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Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom



"We should probably get back to the seeds before some more clouds roll in," Seamore said looking at open sky that Storm had cleared. "Oh! You're going to be planting? I've always wanted to see that!" the changeling doctor said, clearly excited at the idea. He then turned to Sissilia, "You should probably follow them and keep them safe. We'll meet back here at around sunset and I'll take you back to your forest." With that, Sissilia ran off happily following along the trail of the others who had left. Seamore took a few steps out into the clearing toward the saplings.



@@Blitz Boom



@whoever else may be nearby in Ponyville


The trail leads the spirit toward the center of town, where he stopped, shouting, "I have found you, vile thing! Now release my beloved Mona!" There, Ink and Quill were leaving Sugarcube Corner, stepping out right into The Forgotten One's path. With Ink and Quill out of view of Vivid and the others, The Forgotten One reached through the realms, his arm becoming visible to Vivid as his hand reached out for Quill, pulling him in spirit form into view of Vivid. The hand would disappear with its new, screaming victim back through the realms. To Vivid it may appear as though the creature had simply taken a spirit to consume. That is, until she'd see an identical, slightly dwarven sea green Pegasus with grey hair panicking and running around. "Quill! Where did you go?!" He ran back into the shop and asked the pony at the counter, "Did you see where my brother went?" The confused pony responded, "Who?" "My brother! We were just in here!" He then gave up with the pony and ran back outside, running through the same mud puddle from before, then running right into Quinch while covered in mud.



@@Blitz Boom



Behind Last and Crescent, The Forgotten One reached its arm across the dream hall, straight through the walls, pulling Quill screaming through a new rift which closed behind him. The Forgotten One let go of Quill before pulling back through the tear it just created, which also closed behind it. "Where am I?!"

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Frosty Frost,

@Blitz Boom,

a moment ago summer had been angry but now, there was no anger anymore. she saw damon sitting on the ground, with his firestick next to him. she quickly landed and walked up to him 'eh, is everything allright?' summer said softly. she was really worried about her friend suddenly. a moment ago he was happily shooting fire and now he was staring at the dirt. 'I-I'm not angry, don't worry' summer said quickly because maybe he got sad because she had been angry.

summer stood there, thinking about what she could say to make him happy again. then she remembered what they where going to do before they had their nap. summer pushed him a bit with her nose 'c'mon damon, we're going to find barrel' she said and she tried to sound as happy as possible and she hoped her happyness would go over to him, it usually worked with other ponys. but she wasn't sure if if was the same with damons.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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If Giddon had been more of a hothead, he might have thrown some words out when the pony that had identified himself as Bashful Thread had asked if it were teeth that had done the damage to his gear. Yet just like how the pony moved along from that point so did he, not mentioning the obvious signs that this was done by slicing, not biting.


It should be obvious, what with there not being deep puncture wounds as opposed to the slashing marks, but what could you expect from ponies? Most of them lived happily sheltered and ignorant of how the brutal side of nature worked, and wouldn't be able to distinguish the paw-print of a timberwolf from that of a doomhowler without assistance. Still, he could have hoped that it would be fairly obvious that if something had a wide enough tooth to make the marks in his gear, he would have been torn in half.


*sigh* It was things like this that made him miss the home he could never return to.


Taking off his adventuring gear by releasing the hidden clasps at his chest, between his wings and where his belt were, he took it off layer by layer, making it easier to see the damage that had been done to both pieces, though not to him. It were one of the benefits of being dark, crimson and covered in feathers. It made it harder to see wounds unless they were bound up, dripping, or had torn off a good patch of feathers.


"Just make sure the inner layer will hold and not chaff. and the cloth not show large patches of easy to make out stitches."


He walked the few steps more he needed to get to the counter and started to put the gear down, looking with an unblinking, steel gaze at Bashful whilst doing it. Projecting emotions with his eyes were something he had gotten used to as telling things directly could cause issues, and the short one that had met the tailor's had quite easily been possible to identify as *Don't ruin this*. Giddon wouldn't hurt him if he did, but that didn't mean the pony needed to know that. And the gryphon liked those kinds of situations.


Beings often judged on looks, and by looks and attitude you could think the gryphon were short of temper and dangerous, which made a good deal thread carefully to not get on his bad side. Realistically though, whilst it might hold truth that he were dangerous - most certainly actually - he were not an idiot either. He bottled his emotions if needed, and didn't think with his talons before his brains and, for example, suddenly attack a civilian inside a city of his own kind.


That sort of actions were bad for his reputation, which in turn would hurt business, and he were a businessman first and foremost.


You could argue others seeing him as something worth keeping away from might also be an issue, but that really depended on what sort of business you were in, and in his line of work you needed to at least look hardened to not be taken advantage of or dismissed as not having what it takes.


Well, except for Her... But she were not shy of showing she were serious either, which were another option. One he could not do as he didn't have the ability to live a double life like her. He wasn't That good of an actor, and frankly were too recognisable.


