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Ginger Ale

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Everything posted by Ginger Ale

  1. Good morning or night once again? How are you all doing? I hope you have an amazing day.

    Here is another song by newly formed and styled Kesha, these days I am obsessed with her new style and songs;


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      When you made your status update there was a nigth here. So thanks for good night.;)

      Now when I am reading this is a morning. So thanks for good morning.;)

    3. Ginger Ale

      Ginger Ale

      I hope you had both wonderful night and a day :3 @Fluttershy Friend

    4. Fluttershy Friend
  2. I would like to change the main character as Fluttershy and make her the alicorn instead of Twilight, that is all my opinion but Fluttershy deserves to become a Princess more than anyone and I would like to add a male character to mane 6 and a prince instead of a princess because lots of them are girls in the show and that does not provide gender equality to the fans at all. It is all my opinion.
  3. Good morning or night! It is night time here and I couldn't sleep because of my emotion explosion. I never heard Kesha like this before:

    Hope you enjoy the music!

    Also, find me on Pony Town:

    597a72482bf6f_2017-07-27(2).png.1d11face5f811ba89083e26dbafd5cfd.png <---- Ginger Ale

  4. Luna has no enemies except her inner evil forces and she is trying to handle it herself. We bat ponies just cope and guard the reality, we don't overthink or care dreams so much. At least I do not. @Mirage77
  5. @Mirage77 Bat ponies sleep in the morning, the time where Princess Luna is also sleeping. Because we guard the night with her and we are not getting along well with the sun. So no, we do not dream unfortunately at all. Rarely we see them and rarely they turn into nightmares and there is no one to protect us in our nightmares.
  6. 7/10 weird gif avatar however still protects its' cuteness.
  7. @Hierok I can fly stronger at night, I am not telling I am the best bat pony flyer and I have enough courage to become a commander of Lunar Guards. I secretly cook really well and I love playing arcade cabinet games also and other bat ponies say I am a legend at those games. (sorry for the late reply, just saw it now) @Count Werdowp I chose bat pony race because Princess Luna is my favorite canon. I am in love with her and her bat pony helpers. So to be related to her, why not a bat pony I said? It is for me a lot logical to come up with a bat pony OC than a silly and unreasonable daughter princess OCs.(sorry for the late reply, just saw it now) @Burpy Our everything? I mean look how fluffy ears and body do we have? Don't you just adore us? Apart from a pony, we are half bats, that makes us unique. I don't know this would provide you to think us as cute fellas though. (sorry for the late reply, just saw it now)
  8. Please share your ideas if you played and have any opinions about these games. Don't forget to recommend me more games like these if you know, please. (PS: Don't recommend Minecraft or Garry's Mode please.)
  9. I am a little in search of online pony games except for Minecraft PoniArcade and here are some pictures that I took; I took one picture from Ponytown including my OC, Ginger Ale and I want to criticize the game within my own thoughts. Then I will compare it with the other game I found. Pony Town is a great game although it looks a lot pixelated. You can RP with others and it is only for that. However, details and design of the ponies according to me is the best. However, the people are not much friendly there and they do not RP at all. They talk in their own languages or they just kiss or poke each other. Basically, everyone just walks around without saying hi to each other with OCS of theirs and walk away if you say hi. Roblox MLP 3D game, however, includes more canon characters and the newly added ones too. According to me, drawing and design could be better, however, there are lots of characters and various maps. In addition, people are mainly friendly until you need to buy VIP to get alicorn and other royal canons. You can make any customs you want and they look more different than other races apart from Pony Town. Here are some pictures I took from Roblox game: Please recommend me if you know any more games like these, I really want to try them. Thanks for reading.
  10. Thank you so much @Dabmanz, it was my first ever video editing. Glad you like it.
  11. I just had a flashback about two minutes ago, and I said to myself I must publish this. Not a long ago flashback but still, I have never thought I would cry in a cartoon series. However, here it is the only time that I cried is because of that version of the song (although the original still makes me cry too) especially makes me feel really emotional. Hope you enjoy, or maybe you already know this remix version too. <3
  12. 8,5/10 I really love Spanish and I really wanted to learn it, hope I could understand the lyrics. Now some PMV that I made:
  13. This may sound narcissistic but I can't get the PMV that I made's song out of my head.
