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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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"Good. I have little usage for somepony whose nose are planted in the sky."


So, that was that sorted at least, though the bit that Senvious had responded with did contain something potentially unsettling in his friend being or ruling a hive. Then again, changelings usually only got run by queens, and the alicorn had said *he* so likely just a drone or soldier.


"We'll do with what he have now. Much as any help is appreciated, too many will just walk over eachother, and in general won't be possible to keep in line as well. Then there's the issues with feeding, place, and potential troublemakers trying to undermine my authority, which will get everypony out of sync. More trouble than it's worth to over-compensate on workers."









"Eh, you know how it is. Some food is fine as long as the tank gets emptied now and again, but anything too strong will fry the delicate lining and potentially get into the flux core, and I don't want my little assistant here to go nuclear."


Molotov grinned and poured some hot sauce over the chili after smelling it. Frankly it made him think of adding fuel to a fire, but hey, might as well make sure that he'd feel the burn, right?


"Nothing like the thought of a great big explosion sometimes. And speaking of which, let's have a little taste of this here curry then."


With that he put a spoon in, and took a good spoonful into his muzzle, which seemed to go fine really. No bad result there... For the first three seconds that were, until the sweat started to form on his forehead and he felt like smoke were about to blow out of his nose. This was going to be a challenge.


Meanwhile, Void looked between the other two, and were about to say something to Lance, when she noticed how strange Cacora were looking currently. It looked a little like she were confused about something, but what it might be she hadn't an idea. After giving the plate to the mare, she had found her glance wandering over on Lance, waiting for him to order instead. She hadn't taken notice of what might cause the weird look in the mare's eyes now, though now that she saw the aftermath, Void were about as confused as Cacora looked.


"Is uhm... Are you o-okay?"





@@Handsome Changeling


"If Chrysalis is your queen of queens, then there might be a leadership contest going for now, considering that the hive that Thorax acquired belonged to her.


Likely some of the hive left with her, but having the supposed strongest hive overtaken like that, and be the base for the lovebugs, will put her position as the strongest hive into question, and likely the leadership will go on to the previously second-most powerful hive."


belladonna had little care for Chrysalis, and frankly believed it best if she had less of a say in things now, as she were likely one of the harder ones to work with when it came to peace, but this unfortunately led to a position being open that might make one of the more cruel queens take over, like... Her.


There were no love between her and Miasma after the time she had *enjoyed* the queen's presence after the unicorn's *visit* to her hive, and she would frankly prefer that there wouldn't be somepony like her to run anything, but at the same time, if it were her, it just made the need for somepony to sort things out between the two branches of bug ponies increase. Left for too long, she couldn't imagine that that queen that she knew wouldn't do what she could to wipe the lovebugs of the face of Equestria and not care about who got caught in the crossfire.


"Chrysalis likely wouldn't make any contact with them in any case if she were in charge, so this may be a good thing. Considering she would likely call them out as traitors more than anypony else as they were formerly hers, having somepony else at the reign might be a good thing, yet that brings it down to who this would now be. Which queen would you think of as the one in command after Chrysalis have lost her hive and likely position as the most influential?


Which reminds me, I have a minor correction of you. I do have some bias, but it goes against both sides, and I can think without it clouding my judgement. Even when it comes to talking with... Her, if it comes to that, which will depend on if she is the one to be considered the new queen of queens. Whoever it is will be whom any inquiry about potential diplomacy would have to be directed towards first in any case, if changeling protocols are somewhat similar to ponies."


A diplomat between changelings and their mutated sort wasn't something that she had expected to be caught in frankly, but now that the situation were here she might as well begin to put forth preparations. Void seemed adamant on getting her on board with things at least, and thus far, she did not take him as the sort who would let it go that easy.







Awh, no hugs then? Phoey... Well, guess she'd just have to try another time then. It was sorta mean to pounce on a shy one too, so she really shouldn't anyway she guessed.


*grumble* Why did the shy ones always have to be so huggable? *grumble*


"Alrighty then. Take care, and have fun."


Ziggy waved at the two and took to the sky like a pink lightning, zooming irregularly towards another part of town, where unbeknownst to most, a siren and a toymaker were waiting for her.


Long Stare at least had no idea and just looked strangely towards the way the zegasus had taken off.


"S-Strange one."








Whistling as she flung through the air, Ziggy more or less directly went back to Serenade and Trinket, but had to make a stop on a nearby rooftop where Fah'lina had stopped before she had gone down to talk with the guard.


If it were because she didn't like the bat pony or if something else were wrong she hadn't a clue, but the mimic had been unwilling to follow regardless, so she had figured that perhaps just giving her a bit of time would be for the best. She had come outside again after all, and that was a big step. No need to force it all upon her at once.


A slight *bonk* where heard on the door before the zegasus quickly wandered in to the others and locked the door behind her again, before raising her hoof to her nose and rub it a little, as it were a bit soar now after she had hit the door. Usually she did well in aiming when she flew, but Fah'lina had decided to switch around suddenly, which distracted her a bit and made her miss the mark by a little. Not enough to cause any damage, but enough to give her a big *boop* moment with the door.







Astral wasn't the only one wondering why the guard that had checked the goods hadn't gotten a red flag over his head at all the stuff here that weren't hidden, though at least they hadn't been in the situation when the wagon got checked like he had when they first got in here. That encounter had really lit a fire under his flank, and had made him think on exactly how many years of jail he were looking at if the guard caught wind of what he were carrying, though thankfully, it hadn't been as deep a search as it could've sometimes.


The guards usually checked everything coming of the train, and the one that had been assigned to him had as well, but by some stroke of miracle, they had gotten with one of those who didn't overly think on what might be in the things. He didn't see spell books full of potentially devastating magic, but simply books that didn't go anywhere or hide anything under them in the few he had checked, and the potions? Somehow, he had believed it when Chow had told him that it was something he had bought from a zebra to help with his old wounds and a few other other things, and the guard had just nodded along and believed it since he didn't knew much on zebras. Just that they were weird, and prone to make potions that did strange, but generally safe things. For once, stereotypes and not caring enough about another culture had been a saving grace.


