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Casual Stroll - An Introductionary RP mainly around Equestria OOC [Open Entry For All]

Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom


Seeing as the image you have of Scarcity isn’t the same as the description you gave for her four years ago, I’m assuming she went through a bit of a design change?  This is her description from page 189: 


["Wings you say? Now that sounds fascinating."


A unicorn mare with a base coat of green with yellow swirls in a pretty pattern, a long tail and elegantly styled mane that went down one side of her head - both a two-toned mixture of pink - and green eyes, went over towards Penny as she were yelling out about her magic chocolates. She were wearing a pure silver necklace with a large, tanzanite shaped like an eye dangling from it, an elegant saddlebag down her left, and shoes in pure silver with a star-shaped tanzanite embedded in front of them all, but not really anything else. She kept her need to follow any fashion at home, in case she needed to attend an important event, but otherwise she wandered around like most. Except the shoes. She liked to keep her hooves clean.


If Penny had seen Scarcity before were anypony's guess, as the owner of the antique store not all that far from here weren't exactly a hermit that stayed to herself, but not the sort to butt in on everypony either. That and her store were a rather high end thing, so not too many that didn't have a lot of bits to spare tended to go there unless they looked for her specifically.]


To be honest, I believe over the years I’ve been picturing her as purple, possibly because I mixed up part of her description with Vivid in my head, but when Tock met her I had to go back over the description you gave and I realized I had been remembering wrong the whole time.  Is the image above to be considered her current appearance?  This may affect how I describe how Tock looks at her in the future.

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@Blitz Boom & @Icy Creation
 *Sound of chair creaking from leaning too far back sarcastically and over-dramatically*

 Now looks, alls ah'm sayin' is this ain't Necessary Murder. Ya know me, I can sure go for some legitimate, unavoidable Murder. Specifically if its some good black humor in there too, but...


She hAs FlOatIng SwEEts! Best Mare Horse Ice Thing!

21 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

She can't truly die,

*Shuddering, Excited intake of breath*

 Give her to me.  I call dibs.


  Look, I ain't sayin' sacrifice every newcomer here to me, your Patron Elritch Horror of this thread...... I just like bending others to my will by showing that their powers mean ultimately nothing. It's kinda, Like, our Thing, Yo.

 I'm like a good Punching Bag, yo.

...I can't stop going Yo, yo.


 And I don't know where this notion of dual narrating as if two entities were present in the formation of the post. I don't do that.

Yeh, we wouldn't do something so predictably inane. That's, like, a sign of a diseased mind or whatever the trope label of that is.

 Besides, that would just be an easy enough writing trick after all. Mundane, really.


....So who wants to see me do my new trick of erupting nests of knives out of my eyesockets?!!?

     What? NO!!

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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2 hours ago, Widdershins said:

@Blitz Boom & @Icy Creation
 *Sound of chair creaking from leaning too far back sarcastically and over-dramatically*

 Now looks, alls ah'm sayin' is this ain't Necessary Murder. Ya know me, I can sure go for some legitimate, unavoidable Murder. Specifically if its some good black humor in there too, but...


She hAs FlOatIng SwEEts! Best Mare Horse Ice Thing!

*Shuddering, Excited intake of breath*

 Give her to me.  I call dibs.


  Look, I ain't sayin' sacrifice every newcomer here to me, your Patron Elritch Horror of this thread...... I just like bending others to my will by showing that their powers mean ultimately nothing. It's kinda, Like, our Thing, Yo.

 I'm like a good Punching Bag, yo.

...I can't stop going Yo, yo.


 And I don't know where this notion of dual narrating as if two entities were present in the formation of the post. I don't do that.

Yeh, we wouldn't do something so predictably inane. That's, like, a sign of a diseased mind or whatever the trope label of that is.

 Besides, that would just be an easy enough writing trick after all. Mundane, really.


....So who wants to see me do my new trick of erupting nests of knives out of my eyesockets?!!?

     What? NO!!

I.... What the beep just happened?

I think the one that is supposed to be insane made more sense than the one I assume isn't supposed to be insane there. And it still wasn't much, maybe around about a dime and a quarter.

"You don't have to worry about me. A magician never performs the same trick twice."

