upon the opening door, and the dragon would not be aware of it...

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Back in equestria, Nightmare Rainbow Dash was darkening the clouds, causing more rain and thunder. The ponies below were soaked and hungry, all the crops washed away. A wonderbolt, once Rainbow's idles, approched her.


"Please Rainbow Dash, stop." He said softly.


"I am not" she said, getting louder "Rainbow Dash ANYMORE!" She threw clouds at him, smashing him from the air. "I AM NIGHTMARE DASH," she cackled "AND I SERVE THE MIGHTY NIGHTMARE TWILIGHT!"

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Charles another human was training his sword, while he was in the training room as he was hearing about this Equstria getting taken over by the nightmares since he never seen a alicorn for the first time, while thinking what make Celestia student go crazy on her and he thinking that her Element of Harmory were peaceful now they are nightmares. Then he thinking that there have to be away but for now he have to help Celestia and make sure she is safe too.

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Nightmare Twilight sat apon Celstia's throne. Laying at her hooves was Luna's horn. She called the gaurds into her throne room.


"How goes the search for Celstia?" She asked.


A gaurd stapped forward. "We have yet to find her, your highness" he bowed so low his helmet plume brushed the floor.


"Is that so?" She glanced down at him. With a single beam from her horn, he caught fire. As he burned, she stood, addressing the others. "I will not ask again!" She said above the dying pony's screams. "FIND HER!"

Edited by SkyHeart
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Jonathan's eyes snapped open and he quickly looked around, he was still in his hammock and once he saw  he was safe he sat up and rubbed his eyes with a groan, "Agh, man what a strange dream...you know what i'm not tired anymore." Jonathan got up and put his coat on that held his trusty guns. "Might as well go out and do something fun instead of stay here." And with that jonathan walked out.

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Nightmare Twilight sat apon Celstia's throne. Laying at her hooves was Luna's horn. She called the gaurds into her throne room.

"How goes the search for Celstia?" She asked.

A gaurd stapped forward. "We have yet to find her, your highness" he bowed so low his helmet plume brushed the floor.

"Is that so?" She glanced down at him. With a single beam from her horn, he caught fire. As he burned, she stood, addressing the others. "I will not ask again!" She said above the dying pony's screams. "FIND HER!"




Twilight wished she didn't have to resort to this, she needed two of her most trusted servants in Equestria, but needs must. 'Come to me, Dash, Flutter' Twilight thought and sure enough, within the hour, Nightmare's Dash and Flutter were bowing at Twilight's feet.

'Your highness' they both meekly said.

'You two, I have an important task. I believe that Celestia has fled across the Eastern Ocean. You two are to find her, and bring her to me, alive.'

'Bu..but' Flutter stammered, 'how do expect us to cross the ocean. It's two thousand miles across.'

'You have wings' Twilight responded 'use them'

'But your Highness' Dash said 'even I've never flown that far in my life'

Twilight suddenly raised her voice.

' I do not care! You will fly across that ocean or mark my words, you suffer a fate like Luna's! Now, be gone!'

Edited by My Fluffy Unicorn
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Nightmare Dash bowed, and with a look at Nightmare Fluttershy, they lifted their wings and soared out, preparing to cross the great ocean.


"My DARLING TWIlight" Nightmare Rarity sauntered into the throne room. "You'll need a new gown for the daily exicutions! Your do for a fitting." She ushered Twilight into a side room, leaving the throne room empty.

  • Brohoof 1
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Incognito rode into a town to collect the bounty. He jumped off his horse and walked into a cantena and walked out with a pocket full of money. He looked to his right and found a wanted poster.



Twilight Sparkle




"This looks interesting" He rolled it up and put the poster in the saddle bag of his horse. He jumped back on Mortem and left town.

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Dex was in mid-workout when a *Ping* went off on his computer. He stopped and grabbed a towel and went over. There was a new message, which immediately put him o bit on edge, but calmed down, noticing it was just his handler, the one people contact when they need a job done. Got another job for you, it read. He sat down and typed back, What sort?


Search and Capture




An Element of Harmony


That surprised him a little.


What's the catch?


The target is hidden away somewhere. This could be a longer than average contract.






I'm on it.


With that, Dex cut the computer off, and got up. He went to his loadout station, and stocked up on whatever he needed. He wouldn't be coming back for a while, and until he knew where his target was, this was a recon mission, no engagement.

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Jonathan was stretching his arms as he continued to walk.

"Yeah, a land called Equestria..."

Jonathan stopped dead in his tracks when he heard that name, 'Equestria huh? I've heard about it before...wonder whats going on there.' Jonathan put his ear against the door. "They say some pony came here in hiding, from what I heard its rulers have been over thrown and one of the rulers is here!" Jonathan removed his ear with a grin. 'A ruler here? Welll, I might have found my entertainment.' Now with a way to kill his boredom Jonathan raced his way to find this 'ruler.'

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Incognito saw a train. "this will be a much faster way to get to a shipyard." He said to himself as he stood up on Mortem. He jumped onto a lamp post and swung himself onto the train. He grabbed the side and pulled himself onto the top of a car. He jumpe donto another car getting closer and closer to the locomotive.

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Midnight Dash and Fluttershy flew over the ocean. Their wings were already starting to cramp. They knew that this was a worthless effort. But they flew on.


Their dedication to Twilight all thoes years had stuck, and they wern't goingto let her down. They would hunt Celestia to thsends of the Earth, and bring her to Nightmare Twilight, if it was the last thing they did.

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Charles then went to the Human Library as he went to looking for a book call Equestria as he found that book, then went to the table and then began to reading it as he was thinking about this. Then he want more info on Equestria too while he thinking why Celestia get kick out of her own Kingdom and what make her subject Crazy? He was reading the history of Equestria and was thinking more too.