Internally he shivered slightly by the thought of the mare in question and moved along from the thoughts. There were a reason he did not often do business with Her, and he had better things to do than remembering past meetings where she thought he might need a... *reminder* of his place in the grand line of things.


The strange question from the tailor pony did well in diverting attention too, and the memories went away fast as he approached this oddity of an inquiry that the pony had directed at him whilst letting go of the rest of his armor so that the tailor could get to work with it.


The strange part wasn't really that he were curious though, but rather the way it had been asked. If he *loved* his work, instead of the usual question of whatever or not he *liked* his work. Something that would seem more appropriate considering the damages he had come here to repair, unless Bashful literally thought that he *loved* getting torn into. Something Giddon had a hard time believing considering his reaction before when he had seen the damages to his gear.


"I enjoy the work, yes."


It might be well worth keeping an extra eye on this one. Just in case it were not just a strange choice of words, but a clue to something deeper.


Something exploitable.








Ziggy almost snorted laughing at the funny impression by Serenade. Normally it did not go that far, but come on. It had just been Too perfectly timed and performed, how couldn't she find it funny?


"Ehehehe, t-that was a good one."


Some giggling escaped through her mouth and stopped her words for a bit before the worst were over and she could speak normally again.


"I liked the first ones. it were the first step into anything adventure to me, so perhaps it's a bit glorified in my mind because of nostalgia or something. Still, I find they're All awesome. Well, Daring Do and the Powers of the Crossbones."


She shivered a bit and wuickly got closer to Serenade, bending her head down to whisper to her with her hoof trying to block the words from going the other direction. Even if there wasn't anypony near them.


"It was a fraud release in Las Pegasus. It were really, really, Really bad.


Never heard who actually made it and tried to earn easy bits on the Daring Do name, but trust me, if you read it... You wouldn't even attempt either. It's the sort of thing to put behind you and hope it never resurfaces. Like cat socks, or modified vuvuzelas."


The book hadn't lasted more than a week before some legal ponies had come in and shut the production down, but since Daring Do books got sold pretty fast after release there had been thousands of books sold already by that point. One of them bought by her father, given to her, and... Well, let it be enough to say that her reaction hadn't been too good when she were done with it.






@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


Blitz let out a small *mmm* sound when the hug wasn't repelled, but sort of given back instead.


Though it seemed strange to her, some ponies tended to push her away when she did this and make things all awkward for some reason. It were never fun to run into those sort of ponies, and considering the important work the group now hgad ahead of them, it were good to see that Frosty weren't like that. It would have made some parts of the road ahead boring. At least to her.


Pulling away from him again after hearing Summer saying something near them, she looked over and tried to gather what were going on with her and Damon. She had missed the first few words being said, so at first she just saw the sunken down Damon and hadn't a clue why he had done so. That is, until the rest of the words filtered in and it got a bit more clear. Well, enough for her to see it didn't appear Summer had given him a lashing of words at least. That would make things awkward too.


Slowly wandering over, Blitz looked up at Damon with big eyes and a smile on her face, trying to see if it might cheer him up a bit.


"It's okay Daymon. I set fire to some of the forest by accident too sometimes. It happens."





@@Seamore Sandwich,



Last had been looking around herself, trying to see where Crescent might be before suddenly something she could only guess were Nemo tore through the wall behind her and dumped off somepony. She had tried to get over to it and get a slash in on the abomination, but he had taken off before she got the chance, leaving only herself, the strange spirit, and now this unknown pony.


It was a poor trade for who had gone missing though. Crescent had been a fighter in his own right, whilst this one... Frankly she were doubtful he were a danger to anypony but himself.


And yes, at this point she had to think that Crescent were gone since he wasn't behind her either. Where he had gone she hadn't the faintest idea about, and ordinarily she would be all over trying to find him, but she didn't have the time for that if Nemo was taking other ponies now. She had to move, and it had to be now.


"You're in a sort of dream-hell thing. Basically, you're dead to the world around you and will stay that way unless we get moving. Can you fight?"


A bit of way behind her, the spirit looked around himself and cringed somewhat. He were supposed to bring both of the lost ones here and the other... Oh bother, where had he left that one?


He looked between the tear that would lead to the point in the castle where Nemo had gone through to begin with, the hall where Last and another pony he didn't know now were, and then back to the path in front of him, wondering what he should do. Should he go with them through the tear like he had planned to? Could he even? Or should he go hunt down the bat pony that He had lost?


Oooh, what was he supposed to do? What would the others want from him?






@@Seamore Sandwich,


@@Lonk Chase,


"Yes, I can hear you."


Briar didn't think much of the whispering voice in his ear. Not until he realised that though he could hear the voice, he couldn't feel Syo anywhere around him. No smells, no sounds, not even a breath, and yet... This was strange.


"Might I inquire as to where you are?"


Whilst Briar more or less stood and talked to himself, another movement Were taken notice of by him. The one of Brittle slowly shifting next to him and beginning to lift herself up again, though she did let out a barely audible whimper whilst doing so.