- Trixie Lulamoon


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@Seamore Sandwich

When the time came for me to make her a picture, I had forgotten entirely how I wrote her as looking, and didn't want to go looking for it. So I went into the creator program, and this is what were spat out once I were done. :) So yeah, she went through a design change from my own laziness essentially. I'll be totally honest here and say that she's not the only one where this happened either. :)

And yes, what you see now, is her set look, that will not change. Once I make a picture, that is what works for them, as I now have a visual to refer to and link around when needed.

Good to have you back again, by the way. :) Were starting to think you had left the forum entirely. :D



@Widdershins @Icy Creation

Widders is a ball of madness. It's easier in the long run to just accept it and roll with the punches. :)

Now then, as for your points, Icy... It can still be worked with, even if she does not wish to patent things, long as Scarcity gets a sort of priority, or at least gets notified first of things that she invents, in case she might have a need for it, or knows some who could have. In her words *Dear friends who have been desperate for something just like that.*, or she could refer to places where her inventions would likely do a lot of good, and then in the shadows, she reaped some benefits from this, unknown to Icy. There would have to be an initiate sort of interesting item for her to focus on though, and rereading things, I do see a certain bag being mentioned. She'd certainly have an interest in something like that, especially if it can be crafted to have a more elegant look on the outside, as she does have some standards.

That being said, perhaps this is bending a lot of things, and is something that can be visited down the line, once she is more established, though it is of course, up to you. :)

Regarding Benny, he doesn't really have that much of a higher body temperature, unless he just got out of a lava bath. It's more that his temperature is stable, so that if the weather gets colder, his body heat remains at the same, cozy level as usual. This backfires some during the summer, where he can't cool off as easily if he'd like to be below his regular temperature, but a frozen treat can help on him at least feeling a little cooler on the inside for a bit. His first attempt at seeing how far that might go, resulted in him getting a rather nasty ice cream brain freeze. Which sadly, still happens.

Ah, as a connection point more with these, I did mention he had a marefriend, yes? She's a candy maker who travels far and wide to make connections and have imported some really special, fun ingredients to her candy, and she's always looking to see what other sorts of treats she can make, so that when she eventually moves to Canterlot, her specialty sweets boutique would draw more eyes. Getting a milkshake machine on one of her trips and trying to see if she could condense the taste into candy, along with having it there on her shelf to draw in others during warmer days, would be right up her alley, and she could use a taste tester. Could be a pretty calm, down to earth way they end up getting along, even if Icy would attempt to keep some distance to Benny initially, just out of principle of dragons tending to be jerks, and y'know, the whole *fire* thing. :)

Still, just say so if you'd like another option. I have a good chunk more of OC's and NPC's that I can use of if need be.

Ah, and @Widdershins? The one I say can't truly die, is Vivid Loss. You can kill her and make her body nothing more than a pile of dust, or even blast it to to atoms, and all that would happen would be that she'd be stuck on the spiritual plane for a time, whilst her body got remade in the veil. (the source of the demonic powers she's carrying around). Though be advised, she hates when this happens, as every time she returns, her body gets a little less equine, and more demonic. She's one or two steps off from growing wings at this point.

And before you start to worry or think she's insanely overpowered, Icy, she is completely bound by her contract, so whilst she have immense powers and are effectively immortal, she is literally unable to hurt or kill anyone. At best, she can restrain, or scare. I try to keep limits on what my chars can do, in case they do have significant powers. Like my draconequus. Hit her with silver or pure iron, and her powers turns against her.

If you like some weirdness, I could introduce said draconequus too. Throwing things at the wall here. ^^


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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2 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

@Seamore Sandwich

When the time came for me to make her a picture, I had forgotten entirely how I wrote her as looking, and didn't want to go looking for it. So I went into the creator program, and this is what were spat out once I were done. :) So yeah, she went through a design change from my own laziness essentially. I'll be totally honest here and say that she's not the only one where this happened either. :)

And yes, what you see now, is her set look, that will not change. Once I make a picture, that is what works for them, as I now have a visual to refer to and link around when needed.

