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Everything posted by UserNotFound

  1. Maybe that's part of their magical qualities... It's an interesting theory...
  2. Today is gonna be a good day... I hope

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cakebandit :3

      Cakebandit :3

      all days start good =p

    3. Malinter


      hope you have a good one.

    4. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      Yes, to day will be, a good day!

  3. I hadn't actually noticed that before... The two episodes where we've had the rainbow objects at the end, both objects have Been gifted to the ponies who feature as the main character in the episode... They demonstrate their element thus teaching another pony about their element and they receive a gift which is infused with their element... We already know the mane six have the elements power inside them from the first episode... Their element jewels were created AFTER they realised they were the holders... So them sharing their knowledge and demonstrating their element is how the keys come about? Perhaps a? Just an observation... AS for spitfire... Well I think it shows a realistic sense to her... Her character is shown to be competitive, and even though she seemed to be corrected in the academy episode, she wasn't the one being disloyal... She was just doing her job... Outside of the academy however, her loyalty was put to the test and both she and fleetfoot sought to advance their chances of qualifying, so they made some tactical manoeuvres to try and put themselves in a better position... Being disloyal... So... I think that in a sense the academy episode wasn't spitfire learning a lesson, at least not directly personal... Whereas in rainbow falls she did... I doubt any of this makes sense but... I'm tired and it's late
  4. I think head canon is good... So long as people recognise it as head canon and, at the end of the day it's not canon unless it's confirmed by the workers on the show who have that authority to say yes that's canon... A good head canon is something that is flexible, since the show is still producing new material, some head canon or even just parts of some can be proved wrong, and I think it's important that the head canon creators don't see this as a bad thing... But an opportunity to expand and adjust their head canon to fit with the canon in the show... WHAT am I rambling on about?
  5. If I'm not around much these next few days please don't worry... I may be taking a bit of time off... Not anything too serious, so if I stop replying, don't freak!

    1. Midnight Scribbler

      Midnight Scribbler

      Note taken. Will miss you though :P *hugs*

      I've been somewhat inactive these past few weeks myself.

    2. Wayzer


      I know we'll all miss ya ^^

  6. I think of the three of them, appleblooms cutie mark seems to be the one with most speculation... I guess we will just have to wait and see... However I think Scootaloo will be a scooter themed one... And sweetie belle singing...
  7. Goodnight Everypony! JellyBean needs her beauty sleep... She really needs it...

    1. Wingnut


      Same here. Good night JB! :)

    2. Wayzer


      D'aaaw don't say that. You are beautiful already :)

  8. I said in my wish list for season 4 that we would see other parts of equestria... One of which was a deep sea episode... It would be interesting to see how the Animators would portray them
  9. I love you because AJCUBE ROCKS!
  10. G5... Will be real life ponies a! Not just a tv show but ACTUALLY REAL! You'll be able to go talk to them and hang out! Seriously I have no idea... I'd like it to stay the same... It's awesome as it is...
  11. UserNotFound

    request shop I draw your OC

    I might as we L post for one... Jellybean... Plenty of pics on my profile
  12. JellyBean loves COFFEEEEEEE (see my signature...)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. UserNotFound


      Haha! Brilliant xD

    3. Skylar


      *Shrugs* Cya then x3

    4. UserNotFound


      Hmm... it could work with Pepsi... Pepsiiiiiiii

  13. I love you because... Rockets are cool...
  14. @, haha no xD but thanks yeah someone in my old youth group first mentioned it to me
  15. Told i look a bit like Clara from Doctor Who... So I made this...
  16. Phew... It's good to let off some steam...

  17. There are some really dumb people on DeviantArt... like seriously... do I have to SPELL IT OUT for you?

  18. SPOILERS : so... Soarin was awesome... and Derpy xD

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. UserNotFound


      It's better than not being able to fly your national flag because we might offend someone...

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      @JellyBean why would you offend someone?

    4. UserNotFound


      I have NO IDEA! but a few years ago there was a big uproar because we weren't allowed to hang our flag because some foreign people got offended... I don't get it either...

  19. Well... Flutterhulk and Flutterbulk sound similar... why not xD
  20. But flutter's fang didn't go all rainbowish...
  21. When derpy walked in.., my face was like... xD I was just sat there like... It's Derpy! Actual Derpy! Like... DERPY! Also... Soarin... Is becoming one of my favourites... ... He's a timepony... Regeneration? (Like David tennant did... When he regenerated into himself again...)
  22. When I was a little filly and the sun was going doooooown! The darkness and the shadows they would always make me froooooooown! I'd hide under my pillow, from what I thought I saw... But granny pie said that wasn't the way to deal with fears at all! Hehehe
  23. Bisnonno turchese ieri Great grandfather turquoise yesterday... The only words I tend to remember in Italian (just kidding... I know a few more than that!)
  24. I don't wanna talk, about things we've gone through... Though it's hurting me... Now it's history... I've played all my cards... And that's what you've done too... Nothing more to say... No more ace to play...

    1. Skylar


      You okay Jelly? = /

    2. UserNotFound


      Yup! Listening to a bit of abba...

    3. Skylar
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