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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by yeet

  1. As I said I have them on Xbox, and that doesn't have mods.
  2. No, you can't mod on consoles, unless if you want to get console banned. Though Fallout 4 will have mods.
  3. I have DOOM 1,2 and 3 on Xbox. I'm gonna be pre ordering DOOM 4 next year. The old ones wont run on my pc, so I wont get them for it
  4. Continuing life as normal. Though as I would spend less time online about ponies, I would spend more time on my Warhammer 40,000 army, which by that point will be about 2000 points. *preys to luna for a Dreadnight and Castellan Crowe*
  5. Ren & Stimpy is a kids show, just a dark one. A reason why MLP is labelled as a kids show, well for a start, the toy line was made originally for children, mainly girls. The show was pretty girly but had some dark elements. FIM is a kids show, not because it is animated, but because the colour of the ponies are colours kids tend to like, bright vibrant colours, also it is shown on TV on kids channels. For example in England it is shown on Pop and Tiny Pop, which are for infants to juniors. Not like Adult Swim, or BBC 3.
  6. Most horror movies. EG: The Borderlands, See No Evil, Oculus, Annabelle (and the other one they made), Rave, An American Haunting, the first 3 paranormal activity's, story wise all of the Friday The 13th movies, The Village. They're all decent, except american haunting and the village, they're some of the worst movies i've ever seen. But the endings of most are kinda anti climatic, and kinda rushed.
  7. Blinx The Time Sweeper is pretty rage inducing. And it's a 3 rating. Should be like those complicated Lego's, 16+ XD
  8. If it's like Land Before Time musical, it'll work. But if it's like High School Musical musical, it wont. XD
  9. That's weird. Considering not all of us are Americans. No offence but not many people in other countries care that much about 9/11. Yeah it was bad, and it shouldn't have happened, but other countries have their problems, also I was basically a cabbage when 9/11 happened, so I can't really be like "im gonna watch this show and possibly get bullied, to prove that all we need is friendship." I don't know who came up with that theory, probably the same guy who said vaccines give you autism. XD
  10. Cakes and pastries are best. Apple danish's are like my weakness XD
  11. I'm pretty sure half the fandom doesn't trust hasbro And it starts when I'm going to college. So meh. I'll just watch it on youtube before they get taken down.
  12. Because a lot of the are "anti brony" just because they find it funny to get over the top reactions out of some of us. To be fair some of them are pretty funny.
  13. @@Aaappleooza, You could do a pony if you want
  14. @@Aaappleooza, If you wanna do pencil it's perfectly fine Hopefully you find your pen eh, pretty sure they cost a lot to replace.
  15. Fallout 4. Obviously. And Batman Arkham Knight
  16. What you just said is really confusing XD
  17. Is there a vanilla mode on the server?
  18. Dunno. It could be a bit awkward, and my belly/chest area is kinda furry.
  19. It's because every couple weeks they change it to something different. You can't change it unless they pick a banner you made.
  20. Doesn't really mean anything to me. It's something we adopted from the show and claim to follow, but I literally can only think of about two of three people that actually use it. Everyone else just uses it when they're losing an argument or something.
  21. The Thing. I don't really remember seeing anything saying it's any good really. But it's probably scarier than most horror games today. It's scarier than Amnesia for me XD
  22. I know the feel. I used to get The Dandy, which was a kids comic book thing. But they went digital from lack of sales, and a couple months later stopped completely.
  23. Probably, but we'll probably not see them in our lifetime.
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