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What do you think of closet bronies?


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It makes me sad how some people are very judgemental to other peoples favorite cartoon, before they even watched a segment of them.

As for my sister, she calls people who like MLP "creepy weirdos", despite her fascination with another kid's show, Pokemon.

Well, I've even seen people her age (26) that watch Boobah, which I watched a few years ago, and have to admit, has no content besides spherical monsters dancing.



Well, I was raised into a family that shunned watched sexual content on television. When even the Simpsons kissed, that was too suggestive, so the TV was changed to another channel. 


I do not like violence, such as in Breaking Bad, or first-person shooters. And, I do not like "romance" which quickly becomes dirty on TV shows. So, that eliminates most adult shows, besides PBS documentaries, which I do watch on occasion.

But, for fiction, I have to turn to kids shows. I'm 17 turning 18, by the way. They're not filled with filler shooting or romancing.

The unfortunate fact is that many children's' shows lack content. It is a rarity to come by one which the writers have cared much about it enough to not it let it become a "Spongebob Squarepants". My Little Pony is one of those good shows.


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I guess you could say that I'm a closet brony, even though I've lost some interest in the show.


It's not because I'm afraid that I'll be made fun of if people find out that I like MLP, but rather that I just don't like talking about myself and my interests that much. :/ When I'm with my real life friends we usually just talk about other things. I'm not a very big fan of the show, so I see no reason to tell anyone. But eh, that's just me.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm not really hiding the fact that I like the show anymore, I just don't usually going around telling people i'm a brony. But if I hear someone talking shit about bronies or ponies, i'm gonna say something. 


Especially if they're talking bad about Fluttershy!

Fluttershy Fan Club


sig by Blue Snowfire



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I used to be a closet Brony, until my dad barged into my room and saw my desktop, which had Twilight on it. Thanks, Dad. -_-
As for school, I didn't tell anyone about it, out of fear that I would be the laughing stock of the school, but then I found people who loved the show as well, and I started wearing dog tags to school, and nobody gives me shit over it. It's a good thing too. Then again, this is the same guy who wears a Sonic hat to school everyday. :P

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I don't care what other people think about me being a fan, but I just don't feel the need to tell to annyone else. Only a few know.

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for my Signature goes to Vinyl Scratch.

Credit for my Avatar goes to Jack-A-Lynn on Deviantart

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It's their choice. I hid it for a while, but then I stopped giving a care and my life didn't change one bit.


I understand some folks might be concerned about family, and I wasn't sure how my would react, but I didn't care how they would react. I knew however they took it, we'd still be family afterwards. It's just a cartoon show, after all.



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  • 6 months later...

Being a closet brony is a good thing. A lot of people you encounter will make fun of you and stuff for being a brony. I highly regret revealing me being a brony to people at school because people don't seem to understand why I'm a brony. Some people are mature and won't judge, but others just see it as a flashing beacon that says HEY MAKE FUN OF THIS GUY. I bring up the show sometimes and I know it annoys people, but I try to just not bring it up. There's literally only 1 brony and 2 pegasisters at my school that I know, and one pegasister isn't even a friend of mine. Some things are better kept to yourself in certain situations.

Edited by MechanicalDoom
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I as a closet brony can only say I dislike closet bronys that mess with other bronys to protect them selfs, I would be open but the family I have to live with would ridicule especially my grandma she'd call me queer. The town I live in I would get laughed at too much. 


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To me, it is all personal choice, but if one were to chart the differances, one would see something like this:


1a) Likes to watch series

1b) Loves the series

2a) Has some merchandise

2b) Has wearable mercandise

3a) Tell others if asked

3b) Tell others unasked



It is all choices, I tend to fall into cats 1b, 2a and 3a.


Thus I am degree 1.33, or slightly above closet.

Edited by High Step
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I dont find the need to tell anyone (esp. friends who dont approve, i mean if they dont like mlp why tell them about it? They obv. dont wanna hear about mlp) and none of the merchandise is desirable to me, so technically im a closet brony, but my electronics, save for my second phone, have mlp backgrounds, and my binder sports a pic i drew of sunset shimmer so i def. dont hide it.


So i totally understand why people do want to hide it, because i have a reputation that can ne tarnished by disapproving people (friends see me as a paragon of american patriotism and chillness)

Edited by NotoriousSMALL
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I've never been in the closet, I just don't broadcast it.  So far, nobody I've told has been like "wow, that looks awesome!  I'd love to try it!"


In fact, about 80% of people have made fun of me for it.  But you know what?  I don't care.  And when you don't care, people don't make fun of you.  My parents asked me why I liked it, and were confused, and probably wondering if I was closet gay or something.  My brother tried to tell everyone he knew to embarrass me out of it, because I was embarrassing HIM by liking it.  My sisters tried to turn it into an insult.  Even my friends made fun of me, and apparently I 'lost 50% of my respect I had' that day.  But after about two weeks of not caring, they all gave up and laid off, and now nobody comments on it at all unless I bring it up, which I rarely do except to annoy my brother occasionally.  I'm still friends with those people, I still have the same relationship with my family I always did.


