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Sugar & Sins

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Everything posted by Sugar & Sins

  1. Just saying but Broly's power is forever growing passively, even while he's fighting. If we're going by logic, by the time Gohan achieved ssj2 in the cell saga, Broly will have had an exponential growth in power from his first movie hence being just as powerful or way more powerful than Gohan and while Gohan will tire from the fighting, Broly will just keep growing in power. Besides, Gohan goes super saiyan in the movie and still gets wrecked, super saiyan 2 doesn't make a huge difference in power regardless of what people may think.
  2. Ask me anything you like, i've played since Vanilla, leveled all classes to cap, I do PvP and PvE and I know the Lore, so basically any question you have throw it at me.
  3. I don't really trust other people's opinions of movies or any other media, I mean everyone said Inception was really good but, I thought it was mediocre at best. Everyone likes Batman movies but, I don't like Batman so I don't like the movies. There are no best movies, there are only people's favourites.
  4. Never. Sure the things we do in the past have an impact on our future but, I like to just go with the flow, occasionally straying to try new things every now and then. ^^
  5. If I find the post funny. If I agree with the post. If the post grabs my attention because it is interesting or informative.
  6. This is a one in a million post, never in my time of being a fan of the show have I heard anyone say Garlic Jr. Was their favourite villain. EVER. It would most definitely be from the end of Z (or Battle of the Gods) since GT is non-canon and not created by Akira himself.
  7. derpydashpie Add me if you want a chat, with voice or without, doesn't bother me too much. ^^ Please state that you're from the forums though.
  8. Woop woop! That game is the bomb! XD Sho Minamimoto ftw!
  9. Myles Kennedy (Alter Bridge) Matt Shadows (Avenged Sevenfold) Brent Smith (Shinedown) Benjamin Burnley (Breaking Benjamin) David Dreiman (Disturbed) Jason Moreno (Drowning Pool) Ryan McCombs (SOiL)
  10. It was a difficult game to get into as the start was slow but, once you got going it was one of the best games in the genre.
  11. Nah I believe that's a normal time to go to bed, I go to sleep at 4am-5am unless i have something planned.
  12. Gears of War 3... It had me in tears... A tear for the fallen... Brothers to the end... :'(
  13. Cheery, Optimistic, Good sense of humour, Loyal, Honest, Fun, Calm, Collected and Smart (I hope) ^^
  14. Favourite Openings (Cos I cant decide): Favourite Ending:
  15. Just re-watched Starship Troopers for the twelfth time, it's an awesome film. :P

  16. My dark side is a tough switch to flick but, if you somehow manage to piss me off enough or I'm just having a bad day I can go two ways: 1. Calm, collected and cruel, get in my way at this point and i'll pick you apart mentally and if needs be physically. My thoughts while i'm like this tend to be very dark, deep and usually about the destruction of something. 2. Just really, really angry, usually just if someone pisses me off but, I just get mindless and brutal, every action usually heavy-handed and clumsy. (I don't like getting like this and I have learnt to control myself but, it's sometimes inevitable.) Needless to say i'm a really nice, innocent person most of the time and you have nothing to fear from me as long as you don't anger me. ^^
  17. In no particular order as i'm a lover of all dogs. 1. Siberian Husky 2. Labrador 3. Shiba Inu
  18. I do it all the time, it's the only thing that keeps my sanity from snapping off of the thin thread its dangling from. ^^
  19. Sat leaned against a single tree in a large meadow just dying slowly from some unknown cause as I smile and watch the sunset. (Or maybe with a sword through my chest after the battle of my life, can't decide.) Maybe even self sacrifice to save someone dear to me.
  20. I just be myself and let them assess whether they like me or not, that way I know we have similarities or my interests interest them.
  21. I would be a villain, heroes are boring and have no real goals, only to stop a villain's goals, which is pretty dickish. :/
  22. Brilliant ^^ Went on a day trip to the seaside with a bunch of my good friends and had a great time. We had fish and chips, ice cream, Lobster tails, spent a ton of money at the 2p slots winning little plushies and we climbed on big rocks!
  23. Patriotism is a concept i've never really got the grasp of, you see i'm English and with the government we have, it's hard to like this country. I could see where people come from with history, heritage and tradition and all that jazz but, I don't see myself as a patriot in any way at all.
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