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Is Rarity very wealthy?


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her house looks so nice and bigger than the other mane 6 houses.

I have to disagree with that, Rainbow Dash has a mansion.

I think you're forgetting somepony.


  • Brohoof 4
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while faking affection of course

Careful what you say, I would argue that she does honestly care about Spike and her affection towards him is genuine. 

I think you're forgetting somepony.


This was made on the spot by magic, it does not count towards how wealthy Twilight is or is not.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Considering that tent,mary go round looking house she lives in..no.


You'd figure shed be in a mansion like a certain somepony.. :fiery:  



But i guess that's more of a thing of taste..


But seriously,what equals 'wealth' in Equestria if you can just dig up a ton of jewels in one afternoon?  :derp:

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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It's possible. I mean her house does seem a bit bigger. Or at least it did until fort kickass got replaced by twi's castle. Dang I'm gonna miss fort kickass......

"There is no innocence on the internet, only varying degrees of guilt."

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I think that, given the successes she's had over the last couple seasons, Rarity will be the wealthiest of the Mane 6, but she is not there yet. She's had some important clients, to be sure (like Sapphire Shores) but she's still making a name for herself. Also, she's young, so she's likely still making payments on her shop and home. However, with her talent, her ability to find gems, and her connections, she will probably be doing very well for herself when she reaches the height of her career.


As it stands, I imagine that the wealthiest of the Mane 6 is currently Applejack, at least on paper, as she owns a one-third stake in Sweet Apple Acres.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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  • 1 month later...

So, I was wondering this for awhile now. Throughout the seasons, and just in general her style and fashion, I've wondered how much money Rarity actually has. I mean, she has very popular clients, some high class like in the episode where her sister sabatoges a dress for a very picky client.


So there's her style and such, but there is also her house. There is fine china, and just a lot of nice looking things. She's generous too, and gives fancy dresses to her friends with nice materials. She even got them tickets to a show in Manhatten, which means she is very well connected.


So, how much do you think Rarity makes? Would you consider her rich? In my opinion, I think she is.

Food for though :P

  • Brohoof 1

AdmiralCrunch222 PS4.
3DS Friend Code: 3282-4145-1500 Pat or Pixel Media is fine :P

http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/260706 Come join the fight against the dark :P

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I don't believe for a second Rarity is motivated by wealth (she does have the ability to find gems which are substitutes for currency or have value). For her it's mostly about getting her art out into the world.


I like this thread. I'll be back to discuss a little more because I do believe Rares is a business minded Pony.


And I know that really didn't answer the question completely ... but now I can follow this topic


Edited by Jeric
  • Brohoof 4



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Theory guy here.


- The amount that a fashion designer makes is dependent on their level of industry, cost of living, and location. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the average wage of fashion designers at all levels is $72,620.


- Since Rarity lives in a small town, the cost of living is very low when compared to a city like Manehatten (and its namesake), so this is probably why she is able to indulge herself in many of the luxuries she enjoys. Basically, Rarity can appear richer than she actually is. However, this factor also reduces her statistical income since every other pony in Ponyville's cost of living is lower, too.


- Thankfully, with the episode Suited for Success, we get to see Rarity getting attention from Hoity Toity, who seems to be very popular. It is safe to assume that Rarity is a cut and sew apparel manufacturer who statistically make a higher than the average wage, at $73,030. Because she is exporting her dresses to Hoity, her location doesn't mean much. This is a conservative amount, since it doesn't take into consideration money Rarity makes from ponies buying her clothing in Ponyville. It's a moot point because Hoity may not be buying from her year round, and she may very well be more successful than most fashion designers in rural areas.


- Following version two of this bits to USD conversion theory (one bit is about $3.50), $73,030 (the most probable average) equates to 20,866 bits when rounded up.


Tl;dr Rarity makes 20,866 bits annually.

Edited by oceandeath
  • Brohoof 3


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@, :blink: :blink:


I think it's impossible to know because we're not sure how many dollars is a bit, plus her clients can be more or less generous.