Good to have you back again, by the way. :) Were starting to think you had left the forum entirely. :D



@Widdershins @Icy Creation

Widders is a ball of madness. It's easier in the long run to just accept it and roll with the punches. :)

Now then, as for your points, Icy... It can still be worked with, even if she does not wish to patent things, long as Scarcity gets a sort of priority, or at least gets notified first of things that she invents, in case she might have a need for it, or knows some who could have. In her words *Dear friends who have been desperate for something just like that.*, or she could refer to places where her inventions would likely do a lot of good, and then in the shadows, she reaped some benefits from this, unknown to Icy. There would have to be an initiate sort of interesting item for her to focus on though, and rereading things, I do see a certain bag being mentioned. She'd certainly have an interest in something like that, especially if it can be crafted to have a more elegant look on the outside, as she does have some standards.

That being said, perhaps this is bending a lot of things, and is something that can be visited down the line, once she is more established, though it is of course, up to you. :)

Regarding Benny, he doesn't really have that much of a higher body temperature, unless he just got out of a lava bath. It's more that his temperature is stable, so that if the weather gets colder, his body heat remains at the same, cozy level as usual. This backfires some during the summer, where he can't cool off as easily if he'd like to be below his regular temperature, but a frozen treat can help on him at least feeling a little cooler on the inside for a bit. His first attempt at seeing how far that might go, resulted in him getting a rather nasty ice cream brain freeze. Which sadly, still happens.

Ah, as a connection point more with these, I did mention he had a marefriend, yes? She's a candy maker who travels far and wide to make connections and have imported some really special, fun ingredients to her candy, and she's always looking to see what other sorts of treats she can make, so that when she eventually moves to Canterlot, her specialty sweets boutique would draw more eyes. Getting a milkshake machine on one of her trips and trying to see if she could condense the taste into candy, along with having it there on her shelf to draw in others during warmer days, would be right up her alley, and she could use a taste tester. Could be a pretty calm, down to earth way they end up getting along, even if Icy would attempt to keep some distance to Benny initially, just out of principle of dragons tending to be jerks, and y'know, the whole *fire* thing. :)

Still, just say so if you'd like another option. I have a good chunk more of OC's and NPC's that I can use of if need be.

Ah, and @Widdershins? The one I say can't truly die, is Vivid Loss. You can kill her and make her body nothing more than a pile of dust, or even blast it to to atoms, and all that would happen would be that she'd be stuck on the spiritual plane for a time, whilst her body got remade in the veil. (the source of the demonic powers she's carrying around). Though be advised, she hates when this happens, as every time she returns, her body gets a little less equine, and more demonic. She's one or two steps off from growing wings at this point.

And before you start to worry or think she's insanely overpowered, Icy, she is completely bound by her contract, so whilst she have immense powers and are effectively immortal, she is literally unable to hurt or kill anyone. At best, she can restrain, or scare. I try to keep limits on what my chars can do, in case they do have significant powers. Like my draconequus. Hit her with silver or pure iron, and her powers turns against her.

If you like some weirdness, I could introduce said draconequus too. Throwing things at the wall here. ^^

Okay, this solves all the problems I had with either of the options except one...

What bag? If you are referring to the infinite storage, it is a spell, not an item. Essentially like a, excuse the pun please, pocket dimension, big without actually being a dimension, and more of a physical manifestation of her magic, and converting the items into magic to store in her magic reserves. Of course, all this takes place under the spell, not visibly. Visibly what she is doing is casting a spell that opens a hole to a nearly infinite black expanse where she can store her stuff. This hole Is also big enough to allow her through, as well. Or anypony, really. If she wanted to (Though she won't unless the writer allows it, and likely not even then), she could probably store ponies in there too. They would be essentially trapped in the expanse of blackness that also has light from somewhere, alongside an absolute beepton of inventions.

If you aren't talking about that, please do specify precisely what bag you mean.


Anyway, as far as I can tell, Benny and his mare would likely be the best option initially, possibly getting roped into working with Scarce later on, before realizing that Scarce was getting some kind of personal gain from it and attempting to distance herself from her.



On an unrelated note, I've been trying to read all the way to the point you guys are at now, and I noticed a mention of humans existing in fairy tales. Do you know what galaxy, or at the least what galaxy supercluster this Equis is located in? And of you do, and it is our galaxy, or at least the Vorgo cluster, then my second question: Are humans (Though psionic and with wings) allowed, if they arrive in Equis through more reasonable means than simply, 'Oh no, random interuniversal teleport!"? For example, his ship crashing? Specifically his ship crashing, I mean.

