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Blitz Boom

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@dragon4111 @Blitz Boom @Shineling


Phoenix noticed all of the ponies appearing around her, as well as the dragon, which had shrunk itself down and approached them. and quite frankly, the crowd was beginning to make her uncomfortable. there were too many ponies to keep track of, and if even one with bad intention were to escape her vision for even a moment, it could spell disaster. she backed up a bit, in attempt to remove herself from the situation. through all this, however, she managed to keep her composure. but she could feel her heart beginning to beat, and the adrenaline beginning to pump through her system. her flight or fight system was highly on edge. 

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@Blitz Boom @Widdershins

"Um, a little help? Oh-" Foxy barely had time to reply between her getting tied up and Widdershins jumping towards Briar. It happened swiftly, with Widdershins seemingly shrinking before disappearing. Foxy couldn't really tell what was going on. They were there one second, then half a second later they were gone.

Foxy struggled, before she realized she was accidentally bound by Briar, which again she had little time to realize. Not wanting to harm them, she waited, turning to the others, where a phoenix seemed to be nested in a colt's mane. This must have been the tiny pony and colorful blur she saw moments ago, before this all happened. A phoenix! I have never been so close to one, if only... Foxy had seen a phoenix before, a young one while in a forest, but it was only for a brief second, before being scared off by her. She wanted to go see them, but unfortunately she was a bit tied up.


Quickly looking back at Briar's side, she noticed that a tiny Draconequus poke out. As upset about the situation she was, she has giggled a bit when Widdershins said to call him 'Widduh Snake.' She liked snakes, and she found Widdershins cute when the poked out, despite being a bit cruel. Foxy wondered if she should give them a second chance, before the 'Serpentequus' wiggled back inside.

Edited by Foxy Socks
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@Blitz Boom

Astral giggled at him, she knew the truth about it, but knew the statement would end up jinxing the trip. "Maybe they did, if there are other mystical beings, I'm sure we could stop them before disaster strikes."

Misty noticed the gem and it's strange dark blue glow, she had seen it before. Way back when Astral was using dark magic, so she could assume dark magic was the reason it was changing colors now, but what was the source of it... "Astral, are you sure you can't sense it?"

She turned to Misty, she stopped walking. "I don't sense any magical source but mine." She lied rather bluntly and resumed walking. It could've been that Warlock figure from the book she was sensing, but nothing about this seemed like it, he probably used dark magic sure. But she couldn't know until she saw him, and by that point she'd give up thinking about defeating a pony of that power.


Nectar looked to Francis. "You should have a say on the matter, considering you met them."

Francis nodded. "I saw them use sheilds and magic swords. But considering I was in my changeling form at the time." He explained changing into it. "They would've saw me as a threat." He explained changing back. "And one of them let me go, his name was Chow. I do believe he knew of their magic abilities, or possibly used them himself. But as far as I know, they are only a threat when threatened."

Nectar tilted her head. "Do you remember the others names?"

"I never met or saw them before." He said shaking his head. "But I can discribe their appearance. One was a earth pony, brown fur and a blue mane with white tips, the other was a young zebra with braided hair." He paused a bit, realizing he could change into them. "Oh actually I can show you what they look like!" He changed into Astral. "The first looked like this." And then turned into Misty. "The zebra looked like this." He then changed back to his original form.

"And the Chow figure?"

He changed into him. "Looked like this." He said then changing back. "I don't know of the extent of their powers other than swords and shields though."

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@Blitz Boom

Demands met with threats... unusual to the presence who has taken over Lin but it was to be expected. The process hasn't been completed unlike before. It loved the quiet and it loved the isolation of the cave where it could do what it needs to do without drawing attention. This time, it was placed in a situation where it was ripe to harvest new bodies and join them into a much larger collective. "Lin" stood up straight and stared down Omen's mother in defiance despite feeling the surge of... something, a vibration or a pulse, rendering it incapable of opening a gate to escape.

"We are in the process of melding with the host vessel. Sever us and the vessel's mind will be destroyed and it will remain a husk of flesh and bone. We understand you care for the individual inhabiting it and it would be unfortunate if your actions will place it in a vegetative state. Your spawn named Omen made a mistake sending us here and she will pay a terrible price for it. We will take hold of her the same way we have taken hold of this vessel, and you will follow suit. We desire knowledge through assimilation. Observe."

"Lin" raised one claw and manipulated air around it, creating a mist that shaped itself into a sphere. The center grew and cleared up to show the real Lin waking up with a headache trapped in what appeared to be a transparent cell. After realizing where she was, she desperately slams her clenched claws against the cell's walls before clutching her head in pain. She then sees something that terrified her, tearfully pleading and yelling for it to stop. There was no way to tell what it is that Lin saw because the view was focused on her head and there was no voice emanating from the gaseous sphere.

"Even now we learn from the vessel. Fears, motivations, everything that makes this vessel an individual. We do the same to you now; we will study you as we are studying your spawn. How does it feel when your adopted kin turns to you for help and you cannot respond?"

Demands are what it knows well but melding would give it a much wider range of emotion and articulation. It will eventually learn how to speak and act like the vessel it is inhabiting to the point where both become indistinguishable, save for what goals it has in mind. It was familiar enough with Lin's ability to open gates at will but it was frustrated at its current inability to do so. And should this vessel be destroyed anyway, Sen's body was still active and viable, a fallback plan when things didn't go the way they were intended. 

"Sen" grew angry and charged straight at Omen, attempting to restrain her for the other presence in the area to possess Omen but to no avail. Being recently introduced into a new body means it hasn't acclimatised to it yet and it cannot efficiently function like the host. Movements were preferably slower until the melding process was completed but it didn't have the time to take things slow. Coordination between various body parts was lacking but the being possessing Sen only bothered with moving and grabbing, hence why the eyes were still half-open. 

"You know us. We are Sen. You made a mistake sending us to the other realm," "Sen" droned as he recovered after colliding with the wall next to Omen. "The other vessel sent us here and it will soon claim your mother. You will soon join us like your friends and the villagers of their clan. We were content to simply command them but the knowledge your friends possess makes us envious. We will claim them, and your friends, as ours!" 

The pain Sen would normally feel right about now is irrelevant as whatever is controlling him does not experience it, but the real Sen might be experiencing it at that moment. It was an advantage and without a way for Omen to physically separate the two, it was only a matter of time before Sen would return permanently changed, at least that was what the entity possessing Sen was relying on.