It was likely good that he only looked here and there because there were a lot to look through and not many guards stationed at the train station currently, otherwise he were likely going to have stumbled over something Chow couldn't explain. Like a skull, pieces of an altar or... What other somewhat vile things wouldn't be he surprised to find in these boxes...


Pear cider? Plenty vile that one, that was for sure, but perhaps not on as bad a scale as the other things. Unless the general scale were bad taste, in which case it'd fit in perfectly.


"No worries about the tour. There's a day tomorrow too and all that."


He put down another box, then turned to Astral that had just taken him up on his challenge, which made him give her a big, impish grin.


"Oh, you're on then Astral. We'll see who talks first, but remember the rules: The first one who speaks is the loser. Charades and writing allowed, aaaand... We're off."


No way he were going to loose this to anypony, and especially not one of these two. He were going to be the undisputed champion of keeping his muzzle shut.


Unless they did something silly... Oh dear Celestia, holding in the snide remarks might be a challenge.







"Strange potion, but it sounds like you know what to do with it."


If that were positive or negative were up to the listener, but since Omen didn't say anything else either as they wandered along, that bit of information were likely dead to the winds. Though really, it didn't matter much,. Just another small comment to end a conversation with before she returned to thinking, which the silence gave her a bit of time to go through at least.


Not much else happened afterwards to take her focus away from it either. They returned to Ghilan's hut, where Sen began to roll beds out to those who still slept and then conked out basically instantly, whilst the elder went away and likely snoozed off a little after that.


A half hour would pass after this, where Omen would just stand still as a statue and look at Sen in his sleep, before something happened.


"Strange how much this seems like back then, even if the world is wrong."


A movement in her mane prompted her to slowly take out her tongue, and use it to reach some of the dried food from the pouch she had gotten, up towards the hungry drake that had slept for most of the day by now.


"Master used to sleep with a heavy mind too, and found some peace in sleep for the next day, just like Sen seems to do now. Not sure if any of them ever got any peace though."


Omen turned her head and looked over at Lin, though her mind were still somewhat on Sen in the given situation.


"I always watched, and kept him safe when he slept. Same as I do with Sen now. And I stand and think on what might go through his mind as he sleeps too. Is he thinking on what happened today? Or is his mind clear and going away on some strange dream perhaps? I never knew then, and I guess I won't now."


Omen looked back at Sen and tilted her head slightly as she listened to the calm sounds that came from him.


"It's strangely soothing. I don't need to guess what he does, or think that he gets hurt, runs away or gets angry when he sleeps. Sen is just there, unaware of everything as I keep watch. He's... Safe."







Florence nodded, but didn't say anything else as the group, with Pyhrus at the lead, wandered towards the edge of town. His eyes did seem to wander between the ruined buildings though, which caught the attention of at least Null.


"Monster attack yesterday. Nasty stuff, but over."


"Hrmph. This place needs more defensive work if it went this far."


"I'm with you there."







"Trust me dude, it's not good to keep it in. Bottling it up is only going to make it worse when you eventually can't hold it in anymore."


Sea had seen plenty of grieving families in her time, and knew sort of what he were talking about by now. Not everypony were the sort to break down though, but going by the odds there were a 8/10 chance that he were right in this instance, though since he couldn't exactly force Deadpan to cry, there wasn't much he could do if he decided to keep up the facade really.







"Excellent. Just need to get things sorted here first."


Happy's horn glowed, and the empty bottles that were around began to float back towards the wagon, where he walked over and opened the door so they could get back in. Afterwards, he would lock the door again before a green flame engulfed him quickly and transformed him back into the scarred pony that he usually were.


"There, much more presentable."


A bit of time to get the wagon on his shoulders so he were ready to get going, along with a little whistling while he worked, and presto: He were ready to play tour guide.


"You should've seen the first month I had to wander around in this form. I kept stumbling over my own hooves or drop things like a clumsy foal. Got pretty easy after I stopped thinking on it for some reason though, never really figured out how that was.


Anyway, if you're ready to go, let's get cracking. Not far to go, but still enough to get the legs stretched."

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Draco nodded as he gave Long Stare a hug. He chuckled slightly as he noticed her looking at his bag. "The courier guild makes sure to teach us the ramifications of using the anti magic ring on civilians like you my sweet," Draco whispered gently. " For instance I would take a large hit to my money bags along with therapy bills from the doctors," Draco stated simply.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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*Cacora nods and then says,* "My hoof glowed for a moment when I grabed my plate. I never had something like that happen before." *Cacora describes what she felt and what her hobby was. She works at the Orphanage where she grew up. She is an empathic master. She knows normally just what to say to the foals, fillies and colts to get them to calm down and behave.* "The Orphanage wasn't that bad off and the younglings were taken care of, so I was allowed to get a bite to eat. However, my usual Doughnut Shop was destroyed so I went looking for another place. Sugarcube Corner is closed, which was another place I was told about and now am here."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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""H-Hey, what kinda comedian would I be if I broke down crying..?" Deadpan gave a sad, forced chuckle, "Besides, she loved my smile and my sense of humor. I wanna give her somethin' good to look at up in the afterlife."




"Well sorry Ponyville isn't exactly guarded like the Canterlot castle." Zen uncharacteristically snapped, it seems the  negative emotions running through the air have already taken their toll on Zen's attitude, that much is obvious.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Blitz Boom


"The events of today, a mix of emotions and thoughts will likely take its toll on him. These often influence dreams and what happens in those dreams may reflect insecurities and pain. Usually, those who dream of such wake up having forgotten most of it while others remember the dream vividly and in great detail, able to recite everything that happened to them. But then..."

