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Everything posted by TriMara

  1. I think their last stuff hasnt been amazing but honestly i think pixar is so huge that everything they do will be called "overrated" just out of the sheer scope of their audience. It just comes with the territory of being massive.
  2. Honestly needed an upgrade anyway. Besides they kept it similiar so its whatever imo.
  3. I cringed so hard i could no longer watch. The minute i cringe is the minute i stop watching. Just about every rainbow dash episode makes the mistake of thinking cringe humour and other cringey things are actually good. Honestly not sure what i expected from this episode. (that rarity hair style flip doe)
  4. She was like the partial focus of at least one episode. Im just thankfull they gave her that much. There are tons of other characters i would rather have a whole episode dedicated to.
  5. I had over 1000 hours in tf2 and this feels like tf3. I have no doubt i will easily alot more than a 1000 hours in this game. This game has been so fun that i forgot my league addiction. Junkrat's my boy.
  6. TriMara

    general IQ

    When i took an old one it was 130-135. Id like to think i advanced since than but thats already pretty good so i think ill rest on my laurels.
  7. @carl Poppa Someone after my own heart right here. Glad to meet someone with similar ideas, what brough you down this path if you dont mind me asking? Do you meditate at all?
  8. ^ Thats all i need to hear. I sure hope they have a large sense of scale in the movie. Would be neat to see more worldbuilding out of a show that is usually more prone to leave it to the imagination
  9. Dreams are weird i just feel like im seeing things through eyes that are not my own but might have been? Dreams are the realm of feelings imo so logic is a little hard to apply. But i feel like im seeing the same place multiple what if scenarios. Like in one dreamscape someone who passed away irl didnt in that one and in a different dreamscape they are still passed away. Ive done alot in logging the differences between them so somethings im confident in others less so. One way or another its fascinating and although i can lucid dream it feels oddly... Wrong to do so when im in one of those dreams. I know im not making a lot of sense but i hope you get the gist of what i mean XD
  10. Personally i think the comment was merely thrown out so as people didnt get to heartbroken at the thought that of Twilight outliving her freinds. The biggest clincher here is either alicorns dont show age like ponies or granney is just shriveled from some sort of disease. So although them living super long is plausible it wouldnt make sense for granney to start aging so horribly if she was say a 1000 years old because as you say if ponies lived to be 2000 she would only be middle aged? Why would her body be falling apart and her hearing going and other signs of advanced age?
  11. Too many to count but most recently i have been rewatching batman the animated series. Seriously its probably one of the best cartoons ever made with the best portrayal of harley (imo) And the best portrayal of batman, ie a selfless genuinely caring person who has a unique perspective on how just one day can change your whole life radically. He cared despite everything and was the champion of justice that the gritty reboots forget about.
  12. *Bows low* Oh best princess what is your favorite day of the year?
  13. (Im having trouble loading images for some reason so i apologize if its been posted before)
  14. Goliath all the way, dark, real while still being funny with great characters A+
  15. Skype @trimara246 Steam @Thedarkone246 Curse @TriMara Carrier pidgeon @north by north east 236 miles as the crow flies Discord@ TriMara Coordinates @ 32 08’59.96″ N, 110 50’09.03″W Googleplus@ TriMara Myspace@ Edgelord420
  16. Vegetarian here, anything i should keep in mind for a unique diet? Ive done my research but untill i start trying to bulk up i dont think i will have a problem right? Like right now im just losing fat and not needing tons of protien or anything i think
  17. So long as im within driving distance of a major city i dont see why you wouldnt live in the country except for maybe a job. Being closer to nature is intensely rewarding.
  18. AS much as i think fine tuning body language from interpersonal relations it is still ingrained in our very biology. People blind at birth still smile when happy (And other examples) Meaning its inherent to us and not so much learned.
  19. Omg im infinitely jealous, any advice on a first time brewer? Ive only done cider so far but i love mead and have imported tons through a local liqour store. And to make sure im still on track here what do yall do for celebration wise?
  20. I think your missing other smaller things that have shaken the status qou such as subtle shifts in characters, most notably RD gaining a little humility, Twilight taking on more responsibility, becoming more and more well known, phsyically growing taller, other ponies reactions to discord and the other reformed "villians" even little things like how ponies react to luna have changed over the seasons but its not as easy since they arent big like new villians or something huge like new characters or princesshood. Even just a subtle shift in relashionships changes the status quo it just takes mroe time for it to be noticeble. But they could easily throw that into the show such as time skips, jump aheads, jumping back to show how much things have changed. Changing the status qou doesnt have to be big, it could be as easy as more character involvement like say Luna finally steps up to be a full head of the goverment of equestria letting celestia take a larger role in the show which would be very different such as being able to see more of her character and maybe even *squee* a celestia episode. Or something like that.
  21. There are a million ways to change the status quo slightly without upsetting the show balance, merely have a change in scenery, location shift, someone's job changes, someone gets married, the addition of new characters, the limit (but not deletion) of others, shifting of roles around, new powers, new worldbuilding (Which could in itself be limitless), new monsters, threats, the addition of a villian that becomes the primary antagonist instead of being a one or 2 off villian. etc etc.
  22. Some of my faves (included bushtit just because somehow the addition of the picture makes it even funnier.) Bushtit Kakapo
  23. Def Twilight i bet she would be the nervous excited kisser that would break away often only to jump back into it, unsure yet unwilling to stop.
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