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom


"I cannot say I have had a Phoenix follow me around before let along sit on my head" he began cheerfully "But it's very cute" he added as he slowly reached up an gently pet the little bird, idly wondering if the little phoenix was a boy or girl bird. He then turned his attention back to Amazon Lily, Widdershins and the others around them. As much as he tried to hold his attention on their conversation his child like mind was slowly  coming back to teh foreground, and thus he was getting a little antsy and bored. "Hmm now that I think about it, this place looks like a great place to go exploring.." he mused aloud his tail swishing from side to side at the thought. "I will bet there's all kind treasures around" he then added with a childish giggle

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@Blitz Boom

Satin walked over to Vivid and placed a hoof on her shoulder. "I understand fear can be good at times, but right now I think I have a better idea," she whispered to the demon mare. "Please tell Ms. Tea to bring my water here and enjoy the show." She started to take a step away, but turned back to the mare. "And whatever happens in the next few minutes, please don't do anything rash."

Satin walked to the middle of the room, fluttered onto a table, and cleared her throat. "Fillies and Gentlecolts! I understand that a lot of you are nervous and scared right now, but please stay calm. If this creature can make the earth shake like this, I can only assume that it merely walking would cause tremors and noise enough to hear it coming. We do not seem to be in any imminent danger. I would recommend that everyone stay inside just in case. Now if you all will excuse me, I shall return in a moment with a drink and a treat for you all." She fluttered back off the table and awaited the water. 'Hopefully this will be enough to start calming these ponies down,' she thought to herself, panicking slightly at what might happen once she starts.

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@Blitz Boom , @Widdershins

Ancalagon looked at Kozaky with annoyance. as he proceeded to shove a dozen apples into the fools mouth. He huffed slightly as he wiped his hand onto a handkerchief. "I'm looking for the alicorn so he could pay his fine. If he doesn't he burns in my black fire," he said simply and plainly. "If not the one who authorized it will be fined but to a lesser degree," Ancalagon said as he had his whip like tail around Kozaky's neck to choke him out. He sniffed the air noticing a female scent a draconic one. "Come out dragoness!" he ordered punctuating it with a roar.

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@Blitz Boom


Pinkie hopped over to the downed Happy and grabbed one side of the net. "Sorry about this!" She chirped at him conversationally, "But I can't let you leave until after the 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!" the excitable pink pony smiled as she reached the stand again. "It's gonna be the biggerest one yet! I'll need a new word for how big it'll be! like.." She pulled the hybrid from the net as if it weren't even there, plopping him down on the nearest seat. "Gigantimeganormous!" She grinned widely, shoving a cupcake in front of him. "Here you go! Don't try to leave again until after the party." Her grin dropped into a serious expression as she deadpanned in a somewhat whispery scary voice. "I'll know if you do." Her expression brightened up again, "Enjoy the cupcake! It's made with plenty of love!" She winked conspiratorially at him and then bounced away humming a silly tune.



"What can I get ya?" Pinkie asked cheerfully, once she'd bounced over and retaken her spot at the counter.


@Blitz Boom


Storm smiled, somewhat relieved, as Blitz hugged the pillow he was holding. He gently lowered the pillow tot he ground with Blitz attached. Storm chuckled as Molotov mentioned the race, "Well I was offered a position on the Wonderbolts and I can do zero to sound in about a second, but.." He glanced at his own wings for a second, "I'll never be able to increase my top flight speed any further and I'm nowhere near as maneuverable in the air as my brother is." The blue pegasus admitted with a small smile. "As for the dragon.." Storm glanced around and shrugged before looking at a piece of paper that appeared in his hoof from... somwhere (Storm! Stop taking the script! I was still reading that..), "Maybe it shrank?" He offered, "At least, that's what the script says... I think. If I'm reading this right. I might be reading it inside out though."

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@Blitz Boom

He put on a placid look as he shrugged in the demonic mare's direction, both unsure if that was the right course of action.

And another thing came to my mind: an image of him strapped to a stick and put outside as the dragon was rampaging about.

"I don't know. It's piqued my interest." His horn glowed faintly with a pale tan at that.

"You sure?" He heard a voice call out inside his head, a voice that he had grown to both love and hate at the same time, his human subconscious deeply rooted within his mind, Chris Hale.

"I haven't been more positive of anything in my life." Starburst murmured back in a hushed tone, "This is a dragon, a being of legend that I've only read!"

"You might get incinerated, worse case scenario, it grabs you with its talons, and flies away." Chris replied tersely.

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@Widdershins @~Phoenix~ @Twilight-Shimmer

Briar felt somewhat icky over having the draconequus flow down his vine the way that he had, but he wasn't shocked about it in the slightest. he had tried weirder things in his life than that, and quite honestly, he were too concerned about Brittle to really care about something strange happening to his vine.

Widdershins would get an interesting view under the cape though, with there on one side being the vine that slid into his body and parted ways into the smaller vines that tied tigether when he shot it out of his back, down until there was only the *flower petal* showing. And on the other side of him, still covered by the cape, there was... Well, not much really. After he had lost some of his other vine yesterday, a doctor had helped him by cutting off the scorched ends, slowly pushed it back into his body until the ends were barely visible, and then filled the hole with dirt. For ponies, filling a wound like that were dangerous, but for him, it were actually part of the healing process, as he needed the lost part of him to grow, which thus far amounted to a small, barely noticeable sprout.

After examining Brittle's breathing and heartbeat for a little, Briar let out a small sigh and *looked* around him at where he could sense the others.

"She's okay, regardless of how her appearance might be currently. She's thankfully just passed out, which might end up being the best for her currently actually. She can't get scared when she's not conscious, and with the roar from before..."

He didn't finish the sentence as his vine slid out and he gently lifted Brittle into a tent, waiting until he could feel something akin to a pillow in the empty tent and sat her down. After this, and returning his vine, he finally got a bit of a smile back on his face and turned his head a little towards the invader on his back so he could send him especially a big, razor-sharp grin.

"Mmmm, a tasty snake. How delicious."

A few snapping movements were made before he started to chuckle and ended hid little teasing. He wasn't going to eat Widdershins. Rule were simple after all: If you understood what it was saying, it wasn't food.

"As for the state of Brittle... She have been through much int he life that she can remember, most of it bad, and by the hooves of ponies without scruples. It have broken her spirit, and made her rather unprepared to handle potential danger. To give you an example of what I mean, you might have noticed how she tend to bow her neck to near the ground, yes? It's because she doesn't just fear being attacked, she outright expects it."

Another sigh left his muzzle.

"And yes, things are rather... Unnatural right now for our gathered group, and Ponyville in general. Also, whilst I remember it, please be so kind as to keep your feathered companion away from me. I'm highly flammable and not ready to return to the earth yet."




Void weakly raises a shaky hoof from her half-flanked attempt at hiding behind Lance and points over towards the thing that Happy turned out to be, had just been placed on a chair.

"T-That's him. Illusion m-magic. H-Horrifying thing..."