  14. Yess Flutterdash forever! Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy is my favorite and one and only ship too. So glad I am not alone on this @Fluttershy Friend and @djdashie3 and @DonMaguz .
  15. I just made a PMV about Fluttershy including my favorite scenes of her. Here it is if you are interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHk4iIe4aBU
  16. Although in a scene you can hear the background music, I did my ever first pony music video editing by using scenes from the official My Little Pony show. Hope you like the new and first pony music video of mine. (PS: The lyrics include bad words, so if you are a child please do not watch this.) Here it is:
  17. In two episodes of season 7, finally, mane 6 parents' were all confirmed. We saw Rainbow Dash and Applejack's parents, but still, don't we miss a little fella who needs to have official parents too? Hope to see Scootaloo's parents one day in one of the episodes of Season 7.
  18. I can wait no more. All my expectations I remember at season 6 episode 26; why did Queen Chrysalis reject Starlight Glimmer's hoof? I was really expecting to see her reformed. I have seen some fan arts about her reformed version but it would be amazing to see an official version of her reformed. I can't wait anymore, please My Little Pony, reform her too. xD Look what happened to King Thorax, he was way different when he reformed and the other reformed changelings, so just imagine how pretty would Queen Chrysalis be. A beautiful fan art example:
  19. I cant wait you to introduce Ginger Ale to him @Dark Horse
  20. MELTED BACK Frozen. When a pony gets frozen, in an ice cube, it is like they are dead. They are breathing however, they don't see, they don't hear and most importantly they don't ever feel or remember anything during the time they were in the ice cube. An orange heated light, that is what I indeed saw when we were melted. After my head was free, immediately I inhaled really strong and felt the ache that my lungs were making. How long had it been? The last thing I remember was preventing the dark cast that Nightmare Moon was about to cast to Princess Celestia. I used a magical mirror, appeared in front of me. I wished a miracle from a unique yellow star, falling from the sky. I recall using it to deflect the cast but it was too powerful. I remember falling down, hitting on one of the concrete roads. I remember my cutie mark appearing on my flank afterward. Before beginning anything, let me tell you how bat ponies are treated. We bat ponies are resistible and stronger at nights than normal ponies. You can never see us in roads of Ponyville, talking and socializing with others. I barely have time doing that with my friends. I and other bat ponies really get tired if we don't sleep, and the sun is not a good friend of us. After Nightmare Moon was banished to the moon by Princess Celestia, I and the other Lunar Guards were frozen in the ice cubes. It is because bat ponies are very rare to find and they did not want to lose us during that thousand years of a period without Nightmare Moon. That is why they froze us. Just in case Nightmare Moon can come back, and just in case she can be stronger than ever before. My name is Ginger Ale. I was born in one of the darkest rooms of The Castle of Two Sisters while my parents were working as servants to Nightmare Moon. I was named Ginger Ale because my hair color reminded my father his favorite drink. My only dream was and is still to become a commander of the Lunar Guards and become Princess Luna's favorite. I am nineteen years old and I worked as an apprentice of one of the guards. I was set free. I moved my wings. I looked at my surrounding. Other bat ponies were also trying to get used to the unmelted life. Suddenly my eyes went on to North Star. My dearest friend. I rushed myself and found herself in my arms. We hugged. We missed each other a lot. Where were we? This place was not the Castle of Two Sisters. "Finally, it is all over. We are back to duty." North Star said to me while smiling. Our commander came. He heard us. "I am afraid it is not all over. Ladies and gentle colts, welcome to Canterlot, you are all here after thousand years. We need your help" he interrupted our happy rejoining. "Nightmare Moon got back. She was seen in the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville. We don't know what she is up to but we need to find and protect Princess Celestia." he continued. As bat ponies, it might sound confusing, why do bat ponies include themselves in this fight and why do they protect Princess Celestia instead of Nightmare Moon. First of all, Nightmare Moon is surrounded by evil forces and we know that and we can not support that. Secondly, Nightmare Moon always strikes at night time which means the time where bat ponies are stronger and needed. Celestia's guards protect the day while bat ponies protect the night. So until Nightmare Moon is becoming Princess Luna, we have to protect Princess Celestia for harmony. "Where is Princess Celestia?" I asked. The guards told us that she was missing. Me and North Star looked at each other. I knew she wanted everyone to be safe more than anyone. She was panicking inside and there was nothing to do. As we were trying to understand what was going