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Blitz Boom

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"Ok I'll go get them." She looks to the one that was speaking. "You and the others look after your brother while I go fetch the doc." She got up and departed to try and go find them though she had no idea who she was looking for, or what at that, she'd just start asking questions the first creature she found.

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Kay I wub you buh bye!" After Soft Star left, Allure's guards took protective positions around the kits/lings.   


"My liege, Countess Soft Star has left the kits in search of Doctor Miles."


"Ugh, not so loud! Why is she searching for him?"


"Apparently to help the ailing young Petey, my liege."  


"Petey... poor thing.... Contact him. Let him know who's on the way." 

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@@Blitz Boom


"I didn't send anyone." Ghilan replied in confusion. "I didn't even know you were all in the forest. The ones who brought you here only did so because of the commotion in the forest. I was only alerted to your presence the moment one of them came to me with the news but..."

Elder Ghilan paced around the room and examined those papers again, noting every stroke and looking back on the events all the way up to his rise to his current position. Much of the politics going about in his time was difficult to decipher and most longma of his own clan didn't stray into it either out of indifference or confusion. He looked once more on the parchment and the missives and cross-referencing them with older directives from his predecessor's paperwork. 

There was one stack in the corner of the room he set aside to burn since those weren't of use to him and much to his delight, the topmost document was the one he needed. 

"Aha! Looks like this Xin wasn't lying after all." The elder brandished the relevant document in his claw and showed it to everyone in the room. Lin approached him and read it, her eyes skimming each word and her expression turning more forlorn. 

"It's true then," she said. "Xin was working with outdated instructions. Very few knew about this and no one was allowed to let him know of any changes to his orders should any come about. Just goes to show how wretched the previous elder and his council are!"

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"W-Whoa. How did you..."


Florence looked at Zen with big eyes filled with a mixture of shock and wonder. She had never met a telepath before, but the voice in her head had been unmistakably Zen's, and more importantly, it had clearly not been spoken by her physically. Even the best ventriloquist still at least had to move their throat a bit, and it wouldn't sound like it was rummaging inside her head like this one did either, that was for sure


Much as she was gripped with intrigue and slight concern over what it meant that somepony could get into her head like this, what she had said deflated her balloon and made Florence fall down from the surprise and down into somewhat depressed rather fast.


"You don't understand my situation. It's... Hard to explain."


Hanging her head low, She took the box up again and started to walk towards the hospital. They weren't far off now, and perhaps when they got there, she'd have her mind a bit more in line again instead of now. She were going to need to at least, if she were going to have any hope of explaining why that building held something that made her loss feel so much worse these days than it had in years.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



The response from Null was quick after what the pegasi said. Too quick for even Void to come over and try to say something to calm her down before she had jumped up and punched the insulting pegasi with a downward strike, sending him to the ground. She might be a little pegasi, but she weren't a pushover, and with earth in her blood - as had been crudely pointed out now by this one - along with the years of having to fend for herself and her sister, plus relying on her legs since she couldn't fly, she could pack quite the punch. Or kick, depending on how you looked at it.


She didn't think on that though, she just got closer to the pegasi and looked him in the eye with a fiery hatred burning in her own, and and venom coating her raised words.


"You can call me names or push me around all you want, but nopony, and I mean NOPONY, insults my family!!!"


Everypony had their buttons that you could press to get them to loose it. Even the most zen of them all, had something that would grind their gears and get to their core, and to Null, it was anypony that even dared to think about insulting her family. Not her sister, who had been hurt enough by others already and whom she had sworn she'd protect, and not her parents, that had sacrificed everything just so that the two of them had a chance to get out of Troy alive.


"And I swear, one word- just one more word about any of them, and I will take a knife and do to your wing what was done to mine! Do you understand!?"


"That's enough."


A meaty hoof were placed on her shoulder and drew her back, away from the one that had mouthed off before. It wasn't her sister, who only now had managed to come over and looked concerned and scared down on her sister, worried what might happen with her now, but instead a large bat pony that carried the signature helmet of the Night Guard.


Stargazer had looked over the situation with the old-school ponies that had shown up, the volunteer separation of themselves into the under-categories of the pony race,a nd the mumbling that went through the groups, getting increasingly sure that something was bound to go wrong here and prepared to take action when it were. That it had been this however, he hadn't foreseen until the smaller one had talked back to them to begin with, at which point it were inevitable and he started to make his way over there. Not in time to stop the punch of the threats, but far as he were concerned, this were a provoked assault and he shouldn't have to stop it then.


Now that knives and cutting off wings started to get into the conversation however? This were a time for him to interject and stop this before it escalated further.


"You two, find somewhere else to help in town. There's plenty of other places that could use a hoof after the attack that's nowhere near the refugees."


The glare that he got back from the small one didn't even make him flinch. She were understandably angry that he sent them away, but this were the only way this wouldn't end with him having to arrest Null, so he didn't really care. The further he could get these from the refugees, the better for them all. Speaking of which, he had something to say to those as well as he looked between the groups, and the one that had been downed before.


"As for you, I ask that you all please proceed to the assigned camps peacefully and let this end here. And before anypony get ideas, let me remind everypony here that both the Solar Guard and myself have the authority to arrest unruly citizens, be they local or refugees, though we don't want to go there if it can be avoided. There have been enough unrest for one day, and it's about time it stopped before we are forced to take action."


With that, and a hard look towards the three groups, he turned around and shushed Null and Void further away, pointing them towards a place to the south where somepony seemed to be digging for something. perhaps a pony, a pet or a possession, he didn't know, but it would keep them occupied, and give the smaller one time to cool down before he'd address her again.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"For the past thirty years, the vision of what were avoided have been everywhere. It is something I couldn't avoid examining, though it made me feel displeased to see that disastrous imbalance, and I look forward to potential futures where this will no longer show itself. Or at least, will be something so far ahead that only the eternal ones end up showing me that scenario."


There had been a time, back when he were less jaded, when this seemingly inevitable future made it churn in his guts and worry constantly over what could be done, and how it could be stopped. Those feelings had went on for centuries, and even as the days had neared the past decade, and he were more hardened towards things such as this, the clutch in his chest from the day that were nearing were still felt by him at times. Now that it was over though, and this had been averted forever, or for now, he started to feel better. More relaxed, and saddled with less worries.


There were still some however. Until he had the chance to examine things further, he didn't trust that this might not attempt to happen again in the future, and the possibilty still roamed in his mind, but it was minute and barely a whisper right now. For the time being, as he walked through the portal, he knew that there were other things to focus on, and likely another lesson to be learned now.


