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Casual Stroll - An Introductionary RP mainly around Equestria OOC [Open Entry For All]

Blitz Boom

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Actually, I need them here, so that everyone can see the character, in case they need to interact with them as well. We got folks all over the place after all, so it is hard to say what might happen.

Please post them here in the OOC.

Also, we'll have to sort where to start you off, as it is likely too far back. The link doesn't work, so I can't use that. :/ Sorry.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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On 1/31/2017 at 7:55 PM, Midnight_Aurora said:

Name: Cacora

Race Changeling

Age: almost mare filly, about 14-16

Personality: outgoing and normally open. However, hides a secret that may bring about her own demise.


Current Desguise: pegasus female with unique traits.


History: her egg was lost during transfer. It hatched with her separated from all hive minds. She fought tooth and nail to resist both the love starvation and the hive mind depervation. She grew up alone. She used the TLC from the baker's goods to survive. She has dpent so long in her desguise she has forgotten she is even changeling. However certain things always remain. She can't evade the hunger for love. She will do anything to gain some form of it. However, to her it seems like an addiction. And to others, they might agree. She wanders ponyville in search of food that can sustain her. Most commonly made food won't do. She needs the TLC. Her last source of food recently had shut down. It was a doughnut shop. Now she is looking elsewhere.

Second OC, this is a more complete and updated character sheet for him.

Name: Silverwing

Race:Unicorn/with magically gifted wings.

Cutiemark: a pony shape spell matrix (and yes, I finally fleshed that out.)

Background: Was once a Human from a planet called Earth. Was brought to Equestria by an occult. When they summoned him, they didn't realize what they had summoned. And when they tried demanding his help with their plans, he told them to buck off and after a confrontation, he left to explore the world he may likely be stuck in for a long time. However, a deeply hidden and sealed secret rests within him. A power that is ancient and connected to the world at large. His current form is that of a Unicorn with magically generated and permanant silver colored wings. He keeps his knowledge of the worlds beyond Luna's Sky to himself and opts more for an amnesia effect when pertaining to what had happened to him. Currently, Silvetwing's magic is sealed and is capable of causing massive Magic Surges. These Surges can be quite disruptive. However, a strange call and a forgotten memory will guide him to breaking this seal.

Well, last time I remember and have read of the two, Cacora was heading towards Thorax's Hive following her escort and Silverwing was making his way to the Archives in Canterlot. Silverwing had seperated from another character at the time.

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Alright then. First char seems good, and I even know of a place that might be good for her to work. Got a coffee shop/Restaurant in the RP called Sloppy Joe's, that tends to hire folks who isn't given many chances elsewhere, and long as they're honest about it to the owner, he'll give them a chance. Someone wandering around whilst working, trying to gobble up some excess love, wouldn't be the weirdest worker they have there.

The main barista is a conspiracy nut who escaped from a mental institute (The psych ward part is only known to the owner), their handyman is an overblown ego attached to a muscular, well meaning stallion, who used to be the muscle for a gang before he narced on them (last part only known to the owner, mayor, and parole officer), the server is an insanely silent mare who scares others from seemingly suddenly coming out of nowhere, the cleaner is a griffon with the self worth of a depressed lemming, and their chef is a former Coastal Guard, who looks like a gang of sharks had their way with him. Which they did, causing him to get some rather nasty scars, and a former alcohol problem, though he's been sober for almost three years.

The owner believes in folks getting another chance to prove themselves, and that one can work with whoever, long as they have their heart in the right place. Perhaps Cacora would fit in well there as a roasting apprentice? Can't have her as full time, due to her age, but a part time job, prepping her for something better as she grows? Can't see that being illegal, long as the workload isn't too heavy on her.

Could also go with the Thorax angle I suppose, and then try to take things up from there again. Just used the hive, so I could probably reuse it for this.

Going back to Cacora herself, the secret is... Eh, honestly fine. Doesn't look like a Mary Sue thing, so I see no issue with her. Re-Approved!


Now, regarding Silverwing... Can't exactly judge on the human brought in part, as I have one too, though he were forcefully converted by changelings after falling through a random rift. Occultists bringing one in... Eh, I could see it fit. Always some crazies out there, and between worlds summoning and travelling are well established in this thread.

The magic surges I'd like an example or two about, maybe? Seems like something important that is good to learn about. Are we talking that he can't naturally cast spells, and what magic he does have now at times bubbles up and releases random surges, that have no discerning control behind them, nor any set effect? Could be anything from pushing a crate, to making fish fall from the sky, sort of thing? Would seem functional, and could give him a sort of character arc in trying to find a way to release the seal so that he could gain control of, and actually use, magic.

