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chirox the pony

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Everything posted by chirox the pony

  1. Well I don't really know if ghosts are real or not but I remember back in 2009 my school took me on a trip to Wales and we were staying at an education centre which was built on an old Victorian farm. And I remember one night we were practicing what to do if a fire broke out. And I remember I looked off into the woods and I saw a human figure but they looked pale white and have no facial or body features. I didn't make much note of this until much later. Also at the same place one of the kids claims he saw a chair move (though to be fair he was that kid who would make things up).
  2. Well no it hasn't, Twilight really hasn't gone up in status, at least in terms of how others act around her, again the show would be the exact same of the princess change never happened, so no she's not any less relatable.
  3. Wow one year here, 955 posts, 976 brohoofs, that went by quite quickly.

  4. I kinda doubt it, simply because trying to convert Discord to those doll looking humans would probably be difficult without making him an abomination. And besides adding him would probably just be an unneeded reference.
  5. I'm gonna be blunt here, fanfiction will never become canon, ever. If such an idea was brought up Hasbro would turn it down immediately, and if under some chance Hasbro execs were on drugs or something the idea would never get past censors. And if it somehow got leaked out to the public there would be massive uproar. So no don't expect anything like that to happen, and if you wanna bring up Rarity I'd like to point out that the feelings are clearly not mutual, Spike takes it seriously, Rarity just thinks it's cute.
  6. I think it would make sense if there was, I mean there must be more then 4 ponies who've done great things like Twilight and the two sisters.
  7. Haven't done this in a long time.... Hello there and welcome to the MLP forums. You know I also hate (most) things that are mainstream, if you have any questions about the forums feel free to ask.
  8. I guess Applejack, I mean most of the other's don't get half as much screen time so who else would it be.
  9. I'd go to equestria, simply put I could never run this show, and besides having magic powers is way cooler.
  10. Well it (rainbow power) was only temporary, may never happen again, and was only there for a few seconds, I don't really see much point in making a whole episode dedicated to that moment.
  11. I haven't watched that show in years, did not like it by the end.
  12. It changed nothing (except for her character design a residence), the show could easily have the same plot lines now if the whole princess Twilight thing never happened, so it's not bad so much as pointless.
  13. Well here in the UK when the weather is warm it's normally too hot, when it's cold it's consistently cold (and bearable so), and seeing as I cope much better in winter (as I've pretty much lived in it my whole life) I'd say winter is better.
  14. Wait Bieber is still alive?! I would have assumed who would have killed himself with drugs or something. Well as a person Bieber is a total arsehole begging for attention as he has since become irrelevant, music wise, well I don't listen to his music so IDK but I hear he did a song with a rap artist so I won't be surprised if he's gotten even worse. Again I haven't listened to him much but considering the fact he's essentially faded away into obscurity I'd say I've heard less of him as he's getting pretty much no attention. His fanbase is and will continue to fade away due to the magical process of growing up. And no I don't want to see Bieber's face again.
  15. Well I updated my "about me" section to feature a link to my youtube channel, not sure if I should feature a link to my channel in my signature though...?

    1. SilverComet


      You should add all links in your main profile, because smartphone users can not see links on signatures; but they can still access your profile from any post you made (or being referenced by a quote).

    2. SilverComet


      LINK to the settings of (your) profile:



      Except for the first (URL); you must remove the protocol, website and directory:

      (hxtp;//www.youtube.com/user/NAME) [NAME]

      Only your [NAME] (or that ugly large code for channels) is necessary.

    3. chirox the pony
  16. I call her Colgate, primarily because that's the name I heard when I first came across the character and because it's shorter and easier to say.
  17. Well then I'm happy to see that one of the CMC won't be getting their cutie mark, it'll make for interesting stories, also Scootaloo's special talent being flying confirmed.
  18. No, despite his terrible episodes in story context Twilight needs him, and in real life context well.... things just wouldn't be the same.
  19. It's existence was pretty pointless compared to the new much more subtle format, I'm guessing the writers just didn't think about it and replaced it with the current format.
  20. Well you see the only alternative is modern day politicians, it's either that or a benevolent monarch, I think any sane person would go with the latter.
  21. Probably does exist, magic can do a lot of things.
  22. Madame Leflour, mainly because I love that scene where Pinkie Pie goes insane, but also because I think there's so much potential for Leflour's character, remember how she sagged when Pinkie took her hoof off her, I wonder what her relation to Pinkie is? Nah it's just the insanity scene.
  23. I don't think anyone in this day and age would be willing to deny the fact that of course alien life exists, that's just a fact, however though how advanced and whether or not it's visited Earth is an entirely different debate.
  24. It all depends on what you define as "girly", for example such concepts as family and friendship are explored in various children's films with mostly male characters and there do happen to exist male fashion critics, and simply put pink is just a colour and I consider it quite immature to have a thing against because "it's for girls". What I define as girly is something that blatantly panders to sexist stereotypes with little to no substance. And so for that reason in my eyes MLP isn't really a girly show.
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