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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom,


She caught the bit, didn't add much to the budget which was given to her earlier by Astral. "Don't fuss about it, I'm not turning you into a flower." She said in a joking tone, looking at his mane, thinking over what she could do to it, then she had an idea, an awful idea. She tucked it away for later. "Maybe something else instead."


"We'll be sure not to mention magic Chow." Astral looked to Misty. "And do not read that book."


Misty smiled in a clueless manner. "What book?"


Astral chuckled a bit, looking to Chow as he suddenly hugged her. "Uh..." She was slightly speechless, even though it was brief. Misty didn't make much of a reaction to it. "See you later Chow." She said to him before he left. The two made their ways upstairs, Misty went to bed, and Astral checked on her to make sure she was sleeping. "Goodnight Misty." Astral closed the door, and went to her room.


Misty opened a portal in front of herself, pulling the book out. She opened the pages creating a flame nearby her face, reading through them, one caught her eye. "Warlock?" She read over the pages, getting sleepy, the flame flickering, vanishing suddenly, Misty dropping the book back into the portal before sleeping.


Astral couldn't help but shake the idea that Misty would read that book, and went to check a few times, some how managing to miss the moments Misty did read the book. "I need to sleep..." She fell onto her bed, moving the blanket onto herself. Her eyes closing and the sleeping world welcoming her and Misty.

Edited by Lloyd

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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*Cacora chuckles* "Well, because of the current time everypony your age should be about to go or already are going to bed. But, me and the caretakers are usually up till late preparing for the next day."


*Cacora relocks the gate after they both are inside. If the head caretaker hasn't unlocked the gate, she won't disrupt that.* "We will have to be careful. Also, if you want to leave make sure one of the caretakers let you out. With the gate locked the wards protecting the Orphanage are active."


*Cacora heads for the main entrance. She checks to make sure if it was also locked or not while calling out.* "Caretaker! I'm home. Sorry it took so long. My usual place was destroyed in the recent attack."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Satin stopped when she heard a voice and turned towards the source. Upon spotting the mare, here eyes widened in shock.


"I... um.... Wh-what are..." she stammered. She cleared her throat, took a deep breath, and bowed to the mare. "Ahem, my apologies. I didn't mean to act so rude. My name is Satin Wing, a... musician of sorts. I came here for a concert, and was looking for a hotel or inn to stay in. I was unaware of an attack on the town, but it may explain why am unable to locate such an establishment. Perhaps you could direct me to one, Miss Loss? It would be much appreciated."


Satin smiled and buzzed her wings. 'I really hope she helps. I dunno if I can keep searching like this. I might just end up staying on a bench for the night.'

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@@BloodDrops,@@Blitz Boom,


Blood didn't looked willing to attack anymore. She just sat there, and even looked away, lowering her guard. It would have been so easy to jump and... No, he must stay in control. The threat is gone.




"Hey, no biting, that's not nice."


Blitz voice appeared so distant but was as a bucket of water, bringing his sences back. He shook his head trying to recollect his sences. A familiar voice rised from distant memories, he couldn't figure what it was saying, almost as if his ears were plugged. He sat and scratched his ear with his hind leg but the voice dissapeared. He turned to Blitz and smiled.


Don't you worry, no one will bite anypony. 


He looked at Blood with curious eyes. That sudden change of behaviour was strange. 


Are you ok, Blood?


He focused just in case, ready to grab her with magic if she was still feral.

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@@Blitz Boom,

        Widdershins lets out a short gasp.

 Gasping Noises! Is that a plus twelve to stamina & sixteen to dexterity?!!? Now that's a rare dr-


   Widdershins winces a bit as the blade is brandished more towards him. He soon takes on an expression of over-dramatic  pouting & begins again...

  Why! I am beginning to believe you don't want to play with me! What happened to all this talk of friendship on the for- from ponies! I delivered onto you a pancake of Trust & Hope & ...Friendship &.... well, whatever you mortals use to foster relations with. As I seem to have to persistently remind everybeing I come across, Pancakes make EVERYTHING better! The least you can do is brush the battered thing off... here! I'll just summon up some brush or towel to cl-



   A medium sized anvil lands on Widdershins's head from seemingly so far up as to be untraceable in origin.

  After a few moments of whimpering under the small impact crater the anvil made with his head, he pulls his head out & Widdershins begins screaming at the sky for a few moments, seemingly conversing with a voice only he can hear.


    What do you mean "play nice?" I was! I thought we had an agreement that we had a special dynamic to further distant me from-

  Oh bosh... you're just saying that because she fits into your little-

      Well, I can hardly be blamed for it, your the one that wro-

  Oh, don't pull that meme out on me! I'm the one that does that! ....Fine, doesn't hurt to be civil. Usually.



Widdershins turns back to look at Last Stand. His usual giddy, long crocodile-like grin having faded for a moment to stare at the mare for a few seconds.

  Then, a new thought catches Widdershins's mind as his grin begins to widen across his long snout again.


    Well, anyhoodles then. To actually respond to your pointed  inquiry, I am really quite flattered that you think the term "take" actually applies to a being as filled with interdimensiony hoohah like me. I did tell you I only came with the aim to aid, right? Ah, but that's besides the point!

   So... you mentioned me ruining something? So what did you mean to imply by...?


   Widdershins's head idly points down the lane of the affected house as before. His eyes flash for a moment in an expression of shock & concern before his head flicks back to the mare.


   Oh! Oh! The HOUSE?!!? I thought we agreed that was a coincidence!    ... oh sugar, I've endangered mortal life again, haven't I?


   Well... uh...  I can fix that right up!  Like Spittity-Lick! I'm magic, you know! I'll just need my claw back for that. I can't do my magic without an appendage to clack together. And even then... well, point is I need to get that claw back, wherever it landed.

    So... do be a dear and fetch it for me? ... please?