It'd be interesting to see if his sight worked in the past too. He would be outside the normal cycle then, and there were no telling what would then happen as he had never heard of others that had the exact same curse as him, and even if he did, what were the odds that any of them had seen the past? Only two beings had he even heard about that could wander through time, and one of them were missing, whilst the other had opened this gate.







Chow looked sheepishly on Astral as she pointed out what he had been about to do.


"Yeah, sorry 'bout that Astral. Old habits you know? Grew up with the notion that if somepony or something sneaked up on you, it was time for a kicking. Or a friendly brawl, but that were the same initial response really.


And we didn't really speak 'bout much. Lofted the idea to Misty that school might not be a bad idea, and were about to bring up the option of gluing you to the cargo just for the heck of it, but beyond that, nothin' really stands out."


He grinned at her, hoping that she knew that he were just pulling her leg again. It was a way for him to balance out after the awkward, though sometimes that just became even more awkward and... Well, you knew how the rabbit-hole went down and down.


"Heh, just yanking your chain lass. We were just having a looksie on Canterlot. Should be what, 10-15 minutes before we there right now I'm thinking? Enough time for everypony to get themselves mentally prepared for the town at least. Big place with a lot of stuff to look at. Nothing like Ponyville, that's fer sure."





@@Seamore Sandwich,



Vivid gave out a small laughter at what Charlie said, not being used to hearing the comparison between a serious wound like her own and something less severe such as this.


"I got decapitated. usually, that sort kills a pony. Usual ponies however, aren't eternal, near-demonic souls such as me. I *live on* so to speak, and I can mend my body, even though I frankly don't like it all that much. Every time I die and have to fix myself up again, my body starts to resemble my soul even more, and as was pointed out to a little before you arrived Charlie, my soul looks evil. I would prefer to avoid having my body follow troop for as long as I possibly could, even if the wings would admittedly be interesting. Not until after I have found magic that can raise my core temperature though. The world is already trying to freeze me to death enough as it is."


She shivered slightly as she recalled how even the nicest spring breeze these days felt like icicles gnawing into her.skin. When all were said and done, she really had to focus her efforts on finding and fixing this, starting with Twilight Sparkle. Even if she had to pester Shining Armor about it, she would get a meeting between them, and hopefully, the excessive studies of said princess would be able to uncover something that could help her.


"It's interesting to think on who even knows how to bring me back without adding further pollution though. I would be able to feel that if it were there, and yet, there is nothing. Have to be somepony familiar with the process of helping semi-demonic beings, which could spell bad news for others. The sort who knows of demons could just be out tot ake advantage of them and their associates.


But that's something for another time. For now, we have some time before I return to the regular living, and we should use it as well as we can. What actions should be take Charlie? It sounds as if both me and our new associate could use some guidance here."







"Consider it done. Every time you seem to be stressing out, I'll hug you,. and make a weird face to ease things. I bet Princess Twilight would like it too. Makes her see that you're plenty friendly, and have friends. Right up her alley to see something like that, yes? I mean, her title and all, hehe.


And I'm sure Pinkie will be fine. She always seem to have so many things to do, and I've not seen or heard about her being angry yet, so I bet she'd just be happy that you'll have the time soon. I hope she'll make you wear a silly hat though, just for fun."


The mental image of Serenade trying to wander around a party with a giant hat of fruits were the first thing that came to hert mind for some reason, and  she had to really try to not giggle too much at it. Especially when the little mental scenario included her falling and there being apples everywhere. Kinda chaotic, but chaos could be fun sometimes.


"What two books is it you're taking again? Something on sirens?"









Hmm... This were peculiar.


Briar had arrived to where the voice had originated before, but it seemed he had been too late as nopony were currently there. Somepony had been though, and not just Musical. Though he could potentially have mistaken the voice before for another that were simply aggravated, but still known to him, the smell were another deal, and this... No, he didn't know this combination, nor the subtle undertones of sweat that always lingered unless one had been in the shower within the hour and not run or something similar.


Even his kind sweated, though for them ir wasn't so much salt that were mixed in as it were a byproducts of photosynthesis. He could not sustain himself on that any more than the others of his kind, but it did provide them with a good deal of the energy they needed, and when the energy started to be used, they'd expel a sugary substance that functioned much like sweat, but were less foul tasting.


But enough of that. he had not come here to think of this, but instead examine if there were somepony here that had made Musical do something before, which by all accounts, there were. An unknown source, though pony in nature, with a hidden agenda that he did not think were of a good or neutral kind, but rather something lingering on the side of evil, though he could not see how currently, no pun intended.


He'd keep his ears alert and his nose sniffing to the air, trying to catch a waft of whoeveer had been here, and if he sensed anything, he would purpue it. If not, there were little more point in staying here and he would turn around and go to where the others were now. Those were easy both to hear and smell through the air, so that wouldn't be a problem, though he'd rather he caught the one he had vaguely smelled here. That one were going to be more of an issue.


Since there were a smell to begin with, and it were fresh, the chances that he would not catch on to this other one were slim, but it really depended on whatever or not whoever it were of the paranoid kind that would hide their smell, tracks and such. Tracks he could understand, granted, but smells? Who prepared for things like that?







"...Your laws and your elders are confusing. But it sounds like they don't think you're bad.Guess that means you won't be the one I have to send away."


Omen tilted her head and stepped closer to Elder Ghilan, sniffing the air around him a little as she thought on what to do with what had been said beyond not thinking further on perhaps sending this elder away. Sen and Lin sounded like they didn't mind him right now, and if he hadn't sent Xin, then there wasn't really a problem from her side either. Not yet anyway.


She took another small sip of the cup after the sniff, then opened her mouth wide and with her tongue, pulled out the small bag of dried fruit she had gotten from Xin before. Strangely enough, it wasn't wet from the tea, but at this point, trying to understand how exactly Omen were put together would be about as pointless as trying to understand the chaos she had been partially crafted from.


She didn't think on it though, and just opened it to pull out another of the small things before reaching it up to her mane, where a small claw quickly grabbed hold of it and pulled it into the safety of its owners hideout. It seemed like the still-unnamed drake had let her be known it were hungry and she had reacted on it. Likely it had been by biting her and trying to have a munch on her scalp, but hey, if it worked, right?


"What happened with the other elder? is he dead? And what is the council? If they sent Xin, that means they are bad, yes?"





@@Mentis Soliloquy,


@@Seamore Sandwich,




Briar twitched as he started to regain consciousness after Zhu had knocked him out around ten minutes ago. It had likely been meant to last longer, but the pain from somepony cutting into the scorched part of his damaged vine had eventually woken him up, though thankfully not too early in the process, as whoever were doing this couldn't have him move around too much during the most painful part of the procedure.