on two lunar guards came in to tell the recent news. "Nightmare Moon has vanished, she was last seen in the Everfree Forest. All of us are still searching but we need others too." one of them said. Commander turned back and after learning the news he turned to us. "You know what to do? What are you looking at? No apple pies for none of you until you find Nightmare Moon!" he said and with his order North Star and I left the castle and went on the road to Everfree Forest. When we were flying I was trying hard to tolerate my friend but I was the real one who was panicking. "So commander where are we heading?" North Star asked. She knew my dream job and she really wanted me to achieve my goal. Surprisingly, she was more optimistic than me and she was the one tolerating me. While I was leading the way we were softly getting closer to the Everfree Forest. I was about to land when North Star dashed in front of me and stopped me from landing. She pointed six ponies that were walking to the Castle of Two Sisters. "We are not alone," she said. We wanted them to get a little far from us when we heard a gigantic explosion from the castle. We looked at each other, trying to decide what to do. "What is going on in the castle?" North Star asked. "I don't know, but I am sure it is not good," I replied. "We need to go there, those ponies are not safe," I replied. "We can't." North Star said. "You know the rules, until Luna shows the Lunar Guards the ponies, for them bat ponies are legends. They should not see us and they should not know that the legend is true and we exist." she continued. I nodded and had nothing to say. Soon we heard another explosion and we flew up through the castle to see what it was. This explosion was different and it was in rainbow colors. "I recall this explosion," I said. "The elements of harmony! It is back, all the time it was held in the Castle of Two Sisters." I continued and became a little relieved. "If they used it again doesn't that mean..." North Star said and I interrupted her. "Yes, I guess she got banished to the moon again. Our time is now over again. Maybe they will freeze us once more." as I was becoming less optimistic again we heard some cheers and claps from one of the rooms of the Castle of Two Sisters. We achieved to have a peek and come closer to the castle secretly. Nightmare Moon was turned back to Princess Luna instead of being sent to the moon again. She was hugging Princess Celestia while the same six ponies we saw walking to the castle were cheering for them. We looked at each other and hugged. Immediately, we rushed back to the Canterlot Castle to tell the good news to the other ponies. Now it was our time to continue protecting the night, bat ponies were back because Princess Luna was back. This called for a celebration and we all drank our Apple Ciders in one of the rooms of Canterlot. It was decorated with white crescent moon banners with dark blue background. While North Star was eating crescent moon shaped crackers we were tossing our drinks. Commander came in and cleared his throat. We all looked at him. "Attention everypony!" he said. "Let me present you, the princess of the night, Princess Luna." he continued. With her short light blue hair, Princess Luna walked in and we all hailed when we saw her. She levitated a spoon and a cup and hit the spoon to the cup to start a speech. She cleared her throat and stood up on the rostrum of the room. "When I look at all of your faces, I see the passion. My helpers, my friends, my companions. I owe you this victory and harmony. Without you, nothing could end up well. As long as Equestria exists, there will be always a need for ponies to be guarded. That is why we all need bat ponies. I want to toast for all of you! Because this is not only mine but also your success. Let us continue our quests and guarding. It is now time for ponies to know the bat ponies are existing too!" she said. Everyone was surprised and so happy. The room was including nothing but loud cheer and clapping sounds. "Now if you excuse me, I must attend to the celebration party at Ponyville." she continued. North Star and I hugged once more. Now it was time for me to become a commander of the Lunar Guards. Now it was my time to become Princess Luna's favorite bat pony. While she was walking out, Princess Luna and I came eye to eye. She smiled and blinked at me. North Star saw it too. We were so happy. Now it was time for us to continue our adventure in both Ponyville and Canterlot while guarding night. -END OF CHAPTER ONE- Story by @Ginger Ale (PS: The picture for this story is currently being drawn by @SFyr for this story and North Star is the OC of @SFyr and Ginger Ale is the OC of mine drawn by @SFyr) Additional Info: North Star (@SFyr's OC) Ginger Ale (My OC) Both pictures were drawn by @SFyr. Thank you so much @SFyr for letting me include your pretty OC in my story and thank you so much for letting them become best friends. My first written fan work on these forums everyone and also first with my Ginger Ale OC. Hope you all like it and hope it made you have a good time. Thank you so much for sharing from your precious time to read this story. Love you all. <3
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