Edited by Blobulle
  • Brohoof 2
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Let's do us some equestrian business math:


Let's assume an apple is 1 bit, as advertised by Applejack.


Apple = 1bit


However, as we have seen from current cannon technology, they may not have the ability to preserve the apples during the winter months. So let's assume they have canned apples; fruit canning (jarring) would definitely be inline with the show. This process is a bit more labor intensive, however, as expressed in 'Putting Your Hoof Down', 1 bit for a cherry is fine, but 2 bits 'is a ripoff,' or something to that extent.


Let's break the bit down into pieces of eight. So 8 eighths equal one bit.


The canning process would probably not be that labor intensive or as expensive, as actually growing and harvesting the thing. So a jar of apples, (a quart jar would hold 3) would cost say:


1qt Canned Apples = 3bits and 4 eighths.


We are going to assume each month has 24 days, as expressed by a rogue calendar in the show, however, as you will see, the rest of our measurements will be relative. Based on Apple-Math we can assume quite a few things. Since I can quantify how much canned apples would cost in a post-industrial/pre-modern world, relative to our inflation, but with less progress in the international labor department. EG: Steampunk World


Our World 2014 [less international labor] Canned Apples [in a Jar] 1qt = $4.85




3.5 / 4.85 = ~.72

So 1bit = $1.38


We are going to be running a parallel timeline, where things are a hair bit more expensive due to non-existent slave labor (akin to what we have today) and so we get our new unit. I am going to also assume, that the bills I am basing everything from are a rural area. Ponyville is not a metropolis, but neither is it a small town (as relative to other cities). I am going to say, everything is... about 18% more expensive in this fictional world.


Running Water (As Seen on Sister Hooves Social) / Sewer

Our World: $78 / Month

Our Fictional World: $92.04 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~66bits (72% conversion rate)


Electricity NaN


House Payment (You Don't Want Me to Explain this One)

Our World: ~$580 / Month

Our Fictional World: $684.40 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~492bits (72% conversion rate)


Food (A Pony Has to Eat)

Our World: ~$230 / Month

Our Fictional World: $271.40 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~195bits (72% conversion rate)


Travel (Assuming Regular Train Travel 4 Times / Moth + Carriage)

Our World: ~$80 / Month

Our Fictional World: $94.4 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~68bits  (72% conversion rate)


Insurance (Dragons, Hydras, Unicorns, Yeah, They have insurance.)

Our World: ~$34 / Month [basic]

Our Fictional World: $40.12 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~28bits (72% conversion rate)


Buffer (Always Have a Buffer)

Our World: ~$50 / Month

Our Fictional World: $59 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~42bits (72% conversion rate)


Negative Carry (Assuming High End Change of Eighths)

Poneyville Conversion: -6bits


Total Bits: 891bits

Minus Buffer: 885bits


Ok, so we have the basic utility living down. I assume she is a bit pincher, and only left a 50 bit budget to cover entertainment and such. Let us assume all of her advertisement is WOM (word of mouth). We will also assume that she doesn't make her own fabric, but buys that fabric produced in a mill somewhere. This total calculation may be very off, but this is based upon consumer pricing of current fabric, materials, ect. We will only be covering depleting resources, and not those things which may be paid off. EG: Shaping Forms.


Before we can calculate her production cost though, we need to determine her production rate:


Let's assume Equestrian days are just a hair longer than ours. Calculating just how much is not necessary. In the episode Art of the Dress, Rarity fabricates several dresses at the same time, proving she is a great creative multi tasker. The average length of time, from conception to completion on a dress as complicated as those, would be roughly one week per, however, Rarity proves her obsession by often working late into the nights and while traveling (as seen in A Canterlot Wedding). I am going to use the 'magic' card here, and say 3 days per dress.


Roughing the average cost of dress is difficult, as Rarity proves she has a very broad taste.


