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Jordan D

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Everything posted by Jordan D

  1. First brony I met was a really good friend of mine. I teased him for liking such a girly show, especially since he always tried to act super tough and manly (despite the fact we were around 12-13 back then, lol). Regardless, I got interested and the entire series was on YouTube so... We're still friends, but he got out of the series pretty quickly (like before Season 2 even finished) while I never truly left the fandom.
  2. Yeah, I gotta agree with almost everyone here. As someone who recently binged the first four seasons, Season 2 is my favorite so far. Season 1 was really good, but you can tell they didn't have everything down pat then, so characterization was a little inconsistent (especially when compared to later seasons), and a number of characters didn't really bloom until Season 2 and onward, for example, Spike was a pretty stereotypical boy character in the early parts of S1 and didn't become a more interesting character until Season 2. Season 1 however, has some of the more beautifully animated moments (Owl's Well That Ends Well is such a pretty episode!). The beginning and ending of Season 2 are all some of the most iconic episodes in FIM history, the great episodes are amazing and even the "bad" episodes aren't half bad. In fact, I enjoy some of the "bad" episodes like Dragon Quest. Although I could be biased...when I first got into MLP, I watched Season 2 on loop like...5 times? Probably more. Some of the episodes just never get old! Season 3 isn't a bad season at all, but since it's so small in comparison, the bad or mediocre episodes are hard to overlook. "One Bad Apple", "Keep Calm and Flutter On", "Sleepless in Ponyville", "Wonderbolts Academy" and "Magic Duel" are all really solid episodes, while "Spike At Your Service", "Just for Sidekicks" and "Too Many Pinkie Pies" range from okay to just bad. Seasons 4, 5 and 6 have all been great so far, especially 6. Haven't watched 7 yet, but from what I heard, I'm excited about it.
  3. I managed to convince my friend that Rose from SU was a horrible person and that Garnet is in fact, a terrible leader and horrible person. The latter of which I will stand by til the end of time.
  4. I grew up on Nicktoons, tons of Nicktoons shows have gone forgotten. People already mentioned Mr. Meaty, Martin Mystery, Making Fiends and Kappa Mikey (all four of those shows were my jam as a kid, and they still hold up, even Mr. Meaty if you're into weird crap like me). Some other super obscure ones areVoltron: The Third Dimension, Speed Racer: Next Generation, The Secret Show, Edgar and Ellen, Wolverine and the X-Men, Iron Man: Armored Adventures, Three Delivery, Catscratch, Tak and the Power of Juju and Back to the Barnyard. Not all of them were winners (I remember liking Edgar and Ellen, Three Delivery and Catscratch and Three Delivery, The Secret Show and Back to the Barnyard holds up quite well), but man Nick had so much variety back then. Mid to late 2000s were a weird time, when Dragon Ball Kai was considered a Nicktoon.
  5. Arthur, Adventure Time, The Loud House, DuckTales 2017, Peanuts by Schulz (2014, the most underrated show ever), Justice League/Unlimited/Action, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003/2012) and Legend Quest/La Leyenda are some of my all time favorites. Regular Show, Amazing World of Gumball, Avatar: TLAB, We Bare Bears and The Simpsons are also up there. Voltron Legendary Defender, Family Guy, Steven Universe and Star Vs TFOE are shows I used to really like, but they ended up losing their luster after awhile to me...Classic Family Guy is still a treat though! Anime wise, Digimon (Adventure, 02, Tamers, Frontier, Savers, Universe), Soul Eater, Detective Conan, FMA (2003), Dragon Ball Z, Unicron Trilogy InuYasha and Tanoshii Mūmin Ikka are more or less the only anime I ever really liked. And even I will admit that a good number of those are guilty pleasures.
  6. Whoa, really? I recently rebought Destroy All Humans on PSN and have been having a blast with it. The fact that their may be a new game coming soon leaves me elated.
  7. Both are games I really wanted to play as a kid. Especially War of the Monsters! Destroy All Humans! was another great homage to B-Movies kinda game. We really need a new giant monster game, man.
