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Nature's Spell

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Everything posted by Nature's Spell

  1. I'll make it simple. I don't think the show needs anymore prominent ponies of either sex. Perhaps more bad guy, but we have six in the mane cast and several important supporting characters. Why make things more complex?
  2. You make a pretty convincing case Will. Even if it's coincidence I'd argue it shouldn't be. Can't wait for S5!
  3. Celestia is what she needs to be and there is a lot of meaning behind that phrase "you are a princess, you'll play your part". Each princess plays a part and Celestia's role was to hold their world together until the ascention of Cadence, Twilight and the return of Luna. Bottom line she did what she had to do. Also if she wasn't good why would she even have bothered to train Cadence and Twilight or allow Luna's return? If she was so horrible it should have been her saying there can only be one princess in Equestria. The fact that she's willing to share power and forgive Luna says a lot about her I think.
  4. From what several writers have said the draft they submit is often vastly different from what we finally see. Meghan makes changes, the production staff surely does, Hasbro, and maybe even the VAs. The results are often not what the writers intended, but can be better than the original. The biggest issue with the writing is simply that the writers don't see the show as Bronies do.
  5. Perhaps. Seems right. Of course my question was more flight of fancy, so there may not actually be a correct answer. If the EQ girls went to Equestria they would look exactly, but not act exactly, like the Mane 5. Princesss Twilight earned her Alicorn form, but human Twilight has not yet, so in Equestria she would be just "a regular old Unicorn". :-)
  6. Here's a question. If human Twilight goes to Equestria does she become an Alicorn?
  7. @nightmare-muffin I thank you for your reply. I've not read the Journal yet and since it has not appeared in show canon I feel like I can ignore it. :-) It doesn't jive with my head canon. If it shows up on the show I guess I'll adapt. Perhaps the tree is more democratic in its ownership as you suggest, but I still feel Twilight is special. :-)
  8. Clover the Clever is an interesting character and I'd love to find out more about her life after HWE. Was she releated in someway to the sisters? She wasn't an Alicorn, so if she was the sisters Mom that would mean they were unicorns orignally. As far as the tree, I think the most interesting fact is that Twilight's cutie mark was so prominent in the tree. Luna and Celestia's as well, but I often wonder if Celestia made the connection when she saw Twilight's cuite mark. Was Twilight destined to be the Princess of Friendship? It seems so.
  9. Every princess "plays her part" so from that perspective they are equal. With that said, I enjoy seeing Twilight and Luna the most. Recently Twilight has also been the most useful princess and also the most dynamic. I really hope season 5 shows her coming into her own as Princess of Friendship.
  10. @Blue said it best above. Although we'd like to believe otherwise, the writers use tropes and writing conventions frequently; perhaps it's lazy writing, but it's what we have and even so, the plot can rise above the writers excess.
  11. It's fine, EQG is like the comics and novels and not something that has to impact the shows canon.
  12. I got into it because I have a child in the demographic that's a huge fan. The first episode I watched was Magical Mystery Cure and I just got caught up in it and that world. It actually got me back into fanfic writing for a time too. I agree with the other posters sentiments as well. At this point it's self sustaining, or as they sing in Hearth's Warming Eve 2.11: "The fire of friendship lives in our hearts"...
  13. I'd much rather think of her as a helpful soul, but we don't know her past, so there is something still there. As far as the Pony of Shadows the writer said it was simply a gag, like Fluttershy's tooth, and had no greater meaning. Did some new info come out?
  14. Sunset is most definitely a bridge between worlds and that could be explain her cute mark-ying and yang-in part. It be neat for her to see Celestia again, but I'd want her return to be meaningful too. As far as her and Twily she's likely old enough for them not to have meet, but perhaps younger than Shining Armor and Cadence.
  15. If we assume the writers are trying to be consistent than she has to have a human counterpart. From that point the question becomes how can they use her in the story? They seem to be setting up human Twilight as an antagonist of sorts, but I don't see the point of doing the same with Sunset.
  16. People are entitled to their head canon of course and I try to ignore things I don't agree with, but a few things do annoy me. Any type of conspiracy theory. Using shipping in canon discussion. Giving background ponies more importance than the canon would suggest. Giving too much import to comics, movies or books. They can support and help flesh out canon, but can't be used to generate new canon.
  17. I've always felt that Discord had a special interest in Twilight. I think he knew right from the start how special she was and so took particular delight in tormenting her. She seemed generally surprised by his betrayal. She did not see it coming and needed to realize that betrayal isn't absolute and can be forgiven, when it's a true friend. Showing mercy and forgiveness gave her the key. That's the thing about Twilight, she's able to go beyond herself and embrace all of the elements of friendship.
  18. So a simple topic, but one I've been thinking about for awhile. Each princesss has a neckless except Twilight and it is noticeable. If we assume she gets one, and wears it with her crown, what would it look like? Her new crown is quite nice and suits her, but we have no idea how she came to its design. I'd like think the neckless would be symbolic and meaningful. Perhaps incorporating the Tree of Harmomy?
  19. The prevailing theory (if you want to call it that) is that Blueblood is some kind of relation, but the reason he exists at all is because they needed a prince for Rarity at the Gala. Never underestimate the writers horrible attention to detail and continuity. The novels (especially) and comics are a good way to get back story and a better understanding of the show, but it's by no means perfect or full proof.
  20. Of course, that's part of the fun, but speculation quickly becomes fanfic if you're not careful. Nothing wrong with fanfic, but it has no walls or limits. Canon speculation is limited by what we're shown or not shown. Again, not a bad thing. I see canon analysis as a great way to better understand the show.
  21. I think your timeline is good OP, but the exact order can be debated for certain topics. Here is what I said in another post. My time line is more sparse and focused. 1. The sisters didn't exist in their current form, or role, prior too, and perhaps for an unknown amount of time after the three tribes period. 2. Discord ruled for an unspecified amount of time and it's not been made clear who he usurped to take over. 3. At some point the sisters defeated Discord and began to rule. The animators made them look the same, which is really unfortunate and a big loss IMHO. 4. Celestia and Luna rule some amount of time until Luna rebelled and became NMM. Princess Twilight Sparkle 4-1 & 4-2 makes it seem like NMM existed for barley 10 minutes if we assume Twilight saw the whole confrontation. 5. A thousand years past between the banishment and the start of the show. Talk about canon quicksand! Not a great foundation.
  22. It's a tie. Twilight Sparkle and EQ Rarity. That's it. Done. No discussion.
  23. As a Brony and father of child in the demographic I don't think the show should turn "dark". The world is dark enough and it's nice to enjoy a smartly written and beautifully voiced and drawn show that rises above the darkness. I don't want my TV shows to always reflect reality.
  24. Yes and it would appear that Cadence and Twilight are the only ones who made princess.
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