Bolt of Cloth (Higher End Fabric)

Our World: ~$52

Our Fictional World: ~$62

Poneyville Conversion: ~45bits (72% conversion rate)


Sewing Supplies / Loom Wear&Tear /ect (Higher End Fabric)

Our World: ~$4.50

Our Fictional World: $5.31

Poneyville Conversion: ~3bits 2 eighths (72% conversion rate)


Drafting Supplies

Our World: ~3.50

Our Fictional World: ~$4.13


Poneyville Conversion: ~2bits 7 eighths (72% conversion rate)


Error Buffer (This Can't Be to High)

Our World: ~$6.00

Our Fictional World: ~$7.00

Poneyville Conversion: ~5bits (72% conversion rate)


Total Bits: ~56bits


We also need to calculate a few other factors in. Let's assume she works non-stop, and takes 3 days off in her 24 day month. So 7 dresses per month.


Total Bits: ~392bits


Now, let's take our cost calculations and add them together:


Dress Cost Total Bits: ~392bits

Living Cost Total Bits: ~885bits


Cost Total Bits: 1277bits


Her Cost Per Dress: 182bits 4 eighths


We're not done yet! That is her raw cost, she can NOT go below that, or she is loosing money. We also need to add another dress in there to cover the cost of her making a dress for herself every now and again. That means one dress NOT for sale, and one dress cost for herself. Let's assume she turns around and sells her old wardrobe later at cost. So we will only calculate one lost dress (for her time to make herself a dress). She will create herself one dress per month.


The Cost of Fashion: 91bits 2 eighths

Divided by Seven Dresses [Loss Per Dress]: 13bits


New Total Cost Her Side Per Dress: 195bits and 4 eighths


Again, she MUST make this new total to cover her losses and live. Since I included her living expenses in this, I am going to assume minimal markup. Taxes must be calculated though, and she will owe taxes. No economy can survive without them. Now, our rough total tax in the United States in a similar area is ~23% total. There are writeoffs and such, but remember, Equestria probably doesn't have the war-machine that the United States does. So we are going to assume a flat sales tax on goods in Equestria. Lt's assume one piece of eight per every bit. That is flat sales tax of 12.5% rounded down. Equestrians do not pay any other taxes.


Cost Her Side Per Dress: 195bits 4 eighths

Customer Cost After 12.5% Flat Tax: ~220bits


Ignore this for a moment. Let's assume she wants to expand someday. She needs a markup to gather savings. Let's assume she does half of the tax rate, a very modest (and lady-like) 6%.


Cost Her Side Per Dress: 195bits 4 eighths

Customer Cost After Markup: 207bits 2 eighths

Customer Cost After 12.5% Flat Tax: ~233bits and 1 eighths


Each dress will fluctuate based upon style and manner, but this is a solid base cost.


Let's assume there are 4 cycles, and each cycle consist of 3 months, for a 12 months cycle. (A fancy way of saying 12 months in a year.) Also, assuming she sells every dress - in real business you wouldn't, but you might sell dresses from last year:


Gross / Month: 1631bits 7 eighths

Net / Month [Take Away Taxes]: 1450bits 6 eighths


Net / Year: 17409bits 

This post is amazing. I never said she was motivated by wealth, but she certainly seems wealthy.

  • Brohoof 2

AdmiralCrunch222 PS4.
3DS Friend Code: 3282-4145-1500 Pat or Pixel Media is fine :P

http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/260706 Come join the fight against the dark :P

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Whatever it was at the beginning of the show, she's making a Hell of a lot more of it now! That's for certain.


Consider, sure she had her own live in business where presumably she makes for special occasions for ponies in Ponyville, allowing her to charge a premium as most in Ponyville seem to go bare on their day to day.


Saphire Shores was probably her first big break but it would not be her last as she got some Canterlot exposure from both Hoity Toity and later Fancypants.


Considering that Saphire Shores hired her again and she won that competition in Manehatten, I'd say Rarity is rolling in it now!


This is part of why she's my favorite of the Mane Six, she's such an entrepreneur and it's inspiring for a fellow creative type.