  8. I haven't watched much of the Generation 1 cartoon, I've only see two episodes in fact. "The Would Be Dragonslayer" and "Baby, it's cold outside". "The Would Be Dragonslayer" was really fun, especially with how unexpected it was (the ponies just beat up a kid in the first few minutes, I found that hilarious for some reason) and "Baby, it's cold outside" was actually a pretty good adventure story with a fun villain. Can't say how the generation on the whole was but the cartoon didn't seem half bad. The G1 comics on the other hand were pretty bad.. I actually really want to watch My Little Pony Tales. It seems pretty interesting from what I've seen. I don't really know much about G3 other then the fact that I played the video game on GBA once...that was a thing.
  9. I'm not sure if it has a name (and if it does, I'd love to hear it) but I have a huge fear of spiral patterns. Those things freak me out to no end. Trypophobia (fear of holes) is another one that freaks me out.
  10. It's a humanized version of Snails, from a MLP webcomic I read as a kid and recently rediscovered. Snails is one of my favorite side-characters and I liked how he was drawn in the comic so I thought it would make a fine avatar.
  11. I used to be very into the competitive scene in my younger years. I spend about 4 years straight playing Pokemon Online (Showdown just isn't the same, man) and had a blast. I was even a member of the Elite 4 on a server I played on, the final member at that! My specialty was Bug Mono, which I use this day, it's one of my better teams, that's for sure. I play a lot of monotype by the way and have teams for nearly every type nowadays, but most kinda stink. I kind of fell out of it when my favorite server went down and my friends split apart, (we're back together nowadays!) but still sometimes played with my sister. I'm back into it nowadays, but not as hardcore as I used to be. I mostly play in NU/UU and sometimes LC. (P.S. i'm always up for a battle :P) Casually, I don't really EV train or breed, I save that stuff for Showdown. I do however, try to get optimal/decent natures. I just try to use Pokemon I like rather then Pokemon that are competitive gems. I mean, it usually doesn't matter...Girafarig was one of my top players in my last game and she didn't have a base stat over 100. Sunflora is, by all definitions, a pretty mediocre Pokemon but she was my ace in my Pokemon Omega Red nuzlocke too. As for Nuzlockes, I've played a few of them over the years. I don't think I'll ever forget the time when a Togetic used Metronome and got Thunderbolt on my Gyarados...
  12. Gotta agree with the stuff @Prowl posted before me. Transformers: Devastation was gorgeous and FighterZ blows me away. My sister says it looks like trash, she's crazy I swear. Steven Universe: Save the Light was not a very good game, but it had some great visuals. Very simplistic yet colorful. Unfortunately, it also had very limited visuals that made the best part of the game feel samey after awhile. Phantasy Star IV is an older game, but I love the way it does cutscenes. Very cinematic for the time with classic, 80s/90s style anime portraits. The game has aged incredibly well, way better then I, II and III so I suggest checking it out if you want to enjoy great JRPG fun.
  13. I use Reddit a lot. Usually a good source for news, art and discussions, depending on what sub you're on. I'm a regular on /r/AdventureTime, /r/Digimon, /r/Aliens, /r/WantToBelieve and /r/WorldBuilding. I used to be a regular on /r/StarVsTheForcesOfEvil and /r/StevenUniverse but...those subs kind of hit a dive in quality in recent years. My experiences on /r/PhineasAndFerb has also been strangely pessimistic, turns out people really, really hate "Milo Murphy's Law". Used to be a regular on /r/Civ, it's a great subreddit but I don't have as much time to play Civ nowadays. /r/EdEddnEddy, /r/Superman, /r/Batman and /r/Cryptozoology are other subs I browse from time to time. Usually as a lurker.
  14. I'm often very vocal about how hokey of a name "Jordan River" is, so probably 2/10. Could be worse. Of course, my dad is quite proud of the fact that he was gonna name me "Justin Time" which is so lame it becomes kind of awesome.
