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PinkiePie Forever

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Everything posted by PinkiePie Forever

  1. 1. Big Macintosh- Hes just so adorable! 2. Applejack- She can take control 3. Twilight Sparkle- She's fun but knows when to be serious (and study) 4. Pinkie Pie- She is my favorite and it would be awesome. 5. Fluttershy- She is so kind and caring.
  2. Mrs. Cherilee, Shinig Armor, Cadence, Princess Celestia, (I want to see more of her goofy side ) the CMC, Applejack, Rarity, and Spike. I love his dragon history.
  3. Honestly, I don't like it at all. It was dull for me. I didn't cry, but I'm not a demon or anything. I just thought it was boring and it wasn't any "good" to me. :/
  4. The sound of trains, the smell of grass, and I really like calming spa music. I also like to look at clouds and see what they look like, and collect flowers, find strange bugs in my backyard. Reading helps get my mind off things and petting my sweet little kitty, and organizing my room.
  5. Anyone know where I can find any shirts for a pegasister? Most websites shirts are designed for bronies. Help?
  6. Big Macintosh for president <3 /)^3^(\

    1. Bari


      I hope you mean Luna for president.

    2. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet

      That's not how you spell Octavia! D:

  7. I really like that but were could I find something like that/ how could I make it?
  8. Well thats cool, but I would think a Pinkie Pie energy drink would make more sense.She doesn't ever run out. RD has to at some point
  9. Were is the shining armor love? I like Big Mac a lot, but why do people not like Shining Armor as much? I love Shining Armor! He's awesome.
  10. Question: What is dubstep. Everyoen always talks about it and I feel so out of the loop. Probably isn't good considering HE listens to it... this annoying kid in my class with the brain of a two year old.
  11. That is really good! Its great! That is one of my favorite Fluttershy moments. She can be so cute but so scary at the exact same time.
  12. Someone know how to send it to him? PLEASE? Someone just has to!!!! HAS TO! It would be soooooooo awesome. And funny! MLP ROCKS YAYZZ
  13. This is best pony! You have to send this to him! It would be so funny! Maybe we could make him a brony. That would be awseome! Nice artwork!
  14. Your really good! I wish I could draw ponies, except I'm not really an artist. Does anyone know of any tutorials? For people with no artistic talent?
  15. I am thinking about trees so much, one is growing out of my head.
  16. I'm not really excited about the Trixie thing everyone is talking about. I don't understand all the love for her. She's full of it.
  17. I don't think spoilers for a show aimed at 6 year olds will ruin the show. Other things like books, movies, or other shows it would.
  18. Big Macintosh, I can't decide if Shining Armor is tied or in close second. Big Mac is so cool and Shining Armor is so sweet. I can't decide.
  19. It seems really weird, but bacon goes good with the fresh, crunchy cucumber... It is very weird but its so delicious. Just like some bacon on a cucumber slice.
  20. *Enters thread, wondering about why it is about a hobo with a shotgun* *Sees its about some weird straight to dvd movie and leaves*
  21. This is someonething for my fellow PEGASISTERS!!! Who would you choose, Big Mac or Shining Armor? I have had trouble deciding I guess. So I will make a list, because thats what I do with problems like these. Big Mac- PROS: Hard worker Kind CONS: Hiding Smarty Pants Doesn't really talk much. Shining Armor PROS: Captain of the royal guard Caring CONS: Busy Canterlot royalty so hes probably a little stuck up and not as down to earth as Mac. Help me. I can't decide.
  22. Shining Armor vs. Big Mac. Hmm...

    1. ProjectRKA
    2. Shiki


      Is this a physical battle? An awesomeness battle? Swagger battle? What? Shining Armor would win in a physical battle. Big Mac would win in everything else.

  23. ^ Good ones, ones that are not innapropriate. > Likes Pinkie Pie very much so! Best pony Go Pinkie Pie! v Do you like the Hunger Games?
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