"Try to stay calm, I'm almost done."


Briar almost yelped out in pain as the last string were cut between the mostly dead ends of his vine - along with a little of the better beneath as unfortunately, his carer had to make sure that there wasn't anything left of the dead part - and it slowly started to get pushed back into his body and split up into the smaller strings that made up the tightly-knotted vine. When the last were almost in, Briar felt the familiar feeling of earth being shoved into the hole where usually the *bud* of his vine would plug things, and slid the exposed pieces of his vine to just beneath it, where it were not completely covered by the dirt.


""There we go. That should fix it for now. How're you feeling young man?"


"Horrid I'm afraid, but thankful I didn't need to do that myself again. But how did you."


The somewhat elderly, female voice broke him off as the doctor that seemed to be in her late fifties rose up, corrected the small classes at the end of her muzzle, and spoke to her patient.


"I've been here and there in my time, and I've met Evergrown before. Strange to see one of you outside of your settlements though, but so is it that you seem to be lacking eyes and have sharp teeth, Not a variation I have met before, but it isn't my place to judge you from that, just help. And you looked like you needed it."


Briar got back on his hooves slowly and smelled the air, clearly trying to locate something.


"Your vine were taken away by a guard before. Mentioned something about it being usable for studying purposes for somepony. My guess is the local princess, but you'll have to ask them yourself later if you want it back."


"No, they can keep it. It's not going to do me any good anyway, so it might as well go to one who could use it to learn. It is more worthwhile than burning it."


It were suually the only way one got rid of ripped of or damaged limbs amongst his kind, though some still went for the odd choice of burying them. He never understood why, as it returned quicker to Gaea's arms if it were burned and the ashes spread around one of the great trees, but to each their own. He would have gone for burning, but there wasn't any of the great trees near Ponyville far as he had found yet, so there wasn't much point other than tradition there, and he were not much for tradition considering his former place in his culture.


"Regardless, I thank you ever so kindly for the assistance madam. My name is Briar Trapjaw, and if there is something I can do for you at any point to thank you properly for this, please don't hesitate to ask."


He bowed to her, which seemed to amuse the yellow-graying mare with the Ponyville hospital jacket and hat on. Why, if he had been able to see the glimmer in her jade-colored eyes, he might have even been surprised over the look she gave him for a quick spell.


"It's good to see somepony with some manners, but don't sweat it honey. I'm just doing my job. Which reminds me, I need to go and do that as well, in case somepony needs help."


 She were about to leave before Briar uttered a *wait, please* and she turned around, wondering what might be the issue.




"Before this attack happened, I came to this town to seek for a doctor for a companion that have fallen strangely ill. It is hard to explain, but he were in no condition to move to the town at least, and still needs help. I know that perhaps this is a bad time to ask, but you seem well traveled and versed in how to treat unusual beings, so I thought that perhaps you could help him by chance? I know the thought on the hived changelings are not well amongst ponies these days, but I can assure you that-"


"Doesn't matter what you are, just that you need help. That's what it means to be a doctor. Since you came here to find one, I assume you can lead the way young man?"


"Yes madam."


"Then let's go before something bad happens, and on the way, you can tell me in as many details as possible, what have befallen the changeling."


With that, he'd start to lead her out of town. Hopefully, nopony were going to try and stop them from leaving.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom"Deal. And knowing what I know about Miss Pie, if she does get mad it's only briefly. So yeah, knowing her...very large party coming my way" Serenade stretches both legs and wings, drooping herself over the rock. "One is, it's a copy of an unpublished work and I figured Twilight would like that, hopefully long enough not to blast me in the snout with the Friendship Beam of Sparklyness. Biological and Physiological workings of the Equus Mythologica Sirenia, it's in my saddle bags next to a copy of Astronomia Nova....actually I may want to leave that one out since it's extremely rare...and Twilight and rare books, I heard stories from the Head Librarian at the Royal Archives."

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"W-Whoa. How did you..."


Florence looked at Zen with big eyes filled with a mixture of shock and wonder. She had never met a telepath before, but the voice in her head had been unmistakably Zen's, and more importantly, it had clearly not been spoken by her physically. Even the best ventriloquist still at least had to move their throat a bit, and it wouldn't sound like it was rummaging inside her head like this one did either, that was for sure


Much as she was gripped with intrigue and slight concern over what it meant that somepony could get into her head like this, what she had said deflated her balloon and made Florence fall down from the surprise and down into somewhat depressed rather fast.


"You don't understand my situation. It's... Hard to explain."


Hanging her head low, She took the box up again and started to walk towards the hospital. They weren't far off now, and perhaps when they got there, she'd have her mind a bit more in line again instead of now. She were going to need to at least, if she were going to have any hope of explaining why that building held something that made her loss feel so much worse these days than it had in years.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



The response from Null was quick after what the pegasi said. Too quick for even Void to come over and try to say something to calm her down before she had jumped up and punched the insulting pegasi with a downward strike, sending him to the ground. She might be a little pegasi, but she weren't a pushover, and with earth in her blood - as had been crudely pointed out now by this one - along with the years of having to fend for herself and her sister, plus relying on her legs since she couldn't fly, she could pack quite the punch. Or kick, depending on how you looked at it.


She didn't think on that though, she just got closer to the pegasi and looked him in the eye with a fiery hatred burning in her own, and and venom coating her raised words.


"You can call me names or push me around all you want, but nopony, and I mean NOPONY, insults my family!!!"


Everypony had their buttons that you could press to get them to loose it. Even the most zen of them all, had something that would grind their gears and get to their core, and to Null, it was anypony that even dared to think about insulting her family. Not her sister, who had been hurt enough by others already and whom she had sworn she'd protect, and not her parents, that had sacrificed everything just so that the two of them had a chance to get out of Troy alive.


"And I swear, one word- just one more word about any of them, and I will take a knife and do to your wing what was done to mine! Do you understand!?"


"That's enough."


A meaty hoof were placed on her shoulder and drew her back, away from the one that had mouthed off before. It wasn't her sister, who only now had managed to come over and looked concerned and scared down on her sister, worried what might happen with her now, but instead a large bat pony that carried the signature helmet of the Night Guard.


Stargazer had looked over the situation with the old-school ponies that had shown up, the volunteer separation of themselves into the under-categories of the pony race,a nd the mumbling that went through the groups, getting increasingly sure that something was bound to go wrong here and prepared to take action when it were. That it had been this however, he hadn't foreseen until the smaller one had talked back to them to begin with, at which point it were inevitable and he started to make his way over there. Not in time to stop the punch of the threats, but far as he were concerned, this were a provoked assault and he shouldn't have to stop it then.