Lin paused to think if what she was going to say could be put into less difficult words. It wasn't the difficulty of understanding but rather for herself. There was one aspect of dreams she dared not speak about because of its implications. It was a disturbing thought that was usually was left of deprecative joking or never spoken of in polite company. 

"Never mind that one. Now is not the time for that discussion. How are you settling in, Omen? This village is no longer the way it used to be but I hope it didn't put you off."

Apart from the usual twisting and turning, Sen remained peaceful in sleep, perhaps a sign that things are alright and that the wait for the morning sun wouldn't be as worrisome as Lin thought. Elder Ghilan's snoring from his private corner of the hut, however, was much different. Lin couldn't remember the last time she experienced a silent and tranquil night, and the sounds of snoring exacerbated her own problem of being unable to sleep. If she ever took the time to jot down notes, she'd have enough for a small manuscript with more than half the content talking about the elder's snoring problem. 

"I will probably go nuts hearing that sound throughout the night."

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@@Blitz Boom,

"Then if Chrysalis is knocked down from her pedestal... Mother would be the next in command by rights... Although Calliphora is more of a noble diplomat in the multitude of hives eyes..."

Void went into a pure state of thought on his mother, Miasma, and how she would react to this, not pleasantly, her 'high standing' smug attitude would cloud her judgement, considering she feels she is better then everyone however, she could be persuaded if it involved something to help her? He needs a lot longer to consider this, as long as Ambrosia or Myxine weren't in charge of being the Ambassador between both Changeling species, Myxine was the youngest Queen, and very dull, and talking isn't her strong suit. At all, and then Ambrosia was far too unhinged to be peaceful, she wasn't evil or harsh, by intent anyway... Calliphora, Chrysalis or Miasma make the best choices and Chrysalis has very few loyal followers anymore until she rebuilds a hive again so it's between Mother and Calliphora

"This is getting dire... The Queen of Queens is still likely ruling decisions by default, even with the weakest hive of all right now as I assume she is already rebuilding, she isn't to be taken lightly not even now... And Belladonna? As long as you can think without bias or judgement leaning towards one side you make a viable candidate in my eyes just as much as Mother or Calliphora does... Now Calliphora... Good speaker, peaceful options are always a thing for her, but Miasma can be spoken too and bargained with, Calliphora is a wild card after all..."

Void muttered to himself, out of confusion, and yet as if he was, ironically confusedly figuring what he needed to in order to get this situation to happen the best it possibly could, his mind thinking of ALL the ways of going down this route, peace is needed civil Hive wars leads to the more secluded hives, and Equestrian species being dragged into it, and they far from deserve it, especially with varying Hives levels of destructiveness, the Pyroxine hive must definitely not get involved, their nomadic yet pyromanic tendencies are far from appreciated in this awful scenario, the other Hives too like Grand Mothers are dangerous... And could hurt Equestrians, the Lovebugs, or the Queen Council Hives...

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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"I'm not concerned about changelings. I worry myself about the hostile ones."


Last had grown up with knowing only the hostile kind that tended to attack their temple now and again, so her opinion on them were historically biased. Yet, the attack yesterday had opened her eyes to the fact that changelings did come in good kinds too, or at least ones who had less of a desire to overtake and enslave everypony they could get near. It was a... Tough one to swallow honestly, but she tried to adapt to it, though she likely still would be suspicious of any changeling she met, regardless of what they did.


It wouldn't be far until they were at the spa, at which point last stopped and pointed towards the entrance.


"This is the end of the line for me. If there's anything else, get it off your chest now before I move along again. I don't have the luxury of time for this place and it's services."







"I-I uhm... Don't fear i-it. Not when it's with y-you Draco."


It wasn't entirely true. She did find some fear for this thing in her mind, as the thought on what it could do played off her paranoia with ease, but she tried to hold it down at least, because it was Draco that had it. Had it been anypony else, she would likely have backed away and not stopped until she were home again, but he wasn't like them. He was... Safe. At least she hoped that he were.


A sudden rumble stopped her thoughts on the matter briefly, though it wasn't from the ground, but rather from her tummy. She hadn't eaten much today, as she waited for Draco to come back from Canterlot so she could take the safety net down again and that had taken most of her focus, so the sound was warranted. Though that didn't mean it was any less embarrassing.









Sea gave Deadpan a small smile at the comment, though you could see on his face that he didn't really buy what the comedian were selling. It felt forced to him, and a way for Deadpan to get through this without breaking down sobbing for several hours, but he didn't want to say something about that. Whatever he felt like he needed to do were his own choice. Sea just hoped that it wasn't going to make it worse like he thought it would.


"Sounds like a good gift to send her off with."


That were all he said before moving on again towards one of several stops on their road to get these three ponies a proper burial. It was going to be a long day more than likely, though for Deadpan's sake, he hoped he was wrong.







"Canterlot Castle isn't as well guarded as you might think, but that wasn't my point. What is is that this town looks crumbled, and this was from one monster attacking. It's lacking in defenses if it gets down this easy, and could use at least some wards around town to keep it more secured. A few magical stones buried in the right directions does more than you might think."


Pyhrus wasn't much of the bird that he used to be, but that didn't mean that he had forgotten what he were supposed to be. He were just far less naive about it these days, as well as a good deal more blunt about it. His experience with what happened when you were an idealist and tried to do everything right were long gone at this point. Something which Null got the jist off, though the comment about Canterlot Castle concerned her a bit, as she were getting the impression that he knew what he were talking about.


"I don't know about things like that. I just think this town could use some bunkers and anm arsenal. Everypony yesterday more or less just ran away, and didn't look like they knew how to even hold a weapon. Since I believe in being prepared, that frankly looked stupid to me. Especially once you get to hear snippets here and there and learn that this isn't the first time this town's been turned upside down."







"I don't mind the sound the sleeping ones make. It's interesting, especially if they speak in their sleep. Strange things I hear sometimes."


