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Start with the first episode. And don't watch it with him, you should tell him to go see it on his own. If he doesn't immediatly want to watch the second episode after the first then he likely never will.

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Tie him down make him watch the first 4. Haha, yeah the first episode is honestly a pretty decent choice imo, it ends with a cliffhanger, pretty hard not to watch one more, and it's my belief that if you make it to episode 4, you're probably well on your way to becoming a Brony. All the two part episodes are good to start with actually due to the cliffhanger factor. (I'd say it's probably tricky to convert someone with just one episode. It'll probably open them up to the idea of watching more though)


A couple more suggestions though.


Party of One (not bad if you can convince em to watch the whole thing, a little offputting at the start though)

Lesson Zero

Over a Barrel (epic pie battle at the end is a great way to show that this isn't just for little girls)

Return to Harmony (perfect choice if the person is a trekkie)

A Canterlot Wedding (great, especially if the person is a fan of Disney movies)

Sonic Rainboom would probably be a not bad choice either. Only reason I'd say no to it is cause it's my favorite episode, and I feel it should be saved till one is stoked to be watching ponies. xD


Whatever you choose though, good luck! :D

Edited by TheMangoPony


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Start with the first episode. And don't watch it with him, you should tell him to go see it on his own. If he doesn't immediatly want to watch the second episode after the first then he likely never will.


I wish more people would have the patience to watch TV shows in the correct order. Those who think that by starting at the end they aren't missing anything because it's a kids cartoon are DEAD WRONG!


Anyway, now to answer the original question. If you can't get them to start from the beginning, at least don't let them start on an episode listed in this thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/72568-what-would-be-the-worst-episode-to-watch-first/

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I would suggest eigher

- the pilot episode: it's a perfect exposition to the whole show and gives enough information to the quality of the show in general (so, if your friend doesn't like it, then MLP:FiM is just not for him).


- Applejack Season: it's very well written and executed, very funny, best AJ episode and one of the best character episodes ever. I can even say, it's enough to show just the Applejack award scene to give someone taste of the show.

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@Kengo19, since you seem to be asking which episode would be best to introduce the show to your friend, I've merged your thread with one that we already had for discussing which episodes are best to show to people who have never seen it before. Just letting you know :). There have been some great recommendations in here, and I'm sure some more people will pop in and give their thoughts as well.

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Personally, I would probably recommend Mmmystery on the Friendship Express. I've always found it funny, and it's good because it makes you the viewer start to think who the culprit is! 


  "Sometimes I wish I could imagine myself 10 years from now, out of college, living life without boundaries.

             But, at the end of the day, it's just a step closer to the future. The future tends to unfold as it should... well, at least I think it does." - Kitty0706


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  • 1 month later...

Hello once again everypony!

I'm really happy today, because I finally told my mom that I'm a brony! It's a very important thing to me, ya see, and she's completly fine with it. She even wants me to show her some episodes of the show!

The thing is; which ones should I show to her?

I've thought of the 2 first ones, so that she gets to know every character, but then? Which do you recomend me? I've seen all 3 seasons, but I can't get to choose one. Which one would you say?

Thanks a lot for the help! ^^

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Oh geez. That's a hard question. Since it is your mother and she is fine with it, you might want to just choose your favorite shows. If you wish to show her that's it not as girly or as made for kids as it would appear, I would show episodes featuring villains, especially Discord. But hey, if she's fine with it, you can't go wrong.

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I would say one of these would do:


  • Green Isn't Your Color
  • Sweet and Elite
  • Lesson Zero
  • Wonderbolt Academy
  • Too Many Pinkie Pies
  • Winter Wrap Up
  • Luna Eclipsed 

And maybe some other ones here and there. I, however, do not recommend these as they usually leave a bad first impression:


  • Games Ponies Play
  • The Show Stoppers
  • Over A Barrel 

These are all off the top of my head so I might be missing some gems. 

  • Brohoof 3


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After the first two, I'd recommend The Return of Harmony 1 and 2, an episode with a good song, maybe Winter Wrap Up or Suited For Success, then maybe Party of One to show her that it's not all girly (though Return of Harmony should have already proven that. If she's okay with the girly aspect, I'd do A Canterlot Wedding (The Changelings aren't girly! Just the wedding part). And then Hurricane Fluttershy would be a good one. Oh, and if she likes Suited For Success, show her Sweet and Elite. Also a good song in there. biggrin.png And Lesson Zero and Luna Eclipsed are a must. That is, if she still wants to watch it after all the episodes I've listed. ^_^


Oh, and show her one that your favorite character is in. Maybe she'll end up loving your fav as well! wink.png

Edited by TheSupremeLeaderOfChaos
  • Brohoof 1


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Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

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Everybody else has it covered pretty well, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents. Other than the first two episodes, I'd recommend something like, "Lesson Zero", "Party of One", and/or any villain episodes. That should make a good first impression. If she wants to watch more after that, show her one of the better episodes like, "Luna Eclipsed", or "The Best Night Ever". Of course, its your decision, but thats what I would do.

