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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom
"It's tolerable, haven't paid enough attention to know if hurts any less, I have learned to ignore pain." Ruby stated "It may not heal fully in the day or two but it should heal enough for me to safely transform." she explained as she made her way back into the cave "In my opinion you worry about it way too much, I have been through lot worse and I survived it perfectly fine alone." she didn't sound as prideful as she usually did when talking about herself, in fact, it almost sounded defensive, like she was trying to convince not only Leviathan, but also herself. 

"So meaningless fighting...my kind really doesn't help their own case when it comes to being accepted." Nada half said and half muttered "It's not like ponies are the only source of negativity in Equestria, and besides, ponies generate enough of it without us doing anything about it, in fact, I believe these changeling creatures could generate it naturally enough to allow us live with them without either losing on their feeding." "That is if we think our feeding negativity as essential in the first place, since I'm the living proof that it's not essential for our survival." 

"Favorite color....I don't really have one." Scarecrow responded in clear agreement with the change of topic "Having spend most of my time in the colorless darkness of the forest, any color is nice." though he technically could see in the dark, he saw everything as shades of gray and black, with occasional shade of red if he was close enough for his eyes to light up whatever he was looking at. He of course could tell the difference between for example a blue flower and a green flower, but the amount of color was so small that it was closer to gray than whatever the color was.  



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

Soft and durable fabrics?  Equestria had plenty of that to offer to Harrowmark.  Denim was most popular among the farmers in their land.  Tolling away all day on their farms required cloths that could keep up with the heavy manual labor.  Easy to clean and cheap made for the perfect complete package.  Dawn would have to leave final color designs to actual fashion designers.  They would know best how to reach the most buyers based on needs and culture.  Even she has to admit a lot of her own fashion sense mostly just comes from the designers she buys from to tell her what is 'in'.  A degree of luxury could easily be obtained when even the right combination of fabrics for every level of income.  Spices and herbs will be a vastly more trial and error until Harrowmark could find what they liked.  "What fine information," the hostess' eyes glistened.  The roll of parchment having already four feet full of written notes from the enchanted quill.  

Dawn was speaking mostly in hyperbole, but Lily's take on her brother being a pony watcher earned a smirk.  Not as good at reading a pony as her brother, but she could see that bit of confusion of the witch of the wilds trying to put two and two together.  Of course she'd let Lily continue to do so, a little mystery to her brother never hurt.

"Change is always difficult.  I'll take that under advisement," Dawn replied with a smile.  The resulting 'advisement' produced another four feet of parchment to come spitting out of the roll with rapid scratching from the quill.  It wouldn't be all that difficult to guess that the scroll didn't simply contain what Lily spoke.  No, everything already had a plan to it, and a back up plan, and a back up plan to the back up plan.  Names, settings, strings to pull, new strings to create.  Harrowmark was a new chess board that needed to be set up and Dawn wanted to make sure the game was already won before the first piece was moved.

On the other side of the city, a slumbering Rising was towed about in his sister's luxury carriage.  Better sleep than he's gotten in the past couple of days.  Abruptly ended by the carriage pulling up to the curb of the inn the O.M.I. used to put up ponies valuable to their cases.  Groggy, Rising rolled off the satin seat and onto his hoofs.  The carriage door opening on its own without the aid of the driver.  Climbing out, the door closed on its own and the driver was off before the detective could even thank him.  Nonetheless, he waved his farewells after the carriage before climbing the stairs of the inn. Slipping past the front desk to get up to the second floor.  So much to do, so little time.  Second door on the left, he rapped on the hard wood with his hoof.  "Null, Void, it's Detective Rising Dusk," he introduced himself, hopefully easing the sisters of Troy that it wasn't a stranger at the door.

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@Rising Dusk

Urgh, fixers.

Lily wouldn't say that she considered them foolish, or dumb in any matter. Quite the opposite, she thought of them as highly intelligent, with more back up plans than she could hope to scout out, even if she went scrying from dusk til dawn. Yet therein lied the issue she had with these kinds of creatures too: They always had plans, and such plans always worked to benefit themselves, consequences be damned for those involved.

If you were lucky, the fixer you'd find would have some degree of morale, and would have certain things that they wouldn't do. Yet her paranoid mind at least told her that to be truly successful at it - like Dawn clearly were - you had to be willing to bend such morals at will. Which would put Harrowmark in as something of a brick in her larger plans more than likely. The parchments shown so far alone clearly told of her having plans in mind already, which most certainly meant that she had something planned far before she set the first hoof on their land, and an end goal to work towards.

What said goal were? That were the issue, as she weren't sure. It could be political gain, which would be fine she supposed. It were technically a lesser evil than some alternatives, such as the potential that she wished to overtake their country. Something which would involve some blood in the streets, and eventually an unkind reminder to Dawn that eventually, death came for them all.