In the years following the disappearance of her master, she had once in a while went back to Equestria, but not just to look for him. Sometimes, she also went to a town and watched over somepony as they slept, and took in the sounds, big or small, that they made. It reminded her of Discord in varying ways, and it gave her small bits of comfort during the millennia, even though it wasn't something she indulged in often. Just enough to ease her mind now and again.


"It is one of the few things I can understand about this place. The town is confusing. Rules that seem to never end, guards that watches everypony, and nights empty of any sound, except from those who makes sure nopony is outside. It is very... Restrictive? I think that's the word. Perhaps orderly could be said too."


Omen turned her head and looked over at Lin, with her head tilted slightly and the drake shuffling through her mane in an attempt to find a comfortable position to rest in again.


"There's too much order for me. It's carved in stone and kept in line. Even if I understand the world needs to be stable, I couldn't live like you do. I need chaos to feel home. Even a little of it could do, and I don't see any of it here.


And you? Is it strange to be back after all this time, Lin? After everything that's happened?"





@@Handsome Changeling


"I don't know most of those names. I know some of the infrastructure of hives, and a few of the larger queens in play. Beyond that would require field studies where the risk outweighs the gain.


Still, I will endeavor to remember those that you mention. If things proceed as it does currently, I will need them eventually, though even if I don't, it may prove useful at a future point in time."


Even small bits of information that didn't seem too connected to things could end up being important one day. A name, a location, the correct timing of ebb and tide, and the list went on. One way or another, things could prove useful, though you did need to sort through the rabble to maintain only the things that theoretically were. She had high doubts that the knowledge of moisture levels in common earth worms for example would prove of much use, unless you spoke with a biologist. Something which she avoided if possible, since she found them to be... Amateurish, when it came to practical applications of their knowledge. All talk and no action weren't the sort of thing that suited her mind set when it came to some parts of that field, unless she heard the one in question had found a particular sort of information. Advancements in gene manipulation for example, which were thus far really little more than growing special plants, but could evolve to more.


"Regardless, the situation with Chrysalis would be the first thing that would need to be researched. If she holds the final word, war will likely ensure. As the stories goes she comes off as a rather prideful being, and she is unlikely to wish to negotiate with what she would think as traitors and abominations if she had the final say in things. Not unless somepony would challenge her rule.


Then again, perhaps another hive already holds the reins. At least for the time being, whilst she rebuilds one of her own with what loyalists she escaped with. If so, then this will become a matter of making advancements in this endeavor before long, so that a proper process can get into action before the queen of queens returns in full power. If it have begun before she can resume her power, I would predict a fair chance of there being pressure from the other queens to maintain this, rather than outright attack the lovebugs. If the words will be heard however, resides in the realm of theories, as I can't say who, if any, would stand up against a potential chance of eradicating the lovebugs.


Hmm. It would appear that I may need to make use of my vacations days soon then, if I am to assist in this matter. I should have roughly five months saved up at this point, plus minus a few weeks. It should suffice, yes?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Draco chuckled slightly as he pulled out afew trail rations for her. "Here," Draco stated with a gentle grin on his muzzle as he gave her the trail rations. "May not be the pastries I promised you but they will hold you over," Draco stated with a smile. "Shall we head out?" Draco asked as he looked at her.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom (I don't think Void or Cacora were speaking to Lance, correct me if I'm wrong)


"Wow. If you can actually eat this without passing out, how have my eternal respect."


Lance then noticed the waitresses (at least, he thought they were waitresses) but decided to keep quiet. He didn't want to eat anything spicy but didn't want to say it. He just hoped the two would forget about him and he'd be fine.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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"Ponies died, and you're talking about how stupid they were." Zen snapped yet again, "Yes, measures could have been taken to prevent this from happening. No, this isn't the first time this town's been attacked. But from what I've heard, this is the first time people have lost their lives! So stop being insensitive jerks and CARE ABOUT SOMEPONY ELSE FOR A CHANGE!" Zen stood, panting, glad to finally  have gotten that off her chest. Though she was still frowning.




"Yeah, that's why I'm doin' it.." he smiled, before his eyes widened..."Woah, somepony's angry...I heard her shouting all the way over here."

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@@Moonlit, @@Blitz Boom


Startled, Trinket jumped slightly up in the air once she heard the loud thump noise coming from outside. The first theory that popped in her mind was that some ill-intentioned pony had found out about a Siren residing nearby and wanted to check for themselves. Just as the talk was getting interesting and the mare was getting to know Serenade better, it seemed like the mare had to take on the job of protecting her friend's identity, just like Ziggy had done earlier.


For Trinket's relief, however, the mysterious intruder soon opened the door and revealed itself to be that same clumsy zegasus, back from running her errands. With a worried expression on her face, the toymaker swiftly trotted over to her.


"Goodness gracious, Ziggy, I told you already! You need to be more careful when landing! When are you ever going to learn?" She said, looking for any bruises or wounds.

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@@Blitz Boom


In early Ponyville


The trade went the same as it did the first time up until it came time to pay. With the bit balancing on her nose, she just stared cross eyed at it. That is until Zhu would throw the berry at The Traveler's eye. When she saw this, the salesmare moved forward quickly as if to try to stop the berry. The bit was pushed forward into the air, so Miss Picker reached out with both hooves to catch it, landing face first in a small puddle of mud. Meanwhile, her cart rolled down the hill unnoticed, hit a rock, turned over, and spilled across the street. The birds swooped in quickly to eat the spilled goods. "Ah! What was that for?!" the Traveler said, covering his eye with his wing. He wasn't hurt, but he still had to put on a show for the salesmare, who had gotten up, realized what happened to her cart, and turned to Zhu. She had a confused look on her face and opened her mouth to speak, but she had no words. She quickly ran off toward town without speaking.



