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Why do some people hate Rainbow Dash?


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Can I just come in here and mention that just like real people and well written characters in fiction, that perhaps the Mane Six are deeper and complex? You can't always predict what they'll do in a situation?


Rainbow Dash doesn't haven't to be arrogant 24/7 and show off all the time in order to remain in character. People have multiple layers to themselves.


That's like saying that Johnny Depp acts the same at home as he does in front of the cameras for interviews. We both know it's not true and he's in character in both situations, just like Rainbow Dash is in character when she's bragging about herself and coming out of her shell a little and showing some emotion.

  • Brohoof 5



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This topic still exists. Mind boggling. :maud:


Anyways, idk why people "hate" any of the mane 6. "Hate" is a pretty strong word you know. :maud:


I personally have no issues with Rainbow Dash, never have. Shes got flaws, like everybody -- even Lord Pinkie, so ya.  :maud:

Edited by Pinkamena-Pills
  • Brohoof 2

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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Let me start by saying that I don't have problem with people not liking characters that I like. The only time it becomes a problem is when people lash out and act hostile towards the fans for liking a character they don't like. Fans who act that way are just as bad as the ones who attack others for not liking a character they like. This isn't something exclusive to Rainbow Dash though. This seems to be the case with many characters.


A week ago when EQD did Applejack Appreciation Day, a few comments I read talked about how the reason AJ's fandom seems so small is because whenever someone say she was his/her favorite pony, they'd be bullied and harassed for it to the point where they left the fandom because it was impossible for them to enjoy their favorite character. Are you effing kidding me? Why the hell would such a positive and heartwarming show attract idiots like that?



Now, I could go on and on about how Rainbow Dash's is one of the most enjoyable characters to me despite her jerkyness (jerky characters are best characters B)) and how Scootaloo isn't just a younger copy of Dash (aside from being tomboyish, Scootaloo has a noticeably different personality from Dash), and it might change peoples minds about how they look at those two, or it might not. Really all that matters to is that they understand why I like them, and if you agree with me, great, if not, sorry you feel that way, but at least now you understand. Let's smoke a peace pipe and move on from there. I'll happily debate anyone over a character of episode if they're willing, but I'll do it respectfully without lashing out at the other person and calling him/her an idiot for not liking something I like.


Bottom line: It's not character hate that bothers me. It's hostility towards the fans or non-fans of said character that bothers. Basically, whenever I hear someone say "Everyone who likes this character is an idiot" or "everyone who hates this character is not a true fan" it translates to "Excuse me, everyone, but I just want to say that I'm such an emotionally unstable, insecure wreck that I feel threatened by simple fact that somebody likes/dislikes an imaginary cartoon character that I dislike/like!"


End rant.

Edited by veryoriginalponyname
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I mean, she's an awesome pony and people say she's selfish, but how, she's will give up her dream or anything and be loyal to her friends. Why does people still hate her and say she;s lesbian?!

Because she's arrogant, conceited and obnoxious...At least that's what I have against her. How can you NOT see why some people don't like her? And if you ask me she barely lives up to her Element of Harmony at all...

  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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Because some people—shockingly—have different opinions from you, perhaps?


You don't have to agree with people who dislike Rainbow Dash, but perhaps you could at least offer the common courtesy of being able to see it from their point-of-view instead of "I just can't understand why people don't like her."

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Her ego is one of the best things about her. Of course it's prudent that everypony knows her name. She's mother-bucking Rainbow Dash. And she's awesome!


Best. Pony. Ever.

  • Brohoof 1


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No one, TRUELY, hates RD.


To say "I hate RD is like saying I hate Rarity, because shes such a stereotype girl!"


Rainbow Dash, while being her "own person", is the type of female who is Alphaish, but really, seeking another to follow, suppourt, and in truth be the Shield for. She is a Defender Type. She is (mmo term) a "Tank". She is a Protector......we as Humans...HATE THIS PERSONA!




Simple...they are self-less....


In our Society, our MODERN society, someone, ANYONE who is willing to bleed, to fight, to KILL..TO..die...is a martyr, and thus, someone who is above all of us. For we are SELFISH, we are tainted by the thought that WE matter more then ANYONE else.


Rainbow Dash, is NOT like this. She IS willing to do ANYTHING for her friends. Can YOU say the same, of course you can't..that is why the hate.


We hate self-less need to defend, to protect, to nurture and defend. WE HATE IT!..Because...we, well..we Envy it!


