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Favourite & Recommended Fanfictions


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Greetings writers, readers, and lovers of fan fiction!  I do not have any recommended fics to talk about tonight, but I do come with an invitation for you all, especially any fan fiction writers of our forums.  In case you haven't heard about it already, I would like to invite ya'll to check out the MLPF Authors Helping Authors Group, MLPF first ever fan fiction library.  If any of you would like to see your stories posted in our library, just post the names and links to them in the thread.  We'd love to have any and all of you join us, and hope you take this invitation into consideration.  Thanks ya'll, and have a good night!  :muffins:




"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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I absolutely loved Anthropology. I havent finished it but Im saving the last couple of chapters for a rainy day.

Come check me out on YouTube (BronyGeeks) or if you just want to chat, message me. Im always happy to meet new people :)


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My #1 favorite;Rainbow Factory

#2; cupcakes

#3;Loop (a pretty new and unknown one, but I loved it)

BTW, they're all DARK and some of them might ruin your appreciation of some MLP characters.

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My Little Dashie

That was the first time the fandom ever made me cry.

And it takes a lot to do that.

Edited by Dr. Zerkagon
  • Brohoof 1

"She got a big booty, so I call her big booty." - 2chains

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I don't often read fanfic but as bad as some of the writing is time to time I got to say My little Dashy it hit me right in the feels...

  • Brohoof 1

The deepest of the Everfree!

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With every Fallout: Equestria, there are several fanfics that just fall into obscurity. Some of these deserve the axe but others can be quite good. So I ask you, what are your favorite obscure fanfics? Mine's this one on deviantART called Pinkassic Park where Luna is running a zoo of extinct creatures. It's actually kind of funny.

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Last of the Dragonlords: a lengthy but awesome adventure story, starring Flutty



My Little Arkham: What would happen if our favorite ponies ended up during the events of Batman Arkham City? I like this story because it despite the events from the ponies perspective, but it's very faithful to the source material. What, you want a fic with Batman perspective? There's the actual game for that



Inner Demons: a dark, but also quite touching story, where Twily has turned on her friends






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I think that Gutterloo deserves a lot more attention, it is based off of the "Little Match Girl" and Not gonna lie that fan fic made me just break out crying at the end.

Edited by 0blivion


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I only have one thing to say for this forum thread: read. THIS. story. ---> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7426290/1/Betrothed-and-Betrayed

It is definitely the best fanfiction I've EVER read, let alone the best MLP one. It involves the Mane Six heading to a neighbouring kingdom called Saddellia in order to free Equestrian ponies that have been enslaved, and things take an interesting turn when they stumble upon the crown prince...

And that's all I'm telling you. ;D

The author has an incredible writing style and imagination; everything just flows together perfectly to make an exciting story. I love it so much and would recommend it to anyone, pony fan or not. 


My other favourite MLP fanfic is probably My Little Dashie, since it made me cry buckets and gripped me emotionally. But Betrothed and Betrayed is by far my number one favourite. :) <3

British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan.


Creativity is life. ♥

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I believe that My Little Dashie gets very little praise...don't get me wrong, I have seen a bunch of people say they have loved it, as much as people who said they dislike it.  It's sad...instead of reading the story, I watched the live action movie and almost tipped my stuff. Q_Q

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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This is one of multiple Humans-meets-Equestria-in-the-future fics, which is easy to swallow, because none of each side is an arse.

That is a story about tragic obsession, where the two main characters really growed on me.

Edited by Gary S.
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Oh this is gonna be hard I love fanfiction, but I'll name my top favorites, not in any particular order: Just one note, this may take a while

  1. Past Sins by Penstroke/ Sad, Dark, Slice of Life, Alternate Universe
  2. The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments by Wanderer D/ Romance, Sad, Dark, Crossover, Comedy, Adventure
  3. Envy and Arrogance by Mindblower/ Tragedy, Adventure
  4. My Little Alicorn by InsertAuthorHere/ Sad, Dark, Slice of Life, Comedy
  5. Anthropology by JasonTheHuman/ Comedy, Human, Adventure, Slice of Life
  6. My Roommate is a Vampire by Dennis the Menace/ Romance, Comedy, Adventure
  7. The Doctor Get's Wasted V2 by Silent Bob/ Comedy, Random, Crossover
  8. The Nightmare Before Nightmare Night by Silent Bob/ Comedy
  9. The Brony International Guard by pychicscubadiver/ Human, Random, Comedy
  10. The Twilight Struggle Trilogy by Lapis-Lazuli and Inky J/ Dark, Adventure
  11. Equestria's Crazies by Thorax/ Romance, Comedy, Random, Slice of Life
  12. A Hairy Problem by BlueBastard/ Dark, Comedy, Adventure
  13. The Funeral of Derpy Hooves by shortskirtsandexplosions/ Random, Slice of Life
  14. Fanfic is Crapsack by RealityCheck/ Dark, Comedy, Random, Crossover
  15. Underneath by Undermine/ Sad, Dark, Adventure
  16. If You Teared Up At 1000 Words by XxDreampoolxX/ Romance, Tragedy, Sad, Slice of Life 

I found everything written above at www.fimfiction.net and would totally recommend everything on the list. Oh and on Fimfiction I am known as roguesoul. Hope this helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Starlight Over Detrot - a gritty Noir-style story set 60 years after the return of Princess Luna and by far one of the greatest things I've ever read. A mix of action, humor, and plenty of darker elements with a plot that wouldn't be out of Place in a Dresden Files book and a over-arching plot that's still unfolding after 500k+ words. Don't let its length scare you - It is entirely, unquestionably worth the read. 


