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Ziggy + Angel + Rain

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I PG'd it up a bit xD.  If "kill" is too harsh, just pretend I said "never have anything to do with ever again."  Rendering the pony "dead" to you.


Pick a pony, anypony, to assign to each.  The Mane 6 are of course permitted, background ponies are permitted, characters regardless of gender are permitted, etc.  Annnnd it goooes like this:


Marry: This one's easy - Rainbow Dash is my waifu, after all.


*Cuddle* (perfectly innocent): Well, it'd be awkward if I cuddled with one of RD's close friends before marrying her...  Maybe...  Mrs. Cake LOL.  Because I've actually no real desire to cuddle with her, and afterwards I could just tell RD, "It meant NOTHING!  It was a mistake; you're the only one I want to cuddle with now."


Kill (or permanently shun): Possibly Snails lol.  He just annoys the fudge out of me.  I can't imagine the other ponies really minding all that much.


Your turn?

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Okay, seems fun.

Marry: Sunset Shimmer; Don't question me.


Cuddle: Pinkie Pie; How could you deny that pink filly a cuddle. Its near impossible

Kill: Gilda; No one makes fluttershy cry. And I mean no one.

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Marry: This one is too easy Fluttershy


*Cuddle*: Well without it being awkward I'd say Roseluck, because I would not betray Fluttershy by cuddling with one of her friends


Kill( or definitely shun): I can't think of one.

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I'll stick to the Mane 6, to make it more challenging.


Kill: Pinkie.  Pink loud is annoying, and I wouldn't miss her.


Fuck: Rarity.  She's probably a screamer, but I wouldn't want to put up with her drama on a regular basis.


Marry: Twi.

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Marry: Fleetfoot, I mean she is the paragon of perfection, the apex of what it means to be a mare.

*Cuddle*: Derpy, who doesn't want to give the town goofball a hug? Especially when that goofball is fairly attractive by pony standards.

Kill: The mane 6. Because the ensuing chaos would destroy the entire fandom. The fire rises.

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Marry - Oh, this is a tricky one. Maybe Twilight? Long run it seems like she'd be the most interesting to have as a wife, because she's intelligent and learns fast. Also I get to be royalty, so take that Lorde.


Cuddle - Pinkie. In a strictly platonic sense, she seems like she'd be the most unquestioning of a random cuddlefest. Probably especially cuddly. We could make jokes for hours about stuff.


Kill - Philomena because she's a phoenix and she'd come back anyways, loophole!

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Marry: If I could, Fluttershy. But she's just too good fr me ;-;

Cuddle: Sweetie Belle. Adorable squishy Marshmallow ^_^

Kill: Rarity. Just because. Coco can have her job.

Aw, c'mon - you can pretend marry Fluttershy!  I pretend married RD, and she's obviously way out of my league lol.

Kill - Philomena because she's a phoenix and she'd come back anyways, loophole!

Darn...  That was quite clever lol.  But I'd still kill Snails because it would be just and right. xD

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Marry: Either Fluttershy or Twilight.

But since Twilight is a princess, I prefer Fluttershy.


Cuddle: Derpy :muffins:


Kill: Celestia or Snips. I'd be interested to see the show without Celestia.

Honestly I'd prefer to kill Snips (or Snails). ;) (I like Celestia)

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Marry - Fluttershy, she is adorable and my favourite pony. 


Cuddle - Derpy, i'd cuddle her forever.


Kill - Gilda, just yes.

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fdfdsa fd d asd adf  23r2r r2

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Marry: Braeburn. ;3 Dat country hunk.

Cuddle: Pinkie Pie. :)

Kill: Everybody who hates on waffles...oh, um I mean uh...i'd kill Suri. ^//^

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Marry - Oh, this is a tricky one. Maybe Twilight? Long run it seems like she'd be the most interesting to have as a wife, because she's intelligent and learns fast. Also I get to be royalty, so take that Lorde.


Cuddle - Pinkie. In a strictly platonic sense, she seems like she'd be the most unquestioning of a random cuddlefest. Probably especially cuddly. We could make jokes for hours about stuff.


Kill - Philomena because she's a phoenix and she'd come back anyways, loophole!

Thanks! I'd been struggling with the kill one since I like pretty much everypony, so I'm totally stealing this one.


As for marry, if I had to; I'd say Applejack because she's the pony who most reminds me of my irl wife.


And an innocent cuddle? Fluttershy; hands down. First she's sweet and adorable, and second I actually LOVE the idea of cuddling with a Pegasus; I'm one of those girls who loves to be held and there's something just oh so comforting in the thought of snuggling up with somepony who can wrap both her arms AND her wings around me...

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Marry: Octavia or Rarity


Cuddle: Octavia or Rarity (Sweetie Belle is a maybe)

Kill: Thunderlane
Get your stinking hooves off her...

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Marry: Applejack, because I think she would be good as a family member.


Cuddle: Applebloom. She is so cute. :wub:


Kill: Diamond Tiara. Words cannot describe my disdain for her.

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Kill: Diamond Tiara. Words cannot describe my disdain for her.

I love how everybody say DT not DT and Silver Spoon. Is it just general consensus that Silver Spoon isn't evil? 

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