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Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom,


*Cacora nods.* "I think it has happened before. The caretaker said I had an accident a while back that nearly got me hurt badly. However, after a day, I was well and active like it never happened. But there was a side effect. Every so often I could feel the presence of something. A lost emotion or desire around me. My cutiemark was partly based on it. I am a bit of a true Jill of all trades, master of none. I learn something and then make use of it. I have also been known to help others with their emotional troubles. It's almost as if I can feel what's wrong and say just the right thing to make them feel better." *Cacora thought back to the time when she helped her caretaker rekindle the love she had with the one she loved. She finishes her baked food wuickly and then says,* "I do wish I could chat with you some more. However, I just remembered that the care taker will be alone with the fillies and colts this afternoon. I don't want her to get overwhelmed. The foals can be a hoofful. Have a pleasant day." *Cacora then leaves the plate and makes to head out back to the Orphanage. The ones who found her can clearly see her leaving. She instinctively senses for any emotional effects. Her empathic nature surfacing again.*

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@@Blitz Boom, @@BloodDrops,  




"Do you think you can watch over her as I go and check the forge? And Blood? I would suggest trying to talk with him when I work if it is. Chaos is unpredictable, but strong. Might be he could end up being of some help to your problem as well."


Indeed, of course, I will watch over so she doesn't get in.... hmmm... get others in trouble.


He trotted towards Blood. She was heading towards the fireworks. He opened his eyes and started looking around, looking for potential destroyable clutter that could be subject to falling down and break.


Howdy, looks like it's me following you now. Blood, right? 


He smiled.

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@@Missklang, @@BloodDrops

Neon yelped as she stepped on a twig. Very easily scared as she was alone in the woods with no companion, and being a changeling, she doubted she would be received with a smile. Her ears perked, and she heard what sounded like a happy voice not far away. she used her magic to become a small rabbit, hiding under the brush to listen in, making sure there was no threat.

Edited by Changeling Neon

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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@@Changeling Neon @BloodDrops,  

With no visible things that could fall and break, he stopped scouting around. Suddenly, Missklang's ear twitched as he perceived a distant sound of a twig break followed by a gasp. He lazily looked in the general direction. Something was there, around the bushes. Refusing himself the fun of throwing a magic random spell and see what happen, he sighed and decided not accord much attention to that insignificant even as there was no immediate threat. Instead, he turned, following Blood, and looked in his bag to see if the white box was still there. It was indeed.


So, what you want to do of fun?

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@@Blitz Boom@@Moonlit


After checking on Ziggy to make sure that there were no major wounds on her, the mare looked back towards the pool to see if she could spot Serenade sleeping, as the zegasus had implied, but it seemed like the Siren had sunk in the water while resting. Trinket tilted her head in confusion, but soon understood the situation. With a warm smile on her face, she turned back to Ziggy.


"She must be tired, huh?... I can't imagine how difficult it must be to keep hiding her true form like that." She commented. "If only the ponies could accept her for what she truly is..."

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Neon shuttered as she saw eyes turn in her direction. Though they seemed disinterested, she didn't doubt the possibility of there being a threat eminent. he leaned forward in the brush, identifying a powerful unicorn, along with another pony, left behind by a third. she wondered if she should reveal herself, contemplating consequences.

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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"...Not...Not just one...Three...and...they weren't in the hospital. I felt their life forces flow into nature....Those poor ponies...So please...show some respect...for their sake..." Zen mumbled, the 'past' she spoke of clearly resurfacing in memory form, and it was clearly taking its toll.  "...I know what its like to lose family..."




"Wonder what's got her so upset.." Deadpan murmured.

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@@Blitz Boom,

"Yes, it's good to remember those I mentioned, those Queens are vital roles in the Hive communities, they hold far more importance then the other Queens around the areas, very few earn as much respect as the main 5 Queens. Although Queens like Pyroxine have respect but more in the form of fear, she isn't a main Queen but she is just as dangerous when provoked or irritated"

Void finished up with a heavy sigh and a sarcastic and slow swing of his front right hoof

"Isn't Changeling life wonderfuuuuul?"

His sarcasm becoming minor annoyance that quickly balanced back out into a neutral stance and neutral emotions being given off of him.  His brain lighting up into life a she grinned and giggled ever so slightly

"Well... Chrysalis still likely makes decisions I assume, but I imagine another Hive, likely MY mothers Hive as they are the second largest and most powerful, make all the decisions final? I need to confront my mother once more, and I will make sure my point gets across, even if I have to give in to my royal instincts to get close to her I shall, this small amount of royal blood can finally serve some purpose if push comes to shove ehhh, heheh"

His pupils, well the lighter pink part of them became diluted in rage at the mention of his mother, but more of a psychotic rage that was easily confused as him being totally insane, but no, it's just his deeper more pushed down emotions coming through on occasion like they keep doing in conversation, it appears he is slightly unhinged but literally only at the slightest.

"We would need to find out who holds the authority now yes, and that would be vital information, roughly five months would be perfect Belladonna! Does this mean you're in on helping this innocent pink bug?"

His personal description of himself was along side a laugh.

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@Blitz Boom,


Silence for 2 hours? Astral was tempted to use a silence spell at the second it started, but that was cheating, and ironically required speech to make it work anyways. Oddly enough, they stayed quiet for half the time. Misty attempted many times to tickle Astral, and Chow, mostly because she was also constantly unsure if she was in on this bet. but with the stakes, she had to stay quiet until the- 'Wait, how long are we doing this?' She thought to herself, realizing she forgot. She went to Astral, tapping her shoulder.


'What is it?' Astral levitated a candle out of a box, lighting it with magic. arranging the smoke into letters to show her words, using her hoof to drag the smoke along into letters, before they faded away.


'I forgot how long we were going to stay silent.' She managed to illustrate this to Astral using the smoke as well, although forming the letters without moving her hoof much. but it still worked.


'Two hours' She created the words in the smoke, she turned her head to Chow. 'This doesn't count as talking, right?' She asked making those words in the smoke.


Misty put a hoof on Astral's shoulder. Shaking her head 'No, It's a silent thing, so it wouldn't. plus it goes by Chow's rule of writing allowed.'


Astral nodded with a smile, turning to Misty. 'Good, I guess I'll keep communicating with this then' She looked at Chow, she floated the candle over. 'Come on Chow, let's continue working' She wrote, making the words more visible for Chow.


The two would communicate like this for the rest of the time. If Chow broke the silence with talking himself, they would keep communicating like that until the time was up, to keep to the bet, and to make fun of his loss.

Edited by Lloyd

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom, (aplogys for the delay) Cresent chuckeled on the felines remark "well how tireck got out is anyponys gusse really. Probably tricked one poor soul to free him for a deal or something, wouldn't surprise me if he did. But for Lunas sake in the forest that hit the tree house?! It took months to grow a new tree house, no pony thinks about the tree house's much all because everypony lives in a cottage if not that then the modern apartments and buildings now a days." cresent realized he was ranting then paused remembering to breath. "thankfully twilight took care of him" he said calming down

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@@Derplight Sperkle


"You would be surprised how many say that, yet the blame is solely in the somewhat tense relationship my kind have with ponies. See, we used to be more entwined with your race, and allow ourselves to be near your towns, but still within reach of our sacred trees. Then unfortunately, there was a great deal that began to think of my kind as vials of fertilizer, and no matter how many laws that came against it, we would still be hunted and drained. It left us to seclude ourselves from ponies for centuries, and even now, the talk between our camps and pony villages are generally on our grounds, not yours. It is progressing onward though, and ponies do seem to have more respect than to harvest us, but history between our kind have been a strong influence on why you don't see many Evergrown around.