 Widdershins punctuates this last gesture by squeezing Last Stand's cheeks together, while forgetting that he lacks the end to his other front limb to do so.

   Afterwards, he slouches back on the fountain from before, making a show of brushing himself off.


   Well...   Oh, I know! We could make a game of it! I'll be the questgiver, and when you find it I'll fix your- Widdershins pauses a moment to blink & catch himself- Our little problem AND reward you with a pair of old, rotted boots! That sounds fun, doesn't it?


Widdershins mumbles uncharacteristically quietly under his metaphorical breath while his long smile fades again off his long face.

  Besides... think you've made me regret it enough already...   ...Pancakes solve everything.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@@Blitz Boom


The gate led to a secluded lake hidden amongst the thick vegetation of the forest. The image of the full moon reflected off the water's surface looked almost crystalline; the whole place looks untouched and pristine. Lin barely remembers this site, almost as if this was this was the first time she ever stepped foot in it. Just beyond the calm waters was the cave or tunnel that led to the outside but this was sanctuary, a safe haven for those who wanted to escape the world, if only for a while.


"Beautiful, isn't it? Sen used to take me here when we were younger. He said he stumbled upon this place when he got lost while on a routine patrol but after that, he came here when he needed to clear his mind. Anyway, about what happened earlier, I'm worried. His emotional state is becoming unstable. Bottling up his feelings and telling us not to worry about it... It's not healthy."


Contrasting what she saw previously while occupying Sen's body, the dreams were getting too real and too difficult to bear. Nightmares don't normally plague anyone's sleep, especially for many years. That Sen managed to keep himself from falling apart was impressive but at some point, even he will crack under all of it. It definitely lent more credence to the possibility that something sinister might be at work.


"I'm beginning to think magic might be involved." Lin picked up a disc-shaped pebble and tossed it on the water's surface. She turned to Omen but before she could get her into view, the grass rustled on the far corner of her eye. An elderly longma stepped out from the shadows and addressed her in a raspy voice.


"Magic had nothing to do with it."


Lin took one long look at the and her worried look turned to anger. She charged at him without thinking twice; who she saw was unmistakable. She pinned the longma against a tree and viciously stared him down, disregarding his age and what the impact might do to his rather frail body.


"You! Why did you do it, Solasan!? What did we ever do to you!?"

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Widdershins, @@Blitz Boom,

Draco spread his wings quickly as he looked at the clock part."Come out or I slice the clock in two," Draco stated with a cold tone to his voice as he looked. He began to pace slightly infront of his lady. Of course it didn't help the fact that he was embarrassed.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"...Well, I apologize. I did not know that.." Zen whispered back, then quickly walked over to Phyrus and put a hoof on....where his shoulder would be if he was a human. "I...know what it's like to lose the people you love...the only difference here is..." Zen let out a shaky sigh, "I know they're all dead..."




"Can't blame a guy for tryin' to lighten the mood, though, right?"

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@@Blitz Boom


Glad that his jokes didn't crash and burn, like they sometimes have, Lance's smile strengthened a bit when Void chuckled.


When Molotov went overboard, Lance gave up ignoring him and turned towards him. He almost asked 'Who's alive?' but decided to wait on it.

He turned back towards Void, and noticed that her left eye was twitching and she wasn't smiling anymore.


"You okay?"

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Rapid running hooves raced down as a green and orange pony saw her town rise into view, as making the pony realize the extent of the damage. She didn't think that anything would happen to Ponyville for the few weeks she was away. Certainly everypony was alright? She couldn't think of how something could attack it, but there the town was, in worse shape than when she left. 


Foxy Socks left for a few weeks to travel to study the different foxes of Equestria, taking time to visit her old home village she was raised in. She learned quite a lot, and enjoyed the experience, but all that was briefly forgotten when she heard of Ponyville being attacked. 


She was heading back when she saw a terrified unicorn, who only said something terrible attacked Ponyville before fleeing. Foxy quickly left for it, even passing the Everfree forest which she liked to explore in. Something like this was urgent, and she was far too late to do anything about it.


Dozens of questions were racing through her mind like she was racing toward the broken town. What creature tried to destroy ponyville? Why did they do it? Was anypony seriously hurt?




About to collapse, Foxy finally made it to the edges of Ponyville finally seeing the result up close. Broken buildings, shattered shops, and hammered homes. Foxy had a love for all creatures and animals, but she couldn't believe something would do this. 


She slowly navigated the streets, harder to recognize from some of the damage. She saw a few ponies repairing the town, trying to build it back up again. They seemed so determined to reverse the damage, it made Foxy feel a bit better, knowing hopefully in the next months it would be as if it didn't happen. 


It didn't stop her from her horrified reaction when she saw her home.


Walls scratched up or missing, her roof collapsed in areas, windows gone, and a door barely on hinge. Foxy didn't even want to go in, as it would certainly not be any better. All she could do is it down, tearing up.

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@@Blitz Boom,


Neon jumped at the sudden inquiry at her watching the other ponies. She recognized the animal as a rabbit, and though she was rusty on the language, she could make out the rabbit was asking the aforementioned question along with a proposal to play. She racked her, brain, and surprisingly enough for her, the words she said came out fluently. 


"Ah, I'm not much of the playful type. I saw these ponies and figured I'd check out the noise. You'd be surprised, they can be very interesting to watch." 


She motioned to the ponies beyond the bushes, then looked back and the pink bunny in front of her.

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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What appeared to be to one at first glance a Unicorn filly with a white coat, and pink mane and tail with a pink tail ribbon in it crested a hill overlooking Ponyville. In truth this filly was a very very old colt with an ageless curse as depicted by his Cutie mark a clock face with a wedge jammed between the 5 and 6. Or as he called it, his curse mark. He continued to watch the town for a moment noticing many repairs to the town being made.