There were of course a more far fetched thing she might have in mind, though ludicrous as the thought seemed. To overthrow one of the gods that ruled their country, and try and take their power for herself. Something which for her own sake, Dawn wished she would not do. Even if some good could come from Suusha being destroyed somehow, the rank of deity did not suddenly vanish from killing them. It left a void, which the very fabric of reality would ensure got filled.

In layman's terms, it meant that those who killed a god, would be forced to take their place, lest they somehow managed to direct the forces that would aim to pass along to another nearby host. And much as Dawn might end up being a useful deity, Lily sincerely doubted that she would like being part of the primordial darkness that roamed through Harrowmark. Though perhaps, she would end up replacing it? It had never been a certainty if the energies in their country came before the gods, or if they themselves were the reason for the cycle of death and rebirth. Perhaps if Suusha were removed, there would no longer be this energy of necromancy throughout their country?

A peculiar thought, yet one that should not be answered by practical example. Dawn would still end up being chained to their country, which would surely sadden her brother, and at this point, Lily didn't know if the people of Harrowmark would be able to live without the aspect of undeath in their lives. It had been part of their culture for longer than Twisted's tyranny, and uprooting that would be like erasing the foundation of their nation. It might well end in disaster.

Perhaps it were best if she tried to gain some degree of answer, as to what Dawn were aiming for in all of this. Something she would not get in full, of course, but perhaps she would be able to be allowed to see a snippet of what the mare's end goal were at least.

"I know that you will not give me an answer in full, yet I wonder what you aim to gain from Harrowmark. Knowledge? Influence? Perhaps power? Those I can respect, yet I would be lying, were I to say that I did not worry about your eyes set on a further reaching prize. The throne perhaps? Or lofty aspirations of godhood? I assure you that neither would suit you well. Harrowmark have a way of teaching others bitter lessons, and I see several ways those two goals will end in your paying dearly.

Perhaps if I knew some of what your final goal were, I could tell you of what karma might befall you, if your aspirations rose too high? Surely, even if I knew a snippet of the end plan, the important details lies in what comes before it anyway, and I get the feeling that even if I grasped some of that by accident, it would not stop you. You seem very... Resourceful. A commendable trait, but dangerous too, if thought it not put into the ultimate consequences of your actions."

She sat mostly motionless, slowly getting used to the more soft under layer she had been placed upon, and tried to not look around, but focus her eyes fully on Dawn. Her voice might also get somewhat lower, in case others got near enough to listen in, as she did not wish to share too much with a bunch of random ponies from higher society. She would attempt to praise the mare about her intelligence too somewhat, yet it could perhaps have been better. One could argue though, that too much flattery would get them nowhere. It wouldn't seem genuine.

Meanwhile, back at the inn, there wouldn't be an answer from anypony behind the door at first. Yet soon enough, he would be getting an answer. Not from inside the room however, but from behind him, where Void's somewhat shaky voice would come from.

"Uhm... H-Hello Rising. Big sis is s-sorting the c-cursed items in there. To m-make it easier for y-you and the others. Is there... I-I mean, are you o-okay? We haven't h-heard from you since you w-went after uhm... H-Him. It's g-good to see you got b-back safe actually. We f-feared the worst."

She'd put the broom down that she had been using to sweep the floors on the other side of the hallway, and went over to try and awkwardly give the detective a hug. So far, it appeared as if she were the only one to bite notice of him of the sibling pair, so Null might have her ears stuffed or something similar.




Marble gives off a friendly smile as the little ones uttered their condolences to his predecessor.

"He were a wise pony who lived a long, fruitful life. And as he said to us, before wandering to the lands beyond our reach, he wished for us not to mourn, but to celebrate a life that had been lived with no regrets."

"I can't say I've ever met one who could claim that."

Rosa had been silent throughout most here, merely observing, and trying to think on what were going on here. He had some theories of course, and especially after seeing those feathers, yet he wouldn't dare to speak them right now. It would perhaps put them in a bad spot, and truthfully, he had no guarantees for what he were thinking. Only theories, and wild guesses based on some old stories and unfulfilled reports that he had seen in his younger years, and barely paid attention to.

He'd keep his eyes peeled though. Even the notion that he might be on to something, would make him question things somewhat, and in turn, cause a tinge of paranoia. Something he'd keep to himself.

"Those you've met, must not have had much guidance in their lives then, young thestral.

We should be off to my home, to talk over what must be done. Though before we do, I wish to answer your question."

He'd point a finger towards Lin, who had just asked a question to him that he considered to be somewhat important. A moment where he could be the teacher that he so often had been, even before taking over from the previous Marble.

"Golemcrafting is not illegal in a sense, but it is very difficult. Each kind requires their own specialty, which does not simply come overnight. For us, our spiritual beliefs and practices, gives us the strong connection to the earth that is needed to mold the best clay, and our ancient rites prepares us for the difficult task it is to animate them when the work is done.

