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Everything posted by Fizz.

  1. INFP Introvert(33%) iNtuitive(50%) Feeling(38%) Perceiving(67)% You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (33%) You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%) You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (38%) You have distinctive preference of Perceiving over Judging (67%) Lol I have no idea what this means.. Looked it up. This describes me very well, besides the whole "valued friend" bit.
  2. OH GOD YES. This is one of my favorite things ever. The poem, the animation. At first I thought it was some sort of comedy, a little joke, and then it turns so...dark and serious. ;_;
  3. Not exactly "sad", but it certainly gives some feels. This one is one of my favorites, it's more feel-good, but still emotional: And of course...THIS. Oh god, painful.
  4. I want to be a politician. It's the one area of life I can really, really make a change in. I feel like I could do it too, so I've already got a plan set up. Right now I'm focusing on bringing up my grades so I can have a shot at Georgetown ^^ I want to go into the Peace Corps after that if I can. I'd also love to write a book, and perhaps direct a movie. But those are dreams for AFTER the above.
  5. gob bless deer leader:---) owait deer leeder es gob my bad xDDDDDDD
  6. Thanks, Obama. Yeah, that sounds about right. This test was a lot shorter than I thought it would be, it was nice to have something that wasn't a thousand pages long.
  7. In all ways I respect your objection to gay marriage; you are simply following the doctrines of your church, and not making exceptions. That is agreeable. HOWEVER, divorce is ALSO considered a sin in the eyes of God, is it not? And so, if divorce is too a sin, why don't Christians oppose that? I know what you'll say. "But we do oppose it." Do you? Because actions speak louder than words. According to this link: http://www.divorcerate.org/, "The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%". 41% of ALL marriages in America end in divorce. That is almost half of all marriages. How holy, sanctified and pure that is. Compare that to the 5%~ (sometimes 2-10 % depending on your sources) of Americans that are gay. Why are millions of dollars being spent in campaigning, legislation and protests against gay marriage when a much more pervasive issue is going on? Why have I not seen the church organize active resistance against divorce? There are no protests, no shouting in the streets, no boycotts, no sit ins, not even any notable condemning by the Church. Few Churches will allow gay marriages, but almost all of them will marry a divorced person. Is it because homosexuality is an easy target? Or that targeting divorce means you'll lose some members of your church? Why are Christians not up in arms about this massive issue, and instead focusing on something that will only affect 5% of the population? I have asked this before and never gotten a straight answer. Why is gay marriage targeted and divorce not?
  8. Pop, like any other normal superior person. Soda is for the inferior and laughable coast dwellers, coke is for the uneducated Southerners and tonic is for foreigners #PopMasterRace
  9. I've always wanted to go to North Korea. A lot of people think the kind who goes there are just stupid, but it's really a once in a lifetime opportunity. Unfortunately, before I'm old enough to go tensions will probably boil and the North and South will go to war again. Oh well. (Also, why Mao? Why not someone respectable like Trotsky? I understand Lenin but Mao caused a famine.)
  10. You know what was funny about Apple.mov? It made no sense, it had no plot, it was completely indecipherable and the facial expressions. He didn't keep that same idea with the rest of the videos which was kind of sad.
  11. It stopped being unique late Season 2. It just turned into another pile of crap. The fandom was fun but I love(d) the show, not the fandom.