"Wonder what happened?" he mused to himself aloud his voice soft and having a melodic touch to it, not quite coltish, but not fillyish either, more like somewhere in the middle. He then shook his head a bit then chuckled a little "Then again from the stories I have heard Ponyville is never dull, perhaps a cursed pony like me would fit right in" he added then blushed a bit as his stomach growled loudly.


"Note to self skipping breakfast this morning was a bad idea..." he then muttered to himself as he began to make his way down the hill and towards town pausing a moment to apply an illusion around himself to make him look around the age of twenty. Of course this had a small side effect of making him look more like a mare, but that really did not bother him in the least, in truth he was proud of his looks, and his ability with illusions, illusions were a trick a changeling queen from about 300 years ago had taught him taking pity on the ageless pony. Of course being only an illusion if he was not careful said illusion could break. Another way he had more then  once been discovered, was somepony trying to touch him only to disrupt the illusion revealing his true form. He then began his trek towards town wonder what kind of foods Ponyville had to eat

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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@@Blitz Boom,

Void... Paused again, this time in plain being weirded out, but not to a horribly creeped out degree, he pondered how she knew her boss' crying habits so well, it was... Crazy ex marefriend-ish. Being a Changeling though Void knew the extend of obsessiveness some go to to either make life easier, or make life harder for others so it was acceptably passable in his head, especially somebuggy so morally mid-zoned as Belladonna, it can't be creepy, mainly due to Void's seeing of her as highly intellectual and thus, being obsessive over somebuggy seems pointless? Hopefully anyway. It's her boss after all, knowing them inside out is a benefit rather then a hindrance. He took the Business card and chuckled with a strong smile.

"Quartz Construction. More of a marble and jade bug pony myself but eh. Quarts is pleasantly eye gleaning too...

Soooo this Boss of yours? Sir Clayton Quartz? Are you and him an item? Nothing personal and I ain't 'fishing' but you seem to know a hellova' lot more about this pony then most know about their own broodmothers. I mean mothers. Sorry."

Void looked far more head kiltered and tilted off point then before, this making his apparent intrigue far more apparent to begin with his sentence started for his questioning was far stronger then it needed to be, as if the word privacy was unknowingly out of his own dictionary of words inside his noggin. He then quickly picked up on the fact she talked little of his question on Hive visits and massively more about her boss, hence his steering towards the topic of her boss as he avoided the Hive talk and simply answered her shorter then usual response with a head strong nod.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@BloodDrops,@@Blitz Boom,


Blood didn't looked willing to attack anymore. She just sat there, and even looked away, lowering her guard. It would have been so easy to jump and... No, he must stay in control. The threat is gone.






Blitz voice appeared so distant but was as a bucket of water, bringing his sences back. He shook his head trying to recollect his sences. A familiar voice rised from distant memories, he couldn't figure what it was saying, almost as if his ears were plugged. He sat and scratched his ear with his hind leg but the voice dissapeared. He turned to Blitz and smiled.


Don't you worry, no one will bite anypony. 


He looked at Blood with curious eyes. That sudden change of behaviour was strange. 


Are you ok, Blood?


He focused just in case, ready to grab her with magic if she was still feral.




Blood Drops blinked at the filly and then back at him. She let out a small snort telling him she wasn't happy. Though she didn't go all out with a rude snort. That would result in her being bitten, she twitched her ear not really knowing how to respond to the Alpha. After all she had been the alpha for much longer, though she wasn't wanting to Challenge him for that position. She might if she got hungry, though that was up to him now.


She let out a yawn "Yeah, Fine" she growled. 






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Stardust soon found himself standing just outside onf Ponyville and smiled a bit "humm this town seems quite pleasant" he mused aloud his voice more feminine  under the illusion around him. He then took a few steps forward only to suddenly paused and scrunch his muzzle, he knew it was coming and that there would be no stopping it... he sneezed, and as he did some green fire briefly sprung up around him and the illusion broke and his coltish form revealed


He sighed a bit at this and shook his head "No sense reapplying the illusion I suppose" he muttered before walking the rest of the way into town looking around a bit "Now to find somewhere to eat.. I am suddenly really wanting some pancakes... or waffles...or booth.." he began to drool a bit at the thought of two his his favorite foods, and his mind slipped a bit into a younger state. "HeeHeeHee, its time to eat!" he said in a cheerful sing songed voice as he ran off in a random direction hoping to find somewhere to eat.He would soon find himself quite lost however, and fear began to set in driving his mind even further into a child like state. and stopping in front of a fountain in the town square he began to sob.


"Where am I?!" he cried out looking around frantically. Under normal circumstances he would have just asked for directions, but due to his current state of mind, he had not thought to ask, so he just cried not quite sure what to do or which way to go.

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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Missklang looked at Blood with an evaluating eye. She was clearly not happy with him quite literally showing his teeth to her. As much as he looked and behaved as a novel zombie, he shouldn't underestimate her. Who knows if she suddenly got the fun idea to leap onto him with exceptional speed and... hug him... hopefully. He never was the kind to demonstrate power or try to intimidate anypony, after all, being underestimated was much more fun. However a promise is a promise, it was a commitment, and that just meant one more thing to take into account and he didn't like when anything was making him do things. Perhaps he was too passive... Well, If this was the kind of a headache he had to bear to keep the filly safe for the dragon, then so be it. After all, she could help to locate Marmelee, so getting on her good terms was good. He smiled to Blood.


Don't you worry. I'm sure we will find a solution for your peculiar state. Hmmm, spread by touch, augmented aggressiveness. That means it either affects your cerebral neurones directly, or it is somehow affecting hormone levels. Almost as if whatever you are contaminated with pushes you to spread it. What happens exactly to those exposed? Do they become like you or do they end up passing away?

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Foxy sat there for about an hour, crying. Her home was destroyed, and so were so many other ponies. They had to have felt the same way.