Edited by Icy Creation

"You don't have to worry about me. A magician never performs the same trick twice."

- Trixie Lulamoon


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@Icy Creation

I thought the spell was a bag. I think I got something confused again. My bad. :) Though worry not, I'll figure something out in time, if we do try to take a business perspective over this.

Just have your char enter the scene, and I'll have Benny and/or Circle Pop run into her, when I post tomorrow.

As for Humans, I have no idea what galaxy or whatever they are in. Far as I can tell, the whole planet in this setting is just earth, but in a different dimension, or situated long after humanity finally eradicated itself.

I will not rule out the option of some kind of human-like creature still living somewhere in the same galaxy/solar system, as you seem to talk about, but no native humans should be living on the planet as of right now. I'd be okay enough with an intergalactic traveller if it could be argued well enough for, though it'd have to be rather convincing.

I have a human in this, but he were taken from a randomly forming rift in time and space, that plunged him unwittingly into this dimension. Humans actually being in the same dimension is more of a strange thing, though again, it can be argued for, and I'm open-minded about what goes for the RP. Just no Mary Sue's.

Ah right, and the fairy tales. My head cannon is that humans were here, but they died out a long, long time ago. Like, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years ago. They're the stuff of legends and tales from the few scraps that's been found left from their times, combined with those swearing they've seen them through small portals, visions, that sort of thing. Think of them sorta like a micture of bigfoot and a dinosaur I suppose. The truth is they were there, the fairy tale is they're still existing somewhere.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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43 minutes ago, Blitz Boom said:

@Icy Creation

I thought the spell was a bag. I think I got something confused again. My bad. :) Though worry not, I'll figure something out in time, if we do try to take a business perspective over this.

Just have your char enter the scene, and I'll have Benny and/or Circle Pop run into her, when I post tomorrow.

As for Humans, I have no idea what galaxy or whatever they are in. Far as I can tell, the whole planet in this setting is just earth, but in a different dimension, or situated long after humanity finally eradicated itself.

I will not rule out the option of some kind of human-like creature still living somewhere in the same galaxy/solar system, as you seem to talk about, but no native humans should be living on the planet as of right now. I'd be okay enough with an intergalactic traveller if it could be argued well enough for, though it'd have to be rather convincing.

I have a human in this, but he were taken from a randomly forming rift in time and space, that plunged him unwittingly into this dimension. Humans actually being in the same dimension is more of a strange thing, though again, it can be argued for, and I'm open-minded about what goes for the RP. Just no Mary Sue's.

Ah right, and the fairy tales. My head cannon is that humans were here, but they died out a long, long time ago. Like, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years ago. They're the stuff of legends and tales from the few scraps that's been found left from their times, combined with those swearing they've seen them through small portals, visions, that sort of thing. Think of them sorta like a micture of bigfoot and a dinosaur I suppose. The truth is they were there, the fairy tale is they're still existing somewhere.

Ah, well, that actually fits quite well with the Dseran Legacy canonn, considering that in the Dseran Legacy canonn, humanity has been around for alot longer than humanity thinks that the Earth has been around. That's beacause it has, and it keeps getting reset/relocated and reset back to the pre industrial age (Alongside whoever was on the new planet, or on the planet that is their current "homeworld," having their memories fundamentally altered to fit the era they are now supposed to live out. Alongside any advanced tech simply going poof into the timeline. And while these aliens may seem powerful, don't worry. Not only do they have absolutely no reason (In fact they have a reason not to) to go to Equis, but while they are a civilization that spans a quarter of our observable universe, there are much bigger fish out there, and there are ones with much sharper teeth as well (One of them actually has proper time travel, though very strictly controlled.).

The Dseran's however, are from a previou- were, from a previous Cycle. They are dead now, only four of them left. The one that would be crashing on Equis, Teren... Well... His ship is rather big. A kilometer long with fourty seven decks... And actually, I'll tell you more about it if I decide I really want Teren here. I'm not entirely sure that I want Teren here, instead of perhaps creating a brand new, aditional pony OC. Perhaps one similiar to Aldrasion, who uses dark magic exclusively, but has learned to succesfully fight the corruption, but having to release the building dark magic inside of him on ocassion before he is turned into pure magic (Like a fission reaction, but with dark magic. And less explosiveness.)