Honestly, I would likely still be at a tribe if it wasn't for these things."


Briar raised his right hoof and jiggled the rings that were stuck on said leg, though they were also present on the others in varying colors and placements.


"The marks of a traitor, and the symbol of my exile. Quite frankly I a thrilled to be gone from that... Horrendous place I grew up in, and given the chance to enjoy a life on the road where I can indulge myself in the rich culture of several races I would have never met back then, though at times I do miss the presence of a tribe. Tse reminds me why I am not though, so I don't tend to stick around such places for long.


And worry not my friend, I were not exiled for doing something vile. The entire story can be somewhat complex, but let us simplify it and say that I had enough of being a slave, and they did not approve of my defiance."


His smile increased a bit more as he recalled the moment he had made his first defiant act, by slamming his vine into the face of that stuck-up Lotus that had tried to demean him even further than he had already been at that point. it was a fond, heartwarmign memory for him, and something that had carried him through many a hard day. A pity he had not been able to see the look on her face.


"Ah yes, I almost forgot. You would not know what I meant when I refer to our people as being harvested as fertilizer. Well to put it simple, our *blood* if you will, acts as a hyper-accelerator for plant growth, and even a pint would be sufficient enough to raise the better part of a minor apple farm from scratch. I have met a tribe that now sells this is limited quantities to a village of ponies near them, up far to the north, but it is heavily watched over and they are forbidden from letting it get out of their town, in case our kind becomes all the rage again. It is quite a bit more complicated than that, but I fear that perhaps if I keep talking, I will make your ears fall off. A bad habit of mine that I profoundly apologize for."









"...Mind reading?"


Molotov had stood still and silent for a bit after Pinkie had come over and given him a lesson in what was what in the desert aisle, dumbfounded by how she even knew what he were taking about. she was an earth mare after all, so she shouldn't have any sort of magic like mind reading, and yet she had known what he were thinking? Could it be she had mind reading without being a unicorn? Ohoho, the implications made him positively giddy with joy! And that wasn't just a saying, he were literally giggling in a somewhat crazy manner.


"Oh, can you imagine the possibilities when an earth pony can read your mind? Experimental conductors to replicate her brains waves would result in a new era in information gathering! Not to speak of what could be done if she was amplified with a few strategically placed injections of 12B75Z. Or oh oh, a smaller conductor on her head to act as an amplifier similar to a unicorn horn? We'd need to test neural implants with that of course, but just thinking of what this could mean makes me all giddy like a foal in a dynamite factory.


What I wouldn't give for a brain biopsy right about now... Wait no, nononono, not going to do that. Serene Smile were very strict. Machines only, not biology. Remember your field of expertise Molotov,. Keep focused here."


He then raised his voice some and turned towards the way he had seen Pinkie take off to, with a determined look on his face.


"And nothing can challenge the superiority of cookies. Nothing I tell you."


If would be interesting to see what Storm might focus on first. The fact that Molotov had basically just gone on about how Pinkie was a mind reader and the best way to take that were to make insane suggestions on potential experiments, or if perhaps he'd start to notice a particularly disturbing familiarity in the way he talked about experiments. Blitz wasn't much different from this, though her ideas were more... In check, as hard as that were to believe.


That or you know, the fact that he were apparently somewhat insane and talked to what essentially thin air. Plenty to go around with this piece of work.


The madness were getting hard to ignore for Void too, who let out a small whimper before trying her best to keep her focus on the other two. Which at first included Cocora, who were starting to leave right after saying a bit about what she did again. It sounded pretty interesting, and Void would actually want to hear more, but it sounded like a time when it was best to just let her go, so she'd keep her curious questions to herself until a better time. orphaned foals were more important than her in any case, which were a mind set she wished that somepony would have had with her an Null when they grew up too, but that was a ship long since sailed.


"Take care..."


Void gave a small, nervous wave after the mare, before turning her attention to the only one still at her table right now, though other ponies were likely not too far behind.


"Uhm, as for the stew, it is kinda s-spicy. It's nothing like the curry, but back in T-Troy, they like food with some heat in it. Perhaps you should try a little first, then see?"


She turned and poured a little into a bowl of her stew, which smelled like a rich combination of earthy flavors, and would taste spiced, but far more balanced and smooth in it than the curry. She didn't stand a chance against that sort of heat, though whatever Lance would like this or if it were still too strong they'd have to see.







"Perhaps I can suggest a full body massage, followed by a steam bath? It relaxes your muscles and cleanses you of worries and toxins alike. A good way to turn a gloomy day bright again. We also have the option of a deep tissue massage if you feel your muscles especially tense these days."


It would be interesting if he would pick the deep tissue one, as Bulk Biceps were... Well, quite a sight to behold really. The muscles glistening with sweat from the warmth of his work and the spa alike, the precise, professional way he handled customers without flinching his strong gaze or relaxing his posture...


Bubble shook his head internally as the thoughts started to go on. Right now wasn't the time for him to think on Bulk that way. He should rather focus on the point where he at times scared some costumers who didn't think a giant like him had the gentle touch for this job, or found his treatment painful. Hopefully this wouldn't be a problem, if the situation arose that their e-steam-ed guest would want his particular kind of massage.


Dear Celestia, he almost deserved a slap for that pun...


Meanwhile, on the other end of town, Alonsus were trying to recuperating from seeing an actual changeling king in this barn.


Usually he only heard of queens, but the crown, the size and so forth made this unmistakable, which meant that... Did the town now require him to save them from this menace? Were it up to nopony else than their noble savior, Alonsus, to protect from a changeling king and his hive?


Apparently not, considering what the king said, which took the air out of his balloon. From what it sounded like, he had just been hanging out here for a time, and considering he wasn't hidden or had send four battalions of changelings after Alonsus yet, there were likely some truth to this. Not enough so that he should not be suspicious though, oh no. Changelings were devious beings after all.


"A... Guide? You require me to show you around?"


Pride began to swell in his chest again, and his smile once again returned to his muzzle, whilst he rose a hoof to his chest and exclaimed with enough pride to question his mental stability considering he were around a freaking changeling king!


"Leave it to Alonsus. I shall make sure to show the glory of Ponyville to you, and keep you all out of harms way."


If the king could sense pride as well as he could love, he might actually feel nauseous around Alonsus considering he was bloating over with it. So confident in his abilities to both be a guide and keep the king under check so that everypony would be okay that it bordered on insanity, though as with so any others like this, there did lie a lot of fear of his inability to do anything if something happened under all of this.


He could be analyzed a good deal, or just used since frankly, playing off pride was laughably easy. Fan it a little, and you could make the naive fool do pretty much anything within a few limits.


