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How is the quality of your writing?


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Well I'm a very talented writer but my talent lies not in creativity but rather my ability to express my thoughts and opinions. I could probably write a good story if I wanted to, I know what makes a good story, unfortunately I lack creativity, I really wouldn't know where to start, or even what to write about.


I would love to proofread your stories and give you feedback, send me a PM sometime.

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I guess that my writing is alright though I do realize that I have much to work on in terms of RP writing and story writing in general, I tend to have a lot of run on sentences and sometimes I feel that I could or rather should explain how a character is feeling better. Also when it comes to describing objects, or expressions I am severely lacking as well.

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I've been told that I'm a good writer, but I don't have a very high opinion of my own skill. I have a lot to improve on, and sometimes get discouraged when I see how amazingly well others write. It's that fear that often gets in the way of me practicing more, and I know it's something I have to let go of in order to grow. 

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My writing depends on my mood,  or if Im in the "zone" given

in how my mind is and my mood.  Detail is my strong point if anything

but I have weak points when it comes to the talking and all.

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I'm good at it but I become a nervous wreck when I think someone will dislike it. But most things I've written for school have been featured because they were so well-written. 'm in the process of writing a big story now. I want to initially start it in English and then do the Russian and German afterwards. Then I'll get some people to translate what I don't know. I feel it's easier to write the story in English because of the grammatical rules anyways.. one of the few times I prefer English to another language.

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I'm apparently decent enough at academic writing, though I hate doing it.  I much prefer creative writing, but I'm not really sure how good I think I am at it.  Some of my stories I feel aren't half bad, while some of my earlier stuff are abominations that should never have seen the light of day.  Also, I can't write drama to save my life.  Whenever I try, I end up just sounding stupid and self-important...  My specialty is writing humorous stories, and most people who have read my stuff say that I'm at least pretty decent at that.

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Handwriting wise, well, it looks like some bizarre combination of Japanese, backwards writing, and random chicken scratch.


Quality wise, it's pretty abysmal. I couldn't write my way out of a cardboard box.

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I think my writing is pretty good. The problem is I'm such a perfectionist I hardly get any done :P


I still struggle with this, but I've been making headway by keeping multiple projects going at once. That way I can shift gears onto a new project that I just plain enjoy working on every time I start to focus too narrowly on the end result of one.


Revision is for after the writing, anyway!

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I am horrid when it comes to punctuation... I need to sit down some time and review over that stuff and refine it. Perhaps I will take some time to go over some of the basics again. I want to improve upon my grammar and punctuation but my quality of writing could be a lot better than it currently is.

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I don't know about the quality of my fiction and any other creative writing.  I perform quite well in English as a subject and have caught the attention of my lecturer.

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I don't want to judge my own stories because I usually don't like them after I write them. My stories are never quite up to par for me, but I have published short stories in literary magazines and nabbed honorable mention in some prizes. I'm trying to get into creative writing MFA programs (graduate school) so I can continue writing, which is my goal. So clearly some people think my stories are pretty good, or they wouldn't publish/award them, but I'm never satisfied.  :squee:

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I've been writing and roleplaying for years, but my writing is still subpar at best. I definitely still need major improvements. However, my writing is nothing to be ashamed of. So I'll give myself a 6.5/10.

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I believe I'm a fairly accomplished writer. There are definitely areas in which I need improvement, such as cohesiveness and flow of ideas. I'd also like to develop my use of figurative language to a far greater extent than it is now. Characterisation and emotiveness are my strongest points. Nobody ever stops learning though; you will never know it all. That's the beauty of all art forms.


Given the above, it's probably apparent I'm better at creative writing than essay writing. Though I managed rather high scores on my last major assignments, and I'm not completely sure how I did it.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 7 years later...

Since English isn't my first language, it's.. okay - to good I think, I still need to check on a few words, like what they mean and so on, my handwriting is terrible, I could be a doctor because no one could read it x3

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