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Everything posted by MarcelineA

  1. I'm open about it depending where I am or who I'm around of. I barely get along with other bronies for obvious reasons so to find a brony friend it's like finding candy inside a rock. (Both in person and on the web) Although I do admit my town is surprisingly very tolerant of bronies (I say surprisingly because people here tend to give you crap for ANYTHING) So expressing that I like MLP is not a big deal. I don't even consider myself a brony anymore I just like the show, the fan stuff, and it's merch. I wanted to be more involved with the community but since 50% of the fandom is just plain rude (whether it's "politely" rude or "aggressive rude) (just because you don't cuss or are not "aggressive" it doesn't mean that you're being genuinely nice, in fact I can not stand dealing with passive aggressive people that "politely" disrespect you) (I believe everyone has the right to express their opinion but bashing someone's opinion for no valid reason and treating them as if they're less or as if they're dumb because you have a high ego thinking you're a "know-it-all" is no way to go starting with the grammar Nazis) That being said it is a PAIN in the ASS when you love a show and a fandom has to ruin it for you, give you all a bad name, and in the end you feel like retracting from it but you're not sure because you still love the show and you feel like you're about to blow up. Yes I have brony friends that are amazing and it feels great to find someone to talk about MLP without turning it into a pointless fight, but the ones that over-do-it really peeve me off like you have NO idea, it's like they live by it and only IT, shit I love Adventure Time even more than MLP and I don't live by it, in fact I haven't been so involved with AT for almost a month because of personal reasons but I do admit I get way more respect in that fandom than I do with the brony community and many of them are bronies themselves so it's a bliss talking to them about both shows, not to mention also the people who are open to anything! there's nothing better than being able to OPEN your mind to try new things. I always love hearing those people with many multiple fandoms and how excited they're over them just how I'm like with my own fandoms and how they're not giving you crap trashing stuff you like or perhaps trashing you as a person (again whether it's "politely" or "aggressive") Also if you're in a website like Facebook for example, where you KNOW that kids use it, do not post things that can scar them for life! that's just a simple basic rule. (Yes "everyone hate's facebook" blah blah but I'm just pointing out some things since some people lack knowledge of the word respect, and obviously I said the "everyone hates Facebook" sarcastically meaning not everyone does since some of us needed for groups in the community, fandoms, and to talk with friends and family) To summarize this for the people that don't like to read, it's simple: > Respect me and I'll respect you (respect is earned not given) > If you are a respectful brony chances are we can become really good friends > If you can't tolerate someone liking a show I suggest you leave Earth, since I'm pretty sure many people watch TV > If you give Bronies a bad name I officially dislike you and you better not even contact me > If you think you're being nice while insulting someone "politely" and not swearing, try again, that doesn't do it and it doesn't justify you being a dick > Want to be a grammar Nazi? I'll hold the door for you to leave (yeah sure if the person is purposely using bad grammar to be "cool" it can be annoying and you can't understand shit but if you're using a SOCIAL, I repeat SOCIAL/SECULAR/INFORMAL WEBSITE being a grammar Nazi is completely unnecessary. Save that for english class) (and what I mean by grammar Nazi is not when you tell someone that typs lik dis that you don't understand them NO, what I mean by grammar Nazi are people that correct EVERY single thing even a damn dot for fuck's sake; usually people like this are typically the "know-it-alls") > Don't judge someone based on something you yourself do (in other words look at yourself in the mirror first and this applies to people in the fandom or outside of the fandom > and lastly, Always remember no one is perfect. Sometimes people make mistakes whether big or small and later feel genuinely sorry for them (I've been there I know) so don't just point fingers all of a sudden and classify someone as a bad person just because. HOWEVER even though no one is perfect it doesn't mean you have the right to be a douchebag I'm done ranting (sorry I had to get it out there, it was killing me) and this is in all honesty how I feel about the fandom, I know their haters can be even worse in other states gosh I've seen stuff that makes me go like "WHAH!? O_o" but at least if a lot of people here didn't give us a bad name, a lot of that hatred could've been prevented, yes it does not justify their actions but sometimes the result you get is basically the result you caused yourself to get. (although I have to point out when it comes to religious reasons since I heard some parents are against it because of magic I believe it's just silly, since in fact many religious people don't even care, gotta love dogmatic households! at least my parents don't give a damn thank goodness)