After the worst had passed, and some of the voices around her had gone away, Brittle had managed to pull some of the pieces of herself together and get out of the majority of her panic attack. She were still feeling shaky, and the second she saw Miles she pushed herself over and behind Briar whilst shaking a little and looking at him with scared eyes, but at least she were responsive now. For the time being that were a blessing in itself for the Evergrown.


Brittle in the meantime, were still transfixed on the Changeling starting to move away and towards... Planting she guessed. She hadn't heard anything for a bit now and had used what little inner strength she could muster to get herself up and going again whilst tuning the world around her out, so what they had talked about she wasn't sure. She just thought planting since that is why they were there to begin with after all.


As for the changeling... It were another stranger first and foremost to her right now, and not one she thought were harmless. He might be to the others, but to her the fanged being were an imposing figure that she feared would lounge at anypony in a heartbeat and gnaw on them or something. She wasn't really sure what, but the teeth made her think something with biting at least.


Briar anted to follow the pair of them, but he would wait for a moment in case Syo had something more to tell him, like she were a bug all of a sudden and he would crush her if he moved, or talked through a strange line to him. Yet he hoped it would not be something that would draw out. The planting were something he wished very much to be near, even if he could not see it.


Over at the others, Meeko perked his ears all of a sudden and walked a little towards where they had come from and let out a few growls and barks whilst his tail was wagging. There were somepony coming it would seem, and considering his tail were wagging, unlikely one that were an enemy. Though what he might think an enemy could be vastly different from what they thought after all.







@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Awh carp..."


Vivid looked with narrow eyes on the scene that unfolded in front of her. How the arm had suddenly appeared after the spirit had shouted, dragging what she at first thought was another helpless soul with it before the panicked visage of a pony that had looked like the one she had seen pulled away started to ramble around about looking for somepony.


Taking into account the identical look of the two ponies, it were likely the one that had been drawn away were the one he had been looking for, which meant that either he could see the spirit of his dead brother... Or this were something stealing living ponies out of this world, which reached a state where a soul eater started to sound like a good alternative. At least she knew what she were dealing with there.


Right now she had no idea, but she had to try and fight it one way or another. Hopefully she could do with just using magic to tear at it and stop it from taking others, guided on by the soul that had yelled at it, since the alternative were... Well, frankly were painful, horrid to watch, and made her feel weak for days afterwards at the best of times.


Summoning sharp hands like the ones she had used to grab hold of Quinch earlier, she took a step forward, looking at the spirit.


"Point me towards it, and I will help you the best I can."


Whilst speaking, lames flared up in her eyes and her horn started to glow from top to bottom. Yet not like it had with Quinch, which were purely magic from the veil and just a deep purple. No, this one mixed in with the plae colour that her soul magic represented, and before them, the three large hands she had with her started to peel a little here and there, showing the whispery magic coursing beneath the outer layer.


She would deal with the ponies around her already running away, scared from what they saw, later. As well as any critique she might get from Quinch or Adante. For now, she needed to try and be battle ready, and hope that the next time she'd be able to make a hit in this... Whatever it were.


Meanwhile, on the same rooftop he had been through the entire process since the spirit yelled out to Vivid, Zhu down upon the assembled group before closing his eyes again.


"Three roads lead from here. Remorse lies on one, on another defeat, on the third success, yet not without its cost."


The wind started to blow stronger in the area near him whilst he tasted the air once more, almost getting the aroma of the danger that had now befallen the town. The danger which he could not let them escape from.


The wind started to spread and increase in power, settling in a large circle around the majority of the visible town. It did not blow down houses, and would not press against the stones, but it did make for a hard to penetrate wall of fast-blowing wind that most ponies would not be able to cross.


The air followed troop, getting currents that would make it hard for anypony but the best of fliers to come in or out of this little *bubble* where everything happened now. Where Zhu were now done trapping a lot of ponies within the confined space with little hope to get help.


"May your pain be brief, and your return guaranteed."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade giggles, "I've only just started reading the books, but my dad LOVES them much to mom's frustration." Serenade blinks, then shakes her head, "I'll make a note of it and warn Pops." She keeps walking, stretching out her wings into various positions emulating what she saw Ziggy do, all the while humming a tune. 

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"What do you mean?


"Do you not know? Love? If you're hungry for that, I might not be the ripest fruit, just so you know," Lonk stated to Ginger.



Meeko perked his ears all of a sudden and walked a little towards where they had come from and let out a few growls and barks whilst his tail was wagging.

"Meeko... What are you doing?" Lonk questioned.

It seems like Meeko's trying to make a greeting of sorts to a distant figure. Whether that greeting is good or bad doesn't seem to be implied at all. 

Edited by Lonk Chase

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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"Do you not know? Love? If you're hungry for that, I might not be the ripest fruit, just so you know," Lonk stated to Ginger.

"I would prefer not to feed on love...I would if I was to the brink of death, but only as a last resort...Are any apple trees around here?" Ginger Lightning asked looking up at the trees...Not paying any attention to where she was stepping and almost fell into a small stream...