It wasn't much, but it was likely all he'd get from Void at this point as she ducked down again.

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@Blitz Boom @Widdershins

"Ahh!" Foxy exclaimed as she hit the ground. Briar had retracted his vines that somehow tied around her, and she had fallen into the ground. Luckily it was just grass, but she took a minute to recover. "Thanks Briar..."

Foxy wandered over to Brair first, to see if they were okay. She wanted to see the other two (plus a phoenix), but she thought it was best to check on Briar and Brittle first. Thankfully, they seemed unharmed, not that she expected much from a skilled pony. She looked around to find Brittle, whom was out of her view for the minute she was trapped in vines. "Brittle?" Foxy asked before jumping back at her bizarre appearance. She seemed to have transformed into an unrecognizable form, and Foxy was horrified, worried that she was seriously harmed. Foxy turned to Briar.

"What happened?! Will she be okay?" Foxy had not heard his earlier explanation to Widdershins of what happened, as she was too surprised at the current situation to pay attention to them.

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On 09/04/2017 at 1:47 AM, dragon4111 said:

@Blitz Boom , @Widdershins

Ancalagon arrived at the town he was huge. His wings blotted out the sun as he looked down. He growled slightly as he looked around. "Where is this Senvilous?" he asked his voice was rumbling like a boulder rolling down the mountain. His crimson eyes scanned slowly for the pony and for his dear son Draco O'Malley who sent the letter. He roared loudly as he let his black flames through his nostrils into the air to get the ponies attention.



On 11/04/2017 at 11:30 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"You'll need to wear it until there's found a cure for whatever's wrong with you. Tempted to bolt it on, just to make sure that you'll not loose it once I got it calibrated."

Nerzhei were rummaging through the fire with a slab of metal ready to the side that were roughly a size she could use. She had to take some of it off, but she'd rather have too big a piece to work with than too small and having to redo it all over again when she were done.

She were still not happy though, regardless of how much Lotus were cutely jumping bored on her head and shoulders. The whole situation where she had lost to this pony had her infuriated, as she considered herself of a greater intellect than Blood, and therefore didn't enjoy loosing a battle of wits against her. It wasn't just that though, as it also brought in that she literally had to help a murderer because it was the lesser of two evils, but the first part were the sting that mostly went on in her mind as she grabbed for the metal, then froze in place as she felt the ground rumble and looked up to see an all too familiar being landing near town and take the last few steps in there.

"No... Nonononono, he can't be here. Not Ancalagon."

A look of genuine fear actually passed ofer Nerzhei's face as she heard the voice of the essential king of dragons. Not a title that he had accepted, but when you broke down the dragon lord as easily as he had done - which he had even done in a diminished size just to make it more evenly than him staying at his full size and stomp the dragon lord to mush - there wasn't any question to the general dragon population who the highest power amongst them were.

Most she knew admired him and a few even worshipped him in a way you would a god, but her personally, had never seen him as anything short of horrifying. The eldest and most powerful of them all, able to break down the dragon lord and potentially have a chance against the combined forces of Equestria all by himself, and he were somewhere unknown, acting as a leader for this *Courier's Guild* he had made.

It would be easy enough to keep track of him isf he couldn't change size, but as he could, you never knew if perhaps he would wander in the size of a dog, and in the next would rise above and eat an entire town in one gulp. That much power in a potentially deceiving form were frightening to her, but she had never thought she'd ever actually see him. There wasn't any doubt though. Not from the tales she had heard and images she had seen, which frankly didn't do him justice now that she aw him.

"I need to go to him. Perhaps a dragon presence can calm him down, or... No, I need to try, or we can all end up dead. You should hide Blood, and pray to whatever higher power you might believe in that this can pass."

She didn't say more to Blood before she rose to the sky and flew over the tree tops towards the dragon lord, hoping that whatever brought him here wouldn't end up causing something akin to judgement day.

Near Blood, a voice suddenly popped out of nowhere before a pair of eyes opened on a tree, gazing towards to direction of the large dragon.

"Great mother Gaea, protect us in this dark hour."

It seems like they had been spied on, though considering the massive dragon, Blood might have a larger interest than a talking tree right now.

Blood Drops blinked at the tree and then back at Nerzhei's as she began fretting over another dragon. She blinked as she flew away and towards the other dragon, who was very large indeed. She blinked at the tree with eyes and trotted closer to it before giving it a lick. It definitely tasted like a tree, she must have thought it had spoken, must have just eyes on it or something. Blood Drops didn't really pray to anything bigger then her, since most things were, if that happened she would have found the first nearest tree and still be praying to it. But did Nerzhei mean to pray to the dragon thing? wouldn't that involve touching it. Better not do any touching things till she was cured, though that dragon was causing her not to be cured. That was bad.

She then thought of something else, that big dragon had alot of blood. probably a whole life worth of it. She decided to go over to him, though he was quite far away, no matter. She would trot towards him and pause several hundred meters from him. He should be able to see her, she wasn't scared of the big dragon, it was possible for him to step on her or eat her, though then he would be full of her disease, so that was his problem, after all she would just be mush. She also didn't fear anything, she was too stupid to really know about fear.

Another good idea had popped into her head during her thinking, and she followed it out, she 'borrowed' one of blitz's fireworks boxes and set it up on the nearby hill just outside of the forest, she blinked at the tree with eyes and pointed the firework at the large dragon, and then set it off. That would definitely get his attention, then she could do the whole 'pray to the greater power' thing, or just tell him to go away, depending on her mood. She smiled as the firework exploded 20 meters away from the larger dragons face, making lots of pretty green colours. She smiled, she liked fireworks.

"tree, this dragon can come talk to us now. He knows where we are" she remarked, she got ready with a second firework if he ignored her first signal. 

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     Kozaky slips down out of his stranglehold to the ground, either from his Master losing grip & patience or from his natural greasiness. He begins frantically clawing upwards, not to assuage the pain of being strangled but in a desperate attempt to get the healthy snacks out of his mouth.

      "Fleh! Blech! Pah! Pah! Ack, the freshness! It burns us!!"

 Kozaky is quickly left behind by his Master in his bid to find the being he seeks out.



@Shineling & @Blitz Boom

   Still confused, Ambie's head is still trying to whisk around to figure out what had happened in the previous few minutes.

     "What just... What did you just, I guess literally, haul in?... Oh, and ah, my name's Ambie nice to-"

Only now becoming aware of what Pinkie's question was refering to, Ambies eye's light back up and his muzzle goes back to watering again as he excitedly goes back to pointing at the food.

   "Oh! Ooh! Right! I'll take a few muffins, some of that cheesecake, the soup, some of that hash, the green stuff, the brown stuff, was going to ask what was in the cupcakes but I'll take about five anyway, a bit out of each of those three potato dishes, the pie and... Hmm. 

