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If you could have one thing in the world, what would it be?

Discordly Cutiepie

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It's hard losing those people. :(  -hugs- All we can do is think that they're happier now.

*sniffle* th-thank you.. I'd tell Alex to be patient, I'll be with him as soon as I'm finished down here.

  • Brohoof 2
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I would want a day for me back in my child hood around 8 to have my dad not in jail my mom not working my brother not In San dago and all of us just being happy so I would want a day were every thing was easy and I could be happy back then

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As many wishes as I want, so that I could wish that:


1 Sun to never explode so that Earth would never be harmed
3 For everyone to live forever! (The world won't be crowded 'cause I would have wished for a giant world)
4 AND THAT PEOPLE DIDN'T HURT EACH OTHER I mean, what the heck is with people these days?
5 I want a kitten DON'T JUDGE ME

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To Live in Disneyland, or at least, work there. I know all about it, and would be a natural at speaking in character as a cast member working the queues, story-tellings, and assisting costumed characters.  :wub:

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  • 1 month later...

A car that can stop time. :3

I'm really sorry to change the topic but I just wanted to ask what happened to you. You've been terribly inactive lately, you don't answer anything I send you you no longer have a profile pic. before this, last time I saw you on was a month ago.


And just because we're on the topic: Infinite plane tickets to go anywhere I wanted to go

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Either Strangerhood season 2 or a new, non JJ Abrams-gun-filled-blockbuster Star Trek show. Forget helping the world and shit, I just want some new shows.

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I would wish for a creature like a fairy from fairly odd parents however no rules and the whole entire world could know and they wouldn't go away so then I could have literally anything I want whenever I want yeah I'd be kind of spoiled but still it'd be awesome.

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A portal to Equestria, that closes once I use it.


If not that, then a copy of Lauren Faust's show Bible (with her blessing of course)

Edited by Pegasus
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For the perfect-o boyfriend. I want a boy who won't back stab me, and actually cares about my feelings. Somebody who will love me at my best and worst, and will pick me back up when i'm down. It's hard to find...but I heard that love will come to you eventually, and your soul mate will find his/her way to you. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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 I would ask for infinite more wishes.


 Also, why so much people asking for infinite money? All money has a limited value, let's call it x, so every bill you have would worth x/infinite = 0 (I'm ready for mathematicians to jump on me), and people would naturally transitionate to another currency since the fricking paper would worth more than the money it represents, leaving you as poor as you started.

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