  2. Just opinions: ~ BOTDF ~ Cloppers ~That new Shrek fandom ~ Onision ~ All the stupid crap from TV and the Radio nowadays (not all of it most of it) ~ Some "EMO" fandoms (the fact they don't even use the EMO abbreviation CORRECTLY and for what it truly means says it all ._. it's supposed to stand for Emotive Hardcore a MUSIC GENRE from the 80s that died out) ~ SWAG ~ Justin Bieber ~ Some directioners (I actually understand the boy band itself are nice and lovely people but their fandom is insane) ~ Some band fandoms ~ PewdiePie ~ The Hunger Games ~ Harry Potter ~ Extreme Anime fanatics (excuse me for just liking SOME of the art work there's no need to insult me because I just simply do not like the shows besides Yu Gi Oh and some softcore Hentai stuff) ~ "Hardcore" potheads ~ Anti-Fandoms ~ Some of the LBGT community. Ok I support your rights, MANY other people do as well perhaps MANY churches support your rights too. Now that being said, there's no need for you people to try to make everyone be exactly like you since we're all different and we ALL should have equal rights so WE straight people should have our right to remain straight if we want to and it is not fair that you accuse ALL straight people as horrible just because of CERTAIN idiots just how we are not supposed to accuse you because of SOME idiots, want respect? earn it and stop acting like you're the best thing in the world because of something you were BORN with ~ SUPER anti-religion people (to the point they wanna commit genocide just because someone has a belief) ~ and this is based on just experience but a lot of Metalheads are too (let's point out I in fact have a Metalhead best friend) ~ Some Bubbline shippers in the Adventure Time fandom (which it's my favorite fandom it's just that no offense those shippers tend to be too rude and try to shove their beliefs, opinions, and preferences down our throats) ~ And lastly half of this fandom as crude as I sound, The show itself is great I like MLP but you have some SERIOUS disturbing people on this fandom, starting with the "know-it-alls" which in fact don't even put an effort to actually learn, then with the ones that push the gore down your throat not respecting the fact you don't want to see that, the excessive cloppers, the ones that crave attention so yet decide to start out random fights for no reason, you name it. On the other hand I have met very cool respectable bronies but 50% of this fandom seems to sink, it's like no one has the right to say anything in a constructive manner and most people decide to judge something based on first impression without giving it an actual chance, if that was the case I would hate Dr. Who right? but no I can't do that since I didn't give it a chance and I don't know much about the subject. These fandoms I just listed above perhaps are things I was even a member of (most of them), and the ones I wasn't were usually the perverted ones. So far that's all I've got I'm not so annoyed by them to the point of punching them though but this are just what I personally consider the most annoying
  3. Eh idk if they worry a lot and it doesn't stop for days (crying and stuff) then I'll figure out a way. If they don't cry much or eventually not care then FUN FUN FUN! I'd draw, paint, do crafts, decorate the room, play the piano, rehears acting, sing, and dance with Rarity (ps. she'd be living with me ) I'd get on Rainbow Dash and fly, then I'd bring her to my friend's (who loves her) house and run back home as fast as I can I'd show Fluttershy all the ("non-harmful") animals we have here and see if she can actually talk to them (she might also live with me.... MIGHT although I might bring her to where RD is so she's not "alone") I'd go to a farm with Applejack and do some really fun stuff, ride horses (well I guess I'd be riding horses XD), and bake pies ^-^, tell stories, etc. (deff would live with me) I'd have a fun time talking with Twilight but um... I wouldn't go to a library with her... just saying although I'd ask her for help with my homework hehe ( I have this friend that has a crush on her I would bring her to him) I'd introduce Pinkie Pie to my friends and then run
  4. You lost me at lose IQ points ._. funny I found Pewdie Pie not remotely funny I don't get his jokes they're mostly about games and he makes funny voices that's all I've seen about Finn's voice that is true but it's a preference I personally find Pinkie Pie more annoying and besides Finn's voice has gotten really deep in the last seasons due to puberty The dialogue and the fucked up stuff cracked me up XD because that I get it is a weird show but it's a show about detail I can puzzle things very good and look at details a lot which it's why I like it, it keeps me busy To each his own but you really lost me at the "lose IQ points" idk but a show with a background story like that is one of the most informative shows I've ever seen... it even passes MLP since yes MLP has a background story but is not that dark and it's a little bit predictable but again that's about taste it's like comparing funny chick flicks with funny scary movies they're not the same genre so just because people have different taste it doesn't mean one is smarter than the other one, just saying yeah actually a bit same here, even though I obsess over AT I been focusing a lot on MLP lately since I JUST catched up on EVERY episode and bought some new merch and researched a few facts XD and stuff XD