Others, such as the metallic golems, require you to be very skilled in technomancy, which is a form of magic that is scarcely found, and those who possesses it, still need a spiritual connection that many who works with metal and science does not have.

In either case, it takes years upon years to be able to craft a golem right, yet sadly, little practice to do so wrongly. Those golems most often goes on a rampage, and causes havoc until they are destroyed, which makes our craft a taboo for many. Not illegal in most places, yet still something thought badly about, as most think of these rampaging monstrosities, instead of the marvelous creations that can be, when they think of golems."

"And then there is of course the more fringe variants of for example flesh, blood, and bone, which for most falls under the term of necromancy."

This mention made Marble cringe, and his right fist clench some.

"I do not agree with their practices, yet the Stone Matron insist that we must honor even them, long as they are just in their ways, and follow the codex."

He'd wave at them to follow him as he turned around, and wandered towards the forest. A thing section it turned out, as there were only a few rows of trees, before they found themselves in a large clearing, filled with piles of gravel and stone. Some animated and wandering around, bearing resemblance to regular creatures, though most were guards, or housed friends who were yet ready to move along, and they all seemingly blended in with the few dozen beings wandering around, tending to the stones in one fashion or another. Mostly carving and clearing some rubble in large wheelbarrows, to be transported elsewhere.

It seemed a majority of those here were minotaurs of all ages, though overall seemed to get along well with the others in the area. Which seemed to be one changeling, three earth ponies, and one thestral, who seemed pretty surprised to see another of his kind here. Even stopped transporting gravel long enough to give Rosa quite the stare.

Seeing how the changeling in question were on the younger side, it were a clear indication that this were just some of the beings who lived and/or worked here. They didn't live exactly here though, that much were obvious. There were no houses in this clearing, only rocks and those working with it in some fashion.

Yet the look that Rosa got were nothing compared to that of Sen and Lin, who got a curious glance or two from everyone here, even if they all would eventually get back to work on whatever they were doing. One of them whilst cursing a little under his breath, as he had chiseled an imperfection into his statue - a small, flightless bird it seemed like - that he now had to try and mend. It could set him back hours.



@Windy Breeze ☁️ ☁️ ☁️

"A house burned down, and there's been cracks and... Oh no no no. The poor thing."

Sorrow raised her hooves in front of her muzzle, and looked at Quill with worry almost seeping out of her pores.

"Poltergeists very rarely gets formed this fast, even for strong souls. It usually takes years of their torment before they can even start to do more than make a cold breeze run through the house. This quickly either means that she more or less instantly fell apart after dying, or... *gulp* There' might be another ghost there that's been biding its time, now fueling itself with her presence. Or even worse, a spiritual nexus!  Oh, the poor, poor thing. We gotta go help her!"

Sorrow sprung up, looking ready for action and slightly panicked, whilst Legion's eyes flared up brighter than before. Their little way of saying that they were ready for whatever were coming.

"Pleeeease lead the way there, Quill. Please please please! It isn't just dying that can hurt a ghost, but other, meaner spirits too. If there is some other one there whose causing all of this, she needs to be helped away before she becomes the first of many to end up there under it's whim after they die. Even if it's just her, the poor thing is suffering. We gotta help her, before she suffers more, or ends up hurting somepony."

If she were a poltergeist already, there were a lot of bad things that could happen, including the affected area spreading. That would usually take a spiritual nexus, and if that were the case, this were far, far above Sorrow's pay grade. She could deal with a poltergeist, but something like that were like an open wound, that didn't close by itself. It needed help, and for that, she'd need her grandma. Or maybe her cousin, if she could borrow her from Shark Bay for a day or so. She were a deceptively strong medium, that might just be able to deal with this as well, though to be sure about any of this, she had to go and see what the situation were like.

It would also be important whatever or not others could see her. It again, usually took a soul a while to be able to gather the strength to interact with the physical world, and that included manifesting visually. Strong souls however, tended to be able to do so faster, to varying degrees. It would help the situation since the others could see her too, and know what to expect. If not, the only one who'd be able to see the ghost were Sorrow, who as per her family's usual quirk, were able to see spirits. Hear them too, which were not something normal ponies could do either, unless the soul had become powerful enough to interact more with the physical world. That could end up being a heaping load of trouble if it were. Sorrow weren't as powerful as... Well, most members of her family. She were more normal though, according to some who knew parts of her family. Mainly those dealing with her cousin. Though in fairness, when you were a constant calling beacon for spirits from miles away, and they often used to you to speak through, it weren't easy being regular.



@Catpone Cerberus

"There's less pressure on the injury in that form, and I can support you easier too if things goes wrong, so we could probably start getting back to society once you can transform.