"I do need to collect this barrel first though. The kitchen staff sorely needs it, and who am I to decline help wherever it's needed?"







Omen looked at Lin like she had just tried to explain complicated degrees of mathematics to her. Utter confusion and inability to really follow for a good minute or so before a dim light glowed in her head and she nodded slightly.


"Things change, when others win."


Made enough sense if that were what Lin meant, after she had thought about it for a time. Discord had lost and everything had changed, along with the stories that twisted and turned things to make him seem worse than he had actually been most of the time. At least when it came to the stories she had heard of him. Perhaps if Discord had won, story would have painted them as the wrong ones instead.


Made it curious about this town then. They had talked about storied a few times about things that had happened in the past that sounded pretty badly so... Did this mean that somepony amongst them had won a fight, and everything they were now kept away from and told were bad, were things the other side had liked or stood for? Her head swirled with the thought, but it didn't seem to find ground anywhere. it sounded like it could be true, but she didn't knew enough to be able to tell if it was even possible. Perhaps she should just ask?


"Did the longma fight and win against somepony? Is that why they're told the outside is bad?"


It was a bit of a broken up question that needed some filler to be truly understandable in its entirely, but Lin had likely been around Omen enough at this point to understand. had thus far after all, and Omen had done some more loopy sentences than this in their time.








"Yeah, it would, which is why we're setting a meeting to start the first step towards her being allowed to do that without having all sorts of meanings get after her. Changelings have started negotiations these days, so the princesses seem open to it, but we have to start with getting Princess Twilight convinced first. I figure we talk facts, and if it goes badly, big, puppy-dog eyes and asking her to be nice."


Ziggy did her best impression of a puppy looking at somepony, but even when she were lying down on the floor, she were still pretty tall (she had to lie on the floor with her head held high to be around face to face with others) so it lost some of the magic when she couldn't look up from near the floor without being on her back  and that was more *playful kitten* attitude.


Aaaawh... Now she wanted to hug a kitten...


"Anyway, we figure that she'll listen if Luna is there too, so we're crossing hooves and hoping it'll be alright. Apparently Twilight had some meeting with the old, mean sirens, so it is likely gonna be a bit of a weird thing, but you get nowhere by thinking negatively after all. Positive attitude and hope for the best, right?"


The smile on her face as she said that would almost be sweet enough to make one cough up a rainbow, but unless something wonky was going on around here, the odds of that happening would be pretty small. She wouldn't rule anything out though. Weirder things had happened in Ponyville.







How was she going to answer that?


On one hoof, this day were horrible. The town were in ruins some places, there were wounded ponies jumping about here and there, lots of strangers had gotten into town from all sorts of weird races, including changelings and this weird, plant pony that she had first seen yesterday too through her blinds, before it really got bad and she went to hide in her basement. And that wasn't even mentioning the alicorn that had popped in out of nowhere and were now presumably wandering around angry somewhere.


But on the other hoof... There were many ways that this had been the best day of her life. Draco had gone from a friend to somepony that might be more interested in her than she had first thought, which made her slight crush increase in size the more she thought about the possibility, which carried heavy weight in determining how well this day had been.


She looked up at him in silence for a bit, then rose her muzzle and gave him a cautious peck on the chin before replying with a blush blossoming upon her cheeks once again.


"I am Draco... Thank you."






@@Changeling Neon



Finally she had some peace to work with.


Nerzhei had thought that the others would never leave, and it seemed like she still had Blood to watch over when she had wandered off and the mare had wanted to go towards the forge as well, but thankfully something else drew her attention. likely fireworks or something else, what did she know? All that mattered were that she now had what she needed. Her crystals, a scorching forge, and some metal. It was about time that she got to work.


Meanwhile, over at the others, Blitz jumped towards her workshop in much the same way as she had seen Pinkie do, though not as dexterous. The metal wings on her back weighed her down a bit too much for her to be able to get as high as her idol, or keep it going for long as it got pretty tiring.


"I know something we can do while we wait for Mrs. Cranky Dragon to be done. Watch fireworks! I have some fun ones, hold on a bit and I'll dig 'em out. Oh, and no fireing off inside there again okay? Pretty please? Mayor Mare will get mad if all the explosives goes off and the entire forest goes boom."


She did look somewhat pleading at them for most of the message, though at the notion of watching the forest explode she got a certain uhm... *mad scientist* look going over her eyes, that might be slightly disturbing for the few seconds before she turned, jumped into her workshop and started to rummage through a few boxes.


As for their guest, she would find that not everypony had missed her being there, as a pair of eyes locked on her soon and the originator moved in closer to have a look at this new arrival.


It would perhaps seem a bit odd to Neon when a paw poked on his shoulder from behind, and he'd find that a pink bunny with a semi-long tuft of longer fur, or hair if you wanted to look at it that way, were looking her over. Lotus were a curiopus sort though, and as soon as she had smelled this other bunny nearby, she had wandered away from the noisy large ones and went over to try and have a chat.


"Hello. Why are you watching the loud ones? Here to play?"


The question really would go down here to whatever or not Neon had any idea what Lotus were saying as she began to speak to her like critters do. If she didn't, it would likely just look like a female bunny had gotten curious and tried to communicate something unimportant. Like if she knew where there carrots or something insignificant. Animals were often underestimated like that when you didn't know what they were saying, though at least Lotus' face said clearly that she were curious. That was a bit to work with at least.







"Awh buck... I'm sorry to hear that. I had hoped that they'd gotten through this without... Nevermind, not gonna keep it up or I'll shove my hoof in my throat. Closed off topic to respect the dead."


She gave a glance to Pyhrus who had gotten a sullen look on his face for a brief moment before nodding and wandering along. He didn't say anything, but perhaps that was for the best, considering how blunt he were about things, though Florence did give her two cents, when she went over and put her talon on Zen's shoulder.


"I understand Zen, but... A-Are you okay? I know how bad memories can make you f-feel."


This got a reaction from Pyhrus, though not in words. The pained look that went over his face before he averted his gaze however, didn't need anything said to show that what Florence had said had just figuratively stabbed him through the heart.







"If you wanna find out we can go there and ask, but do you think it's a good idea to go after one that had an outburst like that? Sounds quiet now, but... You know, angry ones and all that. It's your choice though."





@@Handsome Changeling


"Quite honestly I think this is akin to sticking your hoof inside a beehive and shaking around, yet this is a situation that require a proper process to avoid a potential devastating war, to which a concern about a potential amount of personal damage becomes secondary to taking action. Especially considering that we likely need to work fast before something else is set in motion, and the time to weed somepony out with less of a bad view on things could prove costly. I will need to inform my boss firsat though, but from my calculations he should be done sulking in about... Thirty seconds to fifty-two seconds. He haves a predictable manner if he gets overloaded mentally."


To say that she were not pleased with this situation would be an understatement, and especially do when it included her potentially having to once more speak with Ambrosia, who she wished for little more than to get a mountain dropped on her, were an understatement. However as she had said, the situation didn't exactly lend itself to being drawn out, which left her with little choice if she thought on the grand scale of things. Besides who knew? Perhaps it would be good to confront the cruel queen. She had read enough about psychological issues to know that the odds were fair in her particular case if she faced this piece of her dark past, and showed that it did not affect her as much anymore. Though considering the name alone had made her flinch, a meeting would be... Testing.