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Dex walked over to a steel cabinet near the entrance to the cave and opened it. Inside was a black armored suit, the one he wears on missions. He geared up with a sword on his back, two pistols on his sides, and a duffel bag. He walked to the entrance of the cave, which he had barred off to avoid anyone who would snoop around, not that he was really worried about that. The cave was pretty far off and hidden in the forest and no one ever went that far in. He pushed a stone to his left and the gate opened. As he walked out, he heard the gate close behind him. First, he needed to know exactly what the Elements are, and where they would be held. He knew exactly who would know about that.


"Princess Celestia. Hope you're expecting guests." he said as he went to find her whereabouts. 

Edited by Black Mask
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As the Jester continued to wait for Celestia to open the door, he spun out his scythe and began practicing with them, shadows from the past and the present that he conjured up into physical forms and banished back to wherever they came from with a mere swipe of the long, sharp blade, silently. It helped to control his rage, allowed him to channel it peacefully and silently. All while waiting so that in the moment that the door opened, where he would snap into a ceremonial stance of submission. He decided to expedite the process slightly by lightly tapping on the door- once, twice, three times- before pausing, assuming his stance, and waiting...

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Twilight wished she didn't have to resort to this, she needed two of her most trusted servants in Equestria, but needs must. 'Come to me, Dash, Flutter' Twilight thought and sure enough, within the hour, Nightmare's Dash and Flutter were bowing at Twilight's feet.

'Your highness' they both meekly said.

'You two, I have an important task. I believe that Celestia has fled across the Eastern Ocean. You two are to find her, and bring her to me, alive.'

'Bu..but' Flutter stammered, 'how do expect us to cross the ocean. It's two thousand miles across.'

'You have wings' Twilight responded 'use them'

'But your Highness' Dash said 'even I've never flown that far in my life'

Twilight suddenly raised her voice.

' I do not care! You will fly across that ocean or mark my words, you suffer a fate like Luna's! Now, be gone!'



Gearhart stood guard on his boat. He had orders to track any unknown hostiles and take them down. In the distance he saw two ponies, both pegisai heading towards the island. He grabed his binoculars and got a closer look. Due to the apparel they look like they were looking for a fight. Gearhart thoght of something areodinamic to use, "I got it" he said. A sythe came out of his arm, "I'm comin for you!"

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Gearhart stood guard on his boat. He had orders to track any unknown hostiles and take them down. In the distance he saw two ponies, both pegisai heading towards the island. He grabed his binoculars and got a closer look. Due to the apparel they look like they were looking for a fight. Gearhart thoght of something areodinamic to use, "I got it" he said. A sythe came out of his arm, "I'm comin for you!"

Nightmare Dash and Fluttershy were half way across the great eastern ocean when they spotted the island of Haven, the only

point of land between Equestria and Evora,

and home of the Griffins.

'We should rest' Nightmare Fluttershy said

'No, we keep flying,' Nightmare Dash 'We must reach Evora tommorow'

'Please Dash, I don't think I can keep going without at least something to eat.'

Dash knew that they both would be met with hostility, the Griffins were no friends of the Nightmare six, but Fluttershy was right, they needed rest.

Edited by My Fluffy Unicorn
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Nightmare Dash and Fluttershy were half way across the great eastern ocean when they spotted the island of Haven, the only

point of land between Equestria and Evora,

and home of the Griffins.

'We should rest' Nightmare Fluttershy said

'No, we keep flying,' Nightmare Dash 'We must reach Evora tommorow'

'Please Dash, I don't think I can keep going without at least something to eat.'

Dash knew that they both would be met with hostility, the Griffins were no friends of the Nightmare six, but Fluttershy was right, they needed rest.


Gearhart saw the duo stop and look at the island. " Perfect!" he said as he flew towards them. As he got closer he recognized them as Nightmare Dash and Nightmare Fluttershy. When he stoped in front of them he said "I'm sorry, but your flight has been delayed"

Edited by Gearhart
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Nightmare Dash bowed, and with a look at Nightmare Fluttershy, they lifted their wings and soared out, preparing to cross the great ocean.

"My DARLING TWIlight" Nightmare Rarity sauntered into the throne room. "You'll need a new gown for the daily exicutions! Your do for a fitting." She ushered Twilight into a side room, leaving the throne room empty.

'You look fabulous darling' Nightmare Rarity said, admiring the black outfit.

' I look like I'm going to a funeral' Twilight replied.

' Well you kind of are.'

'Forgive me Rarity it looks wonderful.' With that, Rarity bowed and left the room.

There were going to be two executions today. Two fillies called Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Their charges were treason, but in reality they had dared to insult Twilight' s dress sense. She remembered how they begged for forgiveness under torture.

Usually she left the executions to the guards, but today she was going to personally behead them herself.

'God, I'm looking forward to this,' she thought.

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(I'm just wondering if you mind if I use Nightmare dash and Flutters in this next part)


When Gearhart got in front of them it was, no doubt, soldiers of Nightmare Twilight. "Who would have guessed that Nightmare Twilight would be as stupid of a leader to only bring two soldiers to the frontlines. Either way, there's no way of leaving now, you'll just have to deal with me."

  • Brohoof 1
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Dash and Fluttershy landed on the island on high alert.


"Anypony, or griffon, threatens us, we'll kill em. Got it?" She looked to Nightmare Fluttershy, who nodded in glee at the thought.




Nightmare Twilight stepped into the castle courtyard. Below stood the two condemed ponies, who were quakeing so violently that there hooves clipped and clopped on the cobblestones.


Twilight smiled in anticipation.

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