If he's going for the archives in Canterlot... I have been working with the area a while now, so I have a few options here if you want to work with that.

1. I can make use of a random NPC, or guard, that would wander along with him there, as the archives are something they'd likely only open up for folks if they're trusted, or kept under guard, especially with the recent attacks. Can't risk anything.

2. While he goes into the archives, he'll meet another char of mine, who'd also be under observation, and seeking some specific magical knowledge. So far without any luck, and only allowed in due to having an official request to allow her access, by Princess Cadance. Perhaps the two of them would have something to discuss there, and as she is my strongest character, she could perhaps be useful in case his surges goes mental.

Status: Awaiting approval until the surges are ironed out.




For the record, reason I make use of those such as Banshee and Tomb, is that the town they are in are part of a few in the area that their family helps protect. Had them written up as such for a while now, and seeing as you wanted to be in the area, I'm taking the chance to use a few of them. :) No worries, they're generally friendly. Just a fairly weird bunch what with their generally death related powers, professions, and names.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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I would.... beg to differ, @Blitz Boom.

 There is... just an exceeding amount of Mary Sue in @Midnight_Aurora's work here.

 I, uh, I don't mean to sound bitter and over critical, honey. I'll apoligize for that now as I have been... pretty badly sick lately.

 Just... I find myself mystified by this trend. There's like, just backstory. And wrong in all the important places.

 First, we're led to believe Equestria & Earth are in the same universe & galaxy, just different planets? That whole "In Luna's Sky" bit. Which also shows you like the edgier Royal Sister more for the space inclinations.

 Second, there's just an "Occult?" That's a descriptive term. I'm not gonna try bothering you too much on grammar but... you basically just said your character exists because there is a Creepy Place in this world. 

There's... no logical sense as to why this character used to be human, or how he is a pony now. Him having been a different species once now currently has no bearing on anything. Which is... kind of how I get creeped out by Blitz's Happy Hour. No one would ask him about being human unless they brought it up, and even then no one here would care as a human isn't a species anyone here has a concept of. 

Why does he have so much excess magical power? Somebeing just threw it on him and now he has to deal with it? 

In all due respect, and in summary...  all I'm seeing is: Silverwing: He came from a place, and now he has super alot of power.

There's no character here. 

 A character needs a personality, how he interacts with the world & what he does now, in the present. You can't just say that a character has a past history that some might find scary or traumatizing and leave it at that. What are we supposed to do with that information, that a character has had a rough time before? That's not something somepony that walks up to them in the street is going to know, or be able to interact with. Does y-

...  *Holds head*

Ah, sorry. I digress. That was a more general statement about edgy backstories. The important thing is, Midnight here is an old hand around here, so I'm sure you'll all work out fine!

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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What I gave is a basic thing. And he isn't the only OC I am bringing back. I didn't write his tale to give everything for a fully developed character right from the start. Silverwing himself is a very Old Unicorn who has had some strange things happen to him. And the whole human part. Silverwing is Me, the shadow who plays, in the world that is and I only have him currently with three things ability wise. Also, being old-school also means believes things a bit different than now. And sense the PoV on more is less for opinions and the mary suing commenting stuff that made me leave without warning is still around, I am going to withdraw Silverwing, this time permanently. As many says, don't list a fully developed character with no weaknesses or we call it mary sue automatically. To be honest, that's how the instant Mary Sue calling makes this shadow that plays feel. Like they should have never even came up with the idea for said OC in the first place.


Also sorry for wasting your time. I will respectfully remove all requests to join as I don't desire further sudden Mary Sue commenting without first interacting with said OC.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@Midnight_Aurora @Widdershins

Widders brings up some good points, but before I get to them, I would highly, highly, HIGHLY discourage self inserts. It rarely ever goes well, as self inserts tends to be an idealized, all powerful vision one have of oneself, rather than something more restrained, which is what RP tends to be about.

And the whole point about Mary Sue being brought up, is that it will automatically come up as a concern whenever something is set in, which is presented as having a lot of powers, for no apparent reason, and with little to no restraints. A self insert on top of that, puts one into the defining role as one, which is another reason why we ask about it. It is not to say you aren't welcome, but to try and figure out some of the details to determine if we are right in our concerns, and if so, offer some suggestions on how to reel things in, to make it a more fun, balanced character.