Forget her Ego, forget her lame one liners of "20% cooler", forget her pride. You "hate" her, because she is willing to do ONE THING YOU SELFISH ASSHOLE INTERNET GENERATION CAN NOT...and that is die for someone else, at a moments notice, you fear it, you envy it, you relent and wish the mere idea of it in your modern terms of need for "things" and "likes" even "friends" can ever remark.


Rainbow Dash is a Martyr, she is ment to be "disliked" for she, in the end, is something we all wish we could be. Some pony who would lay her life down tomorrow, just to know that her friends are safe and happy. Can YOU EVEN BEGIN, to think along those lines...no..you can NOT.


(I am not an RD fanboy, she is 5th of the top 6 best ponies in my mind, but I understand her. Being a Roleplayer with almost 20 years of tabletop, fanfiction, and online EXP, i...i know this character, and i belove it...sidebar: Rarity = best pony!)



Rarity= best Pony!


GustyVelvet= Best Ranter!

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Because she's arrogant, conceited and obnoxious...At least that's what I have against her. How can you NOT see why some people don't like her? And if you ask me she barely lives up to her Element of Harmony at all...


None of them always live up to their Element of Harmony, and reducing characters to their Element is, in my opinion, trying to fit them into a narrow, stereotypical box. Of course they don't always fit it, because they're ponies, not the embodiment of that Element themselves. They're 'human' in that way. Nobody is always perfectly loyal, no one is perfectly good at making ponies laugh all the time (Pinkie Pie again making Fluttershy cry several times in an episode, and creepily stalking that donkey character whose name I can't really remember, along with causing Twilight tons of pain in another episode, and complete chaos in Too Many Pinkie Pies that ended up disorienting her friends), nobody is always generous, etc. Why would you expect the characters to be?


The reason why the characters represent their elements is as follows:

  1. Pinkie Pie represents Laughter because that is her primary goal in life - to get others to laugh. Whether or not she succeeds at that, or whether or not she hurts somepony's feelings, does not detract from this fact.
  2. Fluttershy represents Kindness because as a character, she is generally nurturing. Does that mean she's always nice? No. She has, on multiple occasions, put ponies down. But she represents the ideal of 'others haven't been kind to me so I'm going to choose to be nice in return so the world is a better place'.
  3. Rarity represents Generosity because she presents her vision of artwork to the world and contributes to it, and ultimately when it comes down to it in important situations, she will consider other ponies over herself. That doesn't mean she's never selfish, but when it truly matters, she isn't. (That being said I don't like how she tried to guilt Spike out of his gem...)
  4. Applejack represents Honesty because her way of living is an honest one: to help the people that she needs, and the pony that she presents is her instead of some kind of front. That doesn't mean she never tells a lie. Honesty is much more complex than simple avoidance of white lies, you know.
  5. Rainbow Dash represents Loyalty because when the choice needs to be made between her dream and her friends, she will definitely choose her friends and this is something she has consistently proven. She also stubbornly doesn't give up on her friends (or at least, post Dragonshy). This does not mean that she's constantly there for them, but when someone wants a job done they can ultimately rely on her for it (even if it might come at some grumbling here and there).
  6. Twilight represents Magic for all of these reasons. She displays each of these traits, and she also displays what the culmination of these traits can do to somepony. Twilight has changed because of the other ponies into somepony more warm, affectionate, and generally knowledgeable in dealing with these kinds of situations and ideals.

People don't see others' opinions all the time because we are not other people. That's why topics like this exist in the first place, because we want to come to understand where people are coming from. If you don't want to understand why people like Rainbow Dash, then I don't see why you're in this thread.


Because some people—shockingly—have different opinions from you, perhaps?


You don't have to agree with people who dislike Rainbow Dash, but perhaps you could at least offer the common courtesy of being able to see it from their point-of-view instead of "I just can't understand why people don't like her."


This thread exists because the OP is asking you, as a group, to tell them why you dislike Rainbow Dash. There's no need to be condescending toward them; they're putting the floor on you to tell them. This isn't talking behind your back. You're free to throw in your opinion here. There are people who have posted here who have been ignorant, and I definitely don't agree with those people, but there's no need to act like it's criminal to open up the discussion for all of you to join in.

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In my opinion, arrogance is a much more respectable trait than modesty. If you have the skills, and are able to demonstrate them at any time, then why the hell shouldn't you show off, because it will annoy you? Why would it be annoying? Shouldn't the fact that another pony has found something that they're good at be a happy occasion?  As opposed to modesty: "This picture is a masterpiece but I don't think it's all that great so therefore everyone should think it's bad." 