Now that knives and cutting off wings started to get into the conversation however? This were a time for him to interject and stop this before it escalated further.


"You two, find somewhere else to help in town. There's plenty of other places that could use a hoof after the attack that's nowhere near the refugees."


The glare that he got back from the small one didn't even make him flinch. She were understandably angry that he sent them away, but this were the only way this wouldn't end with him having to arrest Null, so he didn't really care. The further he could get these from the refugees, the better for them all. Speaking of which, he had something to say to those as well as he looked between the groups, and the one that had been downed before.


"As for you, I ask that you all please proceed to the assigned camps peacefully and let this end here. And before anypony get ideas, let me remind everypony here that both the Solar Guard and myself have the authority to arrest unruly citizens, be they local or refugees, though we don't want to go there if it can be avoided. There have been enough unrest for one day, and it's about time it stopped before we are forced to take action."


With that, and a hard look towards the three groups, he turned around and shushed Null and Void further away, pointing them towards a place to the south where somepony seemed to be digging for something. perhaps a pony, a pet or a possession, he didn't know, but it would keep them occupied, and give the smaller one time to cool down before he'd address her again.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"For the past thirty years, the vision of what were avoided have been everywhere. It is something I couldn't avoid examining, though it made me feel displeased to see that disastrous imbalance, and I look forward to potential futures where this will no longer show itself. Or at least, will be something so far ahead that only the eternal ones end up showing me that scenario."


There had been a time, back when he were less jaded, when this seemingly inevitable future made it churn in his guts and worry constantly over what could be done, and how it could be stopped. Those feelings had went on for centuries, and even as the days had neared the past decade, and he were more hardened towards things such as this, the clutch in his chest from the day that were nearing were still felt by him at times. Now that it was over though, and this had been averted forever, or for now, he started to feel better. More relaxed, and saddled with less worries.


There were still some however. Until he had the chance to examine things further, he didn't trust that this might not attempt to happen again in the future, and the possibilty still roamed in his mind, but it was minute and barely a whisper right now. For the time being, as he walked through the portal, he knew that there were other things to focus on, and likely another lesson to be learned now.


It'd be interesting to see if his sight worked in the past too. He would be outside the normal cycle then, and there were no telling what would then happen as he had never heard of others that had the exact same curse as him, and even if he did, what were the odds that any of them had seen the past? Only two beings had he even heard about that could wander through time, and one of them were missing, whilst the other had opened this gate.







Chow looked sheepishly on Astral as she pointed out what he had been about to do.


"Yeah, sorry 'bout that Astral. Old habits you know? Grew up with the notion that if somepony or something sneaked up on you, it was time for a kicking. Or a friendly brawl, but that were the same initial response really.


And we didn't really speak 'bout much. Lofted the idea to Misty that school might not be a bad idea, and were about to bring up the option of gluing you to the cargo just for the heck of it, but beyond that, nothin' really stands out."


He grinned at her, hoping that she knew that he were just pulling her leg again. It was a way for him to balance out after the awkward, though sometimes that just became even more awkward and... Well, you knew how the rabbit-hole went down and down.


"Heh, just yanking your chain lass. We were just having a looksie on Canterlot. Should be what, 10-15 minutes before we there right now I'm thinking? Enough time for everypony to get themselves mentally prepared for the town at least. Big place with a lot of stuff to look at. Nothing like Ponyville, that's fer sure."





@@Seamore Sandwich,



Vivid gave out a small laughter at what Charlie said, not being used to hearing the comparison between a serious wound like her own and something less severe such as this.


"I got decapitated. usually, that sort kills a pony. Usual ponies however, aren't eternal, near-demonic souls such as me. I *live on* so to speak, and I can mend my body, even though I frankly don't like it all that much. Every time I die and have to fix myself up again, my body starts to resemble my soul even more, and as was pointed out to a little before you arrived Charlie, my soul looks evil. I would prefer to avoid having my body follow troop for as long as I possibly could, even if the wings would admittedly be interesting. Not until after I have found magic that can raise my core temperature though. The world is already trying to freeze me to death enough as it is."


She shivered slightly as she recalled how even the nicest spring breeze these days felt like icicles gnawing into her.skin. When all were said and done, she really had to focus her efforts on finding and fixing this, starting with Twilight Sparkle. Even if she had to pester Shining Armor about it, she would get a meeting between them, and hopefully, the excessive studies of said princess would be able to uncover something that could help her.


"It's interesting to think on who even knows how to bring me back without adding further pollution though. I would be able to feel that if it were there, and yet, there is nothing. Have to be somepony familiar with the process of helping semi-demonic beings, which could spell bad news for others. The sort who knows of demons could just be out tot ake advantage of them and their associates.


But that's something for another time. For now, we have some time before I return to the regular living, and we should use it as well as we can. What actions should be take Charlie? It sounds as if both me and our new associate could use some guidance here."







"Consider it done. Every time you seem to be stressing out, I'll hug you,. and make a weird face to ease things. I bet Princess Twilight would like it too. Makes her see that you're plenty friendly, and have friends. Right up her alley to see something like that, yes? I mean, her title and all, hehe.


And I'm sure Pinkie will be fine. She always seem to have so many things to do, and I've not seen or heard about her being angry yet, so I bet she'd just be happy that you'll have the time soon. I hope she'll make you wear a silly hat though, just for fun."


The mental image of Serenade trying to wander around a party with a giant hat of fruits were the first thing that came to hert mind for some reason, and  she had to really try to not giggle too much at it. Especially when the little mental scenario included her falling and there being apples everywhere. Kinda chaotic, but chaos could be fun sometimes.


"What two books is it you're taking again? Something on sirens?"









Hmm... This were peculiar.


Briar had arrived to where the voice had originated before, but it seemed he had been too late as nopony were currently there. Somepony had been though, and not just Musical. Though he could potentially have mistaken the voice before for another that were simply aggravated, but still known to him, the smell were another deal, and this... No, he didn't know this combination, nor the subtle undertones of sweat that always lingered unless one had been in the shower within the hour and not run or something similar.


Even his kind sweated, though for them ir wasn't so much salt that were mixed in as it were a byproducts of photosynthesis. He could not sustain himself on that any more than the others of his kind, but it did provide them with a good deal of the energy they needed, and when the energy started to be used, they'd expel a sugary substance that functioned much like sweat, but were less foul tasting.