There is never any fun to be had with a Mary Sue/Superman'ish character, as it all devolves into overshadowing others, and gets dreary trying to interact with. It is one of the reasons why for example, the very powerful unicorn I have, are bound by a contract that means she literally cannot cause anyone harm, no matter if she wants to or not., along with being an emotional wreck. This is what I mean with asking details to get a sort of idea who and what we're dealing with.

You must understand that the stranger the character is, and the more powerful, the more important it is that we know where we are. Otherwise there is the potential for things to suddenly go *Oh, massive monster attack? I swoop in and kill it instantly, because that's some of what my massive power can do. I am also now the new king of Equestria.*. Which is again, why details are so important. Retracting the entire character just because of a bit of constructive feedback and some questions aren't the way to go at this. :/

The shadow would also need some clarification, as there seems to be several sources this one is made from (both magic and the being himself), with no clear origin of any, nor idea of how they'd even mingle in the first place. Which is something that would, in any RP, require some degree of clarification. Been doing Forum RP for over ten years, and I've never seen anyone not ask into things to a point where the backstory made sense, unless the one in question more or less had no powers, which is where a *So not a lot happened when he grew up* kind of story tends to work. 

And as Widders said (among other things) Humans tends to not be on other planets, but rather dimensions. I thought that's what were meant to begin with but I might have gotten confused there.

Stuff with magical origins are also something I question, and in regards to being summoned, you could always just go with the sort of standard *A cult tried to summon forth a monster from another dimension, to use as their weapon to assault Canterlot, and take over Equestria. They had a prepared, magically crafted vessel ready for the spirit of the creature, which they were certain would restrain the mindless beast, and make it obey their every command. What they got instead were a stranger to their lands, which to a pony might seem like a monster, as it were not something that any of them would have ever seen, or heard off outside of fairy tales. A monster, which were not as mindless and easily swayed by their orders as they had thought, and instead of listening, he told them off, and decided to wander into the world, hellbent on discovering what strange place he had come to.*

A bit ham-fisted maybe, but top of my head stuff here.

Also, your other char is still in play, y'know. Nothing to put a finger on there, far as I can see.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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 I didn't understand anything that happened.

 I did say, dear, that I have no say in if anything happens or not. I'm just a random poster. No one said you had to listen to me.

 In fact, one could say.... you don't have to listen to anything, anyone or even yourself ever.

  No one's making you do anything or asking you to change. C'mon, sit down and play with us! Pwease!

14 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:


See, that's where you're both wrong. A Mary Sue/Gary Stu isn't an empty thing wielded like its an insult. Nor does it have anything to do with powers. Otherwise, why would Superman have lasted this many years in pop culture? The amount of power, what a character is capable of, that isn't a bad thing. Not having limits isn't what's a concern.

 I myself like to go nuts in that regard.

What a Mary Sue IS, is a reference to one particular fanfic. A self-insert into a Star Trek setting of a pretty girl that had no magic or capabilities or even remarkable traits. What makes a Mary Sue is that everything comes right back around to how things relate to them. That's why I feel it's important to keep in mind when writing a backstory... is that the backstory effects nothing but the characters internal monologue and how they think. You could have grand power to summon forth towering towers of magical crystal at a moments notice to smite your foes! ...but that's not going to help you brew a nice cup of tea or learn about friendship.

 My own Persona has a backstory that spans countless forgotten millennia. He's destroyed planets, worked for villans and been betrayed, mutated, strung up & quartered, he's seen his loved ones die, universes birth and the endless void.... and none of that matters. Because he ain't gonna tell nobody, cause even if he did remember, he wouldn't want to talk about it, and no one's going to ask because all they see is floppy ol' weird danger noodle! A backstory only applies to how your character thinks about what's in front of them now. Like: "I was stabbed once. I should make sure to keep an eye on other ponies' hooves and what they are carrying" Hence, a cautious personality.

 That's kind of why i've been thinking a requirement, particularly for Equestria characters is "What My Character's Stance on Friendship Is"

 What matters is how your character reacts to things now, regardless of what environment they are put into. It's why you don't hear too much criticism of Superman because while he grew up on a farm with simple values... he doesn't remember having escaped an exploding planet. He only knows he's been different and fights to protect. It's why Batman gets so much Flak because no one seems capable of writing him without a ""By the way, my parents were murdered pretty bad. I have a violently high scale of what's Good & Bad."

We're-... I'm not trying to make you do anything, Aurora. It's Role-Play. Playing against, and with others. We're trying to give you something to do. And It's my opinion you might not have so much fun if all you can do is have your character talk about what magic they can do and how things were bad at one point.