Foxy stood up, her black legs a bit weak, but able to walk. For a second she wanted to see the inside, but she knew it would only make her feel worse. She silently walked off, just wandering through ponyville aimlessly.

  • Brohoof 1
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"Yes, please leave... H-He's starting to scare me."


It took a bit before Void even answered, but when she did, it was pretty evident that she would not only be okay with the two of them leaving, but actively encourage it in fact. All of this talk about dead relatives and the overenthusiastic stallion in general were getting too much for her. She'd be okay when it got a little more down to earth more than likely, which wasn't happening s long as he were around.


"A-And I'm fine, I'm just... Not used to all of this e-excitement going on around me."


"Fantastic! Oh, I have to do something for you all later. Perhaps an espresso machi- Carmen!"


He interrupted himself when he noticed Carmen were gnawing on the edge of a piece of cake and swooped her up, though not before she got a small chunk in her moth that she started to munch on. He could try to get it out, but he had tried to get something back she had tried to eat before, and he's rather not get injured again.


"I really can't leave you alone for two seconds, can I? No matter, let's get going. We're off to see Blitz again. You remember her, right? You kept jumping into her mane because you liked to scare her."


The first part of the sentence made Carmen do nothing really. She were pretty indifferent about him scolding her a bit for eating stuff, though the second made her legs clacked in excitement whilst a series of small clacking noises came from her.


"Figured you'd recall that you little rascal. Let's get going."


He raised his hoof and placed the spider robot on his back, where she clamped down securedly again so she didn't fall off from what would likely be Molotov wanting to rush along. Looked that way considering how he gazed impatiently at Storm too.





@@Moon Dancer.


The treatment were pretty standard all things considering. Bulk Biceps had an easy time to put some strength into this to really get to those deep muscles, so though it might be somewhat uncomfortable for the next twenty minutes or so, he'd get it done efficiently. And without even saying *Yeah!* once. Lotus Blossom and Aloe had been pretty strict about him having to stop saying that at work, since it were disrupting to the calm atmosphere. A few had slipped out now and again, but overall, he did well to keep himself in check.


Bubble would have wandered off during the massage, but he'd be back after about 18 minutes and stood ready to assist Senvious further, either towards other treatments or towards the exit if he were done for now.





@@Moon Dancer.


"Worry not. They would not raise a sword to somepony here peacefully. Alonsus will not allow such a thing."


Frankly, if the guards were going to, here weren't a whole lot of things he could realistically do, but he had talked himself out of tight situations before, though this one would be a tricky one. It would likely help though that changelings had been among those who helped them yesterday, which might give a small bit of leeway towards letting the king get a chance. A small one perhaps, but everything counted in these troubled times between their races.


"They will be watching though, I don't doubt that. The town is a little on edge currently."







The night would go pretty simple for Chow, though he had a good deal of things to get done.


First off a trip to the Night Guard, where right as he figured it, the cranky pegasi was still working and recognized him. Not in the best way, as his first impression were to go for the hoofcuffs and narrow his eyes, but any recognition would do, and they got things sorted after about an hour. He'd have to show up at the office again a few times over the next couple of weeks to make it more finalized, but he had a temporary hunting permit for now at least.


After that, he went back to his shop and prepared things in the locked off room he usually did his chopping in. The place were pretty pristine, though the smell from when he had been here were of course, gone. That sort wouldn't do to have hanging whilst waiting for him to show up, not for Scarcity, though he could guarantee that it'd get back in here soon enough. Though at least it'd be contained, since this room were pretty sealed off once the door got shut. It'd scare off customers otherwise.


Grabbing a few of the bags that were still in one of the drawers in his butchering room, he grabbed hold of his spear, took a deep breath, and went on his way to the train station.


As the sun rose over Canterlot, Chow would be in his shop, yawning as he looked around on what he had gotten prepped. It had been a long night of getting it caught and dragged on home, but he had a good base of some tuna and deer to work with now, so after getting them set on hooks, he had locked the room off and gone to bed. He managed to catch a few hours of shut-eye before he woke up to get some water, but he were considering going back to bed again. The gals couldn't be here at the break of light after all. At least he hoped so, but all bets were off when it came to those two.


Hopefully they'd knock first at least if it were, so he had the tme to close this room off. He didn't think they'd like to see what he had in here. Actually, to be completely frank, he wasn't going to take the chance.


After giving a look at the stuff in there to make sure it seems okay and isolated from rotting just yet, he closed and locked the door. Long as he could get to work with these things within the next twenty hours or so, he'd have his first wares ready again from tomorrow. Longer than that, and the freshness of the meat were gonna come into question.







"I don't mind it late. I like the light of the moon and the dark sky. Daddy still wants me to be awake during the day though, thinks it's better for meeting others and stay fresh for school. At times I fly around at night anyway, because the moon doesn't hurt my eyes as much, but never too late."


There were a good deal that thought that the glasses Jelly had on were a fashion sort of thing, but quite frankly, without them she'd whimper a lot because the light would feel too sharp for her eyes. She had gotten a rather sensitive set when it came to the light, which her daddy had said were something that could at times hit bat ponies, before making sure she got hold of a few sets of somewhat sun glasses like this. It helped filter the light enough without making everything too dark, so she never really felt they were an issue.


Jelly followed Cacora as she went further inside and called for some caretaker that should be here. She felt the urge to go off on her own and explore, but Cacora would likely not like the filly suddenly disappearing, so she'd remain with her. For now.





@@Lil' Lovebug


"I've gotten a far worse reception than that, no need to worry yourself with that. Also, Vivid is fine. No need for calling me a miss."


All in all this mare took things pretty well. Granted, she had looked like she had been close to stepping away from her as she approached, but she had managed to keep her place and go beyond the shock, which was something she didn't see too often. With her, it was generally either her being ignored, or looked at like she were a shark in a school of tuna, with a few outliners like this.