But enough of that. he had not come here to think of this, but instead examine if there were somepony here that had made Musical do something before, which by all accounts, there were. An unknown source, though pony in nature, with a hidden agenda that he did not think were of a good or neutral kind, but rather something lingering on the side of evil, though he could not see how currently, no pun intended.


He'd keep his ears alert and his nose sniffing to the air, trying to catch a waft of whoeveer had been here, and if he sensed anything, he would purpue it. If not, there were little more point in staying here and he would turn around and go to where the others were now. Those were easy both to hear and smell through the air, so that wouldn't be a problem, though he'd rather he caught the one he had vaguely smelled here. That one were going to be more of an issue.


Since there were a smell to begin with, and it were fresh, the chances that he would not catch on to this other one were slim, but it really depended on whatever or not whoever it were of the paranoid kind that would hide their smell, tracks and such. Tracks he could understand, granted, but smells? Who prepared for things like that?







"...Your laws and your elders are confusing. But it sounds like they don't think you're bad.Guess that means you won't be the one I have to send away."


Omen tilted her head and stepped closer to Elder Ghilan, sniffing the air around him a little as she thought on what to do with what had been said beyond not thinking further on perhaps sending this elder away. Sen and Lin sounded like they didn't mind him right now, and if he hadn't sent Xin, then there wasn't really a problem from her side either. Not yet anyway.


She took another small sip of the cup after the sniff, then opened her mouth wide and with her tongue, pulled out the small bag of dried fruit she had gotten from Xin before. Strangely enough, it wasn't wet from the tea, but at this point, trying to understand how exactly Omen were put together would be about as pointless as trying to understand the chaos she had been partially crafted from.


She didn't think on it though, and just opened it to pull out another of the small things before reaching it up to her mane, where a small claw quickly grabbed hold of it and pulled it into the safety of its owners hideout. It seemed like the still-unnamed drake had let her be known it were hungry and she had reacted on it. Likely it had been by biting her and trying to have a munch on her scalp, but hey, if it worked, right?


"What happened with the other elder? is he dead? And what is the council? If they sent Xin, that means they are bad, yes?"





@@Mentis Soliloquy,


@@Seamore Sandwich,




Briar twitched as he started to regain consciousness after Zhu had knocked him out around ten minutes ago. It had likely been meant to last longer, but the pain from somepony cutting into the scorched part of his damaged vine had eventually woken him up, though thankfully not too early in the process, as whoever were doing this couldn't have him move around too much during the most painful part of the procedure.


"Try to stay calm, I'm almost done."


Briar almost yelped out in pain as the last string were cut between the mostly dead ends of his vine - along with a little of the better beneath as unfortunately, his carer had to make sure that there wasn't anything left of the dead part - and it slowly started to get pushed back into his body and split up into the smaller strings that made up the tightly-knotted vine. When the last were almost in, Briar felt the familiar feeling of earth being shoved into the hole where usually the *bud* of his vine would plug things, and slid the exposed pieces of his vine to just beneath it, where it were not completely covered by the dirt.


""There we go. That should fix it for now. How're you feeling young man?"


"Horrid I'm afraid, but thankful I didn't need to do that myself again. But how did you."


The somewhat elderly, female voice broke him off as the doctor that seemed to be in her late fifties rose up, corrected the small classes at the end of her muzzle, and spoke to her patient.


"I've been here and there in my time, and I've met Evergrown before. Strange to see one of you outside of your settlements though, but so is it that you seem to be lacking eyes and have sharp teeth, Not a variation I have met before, but it isn't my place to judge you from that, just help. And you looked like you needed it."


Briar got back on his hooves slowly and smelled the air, clearly trying to locate something.


"Your vine were taken away by a guard before. Mentioned something about it being usable for studying purposes for somepony. My guess is the local princess, but you'll have to ask them yourself later if you want it back."


"No, they can keep it. It's not going to do me any good anyway, so it might as well go to one who could use it to learn. It is more worthwhile than burning it."


It were suually the only way one got rid of ripped of or damaged limbs amongst his kind, though some still went for the odd choice of burying them. He never understood why, as it returned quicker to Gaea's arms if it were burned and the ashes spread around one of the great trees, but to each their own. He would have gone for burning, but there wasn't any of the great trees near Ponyville far as he had found yet, so there wasn't much point other than tradition there, and he were not much for tradition considering his former place in his culture.


"Regardless, I thank you ever so kindly for the assistance madam. My name is Briar Trapjaw, and if there is something I can do for you at any point to thank you properly for this, please don't hesitate to ask."


He bowed to her, which seemed to amuse the yellow-graying mare with the Ponyville hospital jacket and hat on. Why, if he had been able to see the glimmer in her jade-colored eyes, he might have even been surprised over the look she gave him for a quick spell.


"It's good to see somepony with some manners, but don't sweat it honey. I'm just doing my job. Which reminds me, I need to go and do that as well, in case somepony needs help."


 She were about to leave before Briar uttered a *wait, please* and she turned around, wondering what might be the issue.




"Before this attack happened, I came to this town to seek for a doctor for a companion that have fallen strangely ill. It is hard to explain, but he were in no condition to move to the town at least, and still needs help. I know that perhaps this is a bad time to ask, but you seem well traveled and versed in how to treat unusual beings, so I thought that perhaps you could help him by chance? I know the thought on the hived changelings are not well amongst ponies these days, but I can assure you that-"


"Doesn't matter what you are, just that you need help. That's what it means to be a doctor. Since you came here to find one, I assume you can lead the way young man?"


"Yes madam."


"Then let's go before something bad happens, and on the way, you can tell me in as many details as possible, what have befallen the changeling."


With that, he'd start to lead her out of town. Hopefully, nopony were going to try and stop them from leaving.


"I apologize for intruding in your head like that...it wasn't right of me to do so without your consent. Please forgive me." Zen apologetically bowed, then shortly after began to Florence. "If it helps...I could discuss that 'incident' I mentioned earlier on the way there. Perhaps it would do me good." Zen offered Florence an obviously apologetic, but genuine smile she used to brighten up many a ponies' day.

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Blood Drops perched ontop of the PonyVille, hospital roof. She glanced around and smiled, she counted the blood transfusion she had successfully borrowed. She tucked them neatly in her bag and slung them over her shoulder. This was less risky then her first way of collecting what she needed, she glanced at her cutiemark, a trio of red droplets. That had been a messy way to get her cutiemark indeed. She climbed down from the hospital roof and slowly made her her along the deserted alleys. She could now make sure she didn't go full zombie on any unsuspecting pony, that was a quick way into Tartarus for sure, well if she was caught anyway. She had cloaked her appearance with a heavy cloak, that would make sure nopony would recognize her and relate that with the missing hospital supply's. It was easy to recognize ponies by there cutiemark, so better to hide it rather then show it. Too many questions, which lead to too many lies you had to stick too. 






