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Casual Stroll - An Introductionary RP mainly around Equestria OOC [Open Entry For All]

Blitz Boom

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If you want, we can jump some days again at any point from now on, and go towards any of the random NPC's I mentioned to come around with an update on things. or just to hang out, and see who Velvet is. Depends on what pops into my head at the time. :P

Anyway, your call on it, just putting it there in case you feel somewhat stuck with how things are currently at any point. :) 

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If we are still doing this, one thing that could happen would be the skull you see in my avatar just appearing on Cerberus's head when Widdershins is looking away for a reason or another. Why does it happen? don't know, but it would give a short conversation topic for the two at least if nothing else. Though you will be one to decide since the next post is still yours if I'm not incorrect.

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1 hour ago, Widdershins said:

@Catpone Cerberus & maybe @Blitz Boom

 Uhm, actually, do believe I did respond to your last post Cerb. How do I Quote & copy/paste it over here, outside of its original thread?

 Sorry I haven’t been posting recently! Been hard setting aside time to write outside of the new job!

Quote it in in the RP threat, then ctrl + A the writing field, then ctrl + C (or ctrl + X) , then open the writing field here and ctrl + V

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@Catpone Cerberus

On 9/9/2019 at 10:25 AM, Widdershins said:

 @Catpone Cerberus

Well, losing notable chunks of yourself isn't magic. So much as, I hear, that tends to be painful for other species! 

 No, my author has his own theories on how magic works, but... Widdershins calmly muses as another stack of several dozen pancakes shuffle into place ontop of the catpony's head with the whirr of a deck of cards shuffling together, several of them cold or soggy, and without any sign from the draconequus that he had deigned it to happen. Well, don't underestimate the good a single pancake can do! I've started wars with only a single pancake!  ….Uh, heh, mean ended wars peacefully!

Besides, Chaos Magic works differently.

 As for the whole Portal thing... I don't do that anymore. Forgotten the spell rigamarole for it. Too many drawbacks & requirements; too many consequences like having to remember where you left them or having them close on you halfway through the portal! Sworn off it ever since the Draenor Incident! I don't need more lawyers on my tails!

 I did it! I made the gadget do the thing!!!

 ...now I just need time to sit down and write, heh.


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On 10/3/2019 at 3:46 PM, Blitz Boom said:

If you want, we can jump some days again at any point from now on, and go towards any of the random NPC's I mentioned to come around with an update on things. or just to hang out, and see who Velvet is. Depends on what pops into my head at the time. :P

Anyway, your call on it, just putting it there in case you feel somewhat stuck with how things are currently at any point. :) 

Sure. I'm cool with that. Sorry for the slow responses. Uni studies are killing me :(

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@Widdershins @Sekel

Hey, if it's crazy and it works, it's not crazy. Right? :) And it's going along sorta how you'd expect, considering the reluctance the two had to even talk nicely to one another to begin with. Here's hoping they'll last, and no, I'm not just saying that because I have plans - Although I do. Muahahaha!!! - But more because it's adorable. :)

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@Sekel & @Blitz Boom

 Kind of am playing around with Two Sides of the same experience. Both will say they had it worse... but my money is on my character. Like, trying to indirectly show Dawn that it could have been worse. Since that's one of my mottos, that it could always be worse. A bad situation versus being fully deprived of your prior situation. And hoping that, despite their backstories they can come to see something similar and relateable between them. 

I know not of Love yet, but I do know of fear & sympathy!

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@Catpone Cerberus

It's fine mate. :) Might I make a suggestion, though? As I have offered someone else, so to do I offer you to just say that the RP will go to another day, in case you feel it gets stuck. That counts for both of them. Might help if the setting changes some by being another day, with other things to do. :)

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Just to clarify here, the nymph is not on the wagon. Since being picked up, she have been sitting on Happy's back, right around where his neck fluff are. The big, lions mane looking thing. She will stay on him like this for the foreseeable future. :)

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45 minutes ago, Blitz Boom said:

@Catpone Cerberus

It's fine mate. :) Might I make a suggestion, though? As I have offered someone else, so to do I offer you to just say that the RP will go to another day, in case you feel it gets stuck. That counts for both of them. Might help if the setting changes some by being another day, with other things to do. :)

For Nada that would probably be good idea, since the conversation topics have ended, but for Ruby I want to see what happens.

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Due to the long lockdown of the site today, I have not had the chance to even start the RP, and I'm busy for the evening, so sadly, I'm gonna have to push responses until tomorrow. Sorry folks. :/ If by some miracle I get a bit of time later, I might be able to get something in, but I wanna make a fair warning that it might not be until tomorrow, if things goes as I think they will currently.

(Edit) And just as I wrote this, the site went down again. Not looking good.

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Just a minor note, the cart isn't that small. It's like one of those things you see in old west movies where you open a sign in the side, sorta like this.

Billedresultat for old timey traveling salesman cart

Just with more of a semi-modernized feel over it. Happy's disguise is a bit larger than a regular pony size, but he's still able to stand in there, and sell wares from the inside when he's setting up shop. Just saying, if Aurora's this size, she's Massive. :D

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@Blitz Boom

Oh no. Oh no. That. I thought it was a small wagon cart! Whoops! I'm going to change it now.


EDIT: And after a quick edit, Aurora is back to normal size being half as tall as the cart.

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