Regardless, it was something that had to be done. Even if it were only one or a few queens that needed to give their consent, eventually she'd have to speak with all the main ones to either receive or deliver information. What the meeting with her former jailer would entail was a bridge she'd have to cross when she got there.


"As for the first meeting, do you think it wise that you go alone? Considering the look that just went over your eyes, I get the impression that your approach will entail a good deal of medical emergencies, which might not be the best opener considering this isn't technically a situation about dominance? Unless you need to approach like this to get her attention that is."







Chow opened his muzzle to say something when he saw the two others go at it, but he managed to keep his words to himself as his muzzle went open, then shut again a little after that. Took him a bit of time after that where he didn't work to find some paper and a pen, but when he did, he very clearly wrote a simple sentence on it that he showed to the two of them with a big, cheeky grin going over his face.


"I should have seen this coming. Darn magic users."


After that he put the sign away from him and went back to work in complete silence. Much as he wanted to spill the beans, he wasn't going to loose now, and especially not when these cheeky little buggers had gone around the rules like this. He knew he shouldn't have allowed writing, but nooo. His big head had thought that it was perfectly fine and would give him a cheeky way of saying something, just as soon as he had taken a bundle of papers. Seemed like he were still a bit too slow in it to remember that these gals were magic users, and as such would have something to do with that...


Next time, he'd remember to include a *no magic* rule, but this time around,t he two of them kept within the boundaries. He only had himself to kick for this as they worked on and let the silence (if you ignored the noise of stuff being moved) flow over them like a blanket.


It was getting hard after a while to keep back the puns though. So many mime jokes, but not the option to get them out. Partly because he couldn't stop up constantly to write something, but mainly because he'd end up cracking up, and laughing counted as saying something.







"You're still not making much sense, but I guess you kids say all sorts of nonsense these days."


Zinthar chuckled a little to himself, thinking on how he were starting to sound like Starswirl had back when he last saw him. Not much for change and on about how them kids were making things more difficult than they had to be. Truth be told he had been a bit of a cranky old stallion sometimes, but it were part of his charm as far as Zinthar were concerned, and he knew that behind it all, he did care. He were just always so concerned about the passing of time. And time in general really, if you considered some of his spells the last few years before his death.


"Humor and old man and tell me, what happened when Tirek slithered out? I might actually understand why you're talking about tree-houses then."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"Perhaps I can suggest a full body massage, followed by a steam bath? It relaxes your muscles and cleanses you of worries and toxins alike. A good way to turn a gloomy day bright again. We also have the option of a deep tissue massage if you feel your muscles especially tense these days."


It would be interesting if he would pick the deep tissue one, as Bulk Biceps were... Well, quite a sight to behold really. The muscles glistening with sweat from the warmth of his work and the spa alike, the precise, professional way he handled customers without flinching his strong gaze or relaxing his posture...


Bubble shook his head internally as the thoughts started to go on. Right now wasn't the time for him to think on Bulk that way. He should rather focus on the point where he at times scared some costumers who didn't think a giant like him had the gentle touch for this job, or found his treatment painful. Hopefully this wouldn't be a problem, if the situation arose that their e-steam-ed guest would want his particular kind of massage.


Dear Celestia, he almost deserved a slap for that pun...


Meanwhile, on the other end of town, Alonsus were trying to recuperating from seeing an actual changeling king in this barn.


Usually he only heard of queens, but the crown, the size and so forth made this unmistakable, which meant that... Did the town now require him to save them from this menace? Were it up to nopony else than their noble savior, Alonsus, to protect from a changeling king and his hive?


Apparently not, considering what the king said, which took the air out of his balloon. From what it sounded like, he had just been hanging out here for a time, and considering he wasn't hidden or had send four battalions of changelings after Alonsus yet, there were likely some truth to this. Not enough so that he should not be suspicious though, oh no. Changelings were devious beings after all.


"A... Guide? You require me to show you around?"


Pride began to swell in his chest again, and his smile once again returned to his muzzle, whilst he rose a hoof to his chest and exclaimed with enough pride to question his mental stability considering he were around a freaking changeling king!


"Leave it to Alonsus. I shall make sure to show the glory of Ponyville to you, and keep you all out of harms way."


If the king could sense pride as well as he could love, he might actually feel nauseous around Alonsus considering he was bloating over with it. So confident in his abilities to both be a guide and keep the king under check so that everypony would be okay that it bordered on insanity, though as with so any others like this, there did lie a lot of fear of his inability to do anything if something happened under all of this.


He could be analyzed a good deal, or just used since frankly, playing off pride was laughably easy. Fan it a little, and you could make the naive fool do pretty much anything within a few limits.


"I do need to collect this barrel first though. The kitchen staff sorely needs it, and who am I to decline help wherever it's needed?"



Lord Senvious nods. " Sounds good. I think the deep tissue will be more up my alley. Thank you." he says to Bubbles.


On the other side of town, Transmutation looks him over again, thinking about what he had said. "I was expecting you to pull out a spear out of freaking no where and throw it at me and beat me against these barrels. Since my race is something of a dumping ground of everyone's hatred unfortunately." he says, pacing back and forth. 


He shakes the apple juice off from his body and glares at Alonsus, apparently sensing his pride. Deciding to back away just a bit. "You better not have like 10 guards out there ready to kill.... and do collect that barrel, with a nice, sizeable hole in it. Probably will be a prop or something for a cheesy play because of the hole." he gave it a quick glance and then explodes into laughter, not evil laughter but entertainment, he gives it a whack. "Damn! Look at this thing!" he yells in a rather comedic tone.


.After his laughing spree was over, he looked at Alonsus, his eyes aren't narrowed but there is a look of suspicion in them. 

Edited by NightMare Star.



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@@Blitz Boom


Storm blinked owlishly for a second after the ramblingness. "Umm... Where to start.. First of all, I guess, she didn't use unicorn magic or read your mind, just the Words that They sometimes leave behind the Fourth Wall, so brainscanning stuff probably wouldn't get you anything." He stated, reaching up and pulling the word 'Cookies' from above Molotov's head. "Also, Cookies pale in comparison to the awesome fluffiness of well-made muffins." Storm added, dropping the oddly green word onto the nearby table and taking a bite from a chocolate chip muffin.


Soon after he had said that, a rather loud raspberry was heard from the direction Pinkie had hopped off towards. "Cupcakes!"


"Besides all of that, ponies have tried to understand her and I and our senses and stuffs, but I'm pretty sure they all just kind of gave up." Storm then put a hoof to his chin thoughtfully, "Not really sure if there's a scientific explanation for half the things we do.." He shook his head, dispelling those thoughts. "Anyways~, to the last point, based on what I heard; I wouldn't call Blitzy's ideas more 'in check'.. just less.. Potentially questionably in nature? Definitely seems like her ideas are more volatile, but not really questionable besides the obvious danger of explosives." Storm scratched the back of his head, "I mean, it doesn't seem 'wrong' necessarily - if it's voluntary, at least - but I know a lot of ponies would probably question the nature and, umm... Morality? I dunno a good word for it, but a lot of ponies would probably feel pretty against an experiment that involves brain implants and injections and stuff." Storm shrugged, not sure what else to say about it. "I can try to answer questions about it if you want though. About the Fourth Wall and stuff like that I mean, not about the brain stuff. I don't know much about neuroscience..."