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Last narrow's her eye even further as she hears the first part, about blocking out the sun, but it seemed like it wasn't going to be much of a factor right now, so she relaxed a bit more as it went on. Well, as relaxed as she could be when she had a ton of work to be done and not enough hours in the day. And she'd have even less if that suit-wearing city-dweller didn't write fast to get the next shipment of things they needed here.


"Blocking it out is only worth it if we have a flight of bat ponies here, which we doesn't. Physical strength however, that can be used. We have things that needs to get to the current building side as fast as we can, and not enough hooves doing it. Follow me."


Last turned around and started to walk towards the north-east end of the disaster area, whilst Bubble Tea sighed behind her.


"I really don't know what to think of that mare sometimes, but I guess you have her room now, long as you do your part in helping out the town. See you later sir."


With a smile, Bubble Tea turned around and went back into her inn, leaving Gordan with little other choice now really than to follow Last and be prepared to work. If he didn't, he wouldn't have a room after all, and as was mentioned before, this had been the last room in town.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Phoenix looked up at deadpan "i'm fine" she said with a little bit of aggression in her voice. she didn't like to be helped. however, what she was more concerned about was the fact that A: she was discovered, and B: at this point, she had lost where Briar had went. with deadpan watching her, she slowly got up and dusted herself off. 

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"Yeesh, even when I'm being nice you're being a distant cold jerk." Deadpan rolled his eyes and looked in a random direction, as if facing an imaginary audience. "Women, am I right?" he had the biggest grin on his face. He then turned to Phoenix.


"So...where to now? Mordor? Tattooine? Yak-Yakistan?"

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She actually came back to the guards. "Any idea where I'm going to um find this doc pony?" She did not really have any clue about where to find this doctor, hopefully the guards could send her in the right direction and she'd not be wondering around like a total idiot. 

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@@Blitz Boom


The foal's answer didn't satisfy the mare one bit.  Her eyes, which had previously been a deep green, began tint a scarlet red as her shoulders began to quake.




"Insolent whelp!" she bellowed, lurching forward.  As she did, her hood fell back and exposed her features, a shimmering pink coat with a purple and orange two-toned mane.  "How dare you disrespect me!  Learn your place!"




The mare suddenly wheeled on the stallion, her eyes locking with his.  The other seemed entirely unfazed as he stood up and approached the mare, slowly reaching his forelegs about her and embracing her.  She began to snort, but the anger could be seen melting away from her face as her eyes returned to normal.  After a few seconds, her much larger form slumped against the other, and the stallion struggled to lean her unconscious form up against the wall.  After he had caught his breath, he inclined his head towards the filly, his eyes staring off at ninety degrees from her.




"I would be more careful next time," he began, his voice deep and modulated.  "I am very easily startled, and my sister is very protective.  Had I not distracted her, she may very well have done something rash."

Edited by Hazard Time

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Blitz Boom, Astral didn't really show an expression that showed that she knew it just him pulling her leg, until he explained that he was. "We weren't actually going to do that Chow!" But Misty wasn't quite patient enough to wait until he explained.


Astral placed a hoof on Misty's shoulder. "He was just pulling my leg; it was just a joke." She said, briefly realizing the earlier mention of school made by Chow. "School?" She tilted her head. "I never considered that, if Canterlot has schools, maybe." She shrugged. "Still not sure about it though, I'll think it over more once we get there." She looked down as Chow mentioned how long it'd take to get there, holding a book in her lap. You wouldn't've noticed it earlier, she was mostly covering it up with her front legs. It's title was mostly obscured by her legs. 'The Mysteries of Magic, Part: 1' It read. Astral quietly handed it over to Misty. "You can read this until we get there."


It wasn't that thick of a book. probably only several hundred pages thick. Misty opened it, letting out a gasp upon seeing the written by page. 'Written by: Sapphire Star' It was the last name that gave it away. "Your mother-" She stopped herself, didn't want to drag them into another depressing conversation.


Astral nodded, she knew what Misty was about to say. "It's a rather good book, she was a great writer. It includes images drawn by her as well." She looked at Chow for a moment. "You could read it too when she's done, if you want too."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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after Phoenix had brushed herself off, she started walking. ideally, away from Deadpan. she rolled her eyes at his comments. he certainly was a character, but not one she'd like to be around. She simply hoped that he would not follow her, although if he were to do so, there wouldn't be much she could do to stop him. 

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@@Blitz Boom


"There was a call for reforms and soon enough, more and more began to raise their voices. We need not be enemies and, if I may just interject for a moment, let us not go in to making every bad guy in the story disappear. It really rubs the wrong way with the villagers." 

Elder Ghilan had a feeling Omen's idea of him as an elder was of the evil and corrupt variety, the kind that is irredeemable in the eyes of those who don't have the full picture. Given what she knows through Sen and Lin's experiences, he really can't say otherwise. But as is with his convictions, he still has to follow through on them lest they merely be empty words. Doubt even flows among the villagers who share a similar view as Omen's, especially the young ones. 

He sighed for a moment before continuing. "I won't keep you here for long but should you have any more questions, my door is always open. I still need to go to Xin and ask him about his instructions since those documents were brought up. You can come along and question him if you like."

The group was making their way out when Sen stopped Omen. "Don't worry about Xin; he's too injured to do anything stupid.  Also you don't need to worry about not being able to read. Lin and I will look for some books and teach you." Lin heard her brother and turned back to nod at what her brother said. 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,@@Denim&Venom, you can probably jump in here.



Blood Drops had finished stashing her medication at her own apartment, in one of the, poorer parts of the town, she counted her stash and put all of them away before taking a single one out, after taking one dose she was rather active. She always felt rather alive after her meds. She trotted down the street wearing a lab coat, she needed several more to have her full months rations. This was her new genius idea, dress like a doctor and you can access places you wouldn't normally as a citizen. She pulled a similar scam as a royal guard once, made a nice amount of bits out of it as well. That reminded her to check her hidden stash of bits, it was worryingly empty. 


She trotted down the street and glanced at the stalls with ponies vending, while one was distracted she picked a apple from a stall and walked off with it. She glanced around at the hospital entrance, it didn't look too busy. She would make her way in when it was busy, made it easier to infiltrate that way. She glanced at her list, she was also running low on bits, maybe she could do some scamming later on, or potentially a bank heist, but that did draw alot of attention to herself, maybe she could leave town right after such a raid. She would have to contemplate on it.