Edited by Rough Pathway


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Ah so many but if I had to pick like 5 to start with.. ahhh


Lesson Zero


Party Of One


Sister Hoof Social 


Friendship Is Magic Part 1-2


Those are my top 5 anyway.


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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@Red End


It is great to hear that your mother was quite accepting and is even interested in watching a few episodes with you. That is certainly a win-win in my book.


Just so you know, there is already quite a lengthy discussion on which epsiodes other members believe would be the best introduction point for unfamilar with the show, so I have merged the topics together.


In my opinion, the first two episodes are a must so that all of the main characters and the basics of Equestria are introduced to the viewer.  After that, it is hard to choose.  If your mother tends to enjoy one character in particualr, try specific episodes that focus on that character.  Otherwise, I think that Applebucking Season, Lesson Zero, Winter Wrap-Up, Party of One, Wonderbolt Academy, Sleepless in Ponyville and Return to Harmony Pts. 1 and 2 would be great episodes to demonstarte why there is such a flowing for the show.  However, you can never go wrong with showing your mother you own personal favorites as well. 

Edited by SkyBound
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  • 3 weeks later...

Most people i've introduced it to who weren't okay with it (before watching) was because it's a "little kid's show".......Simple fix....show them Lesson Zero...Yup, works everytime, and with each scene of Twilights freaking out, I remind them "you know your watching a show for little kids"....

  • Brohoof 1

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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Most people i've introduced it to who weren't okay with it (before watching) was because it's a "little kid's show".......Simple fix....show them Lesson Zero...Yup, works everytime, and with each scene of Twilights freaking out, I remind them "you know your watching a show for little kids"....


Ha ha, yeah, that one worked for me. Had a buddy from college that wasn't into it but he watched "Lesson Zero" with me, and "It's About Time", and he was laughing his butt off. He admitted the show looked alright and he might check it out, but that guys a show fiend that hops around and watches new shows like a maniac so I don't he'd stick around as a hardcore fan even if he watched the whole series.



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I'm surprised nopony brought up Lesson Zero. Thats a good one. It's hilarious, awesome, and just plain fun.

Lesson 0 kinda takes someone who knows twilight appreciate it.  Kinda like party of one.  You have to know pinkie for at least one episode to see why it's a big deal.

Personally I would go the Mov series LOL myself.  Magic mov.  Show the people your showing the show to "hay look it inspires fun demented minds."


or party mov fallowed by party of one lol.

I'm a strong believer in watching from the beginning.  But if I had to choose a random episode, I'd choose the Best Night Ever.  That is probably my favorite.

i didn't catch the start for a long time.


and the best night ever is um....

again i think you have to know the characters to appreciate that one.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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I'd recommend The Return Of Harmony Parts 1 and 2, as they don't really take on the role of being all too childish at first, it's the first two episodes I watched myself, and really enjoyed them, it's just different to what you'd expect from the show, and it draws someone in that really wouldn't expect it.


Whoo!~ Terrible explanation.


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Bridle Gossip

Party for One

Winter Wrap Up

Over the Barrel

I actually wouldn’t recommend the pilot episodes, because I find them misleading. After watching the first two, I think it has potential to scare off people because it gives them the impression that this is yet another cliché “magic girls” show. Have them watch it later on. yay.png

  • Brohoof 1
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oooooo... Good Question. Well the catch behind any good show is the ability to relate to the characters and if we are going by those standards than, logically, the introduction to a show would be the first episode. With that being said, and the fact that Dudes watching the show is highly... for the sake of reasoning, unorthodox, the best episode for an intro (in my opinion) is probably, If your more of a musical person then Magical Mystery Cure, for everyone else, I'd say Putting Your Hoof Down because it is a Great episode and it has plenty of outside references that non-Bronies could relate to.

Edited by MJDudeK



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I've been thinking about this today, and the episode that comes to mind is Ponyville Confidential. There's no significant character or changes so if they later watched the whole series it wouldn't really spoil anything. The episode can be pretty well self-contained aside from possibly needing an explanation for what the Cutie Mark Crusaders are, and it's overall just a great episode I think.


edit: oops, sorry mod, I looked but didn't see a similar thread.

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