14 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Stuff with magical origins are also something I question, and in regards to being summoned, you could always just go with the sort of standard *A cult tried to summon forth a monster from another dimension, to use as their weapon to assault Canterlot, and take over Equestria. They had a prepared, magically crafted vessel ready for the spirit of the creature, which they were certain would restrain the mindless beast, and make it obey their every command. What they got instead were a stranger to their lands, which to a pony might seem like a monster, as it were not something that any of them would have ever seen, or heard off outside of fairy tales. A monster, which were not as mindless and easily swayed by their orders as they had thought, and instead of listening, he told them off, and decided to wander into the world, hellbent on discovering what strange place he had come to.*

Uh, no. I still don't see that working, Blitzie.

 How much specifics would have to go right.... there being summoning/Daemonic class sorcery in this world, the kinda overkill in overtaking a Capitol that way when it gets taken over pretty much once a season anyway with almost no guards or protection, the questions that arise that if "crafting a vessel" was so diddly-darn easy, then why does anybeing in this world worry about getting badly injured? There's.... to quote a Youtube Reviewer's meme "It just raises too many questions."

Wouldn't it discourage anyposter from playing opposite of you when their character just went to college and had hobbies? If alot of magic was put into making a character super combat-ready... then aren't you only limiting yourself to specifically combative, D&D like environments? It's a question I've arisen to you before Monsieur Boom. I don't see anything wrong with there being that one darker toned town where people were more paranoid and hateful..... but this is a world that's been shown that you can burn ponies' houses down, and they welcome you as a townwide friend & planner of parties the next week. Starlight Glimmer started up an ACTUAL CULT OF BRAINWASHING and SHATTERED TIME AND THE WORLD ITSELF and she's still allowed a high position in a school taking care of others and small foals!  *Ahem* Pardon, sorry, Digressed.*




 ...On a Side Note!: 

  We've seen Tartarus in the show's Cannon now. It's literally just a cave they keep cheap metal cages in. And maybe a magical door that opens if you put a big enough rock on it.


*Edit: ...I suppose alot of the characters I write in this world hinge upon it being  a unique world where you can destroy as much of the world as you can, yet still have friends after, so long as you're super sorry about it afterward.

Edited by Widdershins

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Sorry if some of the posts are a bit short, but work meant I was low on time, so it were what I were able to get out. Hope it'll do. :)

Also, quick thing to @Widdershins, though I will go over more of the post tomorrow: In no way, shape or form, did I say crafting a vessel was easy. However, it is also not impossible. Golem making as an example, are an option for creating a vessel, and I did not say, nor believe, that a vessel would simply be made of flesh and blood. It were more meant as in like say... A construction of crystal, or clay, or something of the sort. The kind that'd take a lot of effort, materials, and magic (to a point where it would be hard for say, a low rung bunch of fanatics to try again) to get going. Generally speaking, I don't see a real body being something that'd be easy to just get ready at all. Golem making is a bit more malleable of an option, long as it is not overdone.

It were also, just a first thought sort of thing. Not meant as the defining answer to the whole situation. Top of the head things usually requires a bit of sorting out :)

And yes, if a body would be made speficially for battle, it would make it a bit awkward to have in non battle related things. Though that could create an interesting context, no? It'd present some interesting inner battle with oneself, as one tried to go against base instincts, and bodily function like that. Sorta like trying to keep your anger down, rather than just give in.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Sorry Widders, another long, grueling day at work today, on top of this blasted heat frying my brain, so not had it in me to respond to things. I'll try again tomorrow.

Though shortly: Yes, it is odd how much can be forgiven, long as you promise you'll be nice from now on. Realistically, Equestria would've been properly invaded ages ago, for being a bunch of gullible suckers. :) Hehe.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Widdershins @Blitz Boom


I understand your definition of mary/gary sue but I am a bit old school. By your definition all OCs in some way unless their story contains no connection with cannon, even via cannon helped the chara out of a bad spot, or they are considered making the world revolve around them too much.


And that's the first thing that always comes to mind when things are brought up. Yes, Silverwing can get very powerful. Yes Silverwing knows how he fits into the world via something that links him to the form he is in. The winged unicorn form has way more significance to Silverwing's backstory than to anything Equestrian related. And I use the term other world because of other reasons. Dimension or another planet doesn't matter. It is a scientific fact that multiple worlds could exist in all universes. Plus, Celestia and Luna aren't the, well for the lack of a better word, Makers of their world. While yes they are treated with a certain divinity by their little ponies. The show itself leaves out so much. Creating a plausible insert into cannon was the idea behind one of the Charas I made. However, sense said chara was never given a chance to shine as who they were, and judged by the book's cover that wasn't read. And to read the book one only needs to meet the character.