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@@Blitz Boom



Bashful watched as Giddon removed the gear he requested to be repaired.  It took a of effort to not flinch when he saw that steely gaze of those eyes separated by a sharpened beak.  Clearly this wasn't the type of ... 'pony'?.... that was about the small talk.  This made it worse because Bashful Thread needed a way to keep his mouth preoccupied, and maybe talking to himself would anger the adventurer further.  That was the last thing he wanted.

Pulling pins from his beret, he started to hold the fabric in place, folding it over itself again and again at the very edge of the tears, placing the pins in place to hold his work in place.  It was a little more time consuming, but a proper hidden stitch took him alot more time than a quick patch-job that he used frequently in his own clothing. 


Maybe there was something in Giddon's voice that made matters worse.  'I enjoy my work, yes', as though to correct Bashful's question.  Bashful couldn't help but wince like he pricked himself with one of the pins and needles he was working with, but it was more at Giddon's words, few as they were.  Why would anyone enjoy this kind of work?  Dangerous was bad enough, but getting mauled by... whatever did this... Bashful would try to avoid the trouble if he could.  Still, the answer didn't give him the response he had been hoping for.  He just tried to move on.

"Well, maybe you should consider a new profession if you don't love it.  Work becomes so much less tedious when you love what you do!  That's what Lace always says."  Placing the cloth piece aside, he tugged on the stitching as much as his strength could muster, but the cloth wouldn't tear.  Satisfied with it, he started to look over the stitching.  It was by no means a perfect hidden stitch, but it was most certainly functional. 


Maybe it was safer to just talk to himself, as though this menacing individual was not in the room, finding the comfort of his own company as he began to start work with the leather-punch, beginning to make the guide.  "Maybe a new outfit.  They say the clothes make the pony after all, maybe something that would make you feel a little more relaxed!  I think with your coat... er... feathers, you would look smashing in a...."  He stopped in mid sentence, looking at Giddon.  He seemed to become more cross with him with a look that communicated more than any words could.

Then there was something inside, something more primal.  'Threat.  Threat!  THREAT!'  Protect the Queen!'.  Something inside, an instinct he shared with his many brothers and sisters, the kind of defense that would have Bashful throw himself at this Threat like the spearhead of an angry swarm. 


Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a pair of sheers, and forced himself with shaking hoof to put them to work at the leather.  After a few cuts making the new seams and re-enforced scrap take shape, each motion with that of focus and aggression, he kept silent.  He worked diligently, a busy little bee, and then just before threading the cord through the guide, he stopped.


His voice wasn't so much calm so much as monotone, like his mind was a million miles away.  "I need to get some proper rings or else the holes will tear...  I... I will be right back."  He placed the scissors down on the table gently, as though they were the only thing that mattered to him.  He walked down the stairs into the basement.


While true he needed the metal rings to sink into the leather, that's not why he needed to get away from Giddon.  It was his presence, this passive-aggressive look he kept shooting at Bashful, that bully-boy push and then separation.  No love, no joy, just business and strength and spite for those beneath him. 


In the basement, away from prying eyes, Bashful Thread faded in a flicker of green flame.  Instead, there sat a blue eyed creature of dark chitin, purple shell along his back, holes punched through his body as though he was missing something.  And he was, his stomach rumbling again.  It was too stressful to hold the form, he needed a rest, and under the scrutiny of the visitor who's behavior unnerved Bashful Thread, he needed to relax, a moment to stretch out, regain his thoughts.  It wasn't until he walked by a mirror, that he saw his form.  He turned away from the reflection, himself... Scissor Biter. 

"I don't want to be YOU anymore!"

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Not paying any attention to where she was stepping and almost fell into a small stream...


Lonk heard a small splash near Ginger. He didn't know there was water here. He then immediately deemed himself stupid because of course there's going to be water in a forest, how would the trees survive without water?

In that case, he went to investigate.


There was a small stream running between the trees. It was blue, deep blue. So blue that you could almost miss a little bottle just floating down the stream.

"Wait, what?" Lonk exclaimed.

The bottle floated to him, and he picked it up.

On the bottle was a worn-down label that said "To Lonk Chase".

"Ginger, can you stay there for a second? I need to do something private."

Lonk walked a little ways away from Ginger and fished out the little note inside the bottle.

It read the following:


Dear Lonk Chase,

I believe we haven't met in person yet. If you didn't know, I was that one pony in your brain? Yeah, I'm an actual pony. Jaraco Sillings.

I don't know how fast this will get here, but once you get it, you need to know three things:

1. I got a letter from this pony named "Sisylia" and told me to come to Canterlot for "formal introductions". I thought this might be something that would interest you. Come meet me at Ponyville tomorrow at 7:00 in the morning. I know this sounds like blatant Stranger Danger but I feel like I can trust you and you can trust me.

2. There's another one of my friends who knows about everything that has happened to us that has kindly offered to take this bottle and put it down a stream near where you were at. I told him where I last saw you at and he knew right away where you were. So we have an ally if we need such thing.

3. There is no number 3. I put it there for s[***]s and giggles.

So yeah. If you need to contact me, you know how.



