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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by ricardofr-200

  1. Well, You said it all, but dont worry, that's not a big problem for me Thank you very much for your comment. And If you want to help me to have more views, you can always share the song
  2. Today I want propose two songs especially dedicated for you (if you're a basshead of course ) This songs are made on the same base and they're also inpired on a song I did a really long time ago (also called music of spring). Part1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqPiTPVgNqM Part2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXzq3gfQqeM Thanks for listening!
  3. Feeling like Pinkamena these last days :(

  4. I'm really really really glad to know that you love that song. Well, I think the song doesn't really need to become a hit,I know that would be great, but, I feel okay with a simple greeting. Thank you very much for your comment! sorry for my english
  5. Hi again, Just wanted to share with you my personal playlist on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB6F5EC38F849517A Most of this songs are original made projects, but I also have some remixes (Dj billy-e, East clubbers, sparta "techno remix"...) PS: The list is a bit disorganized, I have to arrange the videos by date. Sorry for that, however, hope you enjoy my songs.
  6. Oh, no muffins xD Cool, you understood me Yeah, sometimes the same happens to me when i use many vst's or other plugins. You can always do different sub-projects and then you can mix them to make the final song, I guess that guy who made the song called winterglade (used on bronies react intro) he did the same, but he also used a lot of programs. That was just a little tip heres the link of the song (youtube): /watch?v=K56DCGJeEnw Keep up your good work! /)
  7. So many wonders? A least the vocals you use sounds really like fllutershy's voice. Muffin? Now for the song, it isn't really that kind of music I'm used to listen but I acutally liked it It's calm and ... searching the right expression for ambient song or dreammy, sorry for that, I'm not english) ...well, I think you will know what I wanted to mean You said that you have some lack of hardware performance, is it because you are a lot of vst's and other pluggins? Just curious
  8. I uploaded only one song, but now I have some troubles uploading new songs... That "drag and drop" seems to not working well, but I think it's because I'm using an outdated browser (Opera 12.16, I also tried to upload with explorer 9 and the upload didn't work neither). I think they should use an alternative uploading system (if you can't upload click here). PS: I have an outdated browser because I'm using my old laptop with single cpu and few ram (only use it during the holidays, such as now), and newer browsers "eat" a lot of ram for nothing. It never let me down since 2006
  9. It's alright for the song, don't worry. I understand what you mean. I know how difficult is sometimes to find the right tempo (bpm),and to fit perfectly the voices with the song. I even need to do some calculations to check if the tempo is 100% correct I use audacity to modify the a capellas. I actually like the 1st album, so, I'm awaiting your next album too. Keep on your good work!
  10. Oh, do you think that! Thank you for you very kind works! Well, yeah, I just updated the song, but I think this is okay for now, at least I have no more ideas for more changes Again, big thank you for your comment!
  11. Nice work, I like the idea you got for mixing psy voices with that songs. About the pony songs, I also like it, but for the winter more up,I think sometimes the voice ("Let's finish our holiday cheer") comes a bit out of time, a bit too earlier. Nice work!
  12. Hi again everypony! Today aftet work, I had a good idea in mind to continue the song... after some search for sound effects on internet, and after doing a little voice mix on audacity, there it is!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuXnFsEle34&feature=youtu.be Hope you guys enjoy!
  13. First of all ,thank you for your opinion, After listening the song again, I think I'm stuck on that old "hard dance" drum style, however, I think I have a little solution for this I will see if I can fit a voice cut mix (like on Sunshine and Celery Stalks) in some parts of the song, just like to see if would be okay or not. PS: Sorry for my English Thank you very much
  14. I'm pretty scared with all this... Well, the only think that scared me was the power ponies (because I don't understand what does that have to do with the show), I just hope that was only a Spike's dream. Don't take this as "hater" comment. I'm just saying that because I'm afraid that the program can lose the "spark" that touched the hearts of all bronies and pegasisters. I'm not asking for more of the same. I just hope that the program don't miss the way that it already won with the beautiful life lessons that it taught me, lessons that made me see life in a different way ... Allow me to say that this show somehow saved my life, because ere, my thoughts were about giving everything up and also I was always sad .... And it would be sad to see my favorite show losing its way as many other programs or artists lost. PS: There would be cool if there was some "flashbacks" as Nicole Oliver said at Bronycon, I'm just curious to know more about the past of some ponies I would be sweet to know a bit more about the mane 6, for example, why is Pinkie living at Sugarcube corner, what happens to her family since that, and also, how did the other ponies met before the arrival of Twilight Sparkle to Ponyville.
