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Everything posted by Sks_Burns

  1. *excuse me if this post is nonsensical and poorly written. im tired* active study time: ive been awake since about 1pm yesterday (the 27th) and its currently 7:21am on the 28th. i just working 10 hours ontop of the 9 or so that i was already concious, that combined with not sleeping much the night before equals some bad side effects, apparently in as little as 24 hours. my joints ache from being mobile for so long, i think im a bit giddy right now, if not slightly delerious. everything feels slower, and my short term memory isnt too good right now. slight headache, my eyes feel heavy, and i can barely focus. this is all after less then 24 hours, with caffeine usage. imagine the effects in 48 hours if you didnt sleep. everything would be twice as bad, if not 3x as bad.
  2. to my left is an ipod, so my talent must be music... so i must be Vinyl Scratch.
  3. no, you wont survive without sleeping. you'll develop headaches due to overexposure to light for extended periods of time, your judgement and ability to function will get harder, your joints begin to ache as you force your body to stay awake, your energy will start to drop as you stay awake longer, etc it wont end well.
  4. you should take all those pics and post them as a single rar file on a hosting site. im sure everypony would love to have a huge pic archive to look through!
  5. theyre adorable separately, but together is a cuteness overload. Cloudys mane and Flit's voice are a dangerous combination and could bring any man to his knees from all the dawwws. they need more airtime.. or there will be riots.
  6. 1000 bucks would be a nice start to rebuilding the 1.8L in my project nissan too. hmmmm. i could get it into shortblock form with a grand. rebuilt bottom end, rebuilt cylinder head. a G isnt alot these days, but its plenty if you have interests and hobbies that you enjoy.
  7. when i first started watching MLP, i found the characters to have a hidden layer of depth to them, and the writers only left subtle hints to their pasts. so, i googled character analysis, and found those papers written by someone on tumblr, and she actually gives an interesting opinion on the possible lives and pasts of the mane 6 based on what the show tells us, and compares it to typical scenarios of humans who come from a similar background and exhibit the same type of personality traits. its alot to take it, but its truly worth reading if you have any sort of interest in the characters on that level. i read all her papers and it helped flesh out the characters for me.
  8. music, looking for a cellphone wallpaper idea, drinking milk, and waiting to come down enough to go to sleep. worked all night, so its time to sleep.
  9. 3. small spiders. i can deal with the big ones 2. wasps. theyre angry flying balls of hate and have no real purpose. honey bees are cool though 1. being shit on by overhead birds. honestly, who doesnt have an irrational fear of this? anytime one flys over, i look up and determine my best escape route, should my number come up and some seagull decides to do a straffing run on my unprotected head.
  10. all the post-Genesis era Sonic games have been pretty dreadful. they completely destroyed that games legacy, and continue to drag it through the dirt with every new version. everytime they talk about another Sonic game, i cringe inside, knowing damn well that its going to be shit. so far, theyre batting 1000 on that too. the smartest thing they ever did with the Sonic series is re-release the classics on the xbox live marketplace, so people can experience what the game was like before it lost its way.
  11. just...soo...um....so much...uh... so much DAWWWWWWWWWWW. so much BFF cuddles, i can hardly contain myself. seriously dawwwww.
  12. im definitely on the upper end of fanboy when it comes to Cloudchaser/Flitter. the cuteness is intoxicating, and no other pony(s) will do.
  13. just completed Forza Horizons, so now i can waste time aimlessly driving around building whatever car i want (still got around 8 million credits in the bank). i keep doing Rarity themed cars for some reason, my last one being a Pagani Zonda R with 2 tone purple accents and purple wheels on a white body. its a pretty hot looking car, if i do say so myself. was fun while it lasted, but now its on to the next one.
  14. oh this ones easy - Marlin Model 1895GBL lever action rifle in .45-70 GOVT, around $650 tops, then blow the rest of ammunition. - pony shirts. 33 of them, to be exact - throw together a cheap desktop comp to replace my aging laptop theres alot of options, and its all luxuries. spending it on something practical just wouldnt be a good use of someone elses money.
