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Its Rainbow Dash

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Everything posted by Its Rainbow Dash

  1. Lol Mikami scootaloos head on torchic. Idk I see rainbow dash with a team of speed and flying pokemon. I could see twilight using a Rapidash when she is pissed due to she almost became one in a episode.
  2. Awwww...I love all these new pics and uploads and RD's sad face is just...
  3. I'd love to see Trixie return and be nice for a change. Yet could easily see a episode where she returns helps with a problem and is half and half nice then at the end when all think's she changed for the better she herself think's it's not just time yet and vanish again in one of those weak smoke bombs. Anti-heroes never flip over a new leaf completely they will always balance between good and evil.
  4. I agree her strength is just cartoon logic like twilight having a piano dropped on her yet she didn't explode into little pony bits. As for pulling Rarity that one is easy Rarity is like 95% Hot air. Za-Zing!!!
  5. Good luck with the fan club., but beware the longer you're able to keep it open the harder it will become to keep it alive!! ~Thunder Strikes.~ But that is true with any fan club., Cadence and shining armor having a daughter?....interesting. Just a simple question if they had a daughter who became princess then her mother would also have to be princess not to metion luna, celestia and twilight. What I'm getting at is doesn't someone have to move up in rank to queen or is equestrian rule just a " Multi-Diverse Monarchy of Democratic Leadership."
  6. As long as you like the show and as said out of the target audience you can be a pegasister/Brony., or heck maybe just being a fan of the show can label you one idk it makes my head hurt I think of myself as a brony because I'm a fan not of age groupings.. In the end it is a label and just that instead of worrying what you are if anything you could just call yourself a simpler Name. " A Fan. " ~Dashes Off.~
  7. I think the flash is the fastest of the three he is able to travel and move so fast he can even move through objects such as stone and walls by vibrateing., Sonic or RD? Sonic can move fast and transverse a lot of space in a short time but RD can break the color barrier. I think RD can outrun Normal Sonic but special forms nah sonic. Poor RD she needs some kind of super form to be able to use. lol.
  8. ~Yawn~ Off to Sleep....Zzzzz.

  9. Epic...just Epic nothing else to say. Because it couldn't be said....
  10. ~Gazes upon Formula in awe.~ Oh My Celestia!! http://youtu.be/r-IuIacp6RYWanted to share a Classic Queen song with RD. Don't Stop Me Now!!
  11. Lol Rarity flipping out is a third to me followed by Twilight as two and the best flip out goes to Pinkie in Party of One. Watching those scenes Lol Scootaloo during the Pre-Fashion show part her face was like " Ok I'm getting the heck out of here Crazy Mare."
  12. My Grandfather on my Fathers side was a Earth Pony. e My Grandmother on my Fathers side would be Earth Pony. e My father would be Earth Pony too. e My Grandfather on my Mothers side pure Pegasus. P My Grandmother on my mothers side would be a Unicorn. U So I guess that would make my Mom a Pegasus with Unicorn genes. PU So by all that I think I'm a Pegasus With Earth Genes maybe a little unicorn somewhere in there lol.- PEU? or just PE
  13. This was new for me. New in a good way I liked what I heard. The music overpowered the lyrics a little to me. But I enjoyed Faultless it was interesting to hear and the ending was great. I'm going to be keeping a ear open might check out nightfall more closely tomorrow. The opening "Everything is going to be fine." I enjoyed it.
  14. Lol leave it to a pinkie song to make you smile. Cool avatar Confused going to change mine to Rainbow Crash now!!
  15. Lol thanx never been to a Con before did research and it seems I could make the trip for a simple $600 dollars comfortably. I'm not sure yet and will give a certain answer in maybe a week or two need to see if I could pull it off., I hope I'll be able too.
  16. Hello! Welcome to the hottest MLP Community on the interwebs!! The community is very welcoming and very friendly. Just be yourself and have fun find a convo and jump in we're all friends here. Lol I play on Ps3 too I play BO2, PASBR, and B2. Now a quote just for you. -- ~ The Only Ship That Doesn't Sink is Friendship.~
  17. Hmmmm...is this Bronycon 2014 in Baltimore Maryland? august 1-3? Just making sure the site I'm looking at is the right one.
  18. You go Star pull in that Welcome Wagon!! Yep we are all friends here the community is very friendly and warm. If you need anything at all just ask and have fun posting!! Now a quote just for you.-- ~ Love is all around you., Just open your eyes and See.~
  19. Cheesy that would be awesome also I think something like Elder Scrolls would fit MLP they could bounce off each other well.
  20. Your welcome Bojo always glad to give a Hug.
  21. Thanx confused had to let that out before I exploded lol.
  22. This story is interesting. I'll keep a look out for more I liked the characters though maybe a bit more insight on the friends could have flushed them out just a bit more in all good. Lol I'm writing a Story Myself involving " The Void." lol though it's a bit different.
  23. If Miaq did vote how could we know he was telling the truth?.... -_- I know weak joke but I had to do it lol.
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