Lonk paused to think about this.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Blitz Boom



When The Forgotten One dropped him, Quill landed on his back, right on the cupcakes he was carrying. The box was still closed, but the cupcakes inside were a bit smushed. He got himself back up on his hooves and looked down at the box. "I've been in a scuffle here and there, all thanks to my brother. I'm more worried about him then myself, he's always getting himself into trouble, and I'm usually the one to get him out of it. What exactly was that thing anyway? And do you plan on fighting it?" When he asked the last question, he seemed a little afraid, but not like it was enough to keep him from fighting if it came down to it. He's been in scary situations before, being chased by mobsters, dragons, and even Timberwolves.



@@Lonk Chase


@@Blitz Boom


Sisilia hung from a tree above Lonk. She lowered herself into view in front of him, staring at the paper he had. She wasn't quite able to read, seeing as she had never actually been inside a classroom. There's only so much that can be learned by looking in through the window when nobody was looking. She continued to stare at the paper as if she wanted to know what it said.




@@Blitz Boom



Seamore turned to Briar when he spoke, "Sorry, did you say something?" Miles had already figured out what was going on: this was only one side of the conversation. "Shhh. It's probably a telepathic link." It was commonplace for young changelings to speak aloud by mistake when having telepathic conversation, they'd still be heard by the other ones involved if that was their intention though. Seamore understood the need for focus, so he'd stay quiet for the time being, at least until Briar was done with his conversation.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Blitz Boom,@@Seamore Sandwich, @@Quinch,


(Andante positions himself in front of both Vivid and Quinch, commandingly shouting over the wind)


Partisan is the skirmish against foes

both indiscernible and empyreal.

Vicissitudes of fortune foal,

against the lassitudes of death,

contrite and attritious defeat.

Least in you the Warrior's Breath

reprieve filled conjures a way

to furrow across realms and bleed

the likes of which cannot decay.

Our phantasmal anathema

deleteriously rapes the living

from animus’ anima.

Extricate from the inimical

guileless and virginal souls,

where in safety innocence may immingle!


(Andante rushes around the border of town beginning his search and rescue)

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Blitz Boom,

@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


Damon rubbed his forehead and gave a sigh. "It's fine. Just... need to keep it together." He wasn't really in the mood for talking as such. Damon needed to get his mind in order and try to figure out where the hell Barrel is. He knows he is here because this is where the events took place. After he finds Barrel, they both know where they must go and what must be done to ensure a better tomorrow. 

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pretty much everything

Lonk felt a presence.

That's new.

Did Lonk suddenly become physic or something? He doesn't want to be sitting in a dark room with a crystal ball and saying "I see your future..." Or maybe he's thinking too stereotypical. Probably.

He doesn't want to be able to feel this. But he does. And he must answer for some unspoken reason.

He looked up.

And he saw in the trees the chimera hanging from a tree, smiling for only Celestia knows why.

"What are you trying to do?" Lonk questioned.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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Fourty legs traveling in unison. Quickly and quietly they approach the Everfree Forest. An ancient evil has been freed, and thus the Hatar have been given their mission. If it weren't for the interference of a being known only as "The Traveler" none of this would be necessary. Alas, balance must be restored, the task: eradication.

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@@Stardust Balance

@@Dark Horse


"Sugarcube Corner?" repeated Serene, "Yes I do! It's a very popular spot here. Ever since I arrived here for my break I made it a point to visit at least once a day."


As Serene spoke she became more and more distant, fixated on the sweets that had invaded her thought process.


"You know what?" she continued, "How about I just show you where it is. I think I want to grab a snack from there too. Follow me!"


As Serene began leading the way, another pony had accidentally bumped into Stardust. Serene stopped walking and allowed Stardust to get his bearings.


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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@Dark Horse 



The sudden offer incited Stardust to blink in surprise, before a small smiled lifted on his muzzle. If the place was as good as to get this polite mare desiring for some of its treats, the quality must be as good as the reputation. Who was he to turn down such a kind offer? 


"Why thank you, ma'am-" 


What the-? 


Feeling something suddenly bump him from behind, Stardust was pushed a few steps forward before recomposing himself, side-glaring at the pony responsible for bumping into him. A dark brown unicorn, stallion, who was already looking embarrassed and apologizing for the accident. 


His glare softened, relived it wasn't some intentional assault. "It's quite alright, my friend." An amused smile rose, "Though I'd recommend you be more careful as to where you're walking." That said, the yellow Earth Pony looked back and nodded to the patient red unicorn, "Please, lead the way, my dear." 

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"Good good. And good wing control by the way. It looks like this might end as smooth as butter."


Ziggy stopped talking when she heard Serenade's humming a little closer. It wasn't really a tune she could recognise, but... She gave it a go with trying to hum along anyway, though lower so she could hear in.


It went... Well, poorly frankly. Usually she had to hear a song a few times to be able to get the tune right, or hope it was some sort of foal song that were easy to follow, and right now she had neither of those things going for her, so she stopped rather fast after beginning and tried to focus on something else. Like-


"How are your parents by the way? Are they Sirens too? Are they nice?"