  5. Granted, but everywhere you go the leader of that country/island kidnaps you and when you try to go to the Poles, global warming heats up to the point they melt and boil *I wish for Finn The Human to be real* ^-^
  6. A VIP room for me and the ponies I know with an open door so we can come in and out to meet ponies but then right back in (not a fan of crowded places however I love having a good time with friends and meet new ponies)
  7. I know it's obvious but Rarity XD and even though I'm typically not girly I can get VERY girly at times and also I tend to take too much care of my skin and teeth and hygiene and stuff like that... I'm sort of a clean freak hehe so going to the spa get relaxed, get some mask treatment, some eye treatment, doing our manes up (which btw is that one thing for me that HAS to look good other wise I never leave the house), getting a nice manicure (mine would be black but I'm sure she'll probably pick pink XD), get a nice bath, a steam bath, deep our feet in the water solution massager thingy, get a pedicure too, wear lotion, perfume, then find a nice comfy sofa, couch or bed, turn on the tv, play some video games, play some table games, read stories, read magazines, talk, maybe whine too XD, eat ice cream, eat popcorn while watching a comedy, design some dresses for fun, draw stuff for fun, paint stuff for fun, do crafts even with gems and what not (being careful we don't get crazy glue on our hooves), make good jokes, clean the room IF it's messy but in a fun way, listen to good music, play the piano, prank ponies on the phone, dance, sing, talk about stallions , have a pillow fight, go on ponyvine XD and watch crazy ponies do stuff, decorate the room, play with our cats (yes I don't have a cat but I would love to have one), brush our cats, bake delicious stuff like cake, muffins, cupcakes, pie, drink hot chocolate, then sleep.... would be great (; ^-^ EHMERGED
  8. This just suddenly appeared in my screen and scared the crap out of me I jumped back and hit my head LOL XD XD :comeatus: hehe
  9. Nope maybe later I will... but if you ask me if I breathe oxygen from the Land Of Ooo oooh you got me there *breathes air from the Land Of Ooo* o_o *opens portal to the Land Of Ooo* *jumps in* PEACE
  10. Race: I'd be an unicorn (it'll be easier to carry all my art supplies and stuff I always carry with me that way) Job: idk a designer, or an actor, or a piano musician .-. Pet: I'd have a lovely cat ^-^ House: I'd live in a cabin in the woods near the Everfree Forrest .-. I like the nature AND the darkness plus I'm sort of a loner (by choice)
  11. The boring I understand because to each his own The humor same with as the boring except idk they have different kinds of humor and usually the best is the hidden one idk I'm just a person that looks into details a lot The art lol my favorite part I can't deal with shows with too much stuff on them like some anime shows the characters look like they can't even carry one more item because they're gonna fall off lol I like simple art Ok to each his own but that's the best voice acting I've heard Storyline... that's the best part ._. the whole background story goes in great depth unlike MLP that it's more about Princess stuff which it's fine to whoever likes it but storylines about war, tragedy, and the world seem more interesting to me funny I actually think MLP has more childish humor... I say that because it is very rated PG I know I like to watch a show that will really crack me up and AT has it.... not saying MLP doesn't because if it didn't I wouldn't watch it BUT adventure time has waaay more subliminal messages than any other cartoon I've seen and it gets better every season I feel like it's almost turning into an adult cartoon lol before it was stuff like *he falls down* *makes weird faces* now it talks about hidden stuff and some dark stuff XD but that's just me of course
  12. Well I was bored and I found this cool pony generator and I started making a bunch of ponies until I got crazy XD and for curiosity I was wondering which one would you guys pick (Most of them have cutie marks but some have them hidden under their clothes :/ others I didn't know what to put for cutie mark and there's one that I forgot to put him one which it's FTH but I would guess it would be a sword XD) Note: what I mean by 'pick' could be to pick it wishing it was on the show, or pick to have as a friend, or pick to have as a pet, or pick to have as a ship, or pick to have as a knight, and/or as a villain, etc. ps. Some of these are real people, and some are celebrities, but a lot of them are characters as well (I only put their initials)
  13. Skillet Casting Crowns Hillsong United The Devil Wears Prada oh and there's this caribbean band called Tercer Cielo (meaning Third Sky)
  14. In my opinion: 1. Rarity - her locs are AMAZING and the colors too 2. Fluttershy - colors are amazing and I love the hair 3. Applejack - lol she looks like Christmas candy XD but she looks cute though I feel like it suits her 4. Rainbow Dash - it just suits her 5. Twilight Sparkle - it's eh... kinda boring but it's Twilight so yeah XD 6. Pinkie Pie - it just looks too bright and a bit annoying but she IS Pinkie Pie so it was to be expected XD Overall I actually like these designs to be honest and I'm surprised some people rant about them I think they're cool it suits each of them
  15. ok this is weird but I had a dream about a new pony stallion named Blue Essence O_o is he real?