  15. i dont believe Trixie to be good or evil, shes an opportunist who does whatever she needs to do for her own well being, whether its good or evil. should be a good episode regardless.
  16. quality and taste knows no age limit. we're lucky to exist in this moment though, simply because we can enjoy the new and the old without having to deal with the negatives of both. - you can own a 50s hot rod with modern technology in it, so it drives and stops like a modern car, but still has that vintage look. - music is hit or miss, but theres plenty of modern artists making music like the good old days. top 40 radio is a poor example of music quality.... and look at it this way: the top 40 in the 50s was awful too, simply because people liked the 20s and 30s music more. - cinema is hit or miss as well. theres alot of shit being turned out with too many special effects, not to mention everything is 3D these days. but think about it.... all the best movies were basically just a couple people talking, such as the Godfather. that style of making movies still exists, you just need to know where to look. so yeah, your age doesnt make a difference. you just appreciate the classic ways of doing things, back when more quality was put into something, and when people were proud of what they could create.
  17. Rocket Man in my pants. yesh.. thats awkward. last time i put on Elton then come into this thread lol
  18. i like the concept, but i feel the robotic idea was missed a bit. she still looks very organic and not as mechanical as i was expecting. her eyes are wicked looking though, and i like her stance, so overall its a cool vector.
  19. its hard to pick an single movie that stands above them all as the best. its equally hard to pick one thats my most hated of films. but, ill have to settle on one right? i think mine would be White Oleander. ive seen it a bunch of times and i still enjoy it every time. notable mentions are Scarface, Fight Club, and The Dark Knight.
  20. depends what im doing and if i have to work in the morning. i average around 2am every night though. i find it easier to do projects at night, when its quiet and theres less distractions.
  21. welovefine.com and redbubble are my personal favorites.
  22. my thoughts on AK pattern rifles: - any ak style rifle will set you back atleast $800 usd, due to the rising costs of firearms right now. dont cheap out on your rifle either, cause you get what you pay for when it comes to the AK. i wouldnt surprised if the prices exceeded $1000 usd in the next few months. - the best bang for the buck (no pun intended) is the Saiga, either in 7.62mm or .223, both of which are easily available rounds. Saigas are made in russia still, with the same quality that made the original Kalashnikov so good. The come with a sporting style stock, but if you desire, you can easily convert it to a proper pistol grip with wood furniture like a normal AK. Saigas are GENERALLY cheaper then higher end AKs, but theyre worth it. this is the one exception where cheaping out will work in your favor. - Recoil. what recoil? 7.62mm rounds are gentle, like a butterfly landing softly on your shoulder. the real issue i find with 7.62 rounds are the noise. theyre loud guns, so wear muffs. you want recoil, shoot a 3" turkey load out of a single shot 12 gauge shotgun. - Full auto is a waste of time. no one Rock n' Rolls a gun and expects to hit much, its more about the fun of tearing something up then going for tackdriver accuracy. hell, the military doesnt even go full auto with their service rifles... its always short controlled busts of 3-4 rounds tops. a semi auto can shoot that fast if you have smooth trigger control too, so its really a moot point. overall, the AK pattern rifles are excellent guns. not the most accurate, but you give up some accuracy for sheer reliability. if you cant afford a nice AK/Saiga, then you could also consider a SKS. ive shot a few in my life, and i enjoy them quite a bit. you usually can buy one for less then $350 usd if you look around and shop smart.
  23. $100 cash, GPS for my truck, 4 Gears of War novels (got the set now) and a sweet ass Castle calendar. all i asked for was the books, so the rest was a surprise. i buy what i need during the year, so xmas is alot smaller for us now, but hey.. im not complaining. its not about loot.
  24. "Never be totally dependent on anyone because even your own shadow leaves you when you're in the darkness."

    1. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet

      way I see it, your shadow surrounds you when you're in the dark, to protect you

      all in how you choose to look at things :3

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