She let several ponies pass her and then walked towards the hospital, it had got busy as she had anticipated.






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"Hey wait up! Where ya goin'?" Deadpan asked, following her just to annoy her. That much was clear based off his not very well hidden smirk so obvious a blind  pony could spot it. He showed he cared by annoying the heck out of anyone that he actually genuinely cares about.   

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"He's actually not a pony, but a changeling. Dr. Miles Xeno, brought in to consult on both the Queen and her Priestess by the night regent after a confrontation between the three resulted in Queen Allure and young Petey both being injured. We are currently searching the area to find where the doctor is located." 

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They had gone some way before Florence answered, lost in her thoughts for a while.


"Might help, yes. Perhaps when you're done we'll be at the hospital and I can tell you mine afterwards. What of it I understand at least."


She turned her head and smiled at Zen a little. It was somewhat forced, but she seemed a bit more attentive and starting to feel better, so it was improving a little at least. Hopefully it wouldn't come off too much that she were trying to get herself to feel a bit better, but she were horrid at hiding what she really thought, so it would likely come off pretty easily. Yet, she were doing what she could to listen to Zen and what she would have to say instead of wallowing too much in her own depressive spiral down, so she'd do what she could to be there for the mare as she started to speak.


Sensing from the conversation that this was between them however, Needle instead picked up his pace and wandered in front of them a good portion before turning around and wave farewell to Zen, then try to do the same thing to Florence, but it looked a little awkward towards her for some reason whilst a blush started to grow on the stallion's face. Not something that would be seen long as he turned around and went into a run towards the hospital with the things he had picked up from the site, but perhaps enough to be noticed before his departure, that quickly got him out of sight.







"...Perhaps when we got everything settled in Canterlot, alright?"


Chow had considered to say his condolences when it came to Astral's mother being brought up, express curiosity for the book, and perhaps how she were doing... He thought on a lot more things to say for the brief moment he had gone silent between the information being said and the question to him being asked, but in the end, he couldn't say something to it. No words he had could really do justice to something like this, and he'd rather not try to dig in a old wound. Poor gal didn't need that, and neither of them in general needed him to be a downer or wallow in bad emotions from what he had seen thus far.


Might just be him, but in his perspective, the two of them spent enough time focused around the bad parts of the past as it were, and needed to be taken away from that a little to not end in a rut. Could be they did fine, but dang it... The thought alone made him worry for these kids, and how much time they spent around the notion of death and old memories.


"Talking about Canterlot. When we get there, they're likely going to search the wagon. Any of the special books that isn't cloaked or obscured in some sort of way? Don't want the guards getting on your case if it can be helped."


He'd find out the more he hung around them likely. And he dang well were going to. No way he could leave these two to fend for themselves in the capitol of Equestria. He had to teach 'em how to handle themselves around the place, get them settled in right, and most importantly: Make sure that they didn't end up depressed constantly. He'd rather make a clown out of himself than seeing good ponies like this ending like that.





@@Hazard Time,


"Oh, it's okay. I say weird stuff too when I get mad. And I make rash decisions too, at least according to Mayor Mare. Something about the explosives, but she says that so much it gets kinda boring trying to remember. Just a lot of blah blah. Hehe."


Blitz had retracted into the container a bit more as the mean mare were yelling again, looking sort of scared at her, and wishing she had a bomb right there to help herself with. Just a tiny one, and she'd be more safe for sure, though thankfully the stallion had gone in and helped on things so that the yell pony seemed a bit nicer again.


Still. Just a teensie, tiny bomb wouldn't hurt...


"I'm Blitz Boom. Who're you? And why are hiding in the alley? Only good for throwing out stuff or finding some that others threw out. Perhaps you're looking for parts too? There's all sorts of them here. if you want. I just came from the springs today. Never enough of those."







"By order of Princess Celestia, and her royal majesty, Princess Luna, the town is to be rebuild after the recent attack. I've been assigned to oversee that it goes well. If I could I'd rather get into the fray along with the others, but the doctors say that if I try, I'll end up spilling my guts. Literally."


The way Last spoke about this made a few things clear, if Gordan would listen. First off what princess she clearly followed the most, the reverence she spoke about them both in - that suggested she had taken this job more than willingly. In fact, she had volunteered, though he likely couldn't tell so from this - and how much she disliked being benched, by the tinge of annoyance that went into her voice as she spoke of the doctors orders.


It had been a brave and pretty stern doctor that had greeted her when she finally woke up from her long operation and told her what she could and couldn't do, but for once, she'd listen. She had almost died because she pushed herself too much whilst having this wound before, and with the added strains and damages that had come from the fight, it was closer than ever that she wouldn't have ever woken up. Frankly, they said that it had been almost too close for them to do anything for her.at all, and that her being alive was a minor miracle considering everything.


She understood this, and he had left her walk under the guideline that if he heard or saw her even try to life a brick, he'd personally chain her to a hospital bed for three weeks instead of allowing her to wander around, but it still made her feel less usable to the effort of helping the town, and it irked her. She might have an easier time with an overlook of things now, sure, but she already missed getting her hooves dirty when it came to this kind of work. Reminded her of home.


"We had a line of unicorns transporting things before, but they needed a break, so I switched things around a bit. So for now, I have as many able-bodied ponies manually fill the bricks into the carts to be transported by the strongest I could find in town, except the pegasi, whose getting bricks there through air. They can't carry enough to keep up the supplies on their own though, which is where you, and others like you come in."







"I didn't want to make anypony disappear. I wanted to send them away. But it sounds like I won't d that then. Not yet."


Omen followed the motions as the conversation went on and they eventually began to head for the door. From how things sounded, the current elder here were not as bad as what Omen had expected, and she'd tone down on sending anypony away for now - perhaps just send them to the edge of town or something if they did anything bad to Sen or Lin - but she'd still not trust things yet. Not until she knew for sure that if they wanted to leave, they could. And not through one of her gates, but walk out. That would convince her that things were quite a bit better than expected.


As for the talk of politics, she hadn't a clue on what were going on with that and largely ignored it. It were a complicated system that only served to make her head hurt, no matter what sort of race spoke them, and were one of the few things she actively didn't want to learn about.


Reading however, were another deal entirely, so when that were brought up by Sen she looked at him with a faint glimmer of joy momentarily flashing in her eyes.


"That would be good Sen. Thank you."


There were plenty of signs, papers, etc that she found around that she were sure had something interesting on them, but for her, it were all just shapes with little to no context behind them, and whatever information they held were denied her. Being able to decipher them would be a huge boon in her ability to understand more things, from books to pieces of paper flowing through the wind, and she'd welcome any chance to learn it.