Omen didn't say anything, but merely followed as they went onwards towards the old ruins where they had first met some time before this.


It were strange really. The time since then hadn't been Too long, yet a lot had happened in that short amount of time. From their search of his sister and master Discord in Ponyville, to finding the tail that the princess enhanced to lead them on their way, all towards now being in the woods, mislead by something or somepony, and taking a step back to look over other things.


More than that had happened, but even thinking over the most important pieces were filled with experiences and strange tides that would take time to fully process. She were used to the world moving slowly, and with her having little to no part of things, so her ability to get up to speed on things as quickly as she had been in the chaotic days of Discord were a little rusty.


Not that she complained about it. The plethora of things happening were a welcome change from the slow tide things had gone in the past millennia or so for her. And when most of it worked towards helping a friend, there were a good purpose behind it that made it a wave that she would not wish to avoid.


"Mother was right. The world never stops."


They had been walking for a bit of time when she spoke the minor sentence. Not in response to anything in particular, she just said the words and kept moving along towards their next goal, not thinking over how it might seem strange to Senlin.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



"It's an abomination, and I intend to kill it."


So the pony might be of Some use in a fight anyway. Good, she would need whatever hooves on the job she could get, even if her beliefs in his combat abilities right now were... Questionable. But they tended to be before she saw proof of whatever or not a pony in question could throw a kick right.


"We should get going before it gets too far away. Follow me."


Last would lead the way to the tear a little away from them, ignoring the spirit that seemed like he were still a bit frazzled and wondering what to do. Which he were, really. He had gotten into this thing by being told what to do, had then failed, and now he weren't told anything like they were disappointed in him, or had figured it wasn't worth their time to try and make him fix his mistakes.


Might even be something else, but he were a little busy battering himself over failing and being concerned about why the others didn't speak with him to really focus on that. Or when Last would wander through the tear and wait on the other pony before getting a move on from their place at the old castle for that matter.


Unless he were suddenly informed by some of the others that they were laving and he had to get going and do something, it were likely that he would just float where he did now for a time until he finally noticed they were gone, and then go into a minor panic over things. That would be a sight to behold.





@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Lonk Chase,



Lonk wasn't the only one who had taken notice of Sisilia, as Meeko had come over too and jumped up and down roughly next to him, trying to reach the serpentine feline hanging down from the tree.


He had smelled her before and thought that the odd one were coming down the path, but then when that hadn't really happened he eventually started to look around confused, which is where he saw the one he had smelled.


There wasn't really any particular reason he were after this one for now though. Perhaps a little because she were a stranger of a kind that he had never seen or been told about whilst growing up, and it made him curious, but it were much the same with the others really, so the reason were likely just as simple as him trying to get to her because... Well, because he couldn't reach. He Were a pup after all, his actions didn't always have to make much sense.







"And here I thought it were illegal for your kind to live hidden."


Giddons voice was heard behind Bashful as the gryphon quietly wandered the last few steps down from the stairs and into proper sight of Bashful. Or perhaps just thinking *The tailor* were more correct, as that might be the only thing that were what it seemed after all.


After the strange, borderline hostile behaviour that had gone up with the scissors before, Giddon had gotten even more suspicious of the pony and when he had wandered into the basement, the gryphon had slowly followed, making sure he wasn't heard or seen as that would defeat the purpose of getting information with some degree of finesse. Sure he could perhaps beat it out of the tailor, but it wouldn't serve him well. Especially not when he hadn't even completed his work on his gear yet.


It wasn't the only reason, but it started to sound strange if he went to the point of admitting that more than anything else, he would just rather avoid battle if it could be helped. He were a businessman after all, not a brute, and information and manipulation were mostly stronger weapons for him in the long run than a well placed strike could end up being, as well as being something he felt more comfortable doing.


Which were fortunately for the tailorling in front of him. If he had been faced with a brute, he would likely just have been beaten, dragged outside, and exposed. Yet for Giddon...


"I could call the guards and perhaps cash in on a small finders fee. Though-"


A smile went over his beak and combined with the new look going over his eyes. Not one of suspicion and trying to appear as being in charge of things, but rather that of somepony who had found a rare gem, and now were pleased with the find. A look that might objectify Bashful a little, but it were an improvement over before at least.


"-perhaps we can work something else out instead."


He wouldn't say What he had in mind just yet, as he wanted to see if this one would back down, get aggressive, or begrudgingly hear him out first. He could work with any of them really, but it would impact how much pressure he would have to put to the proceedings, and the more pressure he had to use, the less favourable it would be for the unfortunate tailor when things were all said and done.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom"No....I don't know my birth parents...Mom and Dad are Pegasi, I am adopted" Serenade stops humming but keeps up moving her wings, sometimes wincing as she moved a unbeknownst muscle. "They found me on the shores of Horseshoe Bay, my Dad spent many nights searching." Serenade suddenly stops, and blinks several times, "Dad is gonna freak when he learns I am trying to fly." 