  16. I know she's my favorite too and not only Spike but Sweetie Belle too I mean I know Spike is small and all but I'm guessing being a dragon and all he's strong enough BUT Sweetie Belle just looks too young and delicate to carry ALL that luggage Rarity made her carry in that episode where Rainbow Dash told scary stories XD
  17. Thank you so much it was a LOT more helpful than the videos on YouTube XD (still a bit confused on the phase between the faceoff and the "solving the problem" phase BUT I'm understanding it better so thanks ps. I like your collection :3
  18. EVERYONE is entitled to ship what THEY WANT why is there a need to force a ship into someone just let people be

  19. Eh I don't have much but this is what I got XD PS. if anyone knows how to play the card game please teach me I'm still trying to figure it out it's just too complicated and I HAVE play cards before like Yu Gi Oh perhaps but I still find this one complicated
  20. They sound similar but the bottom one is more high pitched
  21. I really can't say there's a worse they all have good and bad qualities Twilight Sparkle: she's organized so her kids would probably be organized and she will take good care of them BUT she over-reacts a lot over books, studies, etc. so her kids might be pressured to be "perfect" students Rainbow Dash: she has really good skills that can be passed onto her kids and also she's a really good motivating coach alTHOUGH she can be rough sometimes and very arrogant and maybe her kids might become arrogant too and it might lead for them trying to be better than her in lets say for example, sports and it might cause an issue Fluttershy: well she's sort of a pushover and speaks too quiet so when trying to control her kids I'm not sure BUT she does have the STARE XD and she CAN speak firm quite a few times and in fact maybe her kids end up being quiet too so it won't be a problem but if her kids are hyper then I guess it would Pinkie Pie: oh boy.... well she did learn a few things for baby sitting but also baby sitting someone's kids is NOT the same as taking care of your OWN and idk but Pinkie seems too focused on fun than anything else Applejack: ok I know this one would be an awesome mom she has morals, values, and she's honest & loyal and a very hard worker. The problem would be her being over protective but I think if the kid does what her sister did she will snap out of it Rarity: well she's also organized, and has some experience dealing with her sister but she will have to learn to have more patience and don't push the kids too much BUT she is very generous so I know those kids won't be missing anything XD and they would look fabulous XD but also end up with the same kind of good heart she does XD although her drama might annoy the kids unless they're like her See they all have their positives and negatives and it also depends on the kids themselves too ya know but I can't necessarily find a "worse" instead I can find the best which would be Applejack
  22. I knew that before even knowing about MLP XD my cousin had many of their toys XD
  23. nah it's cool no worries lol actually I'm sorry if you thought I was misinterpreting I tend to explain a lot idk why it just comes automatic like I always feel like people don't understand me (because I'm not clear) even though they actually do o.o
  24. ok to each his own I just rather be angry than sad... being sad makes me feel weak and I like the feeling of toughness
  25. Depression and Sadness.... it sucks and doesn't let you function properly it's just the worse there's nothing worse than feeling like everything sucks and you're not worth it
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