But, that would all be another time. For now, they had a destination to go for in the form of Xin. Much like the aforementioned books, he had some information that could be gotten from his person, and it was time that they were given them so they could learn more about what were going on right now.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"Well, my old village was actually relatively close to Ponyville. Just reach the opposite end of the Everfree Forest, and you'd find it. It started off as a normal day. When I awoke, I started my daily chores. You know, wash dishes, clean things, that sort of thing. I was on my way home from the marketplace after buying some more water that I noticed...a strange buzzing noise, as if a horde of abnormally large flies were invading. To my horror, I looked up to find...to find Changelings. I quickly ran inside my home. My father instructed me to hide under the bed. I did as he instructed. I waited for several hours.  I waited...and waited...and waited...I eventually slowly made my way out from under the bed...I walked downstairs...when I walked outside, I saw almost every house and building had been destroyed. I quickly ran across the town, looking for my family. I found them...but not in a way I wanted...I found them all lying on the ground dead. My mother...my father...even my poor two year old brother had his head bitten off...." with every word, Zen got more and more choked up, until she eventually couldn't restrain herself and broke down again.

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@Blitz Boom , @StarlightTrixie

Draco was currently in his business. He had his filing cabinet open sorting through repeat customers. Celestia likes those exotic cakes. Luna liked those telescopes..Pretty powerful stuff. Draco throwing out old clients and putting in some new ones. Ponyville was in bad shape as he just returned from a more recent delivery. a stone of obsidian rare stuff. And sharp too. One of his favorite songs came onto his radio. He grinned slightly as he turned it up.


Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom, Astal took a moment to internally freak out. If it had occurred to her earlier she wouldn't have brung the books. Why did she even bring them anyways? So she could be the one to burn them, didn't want somepony else to use them, like she did. "Shoot." She rubbed the back of her head. "I never thought of that, there's not much I could think of to deal with that." Her voice bore the panic she had. unless of course they aren't actually checked out when they actually get there. And the way he said that. "I could cast an invisibility spell on them. Should last for a good hour. As long as I remember where they are." She got up and made her way to the door.


That left Misty and Chow alone, again. Misty groaned from sudden boredom, deciding to let Astral know of the idea she had, before Astral left to the wagon. "Astral!"


Although it did appear that Astral actually hadn't opened the door at the end of the cabin yet. "Yeah?"


"You could just do that when we get there."


Astral walked over to where they sat. "Right, probably would be a better idea it doesn't take that long to cast anyways." She looked down, waiting for the moment the train stopped.


Misty was quietly reading her book, a question occurring to her as she read the first spell. "So Chow?" She asked looking up to him. Literally "How many spells do you know?"

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


"Were I at liberty to tell you, I would.  However, I am afraid that I cannot give you more information without killing you."  He was silent for a moment, stone-faced expression regarding the cobblestones with rapt attention.


"That was a joke.  Ponies laugh at those."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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"We weren't really told what would happen if someone took a dream into reality, so I'm not sure what would happen," Charlie responded. "By the way, I saw a piece of you was cut off. How long do you think it would take you to grow back? I lost a limb to a snowstorm once, and it took years to regrow."

Vivid gave out a small laughter at what Charlie said, not being used to hearing the comparison between a serious wound like her own and something less severe such as this.


"I got decapitated. usually, that sort kills a pony. Usual ponies however, aren't eternal, near-demonic souls such as me. I *live on* so to speak, and I can mend my body, even though I frankly don't like it all that much. Every time I die and have to fix myself up again, my body starts to resemble my soul even more, and as was pointed out to a little before you arrived Charlie, my soul looks evil. I would prefer to avoid having my body follow troop for as long as I possibly could, even if the wings would admittedly be interesting. Not until after I have found magic that can raise my core temperature though. The world is already trying to freeze me to death enough as it is."


She shivered slightly as she recalled how even the nicest spring breeze these days felt like icicles gnawing into her.skin. When all were said and done, she really had to focus her efforts on finding and fixing this, starting with Twilight Sparkle. Even if she had to pester Shining Armor about it, she would get a meeting between them, and hopefully, the excessive studies of said princess would be able to uncover something that could help her.


"It's interesting to think on who even knows how to bring me back without adding further pollution though. I would be able to feel that if it were there, and yet, there is nothing. Have to be somepony familiar with the process of helping semi-demonic beings, which could spell bad news for others. The sort who knows of demons could just be out tot ake advantage of them and their associates.


But that's something for another time. For now, we have some time before I return to the regular living, and we should use it as well as we can. What actions should be take Charlie? It sounds as if both me and our new associate could use some guidance here."


Phantom's anxiety had rapidly been rising, from the first implication of him passing into the real world. A strange, vaguely concerned smile was stretched on his face, floating ever higher away from the two.


"...Wait...So, you can bring me into the real world...But you don't know much about the portal itself...And you don't know what'll happen to me."


He choked out a chuckle, "movin' a bit fast here, aren't we...?"



A figure approached Ponyville. Hunched over, a cloak concealing most of his being, a simple shepherd's staff curled around a stripped hoof, he looked simple enough--if it weren't for his almost exotic appearance. The cloak itself was patterned with elaborate markings, as well as adorned with wooden jewelry; one could grasp that something about the attire was special, from the simple vibe it would give off. As if it were a one of a kind, masterfully crafted, with no flaws to speak of. Even if the colors, fabric, and even the pelt it covered looked depressingly dull. The staff itself looked boring as well, bland even. 


He took a breath, and began to trek into the town slowly...

Edited by P-Jay


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"What sorta stories? I have only heard that she is the princess of friendship and like books. Is she a collector or something?"


Ziggy tilted her head and looked curiously down at Serenade when she brought up the rare book and something about Princess Twilight. What exactly that would turn out to be she wasn't sure, but it had to be some sort of obsession she guessed? But why would they let a crazy pony become princess? Didn't really make sense.


Might be it wasn't that bad of an obsession after all though, really. Some just liked collecting stuff or reading a lot, and that didn't mean you had to be mad. Mad would be to take books away from others to control information, or burn them for much the same reason. Oh, oh! Or hitting others with them. That'd be pretty mad. And rude too.


Likely wasn't gonna be that, but you never knew. The tiny sliver of info she had heard about this princess were not really telling much else than what she were friendship of, where she resided and that she liked reading, which were near to nothing. Where were the important info when you needed it? Like if she preferred oatmeal or blueberry muffins for example. That were info you could always use.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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