But really, Teren and whoever that pony might eventually be, are both ideas for a while into the future. For a while, I'm just going to stick with Icy. I'll meet you in Equ- well. We, will meet you in Equestria. Ready Void?

[=~ I am always ready to narrate, Midnight. See you in the RP, Blimp. ~=]

"You don't have to worry about me. A magician never performs the same trick twice."

- Trixie Lulamoon


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@Icy Creation

I don't have time travel per se, but before I go to bed, and whilst I remember it, I do have what you mentioned before, with localized time reversal.

One of the areas I have been working on in the RP, are the equine world's version of Denmark, which I call Harrowmark. Think old school, rural place with a lot of gnarled trees, dark magic seeping through the ground, undeath in many forms, and worship of actual gods. That sort of olden day society.

Well, among them, a tyrant that have recently been defeated by another player, had access to a variant of time magic, which could meddle with the age of someone (literally resetting them back to a previous point in their lives, or accelerating age, each by several decades if he wished to) and in general manipulate objects or a small, localized area to revert to a previous point in time. When it were person or objects, the time could be reverted by again, upwards of decades to either side, and when it were a small area (never bigger than a few meters) then we're talking minutes at best.

This were harnessed by him via borrowed powers from his god.  With him defeated and swallowed up by the gods own spawn (meddling with dark gods seldom ends well) his extensive power of this sort is over with. Yet, his notebooks, and an apprentice of his still remains. Why, the apprentice is even proof of it working, as she looks to be in her early twenties, but are actually 92 years old. Now, I doubt Icy would ever make a deal with a dark god of undeath, but I could see it feasible to steal some of his power for the purpose by either her, or a certain resourceful mare who wouldn't mind trading a favor or two for the right gain.

This is an angle that I could work with, were it ever a thing that you wanted the frozen ones returned, as this sort of magic have already been established in the RP. It's cannon for this thread, hence, it's perfectly fine to use. :)

So yeah... Reverting to a previous state is possible, were you to accept some meddle from primordial magic, though be advised, memories aren't taken away. So whatever they remember last, would stick. Keep that in mind.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Rising Dusk

Sorry if the one with you doesn't seem to move things along a lot, but after an hour, I just had to admit that I weren't sure what to respond there, so I forced this through. I hope it'll still do. :)


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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I am sorry. About general stuff and likely being on the ball about respondign to things. The stress of work... and where I'll be actually living in the future is getting to me once again.

 What I mean to say, @Blitz Boom, is that I have it written into Widdershins that he cannot, by dint of his species/fated destiny that he simply just cannot die. No matter what you do to him, he'll just pop right back in two to seven minutes later. There is no limit to this. This is a play into the fact that he's aware he's written by me, and therefore cannot die because that would mean ending potential storylines and getting more use out of his character. I have, in fact, have it mentally ascribed to him that not only has he had to rebuild his own body numerous times over and essentially be a wholesale different character but on at least one case before... someone has strung him up to the wall to harvest organs from his magically regenerating, unkillable body.

 I want Widders to be the worst case scenario of what happens when you have all the power. Because that's how I see Discord. Discord only became a villain because he outlived everything else and couldn't find value in anything like keeping on good terms with mortals or their morals. That he only turned good again because he wanted something as eternal as he was that he could keep forever... a friendship.


 But I digress, that's kinda my worry with @Icy Creation. That she has a homicidal side; would be hard to roleplay with her without waiting for it to become an overdramatic fight of subduing a corrupted friend. Still say the Two Forms aren't imperative to the character. And, likely, would be hard to bring up in RP.

 ... Oh, and, lol, Icy? You can just mention like I'm doing here. You know how? The At Symbol and then their name? I honestly find it fairly adorable how posters will just wholesale "Quote" the other post and nearly triple the length of their own post! 



 Also, I REEEALLY wanna Arrpee with @Randimaxis too!!!

  ... and maybe get Vivid Loss to interact with Widdershins somehow. A sort of Positive & Negative side of Immortality thing.