People who are overly modest are commonly victims of missed opportunties, because people who have talent, and know that they have talent are going to be more desirable.

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I personally love it when RD is bragging about herself. I mean, it's true after all. She is awesome.

Edited by LatinoChurro
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In my opinion, arrogance is a much more respectable trait than modesty. If you have the skills, and are able to demonstrate them at any time, then why the hell shouldn't you show off, because it will annoy you? Why would it be annoying? Shouldn't the fact that another pony has found something that they're good at be a happy occasion?  As opposed to modesty: "This picture is a masterpiece but I don't think it's all that great so therefore everyone should think it's bad." 


People who are overly modest are commonly victims of missed opportunties, because people who have talent, and know that they have talent are going to be more desirable.

tbf, I've always thought the show has done a pretty terrible job with it's modesty morals :P

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Please keep all arguments and baity statements about Rarity to yourselves, this thread has nothing to do with her at all. Thanks.




I don't mind much when people don't like RD, but it does tick me off when they assume the only reason people like her is because of some kind of shallow meme or something. It seems like many people are drawn to Dash when first getting into the show, and then move on to other characters as time goes along. This, however, doesn't mean that her loyal ;) fans should be treated like they're stuck in the middle of some immature phase that they'll grow out of in time. Some of us just happen to like adorable, dorky, ambitious pegasi with a lotta character development and a desperate and relatable fear of failure :muffins:.


Instead of disparaging people who don't like Rainbow Dash, I'd like to encourage people to take another look at her. What motivates her, what she's afraid of, how she's changed over time, all that stuff. I can understand being put off by many many many of Dash's actions and attitudes, but as with all main characters on this show, the surface doesn't tell the full story. And if you still don't like her at the end of all that, at least you've had an excuse to think. And she's a cartoon horse, so she's unlikely to be offended :P



but do you really want to take that risk





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  • 5 months later...

I love Rainbow Dash, but I also despise her. 


Let me elaborate. The pony Rainbow Dash is awesome! I love her! If Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie didn't exist, she would be my favorite pony. Sure, she has her flaws, but that applies to all characters, and character flaw isn't a reason to hate. Look at Applejack. Her flaws are subtle to the point others don't notice, and she has the least fans. (As far as I know.) Rainbow Dash is loyal, but she has trouble proving that she is the most loyal of her friends. I mean she's even going against Rarity, who isn't the element of loyalty, as being the most loyal. Both of them have dreams that could easily make them leave their friends, and both of them still stay in Ponyville. (Rarity isn't intentionally stealing her element. Hehe :) ) Rainbow Dash's character may look easy to write, but it's difficult. How does one write her to show that she's more loyal than the rest of her friends? It can happen, and I think it should. I've had many ideas on how to write Rainbow Dash as being very loyal. Unfortunately, I can't write her character. I am best with slice of life which isn't typically great for Rainbow Dash. If you actually pay attention, Rainbow Dash is in fact the most loyal of the Mane Six. She wasn't loyal in Dragon Shy, but remember, Rarity wanted to steal gems, and if I wanted to use Dragon Shy as proof Rainbow isn't loyal, I should use it as proof Rarity isn't generous, and I do neither. If you want proof Rainbow Dash is loyal: remember, she agreed to take Scootaloo under her wing, and she didn't abandon her even after knowing she was easily scared and that she couldn't fly. Also, she admires the loyalty of others. She chose a tortoise (after expressing that she wanted a fast flying pet, the opposite of a tortoise.) after he helped her while the others abandoned her. Finally, she is loyal, but not so loyal that she is stuck with someone for the rest of her life. She stopped being friends with Gilda after realizing that she (Gilda) is a jerk. Rainbow Dash is very loyal but not so loyal that she would stay with someone after they treat others wrong. I love that about her. 


Unfortunately, I hate the human Rainbow Dash. Maybe she's a great character, but I don't see that. She just seems arrogant, and I don't see any sign of loyalty. I can easily imagine her moving schools if she finds out that the other school has a better atheletic program than Canterlot High. She's annoying, self absorbed, and rude. I hate her. She is the main reason I don't see the humans as just the Mane Six as human. I see them as completely different characters. (They are, but I mean human Rainbow Dash isn't Rainbow Dash as a human for example.) Again, she could be a great character, but so far, I haven't seen any sign of it. I could be missing something though. 


Pony Rainbow Dash: Love 


Human Rainbow Dash: Hate


I think a lot of her hate is from Rainbow Rocks, to be honest. 