I don't believe for a second Rarity is motivated by wealth (she does have the ability to find gems which are substitutes for currency or have value). For her it's mostly about getting her art out into the world.

I like this thread. I'll be back to discuss a little more because I do believe Rares is a business minded Pony.

And I know that really didn't answer the question completely ... but now I can follow this topic


Doesn't mean you can't be both.


Someone can consider money what it truly is, a means to an end. Or they can consider it the reward for their efforts. Or they could consider their efforts the reward and money just the method.


For Rarity, her end is making the world more beautiful, she does this through the medium of clothing and occasional decoration. More money means she can spread that influence further.


Of course, we saw a nasty example of what happens when Rarity goes off the rails in making the world "more beautiful."

Edited by Steel Accord
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@, :please: Want to do my next quarterly department P&L?




Consider, sure she had her own live in business where presumably she makes for special occasions for ponies in Ponyville, allowing her to charge a premium as most in Ponyville seem to go bare on their day to day. Saphire Shores was probably her first big break but it would not be her last as she got some Canterlot exposure from both Hoity Toity and later Fancypants.


Here is the most interesting thing about Rarity as a business mare. It's obvious from the Cutie Mark Chronicles that she has a filly age connection to the Carousel Boutique. In my personal headcanon she apprenticed under someone and eventually saved up or was gifted the deed at some point when the owner retired. From there she likely became a special order dressmaker for Ponyville citizens for a while, also grabbing the occasional interior decorator job as seen in the pilot. Then a chance visit by Hoity Toity changed everything. Pulling off a miracle from disaster, she impresses the fashion stallion who helps spread the word around Canterlot abput a up and coming designer in a small provincial town not that far away. Enter Sapphire Shores, Rarity's first major client. At this point Rarity starts to build a reputation and name for herself in the industry, and by RTM she is getting exclusive costume contracts, and attending Fashion Week, which one can assume is invite only.


She does have an upward trajectory thanks to a serendipitous moment in Season 1, and I suspect that a future episode may be that dream vs. home conflict. It seems that the only thing holding Rarity back from taking Equestria by storm and really raking it in is her love for her family, friends, and town.



EDIT: Also want to note that due to the compressed nature of the time line (a lot of stuff happens really quickly to these Ponies) Rarity is likely not experiencing a huge windfall yet. During rapid business growth, you usually run in the red for a while. Also, she is inventing ... yes inventing ... new fabrics. So who knows how that effects her material cost.



Edited by Jeric
  • Brohoof 2



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Let's do us some equestrian business math:


Let's assume an apple is 1 bit, as advertised by Applejack.


Apple = 1bit


However, as we have seen from current cannon technology, they may not have the ability to preserve the apples during the winter months. So let's assume they have canned apples; fruit canning (jarring) would definitely be inline with the show. This process is a bit more labor intensive, however, as expressed in 'Putting Your Hoof Down', 1 bit for a cherry is fine, but 2 bits 'is a ripoff,' or something to that extent.


Let's break the bit down into pieces of eight. So 8 eighths equal one bit.


The canning process would probably not be that labor intensive or as expensive, as actually growing and harvesting the thing. So a jar of apples, (a quart jar would hold 3) would cost say:


1qt Canned Apples = 3bits and 4 eighths.


We are going to assume each month has 24 days, as expressed by a rogue calendar in the show, however, as you will see, the rest of our measurements will be relative. Based on Apple-Math we can assume quite a few things. Since I can quantify how much canned apples would cost in a post-industrial/pre-modern world, relative to our inflation, but with less progress in the international labor department. EG: Steampunk World


Our World 2014 [less international labor] Canned Apples [in a Jar] 1qt = $4.85




3.5 / 4.85 = ~.72

So 1bit = $1.38


We are going to be running a parallel timeline, where things are a hair bit more expensive due to non-existent slave labor (akin to what we have today) and so we get our new unit. I am going to also assume, that the bills I am basing everything from are a rural area. Ponyville is not a metropolis, but neither is it a small town (as relative to other cities). I am going to say, everything is... about 18% more expensive in this fictional world.


