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Everything posted by O-78

  1. Lyra, of course! She's so cute and minty and just perfect in every way.
  2. Only once or twice, and I never found anything except other people who happen to share my first and last name.
  3. I usually like ketchup, caramelized onions, and sometimes bacon if I'm extra hungry. I'm a pretty simple customer.
  4. Something I never really see anyone mention is just how much Lyra stands out from the rest of the "Background Six" (her, Bon Bon, Vinyl, Octavia, Derpy and Dr. Whooves). Looking at their coat colors, you've got two gray, one white, one brown, one cream, and then one bright mint green pony. :arethosehands: It's no wonder she's such a fan favorite! ^_^

    1. Sparklefan1234


      "Something I never really see anyone mention is just how much Lyra stands out from the rest of the "Background Six""


      "I never noticed just how much Lyra stands out from the rest of the "Background Six", I wonder if anyone else shares this thought?" 🤔

    2. DivineDefender1000


      Minty fresh pony! :arethosehands:


    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      It is a unique shade of green. :proud:

  5. In terms of my sexual and romantic orientation, I always knew that I was attracted to girls from a young age. However, I was always unsure about how exactly my attraction worked. Even as far back as elementary school, I can remember feeling jealous of my female classmates, the clothes they got to wear and the friendships they got to have. I remember wishing that I could indulge in various feminine things for years, but feeling like I wasn't allowed to because, well... I was a boy, at least as far as I knew. Eventually, I became so embarrassed about my desires that I repressed them all, and tried to act as masculine as I could. On the outside, this seemed to work fine, but on the inside, I wasn't happy. I eventually became resentful of everyone and everything, and would lash out at others as a result. The first two years of puberty were the absolute worst years of my life, and I often wish that I could forget them entirely. When I discovered MLP in 2017 and became a brony, this seemed to satisfy my innate desire for femininity. I joined MLP Forums about a year later, and this community has been a wonderful outlet for me ever since then. But all the same, I still felt very out of place socially, perhaps even more than I did before. Although I mostly enjoyed high school, I never felt comfortable being grouped in with the guys at my school, and longed for companionship with the girls. Deep down, I think I was aware of my true identity as far back as 2018, but just wasn't ready to admit it to myself yet. My final year and a half of high school took place online during the covid pandemic, and since I wasn't really socializing at all during that time, I thought about gender identity much less. But when I went off to college, all of my feelings of discomfort surrounding my gender gradually came back, and they eventually made me lonely and depressed. In July of 2023, my "egg" suddenly cracked, and after a week of deep questioning, I finally accepted that I was a trans woman. Almost instantly, everything about my life up to that point made sense. I came out to my parents about a week later, and although that didn't go too well at first, they soon adjusted to using my new name and pronouns, and have been supportive since then. I started HRT in October of last year, and socially transitioned at college in January of this year. Now that I can finally be my authentic self, I'm genuinely so much happier than I was a year ago, and I'm very happy to be a part of this community too.
  6. She's my favorite nerd! ^_^


    1. Astralshy



      I'm sure her fav prime number is also 17 :>

    2. O-78


      @Astralshy I can confirm that it is! ;)

  7. I enjoy both, but I definitely prefer Princess Twilight, since she has a much longer-running story and has more sides to her character.
  8. I can now firmly say that we've arrived at the Golden Age! I have so many fond memories of watching nearly all of these cartoons! "Baseball Bugs" was the first one I ever saw, and what a perfect introduction to the series that was! "Hair-Raising Hare" and "The Big Snooze" are two more absolutely legendary Bugs cartoons, and then there's the peak Clampett antics of "Kitty Kornered" and "The Great Piggy Bank Robbery"! And of course I can't forget the introduction of the big rooster himself, Foghorn Leghorn! "Listen to me, boy!" Wow, what a year - so much cartoon nostalgia here, and clearly the start of the studio's peak.
  9. Happy Pride Month, Rainbow Dash! I'm glad you're here!
  10. When you and your girlfriend get matching pajamas and have a sleepover. ^_^ I always have fun drawing Lyra and Sky together. :wub:


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      You got the hearts?! :wau: All I could find were the dinosaurs... :blush:

    2. Tacodidra


      Awesome job, my friend! :yay: They're both really cute! :squee:

    3. O-78


      @Samurai Equine Yep, we did! We look pretty in pink, I'd say. ^_^

      @Tacodidra Thank you, my friend! Aren't they? :arethosehands:

  11. Could you please draw my ponysona, Sky Scraper? I redesigned her last year.
  12. In "Fall Weather Friends", Rainbow Dash and Applejack tie for last place in the Running of the Leaves, and Twilight finishes in 5th place. Something I've always wanted to know is... who won the race that year? The episode never revealed that. :dash:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      ...One can dream, anyways. :please:

    3. Tacodidra


      @Samurai Equine Derpy has a history of winning, so it's possible! :muffins:



    4. O-78


      @Megas That's probably the canon reason, but it's always more fun to speculate about background ponies. :D

      @Samurai Equine @Tacodidra Works for me! I now headcanon that Derpy is the undefeated champion of the Running of the Leaves. :muffins:

  13. Between Sylvester, Pepe Le Pew, and even some non-recurring cat characters, I guess you could say 1945 was the year of the cat! I also feel like I should mention a small goof in "Hare Tonic": When Bugs pretends to screen Elmer for rabbititus by testing his multiplication skills, Elmer replies that three times three is six, when it's actually nine. Bugs then seems to think that Elmer multiplied correctly, so someone in the studio got that wrong!
  14. Here's an interesting question that crossed my mind recently. Which episode of FiM is the least talked about, whether positively or negatively? I'm inclined to go with "Games Ponies Play" from season 3. I've never seen anyone describe this episode as particularly good or bad, and I barely even remember what it was about. If you ask me, it just exists and there's not much else to it.
  15. Human Lyra and Bon Bon are giving lots of love to their pony counterparts! ^_^


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Looks like fun. :fluttershy:

  16. Of all the cartoons produced in 1944, I'd say that "Bugs Bunny and the Three Bears" is easily my favorite. The WB interpretations of the bears are so hilarious, especially with how Papa is the smallest and Junyer is the biggest. I also remember "Little Red Riding Rabbit" very well - that version of Red is just such an oblivious loudmouth. "The Old Grey Hare" is an example of age regression and progression done completely right, and it's really funny to look back on the studios' wacky predictions for the year 2000. I can see there were also quite a few controversial cartoons made in this year - I too am surprised that "Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips" didn't turn the Censored 11 into the Censored 12, or alternatively, the Dirty Dozen.
  17. Happy Pride Month, everyone!!! :yay:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      @Octavia Heartstrings Happy Pride Month to you, My Friend! :D 

      @Treeglow Flicker  Happy Pride Month to you, Bestie! :D 

    3. Tacodidra


      Happy Pride Month, my friend! :arethosehands:

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Oh my, is it that time again?! :kirin: Happy Pride Month, my friend!

  18. Best: The Natick Mall in Massachusetts is pretty awesome. It's a really cool building with lots of awesome architecture and decor. Worst: Providence Place in Rhode Island kind of sucks. The layout is confusing and there were no good stores when I went there.
  19. The name "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" makes me want to write an MLP story where Octavia adopts a pet mongoose. ^_^

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I feel like that's not the first time I've heard someone say that. :dash:

    2. Tacodidra


      All that makes me think of is Chuck Jones, of course. :P I've never seen the special, but I remember seeing it listed in his filmography. :squee:

    3. O-78


      @Samurai Equine Well, it's a pretty easy pun to make. :twi:

      @Tacodidra I actually read the original story many years ago! :fluttershy: It was published all the way back in 1894.

  20. @Tacodidra Same! "Tortoise Wins by a Hare" was my first exposure to Cecil, but I understood it even without the context of his first appearance. It's probably my favorite of the three Cecil vs. Bugs shorts, though all three are among the greatest. Maybe he was! They probably needed to come up with a name for the other mouse, and thought Hubie paired nicely with Bertie.
  21. Happy, birthday, my friend!!! :LunaMCM: :blue_baloon::balloon:


  22. This is such a fun and catchy song! It's always been one of my favorite Thomas & Friends musical numbers. :sassy:


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