  12. I always loved this show for its elegance and simplicity. Season 1 is and will always be my favorite only because it was such an innocent show. A young, awkward pony has some misadventures in her town with her best friends. It didn't have deep plot lines or crazy adventures. Just little things that go wrong, like designing a dress or babysitting kids. It was a realistic world in a fantasy setting, and I loved every bit of it. It was evident from Season 2 that the staff was getting more adventurous which wasn't necessarily a BAD thing, but still a little disappointing. Scenarios got a little wilder, the show got less innocent, but overall everything was okay. The creators started to pander to fans a bit but nothing wrong with that. Watch out uber-fans, here comes opinions! Season 3 was a disaster and I can't bare myself to say otherwise. There was no longer any "innocence adventures in Ponyville". The plots were weird and many days I couldn't be bothered to finish an episode. Letters disappeared from the show and that was one of my favorite parts, despite it being so cheesy; it was cute and nice and, well, again, innocent. The staff completely pandered to bronies with Trixie and Discord redemption. As much as I loved these characters, Discord should've either been saved for another special, or used in a more creative way, maybe as a boogeyman. It was completely ridiculous Fluttershy "redeemed" him. Out of character and a terrible plot decision; I feel like they shoved him into some stupid scenario just to please bronies. The "moral" of that episode was non-existent; they tried to pretend to have one but it did not work. Trixie, she should've stayed evil. That was fun. Trixie was power hungry, arrogant and rude. Why redeem her? There is no point in it. The show isn't a fun little small-town misadventures like it once one. It's a clusterfuck of pandering, ridiculous and quite frankly annoying plot lines, and a general spiral downwards. I want to believe the show will go back to its grace, a humble kids show that had fun with everyday situations, a bit of fantasy sprinkled in for flavor. Not the mess it is. If Twilight's alicornism is permanent, I'm gone. I don't like this at all.
  13. So is this a stop-judging-us-and-making-us-look-bad case, or a stop-causing-drama? I feel like it's both. Anyway, there goes another thing for me to complain about. Oh well, it's a smart enough call to make. Gg mod staff, you win this round.
  14. LadyRarityPony for loving Rarity. Or does Shankveld still post here? She quit but maybe she came back. Uh if she's here, then her for Rarity instead.
  15. I said that in early 2012. Wow, a blast from the past huh! Actually I don't remember posting that but I remember this thread. I don't even know what I was saying. Oh well.
  16. I have recently routed the imperials from Skyrim and was chilling at the blue palace in Solitude. Due to an assassination attempt....gone wrong to say the least, I had... "acquired" a bounty of 9000 some in Whiterun. Well, Commander Caius, who had been forced to take refuge in Solitude after Whiterun was taken over by Stormcloaks, happened to stroll by. Cue a "Stop right there" scene. Well, I ended up saying I'd rather die than go to jail. Caius didn't like that and tried to attack me, but the entire castle staff, including the Jarl of Solitude all joined in my defense and a massive brawl between the Solitude guards and the exiled kings began. Needless to say Solitude won, and I had to reload my last save.
  17. Everyone always looks forward, but lets take a minute for a year in review. What did you learn from your experiences this year? What changed you? Lets have a list of things you've learned! I, for example, have learned you can live on without some people you thought were important in your life; and that nothing ever stays the same.
  18. Why would Twilight become Princess? She's a student, not Celestia's heir. She's just learning magic. If anyone were next in line it'd be Cadence.
  19. I'd choose Equestria, but only for the sole sake of having another life. Maybe I'm just young, but infinite happiness isn't something I'm willing to have yet. Living can be adventurous.
  20. Maybe to avoid conflicts like this in the future....keep quiet about the show? I mean, if people react negatively to you liking it don't come to school wearing fluttershy shirts. You're provoking them honestly. It's nice to stand up for what you believe in but is wearing a shirt with a pony on it really worth the trouble?
  21. Pinkie saw AJ and Fine Beat jump out. She was, to say the least, thrilled; ever since Dash jumped the pony had been dying to join the fun. Pinkie Pie exploded into a giant smile. "Gerrrrrrrrrrranimo!" In a single, glorious leap, the pink pony hurdled herself to the Earth, giggling uncontrollably. She left her parachute behind. Pinkie Pie hit the ground hard, forming a small crater. Jumping out of the hole, she grinned at those around her. "Can we do that again?"
  22. "Wait!" A pink earth pony crawled into view, wheezing. "I'm...here...whew." She popped up from the ground and walked over to the rest of the group, all signs of the previous exhaustion seemingly gone. She grinned at the group. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pi-oops! Sergeant Pinkie Pie....I think?"
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