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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Not tried pony icons..I tried desktop ponies, and...and it forces me to say something I dont want to say..to much pony!Plus my wife damn near killed me when she borrowed my pc and Fluttershy(full volume)suddenly screamed "COME OUT" scaring the crap out of here in the process Ofc didnt help I was howling with laughter
  2. Bas Rutten, Bruce Lee, Bruce Campbell, George Carlin, My grandfather( most badass man ever, and thats an understatement), Florence Nightingale, Werner Voss(childhood hero)..Sure there are more... Not to forget my wife who actually puts up with all my shit
  3. When I was a kid, I was called The bone. Get your mind out of the gutter, was because I was so skinny My real name is Stig-Magnus, as a result of having foreign friends that could not say it properly, Magnus was turned into "Max". So alot of my friends call me that
  4. ALL OF THEM! Well, have a couple of favourites, like luna eclipsed ofc and best night ever(flutterage ftw)
  5. Ofc, didnt say it should not be taken seriously, just stating its not a definate sign of mental illness, there are alot of factors that have to be considered before a potential diagnosis can be made. Often people forget(pardon my french), how fucked up you can be as a teen, simply because your hormones are rampaging. Many have constant up & downs, very varying mood and so on.Noone experiences teens the same way, so how it manifests itself is very individual. There was a time when teens on the extreme end of that spectrum was locked away and considered "insane"(especially girls,,), but these days its a very real part of mental health treatment. You mention short term memory loss, does it depend on what you are thinking about(do you consider it interesting etc)? Or is it you have problems focusing on specific tasks for longer periods? Your headaches might, again, be a result of you being in your teens. Kind of sounds like migraine(do you have symptoms like light sensitivity, one eye running etc?). Migraines can be linked to hormonal levels(more with girls then boys though), I had them all the time as a teen, vanished as I got older. But that is something you really should have checked out as soon as possible.
  6. Playing with my kids & animals( and ahem...wife) and ofc working out
  7. Daaaamn, that would be like pinkie pie after a 3-4 shots of espresso, explotion of awesomness!
  8. There is a problem with diagnosing teens(if you are one, i dont know), the hormonal instability makes it hard for professionals to know if its a temporary hormonal issue or a genuine mental problem. Very rarely is bipolar disorder as flexible as one morning happy, next sad. Cutting may or may not be a sign, often its a sign of not having a proper outlet for emotions. As for the suicide bit, It could be many things, but not necessarily a sign of mental disorder.
  9. What helped me find a solution to insomnia(in addition to nightshift work) was working out. Alot. I lift weights 3 times a week and do martial arts 4 times a week aswell as cardio when I find the time. Cardio(like jogging) is great for leting your thoughts wander. Just you, the road ahead and your thoughts. I still have problems from time to time, though, but its rare now.
  10. Magnus

    mega thread Anime Discussion Thread

    Oh forgot, if there are any doubts I am a anime fan, check out my tattoo, naruto ftw :
  11. I am a registered nurse specced in psyciatry. My dad suffered from depressions, my mother in law was bipolar and commited suicide two years ago, so yeah...Personally I am coleric(dont know if you guys call it that), basically diagnosed anger issues, but have managed to get it under control, used to blackout from rage when I was younger. Have insomnia, but working nightshifts have helped alot. Like you I have seen how much taboo still exist regarding mental disorders. Was christmas shopping one year, and a old lady out of nowhere slapped a patient and said "people like you should be locked away"
  12. The first full episode I watched was luna eclipsed, and instantly hooked, the scene with fluttershy being ordered to teach luna to speak normally still is one of my favourites
  13. Not necessarily Evilshy. My family called me the bone when I was younger, because I was so skinny, martial arts and a few years of weightlifting changed that.
  14. Have turned my firefox into flutterfox,derpy wallpaper+system sounds are fluttershy ragemode Cellphone has a pinkie wallpaper, thats it for now. Also have a few plans for ever so slightly ponifying my car
  15. I know she is not princess, and if I made it sound like that I mistyped something. My point was that for me it wouldnt have mattered either way And I know what you mean by getting annoyed, I get annoyed aswell with all the stereotyping everywhere, like tomboy=lesbian character.
  16. 1,75 & 91kg(5,7 & 200 pounds I suppose). I am happy with my weight, have a relative low fat %, so muscle,water and bone
  17. No mcdonalds near me, but I have gone into toystores and bought pinkie & fluttershy. Was asked if I wanted them wrapped, but proclaimed they were for me...and got a brohoof from the female cashier, wich was all kinds of awesome and unexpected(expected some smug remark) I know what thats like, had big problems with that when I was younger, and got me in alot of trouble. Not had a blackout for years now, my temper is still there, but have it under control(one of the reasons I do martial arts and workout alot). The thing is to find a constructive outlet for it, I thank Tae Kwon Do and the strictness of Grandmaster Cho for getting me on the right path.
  18. Hell yeah, I like BDP. I am not really into the more "dark" side of pony fanfiction, but this video is brilliant! You get the sinister feeling all the way through. Also, something happened with my text, no idea why.
  19. My most "manly" pony shirt is the luna "all shall love me & despair", but beyond that I have no problems walking around in my fluttershy,pinkie pie or derpy shirts If like a shirt I will wear it, simple as that.
  20. As far as its simply the romantic part, sure, I see no problem with it. Big M & Fluttershy are cute as hell As for RD, the scene where she flew off hugging the spitfires in "sonic rainboom" had me grinning(kids didnt get it ofc). I couldnt care less if she is lesbian or not, but not urprised some consider her that as in alot of modern media: strong female character=lesbian. Wich annoys me. I have nothing against it, and some of the shipping is admittedly cute, just the automatic lesbian label annoys me.
  21. Welcome to the forum! I like pinkie aswell, Fluttershy is my personal favourite, but cant overlook the epic randomness of pinkie The "rarity catch me" scene from last roundup had me and the kids in tears
  22. Welcome aboard! My first time posting the official welcome video, yay
  23. Lol, I am the head nightshift nurse and over my desk I have a framed picture of fluttershy looking pissed: "Touch my desk and you will flutterdie" so yeah, pretty open I dont push it in ponies faces, but its no secret. Ofc, me wearing derpy,fluttershy or pinkie pie shirts makes it obvious lol I am not shy, I don´t give a flying feather about what anypony thinks of me.
  24. A cup of coffee..Strangely fitting actually. So my talent is drinking coffee, cant argue with that. Whats my ponyname then, Java?
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