...Sigh, but I am strapped for creativity and free time these days. I shouldn't push myself much more...


 ...and, uhm, Blitz Boom? You know how to quote an entire response section from the IC thread to here? It's been... like, a month I think since Pinkfire? And I kinda was hoping to have the multiple threads of my Hydra to go concurrent.

Edited by Widdershins

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Never said that Widdershins can die, just for the record. :) Only draconequui I have in here that died were Anomaly, and seeing as she were returned, questions can be asked about whatever she were even killed, or just locked away on a metaphysical plane until she were *resurrected* in a new form.

Anyway, regarding @Icy Creation I understand the concerns, which is why I am going to keep a close eye too, though so far it seems as if the RP'ers are aware of the issues, which is why talks of retreating to a safe space etc. came into things. If it were something that would suddenly erupt in a town, I have ways of quickly dealing with this that would stop things from going haywire, though I'm sure that if it seems to go in an alarming way, it is possible to talk with the characters controller.

Two sides aren't impossible to have in either really. I've had chars in other RP forums that have had to deal with several beings within the same body, and while it is troubling to do (especially when the characters are less talking to one another, and mostly a case of there being a split control) I'd like to think that it can be done right, and I'd prefer to give some benefit of the doubt to this affect. If things starts to seem troubling, I'm sure there can be a compromise that won't mess it up for anyone. Worst case, I have her teleported to the top of a mountain or something like that. You might have noticed the amount of transporters I have? Let's just say there are a backup reason for that. :P

Moving on, @Randimaxis and you can play in time, but we're not near Ponyville right now... I think? I can't remember if it were specified what area of the country they were in... Eh, you two talk that out, I'm just here to keep the conversations one less one-sided. :) Send Widders after them if he's okay with it at some point.

As for Pinkfire, I think we need to write that one off, yes. Which is also why I offered to send another char to handle that side of your hydra in the players place if it were. Anyone else is of course welcome to take that, but I always put myself as a baseline option to not leave folks hanging, just in case. Most of the time. Sometimes I just wanna be part of it. :3

And regarding that actually: I will have @Pastel-chan and Jelly moving towards the forest soon, but it have to be a little natural. Give them a bit of time to face the weirdness around the castle, which I intended to give them some inspiration to perhaps go to the forest to see more strange wildlife. There's a meaning in most of the madness around here, even that which you are part of. :)

Ah yes, while I do remember it actually... @Icy Creation? If your char is saying something within the narrative, might I please ask that you put in what Icy said in the post? Having it go (She alerted him to the fritter on his face) means I have to guess the wording, and that can make it somewhat problematic in the long run to know what I can respond with. The narrative angle is something I'm getting used to, but the lack of actual words from her is causing me a bit of worry for how things might be if the conversations became more intricate down the line. :)


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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4 hours ago, Widdershins said:

The At Symbol and then their name? I honestly find it fairly adorable how posters will just wholesale "Quote" the other post and nearly triple the length of their own post! 

Yeah, I've figured that out now, as well as how to quote specific sections, so I'll use those two from now on, deciding which to use depending on if the post I am responding to was directed at multiple people in multiple sections or just me, or multiple people and me in one section.

"You don't have to worry about me. A magician never performs the same trick twice."

- Trixie Lulamoon


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3 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

If your char is saying something within the narrative, might I please ask that you put in what Icy said in the post? Having it go (She alerted him to the fritter on his face) means I have to guess the wording, and that can make it somewhat problematic in the long run to know what I can respond with. The narrative angle is something I'm getting used to, but the lack of actual words from her is causing me a bit of worry for how things might be if the conversations became more intricate down the line.

Yeah, the lack of words was because I couldn't really say much else with her at this point unless I wanted her to ask if he wanted help getting them off his face. And she wouldn't really do that unless she knew whether or not he could handle the kind of cold that snow forms at. As for how Void narrated it... Honestly I don't really know what he was thinking (What I was thinking) when he did it like he did.

Although if you are saying that you didn't see her say anything where the exact wording was specified, then you missed it. I did specify exactly what she said. It's in the cyan text.

"You don't have to worry about me. A magician never performs the same trick twice."

