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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Kion

  1. Hugs for all my awesome bros @Averie Aurelia @Rainbowfan45 @Tacodidra @Sliding Bolt @Tylad @DivineGuard1000 @Nsxile @TheRockARooster @Lucky Bolt @Twilight Luna @Dynamo Pad @FlareGun45 @Dawn-Sunlight @lyrabetes3939 @TBD @Phosphor @Partialgeek514 @Mellow Mane @Rising Dusk @Maya-san @R.D.Dash @Sondash Studios @FalconBrony @Cwanky @TigerGeekGuy @WillightRobinbine @Regal Shadow @Prospekt @Totally Lyra @Flutterstep @Ember Crescent @SpongeBobsLittlePony @ChB @Arc Flash @Sherbert MGS @Lord Midnight Madness @Unimportant Pony @TheAnimationFanatic @Splashee @StarrySkyDash @Deae Rising Shine~ @Rushing cash @Ragland Tiger @Treeglow Flicker @VG_Addict @DashYoshi @The Recherche @imawesome @Cash In @KingMorgana @Iam @Outnick @Fasu @Kiryu-Chan@FluttershyWonders @Cwanky @OptimisticNeighsayer @DashYoshi @Monado_Dash @OptimisticNeighsayer @strongwilled_pegasus @THRILLSEEKER @Millennium Shadow @Photon Jet @Jeric @EpicEnergy @Rainbow Cloud @Bakugou Is My Man ❤ @Rikifive @Roxelite @Dark Qiviut @J.T. @Truffles @Celli @Emerald<3 @Shiki @Berry-Bliss-Sundae @LemonLavender
  2. Good morning everypony how is everypony on this bautiful Friday Morning?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kion


      @Partialgeek514  @lyrabetes3939 Nice and thanks my days been pretty good so far I hope your guys  has been  good as well


    3. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! :D I'm glad to hear your day has gone well! :kindness: I'm fine too.

    4. Cl0udChaser


      Good Morning. It's going good right now. I hope your doing great too. :)

  3. Starlight and Trixies friendship chant is just adorable.



  4. Starlight looks  so adorable when she eats.




    1. Twilight Luna

      Twilight Luna

      She’s lucky that Trixie didn’t turn it into a teacup.

    2. Tacodidra


      I was reminded of this... :P

      But I agree, those puffy cheeks are cute! ^_^

  5. Starlight and Twilight is back everypony

    1. DivineDefender1000


      @StarlightandTwilight Hooray! Those two are so beautiful and adorable!


  6. Good morning everypony how is everypony on this beautiful Thuresday  Morning?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      Good morning, my friend! I’m doing pretty awesome. At Bronycon and getting some breakfast with some friends. How are you?

    3. Twilight Luna

      Twilight Luna

      Good morning! Doing pretty well. Having breakfast with some awesome ponies. 


    4. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! :) I'm alright, thanks! :fluttershy: I hope your day is a good one!

  7. Good evening everypony I apologize if I barely been on the past couple days and not have responded to you all yet  so Ive been  very busy with school starting and other things. Hope you guys arent Mad anyway how is everypony doing on this beautiful Wednesday evening?

    1. DivineDefender1000


      @FireworkDash No one’s mad at you, awesome friend! Glad to hear that you’re doing well!

    2. RDDash


      Welcome back!

  8. Good morning everypony how is everypony on this beautiful Wednesday Morning?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Morning Firework! 

    3. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! :D I've been fine, it's been another fairly quiet day. I hope you're fine! :)

    4. Kion


      @Mellow Mane Glad to hear you were doing good this morning

      @TheAnimationFanatic Great to hear you were feeling great this morning and nice

      @Partialgeek514 Glad to hear you were doing good this morning  hopefully your not bored anymore

      @Dawn-Sunlight Im glad to hear your headaches gone. 

      @Soren Peregrine Thats good relaxing always help deal with anixety 

      @Cash In Glad to hear your doing okay

      @Tacodidra Glad to hear your doing fine 

      @Tacodidra @Mellow Mane @TheAnimationFanatic @Cash In My morning was alright thanks.


  9. Good afternoon everypony how is everypony on this very  hot Tuesday afternoon?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. vivishy


      Great. And yourself?

    3. CastletonSnob


      I've never heard of a school that makes you go back in July. 

    4. Cl0udChaser


      Doing great right now.

  10. Good morning everypony how is everypony on this typical Tuesday morning?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! :D I'm doing fine, thanks! :fluttershy:

      I hope you have a nice day, even if it's a typical one. :grin:

    3. LegendConductor


      Good (late) Morning Friend-O!