Can I ask you something though? Why just a pony? You've made it pretty clear that you're not from a place where these lesser races are a constant to think about. So I'm curious if this is still somehow the only form you could take, or if you couldn't for example, be a smaller version of yourself? You wouldn't have to hide yourself as much, beyond the times when you were conning them, and those you went after would have a harder time finding you since you wouldn't look like one of them anymore after the fact."

It seemed as good a time as any to ask this question really. had to be done sooner or later, right? It would give her the fact she'd need to figure out what were going on here, and how best to deal with/address it going forward. Plus it were nagging her somewhat, as it just seemed odd that of all forms, this would be the only one Ruby could chose. A simple pony, which didn't sound like it could survive in her homeland, which begged the question why that form would even be possible, had she no ability to pick other forms. Guess she'd find out soon enough, or it might be something that'd pass, with Ruby unwilling/unable to answer it.

A few things she seemed unwilling to do, like open up properly, though Leviathan were starting to get some glimpses into what lied behind the surface. Almost as if Ruby were teasing her with the softer side of herself, lingering just below the surface, yet with her refusing to let that side of her out. Perhaps she were beginning to slowly warm up to the idea that there were actually someone who cared about her, and were clumsily trying to lurk out of her shell just a little? It were hard to tell with dragons. The pride of their race were unmatched by any other.

"And just for the record, I know that physically, you'd probably be fine if I weren't here. But this world's full of some nasty things and creatures, and I don't like thinking about some of that coming your way when you're not on top, nor just leaving you behind when you're injured. You might not believe it, but seeing you hurt, is actually painful to me, Ruby. It makes me worry how bad it is, what could happen, if there's coming an infection, and other things like that. Might not be rational all the time, but that's what that is."

If the beast then hadn't been buried (after she had taken her bites out of the flesh beneath, which she'd be eating all the whilst speaking with Ruby), and the skin were still intact, or at least partially so, she'd try to get to work skinning that so that it could be added to the under layer in the cave. Even a little torn up, it wouldn't be so bad, and it weren't like it were to be sold either. It were just extra support. Now if it were shredded up badly though, it wasn't worth the effort, and she'd help bury it herself. Just not with the head. That had to be separate.



@Catpone Cerberus

"Well, changelings doesn't technically need only ponies either, but I guess maybe it's because there's so many ponies, and we're so emotional, that it's the easiest prey to get? So you both go for the same, you're both too prideful to stand down, and it ends up in a feud?

And from what I've been told by a changeling doctor who took care of me at the hospital, there's a lot of *predator and prey* viewpoints that's kinda hard for some changelings to look past, so if sirens are the same, perhaps they don't really think much about whatever they need to hunt us, much as they think they can, and therefor will? I dunno, I'm still learning about sirens. You're a really fascinating species, Nada. And not just because of the great hugs, hehe."

She'd give another big grin up towards the siren, before the bag rustled again, and Fah'lina pushed a couple of shell pieces from a crab out, to impact the floor. Not a whole lot mind you, but a few of the pieces had been a bit too rubbery for her to care about eating them right now, so they were going out.

This, Agni saw, and let out a surprised, reverberating caw, whilst jumping further ahead on the table to try and see where it had come from. And then, it would happen.

Fah'lina rose her head up of the bag, and the two locked eyes.

There were a sort of silence before the storm for a few seconds between them, as the two of them simply gazed upon what both of them considered to be invaders upon their territory.

More than that it didn't last, before she jumped up and started scurrying across the floor, avoiding the hail of embers that were being sent towards her from the now flying phoenix, as she were aiming for the water. It would give her the home turf advantage.

Thank everything holy, that the embers were not strong enough to set fire to the damp floor, but if this kept on, then sooner or later he'd get to something flammable by accident, and then things would just go haywire.



@Catpone Cerberus

"Perhaps then, I may show you what I were hoping to do in advance, and you can gaze upon it yourself?"

Lyriel went over and put her hoof on the side of a mossy rock, not too far from them. From beneath her hoof, would rapidly sprout and spread, a colorful array of slightly luminous mushrooms in varied colors. Mixed in between them, were leathery plants, that seemed like some variant of a leafy vine, that mixed between with a strong, green coloration to it, though the leaves were more of a strong red color. Like a blooming, blood-red rose.

"I am thinking something akin to this. Mushrooms takes little to grow, and the light might help you with vision, as well as being colorful. How strong the light are will depend on the cave they will be situated in. The vines are mostly there to provide some contrast, yet they can be used effectively to make a fire from, or traps, if need be. If I know the vegetation, I can mostly grow it, so whatever you might wish for, I could provide. Perhaps a patch of healthy moss? I have know plenty who likes to sleep or rest upon such a soft layer."

Granted, those beings were mostly animals, but she'd skip elegantly away fro that minor fact, though he could likely guess so himself, considering the things she had told so far.