- Trixie Lulamoon


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@Catpone Cerberus

You wrote so close that it felt like I cheated you out of a reply, so here you go. :)




Yeah, I saw that the third time around. I goofed there. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom
It may take until weekend before I post, I have trouble focusing for some reason so I have hard time coming up with good answer. so sorry about that :scoots:

Edited by Catpone Cerberus
case and point, a grammar mistake I had to fix


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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 Surely I'm not the only dude to have practiced battlecries, lol!

 I fully expect for it to eventually come up, @Blitz Boom :

   "So, uh, Sir? We have reports that you */Rustle of police report papers* said to the subject that you would, and I quote 'Rip out her still beating heart.'   .... Just a bit overkill, wouldn't you say?"

 Shortstack, pouting: "... It's called Taunt! It ain't meant to be literal!"


 Oh, and B.B? I called up the post where I set things up with Flit, if it helps any? 



  In the back alley of Sugarcube Corner, about midday, the door in lies swinging open & abandoned. The Cakes were out on an errand & Pinkie Pie had left the store seemingly locked while she went off on one of her very, very many whims. Likely to restock her ball or balloon stores she kept around Ponyville. Being hyperactive & meta had a lot of unexpected preparations. 

The normally bright and cheery interior of the sweetsshop contrasted with the dingy darkness lurking out the backdoor that led to the storage rooms. It was unusual for doors to be left swinging open like that even if robbery was an unheard of and unfussed about happenstance in Equestria. Normally any rare passerby pone would have closed it, but no one had yet and the door looked fair beaten up somehow. As if struck really, really fast by somepony impatient. That would usually be attributed to Pinkie Pie, of course.

 Still though... a swinging door left open, even on a peaceful realm like Equestria tended to attract oppourtunistic scavengers...



   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Whoops, didn't see that one. I'll jump on it next time I'm making replies. :) Thanks for the reminder.

As for that one... Yeah, I think that might be seen as somewhat of a taunt, had he not flung ponies around, at which point it might be safer to not risk him being literal on it and throw him in the slammer for a bit. Just to be on the safe side of things, y'know?

Just for the record though, not a recruit that came around for him. Just a random citizen NPC. Stargazer is the only Night Guard I have placed in town, and he's mainly there because Princess Luna meant Twilight might need some help. Seeing as Twilight now have appointed a captain for her own guard, that extra help might eventually become invalidated, though he'd potentially get into that one, so that he would not need to move around again, for the sake of his daughter having some semblance of stability. We'll see how that one goes along. :) But yeah, no recruits, though as he were one of the sub-chiefs when the town were rebuild, as he have experience leading troops, I consider that some just automatically addresses him like their superior, and might even give reports, though the work on town are done. A sort of default security to fall back on, when something weird happens. Like somepony being thrown at another pony, which is weird when it doesn't involve Pinkie Pie in some way. :D 


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom  


I’ve decided to put a hold on Charlie and Naut for the time being, time being the issue (I know, weird sentence, but I just went with it).  I need to give Gaea and Zhu some time to catch up their story.  I also want to tie Marcus Silvermane into it eventually, so I’ll be posting for that one as often as possible.  Some of my plans have changed slightly from what they were before, but they’re basically still following the same path I had planned.  I’m just shortening some parts that are coming later so they don’t drag on too much.  The upcoming story is now 25% off!  I had four things planned which needed to be found, but three actually works better for tying together parts of the canon with it, and through that I’ve managed to add deeper meaning to some things that are coming.  Getting myself back on track has been a bit of work, but I think I’ve got a good plan, which also may mean an awkward reunion for one of your characters.  I’ll be taking better notes from here on out.

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The Hugs must Sparkle.

 One day, and one day soon! They shall look upon my work and know! For it is I, the Shidder of Whins! That controls the Shtick!!!


 Ah, I leave it up to your choices, @Pastel-chan& @Blitz Boom.

 Do you want me to be trailing in a monster for your fillies to fight? Perhaps several somethings monsters?

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Haha I'll wait for Blitzy to post before I go again!

Pastel isn't a fighter but she'll do her best! Screaming anime dialogue and words she learned from her grandpa the whole time.