Then there was the special cases like Flurry Heart. Whilst Cadence and Shining Armor understandably didn't leave anypony alone with their foal, the times when she had been called upon by the royal couple the little one seemed genuinely happy to see her. She didn't see the freak that the ancient mare had become, nor judged her for what magic she had, or what she were bound to become. The little alicorn just saw a pony, and one that had often been nice to her when she infrequently came around.


Those little moments with her were precious to Vivid, and reminded her of some of the early years with her own foals long, long ago. But that were a truly special one. She had not found an adult yet that didn't judge her at least a little, and she were unlikely to do so as well, even from Celestia when the day would come that they would meet. But that were all for another time, for now, she had a mare here to help that were still amongst the better ones she had met.


"As for lodging, I know where the inn is. It's subtle compared to things in Canterlot, but when you first see it, I think you'll remember for the duration of your stay. Follow me Satin."


With that, Vivid turned around and started to walk calmly towards where she had seen the inn the night before. She were somewhat sure that it still stood, but she wouldn't lie and say that she were completely convinced. It had been a tired night yesterday after all, and her focus had been elsewhere.







Last had no idea why the draconequus started to talk to him, though she guessed it was because he was outright crazy. Why else would he make stuff fall on his own head too? Seriously, nopony was above him, so that anvil had to be send there by himself. It were too high up to begin with to tell where he had manifested it, but she were pretty sure that it would take quite a pegasi to lift an anvil like this in flight, and even if one had, that it would have been low to the ground as to avoid accidents like this. The chaos being seemed a far more likely candidate, and quite frankly, seeming him getting it hammered down on him like that were satisfying. Especially after what he had done.


After the crazy one had spoken to himself for a while longer, he began to try and explain things away, which didn't sit well with Last at all. It sounded like excuses with no base in it for her, and if this had been another day, she would have struck at him instead of entertaining his words.


But as she were currently unable to fight without her stitches likely breaking open from the strain, she hesitantly sheathed her blade again and let out a deep, internal sigh. What had she done to deserve all of this messy trouble in the middle of her first work day?


"Fine, I will get your claw. But you better fix this when you get it back."


She were no less growling over the situation, but for now she went out to find this stupid claw that the thing couldn't keep on his own body. It was not something she particularly enjoyed doing, yet what other choice did she really have if she wanted to get the house back? Build a new one was an option, but it wasn't the same, and it would just add more time to their rebuilding efforts. Which speaking off... Yes, they should be at about seven a clock in the evening now. There would be just an hour and a half now until the first shift would end, and the next would start. Hopefully they had listened to her and gotten rest.







Omen gave the place a short glance, but didn't see the interesting parts in it like Lin did. It seemed like a place somepony like her would like, but the charm wasn't registering for Omen. It was far too calm and silent for her taste, though she did consider eating something here to see if that was part of the charm. Might be there was a rock here with an interesting taste.


It had to wait for later perhaps though, as Lin began to speak about Sen and his state of mind, which just confirmed that he was indeed getting worse and wasn't just something that she had imagined happening. She knew him better than Omen likely ever could, so if she had the verdict that he were hiding something serious going on, she would take her word for it and look to her for clues as to what they were supposed to do.


She started to blame magic for this, though didn't get further with explaining how that were a part of it before a voice came from behind and interrupted them by saying it had nothing to do with it. Omen had no idea who the old looking Longma were, which made her confused when Lin charged into him like he had done some kind of great sin.


And then the bit fell when his name was mentioned.


What exactly Omen had expected she didn't know, but it wasn't this. He seemed... Somewhat normal for a longma, from the ones she had seen at least. For some reason she had expected him to be special, like bigger or covered with tattoos or something, but so far she couldn't really see anything that would be overly special about him.


Still, you didn't need to look special to be a baddie. Lin had called him out as Salosan, and from everything that had been said and done, he was the villain here, regardless of anything else.


Considering Lin already had him pinned though, Omen just wandered over and sniffed to him a little instead of doing something more restricting. Might be worth it to have his scent if he managed to flee.







"Wait, n-" *Wham*


His sentence was broken by the clanging sound from him smashing his head up into a part of the clock, which would be a point he would be holding a hoof over as he popped his head out and looked at Draco with a mixture of panic and pain.


"As I was trying to say, please don't harm the clock. I need it to rebuild the clocktower. The forepony told me that was the best thing I could do. I found the other parts except this and I... Wait, why were you threatening the clock?"







Pyhrus turned his head and looked at Zen with an icy flame flickering in his eyes.




He rose his metallic claw slightly from the ground, and it shivered a little there, as if he were fighting himself for control, before putting it down again.


"I am sorry for your loss."


With that, he got away from her touch and walked onward without another word, though his near actions had said enough about how he usually handled others that said they understood what he felt like. A touchy subject by all means, though he had thankfully stopped himself before he had visited violence upon Zen this time. If it kept going on, it wasn't as certain that a retaliation wouldn't be happening.







"Never a bad thing to try dude, I'll give you that. Just really a wonky thing you're trying to pass off as real, that's all. But hey, to each their own, eh? Whatever helps keeping your mood up a bit."





"I do apologize for my intrusion, but are you okay?"


A concerned, smooth voice would appear a few meters from the right of her, and if she would look, a couple of strange ponies would get into sight.


The one that had clearly spoken were a green and purple stallion with a green and purple mane, along with a long green tail that had a purple puff of hair at the end, sort of like a lions tail. He had a golden necklace formed like a flower and around his head, a thick, deep purple cloth were wrapped around and covered for his eyes. By all accounts, they looked like strangely colored bandages.