  15. HAHAHHAHHAHAHA XDDD OMG this song is too much for me... Almost died laughing so hard!! The original song is also very funny... but now, this is pure awesomeness!! Good Job!
  16. Hello everypony! I want to introduce you to other new project. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2suuGBs7Ao&feature=youtu.be This time I make a remix of the song Babs Seed, and I really don't know how the idea of this song came out... I just started putting the voices in the music editor on LMMS: "Babs Seed, Babs Seed, what we gonna do? Got a bully on our tail"And I then I tried to make a nice lead to "fit" with the voice... And the rest of the song came just like that. The song is a work in progress, I'm now trying to find a way to fit that lyrics part "Everywhere we turn, she's just a step ahead". Waiting for your opinions! Brohoof /)
  17. 1000% Agree with repsol rave, You really should keep making your amazing works! I was thinking...It would be cool to hear your songs played by a band in bronypalooza (bronycon)
  18. I'm now here because it's been almost 2 weeks I didn't came to the forum, and now, you made ​​me want to "test" these lyrics with one (actually my first) of my pony-songs http://mlpforums.com/topic/66404-ive-got-to-find-a-way-hip-hop-rap-with-bass-instrumental/ These lyrics are really nice. You done a very good work!
  19. Hello, After posting a topic in the wrong place, I'm starting this new one to share my personal songs with you. Any song will be posted here, to not have to make a topic every time I make a song. So for a start, recently finished projects: Now.... this one is not very recent started one year ago, simply, I felt obliged to finish it , I think it isn't my best song (the synth is to noisy or not the best sound to mix with the piano+reverb),but the song was almost finished, and I didn't want to spend more time here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJBcOLKxJ_c That one I started a few months ago, but before doing this song, had done another song, inspired by the same piano melody (another bass rap instrumental song, so, SUBWOOFER TIME lol ) Bass rap version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkEKk0i78pk Dream/Euro dance version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYWDQpZsFIs For now, that's it, I hope you enjoy
  20. O_O!!!! So... to be honest... I had almost the same reaction as The Paris Swing Cake Amazing work! Nice picture choice, it matches very well with the music. The music and the picture together, I don't know why but, it makes me remember the episode called Hearth's Warming Eve (SE2 E11), when the cave and the leaders were freezing.
  21. Yes, I really ejoyed this song! You got serious skills on this style of music, and again, you done very good job! I said again because I also listened to your other pony songs, and I got a rainbow moment, like this one:
  22. Hello To start, think this style is more euro than dream (not sure). Its inspired on my old favourites eurodance songs (speacially dj jurgen from alice deejay), and the piano melody is like a "customized" from the melody of another song which in turn, is also one of my best favorite songs, Lovely on my hand. How did the idea came about: One afternoon, I remembered the song Lovely on My hand, and then, I don't know why, I also remembered Celestia's song... Then I thought "wait just a minute".... So, I started to make only the "custom" piano melody that I had in mind for Celestia's voice... Just did this, and that was it, I loved the result. But then I also thought "I need a style for this song"... my favorite style of music was since kid, the old dream and euro dance, but, specially the songs from Dj Jurgen (my ocusin had one CD from Alice Deejay, and I loved to listen to that Iconic songs that somehow marked my childhood). So, I was inspired from all these songs, and there's the result. I know... it's not a 100% MLP inspired song, but I think its one of most beautiful songs that I done until today, and, Celestia's voice gave the "spark" to that song. I had serious troubles to rendering the voice were was cutting a bit too earlier as shown on the music editor (I have to report it for troubleshoot), but I think its ok, and impossible to do better with free softwares (at my standpoint of course). I hope you enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTVVoysaT80
  23. Hey again, I have the clean acapella of this song (edited by the youtube user CFAMediaV7), I'will mix it with your song, I'm curious to see what happens
  24. OMG!!! I'm not used to hear orchestral songs... well I actually like some of them, but opera is for me is boring.... (if you understand what I mean of course )... but this song... Amazing work!! Congrats!! EDIT: PS, I think Daniel Ingram would be very happy to hear something like this
  25. Wow, great job! Do you have a band or you did this all by yourself? About the genre, well, I would say the same that The EverFree Pony said, or also progressive rock.
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