If Jelly gets hurt, she'll get super angry and mean though~

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@Widdershins @Pastel-chan

Uuuh... I dunno? You can fire off monsters if you think it'll be funny for sure. Just know that you aren't the only one causing trouble, and I might randomly pop up with something else to make things weird. Won't divulge more yet, but let's just say that the laughing flower that sent them on a quest is not as innocent as it claimed. :sneer:



This here's more for everyone: I will be gone this weekend, so I won't be posting again until Monday. Just so folks don't wonder when nothing happens Saturday. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom
What type of characters do you have free? i'm asking because I'm currently making a new character (drawing is wip) that I'd be very interested to play as, so if you have fitting characters and you'd be willing to start a 3rd story/character/rp with me, that'd be great :) (though there's no hurry currently since like I said, the character is still wip, and it will be seen when I can finish the picture.) 

I don't have much to give about it currently, but basically I'm thinking of friendship/romance storyline, and my character is a creature of everfree...in a way. He/she/it is a straight up undead monster thing, but only physically, as personality wise they are friendly (and lonely)

the basic idea of the character is that it used to be a pony at some point, but something caused them to start turning to what they are now and it couldn't be stopped even by the princesses so they were forced to move to everfree and they have lived there since (the cause and when it happened and such isn't known by them due to memory loss regarding the time before changing.) 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Catpone Cerberus

You want Lyriel for this. Shes working her way through being the guardian of the forest, and have done well in dealing with the varied issues she have been faced with so far, as best she can. Including dealing with what the animals tells her, such as things they are afraid of, like they were with Nada. With the siren handled in a way, they may well come to ask her to face another (for them) legend of the forest. They could easily come and get her where Nada, Nerzhei and her are currently, and then lead her towards the area, in hopes that she would help them get rid of, or understand whatever were out there.

I mention Lyriel as being the obvious one here, as the setting fit, her role fits, the monster you speak off would be seen as an oddity at the very least by the animals I can imagine, and she is a very open-minded creature. She will not start a meeting with hostility in mind.

If not her, perhaps Sorrow here?


She deals with spirits, so she's closely familiar with death, and doesn't get bothered by it. She is also highly friendly and wants to help others out, even if they aren't dead. I could have her out scouring for spirits, and run into your char.


Belladonna might also work. SHe wanders forests at times to collect herbs for her elixirs and poisons, and whilst she doesn't have any close relations with monsters and/or the undead, she is a highly analytical mare who values facts and faces most things with a cool head. If she ran into your char, it is likely that she will just stand still, watch him/her, and comment on the curious state of the creature she just met, as well as attempting to communicate. She will use poison though, if she observes a threat.


Then there's my resident draconequui, Anomaly. Big fan of mutations and oddities, so any sort of monster living in the forest would be incredibly fun for her to meet, and she is ultimately a benevolent creature. Just a little... Fried in the pumpkin. She isn't using as much chaos as very highly concentrated nature magic, mixed with a tinge of chaos at times, so creating, mutating, and evolving life of all kinds are a passion of hers. She might be able to help your char out, in case he have some issue with continued deterioration. Might be possible for her to halt it, though as he doesn't know what he used to be according to you, it will be impossible for her to remake him into his old self, even if she somehow reconfigured his mind. Seeing how your chars system might have changed, the brain will likely be too different to remake. Besides, she likes them odd too. If you're seeking romance of any sorts, this one's likely the only one crazy enough to go for it.


Straw Hat here's an option for a weirder angle though, if it were. Owner of the Ponyville coffee shop Sloppy Joe's, he does well enough for himself on a day to day basis, and have a strict policy of thinking that everyone deserves a second chance.This is why he have hired Alonsus (former mob member) Long Stare (creepy mare who used to have social issues) Berry Swirl (conspiracy nut who spent time in an actual loonie bin before escaping it) and a few others. Basically, he thinks that there's no need to judge someone, who wanna show that they're not as bad as others might think. If he went through the forest on a stroll, he could cross paths with your char, and whilst the initial meetup might be a little awkward, he'd be fair, and try to work your char towards wandering into town, and get to know their fellow neighbors. Provided he/she/i doesn't eat ponies. Only Anomaly might find that sort funny.

As for the hat and head garment, he has a bald spot, so his wife made it for him. Looks a bit silly, but she's proud of the work, and he have gotten used to it.

These are those I think I could throw at you. Pick or ask more as you see fit. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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