Book Of Days is probably my favorite example of world-building in the fandom, and its footnotes are hilarious


Diary of A Pliant Tyrant is an awesome one-shot and I love how it shows Discord dealing with life post-reformation

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Misadventures in Manehattan is currently my favorite fan fiction right now. It has the comedy and it gave Coco Pommel a wonderful chance to shine along with the receptionist from Rarity Takes Manehattan. Love it! :D


Give it a try if you haven't yet. Hard Reset, Your Human And You, Eternal, The SweetieMash Chronicles,  the Life and Times of a Winning Pony, including its universe come at a close second. ;)

Edited by Scootalove
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Rarity Paige Belle of MLPForums showed me a great fanfic called "A Mighty Demon Slayer Grooms Some Ponies":




Definitely my favorite fanfic I've read so far. Might not be for everyone since it has a lot of G1 stuff in it, but I thought it was very well written and did a great job connecting G1 and G4.



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I posted a few on my tumblr, I'll repost some here.





Your Human and You
FANTASTIC human in equestria story, Humans exist in equestria but they basically neandrathals. Treated as cattle, pets, cheap labor. That changes when Max, a human from Earth, is magically thrown into Equestria. Muted by magic he has to learn to survive where he’s a second class citizen and few people believe he’s intelligent. The good news is he’s discovered by Celestia and sent as a gift to Twilight to help relieve stress in her life. The bad news, he’s going to need all his wits to survive.

Its an emotional, extremely well written storyline. Very much cannon equestria but with quirks, surprises, dark elements, sex jokes, gore, romance, you name it. Still in progress but at 40 chapters, updated weekly. Highly, highly recommended.

This is the ultimate Twilight / Celestia story with ample Luna thrown in. It’s epic all the way and take place several years in the future as Ponyville is now a thriving city, friends have moved on, and Celestia and Twilight’s friendship has strayed. Fighting to reconnect there’s much more at stake and much more to reveal about Celestia’s past in retaining her rule on Equestria for centuries. It’s long but an emotional journey that is epic in scope and incredibly satisfying. A fantastic ending as well. One of the best fimfictions, period.

Hard Reset

The first part of the amazing Time Loop Trilogy, one of my favorite fimfics. Twilight casts a Starswirl the Bearded lost spell and gets stuck in Canterlot in a timeloop where she must fight off a changeling invasion but ends up dying in every one only to repeat from the same point in time. She must constantly repeat the same day, learning from each one until she can solve the puzzle and save both Canterlot and herself. This trilogy besides having a fascinating premise really deals with the complicated concepts of alternate timelines and just how being eternally in the same stretch of time on repeat could (and will) break Twilight. In some alternate realities it causesTwilight to go insane and make some truly terrible choices which she must deal with in the other 2 sequels. It's a fantastic read and is exciting, terrifying, and emotionally wrought. A wonderful Twilight fimfic.    

The SweetieMash Chronicles
This is pure DAWWWW. Just a sweet story of how the lonely awkward button mash joins the cmc and immediately suffers for it. Its sweet, hilarious, ADORABLE, and the cutest pairing as Sweetie Belle gets her first crush on the brave but silly boy. No clop (don’t worry) and just a cute shipfic. The quick lighthearted read you’ll want if you’re in a bad mood or wanting to feel good.

The Conversion Bureau : The First Year

A good introduction the 350 + fimifcs of an alternate storyline where equestria and earth merge dimensions, only to have the inherent magic of equestrians as dangerous to earth and creating a storyline where earth will ultimately be uninhabitable to those who don’t make the ultimate choice for survival. Equestrians on Earth.

Very much like a sci-fi movie script, its the big equestrians on earth that Michael Bay would like to do. It is a bit padded and dry and the concept is better than the story. But it makes up for it with interesting “what if?” universe,  some cool scientific facts about equestria, and how ponies would react to things on earth. There’s many more stories in this universe if you want to see what happens next in this fanfic universe. Not amazing on its own but certainly interesting if you like the premise.


This fimfiction makes sense of the Sweetiebot concept. When a former brony girl grows up on earth she eventually falls in love with robotics. Creating a batch of robots around her home. One of these is Sweetiebot who she built to remind her of her childhood show and favorite pony. A freak electrical storm causes it to Short Circuit (like the movie) and Sweetiebot gains sentience in an adorable and logical storyline. Pure fun and a wonderful premise for making Sweetiebot a reality.


Science Fiction and war stories aren't what i traditionally look for in MLP stories but this author does both really well. It's also aan XCom video game crossover. Discord teleports Twilight to a futuristic earth where they are at war with a deadly and conquering alien race. She goes from enemy to friend during the course of the sroryline but with plenty of bumps along the way. A very adult storyline where death and loss are around every corner and Twilight is the key for saving not only Earth but perhaps a future threat to Equestria as well. Very well written and a great job of handling human and MLP characters (Twi and Discord) and dealing with the realities of war and killing to protect those you love.

Life and Times of a Wining Pony

This is also known as the Cloudkicker Winningverse. Cloudkicker is the oversexed and self destructive polygamist pony who frequents Ponyville with her uptight pal Blossomforth. This great alt universe features around the abrasive but loveable character and the love square that develops between several of the MLP mane and side characters. It's funny and surprisingly emotional and deep. It's not truly clop in the least but is a mature read for some violence and plenty of lewd but funny dialogue. Did I mention a changeling invasion and plenty of great treatments of background and main MLP characters? Other stories and sequels intersect into this alt-universe and they are luckily solid as well. Highly recommended.  

Edited by Freewave

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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I have actually many of them, mostly Pony/Human romances and Warhammer 40K/Fim crossovers.

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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