Running Water (As Seen on Sister Hooves Social) / Sewer

Our World: $78 / Month

Our Fictional World: $92.04 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~66bits (72% conversion rate)


Electricity NaN


House Payment (You Don't Want Me to Explain this One)

Our World: ~$580 / Month

Our Fictional World: $684.40 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~492bits (72% conversion rate)


Food (A Pony Has to Eat)

Our World: ~$230 / Month

Our Fictional World: $271.40 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~195bits (72% conversion rate)


Travel (Assuming Regular Train Travel 4 Times / Moth + Carriage)

Our World: ~$80 / Month

Our Fictional World: $94.4 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~68bits  (72% conversion rate)


Insurance (Dragons, Hydras, Unicorns, Yeah, They have insurance.)

Our World: ~$34 / Month [basic]

Our Fictional World: $40.12 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~28bits (72% conversion rate)


Buffer (Always Have a Buffer)

Our World: ~$50 / Month

Our Fictional World: $59 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~42bits (72% conversion rate)


Negative Carry (Assuming High End Change of Eighths)

Poneyville Conversion: -6bits


Total Bits: 891bits

Minus Buffer: 885bits


Ok, so we have the basic utility living down. I assume she is a bit pincher, and only left a 50 bit budget to cover entertainment and such. Let us assume all of her advertisement is WOM (word of mouth). We will also assume that she doesn't make her own fabric, but buys that fabric produced in a mill somewhere. This total calculation may be very off, but this is based upon consumer pricing of current fabric, materials, ect. We will only be covering depleting resources, and not those things which may be paid off. EG: Shaping Forms.


Before we can calculate her production cost though, we need to determine her production rate:


Let's assume Equestrian days are just a hair longer than ours. Calculating just how much is not necessary. In the episode Art of the Dress, Rarity fabricates several dresses at the same time, proving she is a great creative multi tasker. The average length of time, from conception to completion on a dress as complicated as those, would be roughly one week per, however, Rarity proves her obsession by often working late into the nights and while traveling (as seen in A Canterlot Wedding). I am going to use the 'magic' card here, and say 3 days per dress.


Roughing the average cost of dress is difficult, as Rarity proves she has a very broad taste.


Bolt of Cloth (Higher End Fabric)

Our World: ~$52

Our Fictional World: ~$62

Poneyville Conversion: ~45bits (72% conversion rate)


Sewing Supplies / Loom Wear&Tear /ect (Higher End Fabric)

Our World: ~$4.50

Our Fictional World: $5.31

Poneyville Conversion: ~3bits 2 eighths (72% conversion rate)


Drafting Supplies

Our World: ~3.50

Our Fictional World: ~$4.13


Poneyville Conversion: ~2bits 7 eighths (72% conversion rate)


Error Buffer (This Can't Be to High)

Our World: ~$6.00

Our Fictional World: ~$7.00

Poneyville Conversion: ~5bits (72% conversion rate)


Total Bits: ~56bits


We also need to calculate a few other factors in. Let's assume she works non-stop, and takes 3 days off in her 24 day month. So 7 dresses per month.


Total Bits: ~392bits


Now, let's take our cost calculations and add them together:


Dress Cost Total Bits: ~392bits

Living Cost Total Bits: ~885bits


Cost Total Bits: 1277bits


Her Cost Per Dress: 182bits 4 eighths


We're not done yet! That is her raw cost, she can NOT go below that, or she is loosing money. We also need to add another dress in there to cover the cost of her making a dress for herself every now and again. That means one dress NOT for sale, and one dress cost for herself. Let's assume she turns around and sells her old wardrobe later at cost. So we will only calculate one lost dress (for her time to make herself a dress). She will create herself one dress per month.