Ambie stops to put his hoof up to the end of his muzzle for a moment to think.

Well, maybe I should stop at four dishes & see where I am after that.  ... can I come back for seconds? I tend top out at about six plates."




@Blitz Boom, @Foxy Socks & @Widdershins   (Hah! I can mention myself!)


      Looking up at Briar with big, shiny eyes Widdershins chirrups back up at him.

     Cool! Beans! It's been, what, decades since somebeing has eaten me! Far as I can remember, the past eight times that's happened I got to share a portion of their conciousness for a while! And that was always hilarious! Don't think I've been a part of a collective herbal hivemind yet!

As Briar turns his head to check once more on his fallen compatriot, Widdershins turns the opposite direction to address Foxy Socks.

   Ah, don't worry about it , Soxxy. Like our Bud-dy said, it's mostly a case of nerves. Emotions tend to run deep in  essence-feeding species like Changermalings. Especially in the hybrids that aren't aware of what they are. Hmmm.

  Hey, Shiny Trapinch! Think She need a cuddle buddy?

After a moment  where it seems Widdershins loses track of what he was saying, he starts over again with another question before ducking his head back under the flower coat covering.

Sorry, lag. Hey, what was that earlier?Feathers make you flammed? Think  there's a part of me with feathers on it...

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Pinkie began piling the foods onto plates as fast as he was pointing at them, a full platter of plates in front of Ambie by the time he finished speaking. "Of course!" Pinkie chirped cheerfully, "You can come back as much as you like! Stormy and Void over there made plenty of food for everypony!" She picked up one of the cupcakes, "They cooked all the normal healthy foodstuffs like the potato dishes and soups and curries and stuffs, while the Cakes and I made all the yummy pastries and bakestries! Like this yummy strawberry cupcake, that deliciously mouthwatering cheesecake, and that giant mega-chocolatey multi-layer Chocolate Cake Deluxe!" Pinkie ducked out of view and then came walking through a side door carting a gigantic and wonderously chocolatey cake of mega proportions. (Youdhavetoreallyseeittoknowjusthowbigandchocolateyandgiantthiscakeis! Likeifthewordschocolateandgianthadafoalandnameditcakeanditwassjustasuperduperbigmixofallthreeofthosethingsbroughttogetherinacreamychocolateygiantmarvelousyummytower!!! :pinkie: )


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"Oh I see, good." Foxy honestly wasn't sure what to think of Widdershins. She knew that they probably wouldn't harm them, as they seem to be more playful and childlike. She was a bit upset that they tried to scare Brittle, but she couldn't stay mad at him. There was something likable about them. Besides, maybe they didn't know that Brittle was so fragile.

"Hey, um, where did you come from? I don't seem to know much about Draconequuses. They seem quite fascinating, as I love to study new animals and creatures," Foxy said, realizing she felt no need to hide or be so shy from them. They seemed, well entertaining to her.

"Though I mostly focus on studying Foxes, I have an interest in a variety of other ponies and creatures too. You seem, well, kind of fun..."

It was strange to talk to someone like Widdershins, as she never encountered anyone like them before. She is not one to unjustly judge others, partly because she was different too, even if a little.

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@Blitz Boom


@Foxy Socks


As he group conversed Stardust quickly became more and more distracted,y the area around him  and walked away from the grooup, but not too far way that he was out of thee sight, something in his mind telling him to keep well in sight of the others so he didnt get lost. He began to explore nooks and cranny's and even in random boxes and such looking for something to do. "think we will find any treasures?" he asked looking up at the Phoenix perch on his head curiously. Then. spotting something a shiny looking stone on the ground not far in front of him he  attempted to levitate the stone to him, However due to his poor skill in levitation he had a tiny surge of magic and instead sent the stone flying across the camp at high speeds "Umm...oops.." he muttered out sheepishly

Edited by Twilight-Shimmer
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@Blitz Boom (Sorry for not posting, had to go inactive to deal with life.)

Lance hadn't moved from his spot in the chair. He looked only half-conscious. The thing he had just seen had scared the living crap out of him, putting him in this semi-unconscious state. Then something snapped.

"Agh! I'm back, I'm bac--"

That's when he laid his eyes on Happy, again.

"...Um, care to explain what's happening right now?"


Edited by genessee
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@Foxy Socks & @Twilight-Shimmer

   I sure hope I'm fun! Otherwise I'd be dragging down our little story, wouldn't I?

You see this, everybeing else? A mare that actually asks questions! Opens up a bit of my own self-narrative to expound at length as to how much of an original character I am! Between Stitches there tossing a fit because of my hi-jinks somehow missing a bit of their mark to having to impale myself for emphasis for BigAngry earlier I- ... Oh, huh. So that's where that sword came from.

  Widdershins looks back up again, having derailed his own monologue again. He slips a bit further off Briar's back to better address Foxy.

 Haven't the notioniest fog why you lot keep assuming I'm some sort of a danger! I assure you. I had not known that Brittle would be brittle.

  Widdershins looks straight up at Foxy, clearly making a point to make his expression look as sincere as possible. Before quickly changing back to his usual grin in a flash.

   Now where was I?! Oh yes...  Well, to answer your question, Miss Socks. 

     I do suppose its easier to list what a Draconiquiz isn't.

    By rights, you would be right in assuming I'm not so much of a "creature" per se. That would require me to be mostly biological. A Drasonsis-... Drunkenwhiz (I just cannot ever pronounce that!) is more of... well, in lieu of better phrasing, more like a Living Concept. I'm more put together of what-once-was & could-be.Hmm, how to put it?...

  You know the Spirit Beasts of Northerend?... No?

     The Cheshire or Jabberwocky of Wonderland or any number of what lives there? That a story you keep here? ...No?

Ah, well perhaps someone a bit closer to this franchise... I mean, dimension. Surely you know of Discord? To say he's any more the Lord of Chaos so much as the chaos itself that he wields is about as fuzzy a line drawn as to what Chaos Magic actually is! And that's what I am, is a Fuzzy Line!

   Widdershins then goes limp and swings his head a little down by Briar's side. He then continues on while facing straight downward.

   From, is somewhat the easier question. That is to say: I don't. I exist in whatever continuity & realm my author writes me into.

Widdershins then turns up to give Foxy a quiet, subdued, closed-mouthed grin.

   You'd be surprised how many different Equestrias there are!

 Suddenly his head whips to his left from where Stardust had wandered off to with a short chuckle.

  Oh, and how are you with foals? Because you might need to duck now!