@@Blitz Boom


In the Realm of Dreams


"That sounds exciting! Being able to make choices, meeting new people, and interacting with each other in many different ways. Never knowing what will happen next and-" Charlie was cut off mid-sentence when the lights in the elevator flickered and shut off. The elevator was dark, but the two of them could still see each other just fine. Then the elevator began to plummet, the little light they had left fading into nothing. There was more to this than what could be seen though. A feeling that control had been lost, and the panic that would be associated with it would wash over them like someone had filled a bucket with the emotion a suddenly dumped it on them. This was Dr.Xeno's mind. They were already there and they didn't realize it. Still falling...





The creature lowered its hood, revealing himself to be a large, pony-sized fox. His fur was mostly dark gray like his tail, and there were some orange sections as well. He continued to stare off into the forest. His ears would occasionally twitch and turn toward whatever sounds could be heard. He was clearly watching something... or someone. The silence would continue until someone else broke it.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Blitz Boom,@@Driz,  Serenade smiled as Ziggy arrived back, and struggled to keep from yawning. She expended alot of energy in her larger Siren form, and she hadn't hunted for awhile. Resting her head on the rock, she yawned again this time not even bothering to try and stop. Need to bake apology muffins, she thought, or at least figure out how to pay Princess Luna back, gems are not cheap. She let her eye lips droop, and a yawned a third and final time before falling asleep. 

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@@Blitz Boom, Seeing the feline 'play' cresent hoped THAT is what zinthar was doing with cover up, yet he was still unnerved by the question of cults. When 'heroing' came up it was a bright spot to get to.


"today for being a vigilanty is more of a hassle zin. Do to events like the changeling attack on the royal wedding, battle with tiereck, and well what ever the man 6 do on the daily security can be understandably tighter. So for one to be a vigilanty, successful one at that. It could be more complicated then your time" the thestral said surprised at the detailed answer he gave.


He looked at the youngster "this might be me showing my age but do colts and Philly's still read comics at all?"  the thestral asked

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@@Blitz Boom


"Chaos... I'm not sure I can accommodate that one. The most chaotic thing I could think of is if half the village started sleepwalking and we have to round them up. It breaks the monotonous evening and we won't be bored. Is that chaos constantly happening around you when you were with Discord? How does that work?"

The ever increasing tone of curiosity in Lin's voice was only coupled with the desire to learn more, perhaps approaching the point where she would start prying for information. It was like an itch but one that can only be satisfied with knowing. She preferred order over chaos, it gave her certainty where there was none, and she could relish in that thought. In order, there was safety and she could pursue her interests. To each their own. 

"Honestly, this place is beginning to seem like a home in name only. Back in my family's old hut, something felt off. It was my home but I don't feel that warmth, that familiarity. Maybe it's because it doesn't feel like home because mother and father are not there; I cannot share my thoughts and feelings with them. Maybe this place isn't familiar to me anymore."

And just as she ended, the sound of the timberwolves howling at the moon filled the air and brought a smile to Lin's face. The one thing she was warned about as a child, running off in the middle of the night will cause the wolves to give chase. It was the old safety in numbers lesson she was taught a hundred times over but some semblance of the old life was coming back to her. The sound once filled her with terror and she would try to force herself to sleep but now, it was a symphony that brought her comfort. 

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

    Caught off guard by the creature's removal of its hood, Ambie quickly blinks a few times while his head slowly tilts to the left & his muzzle scrunches up in an effort to catalogue new information. A moment later, deep in thought, Ambie's head tilts downward to stare at the ground to his right, trying to remember all the old pony tales he used to spend so much time reading over & over from the books his parents continuously bought him in their efforts to educate, but mostly keep him out of their hair.


  Calm silence fills the area as both parties are lost in their own worlds. Ambie engulfed by his own thoughts of old, scattered, stories about kitsune, black dogs & other such mystical, dubious creatures that ponies of old would spin tall tales of & how they usually didn't fare well for those who wandered too far off the trodden path. Or very well indeed, if you had a frequently bored mind like Ambie's that often wandered down meandering alleyways of thought. As numerous thoughts flicker through Ambie's head about what could happen, or what he ought do, all the resulting emotions flashed slowly through his coat.


   Then, as his thoughts fail him to abandon logic & click onto just one notion that stuck out to him, his coat settled on a very pale, pastel pink with his muzzle still scrunched under eyes crossed in consternation, Ambie looks back up at the newcomer with his mouth agape. Letting out a shocked bellow loud enough to scare a few wild birds out of the nearby trees of the Everfree Forest, Ambie shouts forth a short confirmation.


  "Wait! Dogs can TALK!??!"

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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"Don't EVER call me a dog!" The Kitsune's eyes were now on Ambie. They were full of rage, as if what the pony said were the worst possible insult to one of his kind. Although, there was one thing that was far worse to call a Kitsune... "Those filthy mongrels have no sense of decency! And it seems, neither do you! I'm trying to ensure the safety of a young creature who has wandered far from home, and you come here, interrupting me and calling me a dog! I should put an arrow between your eyes!" Then, realizing he had lost his focus, the Kitsune's eyes began to dart around the forest, searching for what he had come to protect. "Buck it all! I just had them! Where did they go?" he asked himself.



@@Blitz Boom


"I've been known to enjoy a nice Genmai Cha with some milk chocolate that has been flavored with a bit of sea salt," Penny said with a smile. "Oh, and I almost forgot," she said as she levitated four boxes of chocolates from each side of her saddlebags as well as the five boxes from her back into one tall stack. The boxes were mostly rectangles except for three heart shaped ones, each with their own designs. "I hope you don't mind me substituting a few of the regular boxes for these," she said, floating the hearts away from the others. "I just didn't have enough of the regular boxes. These have a few extra pieces each, and there's a message hidden under each piece. For example, the flight one may say, 'You make my heart soar.' Each box is different. They're a great gift for a special somepony."