"And while I believe my importance great to those who knew of me. The current modern world is not what I saw coming. Spell Matrices are the strength and weakness of my power. Without their knowledge, I can't even use the most basic of spells. But that's not the point to be made." ~Silverwing


Silverwing being me in Equestria is more of a me being an explorer into something that once was/is apart of our own world, but has been lost due to our own problems.


I never desire any of my OCs to be important to how the world develops that's why most if anything in Silverwing's past is only a Plausablity. Also I didn't wish to bring up the name of the being. But it was either what I described, The over used discord method, the impossible rifts idea (to which would have meant instability in the world was way larger than shown at any point in the show) or the unlikely tech transport invention that found Equestria's location (and this falls under all scientific terms for it. Be it another planet [most likely], another time[least likely) or another dimension [can be even considered like going to another planet, but it unlikely.)


And if the fourth one was used, the humanoid form would be sustained and it would be a true self insert. The creation of Silverwing isn't just a random i wanna be in Equestria insert of self. Silverwing falls under what I referred to as the chain of memories. He is a memory within the soul that I can recall and if you think I am Crazy, don't care. That's all Silverwing was. Yes he did help further the Equestrian way but as his final request, all knowledge about what he brought to the table had the potential to bring ruin to everything. He knew the younger/more primitive Equestria couldn't make proper use and thus took most of that knowledge with him. The knowledge being advanced spell matricies. The basics could still be out there.


And with discovery of said Advanced Spell Matrices, it would simplify everything and every spell. No limitations. The mary sue aspect of power you spoke of before.


In essence one cam say that Silverwing isn't important to events but can be suddle in the crakes between events.


One what's the origin of the crystal heart before it was discovered by the crystal ponies. Two what's the origin of the Hippogriff peral before it was known as such? Three the tree of harmony wasn't just not there one moment and then there the next was it?


Things like these are where the Anomaly of Such OCs exist. And yes Anomaly was the name I was refering to before, when describing how Silverwing got to Equestria.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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 I have absolutely no clue what you are saying.

 And I tend to think i'm good at convoluted things.

I don't see how anything you just typed refers to anything else going on.

 I don't think you're crazy, I think you're incomprehensible.    ...and no, that's not intended to sound like an insult.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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On 6/8/2020 at 4:27 PM, Blitz Boom said:

@Handsome Changeling

Well hello hello, blast from the past. :D

I guarantee you, there isn't an issue with you joining up again, at all, and you don't need to worry about the Hydra part interfering with that. The parts are still scattered, and there's nothing saying that you even have to be nearby when it all takes off. It could be anywhere in the world, that we have the setting for the RP including you. :) 

Have a lot of chars since last, including some changelings of my own, but let's get to the very basic: What char would you like to join in on, and what sorta setting? I can make suggestions based off of that. :)

Also, watch out for Widders. He can, and will, bite. :D


Sorry sorry for not responding right away I was moving back home from uni! Yeah I was wanting to join as my boy Void in the signature, maybe I'll throw the mothpony in later, usually Void is just following any chaotic events for fun in his ponyform so setting could literally be anything!

I have made Void a lot less edgy and strong too after rewriting his story if you wanna know if anything changed bar that personality wise Void is same old same old since reading a backstory is sometimes effort heh.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Okay, starting with the long one I have missed out on a few times now.

....Reading through it, I got nothing. You summed up things pretty much perfectly in regards to a Mary Sue character, including good examples. Well done, have a gold-plated starfish. :D



@Widdershins @Midnight_Aurora

I'm sorta confused to, but it kinda looks like from the fifth or sixth paragraph, that Silverwing were kinda build around the old myths about aliens descending and helping the Mayans, Egyptians and that sorta thing? Also something about him being the glue that makes everything work ? It's the best I have since I have to admit, it does look mighty confusing. :/ Sorry.

22 hours ago, Midnight_Aurora said:

Things like these are where the Anomaly of Such OCs exist. And yes Anomaly was the name I was refering to before, when describing how Silverwing got to Equestria.

One of my characters are called Anomaly. I didn't know she canonically brought in Silverwing. :P

Jesting aside, could you perhaps try and baseline things a little more? I think you're over-complicating things whilst trying to explain yourself, and it sorta muddles the waters. I know I asked for details, of course, but more saying that it seems as if some of those details requires some insight to things you have previously done, which we do not have, or have been expressed somewhat curiously.



