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Everything posted by Starshine

  1. Mods are stupid
  2. I just realized that I want a munchkin

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Thou shalt get a munchkin.

  3. Nearly all of my pony OCs are characters I've previously made quite a time ago, so when I converted them into their horse selves, I just need to base it on their usual attire I can't really say how did I chose those colors originally, only that I pick whatever that I think suit the character best
  4. Because princesses have all the fun. They get to ride a pony, have tea parties, go to the gala and dance with a handsome prince, then instantly get married to that prince to secure an alliance with neighboring states Queen? All they can do is to declare war and execute traitors
  5. Crying is a normal thing. It's kind of funny the norm right now is that men don't cry, when centuries ago men were actually expected to cry when something bad happened to their comrade or family. Society is a fickle thing
  6. Lol, Christmas is still like two months away I'm not sure what do I want, but if I can ask for anything, I'd ask for a little reunion will all of my friends. I haven't seen them for years
  7. It's humanity for you: We either underestimate the real threat or overblown the fictional ones
  8. Stare at the poni Blink in silence Get up from the couch, and walk out of the room Do the planking in the corridor I've had more than my own fair share of being surprised out of my mind, so much that I hardly reacted when something jumped at me (except spiders, the little demon). It's very likely that I'll just walk out mumbling 'I'm so done'
  9. This thread is misleading and the title should be edited. I almost had my hopes up for a moment there So yeah, things will get mental on S5
  10. NO WAIT LUNA DON'T FALL LIKE THAT IMMA SAVE Y- *Thrown aside from the sheer force of the fall* Nooooooooooo! Yeah, me and my slow reflexes will be the death of princess Luna
  11. Merely getting older doesn't instantly translate to more freedom, I personally think the turnpoint is when you can live by your own, pay your own bills, do fulltime jobs, and have your own pet. For instance right now I can totally flip my sofa upside down and hunker under there with my cat and laptop all day and exactly no one will pipe about it... though I know my body will be sore all over tomorrow morning and I'll be grumpy from having to spend all morning weakly pushing the sofa back into place Yeah, it's more freedom alright, just not consequence-free freedom
  12. Can you crave a super-fast wifi, because I know I'm craving it right now Haven't eaten anything worthwhile since the morning since I couldn't find my trusty pans. I can't cook anything... Yep, I'm also craving for some real spicy food now
  13. THANK YOU EBOLA CHAN My my, this thread certainly has some interesting... discussions. There are a lot more "CALM THE F DOWN GUISE JEEZ" rather than "we gun die omg" than one would expect. Now I'm curious what the hell happened before fire nation mods attacked I personally wouldn't worry out myself, as all I need to do is washing my hands and not touch any medical professionals or anyone bleeding to death, I'm good.
  14. I think you meant 'knight templar'. Crusaders are just too common of a name Yeah I agree, they're cool as heck
  15. This. This is so much it hurts I can understand them having preferences and all, but too often they go as low as snatching everything that even only remotely referencing to their site and/or staff Well, 4Chan might be godawful place to be where people wouldn't even spare a single brain cell before going onto a nonstop tirade about how much things they don't like suck and therefore must be purged from the planet, but at least they're honest that they are all being horrible, horrible human beings People in EQD comment section... Not only they retain the same level of hostility, they have the gall to ask you to thank them for graciously parting you the infinite wisdom that is their silly rant on how your OTP sucks harder than black hole with a vacuum. I sincerely hope things have changed for the better since the last time I've been there, but I wouldn't hope for too much.
  16. Too much ads all over the place, the comment section is even more toxic than most of 4Chan, the mods there are dang slow when dealing with personal attacks but hilariously fast to act when it's about their favorite pony... And Seth still needs to go to bed. Seriously, that place has too much Trixie it's disturbing
  17. I crave for love In a more serious note, I could use a large jug of double espresso now
  18. A pair of very sexy gray shorts and the loosest white blouse you'll ever find on this side of the planet
  19. I'm very prone of this at work, especially when I'm trying to do more than one task at the same time My hands would literally fight each other grabbing at the numerous things strewn about on my table, mistyping things in the wrong window, inadvertently closing a form only to open a wrong one when I tried to restart it then completely forgot about it for the next two hours... and let's not forget many many seconds wasted on staring dumbfoundedly on the screen trying to recall what was I doing three seconds ago. Yeah, brain fart happens
  20. I just casually told my friend that I watch mlp:fim on a regular basis. One was a little weirded out, while most others couldn't care less as we were busy watching someone soiling their pants over stream
  21. People tend to notice only the extremes, those between the far ends of the scales will be largely forgotten.
  22. Um what. This is some convoluted logic there If you're talking like how reading books caused Twilight Sparkle to act like the way she was at the very first episode, it's not the books, it's more the exclusion of herself from the society that made her that way. I don't believe reading books alone can make anyone be anything like you described there.
  23. Ate too much whipped cream, now my stomach feels like there's a rave in there. Eugh

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