Of course, there is also her fanbase. Some of her fans can be pretty annoying. (Same with fans of every other Mane Six, though.) 


It could be because she is so popular that they believe that she isn't loved for a good reason. It may be the opposite of how people who know Rarity is the most hated. (she was when I started watching the show) You know how some people may start thinking "Rarity can't be that bad!"? Maybe similar to that, people are thinking "Rainbow Dash can't be that good." Naturally, that could cause them to focus on the bad instead of the good because people typically hate to be wrong. If they see Rainbow Dash as good, that means they were wrong, so they would ignore her good qualities. (This is just a theory.) 


Top reasons I think people hate her (Not in order.) 


1. She's not loyal. (That is false, but they may not notice when she's loyal.) 

2. Rainbow Rocks. (I don't blame them, but I wish they would put Equestria Girls as a different canon.)

3. Her popularity. (She's so popular that some may think she's isn't as good as everyone says causing them to focus on her negative qualities)


These are just guesses and thoeries. Sorry if I'm way off. 


Rarity Fan Club

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Ugh I really REALLY hate these.  The main six are all flawed individuals, that's what makes them great characters. You not a huge fan of one/ could care less about them and aren't endeared to them, that's perfectly understandable, we all think differently, for example Twilight is my least favorite of the Mane 6 and Fluttershy my favorite, but you'll fine plenty of fans that think the exact opposite way I do, but I will gladly admit Twilight as been a great source of entertainment and I will acknowledge Fluttershy has her faults.


As for why people hate on a character A) they really really hate said character at which point I have to ask why are you a fan of the show then if you despise one of the protagonists?  or  B) someone dislikes a character but everyone else loves them, so an inverse sort of confirmation bias occurs where the person convinces themselves that they are in the right and this further spirls down further and further into dislike by the surrounding praise that every time one see the object of their animosity they can now only see the hate and anger they've constructed around the character.  

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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Maybe the same reasons some people hate Sonic. While she is cool she can be annoying or arrogant and I just realized her character development isn't some of the best.

Maybe the same reasons some people hate Sonic. While she is cool she can be annoying or arrogant and I just realized her character development isn't some of the best.

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Well I know many people dislike her ego -_- It could also have something to do with how she sometimes goes against her element :huh: Or maybe they envy her awesomeness B) Whatever the case may be, one of these or another reason is why some people dislike Dashie :(


I understand how her ego can sometimes rub you the wrong way (*cough* Mysterious Mare Do Well and Rainbow Rocks *cough*) but I believe she's slowly starting to improve on that. That and the writers are learning their lesson and won't keep portraying her in such a way that the fans hate ^_^ Also about her going against her element...the others have done that before too >_>


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I don't mind ego and pride,  we all have those in real life

but my problem is Dash learns a lesson,  has a taste of

her ego getting hurt,  a bit of humbleness and than shes

right back to her old ways.   It likes shes stuck in a

look of repeat and her cannon not growing from the lessons

she learned (yah i know its the writers but still writers....)


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Dash is a complex character, and it's just to easy to only see the surface when there is so much more beneath that confident persona of her.


She's got inferiority issues, issues with studying, puts her personal heroes in too high of a pedestal, etc. She's more than her cock exterior leads her to look like. She is a very interesting character in my book. :)

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm not going to go down into details but my biggest pet peeve with Rainbow is her damn ego... she thinks WAY too highly about herself and I don't like people like that... I take it most people who don't like her think the same...


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Because she's obviously worst pone. 10/10 could rek. Plus she doesn't eat eggs. Tha's shet.

(fixed the in correct spellings, the ones that are in correct now are supposed to be there.

Edited by Brechard
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A lot of people like myself hate her because of her fans.

No offense but that's an extremely petty reason to dislike her. Blaming her for something that isn't her fault. If judged ponies solely based on their fans, I would despise Fluttershy with a passion.


I'm not going to go down into details but my biggest pet peeve with Rainbow is her damn ego... she thinks WAY too highly about herself and I don't like people like that... I take it most people who don't like her think the same...

So you have a problem with people who have a lot of determination and take pride in what they do? 

Edited by airtseuqe
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A lot of people like myself hate her because of her fans.

That reason is not just petty, but insincere. Scapegoating fans for disliking anything, much less a character, does nothing except prove how factually weak-minded he or she is. Anyone who scapegoats fans for something the writers are to blame have no genuine interest in any part of the product.

  • Brohoof 2

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