  15. The Ace Attorney movie wasn't bad actually. Not what I would consider a stellar film, but it looked like the games and felt like the games. It was a fun, enjoyable movie and I really did get the impression the folks who made it were fans of the source material, or at least knew about it. If you count animated films, Digimon X-Evolution is based more or less on a video game/TCG event and is intertwined with a series of games. It's not a bad movie, but it's not amazing either. Kind of feels like edgy fanfiction at times with the scenes of Digimon getting slaughteed and Omnimon killing baby digimon, but it's not a soulless cash grab or anything. That said, the upcoming Monster Hunter film sounds like trite. The pre-release synopses for the movie don't even sound real, but they apparently are...
  16. I've played almost all of them. I (on the SNES), II, III, IV, IV: Colonization, V, FreeCiv and Classic Colonization. I freaking love Civ IV, man. It's just so much fun, controlling 20+ cities (AT MINIMAL) and own entire continents as you struggle to rule the world, changing your civics and balancing your research/culture per turn. It's great fun and the soundtrack is amazing. The modding community is phenomenal! So many great mods, Caveman2Cosmos, Rocks2Rockets, Their was a really good mod for it that I forgot the name of, it added over 100 Civilizations, each with at least 2 leaders and had a TSL Earth. It was so much fun, had some really cool civs too, lie Inuit and Tibet. IV: Colonization is also a ton of fun, I think it gets a bit to much hate but I think it's enjoyable...it needs mods to be great though. Religion and Revolution, Werewolves! and Colonization: 2071 are great. I can't believe the game still has an active modding community, but it does! V is great too...but everyone knows that. IV doesn't get much love nowadays. The Equestria mod for V actually started from a really old mod for IV that replaced every unit with a pony version of it. It was surprising ambitious. Edit: I have FreeCol too but I have't played a whole lot of it.
  17. Opoona on the Wii is pretty obscure. It had a following for awhile but that seemed to die out eventually. It was this ATB RPG where you played as a group of alien "Tizarian" siblings who crash landed on a future Earth. Aliens on Earth are a fairly common thing, so you're accepted, but your parents are seriously injured. The bulk of the game is this really cool adventure where you explore a really unique version of Earth with some of the weirdest enemy and character design you'll ever see. The plot starts off as a fairly basic quest structured story where you work as a soldier of sorts, but it eventually evolves into this really unexpected and extensive story with cults, bandits, and an ancient alien menace. The game was largely disliked for its admittedly poor pacing and bad structure, but if you can get over that, it's a really fun adventure. Amazing OST too, if you like more chill, relaxed music in your games. It's not nearly as obscure, but it's a game I do't hear much out of a very specific group of people, but Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth was amazing. While its roster of playable Digimon was rather slim, it had a compelling narrative that lasts well over 80 hours, keeping my interest the whole time (once you get past the slow start, that is). It really eels like you're playing through an entire anime with story arcs, character development and consistently rising stakes. One minute, you're threatening weirdos who stalk girls, the next you're fighting against a company that kidnaps girls and turns them into waifu pillows (yes that happens and it's hilarious), before you know it you're fighting to save the entire multiverse and finally you're fight the literal embodiment of the seven deadly sins who have long sense transcended space and time created the very concepts of good and evil. It's crazy good. The cast of characters are all memorable, from the extremely good-natured protagonist whose both insane and yet the only sane character, his rival who actually manages to pull off the "edgy rival arc" quite well and an old, washed up KISS cosplayer who speaks in l33t speak. I hear its follow-up is even better!
  18. I'd imagine Sombra being shipped and him being an Umbra would be less jarring if you read Fiendship is Magic #1 first. I read it after I read the arc, which made Hope's character arc seem all over the place and hard to follow.
  19. Just once, but I read the comic "adaptation" (I.E. just stills from the movie with edited in word balloons) of it to get caught back up with it. I was actually planning a rewatch soon. I have a feeling I'd enjoy the rewatch more, I spent the first watch either being blown away at the visuals at evey chance or noticing the similarities between the plot and the Spongebob movie, lol.
