You're right she doesn't have much of a nemesis, although considering how friendly she's supposed to be it's understandable why the writers have decided not to give her one.
Not seeing it, animation just seems to be getting better IMO, heck at times it also looks cinematic quality (which makes sense as there is a movie coming out).
Sure the yaks are jerks but the episode still worked quite well, I mean yeah there was a lack of logic but this is a Pinkie Pie episode so I'm pretty sure that's to be expected.
Those are concepts often used for villains so it's hard to say, although Sunset in EG1 was more of typical high-school bully villain so I'd say probably no IMO.
I have my doubts, I mean it really depends on when G4 ends, and I think most generations last something like 7-10 years, so if that's anything to go by there's a good chance it won't make it, although I don't think it's impossible.
Oh I also love that series, although recently it's become less of feeding trolls and more of just general jokey commentaries, not that there's anything wrong with that.
Oh it can easily live up to it (and possibly surpass it), I don't think RR is really the "awesomeness" that everyone makes it out to be (not that it's a bad film), so again yes it can live up to RR.
Well considering the writers history of making fan ideas into reality I'd say yes it's possible. However I doubt she'd be a regular on the show, she'd probably appear for one episode.
Nope not in the slightest, I still see people with pony icons, making pony related videos, there's still plenty of artwork, it's just that it's become a norm of sorts in geek culture. It's just that the hype has calmed down that's all.
This is exactly what this episode should have been (with only a few changes IMO), I'll say it again that this episode felt like it was supposed to be a comedy but then half way through tried to be emotional (and failed). If it had opted for an emotional plot (and done it right) this episode could have been something really special.