The Cost of Fashion: 91bits 2 eighths

Divided by Seven Dresses [Loss Per Dress]: 13bits


New Total Cost Her Side Per Dress: 195bits and 4 eighths


Again, she MUST make this new total to cover her losses and live. Since I included her living expenses in this, I am going to assume minimal markup. Taxes must be calculated though, and she will owe taxes. No economy can survive without them. Now, our rough total tax in the United States in a similar area is ~23% total. There are writeoffs and such, but remember, Equestria probably doesn't have the war-machine that the United States does. So we are going to assume a flat sales tax on goods in Equestria. Lt's assume one piece of eight per every bit. That is flat sales tax of 12.5% rounded down. Equestrians do not pay any other taxes.


Cost Her Side Per Dress: 195bits 4 eighths

Customer Cost After 12.5% Flat Tax: ~220bits


Ignore this for a moment. Let's assume she wants to expand someday. She needs a markup to gather savings. Let's assume she does half of the tax rate, a very modest (and lady-like) 6%.


Cost Her Side Per Dress: 195bits 4 eighths

Customer Cost After Markup: 207bits 2 eighths

Customer Cost After 12.5% Flat Tax: ~233bits and 1 eighths


Each dress will fluctuate based upon style and manner, but this is a solid base cost.


Let's assume there are 4 cycles, and each cycle consist of 3 months, for a 12 months cycle. (A fancy way of saying 12 months in a year.) Also, assuming she sells every dress - in real business you wouldn't, but you might sell dresses from last year:


Gross / Month: 1631bits 7 eighths

Net / Month [Take Away Taxes]: 1450bits 6 eighths


Net / Year: 17409bits 

Oh my god.....I am speechless, What you did is ....very in depth. Bravo Mister detective, bravo indeed.

  • Brohoof 1


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Wait a minute, is equestria richer than murica?


Considering Celestia's "hooves off" attitude and the almost ceaseless peace they've had for the last thousand years, I'd say most definitely.


If I might be so rude, may we please refrain from the disrespectful slurs to any nation? 

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Rarity doesn't seem to get too much business too often, but when she does, it's usually someone who is famous. So, I think that she makes a good amount of money.

Mmh, I think she has many clients, but we only see the most famous ones.
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Rarity doesn't seem to get too much business too often, but when she does, it's usually someone who is famous. So, I think that she makes a good amount of money.



Mmh, I think she has many clients, but we only see the most famous ones.



Well, that's why I said "it's usually someone famous".


It could be that Rarity is more of a premium service then somepony others go to for just any old clothing order. She charges the few customers she gets more on the assurance that her clothing is of a higher quality than the customer could get elsewhere.

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Let's do us some equestrian business math:


Let's assume an apple is 1 bit, as advertised by Applejack.


Apple = 1bit


However, as we have seen from current cannon technology, they may not have the ability to preserve the apples during the winter months. So let's assume they have canned apples; fruit canning (jarring) would definitely be inline with the show. This process is a bit more labor intensive, however, as expressed in 'Putting Your Hoof Down', 1 bit for a cherry is fine, but 2 bits 'is a ripoff,' or something to that extent.


Let's break the bit down into pieces of eight. So 8 eighths equal one bit.


The canning process would probably not be that labor intensive or as expensive, as actually growing and harvesting the thing. So a jar of apples, (a quart jar would hold 3) would cost say:


1qt Canned Apples = 3bits and 4 eighths.


We are going to assume each month has 24 days, as expressed by a rogue calendar in the show, however, as you will see, the rest of our measurements will be relative. Based on Apple-Math we can assume quite a few things. Since I can quantify how much canned apples would cost in a post-industrial/pre-modern world, relative to our inflation, but with less progress in the international labor department. EG: Steampunk World


Our World 2014 [less international labor] Canned Apples [in a Jar] 1qt = $4.85




3.5 / 4.85 = ~.72

So 1bit = $1.38


We are going to be running a parallel timeline, where things are a hair bit more expensive due to non-existent slave labor (akin to what we have today) and so we get our new unit. I am going to also assume, that the bills I am basing everything from are a rural area. Ponyville is not a metropolis, but neither is it a small town (as relative to other cities). I am going to say, everything is... about 18% more expensive in this fictional world.