Regardless, she hoped that whatever plant life he picked, it would be something that would make him comfortable in some way. Surely there could not be long before they reached the cave and she could get to work regardless, no? Or did they have to go through unfriendly terrain first perhaps? There were a few rather hostile, environmental areas in here, if you looked hard enough. Or were unlucky.




"Emerald controlled me back when I first took the orb she were trapped in. What I were about to do there... I'm better than her, got it?"

With Opal secure on his back, and Chariot taking out some of the flames, he would run with him, since frankly, what else were he doing? Chariot could handle fire, so there'd be a lesser chance of a cut off path.

As they were running out of the forest, the heavy clouds above them would begin to rain, under the guidance of the fire department chief of the day: Downtrodden. Gotten the job two days ago, and were still settling in, but he had been part of the department for five years, so he knew the inns and outs of things. He were just a bit hard to be around for long periods of times, since his naturally baggy eyes, slumped posture, constantly wet looking, hanging mane and tail, and slow, driveling way of speaking, made him seem like an almost infectiously depressing pony. He wasn't though. Probably one of the happier ponies in the squad in fact, and currently bashing the skies in just the right way to get a good down pour. They'd get this forest fire out before it went too far.

Things were not as chill in Ponyville however, once Chariot and Chow came bursting out, and the first pony to see the later of them were about to raise a hoof to say a greeting. A greeting that were stopped once the lemon-colored mare saw Chariot, and instead let out a loud yelp before turning around, and high-tailing it outta there. No doubt there'd soon be more ponies coming around to see what the big fuzz were about here, and though some of the locals thought neutrally to slightly fondly about their old pet food seller, Chariot were another matter entirely, and would likely balance that out the wrong way pretty easily.

"Awh nuts... I'm screwed."

He'd try wringing his brain, and eventually did come up with an idea. Were it a good one? Probably not, but it were all he had off the top of his head.

"Over there. Just kick the door open and run in, I'll deal with them."

He pointed at an empty house, which he knew rather well. Used to be where he lived, and as he guessed, they hadn't occupied it yet. Guess the smell of meat took a while to get out of there. He sure didn't like how this were headed though, with him actively shielding for Chariot, but... Urgh, it were this, or he'd be going down with him, and that weren't any good.




The second that he were done talking, Shade appeared in front of him. Alone for the time being, but his team were likely not far away from them.

"I judge that your health is good enough for you to go there, but not enough for you to interfere. Arrive if you will, but only observe, whilst we take action. General Screecher have made it abundantly clear that we are to avoid you having another incident."

He'd take a few steps closer to get his point further across before going on, but that were not Shade's style. His style as it were, were focused on ensuring that he were taken serious throughout everything he said and did. From the voice, to the sole eye showing, and even the clothes he and his crew wore, had been methodically and specifically picked out and brandished in a way so that you could not avoid seeing him when he wished to be seen, and appeared as one whom you should listen to. A sort of mixture between authority, fear and paranoia, were what he attempted to invoke, and it functioned well. Beneath it all... It were hard to say. Likely only Screecher herself knew how he actually looked, though not even that were certain.

"Remember, you barely made it out of the last incident intact, Iron. Your condition were so bad that Dew had to step back up to take charge, as it wasn't certain if you'd ever be able to return. In your condition, I doubt you will be as lucky the second time around."

Shade were in the delightful position of not needing to show rank-based respect to basically anypony, beyond General Screecher, so he could - and would - speak very directly to others about the raw facts of life. It made some consider him rather harsh, but in his own opinion, he just didn't care to sugar-coat things, and maybe have some delusional higher ranker think that they would be fine. Best to give it to them straight, and then if they tried hurting him, or talk down to him/tell him to mind his superiors, he could either avoid hits, or openly look at them like they were a complete idiot.

His only superior were the general herself, which were also one of the reasons why he only listened to her orders, and would not be possible to direct around at will, even by the other generals. One of the reasons why she told him to keep an eye on Iron now, and keep him out of trouble. Shade's position allowed him a degree of semi-neutrality that she considered important, since she weren't sure how the new general acted just yet. Iron were still new on the job after all.

"So then, what will it be? Explore, or relax? Either way, we will still be near."

This part might unnerve Iron, and have him question how closely, and for how long, he had been under observation. Though he needn't worry. They didn't follow him to the bathroom. They just surrounded it and listened in through the walls as needed. Everywhere else though? He were fair game, and there would have been at least one keeping an eye on him, twenty-four hours a day.

Odd how most did not like working with Shade and his squad... A total mystery, certainly.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Quill gasped “G-Going back!? I-I'll agree to take you to that place, but i won't going there again! I almost loose my life the moment i tried to leave!” it was a very bad experience for her, that ghost wanted to harm her for unknown reasons “j-just don't let me harmed , and tell I'm not Razor!” she then turn and glared at Windy “Urgh, why would i have to deal with this? It's not even my problem anymore” Quill then sighed “I'll go get some bandages just in case” she then went inside her bedroom. She wanted to decline but Sorrow was right, they had to 'save' her neighbor who has turned against her, and everyone. 

