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Everything posted by Snivinerior

  1. Editing my next "quality" grade A content on YouTube lel.
  2. I don't know if this counts as fan music but here it is, some parody of the intro theme I "oofed":
  3. Just recently got into this game and quite hooked into it, heck I even spent money on it and became a royal club subscriber.
  4. Hmmm.. I see all of them as straight but I could be wrong...
  5. They are called pegasisters. And yes, they exist.
  6. I haven't watched the whole thing but they look good the way they are...
  7. 1st Place: Google Chrome 2nd Place: Mozilla Firefox
  8. Sorta... she looks girly and at the same time, she rocks...
  9. There's a ton of sh*t that needs doing but I'm too lazy to do them...

  10. Bored, troubled, paranoid and the like...
  11. I can't choose between Gravity Falls and MLP 'cause they are included in my top 10 favorite series/cartoons. Both are awesome though.
  12. Contemplating... Being troubled by my college life and thinking about what to do next [i guess that counts as doing something...]
  13. I'm lazy enough to specify my specs so I copy pasted this from my DeviantArt account: (Old PC) Intel Dual-Core E4500 @ 2.20Ghz, Nvdia GeForce 210, 500GB Hard Disk, 3.0GB RAM (New PC) AMD A8-7600K @ 3.1GHz, 1GB AMD Radeon R7 DDR5, 1TB Harddrive plus a 1TB and 500GB external HD, 8GB DDR3 RAM (Both): Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit My new pc runs CS:GO, Sniper Elite 2, Prototype, Mafia 2, Red Alert 3 and Dead Rising 2 at Ultra and Crysis 3, The Sims 4, Prototype 2, Sniper Elite 3 at mid-high settings. I'm pretty satisfied with its performance, specially with its speedy booting.
  14. Well, they'll be all princesses and will be unbeatable. Pretty much, the series will end.
  15. Create some horrifying spin-off or series that will destroy the entire show and the fanbase will shatter and go insanely mad.
  16. Of course there are. This is the internet, what do you expect?
  17. The way I see it, it goes like this: Hater/Troll: Hey fag, you still watching that pony shit? Brony: Leave me alone troll. Brony: Euughh, disgusting. Get away from me clopper. Die! Clopper: Da Faq just happened? Bronies literally hate to death them cloppers, we cast them aside, we criticize them, we think they're different (Also a clopper myself) and this is ok? But if a hater insults and makes fun of a brony it's wrong? That's unfair. Yes, cloppers give a bad name to the fandom but it not a valid reason to outcast, insult snd spit at them. They're human beings too. and they're not hurting anybody right? To the OP: Good, fair and straight-forward explanation. You deserve a cookie.
  18. McDonald's. No questions asked. Also Wendy's...
  19. Yep, they're pretty much the same but the Philippines really has little chance of developing to a first world country... Also, the second link's replies are mostly made by Filipinos so there are pretty much biases and unfair judgement there.
  20. http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/India/Philippines/Economy https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130222225007AApAxQa in almost every aspect... but honestly, the standard of living is the same...
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