  20. My least favorite is probably Applejack too. I much prefer Applejack when she's a supporting character personally, since she tends to struggle to carry a narrative by herself. That, and a good portion of her stories tend to boil down to her being unpleasant, if not straight up antagonistic to her friends or strangers because of how narrow minded and stubborn she can be. "Over a Barrel" is probably my least favorite episode in the entire series because Applejack just keeps the conflict going when the solution right infront of her. Such a tedious, mess of an episode, but a good chunk of Applejack stories follow that formula. Second would probably be Pinkie. I never really found her funny, and her hyper attitude can be grating, but I never found her unlikable. I really do like most of her episodes though, especially "A Friend in Deed", "Baby Cakes" and "Hearthbreakers". I don't really dislike any of the Mane Six. Not even Rainbow Dash. I have an older sister who acts just like her so I'm pretty jaded to that abrasive-type of personality by now.
  21. Last night me and my dad watched this show called "Magician" on Netflix. I love the premise, anything about magical schools of witchcraft and wizardry always captured my imagination but the execution didn't hit me. IMO, it lacked the same level of whimsy and, well, magic that made stuff like Harry Potter, Soul Eater and even The Worst Witch so much fun. Other then that, I watched some alien docs on Netflix.
  22. Jordan D

    general media Goku Vs. Superman

    It all really depends on the version of Superman we use here. If you use, say, DCAU Superman, Post-Flashpoint Superman, Super Friends Superman, etc vs Ultra Instinct Goku, then Goku wins. In fact, most incarnations of Superman will probably lose. But, if you use the strongest incarnations of Superman like Strange Visitor Superman, who surpassed Mr. Mxyzptlk, a 5-Dimensional Imp, in power, then he takes this easily. Personality wise, Superman is and forever will be my favorite superhero. Only Daredevil, Captain America and Nightcrawler come close. I like Goku, but not nearly as much. (Krillin ftw)
  23. Spike's characterization and overall role in the first season is something I don't miss. His personality was always a little inconsistent, going from his personality that we know today to a more rough, dimwitted typical "boy character". His personality was a lot more refined by Season 2, though his solo episodes in Season 3 felt like a bit of backpedal. His characterization in Season 4 and onwards is much better and consistent. His role in the first few seasons was also a little annoying. He was treated pretty badly by Twilight and her friends and rarely got time to shine. Even in his solo episodes, he was usually portrayed in the wrong. Outside of "A Dog in a Pony Show" and maybe "Pinkie Keen", he didn't really seem to get those cool, heroic moments until "Gauntlet of Fire", unless I'm missing something. I didn't mind the CMC in the first few seasons much, but their episodes got repetitive after awhile. Especially because the show teased us with their actual talents all the time, which made it even more tedious. Other then that? Eh, not much. I really like unicorn Twilight and I might like her more then alicorn Twilight, but I like alicorn Twilight a lot too so I don't really miss it.
  24. I love birds! I have a cute Parakeet and have been trying to order a Cockatiel for a few months now. Your bird is beautiful! On topic. My avatar is Snails from a humanized Friendship is Magic webcomic I've been reading. I love the color scheme and Snails has been one of my favorite background/minor characters for awhile now. It's also the same avatar I use on Wikia and Steam so I figured I might as well use it on these forums too.
  25. Somehow, somehow I came across some random Dilbert comic strip that I commented on in 2010 when I was only 12 or 13 and it was the cringiest thing. Calling a guy a "no life loser" for never playing a Mario game of all things. Just my general thought process as a kid was really cringy and haunts me from time to time. I was so scared that my friend was gonna kill herself after we had a single argument and was shocked to see she didn't really care about the fight the next day. Oh and needless to say my Sonic role-plays and OCs I had back in the day where pretty bad. I remember one RP/Sonic LARP I had with my friend that was about Sonic's twin brother who Eggman killed and was reincarnated as Shadow, and also his best friend, Maxwell the Hedgehog who was actually Amy's long-lost older brother. Childhood was weird in retrospect.
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