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The Historian

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Everything posted by The Historian

  1. Because you clearly can't show that much sexy Pinkie Pie leg in a kid's movie. xD
  2. Gonna have to go with Applejack and Big Mac. What can I say? I love me some apples. xD
  3. Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep > all other Borderlands DLC
  4. I live in a rural-ish area. I'm on the edge of unincorporated lands here in Missouri. I prefer it out here. Quiet and peaceful. I don't like cities so much but suburban would be okay.
  5. 7 AM and 9:30 PM. One to get up, and one to start winding down for bed. I hit snooze a couple times in the morning usually, unless it's one of those rare days I wake up feeling okay-ish.
  6. A noble idea, but it likely wouldn't work too well without some sort of integration to other services instead of a sales platform.
  7. I was a junior in high school and I was in my Algebra 2 class. I remember seeing the second plane hit while watching the news. It was... unsettling.
  8. I don't wear any yet, but one of the girls in my office wants to doll me up when I start. hehe.
  9. I'm thinking there's some stores I'd like to burn down but I would do no such thing. I'm just upset with a big franchise customer that I work with.
  10. I use CS6 when I need to do some graphical work that's more modern. When I work on other things, I still use good ol' PSP7.
  11. Nope. I shave everything off, no matter what time of year it is!
  12. Primarily timeout/grounding, but they withheld things like video games, made us kneel for a few minutes, among other things. If my brother and I really fucked up, my mom would whack us one. But spanking was extraordinarily rare. I don't get much discipline these days considering I'm in my mid-30s. XD
  13. I've routinely worked between 72 and 84 hours in a week. But I don't work there anymore. The most I've pulled where I work now is 51 but that was during QA time when we were short staffed and I was clocking out between 10 and 11 PM.
  14. I started a bit late. Around 15 or 16. And, now, at 34, I'm going through a second one. HUZZAH... not.
  15. The Super Mario Bros. movie from the early 90s. Does no justice to the franchise whatsoever. However, I still love it. It's so bad but I love it. A true guilty pleasure.
  16. Let's see. The last few things I've bought are Senran Kagura Burst Renewal on Steam... and only digital thing in the last six months. Then for the ol' collection, I got Sudden Strike and its expansion pack, Sudden Strike 2, The Settlers IV, 101st Airborne and a big lot of small box and DVD box games. Then I've done some purchasing on a YA Japan proxy where I scored SimCity for the PC98, Portal 2 in a box, Brandish for the PC98, The Secret of Blue Water for the PC98, a lot of 9 Mac games in big clamshell cases and Ys 2 Eternal for Windows. All in all, some decent scores lately. Just arrived though is Grim Fandango in a big box, a sealed Spanish Beneath a Steel Sky, a sealed Dutch Rayman 2 and a sealed Dutch Nuclear Strike. Very pleased with those. I am a collector. Hush. xD
  17. I rewatched Daria again. Speaks to me in ways most modern TV does not. Then again, I was the misfit...
  18. Nick for goofy ass goddamn cartoons, CN for anime. Ah man, I remember Moltar. Good times.
  19. Let's just say that I am less than enthused that what I am is turning into a demographic to be sold to. I am not my sexuality, nor gender. Don't try to pander to me based on those things. I am immune to this bullshit.
  20. Hard to put this into a short list but here's some movies that top my list of favorites. Pulp Fiction The Big Red One 12 Angry Men (1997 TV version) A Time to Kill The Shawshank Redemption The Negotiator Blazing Saddles (and anything by Mel Brooks really) Contagion Akira Swordfish Die Hard with a Vengeance My Little Pony: The Movie Full Metal Jacket Blade Runner Logan's Run Could probably rattle off more but those are some really high favorites.
  21. Probably Saturn, though all of the gas and ice giants are fascinating.
  22. Looking up how to work with files and directories with Perl and more about the MySQL order by field() clause.
  23. I am very distantly related to Tom Hanks through my mom's side of the family.
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