"Try this one then," Blossom said before giving him what looked like a red gumball. What she didn't tell him was that she just gave him a cinnamon flavored fireball candy. It was her way of controlling requests for free samples: give them something to shut them up, but make sure it's something they might not be prepared for. It kept most from asking again, but it never really scared away customers.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


   "Oh, S-sorry, I didn't mean to call you a D-"

Catching himself in time for it to register he was just threatened, Ambie pauses for a moment."

 "Uhm... ...caaat?   Wait, you have a bow & arrow? I can't imagine that being easy for a wildcat to find a Sporting Goods store to shop at out here in the forest."


  Feeling a bit self-conscious now that it seems he might have stepped out of line conversationally, Ambie latches on to what he thought was a question directed at him & innocently responds right back to the stranger. Seemingly not registering that it was intended rhetorically.


  "Oh, right! I suppose you're still sitting on them! I guess they're lost on account of not being in the forest anymore, but I don't think protecting them anymore will do any good what with them being dead now. I think. Still... first time I've heard of logs being described as 'young creatures."


  "You... uh, c-can take a few? If...if they're that important to you?..."

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@@genessee,@@Blitz Boom, @@Midnight_Aurora


Storm chuckled, cheerfully chomping down a Dragon's Breath pepper as he watched Molotov take his first bite of curry. "It's pretty yummy right? Nice and spicy, enough to make some ponies breath fire." He held up another pepper. "Of course, I only put half a pepper in, so it's not too spicy." Storm then stuck the pepper into a muffin and chomped that down happily. "Still, you should make sure to take it slow and drink plenty of milk, I've had dragons who couldn't finish a bowl of curry because they thought they could take it and ate too fast. Great for spice competitions though!"


"Oooh, Dragonfire Hotsauce!" Pinkie exclaimed suddenly, popping up from behind Storm as if she'd been there all along. She quickly snatched the bottle and put a liberal amount on a plate of cupcakes before putting it back and hopping away, happily munching on the hotsauce-covered cupcakes. "Yummy!"

Edited by Shineling

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Long Stare accepted one of the rations hesitantly. She didn't know what this were exactly, but she were pretty hungry, so it didn't matter too much either.


"T-Thank you."


She ate slowly, taking only small bites a little at a time to not accidentally get some stuck in her throat. Might be a silly fear to have over things for some, but once you had been through almost choking on food before, it could leave paranoid habits like this. Had for her at least.


"I uhm... O-Okay."


She didn't say more, but just kept carefully chewing another bite as she moved a little closer to him again. Her way of saying that she would follow him when he started walking.







"Goodbye, and try to stay out of trouble."


With that, their interaction for the time being were done, and the forepony once more wandered out into town to have a look over things and see if there was something that had gone wrong in her small absence. Hopefully not, but she couldn't rely on hope when there was work to be done.


Inside the spa, a young stallion whistled a small melody at the welcome desk to himself, passing the time along with going over some messages until the door rang and he raised his head to meet the new arrival. Something which almost made him drop his jaw as he saw what sort of guest where there.




"W-Woah, I... I'm sorry sir, that wasn't professional. Welcome to the Ponyville Spa, my name is Bubble Bath, and it is my honor to help you today. Would you like a list of the treatments we offer, or do you have one already in mind?"


He were a bit shocked to begin with, but Bubble managed to save it somewhat as he went on and got back into the smooth, calm voice that he had been instructed to speak in, as well as the customary bow.


He were hired mainly to take care of new arrivals for the time being, even though he did yearn for more, but he had only been here for two months, so he couldn't expect to move on to the more up and close parts of this job just yet regardless. Besides, he liked to greet new ponies. It felt good to help, and he knew that being the first face anypony met when going in here were important too in its own way. First impressions and customer service were a big part of running a successful business too after all.


Meanwhile, on the other end of town, another pony where whistling along, though his wasn't stopped by seeing an alicorn, but rather a barrel of apples that had been spread on the ground.


"What a pity to see. These should have been in the barrel, ready to take with me instead of this. I guess there is no other options but to pick up and bring them there. They would not like to hear that I, the great Alonsus, simply let them be and picked another barrel. Such a travesty to my name would be hard to bear."




The large earth pony sure sounded like he enjoyed the sound of his own voice, but he acted humble enough by picking up the apples and returning them to the barrel, so there were that to him at least. Though he might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, considering that it took him a good 30 seconds or so to notice that the barrel was moving, and that there seemed to be somepony on the other side of it. A rather... Peculiar somepony, to say the least.


"B-By the sun. What is the meaning of this?"


His voice were more shocked than accusing, but could you really blame him? It was a big enough surprise to find somepony stuck to the barrel you were trying to refill, but when it then were a visitor like this? Such a discovery would have shaken lesser ponies too, though at least he wasn't hostile yet. Perhaps this could be salvaged before Alonsus would blow his cover further?









Molotov looked in disbelief as he saw the pony just chomp these down like they were candies, and then att he mare that came along and outright went for topping off a bunch of muffins with the flaming taste.


"Dang, you two have some pretty strong stomachs. Ain't in your league, but I'm gonna save some dignity and get through this here bowl at least, no matter what. Molotov Boom does not back down from a challenge."


As he took his second bite though, he could feel that the cup of milk were going to be his best friend the next half hour or however long it was going to get, starting with the first big gulp of the day right now.


Over at the others, Void did hers to ignore the ways of the two stallions to her side and focus on her... Costumers she supposed they were? In any case, she kept with them as she were sure making contact with either of the other two would end up getting her to loose her words again, and she wanted to try and keep a tiny sliver of dignity if possible.


"S-Storm actually began breathing fire when he made the c-curry. I don't doubt it's pretty strong. I uhm... I-I mean, if you want to try something a little less s-spicy, I have some soup or stew you could try? A s-specialty from Troy."


The story that Cacora told got her a little out of it, so it took her a minute or so to respond to Lance, but hopefully it wouldn't be too long and have gotten awkward at that point.