Running Water (As Seen on Sister Hooves Social) / Sewer

Our World: $78 / Month

Our Fictional World: $92.04 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~66bits (72% conversion rate)


Electricity NaN


House Payment (You Don't Want Me to Explain this One)

Our World: ~$580 / Month

Our Fictional World: $684.40 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~492bits (72% conversion rate)


Food (A Pony Has to Eat)

Our World: ~$230 / Month

Our Fictional World: $271.40 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~195bits (72% conversion rate)


Travel (Assuming Regular Train Travel 4 Times / Moth + Carriage)

Our World: ~$80 / Month

Our Fictional World: $94.4 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~68bits (72% conversion rate)


Insurance (Dragons, Hydras, Unicorns, Yeah, They have insurance.)

Our World: ~$34 / Month [basic]

Our Fictional World: $40.12 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~28bits (72% conversion rate)


Buffer (Always Have a Buffer)

Our World: ~$50 / Month

Our Fictional World: $59 / Month

Poneyville Conversion: ~42bits (72% conversion rate)


Negative Carry (Assuming High End Change of Eighths)

Poneyville Conversion: -6bits


Total Bits: 891bits

Minus Buffer: 885bits


Ok, so we have the basic utility living down. I assume she is a bit pincher, and only left a 50 bit budget to cover entertainment and such. Let us assume all of her advertisement is WOM (word of mouth). We will also assume that she doesn't make her own fabric, but buys that fabric produced in a mill somewhere. This total calculation may be very off, but this is based upon consumer pricing of current fabric, materials, ect. We will only be covering depleting resources, and not those things which may be paid off. EG: Shaping Forms.


Before we can calculate her production cost though, we need to determine her production rate:


Let's assume Equestrian days are just a hair longer than ours. Calculating just how much is not necessary. In the episode Art of the Dress, Rarity fabricates several dresses at the same time, proving she is a great creative multi tasker. The average length of time, from conception to completion on a dress as complicated as those, would be roughly one week per, however, Rarity proves her obsession by often working late into the nights and while traveling (as seen in A Canterlot Wedding). I am going to use the 'magic' card here, and say 3 days per dress.


Roughing the average cost of dress is difficult, as Rarity proves she has a very broad taste.


Bolt of Cloth (Higher End Fabric)

Our World: ~$52

Our Fictional World: ~$62

Poneyville Conversion: ~45bits (72% conversion rate)


Sewing Supplies / Loom Wear&Tear /ect (Higher End Fabric)

Our World: ~$4.50

Our Fictional World: $5.31

Poneyville Conversion: ~3bits 2 eighths (72% conversion rate)


Drafting Supplies

Our World: ~3.50

Our Fictional World: ~$4.13


Poneyville Conversion: ~2bits 7 eighths (72% conversion rate)


Error Buffer (This Can't Be to High)

Our World: ~$6.00

Our Fictional World: ~$7.00

Poneyville Conversion: ~5bits (72% conversion rate)


Total Bits: ~56bits


We also need to calculate a few other factors in. Let's assume she works non-stop, and takes 3 days off in her 24 day month. So 7 dresses per month.


Total Bits: ~392bits


Now, let's take our cost calculations and add them together:


Dress Cost Total Bits: ~392bits

Living Cost Total Bits: ~885bits


Cost Total Bits: 1277bits


Her Cost Per Dress: 182bits 4 eighths


We're not done yet! That is her raw cost, she can NOT go below that, or she is loosing money. We also need to add another dress in there to cover the cost of her making a dress for herself every now and again. That means one dress NOT for sale, and one dress cost for herself. Let's assume she turns around and sells her old wardrobe later at cost. So we will only calculate one lost dress (for her time to make herself a dress). She will create herself one dress per month.