@Shineling & @Blitz Boom

NnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnMMMM- You could say it was.... Mashmallvelous, even! You ever try that jet-puff stuff, Pinkie, from Wal- Oh don't you dare start getting into a Meta-Off with Pinkie! I need this room to narrate! Get on back to your own section of the post! mmmm-Exit! Stage Left, even!             ...Sigh.


    Slack-jawed in amazement and his eyes fairly glazed, It takes a moment for Ambie to react and speak through his drool.

           "... uhh... welf... maybe a slice of that too..."

As Ambie begins to balance a few plates on his back, one in a hoof, and begins to contemplate if he can balance another on his head, he looks a bit behind him at the dining tables. Making a cursory attempt to find the stallion that brought him here and failing to, he turns back to Pinkie.

  "Well, guess I'll go sit down with...  Hmm.  Well, uh, Hey Pinkie?

     Think our... uh... uh, n-newcomer?, wants some of the cake too? He certainly doesn't seem happy.

  I'd, uh, take it myself to him but I'm kind of full up here, heh... heh..."


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@Trixie .

"I tried being cracked in half before. Totally horrible day that one, but at least Legion stitched me back up again. Don't think they'd be able to do it from something as severe as getting reduced to ash though, that's just crazy regenerative abilities. Nothing regular about you even before the horn it sounds like if you got through that. I mean, the sun's pretty hot to say the least, so it'd have to have done a number on you right off the bat. Can't see a regular pegasus survive that. Heck, I can survive a lot of stuff, and I would've been dead on the spot."

He was a bit... Crude and unpolished in Sorrow's mind, but Keeneye sounded like he had been through a lot, and honestly, calling himself invincible after a trip to the sun sounded like a pretty fair title to run around with, so she wouldn't even call him all that stuck up, all things considered. She did think he could use to smile and enjoy life though, and not be this grumpy and confrontational. She hated seeing ponies like that, which were going to be a bit of a bother for Keeneye, since Sorrow was unlikely to leave him alone until she had seen him being happy at least once.

Might also be she'd stick around to see what exactly he were going on about in the long game, as he then started to ask about where to find Princess Celestia and her cronies. Far as Sorrow knew, the princess didn't have cronies, so that one was a bit puzzling, but she responded with what she could nevertheless.

"Celestia? I figure that she'd be in Canterlot, just like the royals usually do. Why're you looking for her?"



@~Phoenix~ @dragon4111

Seeing as Ancalagon was done speaking with him in particular, Smokey stepped back a little to give more place for the guard who had most of the guild leaders attention currently. He didn't mind being passed over like this as it were, as he wasn't in a position of power to speak with the dragon, and had simply wanted to make things start off smoothly, which seemed to have gone over well enough as it were. His job in that regard being over, it was back to comfortably stay on the sidelines and observe.

There was one thing that he had to do though, and that was to see if Last was safe to let go of her bond currently.

"I might as well get this done then. Are you prepared to be more level-headed Last?"

She still looked on him like she wished to flay him slowly, but she didn't attack, and nodded to his question. Something which he accepted this time around and let the magic around her muzzle fizzle out.

"I'll deal with you later for this, but you need to get on, now. Go up to the tent camp and find the draqonequus before the claws goes amok again. And bring Phoenix. There's more of a need for you two up there than in this crowd."

Last might only have one eye open, as there were still too much light were she stood for her more light-sensitive one to not hurt, but she wasn't blind to what went on around her, or how Phoenix started to look like she were about to bolt as more ponies started to gather up.

Back at the shrine, you learned to keep an eye out for those who were about to break, and then back them up when there was an attack so they didn't loose them, or stay off from them if they needed a spot for themselves to get a breather. The second part is what she saw with Phoenix now, and she didn't have an interest in getting her to freak out right now.

"Very well. Come then Phoenix, let's ditch the crowd and go towards glory."

He looked up and saw fireworks going off in the sky just after he had said it, and chuckled a little to himself as he turned to his female companion.

"How lovely, they're sending us off with a show."



@Foxy Socks @Widdershins @Twilight-Shimmer

"Feathers do me little. Fire on the other hoof...

And Brittle is fine Foxy. I am aware that she likely looks rather unrecognisable by now, but it is an unfortunate side effect of her not knowing how to control her form changing. She will return to her base form again when she wakes up and calms down a little. Which will not happen if anypony tries to grab at her, so I repeat: Keep hooves, wings, or whatever else can be wrapped around a being away from her."

"No issues here. If her caretaker doesn't wish for me to go near her, I won't go against that. As for the bird, I'd suggest you stay over near where you are. The little thing's aggressive."

Whilst Amazon said that, she saw how the phoenix tweeted happily and brushed its head up against Stardust's hoof as he lifted it up to the bird again.

"...Sometimes at least. I still wouldn't get near it.

Anyway, I think it's best if I ease some minds here: The dragon you just saw shrink down, is called Ancalagon. I don't know that much of him, but I know he's the leader of the Courier Guild and not the sort you wanna mess with. Best if you just ignore him as well as possible."

Meanwhile, Briar had went away from talking to the *Widduh Snake* he believed he had heard him call himself, and did his to try and hold a comment back about if she could point towards the dragon he were supposed to look at to see how soon she'd get flustered - he were going to miss making others uncomfortable from his lack of eyes - before backing closer towards Foxy who seemed to have a vested interest in the draconequus. Hopefully she wasn't going to jump on his back too, or this would just start to get weird...Er.

In the rush of things going on though, both Amazon and Briar hadn't taken notice in the fact that Stardust had went off to examine the area with no other company than his newly acquired companion/pet.

It seemed to be pretty calm about things as he went around and seemed to look for something, until he accidentally made a stone fly off through the camp, which for some reason caught the birds eyes to the point where it rose up from it's perch and flew quickly towards the rock like a hawk, catching it just before it hit somepony in the back of the head with a huge squawk, which nearly scared the daylight out of the mare.

The phoenix didn't care though, it just flew back in a more relaxed speed and settled down on a box near Stardust, put the shiny rock down in front of it and looked at him. It puffed up its chest a little too, clearly proud of itself.



@Seamore Sandwich @Moonlit

"Well it stopped shaking, so that's a plus at least, but yeah, somepony was really screechy after the growly one. I wonder if everything's been sorted already since I can't hear any of them?"

Could be, but she wasn't going to go look right now. She was far more worried about her friend here right now than what might go on outside, especially since it had gone quiet again afterwards, which didn't seem to signal that the town was about to be crushed out of nowhere.

Well, not unless everypony had run out of town quietly and they were being attacked by a giant mime, but the odds of that were like... One out of a million normal places, and one out of a thousand in Ponyville. Considering everything, it wasn't that high odds for bad things.




Chow facehoofed a little and let out a small sigh.

"Uhm gals? Time and a place for this kinda chatter. I thought we went over this."