Edited by Shineling

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom


Lance heard everything Molotov said, but instead took it as a joke. A sick joke, but a joke. He, anyway, was too preoccupied with the stew to think about what Molotov had said in detail.


"Oh, that looks delicious. As long as I'm not breathing flames after eating it, I'm sure I'll be able to handle it."


He inhaled the scent of the stew, and smiled.


"It smells awesome too. Did you make it yourself?"

Edited by genessee

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom

Draco walked with his lady towards his place. Which meant crossing the spa street. He was currently humming a song as they walked Draco began to sing softly for his lady next to him. He placed a wing across Long Stares back whispering when there was break in the song "I love you,"

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom,


Almost too funny to keep the laughter in. Misty was smirking when he wrote it down. but pulled off keeping the laughter in.


Astral reignited the candle several times during their use of it. Managing to almost run out of it, before using another one. The wax clearly filling the holder for the candle with the old one, she placed it down on the kitchen counter. Turning to the clock, she took the new candle, igniting it. '1 minute to go.'   She didn't just stare at the clock until the time was up though, instead she went back to carrying boxes in.


Misty took her own candle a while back, after Astral taught her an ignition spell earlier, along with an extinguisher spell just in case. 'Do we get extra the longer we stay silent?'


'No, that wasn't exactly part of the deal.'


Misty looked a bit disappointed. 'Well, It's not like we'd earn that much anyways with how many bits we have' 


Astral glanced at the clock, it had been a while since the two hour mark. There was a moment where she wondered when the deal started. In the case they still hadn't won. But she didn't think much on it, she picked out a potion from a box, looking at it.


The label saying: "Magic Fireworks"


She opened the potion, it fired out several fireworks above her, it was harmless and didn't do much other than make a small firework like explosive. The fireworks signifying their victory rather loudly. "I believe we get those bits, how much was it?"


"Woah! there's a firework potion!?" Misty asked running over to get a closer look, distracted from their victory.


Astral chuckled a bit. "Yes, there is."

Edited by Lloyd

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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"I know something we can do while we wait for Mrs. Cranky Dragon to be done. Watch fireworks! I have some fun ones, hold on a bit and I'll dig 'em out. Oh, and no fireing off inside there again okay? Pretty please? Mayor Mare will get mad if all the explosives goes off and the entire forest goes boom."   She did look somewhat pleading at them for most of the message, though at the notion of watching the forest explode she got a certain uhm... *mad scientist* look going over her eyes, that might be slightly disturbing for the few seconds before she turned, jumped into her workshop and started to rummage through a few boxes.


Blood Drops blinked at the filly, she had a sudden mothering urge to lick her. Though she settled for a nuzzle bump. "I won't set any off, that's your job. Maybe a big one" she advised. Though this time it would be set up outside of the workshop, where a explosion wouldn't destroy the whole forest. 






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*As Cacora was leaving, she got hit with the sense of curiosity and turned back to see her wave. She smiled and continued on.* 'I guess she is being curious about me. But that glow. Did she have something to do with it? She did have a worrying feeling when giving out the food. I am curious about what she could make. Maybe another time we can talk, but, for now, I should check on the children.'


*She heads past others and down the street towards her old and still current home at the Orphanage, being as she was never adopted.*

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Looking at Ambie with a raised eyebrow, Hunter responded, "You're not very bright, are you?" Then, looking down at what he was standing on, he added, "Oh, sorry. I was so focused on watching Sissilia deep in the forest that I wasn't paying much attention to what you were saying. I'll get off your logs immediately. The winds are changing anyway, and I don't want her to know I'm here." He climbed down off the logs and said, "By the way, if you don't know what someone is, it's better to ask than to guess and keep getting it wrong. My name is Hunter, and I'm what you would call a Kitsune. We're more closely related to foxes than cats or dogs."

@@Blitz Boom

The Traveler was rubbing his eye with the tip of his wing. "It seems there are certain pains you just can't get used to. It doesn't matter how many times I've had you throw that berry at my eye, it still hurts every time." He was done rubbing his eye, but it still appeared to be a little red. A small price to pay to finish constructing the timeline. "If you're hungry, as I believe you are, there's no sense in letting those berries go to waste. We've already ruined enough of them as it is." The Stallion that was looking for a location to build the clock tower began marking off an area for the build site, exactly where the clock tower was in the future. Everything here was finished. Time to move on. "Shall we continue further back? I assure you we won't be stepping on any butterflies." Before the two of them was another portal, this time large enough for both of them. ((I'll leave describing the next scene to you, as this is your character's past))

@@Blitz Boom

"I'm fine. That feeling of losing control didn't make enough sense to effect me because I've never really had control over anything to begin with. There's not really much I could do as a tree​..."  Charlie's words slowly faded away into nothing, and they were replaced with loneliness.  Even as the light came back, and the crowds of Canterlot faded into view, the loneliness grew stronger.  There was a feeling like they didn't belong, like everyone was watching them.  It was as if everypony knew what the two of them were, and both hated and feared them.  Charlie was back in the form of a tree as the light came back.  Clearly these feelings had taken hold.  Within the crowds was a familiar face, a changeling that looked like Dr.Xeno but a little taller and slightly skinnier.  As quickly as he had appeared, he was gone.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich,


  "Oh, sorry about that, I didn't mean to distract you from what you were doing. Guess I've never met a Kit-... Kit-su....."


Very quickly, all of the color literally runs from Ambie's body as his already wide, green pupils widen further & his pale body begins to quiver a bit.


 "K-... ca-... t-th-the demon spirits of legend? Th-the ones known to... p-please don't suck my soul out or-o-or p-pelt me with fire stones o-or turn into a pretty mare & steal all my bits or... turn me into rice paste or..."


   With a wimper, Ambie roughly throws himself into the dirt in front of him, burying his face down under his front hooves. Some muffled attempts at repeated apology  can be heard from the small hole he's made for his head.


  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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"The candies in this display are sold at five bits per pound," she said, indicating a row of candy in clear containers with plastic scoops in them. "The bags are right here if you'd like to start filling one up." She levitated a paper bag from the dispenser at the end of the display over to him.



@@Blitz Boom


"If anyone knows the power of a piece of chocolate, it's me. My parents had me in the kitchen before I'd even said my first word. It was cocoa, by the way," Penny said, leading the way through the streets of Canterlot. Growing up with two Earth Pony parents was hard at times, seeing as they couldn't understand the magic she was learning and therefore couldn't help her with early magic lessons. It was her own determination and hard work that got her into the finer magic schools of Canterlot. She had even placed in the top ten percent for entrance exam scores. Bragging wasn't her thing though. Still, her parents taught her everything they knew. Never did they imagine that she'd add her own special touch using her magic, but when she got her cutie mark for enchanting a chocolate that could turn somepony into a Bat Pony for Nightmare Night, they couldn't be happier.

