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Mane Six History/Family Headcanon Discussion

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So, does anyone have any interesting theories relating specifically to the Mane Six they're dying to share?  Just general thoughts, across the seasons and generations alike.


I figure Twi, Rarity and Rainbow are all children of minor noble houses, myself.  They and the rest of the girls shot up through the ranks, though, due to their service to the crown.  Now, they all technically hold large swaths of previously-unclaimed land Celestia had taken from noble houses that proved too incompetent to keep it.  I might write a story on this idea later... Got a lot more to work through first, though.


Anyways, how do you think their backgrounds play out?  Everyone likes to explore Applejack's history (myself included) but we tend to neglect the other five as a fandom, from what I've seen.  It'll be interesting to see what people have come up with.

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The one I'm really curious about is Fluttershy's family. With the others they have been shown or have been implied to be dead, Fluttershy's has never been seen.

Fluttershy's family would be interesting to meet, true.  I kind of think her parents were Posey, from G1, and some other pony, probably a pegasus.  They retired into the mountains somewhere, and left Flutters the cottage.  But I like to think all the girls are descended, one way or another, from their 80's counterparts.  *shrugs*

  • Brohoof 1
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Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack are pure ponies. (they aren't half one species half the other. Twilight is genetically a unicorn. She turned into an alicorn.) The other three are half bred.


Rarity: (Unicorn/Earth Pony) Her father even looked like an Earth Pony, so it seems like the Earth Pony side is more on her father's side. She is also very strong, a trait associated with Earth Ponies.


Pinkie Pie: (Earth Pony/Pegasus) She was based of Surprise, who was a pegasus. Also, she was originally going to be a Pegasus. She is fast and likes to be in high places. 


Fluttershy: (Pegasus/Unicorn) In Winter Wrap Up, she was in a team with mostly unicorns. She is well mannered and likes to keep herself looking the best, traits unicorns often have. 





Fluttershy was disowned for bringing shame to her family. That is why she did not return to Cloudsdale after falling.





Applejack Fan Club

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When I made a couple of pictures speculating on the families of Rarity, I imagined the following:

Rarity's dad is a retired professional hoofball player-- a skill which has run in the family for at least a generation. He has two older brothers, one of which also played hoofball. Their dad was a coach who was softspoken but with an expert eye for detail. Their mother was a social butterfly with the gift of blab. These traits of Rarity's grandparents-on-her-father's side explain some of her mannerisms.


Rarity's mom is the only child of a generous and earnest banker from Canterlot who married a spirited and colorful florist. Their arrangement was a marriage of love, which was against the propriety of his parents because they thought it would be financially irresponsible. Generosity and creativity are also traits that Rarity seems to exhibit.






In the history of the future, I don't know if the Mane Cast are going to live indefinitely, but I do believe that Rainbow Power and the Elements of Harmony will have unnaturally extended their lives much more than the average.

Edited by Blue
  • Brohoof 1
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I figure their lives were extended in the extreme by the Elements, though I hadn't considered the Rainbow Power.  It does follow that direct contact with the dormant spirit of an alicorn (as I figure that's what the Tree of Harmony was) would effect them in such a manner.

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Well i had a headcanon that Aj parents were dead but it turns out it wasnt a headcanon at all. I figure that Fluttershy's parents are dissapointed in her and angry that she decided to left Cloudsdale (maybe they were former Wonderbolts and wanted to have a daughter as Wonderbolt too) for earth animals. Its interesting that she really may truly understand Discord (as he said in TaC) as she would be also somewhat of an outcast, especially with her timid personality. Just like him she she only depends on few friends who understand her and before she met them she only seek friendship with animals.


Dash and Twilight parents are still there but we just dont see them visiting eachother. Rarity parents are seen pretty often in the background. Pinkie Pie suppose to have entire episode in S5 with her entire family.

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Fluttershy's parents disowned her. As seen in Hearth's Warming Eve pegasi were initially a very militaristic society, and some of them have continued on that part of their heritage through defensive service to Equestria. Fluttershy's parents were two such pegasi, but when she not only showed not interest or aptitude for military service and indeed little talent at flying, they threw her out as a teenager.


Granny Smith married a member of the Orange family, hence the connection between the Apples and Oranges. Applejack's Aunt and Uncle Orange were actually more likely her Great Aunt and Uncle. They had a daughter (according to one of the books) who married an Apple.


Pinkie Pie's family didn't disown her (she was quick enough to accompany Maud back to the rock farm), but respectfully acknowledge that her path is much different from theirs, despite their outward puritanism.


Twilight comes from a respected, privileged and connected family, which explains how she was able to try for entrance into Celestia's school for Gifted Unicorns and Shining Armour's ability to climb the ranks to Captain of the Guard at a young age (fortunately for him, he also happens to be gifted at shield spells, and a competent leader).

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Fluttershy has earth pony parents, or at least earth pony decendants, and probably has the biggest immediate family

Applejack's parents are dead(obviously), but also has the biggest family

Twilight's parents are some of the most successful ponies in Canterlot

Rainbow Dash has a single father, don't have any idea about what happened to her mother

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I think Fluttershy's parents were very harsh and severe: that would explain why she's so shy and antisocial now.


I kind of agree with where you are going, though I think I see her parents as more of that old fashioned strict perfectionist model where the love their daughter, but are very open about their dissatisfaction. Perhaps that or very distant.



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  • 2 years later...

I kind of agree with where you are going, though I think I see her parents as more of that old fashioned strict perfectionist model where the love their daughter, but are very open about their dissatisfaction. Perhaps that or very distant.

Hey you! You got that all sorts of wrong! >:/



Not sure if I discussed this here, but an old member of this forum sold me on the idea that Rarity's grandmother owned the boutique (as her home) and that is also where Rarity got her glasses and mid-atlantic accent from.



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IMO, Dash was the baby of the family with several older brothers.  In the early seasons she just gives off that whole "look at me" needy for attention vibe.


It makes sense that Rarity inherited her shop -it explains why she is in Ponyville & how she owned a store at her age.


Starlight not getting in to Celestia's school, it makes sense for Twilight's parents to be minor nobility or senior Civil Servants.  Also, they had the money to feed gems to Spike.  Sure, the way Rarity uses them as rhinestones, they probably don't cost as much as on Earth, but they ain't free.

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