He send glances around to make sure that nopony nosy were looking in, but there didn't seem to be anypony but a few nobles thankfully, and those sorts wouldn't listen to the *lower classes* if their life depended on it. Snooty sky-sniffers the lot of them, but for once that got in their favour.

There was a short moment when he thought that there were somepony looking at him, but he couldn't glance anypony when he looked around, so he chalked that up to paranoia for now.

"Let's get to the park before we start gathering ears here, alright? And remind me I need to teach you two some sort of code system for when you wanna go at this. I'm sure the library will have something on this sort of thing."




Golden kept quiet as Francis explained what he had seen, what he knew and especially focused as he changed into the shapes of the three ponies in question. To the sides, two pieces of papers had pens flowing over them as he wrote down the descriptions of these that he saw now so that he could ask a sketch artist about them later on. He wasn't good at drawing, but he could remember the forms well, so he could instruct them well in making sure it got accurate when it were.

It wasn't to plaster their face all over town, but to have something he could show for a few that could keep an eye out on the lot of them for the time being. As well as to the princesses.

He didn't seem to have one going for the third one that was shown, though hat were going to be explained shortly. Likely they could already tell that he knew him though, considering his surprise over seeing the strange pony amongst the ones mentioned.

"Those others I don't know, but him I remember. He once called me a stuck-up sky-sniffer with an army of brown-nosed little suck-ups, when I were passing with some diplomats from outside Canterlot and one of them snorted at him as we passed. I think he singled me out because I tried ti speak with him afterwards.

I am surprised though. I had heard a few things here and there about him from others higher ranking in town, but it have been some time. I were certain he had left. If somepony like him, who doesn't have much good will towards authority figures are with two who practises witchery... This might end up poorly if guards are sent to speak with them. I will need to take some contacts other places to get this sorted it seems."

He let out a small sigh and thought over the other two that he had seen from their presentation.

"To think that one so young have been dragged into this as well. What a mess this may end up being.

But, one should not go forth with too much haste. There is still much we don't know."

A small light went off around the tables and a plate of assorted sweets, fruits, and of course the tea showed up in front of them, in three different cans, depending on what they would prefer. Which in his case were a tea from back in Saddle Arabia. A little strong for some, but he much preferred it over the more berry-like ones usually drunk around Canterlot. Though he off course had alternatives there, in case this was not for his esteemed guests either.

"There is a herbal tea from Saddle Arabia, local multi-berry tea, and green tea, which is one of the princess' favourite. Shall I pour some for either of you?"

The cups were on the table already, so that wouldn't be an issue. It was just to find out what they would prefer to have in them.




A movement from the roof where the dragoness resided told that she had well heard what were asked of her, and slowly flew over towards the others. A bit of time that Stargazer used to take a breather and answer what he could of what Ancalagon had said before, about the fine.

"I was there when the claim were made sir, and I didn't file ch-"

"I told him not to."

Last broke in from her position behind the Night Guard, speaking in a somewhat suspicious, but overall neutral tone.

"I'm the forepony in charge of the rebuilding. The alicorn came to town and wanted to help, so I asked him to move some things from the train station to our building site, which he did. Saved us four hours of work at least, and then all of a sudden this stallion showed up and started yapping off about how he could've hurt somepony, and then they got into an argument, that ended with him leaving in anger. I led the alicorn to the spa afterwards to get him to cool off before he destroyed something.

The materials were mine, and I made sure to check that nopony got hit from the moving afterwards. I didn't get a warning on how he'd do it, but It went safe, so I told the guard that I wasn't gonna press any charges on him when it went all up in a tip. And I would do it again if it came to it, 'cause the amount of time and workforce saved meant we could make sure three more families were able to get back into a house before nightfall."

"You should have ensured the route before he sent anything."

Nerzhei half-mumbled this as she landed close to Ancalagon. Tall as a human, she towered over the other beings here currently, though if Ancalagon wished to, he could make her seem small like an ant in a moment, and she knew it.

One else where there that were about her size too, which Happy in his chair, with his back turned, but she only gave a small glance towards him as she flew in, and filed it under something to figure out later. Right now, she were more focused on folding in her wings, and then bow down on a knee in front of the oldest of dragons.

"Lord Ancalagon."

She were not typical of a dragoness. She wore robes, her pockets seemed to contain pieces of paper and a necklace of small, multicoloured gems were around her neck. If Ancalagon could sense magic, he would be able to see the small amounts stored in them if it were, as well as from those she had in her pocket that were meant for the necklace for Blood, but it wasn't a strong amount.

On her shoulder, the pink bunny Lotus looked confused at Nerzhei, not sure what to do as she had never seen her friend do that before, then started to glance at Ancalagon with a worried look, wondering what this one were capable of when she had never seen the dragoness bow to any being before this. Not this much at least.



@Shineling @genessee @Widdershins

Happy didn't say anything as Pinkie Pie got him out of the ropes, put a hat on him and plopped him down in a chair, but he was close to. The look in her eyes as she got serious and said that he wasn't going anywhere though, made him keep whatever snide comment he had to himself. Usually he wouldn't take ponies like this serious, but this one were doing a lot of weird things already, and he were still surrounded by a lot of seemingly powerful beings, which made him hesitant in taking chances.

He didn't intend on saying something to Lance either as he question what had just happened, nor to what Ambie went on as he had started yapping and looking this way, but it wasn't like he had anything else to do except wait for the pink one again, so he let out a small sigh and picked up the cupcake, and rotated it between his claws whilst glancing over at Ambie, Lance, Pinkie and this scared little life, Void. He could practically taste her fear from her.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I'm already exposed. Even if I get away, my store will be flagged, my name and normal appearance sent out for arrest orders... I'd have to start from scratch no matter what I do. And that's if I can even get my wagon out of here to begin with. Might as well accept I'm cornered."

There was thoughts on how he would get out of here, and how he could  get on with things afterwards, but none of that would help if he tried to run. Only way he could see out that might keep him alive and have some degree of anonymity after this, required him to do what he least wanted to: Expose himself further, by telling what he was, but just letting out a few of the worse parts. If he could make it seem like he just tried to live without making any ripples, and make them feel some degree of pity towards him, he might just still have a chance. And letting one town know what he were, was a small price to pay compared to having an entire country know, and a price on his head.

"I'm Happy Hour, and I used to be a human, sent here through some kind of rift that tore me away and popped me into a changeling hive of all places. Just my luck, huh?

They converted me, confused at what else to do with this freak that had just shown out of nowhere, but my queen treated me well. Made me prepared for this world, and learned me how to change and adapt."

Happy rose his other hand and poked himself on the head with the tip of one of his fingers.