    4. Kion


      @lyrabetes3939 Glad to hear your doing alright Im doing alright as well just got out of school.

       @DivineGuard1000 @strongwilled_pegasus  Thanks Hugs back

      @Tacodidra Glad to hear your doing fine. And my day was alright thanks.



  11. Well the 1st day of Junior year actually turned out to be great.

    1. Tacodidra


      Great to hear that! :yay: I hope tomorrow is even better! :squee:

    2. CastletonSnob


      Wait, you're back in school already?

    3. Kion
  12. Good afternoon everypony how is everypony on this very hot Monday afternoon?

    1. Tacodidra


      Good afternoon, my friend! :D I'm doing fine, thanks! :) Fortunately, today hasn't been as hot here as the last couple of days (too much is too much)... :muffins:

    2. CypherHoof


      Been a dull, damp afternoon here - but then, this IS the UK, we only get a few days of summer :)

    3. RDDash


      I won't say hot, but it's pretty warm.

  13. Good morning everypony how is everypony on this beautiful Sunday morning?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~
    3. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! :D I'm fine, thanks! :kindness: I hope you are too!

    4. Twilight Luna

      Twilight Luna

      I’m finally home from work. Time to relax and do laundry.

  14. Good evening everypony how is everypony on this beautiful Saturday evening?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Roxelite


      Bad sleep schedule?

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I basically don't have a sleep schedule. It fluctuates.

    4. Roxelite
  15. Good morning everypony how is everypony on this beautiful Saturday Morning?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! :D I'm alright, though it's been an insanely hot day. :please: I'm glad to hear you're fine too! :)

    3. Deae Rising Shine~
    4. Shrug


      I’m doing very well. Glad to hear you are doing well too! 

  16. That face is so adorable 275FA423-370A-4E1F-AB0C-9D682C4B273E.jpeg.bf46e88b73bd00d50b482f1afcf17387.jpeg

    1. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      I remember this when I saw this face, I wanted to say that she was best pony right then and there. She was simply adorable and just so cute. I still wanted to wait before season 7 was over, but I then confirmed Starlight as my favorite pony during Bronycon of 2017. :) 

    2. Ragland Tiger
    3. ChB


      My favorite Starlight face :D 

  17. Happy Birthday Bro. Hope your having a great Birthday. :balloon:

  18. Sea Pony Starlight Glimmer.


    1. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      I've said it before and I'll always say it again. Starlight looks absolutely adorable as a Sea Pony. Then again, Starlight is always adorable, no matter what, in my opinion. ^_^ 

    2. Kion


      @Dynamo Pad You could make Starlight into anything and it will always be adorable.

    3. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      @FireworkDash You can say that again, my friend. I wonder what would happen if they made a Sea Pony version of Starlight, or a Kirin version of Starlight. :blink: I think I might have to make some decisions on what plushies I might get. Granted, I have no more room for plushies in my room. :laugh:

  19. Hugs for all my awesome bros. @Averie Aurelia @Rainbowfan45 @Tacodidra @Sliding Bolt @Tylad @DivineGuard1000 @Nsxile @TBD @Lucky Bolt @Twilight Luna @Dynamo Pad @TheRockARooster @Dawn-Sunlight@lyrabetes3939 @Phosphor @Partialgeek514 @Mellow Mane @Rising Dusk @Maya-san @R.D.Dash @Sondash Studios @FalconBrony @FlareGun45 @TigerGeekGuy @WillightRobinbine @Regal Shadow @Prospekt @Totally Lyra @Flutterstep @Ember Crescent @SpongeBobsLittlePony @Ninetales @Arc Flash @Sherbert MGS @Lord Midnight Madness @Unimportant Pony @TheAnimationFanatic @Splashee @StarrySkyDash @Deae Rising Shine~ @Ragland Tiger @Treeglow Flicker @VG_Addict @DashYoshi @The Recherche @imawesome @Cash In @KingMorgana @Iam @Outnick @Fasu @Kiryu-Chan@FluttershyWonders @Cwanky @OptimisticNeighsayer @DashYoshi @Monado_Dash @OptimisticNeighsayer @strongwilled_pegasus @THRILLSEEKER @Millennium Shadow @Photon Jet @Jeric @EpicEnergy @Rainbow Cloud @Bakugou Is My Man ❤ @Rikifive @Roxelite @ChB @Dark Qiviut @J.T. @Truffles @Celli @Emerald<3 @Shiki @Berry-Bliss-Sundae @LemonLavender
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