He had a flower in his mane too, but that wasn't something that peculiar. Not compared to how he made sure not to show his teeth, as if there were something with them that he tried to hide for now. Perhaps something to do with the fact that if she got closer and had a good look, she'd be able to tell he didn't have fur and hair, but actually fine straws on his head and a coat of grass.


Behind him though, there were an even weirder sight, depending on how you looked at it, as a teenage changeling somewhat hid behind him, but did look over on Foxy too. The changeling were quite frankly a mess to look at, with a random colored mane and tail, dual colors on her exoskeleton, and with somewhat scared, pale-blue eyes, which weren't characteristic for most changelings. The fear that were, but some of the other stuff were strange too, like said mane and tail, since their kind usually didn't have that.


To top it off she had a grey bow on her head that were somewhat similar in look as the one Apple Bloom wandered around with, though looked to be in somewhat worse shape, like it had seen some rough days now and again.


The weirdness aside, Briar and Brittle were rather friendly beings, and nothing about them would scream to the heavens that they were hostile, so hopefully it would be fine.





@@Changeling Neon


"Peh, ponies are nothing. Where I'm from, there's dragons everywhere. Like the one who flew off for example. That's my dragon."


Lotus were rather possessive when it came to Nerzhei, just as the dragoness were protective of her. They had depended on one another for quite some time now where they came from, with really not many else to talk to - even less for Lotus since she had never met another bunny until they came to Equestria - and they both watched over the other int heir own way. They just expressed it differently, and considering how the bunny sometimes spoke when it came to others messing with her dragon, it was likely for the better that no regular pony could understand her. Far too much swearing.


"Little one is the worst of them. She grabbed me once and tried to squeeze me like I was some sort of pet. Kicked her once and knocked her out."


It was unnerving how proud Lotus both looked and sounded like when she said that. Usually bunnies weren't violent, or at least not generally proud of it when they were. At least not in Equestria.







"Please don't cry little one. I'll help you."


A mare had been crossing the street looking over the damages that had gone over this town, when the outburst from the foal caught her attention and she rushed over to try and help.




The mare was a bit of a mess to look at, with all the scarring and stitches that went over her, but she were trying to sound and seem as friendly and non-threatening as possible, as to not scare this foal. He seemed plenty scared and out of his mind as it was already, which she guessed were likely because he had gotten separated from his family, though she hoped that it was just that and not that said family had been under one of the crumbling buildings. It would be too sad if that was the case, and not something she'd find a fond memory here on her vacation.


Not that her own memories were important compared to this foal, just that she didn't want to... Oh dear, there really wasn't a good way for her to think on this matter.


Perhaps just... Moving along would be the best way to go, and just focus on helping this foal as best she could, even though she were too far from her own jurisdiction to legally get something more done than what a random pedestrian would be able to. Hopefully that would be enough though, otherwise she'd have to look for a Solar Guard or Night Guard. She were pretty sure those were the royal guard names in this area at least. It had frankly been too long since she were near mainland Equestria to really know, but after the attack in her own town that put her on medical leave for the time being, she figured she might as well give it a go and have a look at how things were.


She just hadn't expected her destination to be in as bad a shape as her own town.





@@Handsome Changeling


A faint, amused smile sprung on Belladonna's muzzle for a brief moment after Void asked if her and Clayton were a thing, though it didn't survive for long before the neutral look returned to her face.


"No, we are not. I simply know as much about him as I do because I observe and learn, so I can be prepared for most situations that could happen. Knowing what to anticipate rather than simply react to it at the time makes it far less complicated and objectively easier to fix for me, which in turn means that he will be less burdened. I owe him that much."


She took note of how little time there would be left before her boss would come around now, with a little leeway added for him simply standing around for a few seconds or something similar. The exact seconds were hard to tell at times, but she could get within a margin of fifteen seconds usually.


"I was not in a good state when I came to Canterlot five years ago, and if it wasn't for Clayton taking a chance and hiring me regardless, I don't know if I had made it through the first year. I am in his debt, and as such, I do what I can to be the most efficient at my job, which includes knowing his moods and habits.


Besides, I find here is nothing romantic to be seen when you first know everything. It becomes too predictable and calculated to hold the sort of mystery that a relationship would usually require."


Everything considered, she saw herself more of a guardian angel than anything when it came to her boss. SHe made sure he got through the days and did hers to protect him, but it was strictly business and personal debt. She did not feel a flutter in her heart for him, though the thought had been slightly amusing. In part because she tried to imagine what his face would look like if she suddenly took hold of him and kissed him. He'd likely wander around flustered for an hour, but she couldn't be sure, as this was obviously not something she had seen before, so she couldn't make a proper evaluation.


"In any case, I will have to inquire you about something. At which point would it be best that we made way towards the hives that we need to speak with? I am assuming soon, but is there something you would need to get done before we leave, or shall we be on our way as soon as I have informed that I will be using some of my unspent vacation days?"








"Yey, no biting!"


Blitz had a combined look of worry and happiness on her face as the threat of being bitten stopped. THe happy part obviously because she didn't get munched on like a juicy muffin, but the worried part were more because of what happeed before Blood wanted to bite. That being the strange liquid she had drunk.


She would be the first to admit that she wasn't entirely certain what everything she made did the first week or so, which included the liquid that Blood had picked up and gulped in her. It was supposed to be some sort of color change thing, but she had poured it over something before without it really doing anything, so she had just kept the bottle there until she could think about it more. Guess Blood beat her to a usage, though considering the growling afterwards, perhaps it had been the wrong way to use it. Might have done something to her head? Ooooh, she hoped it wasn't that. She didn't want to hurt anypony.


It was something she were gonna mention, but then Missklang started to talk about something that sounded like the disease that Blood had, so she waited. What disease this were she had no idea, since Nerzhei hadn't explained further on the subject, but she had said that Blood was sick and infectious, so it had to be that they were talking about, right?