"The Hivemind couldn't contain me though. I'm not under any control and I can't hear their voices. Didn't matter either, I don't support my hive by being there, I do it by earning a living, and sending the profits where it matters. You'd me amazed how much bits means to our kind too. Or well, their kind. Ain't really nopony else like me."

He made a small, hollow laugh and tried to take a small bite out of the muffin. Usually he couldn't eat things like this, but the first little taste didn't outright make him feel horrible, not even after he had swallowed it, and it did strangely taste of love. How peculiar.

"Fire off if you got anything to say. Apparently I ain't leaving anytime soon anyway, so you might as well have a go. And you, the timid one? Sorry for before. I don't really like being exposed since I always figure I'll be met with spears and chain. I didn't man to scare you."




The tree giggled a little as it was licked, but didn't say more. For all intents and purposes, it simply observed Blood as she went on with taking some fireworks from Blitz's hut, and then wandered off.

There were the creaking of wood heard as the tree changed form and the new shape followed Blood, hidden by the other trees and examining what this strange pony that Nerzhei had seemed so irritated with were doing.

To spy on her friends wasn't something she particularly enjoyed, but she had wanted to surprise little Blitz, and then one thing had led to another and it had felt better to just sit back here, and wait for what would go on, though the heat of the forge had irked her a little. She didn't like the fire.

As Blood had started to fire off fireworks and spoken to whom she were assume was her though, she thought that perhaps now would be as good a time as ever to show herself, and wandered with silent steps out from behind the trees.

She was a strange being from the standpoint of those here, she understood that, but she had been too back in the valley in dragon land, so it was not as hard to get used to as she first thought. She just stayed out of sight of others, observed, and only really talked to the pony friends she had made that she followed here to Equestria, as well as Nerzhei. The dragoness was supposed to be her warden, and keep her out of trouble, but the dryad thought more of the scaled one as a somewhat grumpy, but trustworthy friend after the past few weeks.

"Do you think it safe to catch the attention of the large Atazi like this, friend? No, dragon, I must remember that is what you call them."

Many words could be used to tell how she looked, but the easy way were to say that she looked like a human mixed with a tree. Leaves and some branches grew in her hair, her skin were bark, though most of it were coloured like flesh, except at her naked feet, which were brown from the ankle down and carried small roots on top of them, prepared to reach into the ground and take hold. Her hair were currently a reddish brown, her warm eyes were hazel, and the dress of leaves, long grass, bark and so forth were in summery themes and colours. It looked like a simple, yet elegant dress that stopped just short of her ankles.

As she leaned down on her knees to better be in height with the pony, she greeted the small one with a warm smile and lowered hands, to appear as non-threatening as possible.

"Be not alarmed little friend. I am Lyriel, daughter of the silver valley. I wish you no harm."

Blood could touch her if she wanted to, Lyriel were not of any flesh or blood, and so the disease the pony carried could not infect and rot her. If that were so, every rock, tree and even the earth she stood on, would have withered and died in Blood's path wherever she went, and that would have been easy to see if it were.



@CentipedeGhoul @Lil' Lovebug

Vivid looked a little moody at Satin's comment, as it seems like her attempt at being witty had been taken more serious than what she had expected.

"Back in Hell, that joke would have gotten a round of laughter."

She still had to get used to the degree where regular ponies found things too morbid it seemed. Pity, and here she thought that perhaps she had finally found a proper line. Oh well, seemed like Cadence had some work ahead of her in that regard as well. Just good to keep her mistress busy.

Listening in to what satin flew up on the table and said, much like the others there, she heard the logic in it, and could understand the concept. Something large enough to make the ground tremble would likely not stand still if it was here to destroy town, and they'd be able to hear it if it were. She supposed she could change her way of handling things then, as she turned to Starburst, though she still thought that a regular pony such as him should stay in here where it was relatively safe.

"Well, you heard her. If you wish to go out, you're free to. However, I think I will catch a glimpse myself too. I am somewhat curious."

Her horn glowed a deep purple, and a smoke of the same color appeared at the lock, flowing into it and soon thereafter would let out a small 'click* at which point Vivid stopped her magic and walked calmly over to the door, openeing it slightly and turning back towards Starburst.

"Are you coming child?"

With that, and a minor smirk, she opened the door and looked out to see... Nothing. What an anticlimactic start to things.

Meanwhile, inside the inn, Bubble Tea came back with the water that were requested by Satin and gave it to her.

"Hopefully this is the right temperature. Did something happen whilst I was away that I should know of though? Everypony seems somewhat less tense in it."




"I've never actually seen a Wonderbolt before, but I heard about them. Pretty cool that you're associated with them, even if you didn't take the gig. I would say that they'd have been happy with you at your current speed because come on, when do you need to be faster than to break the sound barrier."

Taking his eyes off Storm for a moment to check the horizon for the dragon again, Molotov returned back to see something that the pegasi did that had caught his attention before, and yet again did like it was the first time he had seen it.

"Dragging more things from out of the multi-verse like it was nothing. It never seems to get less fascinating to watch."

Molotov looked in fascination as the paper just showed up out of nothing. There was no pulling through a portal or wormhole this time, that was for sure. One moment it wasn't there, the next it were. Usually getting stuff out of nothing was the sort of ability that would be assigned draconequui in his knowledge, but Storm clearly wasn't. He was far too symmetrical and plain in it to be one of the mixed beings.

Yet, there was a time to think on this later. What it were that he said were more important, as it put forth a somewhat disturbing thought to him at least.

"If this particular dragon can change size like that, what're the odds that he could just make himself crazy massive and just crush the entire town in a single step? Perhaps it'd be a good thing to get into town and see if everypony's okay. Oh, how I wish I had brought my accelerator canon. That'd be a sight for sore eyes right now. I'll have to make a new one to bring with me next time I get back here I'm thinking."

He looked down on Blitz, who were not really listening to them, but just lost in bliss over her new pillow. Something which would be really good at home, as she thus far still only had the old bed and blanket she had pulled out of the trash back in the day. A pillow would be a nice addition to when she slept.

"I'm tempted to leave her here to keep her a distance away from the dragon though, but I'm getting the feeling that she'd just end up getting into more trouble than she already have been if I let her out of my sight right now. Guess I could trap her in a box perhaps..."

"Nuhuh, I'm coming too. I wanna see if my friends are okay. Especially Pinkie, though I bet she totally defeated the dragon herself. She's real strong and does spooooky stuff like Storm. Bet she just blasted him away with her party canon!"




There was a lot of things that Mother could handle. Her children sometimes tried her patience, stories she were told from the formed ones that came back to visit worried her greatly occasionally, and the separation from her sisters hurt her to her core on some lonely days. All of that she got through though with a smile on her lips, because in the end, she still had her beautiful, lovely children, who she cared for more than anything.

