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Ridley Wolf

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Everything posted by Ridley Wolf

  1. The last pony merch I bought was a custom Doctor Whooves plushie, as a Christmas present for my niece who loves both Doctor Who and MLP. It cost me sixty bucks, and it was totally worth it. She said it was her favorite gift, and that I was the best uncle ever.
  2. I've been a TMNT fan since I was a toddler. I still catch myself humming the '87 series theme song from time to time. Personally, I love the 2012 series. It's the perfect blend of the humor from the 1987 series and the serious storytelling of the 2003 series. Plus, Splinter is a bigger badass than ever. He's like rat Batman. As for the Bay-bomination, it had a lot of potential, all of which was squandered by abysmal storytelling, a complete disregard for anything resembling canon, and a suspicious lack of Casey Jones. Also, Raphael is Best Turtle.
  3. She's honest, hardworking, and puts her family first. I don't how that could offend anyone.
  4. I used this one as my cutie mark on Everypony. I should really design a new one.
  5. Canned corn? You're kidding, right? Everyone knows that if you can't get fresh corn, you should buy frozen corn. Canned corn is way too salty.
  6. There's always the option of accepting that your parents are trying to do what's best for you, and stop going against their wishes. That is a thing that you can do.
  7. How would you feel if your beloved ruler was suddenly replaced by an alien? The ponies probably wouldn't take too kindly to the idea.
  8. First off, I would say "Ow." Falling ponies are likely to hurt. At that point, I would examine the object that fell on me. Upon realizing that it was supposedly fictional Trixie Lulamoon, I would like check to see if anyone else could see her, or if I had finally lost my mind. After confirming her existence, I would then check on her well-being. She would likely be just as confused as me at this point. I would then explain to her that she had somehow crossed the Abstract Plane into our world, and would ask her how exactly she got here. If it should happen that she had come through some kind of portal, I would offer to help her return to Equestria, and would give serious consideration to traveling there myself.
  9. Oh, good. I could use some help. What I need you to do is get a fast car and meet me outside First National Bank at 2:30PM tomorrow. Park by the front door and leave the engine running. I'll be the one wearing a ski mask and carrying a large canvas bag.
  10. When people decide, for whatever reason, that they dislike a character, they tend to focus only on the negative aspects of that character. Admittedly, I've been guilty of it myself. The problem with this attitude is the fact that character development exists. As the characters are developed, new strengths and flaws are introduced. This means that the people who hate a particular character are given new reasons to hate them, while ignoring any positive development. It's a vicious cycle. As for the whole "Worst Pony" thing, of course there's a worst pony. In any group of dissimilar objects or individuals, there will always be one that's inferior to the rest. Of course, as inferiority is matter of perception, it is unlikely that there will ever be a consensus as to which pony is truly the worst.
  11. I'd say the biggest irony is the way the Changelings were treated. Chrysalis was undeniably villainous in her actions, but she had good reason. She herself said that it was her responsiblity to find food for her people. Everypony knew her reasons for invading, and knew that the entire Changeling race would be doomed without a food source, but nopony thought to offer to help the Changelings. This didn't bother me until I read Friendship is Magic #23, wherein a Kelpie enslaves the citizens of Ponyville and attempts to flood the town, all for the sake of helping her water sprite friends reach the ocean. Naturally, Twilight forgives her and agrees to help. Seriously... what the hell. They're both villains who use mind contol and attempt to destroy a city. Why are they treated so differently?
  12. I also use "Eeyup" a lot. I also sometimes whistle songs from the show.
  13. Pixar- The Incredibles. The characters were extraordinarily well-written, and it managed to be dark, edgy, lighthearted, and heartwarming, all at the same time. Dreamworks- How Train Your Dragon. Vikings. Dragons. Vikings riding dragons. Explosions. That's some Oscar-worthy shit.
  14. I only play them if there's something that I actually want, and even then I never spend more than a buck. The best thing I ever pulled out of a claw machine was an alarm clock that lasted for two years before I gave it away.
  15. I'd like to see a trilogy set in the Elder Scrolls universe. Maybe something that bridges the gap between Oblivion and Skyrim. Wait what. It's happening? Is this for real?
  16. The song has already been posted, but that's only half of what made the opening to Black Lagoon so epic.
  17. I think the better question is; would a pony want to date a human? Think about it. We probably look like like hideous shaved monkeys to them. Technically, Equestrian ponies are sapient extraterrestrials. Therefore, it's xenophilia, not bestiality. When in doubt, use the Harkness Test.
  18. The obvious first step would be to track down Pinkie Pie. Not only is it almost guaranteed that she would be your friend, it's also likely that she would somehow know that you're a human that became a pony. How would she know? Because she's Pinkie Pie.
  19. I was standing outside a bar and vomiting into some bushes. Never. Drinking. Again.
  20. Donate them to Goodwill. Some little kid (or another Brony) would be happy to have them.
  21. I'm not saying to switch to another program permanently, I'm just saying to test the tablet in another program. Open MS Paint and scribble a few lines. If the tablet works, then you know that the problem is with SAI and not the tablet.
  22. Have you tried any other drawing programs? It may that that your tablet is fine, but Paint Tool SAI is having issues.
  23. I just had to delete a Skyrim save with 30+ hours on it because of a problem with a mod. Not fun.
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