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    In a world laden heavily with violence, unnecessary explosions & blatant pandering to the male demographic Only One ruggedly handsome Dracklekiss stood between the free world and the hordes of slavering zomponies when the giant P-Bomb dropped on Equestr-



   No, no that doesn't work. Been done to death. Hah, like I know!



   Suddenly! On a day in Ponyville where the rain poured down in sheets so heavy the streets had turned to muddy, pothole-ridden messes, one old jeep rumbled down the main road at break-flank speeds. The rather handsome stallion in the back of it of tan coat & an even handsomer tousled black mane kept shouting over the thunder & lighting about how they "Must go faster."

  Soon, those in the jeep sped out of sight and as soon after there wake,  heavy footsteps rattled the ground ... and also a nearby glass of pancake batter placed there just to emphasize the drama of the situation.

    Suddenly! Turning the corner in hot pursuit of the jeep was the towering form a full-grown Widdersaurus Wrecks!  It's huge head glistening in the studio-manufactured rain, its gaping maw opens to let loose its bone-chilling & trademarked roar of!:   




  Naah... that's been parodied so many times its old hat & cliche by now.... hmm...





We've got to go deeper into the Chaos state! It's the only way to delve deep enough to bring my pancakes back into the real world!!!



    Hah! Now I'm just trying to anger the audience!



   High above Ponyville, a small light twinkles so far up above in the day's sky that any pony wanting to keep an eye out for it would have just as likely missed it. From that glint of light an indistinguishable object falls, screaming all the way down. "Somebeing!... Caaatch!..... Meee!"

  On its way down, it whizzes past a blue pegusai out on her daily patrol. Startled by the near miss & her incapability to register just what that jumble of parts was, she nevertheless bravely turns on a proverbial dime & readies her self to charge down and catch it before it...


    Too late. Whatever it was, isn't anymore. Judging by the impact (as cartoonish as it was) its body parts have flown clear across town by now.

  With a twitch in her face, the mare shakily goes back to her patrol, muttering under her breath about it just being another, normal, average day in Ponyville...


     Wait... He hasn't written that yet, has he? Can I go by continuity that his lazy, fat tuckus hasn't gotten around to making yet?




    We... truly open up on Ponyville's town center. A llama-headed & bunny-eared Draconequus lays loosely half-wrapped, half leaning against & in the town's central fountain, deep in thought.  A few citizens of Ponyville walk by, some among which being a mother rolling her eyes & tugging her colt away from "the silly wormie!"


   Wait, are going by all of what we put on it? Should I start handing out flyers about my Bio Page? Hmm... maybe a good glamour shot of me? Money Shot? I forget the difference really.


  His head turns to the side suddenly to address, seemingly a vacant patch of air.



      I ain't doing that.

   You know that's cliche! Well, okay fine. It's just that I didn't come up with it first!

A small pebble bounces off Widdershin's head with a tiny plink noise.


   Oh fine I'll get on with... Wait... We've started?!!? But I had so many plans! I was gonna blow up every window in town! I was gonna wedge my head in a streetlamp!  ...I was gonna make one!  Then maybe... I dunno, pancake rain? A  harem genre show? Come on! That's RIFE with comedic potential!!


    Whattaya mean "Keep it PG?!" You don't even know if that acronym stands for!


    What? I'm just supposed to sit here & wait for some horse to walk up and start something for you? Oh yes, that's soooo creative, Mr. Floofyhead!

       You know, I told you I could have written this myself! Piffle, poppycock & nonsense about all this "fourth-wall interdimensional" hoohah!

     "Puts off an audience if you lay it on too thick! A story needs proper narrative control!" He says!

   Why next, your going to use the already hackneyed story prop of-


  A wagon wheel seemingly drops out of nowhere, landing squarely on top of Widdershin's head and knocking him semi-unconcious to the ground.


    Mmhm...right, seemingly nowhere, huh?...



   Local ponies start giving a wide, but unconcerned berth around Widdershin's antics. It seems as though they've become accustomed to his talking to empty space.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@@Blitz Boom


"More like lost, if you ask me." 

Lin walked up to Ghilan's pile of manuscripts on the table adjacent to Sen's bedroll and rummaged through them to find the one she needed. Unlike the commonly-told story of their history, there was a lot to it that isn't said, mostly dry and boring details about the lives the ancestors had prior to settling in the forest. There was, however, a big chunk of it missing that stuck out if one was paying a lot of attention to the details.  


"Before the longma you see in the forest today, our ancestors lived much further east. Land of their own, living in peaceful coexistence with themselves and other various groups, all that usual stuff. The story goes when one of those groups decided to establish a kingdom with us as an equal. It sounded too good to be true, and it was. The kingdom was established and for a time, all was well. Unfortunately, corruption and exploitation of our kind ended the peace. The ancestors left for the west and settled in smaller forests like this one, vowing to never live that life again. But we've fallen on harder times since we lived here. The world has moved on without us and we in the village could use the relations of other races to help us adapt to a modern world, but not everyone sees it that way."  

Tradition was always a sore spot for the longma. Do they stick to the old ways or move on with the changing world around them? Some think the latter is the better option considering the circumstances but something is holding them back. It all boils down to one word, one emotion. Exploit that, and it's easy to win believers to a cause. And this was the lightbulb moment.

"Fear! That's what this is all about. Playing on fear gives Solasan his edge. He can't be opposed because he gives those who follow him what they want to hear."

But just as Lin thought she could rest easy, Sen started acting up. First, turning in his bedroll, then followed by moaning, then yelling. It was in broken sentences but the words 'stop' and 'I'm sorry' stood out the most. Sen flung himself awake and found Lin looking worried at what he saw in his dream. Without saying a word, he buried his head between his claws and hoped he wouldn't be asked about it.

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"A good choice sir. From what I can see, Bulk Biceps is nearly done with his current client, so we might as well make way to the room. If you would follow me please."


Nimble as can be, Bubbles went around the desk and wandered with a steady pace into the spa, hopefully with Senvious in tow. If he didn't, he'd wait for the alicorn to follow him before making his way towards the room Bulk Biceps used, though on the way there they did get some funny looks and dropped jaws, along with whispers from the more talkative sorts. There wasn't many here though, so it shouldn't be too bad. Despite the stressful day yesterday, most were either more concerned with their houses and helping to fix them, generally getting the town pieced back together again, or injured and not up for this sort of treatment currently.


Meanwhile, Alonsus had a somewhat hurt expression on his face at the notion that he would lead anypony, even a changeling, into a mere trap like that.


"Alonsus is no racist, nor playes trickery like that. It would be an unseemly thing, especially towards somepony hiding peacefully. Though why on earth you would stay after the attack we had yesterday surprises me. Did you not notice the monster attacking us?"


He didn't really react on the words or the look further than saying the somewhat hurt words and pouting a little, though he were more occupied by gathering up the apples and filling the barrel again. Thankfully the horn hole wasn't enough to make the juicy apples run out off, though the king were right, they really needed to get that fixed up at some point if they wanted to reuse this in the long run.