Windy stared at the door before turning to Sorrow “I'm very sorry for her disrespect. I didn't even expect that to happen” 

Edited by Windy Breeze ☁️ ☁️ ☁️
  • Brohoof 1



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@Blitz Boom

The scholars remembered an old conversation with Sen about a similar topic, uttering the same sentiment from a much older sage. A pony who made a more grandiose way of saying the same thing despite being two different individuals. A shame said pony isn’t around anymore; very few ever made a big impression on the scholars and they would never be around again. Still, the ages have a  tendency to produce at least one just like them. They may not leave a mark on history but they make good impressions on those they meet. Perhaps the former Marble Wonder was one of those types. 

Everyone followed the minotaur to a new place, yet some things never change. The stares, the mutterings, as much as Lin found them amusing, there was always a tinge of pain sitting under her calm veneer. Uncertainty, fear, the longma couldn’t say. It was different despite the similarities, and it says something about those nearby despite their attempts to hide their utterances. Sen encountered this once but that was from a single minotaur he met on his travels, not a whole group of them. No matter how it looked like, they were already judged before they could say a word.

The longma thought about the conversation between Marble and Rosa, the distinct forms of golems and the skill it takes to craft one with finesse. Even the minotaur’s connection to the earth sounds a lot like the longma’s connection to nature and how their practices revolve around said connection. Again, an aspect that doesn’t make them too different from each other, one that the folks back home would find familiar instead of foreign. 

“I guess it is fortunate that our friends have chosen a form that doesn’t have a ferocious look. Although that makes it all the stranger when ponies will see golems half their size walking around…”

“We do not care about our looks but others will pick up on this and come to their own conclusions. Little automatons we will not become but that thought may be humorous to some.” 

“So, uh, is there anything we need to do to prepare? Like drawing up some plans or gathering some special materials?”

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 "I.. thank you. I suppose. Though you shouldn't." Kaltrop bashfully averted his eyes. "I'm not sure I want to be around ponies. Pony folk have cities, big buildings, gadgets and whatever. Ponies tend to care only about what benefits them or what they can make others do. Be they wandering merchants or some set up school stealing young dragons for whatever set of rules they have set up... i'm sure you've known ponies to be selfish."


  @Blitz Boom

 "Oy, an' here I was hopin' I could have anotha mare!~ To meet, yes, heh!" Flit gave Berry a flirtatious, unabashed grin again as he leaned upon the counter top gazing at her as she worked. "Dunnae work too hard on it, Lassie. You'd be surprised what a being like me can swallow~..."

 When Straw Hat came back in to sit at a table, he flipped over to address (him/her?) and went back to his leaning position but casually pointed the opposite direction in the intentional sort of slacking one sees so regularly in those trying to be Roguish types.

 "Pushy I am now?! Now, Missy! I'm offended! Don' you ponies glomp all over each other in hugs n' kissies and playtime lovvy-dovvy stuff all the ding-dang time? I'm only Spreadin' tha Love, Mate! What harm is in playin' pony, eh?

 Besides! Ye the owner of tha joint, yes? Ye outta know that everyun always wants for somethin. I just wanna experience everybeing as much as I can.

 Eat everything I can.

Helps ta be as upfront as ya can, eh? Honest and all that jazz. What? Would ye prefer I just pick up a fight an' break everything right off tha bat like me brother?"  


@Sekel & Blitz Boom

  Blither started sweating in concern again at Scarcity's side. For one of the more well-groomed of the family, he seemed to sweat an awful lot.

 "I, uh. I think I stated, verbalized, conveyed the, uh, meaning to Sir Stargazer that I wanted aid in merely checking in on my brethren to make sure they were not causing any, um, breaking any laws. Yes. Us being t-together in the same room isn't really a prerogative he needs to assert! Our, uh, confinement is really something I would pref-... would recommend? As we haven't really done anything to necessitate imprisonment to-.... well, I mean... some collateral damage to the city's infrastructure, i'm sure, but we can make amends for that yes?

 And, to whit, earlier Miss Dazzle, it was, yes? I wished to merely intone that it wasn't of utmost import to find your parents? You know where they live at the least, yes? While the loss of one's progenitors is a dour circumstance; it is hardly rare enough to be concerned about, yes? Why, we haven't seen our parent in cent-" Blither paused to flutter his eyes in a ferociously nerdy fashion. "-a great long time. At that, yes."

 If we wished to do so, carving a den out for Miss Dazzle shouldn't be too hard, yes? We're quite accomplished in construction as well as destruction. Well, in theory anyway. From what I've read."