Which were also why, when she saw how Lin were tortured and scared, whilst the entity that were overtaking her body mocked her for her apparent inability to protect her, the light flared up on her claws and in her eyes, and she did something which she had hoped she would never have to do to any of her children: She raised her arm, and with a quick motion tore her hand through Lin's body.

"You tell me that I cannot do anything, you little worm? I can do things that you cannot possibly fathom. Including saving my child from the like of you."

With that, she clenched her hand and pulled back, leaving Lin's contested body- Absolutely fine. There wasn't a scratch on it,t hough the entity would likely feel some pain from what she had done. That being, pulling out Lin's soul, who now rested in her hand. Something which the entity should be able to see for a second before she clutched her hand around the soul to make sure she were protected from seeing what she were to do now.

Her other hand rose, and pale energy clung to the entity, reaching it and the contested body into the air from a distance and growling something to the shadows around her, which made all the eyes of her children close. There would only be one pair left the entity could see, and she made sure that it looked directly into them as she growled at it.

"Reapers cannot be corrupted, maggot. We harness the powers to take souls and bring them towards the next world. To extinguish life of those whose time have come, and to bring those back whom Lord Mortimer's favour falls upon. And guess what little one? Your time have come.

You don't have my daughter to threaten me with anymore. There is just you, and a body who is challenged by two lives. And when I'm done drawing out your life atom for atom, I will return her to her vessel. You will loose, and when I'm done, you will be dead."

If there was nothing more to be said, she would start to snuff out the life of the entity as she picked it apart from her daughter. It would take time, and it would be painful - mostly because she willed it to hurt - but at least she could help her. If she could focus on it much right now, she would think more about the one whom she couldn't, who were not carrying any piece of her children: Sen.

Speaking of whom, Omen barely had to move to get away from him. Or rather, the thing that had possessed him, which were now more obvious than before, considering how it spoke and how she could now get a better look at the glowing, green eyes.

"Others have gone for Mother before. Noone could do anything to her. If Lin is there she will save her."

Omen's ears vibrated slightly as she heard somepony beckon for her a long, long way from here, but she couldn't answer it right now. She needed to stay with her friend and try to see if there wasn't something she could do to get it out of him. If she could just find out what it might be, there might be something, but... Wait, glowing, green eyes? She had seen that before.

"Salosan? It's you, isn't it? Leave my friends alone, or I will do... Something."

She were pretty much helpless in this situation. Sending *Sen* anywhere would just get more hurt, and she couldn't fight. Transporting others were her only way of handling threats, but what did she do when that wasn't an option? That were something she were still thinking about, and with her speed of thought usually, it might be that when she finally had an idea, it would be far too late.

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@Blitz Boom


@Foxy Socks


Stardust blinked watching the Phoenix take off and manage to snag the stone out of the air "That was amazing!" he cheered smiling at the bird before reaching out a hoof and lightly rubbing the birds tummy a bit while looking at the stone that looked like a small sapphire. "Thank you for catching it" he thanked the phoenix warmly "You see, while I am a unicorn, the only magics I can really do without something going wrong are Alteration spells, and Illusions, everything else typically goes boom, or flying in this case" He then blushed "I once somehow set some guys tail on fire once while trying to use a cleaning spell..." He paused a moment and tapped his chin "Now what was that stallions name again... Blue bucket..Blue Boat?..Blue Bonnet?.. gah I don't remember but it was Blue something or other, " he giggled

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26 minutes ago, Blitz Boom said:

Hopefully she wasn't going to jump on his back too, or this would just start to get weird...Er.

@Blitz Boom @Twilight-Shimmer

While she turned the other direction for a brief second, she noticed that they tried to pick up a rock before somehow sending it their direction. "Look out-" Foxy squeaked, jumping to push Briar away, only to then hear something else fly toward them. By then, Foxy already made contact with Briar, falling onto the grass again. Looking back, she saw it was the Phoenix with the stone in  their possetion, as it flew, satisfied of it's catch. Ironically, it left Foxy a little dissatisfied with her actions. "Oh, um, sorry."

Foxy helped Briar up, and looked toward the small pony, Stardust. Walking toward them, though trying to keep distance from them as the phoenix could be provoked, she quietly said, "H..hello. I'm um, Foxy Socks. Yes, I haven't met you before... or your phoenix."


((OOC: More potential powerplaying. Is this an issue?))

Edited by Foxy Socks
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@Blitz Boom , @Widdershins

Ancalagon nodded as the dragoness with acknowledgement. "Well aren't you the arrogant one. Afterward? so instead of making sure a route was secured you allowed this alicorn to levitate the materials?" Ancalagon said with a calm professional tone. His whip like tail was swaying slightly but at the end of the sentence it whipped the air making a crack sound. "The courier guild has a saying. Do the job perfectly or don't do it at all little pony," Ancalagon said with a hiss as smoke bellowed from his nostrils. His anger was definitely showing now. "The courier guild will be coming just so you know," he said simply as he looked into the air seeing the fireworks. He looked at Last Stand and said "Your luck y I am able to shift my size or else those fireworks would have been in my eye,"

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@Blitz Boom

"Yeah, I still do some party planning for them sometimes." Storm smiled as he stored the paper away under his wing, after which it disappeared to who knows where, "Anyways, Blitzy stands less of a chance of getting into trouble if she's with us both." He reasoned aloud, "Besides, if the dragon had bad intentions it probably would've squished part of town already. So it's probably not a meanie-pants!"

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1 minute ago, Foxy Socks said:

@Blitz Boom @Twilight-Shimmer

While she turned the other direction for a brief second, she noticed that they tried to pick up a rock before somehow sending it their direction. "Look out-" Foxy squeaked, jumping to push Briar away, only to then hear something else fly toward them. By then, Foxy already made contact with Briar, falling onto the grass again. Looking back, she saw it was the Phoenix with the stone in  their possetion, as it flew, satisfied of it's catch. Ironically, it left Foxy a little dissatisfied with her actions. "Oh, um, sorry."

Foxy helped Briar up, and looked toward the small pony, Stardust. Walking toward them, though trying to keep distance from them as the phoenix could be provoked, she quietly said, "H..hello. I'm um, Foxy Socks. Yes, I haven't met you before... or your phoenix."


((OOC: More potential powerplaying. Is this an issue?))

He smiled up at Foxy cheerfully his blue green eyes sparkling with child like innocence and  his pink tail swishing from side to side a bit "Hello! Sorry about almost hitting somepony with this I think it's a sapphire" he said cheerfully  Then motioned to the Phoenix "I am not sure where this totally awesome phoenix came from but it is pretty well awesome"  he giggled a bit of his pink mane falling in front of his eyes which he pushed back again

  • Brohoof 2
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