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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Lets see, my most serious injuries would be:When I was 7 I fell out of a tree and ruptured my spleen, died at some point but got better. 32 stitches. 8 or so years ago had my ear almost torn off in a TKD fight(spinning heel kick). In the army I was dragging a camo net over a truck standing on top of it, when the lieutenant forgot I was there, got in the truck and drove off. Cam net was attached to a tree, and I was attached to the cam net.... Lack of feeling in left thumb after nerves got severed after a fight where I was attacked with a knife. 4 years ago shattered my shoulderjoint lifting weights(dislocated during french press), pretty much broke everything you can damage in there. After that it kept dislocating. 2 years later surgery and somewhat functionable now. Drove a nail through my hand while tearing down the barn previous summer. Have a few pictures(because I for some reason take pictures if I get injured, go figure), but hold off posting them just in case people dont like blood. Edit: Oh, broken my nose twice in fights, just dont consider that serious.
  2. Well, ponies and horses are the same species, so you could call of them horses Just...my little horse dont really have the same right to it.
  3. Have thought about that actually, and I have no doubt there is war in equestrias past when you read into things. I have read a few fanfics(I stay away from cupcakes etc)usually when they follow canon.
  4. Lol, heard alot of those comments before. Thing is, somepony think that you can create spiderman threads, troll threads and so on, but the second you respond with a pony meme, you are "showing ponies" in their face But I do aggree, I have no need to forcefeed people with mlp. I like mlp for my own reasons, and couldnt care less if other people like it or not. "Missionary"style fans of any kind annoy be to a great extent. This is not a good thing:
  5. Heh, I am actually considering a MLP tattoo myself. Not sure what yet
  6. Not religious at all, but yeah, I do believe in a afterlife. I didnt use to, but because of my job and the amount of people I have been with at the time of death, my opinion has changed. I do hope there is a afterlife, and that when my time comes I will be greated by all the people and animals I have lost. Would be nice wouldn´t it? Then again, if there is just nothing, I will never know. But for now, I like to think that way, I dont think about death anyway, comes to us all and noone has survived life yet
  7. Awesome tutorial, never made a sig before and your guide was spot on. Rather happy with the outcome aswell
  8. Not necessarily similar, allthough if you want a anime with a character wich a)is incredibly badass b)not mentally...stable.. Try black lagoon, and the awesomness that is Revy Bloodthirsty and sociopathic...and she is one of the good guys(so to speak) Another one, Gungrave wich is also a very very good game. Ressurected, soulless, modified hitman called "Beyond the grave". I really reccomend it.
  9. In my opinion they all speak klingon, but the universal translator makes it sound english. After all, Q was on the show so it makes sense On a serious note, why not english, its a language that most people speak. Also, applying to much logic to cartoons=your sanity will be in danger.
  10. Got 4. and going to get more. All mine have meaning, well, maybe for the exception of the thundercats tattoo on my left wrist. My buddy is a tattoo artist in training and was nagging about tattooing me, so finally I caved in and suggested TC tattoo. So, the TC tattoo on the left wrist, klingon logo and the word Qapla(in klingon ofc) on my right. Right arm a dragon my wife drew for me. Left arm, a kitsune, or more specifically The nine tail demon fox from Naruto My kitsune(only pic I have available atm)
  11. Been reading alot of deviant art strips today, and even if there is shipping, quite a few of them are funny as hell. A few of the writers have themselves stated that they have this and that idea for a strip, but there are just not enough stallions in equestria to make it work. As long as its done without being offensive I dont mind. And RD as a lesbian is getting really old. One of my favourite strips btw : http://pixelkitties.deviantart.com/art/Power-Mare-Zero-253739277
  12. One coworker was taking jabs at me for watching my little pony. Then confronted him with a simple fact of life: "You watch Jersey Shore, you have no right to an opinion about tv shows"....
  13. Magnus

    mega thread Anime Discussion Thread

    haha, exactly That said, I have no problems imagining Fluttershy as a anime character, "kawaii". Rainbow dash would probably fly around screaming "SUGOI!!!"
  14. I think she is considering how messed up the mail delivery is where I live. Have you ever wished you could share certain character traits with a MLP character?
  15. I really enjoyed this episode, the focus on spike was brilliant and (like many other guys here I suspect)I can relate to the whole "earning respect" & finding yourself topic of this episode. I seriously got annoyed when RD made fun of spike, I like RD, but she can be a real bit...mare from time to time. Impressed with the continuity aswell, I really like that. The fluttershy segment had me lol´ing hard, such a small thing as the wing twitch of knocked down RD really got to me
  16. First off, I would mourn if any pony passed. Second, the concept that its televisions job to teach kids about the facts of life is so wrong to me. As much as we love MLP in this family, no television show can,or should, take over the role of being a parent. We have had a lot of losses in this family(my dad, my father in law, my mother in law,my grandmother and my best friend)these last two years, its a parents job & responsibility to sit down with the kids, talk to them and help them deal with it. Now, I am not flaming anyone, but the thing is that its a cartoon, its not real life. Its supposed to be about enjoying yourself, and learning something in the process is a bonus. Lessons about friendship, trust and so on is absolutely brilliant, but dont turn any show into a medium for raising your kids. Let kids be kids while they can, the hard truth about life will be experienced soon enough.
  17. Have actually never seen doctor who, wich is strange since I am a sci-fi buff(have a klingon tatoo for crying out loud). Should give it a go, best to start from the very beginning I suppose?
  18. Magnus

    mega thread Anime Discussion Thread

    Found this, and the creator is pretty much spot on
  19. There was a steam biplane created in the 30s actually, so not a fact. - Biggest tank ever built was the german Maus at 188 tons. - Russians built a flying tank. Apparently the controls were "tricky".
  20. Magnus

    mega thread Anime Discussion Thread

    Just started rewatching Black lagoon season 1, its so good. Revy is one of my all time favourite anime characters, probably because she is..well, slightly sociopathic Lol, anyone seen dokuro chan(beat to death angel or something like that)? Like excel saga and its "sequel" its the anime I watch if I am in mood for a bit of disturning humour
  21. Hell yes. Been a extra in a few movies, would have loved that Would fit well as a confused relative of Ditzy Doo/Derpy, could have a cooking segment, "cooking with disaster"
  22. The reason Fluttershy appeals to me so much, is exactly because she cares so much about animals A few more pics then: Its good to be a dog! Eldar with his "flock". For some reason the chickens look at him as the leader, rather hilarious having the dog stalked by a flock of chickens
  23. Thats a days job, 5 dogs, 9 cats, chickens and alot of other animals here. Here is a video I made awhile back to show how a couple of our dogs(formerly abused)had adapted to our family Eldar, our oldest dog, is a master at helping other animals, he is the father an guardian of all. My sons best friend, and they are inseparable, been that way since he was an infant. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GbJErx925I Our youngest stb, Rommel, playing with my daughter(he is huge not, at 1 year old he is closing in on 180 pounds) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEhq3etpI30 Going to post more pics etc, just dont on that computer right now
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