"I'm sorry to hear you went to an o-orphanage. I can't imagine... Or well I-I can, as my parents... B-But we never went to an orphanage. I hear some b-bad things about those places sometimes, though yours sounds n-nice."


Void looked a bit down for a moment as she fought of some pretty bad memories of when Null and her had to leave Troy, but managed to not fall down too much over it this time. A lucky swing and a miss in her mind.


"I don't know w-why your hoof glowed though. I don't t-think something is wrong with the plates, and my aura shouldn't... No, not even Null can leave e-essence of that behind. Feathers she can, but not residue. at least I t-think so? Perhaps... N-No, impossible. It would have dispelled any magic, n-not glowed. Nevermind."








All three of the others got a strange look on their face and turned towards her, though Null were the first one to actually say something as they stopped dead in their tracks.


"Wait, what did you mean somepony died? Word were that everypony had made it out of yesterday intact."


She had been in the hospital for the past day and hadn't heard a thing about it there, and Pyhrus were barely up again. No way he would have known. As for Florence... She seemed shocked at the yelling and more or less frozen, but she too hadn't heard anything about anypony dying. Nopony had died in the hospital after all, and since the three that had died were only found like, 10-15 minutes ago, she hadn't the chance of hearing it either. Made one wonder where Zen had heard it, though the answer were likely in the telekinesis thing. Might have overheard a thought as they walked out of the hospital from somepony that had heard.







"A pretty loud one, that's for sure. Probably best to leave her be though. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that sort of anger."








"Sorry, I got distracted. All sorts of funny things out there today."


She giggled as Trinket started to look her own for bruises and stuff. At worst there would be a slight swelling at her nose, but a doctor would have to evaluate if that was a bad thing. And according to the doctor in the room, she felt fine. Just a small pressure that led to minor swellings. Nothing like bone damage or something worse.


"Hold on, I need to tell Serenade about... Aawh, she'd sleeping."


It were pretty hard to miss when Serenade were sleeping in her siren form, though she hadn't expected that her friend would pass out this early. Perhaps the energy she spent in her larger form were greater than she had expected? Or perhaps she had spend the night hunting for fish in her pool and looking at the sky. Natural nocturnals were hard to understand sometimes.


She did know one thing though, that no matter how huggable she looked right now, Ziggy couldn't get closer to her when she were sleeping. She were strill susceptible to the siren song, and could end up getting captivated whilst watching Serenade sleep again,w hich were something they tried to avoid. Serenade always looked like she felt really bad when it happened, and Ziggy didn't want to worry her friend, so she stayed in the door opening for now.





@@Seamore Sandwich


Zhu felt no joy over what he had done, but then again, he didn't really feel anything about it. It might have ruined the mare's day, but to him, it was akin to taking a step on a road. Insignificant, and simply a means to get to where he needed to be.


"Peculiar way things had to be corrected with her. Not one I would have thought of, but as long as the end is reached, the methods matters little. Simply the price that have to be paid sometimes."


He wouldn't ask in to how the Creator's eye were, as he didn't think a small berry would have done any actual damage, if any at all. For all intents and purposes, this were an act, and the two of them had just done their roles like any actor or magician had. Sleigh of hooves and smoke where actual damage might be perceived by others.


Rising the bag of berries that he still had left from those he had tossed, he pondered for a moment over what to do with these, at it seemed the Creator had a very strict line things had to take to fit things.


"What shall I do with these? I don't see a likely path where she would return for this, but your ways are not the same as mine."





@@Seamore Sandwich


Vivid rose a hoof to her face and dried her tear away before looking around her annoyed, trying to find some degree of light or anything really, but there were nothing except her and Charlie, traveling downwards at greater speed in a dark box.


She felt something gnawing at her brain. Panic and/or despair from what she could gather, but she didn't examine it instead of just doing what she could to push it away. If she started to look at it too much, it would embrace her, and she wasn't going to let a small fall like this get her out of it. She were already dead after all, so what had she to fear here? Charlie were likely another deal entirely, but he were a dream spirit, so there were likely something that would keep him safe. Whatever sort of thing that made them able to form the dream halls perhaps? She had never studied or thought much about the dream spirits, so she didn't know. She had enough actual spirits to deal with on a near daily basis to fill her schedule as it were.


"Charlie, are you hanging in there? Speak to me."







"Tirek you say? When did that despicable insect escape his bonds?"


Zinthar had of course never met Tirek, as that was quite a bit of time before his own, but the stories were well known about the magic-eating parasite. Little more than a changeling on paper, and likely even more of a bottom-feeding, worthless monster than they were in reality. Though how had he managed to get out of Tartarus? It should be this impenetrable prison for those who had a life's worth of evil in their bag, not a house that you could leave as it pleased you.


"Does it have something to do with those comics you mention, whatever they are. Something like scrolls?"


"Uhm, n-no, they're papers with funny pictures in them, usually in three frames per comic. Some of them are p-pretty good."


Zinthar just looked clueless between the two of them, not sure what exactly they were on about. Comics weren't something they had when he were around, so hearing about this were confusing to say the least. Heck, they might as well have been speaking in a different language when this came up, though he did get the gist that it was something that had come around since he left.


So typical, wasn't it? Couldn't be away for a single millennia without things having changed all of a sudden. What were going to be the next thing they said if this kept on? That nopony listen to lyre music anymore?







"I don't know how chaos works. It is one of the reasons I liked it, because I didn't need to think on it or try to understand. Chaos just is.


Order confuses me more. Everything remains the same, but what does it all mean? Whose order is it? Master asked many things about it in his time, when he thought nopony heard him, but he didn't understand it either. He just knew that order meant chaining him down, and when I see this place, I understand what he means.


You have so many rules here. Everything is set in stone, and nothing changes too much. To you it might be safe, but to me it feels like everypony walks in chains, and can't break free. In chaos, there's freedom.


