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What, if it is present, do you hate most in a video game?


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I don't even particularly play PSO anymore. I got so bored of that game, especially since there's no quests in episode 2. -__-


I never could go online in the game and I have the Gamecube version so...yeah :P

  • Brohoof 1
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FFXI taught me to hate... soooo much hate. I hate many of the things you have already said - escort missions, fetch quests, kill certain number of blank (Magian Moogle quests, I am looking at you!) but one thing that has made me want to absolutely destroy my PS2 repeatedly has been EXTREMELY LOW DROP RATES! FFXI as notorious for this (they have improved a bit), you would camp an NM for hours an end only to get... NO DROP. Drop only has 0.000001% chance of appearing - ha ha, keep playing this over and over again and give us all your money! I hate having to do anything repeatedly because of a low drop rate. FFXI - you have given me joy but also so much pain... so much pain...


Oh, and this:




Frankly, that whole game was terrible - it felt like it was made by someone who has never worked with that engine before and was fascinated with how many POINTLESS min-games they could throw in. UGH!


In PSO, the drop rates can be like that depending on how you name your character. Different names give you different titles, like veridia or skyly, and those different things have different drop rates. So yeah. If you cant get something with one character, you could always make a new one and try to get it with that one.


Thing I hate about games?


When the game ends.


That is totally something Pinkie PIe would say.


Game-breaking glitches/bugs (fun glitches are fine, IE Red Dead Redemption flying through air): When I can't beat a part of the game and I have to make a new file, it angers me to no end... most notable would be Bethesda games like Fallout or Skyrim... I don't like when harmless glitches are patched though, a prime example would be Metroid Prime (hahahaha pun lolzz), the developers patched the discs so you can't sequence break, which is a very fun challenge IMO.


Lag: even if it is by a few milliseconds... it annoys me... it's a pet peeve of mine.


Bad Endings: Borderlands in particular is a great example, "Ohey lets go do all this stuff and blah blah *fights final boss*......... now what?"


Bad Controls/Motion Controls: I'm sorry, but I absolutely HATE motion controls. Sure once in a while it's a nice gimmick but I want to play my games and swing the controllers around however I want. Also bad controls... can't think of any modern games off the top of my head that I absolutely hate, but for example: Resident Evil 1... TURN AROUND!!! FASTER!!! RUN!!!! NO!!!!


Multiplayer in a singleplayer game: I'm sorry but I really do not like it when a singleplayer game shifts it's focus from single player, to multiplayer. Prime example would be Assassins Creed. It just feels like (to me) that developers are focusing more on the multiplayer aspect than the story (I felt this way about brotherhood, never played revelations but from friend's complaints I would assume something similar)


Long loading screens: sure my computer has long loading screens but thats cus it's really old and such... but if I'm playing a game and I have to wait 10 minutes to start a game, I get annoyed... come on already!


Lack of "New Game+" or "Hard Mode": I like challenges, so when I beat a great game, I want something else to get me to play through the game again


Boring characters/horrible story: Metroid: Other M... need I say more?


Replay value: I want to be able to come back to the game in like 3 days and say "hey let's play this again!", notable example would be pretty much any of the Tales games, they're so long, but I'm always willing to play through one again


Silly objective quests: "Oh no! Can you pick 157 carrots for me? I'm lazy!" "Oh thanks! Here's $1 for your trouble"


In metroid prime, if you hold the weapon change button, you can fire missiles super fast, like 5 per second. I used it all the time to quick kill enemies and bosses. And it was funny when I showed my brother. He was all, how did you do that? And I was all, " skill"


I don't even particularly play PSO anymore. I got so bored of that game, especially since there's no quests in episode 2. -__-


I never could go online in the game and I have the Gamecube version so...yeah :P


Yeah, I know what you mean. But, if you have computer (did I really just say that, you obvously have a computer...derpy hooves moment...) you can get it online. The ultima server has mutliplayer, which was nice, and all the quests from the game. PLus like a whole lot of extra quests. Like more extra than the original game had regular quests. So whatever you feel like doing you can do.

Everything will be ok in the end, if its not ok, then its not the end - anonymous


A good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever - Twilight Sparkle

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  • 2 years later...