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,

"Oh would you rather I cut you with my wings?" Draco asked with a chuckle. "Plus counting the weiht of the clock face it would have pinned you to the ground," Draco stated with a grin on his face slightly to himself. He sighed to himself. "Yet it didn't occur to you o simply move the clock face?"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom


Solasan felt the sharp pain emanate from his lower back race up his spine, not enough to feel anything had fractured but just enough to know his nerves haven't been completely severed. He simply looked at Lin and stared, equally angry and thinking about something to say in return. His mind wasn't as efficient as it was many years ago but now is his chance to get it working again.


"It's you... the vengeful wanderer." He calmly replied, making no attempt to hide his romanticised opinions. "I see the outside world hasn't treated you well. And this companion of yours... a pet? There's no way having this one around will do you any good. It will use you to get what it wants."


"You're wrong!" Lin angrily yelled. "She's my friend! If you lay one claw on her, I'll make you regret it!"


"Empty threats with equally dull rhetoric. Besides, what does... she want from you? No one does anything freely; all expect some form of compensation or reward for their troubles. You don't know much about her and you willingly let her follow you around? Foolish coming from the one who spends more time reading manuscripts than engaging the world outside your hut. Clearly you are fooling yourself to think you know better but in reality, know nothing of the way the world works."


Lin snickered and found her opening for a comeback. "Me? Foolish? You're pinned to a tree thinking you're in control. You still haven't answered my questions."


Solasan's eyes glowed as shadowy, faceless apparitions of numerous longma coming into form and surrounding Lin and Omen, all ready to strike.


"Very well. Your brother saw too much, knew too much, so I cast a spell that made him see the monster that chased him away. I manipulated his mind and that made it easier for me to hide my actions. As for the trial? It was a simple enough task to get the village to side with me when no one could defend a liar. Besides, if you and your companion here follow him around, do you really trust everything he's telling you? For all you know, he could be lying to gain your sympathies."

Edited by EQ_Theta
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"Plus, it's actually real." Deadpan grinned mischievously.



".....My family....My entire village was slaughtered by Changelings....Every single one...Filly, Foal, Stallion, Mare...I was the only survivor..." Zen blurted out suddenly, though she wasn't stupid enough to say it loud enough for Phyrus to hear, only Null.

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@Blitz Boom


Stardust jumped at the sudden voice and looked up to see what looked to him to be a Lunar guard. he blinked a few times an his mind began to snap back into place a bit "S-Sorry about my outburst, I was looking for a place to grab a bit to eat and kinda got lost" he told the mare looking a bit sheepish. I just got into town just a few minutes ago, and it's actually my first time here" he told her only to blush as his stomach took that moment to growl rather loudly.


"Annd I may not have eaten since this morning" he added before turning serious, his mind further slipping back into place. "If I may inquire though, what transpired here, I have noticed a lot of damage to the town, walls, and many buildings" he asked tilting his head a bit and glancing around with his heterochomatic eyes.He then paused again then smiled a bit


"Oh and  before I forget, my name is Stardust, Stardust Nicole Silvermane, and I would greatly appreciate any help you could give me".

Edited by Twilight-Shimmer

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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@@Blitz Boom


"you do not need cleansing, not yet anyway" she remarked, she had gotten over her biting instinct, it wasn't right. not the right time at all. She had calculated that these ponies were actually benefiting the local environment. They were very cleaver, not like there western cousins, the same she had wiped out many long years ago.. 






What happens exactly to those exposed? Do they become like you or do they end up passing away?



Blood instantly shot to her hooves and faced him eagerly, his ruse was over. No zombie would ever ask that question. He has said the words, the words that would set her off, the words that would explain her hidden agenda. she grinned at him. He didn't know what he had let himself into. 


"Well, If I touch you, then you become abit like me, though its not super stable and you end up dying. Quite badly, normally after a month or so of exposure. You just die" she said. She then blinked, "HOWEVER, if I bite you, well then that's another matter, you got to go on a blood drinking spree otherwise you too die" she grinned again. "You ever hear of the great plague of 1682? that was me, zombie virus and all wiping out that western part of Equestria. Well mostly wiping it out anyway" she laughed.


"I did bite a pony , they ended up biting there whole village. That village then went off and passed the virus onto every village they found Then they died in that big desert, otherwise your whole world would be over." she giggled. "You see your body cells break down at the cellular levels" she grinned, she pressed her hooves at a nearby potted plant. It leaves slowly darkened before cracking, the plant slowly died. She grinned again, "deadly, without a cure" she added.


"Your western cousins liked to mine, they mined too much infact. They nearly destroyed everything, polluting the waterways with there filth, destroying the land with there taint and thus all would have perished without my interference" she remarked. "you see overpopulation is a really big problem, well was a really big population, you were just wiping out all of the stuff over on the western side of Equestria. You greedy ponies you, no consideration for other species that live with you." she smirked. "Though, after my small control on that population, the survivors decided that they wouldn't continue to be so destructive and actually decided to consider the implications of there actions for others" she remarked.


"They were sensible, I caused them to see sense" she added. She sat back down, "you have evolved over the centuries" she remarked. "These fireworks are indeed remarkable" she added.




Should really stop talking to the Ur Quans while rping XD


Edited by BloodDrops






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"Well, If I touch you, then you become a bit like me, though its not super stable and you end up dying. Quite badly, normally after a month or so of exposure. You just die" she said. She then blinked, "HOWEVER, if I bite you, well then that's another matter, you got to go on a blood drinking spree otherwise you too die" she grinned again. "You ever hear of the great plague of 1682? that was me, zombie virus and all wiping out that western part of Equestria. Well mostly wiping it out anyway"


Oh, that was your doing? Ahhh, quite the chaos that was.


Missklang smiled, but the smile looked more wicked that normal.


I had the pleasure coming closer to observe. This kind of fun events attracts me like a magnet. Poor foolish ponies. They did believe till the end that their precious princess would save them. 