I think I understand that there can't be complete chaos everywhere. Most seem to want a stable world, where the sky and ground doesn't change place out of nowhere, but I can't understand the want for none of it. Because if life is supposed to be nothing but order, where you follow every rule and do as is written... What is the point? What is this *life* I were told about worth then?"


It was strangely philosophical of Omen, but it was at the base of the things she had to ponder when she thought over what Mother had told her about needing to seek a life in this world.


She hadn't grown up in a stable world, and since Lin had seen that, she would likely understand at that part, but the one she had been brought to wasn't stable either. A good deal of the experience she based her *life* on had it's heart in those transaction years, and in what Discord had told her, which included talks on how without chaos, you didn't live. It would be too predictable and boring, and little different from being a puppet. Just a soulless husk that followed the same routines and obeyed strict rules that controlled every thought and action.


He had been wrong in how bad it were most of the time. She had learned that as the years had gone on. But at the same time, she could see how bad it became with every rule that were added. It began to restrict movements, thoughts were shamed into submission if they weren't the sort that most found acceptable, and most began to fall into routines, where it would be easy to tell what they would be doing a few hours ahead for example.


"Everypony says Master Discord went too far, but I still miss that world more than this. I could see a life in that one, but this... I have been here for a long time, and I still don't see it. And especially not in places where rules governs everything. It feels wrong.


Reminds me of what you say. It's called home, but it doesn't feel like it is anymore. Too much have changed for that."


It was hard for Omen to exactly tell what it was like living with discord back in the days. She could speak of him, and about some of the things she had seen, but to describe it all would require her to understand chaos, which she had been blissfully unable to, as well as being incapable of telling things she had sworn not to. Discord had made it clear that certain things were not to be shared with anypony, not even Mother, and explaining things without those bits were complicated sometimes.





@@Seamore Sandwich


Genmai Cha? Hmhm, seemed like this mare had some hidden class under the rough exterior after all then, considering that were a pretty acquired taste. mainly because it required a proper knowledge on what to do to make it taste well, and since many a tea drinker believed it to be prepared like a simple mint variety... It ended in disaster for many in her experience. And she were sure that Penny wasn't drinking it if it were done wrong. The taste of a wrong brew of that blend were one of the most vile things she could remember having ingested in a long time.


She considered speaking further about this, but as the boxes came forth, she had to address this first.


"Brick, if you would please."


Her faithful worker didn't hesitate and just flipped the top off the box on his back, then stood still as Scarcity floated the boxes over with her magic.


"I must admit dear, the new boxes are quite a bit more interesting. Perhaps the next time I can order them directly in this packaging, hm? I do not have anypony special in mind to gift these, but you would be surprised how well a seemingly heartfelt gift can go in negotiations. Especially if there is a wife or marefriend that are able to sway them,"


Scarcity gave of a short, pearly laughter.


"I don't mean to sound manipulative though dear. It is simply that at times, my clients have a hard time letting go of old relics when the deal is in their final stages. Helping things along works the better for everypony involved."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


"Oh, yeah. Heh, a stew would be great. I was never a big fan of spicy."  He smiled meekly.


His experience with spicy things had been ruined when he got a little cocky and eaten some pepper a while back. He didn't know that it was a Dragon Pepper, and one bite sent him running for water. He didn't know that water made it worse, and in the end, he couldn't eat or drink for the next two days.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


Francis took it, popping the candy in his mouth. His eyes widened a bit, realizing this was the perfect combination of his more favorite things, spice and cinnamon. "Thinking about it, these would be nice to have. I'd like some spicy candy from time to time." He then looked around, silently curious where the box of them was, until of course he asked; "Where is the box of them?" He asked, but not looking to far away from where she stood, knowing they had to be close by to her.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


A pink hoof stretched, stepping down near Molotov and quickly bringing Pinkie back into view. "Hey!" She said indignantly, glaring at what seemed to be - to most of the other ponies at least - nothing but the air. "These aren't muffins! These are cupcakes! Cupcakes!" She gave a huff, poking at the 'invisible' words floating above everypony's heads with slight annoyance and gesturing at her plate of hot-sauce covered cupcakes. "Cupcakes are way better than muffins, lots of yummy sugary frosting, not to mention how much fluffier and moistier cupcakes are!" With cupcake-based correctional justice delivered, she hopped away once more.


"Sorry about that.." Storm apologized, both to the ponies and to those he and Pinkie knew to be observing through the fourth wall, rubbing the back of his head bashfully, "She gets that way about cupcakes. Don't get me wrong, she loves muffins too, but if you confuse the two..." He gestured helplessly towards the pink pony, "Well, that happens."

Edited by Shineling

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom


Lin was stunned, both amazed and disturbed by what Omen told her. All the more so because every bit about living in the village was true. Order is what she knew and life for her was enough when it was orderly. She didn't mind the chaos every now and then but when it was too much, she knew when that line was crossed. In her selfishness, she didn't think about seeing it the other way around; chaos in place of order and in a way, that chaos gave Omen satisfaction compared to her. 

"I see. I didn't think of this enough but your input... it got me thinking. Maybe Discord went too far but that is how history remembers him. Funny how the victors write history the way they saw it. And from it, everything follows. Too much chaos breeds fear, and fear breeds a desire for simplicity. Good and evil, right and wrong, chains of command, order from chaos."

Those words got her mind jogging and for a moment, there was the slight hint she might have made a connection to Solasan's motives. Underneath that smugness and confidence lies a reason. Maybe she got a hint of it but senselessly hurting her father, there was more to it than just a power-hungry leader. She was sold on the idea that order was necessary, but even the notion of establishing order scared her when it can be used for selfish purposes. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Driz,@@Blitz Boom, Despite her tiredness, Serenade just couldn't sleep. She was actually too tired for that. Opening her eyes slowly, she gazes at Trinket and Ziggy then slips into her pool when they are not looking. Barely a ripple marks her passage into the water. Stars and Suns above, it felt soo good to be back in the water.  

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