The Cost of Fashion: 91bits 2 eighths

Divided by Seven Dresses [Loss Per Dress]: 13bits


New Total Cost Her Side Per Dress: 195bits and 4 eighths


Again, she MUST make this new total to cover her losses and live. Since I included her living expenses in this, I am going to assume minimal markup. Taxes must be calculated though, and she will owe taxes. No economy can survive without them. Now, our rough total tax in the United States in a similar area is ~23% total. There are writeoffs and such, but remember, Equestria probably doesn't have the war-machine that the United States does. So we are going to assume a flat sales tax on goods in Equestria. Lt's assume one piece of eight per every bit. That is flat sales tax of 12.5% rounded down. Equestrians do not pay any other taxes.


Cost Her Side Per Dress: 195bits 4 eighths

Customer Cost After 12.5% Flat Tax: ~220bits


Ignore this for a moment. Let's assume she wants to expand someday. She needs a markup to gather savings. Let's assume she does half of the tax rate, a very modest (and lady-like) 6%.


Cost Her Side Per Dress: 195bits 4 eighths

Customer Cost After Markup: 207bits 2 eighths

Customer Cost After 12.5% Flat Tax: ~233bits and 1 eighths


Each dress will fluctuate based upon style and manner, but this is a solid base cost.


Let's assume there are 4 cycles, and each cycle consist of 3 months, for a 12 months cycle. (A fancy way of saying 12 months in a year.) Also, assuming she sells every dress - in real business you wouldn't, but you might sell dresses from last year:


Gross / Month: 1631bits 7 eighths

Net / Month [Take Away Taxes]: 1450bits 6 eighths


Net / Year: 17409bits

My head is about to blow from reading this
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Well, I think she is quite wealthy. And this is evidenced by several things in the show. First, she knows people and in the cold and cruel world called Equestria, it's hard to know famous and/or powerful people without being successful yourself, if you see what I mean.


And if her business is successful, then she must be quite wealthy.

Her dresses sell well and she works for a lot of influential ponies.


Also, she is very generous. Hard to be generous if you don't have any money to give away, right ? 

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Not sure if this has been mentioned or not already, but...
Has anyone considered that there is a difference between how much Rarity "makes," through her business and fashion designing, and how wealthy she is? 
That difference: she has a special talent for finding gems with her magic. The episode "Diamond Dogs" shows how Rarity is basically capable of gaining unlimited wealth. No wonder she's so generous; money is practically valueless to her since she could have as much of it as she wants (ASSUMING that gemstones can be sold for money in the pony world. I'm not sure if this has been confirmed in the show, though; it could be that gemstones are rare and used in fashion but can't be bought or sold easily. That wouldn't make any sense in our own world, but hey, they aren't living in our world).
Still, there are others who, with Rarity's gift of finding gemstones, would hoard as many as they could and give none away except to those willing to pay enough. Rarity doesn't do this, which is really impressive and kind of inspirational.

In terms of what she makes from her business, it's probably a lot less than what she could be making if she was greedy. She's an amazing dress maker and could probably charge a very large sum of money for her wares. However, knowing Rarity and her generosity, she probably sells them for a lot cheaper than she could, and I wouldn't be surprised if she gave out dresses for free on special occasions or to special people, like the dresses she made for her friends for the Grand Galloping Gala. So her profits are probably less than you'd expect due to her generosity. 

  • Brohoof 1
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@Cork Top, I briefly eluded to her minecraft wealth in my first post. That talent and gem spell adds an interesting twist to her wealth capabilities. To me, I believe that Rarity uses it for fashion primarily, and maybe for Spike, but since she has used it as currency in Rarity Takes Manehattan it makes the whole wealth question a VERY interesting one. If you believe in the predestination theory it would make sense that the Tree of Harmony would select Rarity as the Element of Generosity based on both her talent and her natural charity as was already suggested.


This of course assumes that the gem spell can only be performed by Rarity and unicorns who are highly skilled at magic (Twilight). Either way, Rarity can easily be the wealthiest Pony in Equestria if her focus wasn't on fashion.  

  • Brohoof 1



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