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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by InfectedPone

  1. It's made me a generally more cheerful person, and I've made lots of new friends through it
  2. The ending of How I Met Your Mother
  3. I'm binge watching King of the Hill. I have no life
  4. Calm down Rarity, no more wine for you you silly horse.
  5. Jazz and Raridash, what more could you ask for?
  6. Shout out to myself for ruining my own life

  7. xXx_SkRuBnUb_69_xXx Works too
  8. Xx_MLG360URM0M_U_SKRUB_xX
  9. Are people becoming more annoying or am I becoming more angry?

    1. Yozer247


      your avatar is getting more ScArY

  10. Right now I'm kinda feeling like some lunch. So I've got that going for me
  11. I loved some of the ponies in that episode and the song was good too. Also, don't forget.
  12. Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna screw up my life but then I realise that I'm already at rock bottom

    1. CheeryFox


      And sometimes you have to climb out of the pits... Should you fall in one.

    2. Treble Sketch
    3. BlackWater627


      There's nowhere to go but up. But then sometimes one realizes that much of the distance is not desirable in the first place ;)

  13. Well it's 7am on a Saturday so I'm feeling tired as hell
  14. Left facing foetus position from 10pm-6am each night. No lights on and the only disruption is when I have to get up at 1:30am for new MLP episodes. (Aus time zones)
  15. I binge watched the series a few weeks ago, it was pretty good
  16. *falls into trashcan* nice so good to finally be home

  17. Nothing big, just having fun with my friends in class. (While we were supposed to be doing work)
  18. I took the test and got ENTJ. Extravert(41%) Intuitive(3%) Thinking(62%) Judging(25%). Description:
  19. My virginity protection. jk, I don't even have any.
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