He laughed.


Ahhh, too bad it stopped by itself. Actually, I do remember Alscenia talking about collecting samples to study it. Although I don't remember if it was that or some other disease. 


He looked at Blood.




"Your western cousins liked to mine, they mined too much infact. They nearly destroyed everything, polluting the waterways with there filth, destroying the land with there taint and thus all would have perished without my interference" she remarked. "you see overpopulation is a really big problem, well was a really big population, you were just wiping out all of the stuff over on the western side of Equestria. You greedy ponies you, no consideration for other species that live with you." she smirked. "Though, after my small control on that population, the survivors decided that they wouldn't continue to be so destructive and actually decided to consider the implications of there actions for others" she remarked.   "They were sensible, I caused them to see sense" she added. She sat back down, "you have evolved over the centuries" she remarked. "These fireworks are indeed remarkable" she added.


Missklang let out a laugh. 


Did you just put me in the same basket as the ponies my dear? That disease. It's completely non-magical. Purely physical, affecting poor little mortal living beings. The little ponies, with their thoughts about good and evil. That kind of things is quite strong against them. I'm not like that you see. I am an entropist, a being of chaos magic. Stab me with a sword, drop an anvil on my head, burn me with fire I will stand yet again as if nothing happened. I would be long dead if I hadn't complete resistance against any physical damage. 


He smirked.


Thousands of years of using chaos magic changed me for ever, merging and infusing every atom of my body with entropic forces. Rotting my mind away is a heavy price, but insanity only makes things more fun, doesn't it?


He laughed again, grabbed his head and with a loud "pop" detached it from the neck.


You think I would die from that fancy common cold you bare? The only thing capable of doing actual damage to me is weapons made out of dark stone, the one Chrissie's throne was made from. Heh, it will work on Discord as well! Heh, the look on his face if he were to be stabbed with that. It's quite a kryptonite to us, who rely entirely on magic. You know why? An entropist don't have a physical body. Well, technically, we all did at one point, but after years of magic, it became more of a physical ghost made of chaos magic that keeps the consciousness from passing away into the afterlife. Physical ghosts if you'd like. Otherwise, my head wouldn't be in my hooves right now...


He popped the head on his neck. Backwards. With a creak of the neck bones, it turned 180 degrees to a natural angle. His eye's glow fainted. He was still lacking magic, and this kind of beheading trick ate a big chunk of the energy he managed to collect. It was worth it, just for the sake of the visual effect it made. But at the end, it was quite unnecessary. He needed that magic as a last-resort trump card in an emergency case. After all, his ability to regenerate it normally was affected. Until he reaches Alscenia, he shouldn't waste it for useless actions in such a vulnerable state. He sighed. 


Quite a headache.


He reached his hoof into the saddlebag and took some poison jokes that he proceeded to shove into his mouth. While munching on them, he levitated a flask filled with some spider venom he collected a few days ago. The creature was a chaos spider and the concentrated entropy in the blood was much more effective at restoring his failing chaos magic reserves than raw, unprepared poison jokes. He thought about the spider. That talking cat, Melke, the chaos poison absorbed from her gave him a nice boost that day, but almost all of it was wasted on the remembering past memories and crafting the rudimentary searching spell.


Ehh, tastes awful. I would give you some but, you know, chaos venom is not exactly a thing to consume for you, "normal" folks.


He sat down.


Sense you say? What fun is there in making sense? But I must say, that kind of slap into the face of the pony race is just what they need. Pretentious ponies, thinking they are the rulers of this world. Forcing their world vision over everyone else. A nice little deadly disaster to show them they are not as in control of nature as they like to believe is just perfect. But alas, better to search a cure anyways. God knows what Celestia would do if she learns about a walking biohazard death furball. Perhaps a nice little statue in the Canterlot garden for a thousand years? What do you think? Heh.


He smiled

Edited by Missklang
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"I do apologize for my intrusion, but are you okay?"


A concerned, smooth voice would appear a few meters from the right of her, and if she would look, a couple of strange ponies would get into sight.


The one that had clearly spoken were a green and purple stallion with a green and purple mane, along with a long green tail that had a purple puff of hair at the end, sort of like a lions tail. He had a golden necklace formed like a flower and around his head, a thick, deep purple cloth were wrapped around and covered for his eyes. By all accounts, they looked like strangely colored bandages.


He had a flower in his mane too, but that wasn't something that peculiar. Not compared to how he made sure not to show his teeth, as if there were something with them that he tried to hide for now. Perhaps something to do with the fact that if she got closer and had a good look, she'd be able to tell he didn't have fur and hair, but actually fine straws on his head and a coat of grass.


Behind him though, there were an even weirder sight, depending on how you looked at it, as a teenage changeling somewhat hid behind him, but did look over on Foxy too. The changeling were quite frankly a mess to look at, with a random colored mane and tail, dual colors on her exoskeleton, and with somewhat scared, pale-blue eyes, which weren't characteristic for most changelings. The fear that were, but some of the other stuff were strange too, like said mane and tail, since their kind usually didn't have that.


To top it off she had a grey bow on her head that were somewhat similar in look as the one Apple Bloom wandered around with, though looked to be in somewhat worse shape, like it had seen some rough days now and again.


The weirdness aside, Briar and Brittle were rather friendly beings, and nothing about them would scream to the heavens that they were hostile, so hopefully it would be fine.






Foxy turned to see two peculiar ponies, one purple and green with a unique tail and the other... seemed to be a changeling, but it was a bit hard to tell due to their coloration.


Foxy was a bit surprised at their appearances, but she didn't like to judge others, even if one was a changeling. She actually hed a fascination with them too.


Quietly and awkwardly she asked, "What happened to Ponyville? All I heard was there was an attack and... my home, other ponies' homes and places, what happened?"

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