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On of my personal favourites is this one.

Vinyl and Octavia: University Days - http://www.fimfictio...University-Days

I like almost all shipfics, but this one is one of the best ones I have ever read, and it is still being worked on.

I have nothing to say. And my friend wants me to read Rainbow Factory next. I heard the song, I'm already paranoid about it.


What you don't like the song, the song is amazing. And in my personal reading, I find Rainbow Factory to not be that bad. And just kidding about the song, I do like it, but different tastes for different people.

Edited by DJ-DASH3
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What you don't like the song, the song is amazing. And in my personal reading, I find Rainbow Factory to not be that bad. And just kidding about the song, I do like it, but different tastes for different people.


I didn't say I didn't like the song, I just said that it's making me paranoid to read the fic.

The song was actually pretty good. Why is it not on iTunes?

  • Brohoof 1

Cast light upon the darkened earth, save those lost in despair.

O Mighty Ocean, guide us as we journey through the darkest pit of night.

May time, ever fleeting, forgive us.

We who have forsaken our song, and buried our future.

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My favorite would be My little dashie or Fallout equestria. I've never read cupcakes thoe I've heard that it's a good storyline and also a grosume as well.


No, cupcakes is poorly written and it's just gore for the sake of gore. If you want to read a good gore/dark fic, I'd recommend Cheerilee's Garden. As for my favorite fanfictions: "Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons", "Night Guards", "Past Sins", definitely "It Takes a Village"... it'd be easier if you just went to my fimfiction.net profile: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Ra1nbowCrasH

  • Brohoof 1



That's 5% of the last 4.5 years. Send help.

Meanwhile, I can help you by reviewing your stories!


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No, cupcakes is poorly written and it's just gore for the sake of gore. If you want to read a good gore/dark fic, I'd recommend Cheerilee's Garden. As for my favorite fanfictions: "Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons", "Night Guards", "Past Sins", definitely "It Takes a Village"... it'd be easier if you just went to my fimfiction.net profile: http://www.fimfictio...er/Ra1nbowCrasH


thank you vary much.

might look into those in the nere future, and if you have not read my little dashie I strongle suggest reading it.

it made me shead one tear

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If i have to pick just one favorite I would have to go with Petriculture by Kwakerjak, and it's sequil Inscape.

oh wait that's two... well whatever. I count them as one. deal with it.

I've never read cupcakes thoe I've heard that it's a good storyline and also a grosume as well.


You heard wrong.
  • Brohoof 1

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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So, I am bored and its a sunday night so I have to go to school tomorow. You know what that means! I need a fanfic to read! I dont want to read a gory fic like cupcakes or rainbow factory, I want something silly and funny, and im in the mood to read about either Scootaloo or Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie! I also dont want it to be really short, or just a one shot. I want something about 50,000 words, and with a plot. What do you guys think i should read?

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Background Pony, Fallout Equestria, Over the Edge and Over Again.


The first two aren't comedy by any means, but they're awesome.

(It's pretty hard to find a 50,000 word comedy fanfic. Most are one-shots.)

The last is is about Captain Barbossa somehow ending up in Equestria.

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I was going to recommend cupcakes and rainbow factory... But your no fun. :(


Just go to fimfiction.net and search for something, then read the first thing that comes up.

This is a signature.

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One I'm reading right now is Lost and Found. It's pretty sad, and some hidden "secrets" about Equestria are revealed :o I find the fic very interesting, and I believe you should read it.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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If you are the sort of person who is ok with a dark, but not grimdark fan fiction then I would recommend, "The Cough." Also, if you do decide to check out this fan fiction then I would recommend listening to the version read by Mic the Microphone. It really adds to the drama and emotion of the story, because he's a good story teller.

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If you wouldn't mind a 200000 word fic then you show read The Human Elements of Harmony. It is the best fanfic I have read and that's saying something!