@Handsome Changeling

Well, if you want a strange, chaotic setting, I'll pop a few chars up I am not currently using, and we can take it from there. :)


Rose Flourish. Usually tending to the garden at her cousin's mansion in Canterlot, but due to some recent events, she have decided to take a few days away, and go to somewhere else to just get herself under control again, before she ends up doing something she'll regret.

The Everfree Forest have a lot of interesting plant life she could go and check up on, as she is a keen gardener, and always looking for something beautiful to add to the garden at the mansion. Best not try and meddle with her too much though. She seems cute and innocent, and will act nicely towards most too, but cross her in a bad way, like insulting her skills, or generally be mean towards her, and she'll show the temper she got going, and likely smash you across the face, or back of the neck, with the silver-bladed shovel that's both her primary work tool, and impromptu weapon, if need be.


Brute Force. Current Las Pegasus fighting champion, for the first time since she started around eight years ago, and the first unicorn to get the title, due to magic being forbidden in the matches. But like the saying goes, where there's a will, there's a way, and she always dreamt of winning that title, and eventually move on to nationals. So she focused on training her body over her magic, which is also evident now, as she can crack a tree in half with no issue, but she'd lose to an average unicorn if it comes to a telekinetic battle of magic.

She's wearing the eye cover on one eye, as she got injured her final match, and need it to keep the wound clear of potential dust, etc, whilst it heals. There's a bandage and stuff on beneath. In her off season, she tends to travel around, helping out, or looking for an adventure with some danger to keep her form going well. If Void's looking for a time going through an adventure, or have someone potentially think he's causing trouble to fight with at first, this might be the mare for you.


Rose's cousin, Billowing Smoke. A proper adventurer, looking for something to do. These days more than anything, due to mare trouble getting him down, so he's out looking for just about anything to do to help him get back on track. He's a suave, kind sort, who wouldn't mind sharing the loot of an adventure, provided of course, that his partner does their fair share of the work as well. Can't have freeloaders hog all the rewards, and none of the dangers after all. :)

He's a rather wealthy one of his sort, as he also white-washes things through the grey market that doesn't have immense historical value, whilst legally, it appears as if he's just lucky with finding diamonds, gold, and the like.


Kind of a wild card here. I was gonna use her with another one, but he suddenly vanished while we were working towards this, so...

Currently nameless OC. Been trapped in ice for who knows how long, in a temple up in the more frozen, northern parts of Equestria, that recently got discovered by sheer accident. There's no saying if she's trapped because she's evil, if some accident happened, or if it were voluntary, but I will say this: She does not like a cold climate. It makes her form too stiff and more or less useless. It does so to others as well, but this one is more or less an animated glob of living honey. She have some degree of ability to influence bees, but that is it. She have no real magic, beyond manipulating her form some, and the wings she can grow are completely useless, as she's too heavy to fly. At best she can use them to spatter honey on others and try and catch them in the sticky residue, but she'd have to lose around 70% of her regular mass to be able to fly. She regains mass slowly over time, in case she looses some to things like getting it eaten. Again, essentially honey, so she's rather delicious.

If you want chaos, then this is likely the best I can offer, as she'd very undefined at this point in time. There's no real saying what will happen, how she happened, or why she's trapped, but we can sort the most basic things out before/during the RP if it were, and see where the road takes us. :)

Looking at Void, I do have something else. A hive I've recently made use off, that comes from Las Pegasus. A pretty small one though, with only a dozen changelings and their queen, who're not into fighting at all. A bigger, more comprehensive and stronger hive like Void's, they'd do everything to stay out of the way from.

Their path have been feasting off emotions, via infiltrating the theaters and other venues where there were an audience in Las Pegasus, and performing, whilst feasting merely on the emotions more or less permeating the area. When changelings were allowed to show in public, after Thorax made ties, Queen Cheshire were quick to go directly to the officials in Las Pegasus, and speak for her hive and their peaceful wants.

They've been kept under observation for a while now, just to make sure they're not up to something, and have agreed upon a lot of restrictions, such as having their main quarters under surveillance, allow inspectors at random, etc. Nothing have come of it, since her and her hive want nothing more than to spread joy and wonder, whilst earning their food the old fashioned way.

The hive as a whole, and Cheshire in particular, are rather theatrical, and likes to often and rapidly shift form as inconspicuous as possible. Both to make use of in their shows, and to toy with and confuse attackers, or bigots against changelings, who they tend to drag along by the snout, metaphorically speaking.