Some ways away, Shortstack grumbled again as he was wont to do. "I ain' tha one that be small-minded enough to brawl when a lady be about. I care aboot the safty ah others, I do. Clearly". Scowling down, as seemed to be his default state, Shortstack perused the table of food lain out before jolting his head up towards Chop's direction, assuming him to be the cook.

"Dontcha got any MEAT 'ere amongst this here slop?!"

"You know ya not supposed two ask that, Big Bruther!" Sunny Flush got up from where she had been nursing her snout in the back corner of the room and stepped forward to address her little big brother. Or perhaps her appearence of coming closer was just due to how much distance she covered just standing up in the room. From where her head grazed the ceiling, she could have come off as imposing as most angry motherly types, were it not for the childish pouting expression she was shooting her brother. "Ponies isn't eat meat! You know that! It's a thing I learned! That ain't no way to make a friendy-friend!"

Edited by Widdershins

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Catpone Cerberus

 As the last of the dirt was brushed off of it, a small glowing orb would launch itself from the dry, red ground of the Badlands to Cerberus' eyeline. A pink orb of light, obscuring much of its features to be uncertain of whether it indeed had a set of fairy-like wings holding itself up bobbed in front of the cathorse. Too bright to see much detail of what the being was, it somehow happened to cease that brightness after a finite orb-like shape; as if that was how light somehow worked, magical or not, to produce a form somewhat like a poorly thought out design from a game.

 It bobbed enthusiastically.

Thaaank you for Re-Leas-ing Me! Releeeeesiiiing Meeee. Releashing ME.


Sorry. Dirt, you know.

Congraturations on complete the Quest! Now you are rewarded with The Greatest Gift of Them All! THE CALL TO AAAAADVENTUUUURE! 

 You can now embark upon the quest to retrieve the magical, mystical, mysterious, other M words.... THE GOLDEN MUFFIN!!! It has untold powerful powers of magical magic!

... Mostly because I can't remember what it does. Pretty sure it's important though. Like, Gold, man.


           ....and no. You're not allowed to decline this quest. My author's getting too cynical for his own good, we need to have some fun.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom

Chariot didn't have much hesitation to burst down the doors with a quick blast of a wind spell, charging right in.
"Woah hay!"
Chariot skidded along the floor suddenly and got into a fighting stance.

They would see a familiar changeling who ran in there to hide through the back door, pausing at the sight of Chariot, flying off.

Chariot recognized it as Francis and so could the others, turning to look to Chow and Astral
"Nectar might come here... the more attention Opal catches us the more this could become a war over the element."

"How? She's like an amature at this stuff."

"The ones who want the element won't be."

"Yeah? Like Celestial, and Luna, all the good guys want it. It'll be in our favor."

"Sure sure. But I know a pair of witches who use magic illegally, who are currently harboring a warlock who terrorized the town,
I am so sure these goodvguys want to help you right now."

They would be bickering for quite a bit, unless Chow intervenes, meanwhile some of Nectars army came in to help with the fires,
appearing to be just another group of reformed changelings to the ponies around them.

He would be caught off guard for their reaction to be in his favor. "Great! I can go over and check and retreat if it gets hot."
He said with a smile. "Gives me something to do other than wait for this leg to heal anyway."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom
"To answer your question, I have to break it apart a bit, but the short and simple response is, I'm not a changeling." Ruby started "Firstly, the transformation itself, though it is something all of us can learn, most of us won't, it has no use in our lands because this is the superior form and we can't fool each other by transforming, I only learned it because I was coming here."

"Then the reason why a pony, well, first reason is because my information about Equestria was outdated, only mentions of other creatures than ponies were about something attacking ponies, so naturally I assumed ponies only liked ponies, and due to the lack in my knowledge, earth pony was the only one I could recreate."

"And lastly, why I'm still using only it after learning about your kind, well, unlike for creatures like changelings, shape-shifting isn't a natural ability for us, it's just a way to use magic, a spell of sorts, and as you may guess, there isn't exactly any libraries filled with ready spells in our homeland." "So, to transform, I need to create a new spell for each new form, and because it's actual physical transformation, it has to be perfect or it can be lethal, thus, it takes lot of time and effort to make a new form."  

She seemingly ignored Leviathan's comment about caring about her.

Ruby had no interest towards the leftovers after giving them away, so it wouldn't be buried by her and the skin had no more damage caused by her than the moose skin from earlier had. 

A shrug was the only response Nada could give before the situation with the smaller creatures started. Nada stayed mentally ready to pick up water with her mouth in case anything caught fire as she thought what to do about the situation. She thought about singing, but decided it wasn't reliable enough considering she had no magic to use, so she decided on something she didn't want to do but saw as the only quick enough option. 