Resuming walking, Serenade glances east, "Dad just retired a few months ago, declared he was 'going to travel the world seeing all the wonders'" She giggles, "says the Stallion that started panicking when he helped me move to Canterlot. He never gone farther then the outskirts of Baltimare."


"Mom on the other, she grew up in Vanhoover, daughter of a Guard Pegasi who was used to moving. She was proud I moved to Canterlot, and then to Ponyville. Gave me some cryptic warning about Ponyville." Serenade shrugs, "I should have listened, I still can't look at a cupcake without tasting hot sauce." 

Edited by Moonlit
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@@Blitz Boom

There was that chill that ran down the spine of Bashful Thread, now in his 'native' form of Scissor Biter.  He couldn't turn around, not facing the creature.  There was something inside that didn't want to let go, and this thing speaking to him was unwelcome down here, in a collection of scrap cloth and stored wares.  The metal of Giddon's talon clanged upon the steps and he made his way down to the bottom, his threats escalating things.

A swirl of green flame engulfed the changeling, dying off as suddenly as it appeared, and the Tailor Giddon first met was standing on his hoofs looking into the mirror.  There was a look of shame across his face, and the pause was enough to let a pin drop be heard.  It seemed Bashful Thread was a million miles away, contemplating something which left a sour taste in his mouth.


Slowly he turned, approaching the large creature with feathered wings and talons, sharpened beak and sharper eyes.  Walking towards the adventurer, he looked over the darkened wings.  "Yes.. Yes you could.  But, you haven't.  You want something, and you're being a bully to get what you wanted."


Swallowing his fear, he looked over Giddon.  He tried to push his thoughts to the side, the ones that said how stupid he was for letting himself slip.  He wasn't suppose to be here!  No, it's his fault, he wasn't being careful enough.  Now this thing knows!  If everyone knew, what would happen to Lace and Cracker?!  They would be harbouring a changeling!  They might get run out of Ponyvile or worse!  They worked so hard to make a life for themselves here, to give him a place to stay, a life away from... from what he was.  Then there was that thought. 'Threat.  Threat!  Protect!'


"So how about we talk.  You could tell everyone, and they'll be searching... for a while.  But who would believe you?  It's a wild accusation from someone who wanders a bit too much under the sun.  You would have to prove it.  And by then, I'll be long gone.  But I will remember.  So many faces, so many places, so many things that people get attached to.  If you were not worried about being presentable, you wouldn't be bringing your gear to a tailor, you'd bring it to someone who builds something more rugged."


He looked at the talons, the beak, the wings... It was a shape to be proud of.  "Then there is alot of brothers and sisters, alot of people.  Some of them almost as big as you are.  It's important you get your armour fixed, and you want it done right.  It would be a shame if you couldn't trust anyone to do it right... After all, how do you know it's really them?  How do... how do you know..."


Bashful couldn't take it anymore.  Threats were never his game, this was NOT who he wanted to be!  He couldn't do this, and lowered his gaze to the floor.  Bashful was so small and weak, he couldn't do that to someone.  He is Bashful Thread.  Scissor Biter is something else, somepony he doesn't want to be anymore.

It was when he looked down at the wood floor, seeing his tears hitting the boards beneath their hoofs.  "...no..."

He wasn't sure if he was saying it to himself, or to Giddon.  It was terrifying, a grip around his heart that made it almost painful to breathe.  He was about to lose it all... because of some cloth and leather.

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If Giddon hadn't been smiling before, he certainly did when the changeling started to threaten him.


It was just too amusing a thought that this little thing thought that he would be a threat if it came down to it, or would be able to get away if things came to that. Even if Giddon had no intentions of actually turning this one in, since to him the the prohibition law on changelings seemed excessive and too harsh on the hiveless ones, it did not mean that he couldn't do it.


All it would take were to knock this one out, secure a piece of everwood in some fashion, then tie it to him and present him to the right authorities. Or if he Did get loose, just carry a stick of that same magical tree with him to test. Celestia knew that he had done weirder things in a paranoid fit before, though he did find it amusing that this one thought that tricks like that would make him suddenly rethink things to not end up a nutter afraid of his own shadow.


The smile died on his face as the threats did on Bashful's tongue. He could have kept it going for a bit more, thinking over the boldness of this one, but if he kept looking amused then he would essentially just be simply what the tailor had proclaimed to begin with: A bully.


Now, far be it for him to say he did not employ certain tactics that a bully might too. Some intimidation, occasional brutality, and a good psychological warfare were all tools he could use to his benefit at times, and had done so without bashing an eye. Still, he refuted actually Being one, and especially over petty things such as... Well, laughing at a crying bugpony for example.


"A bully takes what they want. I, on the other talon, are a businessman. I pay well for what I want, such as the highly specialised services of one such as you, with the added clause of my silence.


Not that I care for exposing you as is anyway. I have better things to do than uproot lives for paranoid laws, yet your kind have a habit of being... Fickle, to deal with at times if I do not get their attention. Something that these days are easier than it should be."