So there you go.  The problem isn't that people aren't accepting, because most people won't be.  The problem is that people don't know how to deal with bullies or people not accepting something about them.  If they wanna stop being friends cause you're a brony, good riddance.  I don't need friends that shallow.  And most of the time, people will only care for a week at most anyways.  Then they'll forget about it, the novelty of someone liking MLP will be gone, and you'll just be you again, just with the added trait of liking ponies.

Edited by legionbrony
  • Brohoof 1

“What surprises me most?  Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.  Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.  And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”


-The Dalai Lama

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The Closet Brony/Pegasister need to stop hiding who they truly, are they need to embrace it and stopping being something they aren't. our fandom has existed for years it will come to little to no surprise to anyone to see another Brony/Pegasister. people will accept you for who you are and if they don't then ignore them, that's how I've been living and everyone still treats me the same


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I don't see the need to shout from the rooftops that you are a brony. Rubbing something in other peoples faces is more likely to turn them against you than not. 


I mean, it's nothing to be ashamed of to like a cartoon but do you feel the need to tell everyone you know about all of the other cartoons you like? In the end, MLP is no different than something like pokemon or anime. Not everyone is going to like it or even accept it, you've got to know how to pick your battles. 


If the subject were to be brought up I would do my best to defend it but until then it's a none issue to me. A cartoon dose not define me as a person and it should not determine how other people see me.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't see the need to shout from the rooftops that you are a brony. Rubbing something in other peoples faces is more likely to turn them against you than not.


I mean, it's nothing to be ashamed of to like a cartoon but do you feel the need to tell everyone you know about all of the other cartoons you like? In the end, MLP is no different than something like pokemon or anime. Not everyone is going to like it or even accept it, you've got to know how to pick your battles.

I wish everyone felt that way. People who are in your face about anything, whether it's ponies or their sexuality or their favorite football team, really get on my nerves. Edited by legionbrony
  • Brohoof 1

“What surprises me most?  Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.  Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.  And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”


-The Dalai Lama

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Closet bronies are fine. I guess under that definition I MIGHT be a closet brony...maybe not.


I mean, it's not something I hide if I'm asked, but I don't really show it off IRL outside of my keychain. People really don't know my interests in general, so...does that make me a closet nerd or what? :P

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Well, I'm a closet brony, but I'm trying to let my classmates know in a good way, but they just can't take hints. I've drawn a lot of pony related stuff, one time evn writing DJ Pon3 next to it, and they still have no clue at all... *sigh*


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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As a closet brony myself, I really can't say anything negative about them. I can relate to not wanting to reveal something about yourself that will likely get you ridiculed. And thus, it really irks me when people say "Just admit it already". Yeah, because getting constantly ridiculed is something we definently want in our lives. Might as well start wearing signs that say "Kick me!".

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" ~ Optimus Prime

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Some people don't really like to draw attention to themselves, and seeing someone wearing MLP stuff or talking about it who isn't a little girl is going to get noticed one way or another. Since when exactly was it a bad thing to keep some parts of yourself from other people, especially when those people will have no interest in what you like and are more likely to mock you for it? Not to mention the inevitable explanations to people who have no clue what this fandom even is and why it exists. 


If you want to advertise that you're a brony and if it's worth the potential embarrassment to you, fine, but it's not worth it to others.

God knows I've made an ass of myself enough times to want to avoid the experience if at all possible.  Some of us just prefer to keep this info to people who have the same interest or people who are in no place to judge themselves.


Not to mention, in many school and work environments, you are likely going to be known by your most prominent trait. I don't think everyone wants to be known as "the pony guy/girl".  

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I was never a closet brony, because i was pretty much open about it just a few weeks after i started watching the show.


The thing however is, that was in the year 2011 and i was already 21, meaning i was already out of school. School is not really a place of understanding. Many young closet bronies are in fear of being mocked at school, which i can very much understand. The other people who are my age and closet bronies, probably are just generally shy, have fear of their family and friends not accepting them and/or have fear of what the people in the street think of them (if they wear brony shirts for example.)

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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My story is almost the same as yours mate



I play loads of Rocket League and GRID 2 on PC if you want to join me at some time. Account is linked in the pic above.

If you want to play Halo: Reach, Forza 6 or GTAV  with me on Xbox One, hit me up with a friend request at 'Yeloooh'

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It really depends on the situation for someone to decide to be a closet brony.  I respect people's decision to be closet if they decide to be.  I do want to come out and be as open as I can about it as nobody in my sitauation will really care but I am still somewhat embarrassed to be a brony and also watch the show a it just still seems a little odd to me.  That being said I havent hid the signs that I am a brony thats the best way to come out I think.  

Edited by alpinefroggy
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Well I was just a closet brony till Friday came around so yea, then I told my family, already ordering shirts to wear around plus I already have figurines and what not in my room, they were kind of hidden, but now I don't care. Was I a coward, kind of yes I guess, was I justified in not wanting to tell, sure as hell yes, it is something that someone can take the wrong way and judge you negatively for it. Thankfully I am 21 and out of High School so I kind of realized who really cares anymore, my little bro loves mlp and my mom actually thought it was a good thing, she likes  that I like it. I don't think there is anything wrong with hiding it, though I think most should realize they will probably feel a hell of a lot better being open about it unless they have like a super close minded family to the point where they think you are sick(Which in that case I would totally understand, doubt there are too many though.).

Edited by A. Dazven
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