Dunno if these would be up your alley, but there might be some familiarity there, as Void could have met, or perhaps even heard of, a minute hive that lived in the same area as his own hive, yet did everything to stay out of their way, not snitch on them or anything, and if told to, back off from places they had wanted to go in themselves. When you're lower on the food chain, it's not smart to irritate the real predators after all, and Cheshire both knows and lives by this.

I can also make up another OC, or make use of an NPC for a while if it is. Have a lot of mine working right now that's therefor not usable, but if none of these are what you seek, lemme know what might be your want, and I can try to think of something. :)

As for the character, no issues there. Looks as good as ever. :D

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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51 minutes ago, Blitz Boom said:




@Handsome Changeling

Well, if you want a strange, chaotic setting, I'll pop a few chars up I am not currently using, and we can take it from there. :)


Rose Flourish. Usually tending to the garden at her cousin's mansion in Canterlot, but due to some recent events, she have decided to take a few days away, and go to somewhere else to just get herself under control again, before she ends up doing something she'll regret.

The Everfree Forest have a lot of interesting plant life she could go and check up on, as she is a keen gardener, and always looking for something beautiful to add to the garden at the mansion. Best not try and meddle with her too much though. She seems cute and innocent, and will act nicely towards most too, but cross her in a bad way, like insulting her skills, or generally be mean towards her, and she'll show the temper she got going, and likely smash you across the face, or back of the neck, with the silver-bladed shovel that's both her primary work tool, and impromptu weapon, if need be.


Brute Force. Current Las Pegasus fighting champion, for the first time since she started around eight years ago, and the first unicorn to get the title, due to magic being forbidden in the matches. But like the saying goes, where there's a will, there's a way, and she always dreamt of winning that title, and eventually move on to nationals. So she focused on training her body over her magic, which is also evident now, as she can crack a tree in half with no issue, but she'd lose to an average unicorn if it comes to a telekinetic battle of magic.

She's wearing the eye cover on one eye, as she got injured her final match, and need it to keep the wound clear of potential dust, etc, whilst it heals. There's a bandage and stuff on beneath. In her off season, she tends to travel around, helping out, or looking for an adventure with some danger to keep her form going well. If Void's looking for a time going through an adventure, or have someone potentially think he's causing trouble to fight with at first, this might be the mare for you.


Rose's cousin, Billowing Smoke. A proper adventurer, looking for something to do. These days more than anything, due to mare trouble getting him down, so he's out looking for just about anything to do to help him get back on track. He's a suave, kind sort, who wouldn't mind sharing the loot of an adventure, provided of course, that his partner does their fair share of the work as well. Can't have freeloaders hog all the rewards, and none of the dangers after all. :)

He's a rather wealthy one of his sort, as he also white-washes things through the grey market that doesn't have immense historical value, whilst legally, it appears as if he's just lucky with finding diamonds, gold, and the like.


Kind of a wild card here. I was gonna use her with another one, but he suddenly vanished while we were working towards this, so...

Currently nameless OC. Been trapped in ice for who knows how long, in a temple up in the more frozen, northern parts of Equestria, that recently got discovered by sheer accident. There's no saying if she's trapped because she's evil, if some accident happened, or if it were voluntary, but I will say this: She does not like a cold climate. It makes her form too stiff and more or less useless. It does so to others as well, but this one is more or less an animated glob of living honey. She have some degree of ability to influence bees, but that is it. She have no real magic, beyond manipulating her form some, and the wings she can grow are completely useless, as she's too heavy to fly. At best she can use them to spatter honey on others and try and catch them in the sticky residue, but she'd have to lose around 70% of her regular mass to be able to fly. She regains mass slowly over time, in case she looses some to things like getting it eaten. Again, essentially honey, so she's rather delicious.

If you want chaos, then this is likely the best I can offer, as she'd very undefined at this point in time. There's no real saying what will happen, how she happened, or why she's trapped, but we can sort the most basic things out before/during the RP if it were, and see where the road takes us. :)

Looking at Void, I do have something else. A hive I've recently made use off, that comes from Las Pegasus. A pretty small one though, with only a dozen changelings and their queen, who're not into fighting at all. A bigger, more comprehensive and stronger hive like Void's, they'd do everything to stay out of the way from.

Their path have been feasting off emotions, via infiltrating the theaters and other venues where there were an audience in Las Pegasus, and performing, whilst feasting merely on the emotions more or less permeating the area. When changelings were allowed to show in public, after Thorax made ties, Queen Cheshire were quick to go directly to the officials in Las Pegasus, and speak for her hive and their peaceful wants.