"Also, who are you, and why did you hide in this barn?"








"They're good, but that mushy stuff have nothing against a crispy coo-"


Molotov were responding the audacity that were them telling that muffins and cupcakes in any way could beat a delicious,. freshly-baked chocolate chip cookie, when the word Blitzy came up and the response withered in his mind. The description afterwards didn't help either, as that were more or less how he remembered her back... When she were still alive.


A vivid memory went through his head of Blitz, at that time little more than seven, who were rummaging through his tools to find a screwdriver for her next little invention. She didn't get tools of her own until she were eight, as their mother thought that would keep her too out of check before she had learned a little security around their work, so the time before that she kept borrowing his tools, and sneak them back when she thought he wasn't listening. Though times like this he did, and he ended up running after her for hours on end sometimes, as she did her little tricks to get away. He could use magic to catch her fast, but the times like this had been a fun break in the norm of what he did, and he did love his lil' sister, so he just played fair and chased her around for a bit.


His lower lip trembled slightly and a tear ran down from the eyes his glass wasn't over. It were too tightly packed around his eye to let moisture escape, though it would roll down into the bottoms frame and be led towards a small holding tank in the rim, usually reserved for sweat. His mother had insisted he added this in his design, and though he had disagreed a little at the start because he wanted this to be his own all along, he had never been able to say that she were wrong. The small thing did a ton when he were working long hours and sweated a lot. Couldn't have him removing this all the time when handling potentially dangerous items after all, right?


"I... I don't know how you knew about her, but please, don't talk about her like she were still..."


His voice broke a little at the end, and automatically, he took hold of the first thin he could for comfort, which in this case were food. Just a pity that said food were still the bowl of curry, which resulted in him taking quite the spoonful in and down to his unprepared gut.


The flames the felt like they were pouring out of his nose were a good distraction from the thoughts about his diseased sister, and one that were drowned out by the sweet feeling of relief flooding his mind once the cup of milk got gulped down.


"By the sun, that almost burned right through my head."


Over at the others, Void had issues ignoring what Storm and Molotov were talking about, but she managed to tune out the exact words a bit at least, and do what she could to be focused on Lance, though you could see she were getting a bit more nervous every time the two others went at it.


"Y-Yes, I made it myself. The ingredients were there for s-some reason, so I figured it couldn't hurt to try and make t-this. It's been a long time since I had the chance to make something from T-Troy though, So I hope it's good enough."







If he enjoyed seeing Long Stare with a head nearly as red as a tomato or if that was an unintentional side effect she didn't know, but it sure worked as he said those three words to her again. Or well, he mostly sang them, along with the second song he had sung around her in that beautiful voice. Why he hadn't done more with that instead of being a courier she didn't know, but it made her feel a little more special, that he sang to her instead of everypony else, and much as she were flustered (to say the least) it couldn't help by bring a smile on her muzzle as she leaned in and without thinking on what she were doing.


"I love you too."


It was about a second before she realized what she had just said and put a hoof in front of her muzzle. Had she just said that? But she barely even knew Draco, she couldn't just... Or could she? Was this perhaps what she really felt, and this had just been it getting through all her worries? Oooh, she was so confused...







"Yeah yeah, laugh it up, I'll get you next time you two rascals."


It had been a hard time to keep this going for the last two hours after all, and he had send a silent prayer to the great sky when it was finally over. There had been so many side comments and outbursts he had wanted to say, and just anything in general to get over the darn silence, but he had hoped that he could still win it, so he didn't say a peep. nfortunately, they hadn't either, which meant that they had actually won something which he thought were impossible for them. Or well, he used to think so at least, before they took out the candles and worked their mojo. If there would ever be a next time, he'd have to put a no magic rule in.


Though he doubted there would be a next, since he had struggled with it severely at times and would prefer something a little more fair the next time. Like betting if he could wrestle a shark with his front legs tied to his back.


"You won it though, fair and square, so I'll pay up. You gotta tell me the amount first though, as you didn't put a set amount before we went on with this, but I'm sure you'll pick a reasonable number. Not wanting to rip off your old buddy, right?"


He tried to look innocent and pleading to them, but it barely lasted before he burst out in laughter again at the mental idea of how stupid that must've looked.


"You can think on it if it is. Most of my stuff's still in Ponyville, including most of my savings, so it might be that you'll have to wait for a day or so. I figure I'll take the night train there and then start to pack things up to be back fresh in the morning."







"Poor foals, don't you think Gary? I mean, they're taken care off and all, but it's gotta be tough. I don't know what I'd do if I was in their place at least."


A small foal of some sort were standing around and talking to a huge, fuzzy spider on her arm that she were petting, on the street opposite of the orphanage. She hadn't seen there being others yet, and had seemingly just been more or less letting out the words since she figured that since nopony were there to hear her, no fowl done, even if she wasn't saying bad things.


And saying *a sort* were a description that some had of Jelly, considering that to them, a half pony half pegasi were a freakish thing to behold, though she didn't really bother much with it anymore. her daddy had taught her to ignore them unless they began to try and hurt her, and then if they did, defend herself. Never throw the first punch though, that was important.





@@Seamore Sandwich


"I have found time to be more resilient than what a crushed bug could do most of the time, but you're correct, I have no interest in testing things."


Zhu took a small portion of berries and chewed down upon, thankful that he could have something somewhat resembling a civilized meal for the first time in a while, and stepped through the gate.


He didn't know what he had expected on the other side, but the Castle of Two Sisters in the middle of the day certainly wasn't it. And especially not when it were oddly pristine, as if it were still in use. How far back had he been taken exactly?


"I don't get what we are doing here. Am I to interfere in the daily lives of the princesses in some fash-"


His voice were cut off as a large window in the castle exploded, shortly before the moon started to rise up high in the sky, but not to replace the sun. Instead, it went over it, overshadowing the daylight. Something he had heard of only happening twice, and this was too far back to have been when Luna were returned, which meant that this were the hour of her imprisonment. A story that he had read up upon, but never asked Celestia about, as he knew that it pained her to speak about from a few times when he had been small and asking her where the other pony in the big pictures with her were.


Why had they come to see this night though? Were this to test if he would try and change things, as he heard the beginning of Celestia and Nightmore Moon's fight? But that would hardly make sense. The Creator would know him better than to think he would jeopardize things for a future where he knew Celestia had been alright regardless.


Things happened swiftly after this. Nightmare moon began to have the upper hoof as Celestia and her began to fly around the castle, trying to hit one another with blasts of magic, which resulted in the castle suffering some collateral damage. Or easier said, a big chunk of bricks went off the building, and a section of a bridge or decorative pillars in the same shape. Hard to say with anypony who could fly honestly, as it might be a landing bridge of some kind for the flyers.


He could almost swear he heard something as the section of the stone *bridge* fell, but he couldn't put a claw on what that might have been, and as the battle went on, his attention were more drawn to that than imaginative sounds.


It twitched at his eyes when he saw Cleestia get hit and fall, but he knew well what were happening after this from the stories, though no story book could have really told of how it actually were in person.