I think my least favorite things in games right now is "filler fluff".  Like, especially having to walk a loooooong way from point A to point B with nothing in between.  It can be amazing in sweeping, gorgeous games like Xenoblade Chronicles where you get to see awesome scenery, listen to great music and collect/battle stuff on the way, and then you get landmarks so you can teleport around from then on... or the Elder Scrolls games which are all basically identical to what I just said about Xenoblade... but man, these days when I'm playing an MMO or something, I just can't handle the looooooooooong walks from 'quest hub A' to 'quest up B' that feel like they're doing nothing meaningful with your time.  The scenery can be beautiful but let's face it, since the days of EverQuest and the earliest days of WoW and EverQuest 2 MMOs have not been at ALL about 'taking in the scenery, immersing yourself and roleplaying'.  They've become all about the numbers and the gearscores and smashing endgame content and PVP.  So either give me something where I can jump right into the action and big swaths of my time don't feel wasted, OR make a new MMO that's completely focussed on a mature, classier experience and tailored to roleplayers or something (in such a way to somehow keep the hyperactive kids who hate that kind of stuff out).  I doubt the latter will ever really truly happen, so at least give me the former.


I've become so bad though that even small sections of ANY video game where you're just 'running in a straight line' or whatever for more than 5 seconds really grinds my gears, though.  Even in old grind-heavy RPGs I love that you get the monotony broken up with a random battle here and there, I'd much prefer that to ANY section where you just have to walk around sucking your thumb for 5 minutes.


(Sig art © uc77)

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  • Sudden change of genre

Difficulty spikes

Overpowered enemies

Fighting games in general (Street Fighter, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, etc.)

  • Brohoof 1

Rarity is the best thing in my life.


Where would I be without her? Nowhere I'd like to be, that's for sure.

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Being treated like I'm too stupid to experiment and figure out how to play on my own; i.e., unnecessary tutorials; i.e., most tutorials. A well-designed game ought to let you learn how to play by playing the game. Go watch this video to see what I mean. Another excellent example of a game that does this, in my opinion, is Wario Land 2.

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*difficult or obnoxious camera angles

*the "protect this thing" mission where the thing walks around stupidly taking damage from enemies and you have to kill the enemies before it dies

*press X to SHAUN. AKA "quicktime events"

*games with a ton of confusing button combinations

*terrible voice acting. If its gonna be poorly done they shouldn't even bother.

*poorly done "realistic" graphics. the humans just get plain creepy looking.


Edited by crazitaco


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"Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes.

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I've grown rather sick of gaming.  I play just to kill boredom.  There are a few rare instances where a game will illicit a grin from me, but that joviality is short lived at best.


Games have grown into my current view of movies; they are both overhyped, graphical eyecandy made to please the masses.  A "Rarity" may come along, but the came is buried amongst the cavalcade of crap that's out there.  I had high hopes for Aliens Vs Predator from Gearbox, and it was such a catastrophy that even Discord couldn't help but marvel at the chaos that ensued because of it.  Another thing that irritates me is the growing rift between PC gamers and console gamers.  Totalbiscuit brought up a rather nice review on WatchDogs about the graphics quality and how a simple mod bumped it up to the E3 quality levels. 


I'm in the personal belief that we'll need a second videogame era crash in order to reboot the whole thing into what it needs to be, putting horrible developers *cough* EA *cough* hopefully out of business.

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  1. Collecting items (You've collected 3/10 of __!)


Pay-to-get in game currency

Third Person boss battles, such as the Dead Rising ones

Account to play online (such as EA)

Pay a fee for multiplayer

Redundant sidequests

Bad spawning

  • Brohoof 1


Sweet Sig by Lunia

Avatar Image by PegasisterJayfeather

CM By Scilight Paitanibu 

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Micro-Transactions. All they do is suck money out of your pockets so that you can proceed onward in the game and you have to buy more if you want to complete the game. I find it a waste of time and aggravating I would rather just pay for a game right then and not having to worry about anymore additional purchases unless they were for DLC that is fair and isn't needed to complete the game.

Horrible cameras. As much as I have been enjoying Epic Mickey the one element that brings it down is in fact it's poor camera.

You have to actively fight it in order to get good angles but after a while in mastering the system it becomes easier to handle but yeah it's still bad. Also is it that much to ask for a decent camera? I mean honestly.

Edited by cmarston1


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