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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I recently have become addicted to reading fanfiction and I'm always looking for a new adventure or comedy to read. I just would like to know what are your favorite fanfics and what they are about. This is my top 10 (and this is narrowed down A LOT):



1. My Little Dashie by ROBcakeran53 - Depressing, I mean so depressing you want to drowned in the pool of tears you just cried. (sad,human)


2. Mission Implausible by JohnPerry - Octavia and Vynil Scratch were sent to deal with San Fransiscolt's baked goods mafia. (Comedy, adventure)


3. Rainbow Factory by AuroraDawn - How are rainbows made? well the story isn't quite as nice as the story we knew of sugar and spice. (tragedy, sad,dark, alternate universe)


4. Anthropology by Jason The Human - Lyra is dead set on discovering more about these strange creatures of ancient pony mythology called 'humans' and why they are so familiar to her. (comedy, adventure, slice of life, human)


5. Rocket to Insanity - Rainbow dash has been having nightmares about Pinkie Pie and her 'Cupcakes' and she is slowly slipping to the point of insanity thinking that this pink pony is one day going to bake her into a cupcake. (tragedy, dark, sad) Link to this story: https://docs.google....gpMLRz-D0/edit#


6..Sealing the Envelope by Jack Like Pancakes - Derpy's derp eyes are infact caused by a cancerous brain tumor and she now has 5 days left to sort out her life and see her daughter for the last time. (sad and dark)


7. Gummy Tries All Day Long by Cloud Wander - Gummy feels the call of the wild with in himself and he decides it is time to go become a wild beast once more. (Comedy)


8. For Celestia's Eyes Only by Silent Bob - While setting up Equestria's newest radio tower they begin getting extraterrestrial signals from strange bipedal creatures and these signals are called 'Jersey Shore'. (comedy)


9. Applejack Is Allergic to Apples by Arakos - Applejack becomes allergic to her favorite food, job, and namesake. (comedy)


10.The Way it Was Meant to be Played by TheBandBrony - Octavia wakes up one morning and she can't play the cello and now that she thinks about it, it seems like the cello was never meant for ponies in the first place. (comedy,slice of life)


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How could you forget about the most well known mlp:fim fanfic?!?!?! Seriously, why is Cupcakes not on there?!?! Anywho, I am very interested as to what "sealing the envelope" is. I don't cry (physically, but I do inside) but i feel that I might like it. (I like reading sad and disturbing things. Idky. It's even more ironic because fluttershy is my favorite pony.)


This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915

Previously: TARDIS915

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I personally didn't like cupcakes to me it was just Sweeney Todd in pony form, but rocket to insanity is a good follow up to it. also Sealing the envelope was one that i just clicked on and decided to give it a chance and it turned out to be really good.


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The God particle is about a human, Dr.James Peterson a twenty-seven year old physicist and nuclear engineer working to find the god particle is teleported to Equestria after a failed attempt at finding the particle. His logical and scientific mind mixed with ponies is a great combination and i still have yet to finish it.


Story: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7262817/1/The-God-Particle

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'Show me love, Show me kindness'


Either I'm easily impressed or it's really good...It's bout how fluttershy found her speical somepony that helped her become the way she is now.

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I love reading fictions. Preferably sad ones. If I had to say what my current favourite ones are to date I would say.

  • Yours Truly by Thanqoi

  • Catch You by PinkiePie35

  • Never Stop Smiling by P3RROHAMBRE
All three of these I loved reading and each of them made me cry. I'm not going to spoil anything in case you haven't read them yet. I love reading sad fictions so if you ever read one that made you cry or you thought was sad and is well written, then send me a message with the link. Edited by Lightning Fluttershy
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oh I probably should have mentioned this before but if a fanfiction has romance or shipping in the description I'll just skip right over it. I just never have like shipping I find it kind of weird. I only ship relationships set up in an actual show I don't like fan made pairings.


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oh I probably should have mentioned this before but if a fanfiction has romance or shipping in the description I'll just skip right over it. I just never have like shipping I find it kind of weird. I only ship relationships set up in an actual show I don't like fan made pairings.


No offense, but that's not a very good reason to dislike fanfics.

Yours Truly may be a shipping fanfic, but it's unbelievably beautiful and sad.

Romance isn't something to just "skip" over.

But, whatever floats in your boat. All I have to say is that you're missing out on one of the greatest fanfics ever written. (IMO XD)

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