He almost didn't want to look away, but he definately heard something over at the fallen rocks this time. A female voice, not with much life left in it, that cried about her husband and her... Eggs?


Zhu's eyes went wide open, and he quickly looked over as he finally understood what this were about, but not in time to see anything but the blast wave that hit the crumbling rocks from the colliding magic of harmony and night above them, after which more of the rocks fell, and then it went silent.


The berries he had been holding fell to the ground, as he with tears in his eyes looked down into the ground, not wanting to see what would be there when the dust settled. He knew what it would be. Bodies of beings he had never had the chance to know, and a single egg, with a faintly glowing web of small cracks from the residual energy that had hit it's shell. Not enough to shatter it, but enough to make it doubtful if it would ever hatch.





@@Seamore Sandwich


Vivid barely even focused on how Charlie had become foilage as they finally found themselves in some place other than darkness, as much as she did on the ponies around her that looked at her with a look that she detested and hated more than anything, which made her growl and stomp angrily in the ground.


"Stop looking at me like that? I'm not a freak. I'm not a monster! I don't deserve to suffer this."


With the emotional thing going around them, she had forgotten herself in the moment, and instead went at this like it were real. All the looks of fear and hatred that she got were the same at least as most she had ever gotten, even after being released from her crystal prison.


Sharp teeth gnashed as she felt the pressure of the stares she got. Grinding her mind to the point where she could barely take it anymore, and for what? Because she called the shamans out? For helping their dead actually find rest? She had no life of her own because she tried to help those stuck in this worlds, and yet this were still all the thanks she got? This... Look, like she were nothing but a monster that were best put down.


A thin line of blood fell from her muzzle as she accidentally bit her own gums with the sharp teeth being pressed hard down to not scream at them more, but it didn't help her. It just reminded her of more than the *in the past* moment she were caught in. The part where she had to look at herself in the windows and see this... Thing, she had become. Not fully in form yet, but she felt this lurking beneath. Her soul, and her future, where there were barely anything left of a pony and just... A monster.


She only barely took notice of Xeno before he were gone, but it went slowly in her mind to process why he should be special. She were caught in her own emotional teardown, and didn't realize until it was far, far too late to have even asked him something, that this was but a dream. It wasn't real. It was just this downward spiral into the psyche of somepony where emotions flowed through the dream and threatened to devour both her and Charlie at any moment. Something which it had done to her for a good while here before she managed to get back to her senses.


"Charlie... Can you hear me?"


With a hoof that were still shaking, she tapped twice on the bark of the tree formerly known as Charlie, and waited to see if perhaps he would respond too. Otherwise, this were going to be a hard hunt to complete.





@@Seamore Sandwich


Scarcity let out a small laugh at the last part of Penny's story.


"How delightfully fitting for you. I can imagine your parents must have been quite proud to hear you say that, surrounded as you were with their passion for the sweeter things in life they wished to give to you."


She could just imagine a small Penny, barely able to wander around and toying in the kitchen with all the sweet smells around her. It seemed perfectly endearing, and quite honestly something she coukd envy the chocolate maker a little.


Her own parents had been rather distant as she grew up. They hadn't been part of Canterlot elite, but they certainly liked to act like they were, and focused far too much on their jobs to even care to really look after her, or her little sister. She always assumed that was why Long Stare had such hard time connecting to others, but there were no certainty.


But she would not hold a good foalhood against Penny. It was a good thing, and despite how it could be, her and Long Stare had their great times now and again when they grew up, and they still spoke well these days, the few times they had the time to really meet. Beyond those times, a lot of letters got exchanged, though only between them, and a few of their cousins, uncles and their grandfather on their mothers side. They were the only ones that were good and tolerable to speak with these days, and she made sure that the others did not try and make contact to her or Long Stare again. They knew what happened if they tried.


Whilst all of this went on in her head, Scarcity tapped her chin and thought over something for a moment before chuckling slightly.


"You did better than me dear, that is for sure. I recall looking at a turtle and said *bunny* before trying to hug it. I can't remember everything afterwards, but I'm told I needed seven stitches."







"Oh for the love of the moon!"


The attack, changelings, alicorns, building trouble, shadows falling over the sun, all of that she had been able to take and handle it well. But Last Stand put the limit at a draconequus sitting like a foal in a fountain and talking like he were a bloody narrator! There had to be a limit where repairing this town was less efficient than just burning it to the ground and rebuilding it somewhere that wasn't an epicenter of crazy!


"So now what? You're here to rain destruction on us disguised as *fun*? Or are you looking to team up with Discord first? Because if you are, bad news, but he's not here. Luna knows that lazy bum could have been useful here but noooo, he is suddenly *impossible to reach* the one time you actually need him. And now another one of his kind pops into the world and starts weirding out everypony. What's next? Is the moon going to collapse on my head!?"


Last were venting quite a bit right now, but come on, there was a point where any sane being would snap and she had passed that three incidents ago.


A bit of air went out of the balloon after she had gotten a chance to speak up about it, but she still looked at the draconequus like she actively expected him to do something horrible, and were debating whatever or not she would actually find it worth the time to try and stop him.


She wasn't at her core meeting him with hostility. Her sword were still sheathed after all, and she would hold that if this seemed like a time to be aggressive towards anypony. She had just had the metaphorical straw fall down that broke the camel's back.







Seemed like she were wrong then about how winning and loosing made the things go round. Guess this were one more of those things then that she had to think about another time.


Usually Omen would do her thinking now, as the night were somewhat silent (Ghilan aside) which gave her peace to think on things mostly undisturbed, but with Lin around and awake, she would have to start finding another time for that perhaps. Granted, this was just the second night, and the first Lin had let her stand and think, but still, perhaps a habit to break soon, or her head would just get bogged down with too much she didn't have the time to process, and things would go haywire.


The story about where the longma came from for example, would be a great thing to have to think about for several nights, yet right now it would just have to simmer in the back of her head instead, amongst all the other things. One could only hope that wouldn't get mingled up. Otherwise this was just going to be a very confusing story later on, though it should be fine, as long as she didn't experience too many more new things.


She didn't know what to say about it now at least, and as Lin went on, it didn't seem like it was needed too much. And at least she didn't need to ask things about that, as that sounded pretty reasonable. Plus, since Sen woke up from another of his nightmares, that point seemed moot anyway.


"Another nightmare?"


She were concerned about him, considering how his sleep didn't seem to be peaceful for long, but what troubled his dreams were a mystery to her. It used to be Lin from what she knew, but what about now? And how did they fix it?

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


"Oh, come on. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'll bet it's better than my cooking."


This was true. The best thing Lance had ever cooked was a sour cake. Yes, it tasted sour. Not a good sour, it tasted like spoiled milk (because he accidentally used spoiled milk). Lance also noticed that Void seemed to be getting a little more nervous every time Molotov and Storm spoke. However, Lance wasn't very good at asking 'What's wrong?' without feeling as if he made the pony he was asking feel even more off. So he kept this fact to himself.


"Hey, I'm probably an idiot for asking this, but where is Troy? I've never heard of it. Uh,  if you don't mind me asking."

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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