He wasn't going soft here. He were not trying to console the crying changeling, nor rushing over to hug it out, or whatever other touchy-feely thing that was in fashion for ponies these days. Yet he did, in his own way, apologise. Or at least put some reason behind things, which for him were pretty much the same thing. Usually he didn't care to explain things if he wasn't interested in the impact it had done.







"Perhaps when we get some wind under your wings, you can go on a trip with your dad then? A good family trip is always a good way to bond and have a little fun."


Ziggy kept smiling to Serenade, liking what she heard of the Siren's parents.


Not the biological ones, as there was nothing there, but frankly that didn't matter either. In Ziggy's perspective, family wasn't based on the blood that ran in your veins as much as who had been there for you and raised you through life, making connections and memories that defined your foalhood and who you turned out to be from those formative years. Which in Serenade's case made her adoptive parents her full on family for sure, and not the ones who had spawned her.


Was strange that she were drifted unto a beach though... Buuuut that wasn't up to her to dig into. It was in the past, and sometimes the past was best kept buried for... Various reasons.


She shook her head a little and looked around to see if she could see any water yet, but no dice there.


"It must've be- Wait, hot sauce and cupcakes?"


Her line of thoughts stopped up when the last bits of what Serenade had said filtered in, not having a chance against the overarching question flowing in about who would put hot sauce, on a cupcake? Did somepony mistake jam for hot sauce or something?


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Bashful Thread wiped his eyes, keeping his face hidden from Giddon.  He really was trapped, and the worst was trying to find some way to hold it together, while holding his instincts back.  It took a moment for Giddon's words to sink in, when Bashful finally sniffled his way through a sentence with that quiet voice of his. 


"Wha... What do you want?"  He moped trying to bring himself to going back to the shelves...  He need to get back to work, he needed to stop this nightmare scenario from playing out.  Mostly, he just wanted Giddon gone!  Let him live his life in relative peace and quiet, Bashful had enough to worry about on his plate.

Taking hold of a small box filled with bits of metal, he started to climb the stairs, his eyes still partly watered as he made his way to continue his work. 


Laying the steel rings he took hold of a pair of pliers, and began to work... All the while his stomach rumbled.

Edited by MDLineArt
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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade nods. "Yup...hot sauce, chocolate and cherry cupcakes drenched in Hot Sauce. Completely covered in the stuff" Serenade shivers at the memory. "The second night I was here, got a surprise party thrown for me. Pinkie Pie gave me a cupcake, and well...the end result was not pretty, not pretty at all." 

She turns back to Ziggy, "Sounds like an idea, it's been ages since I was in Horseshoe Bay and just felt the open ocean"

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@@Blitz Boom, Ginger Lightning was to busy trying to climb a tree to see if it had any fruit to eat to notice Sisilia...She was braking a few branches and she was almost to the place in the tree where she thought she would be fruit she fell out of the tree onto one of her wings.

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@@Blitz Boom



"I'm not about to go into combat unprepared. Give me a moment." Quill began digging through his saddlebag. Luckily he and Ink were preparing for a housewarming party, which meant Quill had some of the party supplies he'd bought earlier in his bag. First he pulled out a bendy straw, which he put in his mouth to hold for a moment. Then he pulled a roll of red streamers out. "Having a brother like Ink and living in a big city, you learn to be resourceful. This one time, we were at an outdoor restaurant and ink spilled his drink on a made man. We had to run, armed with nothing more than the straw from my milkshake," he said as he tied a piece of streamer around himself. He then started pulling out some of his loose feathers, using the pointed end to poke each through the streamer, basically turning it into a bandolier. "You'd be surprised how well Pegasus feathers can work as blow darts."



@@Lonk Chase


@@Blitz Boom


Sisilia pulled herself back up into the tree after noticing Ginger's attempts to get the fruit. She leapt from the branch she was on to a branch of the tree Ginger was at, crawled across it, around the trunk of the tree to the branch with the fruit, then grabbed the fruit with her paw. Then, after picking the fruit, she passed it over to her tail, turned around, and climbed down the trunk of the tree to where Ginger landed. With her tail she offered the fruit to the now possibly injured half changeling.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Blitz Boom,

@@Lonk Chase,


@@Seamore Sandwich


"I was sent to exactly 10 miles south and 2.2 miles to the west by a certain cat..." Syo replied. "I just want to ask if you could lend me your connection to the forest's magical network so that I can just get back."


Melke could hear everything but he cannot reply as he needs to focus on maintaining the connection. He was unsure why Syo is asking when she could just teleport like she always does. Melke can feel that she was interacting with a sort of entity and know that the entity can feel his presence too, but he has been here for a while so his presence is probably quite familiar.

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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@Blitz Boom
@Summer Breeze

Frosty followed Blitz to Summer and Damon. Damon didn't look too happy.


"You don't look fine to me, but if you say so..." Frosty said hesitantly.


He never knew how to be around people who didn't look too happy. Did you try to cheer them up, or would that just annoy them? Frosty didn't know when it was what.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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