They've been kept under observation for a while now, just to make sure they're not up to something, and have agreed upon a lot of restrictions, such as having their main quarters under surveillance, allow inspectors at random, etc. Nothing have come of it, since her and her hive want nothing more than to spread joy and wonder, whilst earning their food the old fashioned way.

The hive as a whole, and Cheshire in particular, are rather theatrical, and likes to often and rapidly shift form as inconspicuous as possible. Both to make use of in their shows, and to toy with and confuse attackers, or bigots against changelings, who they tend to drag along by the snout, metaphorically speaking.

Dunno if these would be up your alley, but there might be some familiarity there, as Void could have met, or perhaps even heard of, a minute hive that lived in the same area as his own hive, yet did everything to stay out of their way, not snitch on them or anything, and if told to, back off from places they had wanted to go in themselves. When you're lower on the food chain, it's not smart to irritate the real predators after all, and Cheshire both knows and lives by this.

I can also make up another OC, or make use of an NPC for a while if it is. Have a lot of mine working right now that's therefor not usable, but if none of these are what you seek, lemme know what might be your want, and I can try to think of something. :)

As for the character, no issues there. Looks as good as ever. :D

Based on that the other hive you have would be a great thing to interact with RP wise! It not only lets me utilise Void on his home turf in Las Pegasus but the idea of two hives, one being exceptionally secretive and the other wanting peace it seems like a good balance especially if I had Void leave the hive already and just show up to check on them only to find out another hive existed after his leave. Two opposing thought processes is a nifty idea though. Obviously Void would be moving around in his pony looking state and doing the ol' secrets and spies stop the cries of the hive n all that. 

Oh yeah here is the ol pony form of his too for future reference.1022342146_VoidandPonyVoid.thumb.png.9c8f7bfd3fbd3c2dafe019c1394de0fb.png

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@Handsome Changeling

That's sorted then. :) Also, worked with a creator program, and managed to make a visual for the one you'll be playing with. I present: Queen Cheshire.


A smaller, nimble queen, who despite being legally allowed to go around as a changeling, tends to put on this more regular equine form when she interacts with others, to avoid uncomfortable moments.

Would you like to start the setting, or should I, when it is? If I start, it will most definitely take place in Las Pegasus, in the theater that Cheshire and her hive lives in. If you do it, it can be wherever, and she could just stumble upon the setting. Don't be fooled by her looks. She's surprisingly stealthy, and tends to like stalking others at times and pull a few harmless, hidden pranks just for fun.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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5 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

@Handsome Changeling

That's sorted then. :) Also, worked with a creator program, and managed to make a visual for the one you'll be playing with. I present: Queen Cheshire.


A smaller, nimble queen, who despite being legally allowed to go around as a changeling, tends to put on this more regular equine form when she interacts with others, to avoid uncomfortable moments.

Would you like to start the setting, or should I, when it is? If I start, it will most definitely take place in Las Pegasus, in the theater that Cheshire and her hive lives in. If you do it, it can be wherever, and she could just stumble upon the setting. Don't be fooled by her looks. She's surprisingly stealthy, and tends to like stalking others at times and pull a few harmless, hidden pranks just for fun.

Well your start does seem to fit the bill I desired too, starting in Las Pegasus is obviously a better option

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@Handsome Changeling

Excuse the cheese musical lyrics, but well, what came to mind. :P Enjoy, and if you want an in, there are dark spots in the ceiling, and down where the audience is supposed to seat near the back, that aren't properly lit right now that Void can hide in. :)



@Catpone Cerberus

I will get your responses done soon mate. Just really gotta catch a bus, and time ran away from me. I will make 'em whilst it is driving. :)

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Windy Breeze

 Been sick and tired alot lately. Been havin a spot of trouble posting to whats I already got here. I would like to... just... awfully tired.

 Oh, hup~ What was I needing forgiveness for? Lol~

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Catpone Cerberus

Sorry for another of these, but gonna ride the bus home again today, and ran out of time. I could keep some on the phone, but at times, it can just refresh a page if I am not on it a lot, and that'd more than likely make me lose what I had written already, hence the need for me to post what I had thus far.

Before the day is done, I'll have yours editted in though. Promise. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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The crowd of black pony figures are actually the ponies who are just like Sandy and Wine, foolish enough to stay in the obviously haunted place. They had the same eye color of Autumn's. They were formed out of hatred and the feeling of betrayal. 

  • Brohoof 1



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