She flew between Agni and Fah'lina, and would do her best staying there no matter where Agni moved, even taking hits from his fire if necessary, not that it really did damage to her wet scales, and for first time in as long as she remembered, she changed her voice's volume and a tone to one that would send shivers any creature's spine who knew what worst of Siren's were capable of, and would surely be enough to freeze the two creatures in place long enough for her to talk to them "Enough!" she first spoke to Agni "I told you that you can come in as long as you don't burn anything, this includes small animals you don't like, if you can't stay calm, I need to make you leave." she then turned toward's Fah'lina "And don't think you're not part of this, I may not be able to throw you out of your own house, but if you purposely annoy him I'll burn your things one by one myself and if that doesn't help I can easily find more ways to punish you." it wasn't sure if she would fulfill any of her threats, but her voice made it sound that she indeed would, and if Ziggy was one to notice such things, she would most likely be able to tell that Nada wasn't on her best mood today for reason or another.

If the two weren't effected by her new tone of voice, she would proceed with her first threat and as gently as possible get Agni out of the house. 

"I like what you suggest, but the moss layer is not necessary, it makes no difference to me, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a soft bed and a pile of knifes." Scarecrow said "Or actually, if you could make a small area where a pony or other similar creature would feel comfortable to lay, that would be appreciated, it would be good to have one in case I ever find unconscious individuals." 

The cave indeed wasn't far, and though the area wasn't necessarily hostile or even unfriendly, it was bad enough that creatures not used to the forest, like ponies, would most likely avoid it. The cave itself wasn't anything special, a small opening leading to a medium sized cave, and besides some moldy wood that had somehow ended up inside, it was as lifeless as its owner. 

Cerberus seemed unfazed, he considered poking the flying light at first but he worried he would accidentally kill it, and that would be quite inconvenient now wouldn't it. "Golden Muffin? Are we going in to the basement of that gray mail-mare in ponyville?"  he paused for a second, "Oh, sorry, I mean..." suddenly enthusiasm filled his expression "yay, an adventure!.Where do I go? What I need to do?"  

  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Windy Breeze ☁️ ☁️ ☁️

(before she left the room)

"You don't have to go there. I just need to know where it is, so I can go in and try to fix this, before anypony gets hurt. She's already suffering, if she have turned into a poltergeist, and it won't get better if she realizes that she hurt somepony. Especially not if it's somepony she knew."

(after she left)

Sorrow shrugged her shoulders a little, though she were still a little tense, as she wanted anxiously to go and save a sad soul who had suffered enough. Some might think that all souls that lingered on the moral plane were suffering constantly, but some spirits did like being around, and actively helped, or just felt like they needed to be there for those they cared for, and found purpose that way. It were why her and her family were tasked with helping those along they could, though unless it were a hostile, deranged spirit, they had no right to force them to move on. Grandmother were very, very strict about this sort of thing.

"I don't blame her. It sounds like she's been through a lot, and it's somepony she knew no less. Knowing she might be out there, suffering and potentially hurting others are gonna sting, and thinking about going back to the place outta be a sore spot too. I don't blame her for being iffy and a bit short tempered about it."




"There will always be those who stares, and sometimes will judge you unfairly for what you appear like. My own kind are often guilty of this, yet I assure you, that no one here will judge you unfairly for your chosen form.

I think you should know though, that golems are not always these large creations meant to carry things, or guard areas. Sometimes, they are meant as minute, special creations with a more personal feel, and as such, we have made several creations smaller than even the most minute of ponies. They are more difficult, but I for one at least, enjoys the challenge."

They'd find that among those who stared, one of them would be putting down his wheel-barrow and come wandering over to them. Just your regular, muscly pony, with a bit of sweat glistening off his brow from a long day's work. THough judging from his tool belt, he were seemingly also one who worked on the statues. An apprentice perhaps?

"I'm sorry for interrupting, Marble, but I simply had to see these five up closer."

He'd lean a bit closer and look around at them all, including on Shrimp, who seemed none too happy about this sort of attention, and opened his maw high up whilst hissing at the stranger. Something he seemed to not care about much, beyond just looking further impressed.

"The details are breathtaking. Scales, muscle tone, everything is carved out so well... Even the hair seems almost real. Such a curious, mixed shape though. A custom made design, surely? Your guest must be special for the Stone Matron to allow so many at a time."

"They're not golems, and I'm not buying any of them."

Rosa had rolled his eyes. Of course this were what the varied bunch had been starring at when it came to Sen and Lin. They thought the two longma, Shrimp, and maybe even Omen, were golems, and that he were a buyer. What came from seeing something they hadn't before, whilst dealing with realistic golems it seemed. They just thought it were another creation, rather than a real creature.

"What? You're kidding me, right? No pony have those colors-"

A hoof were pointed at Omen.

"- dragons and ponies can't interbreed -"

The same hoof were then pointed at Sen and Lin.

""- and refractions aren't re-Aaargh!"

As his hoof were pointed at Shrimp, he finally had enough, and let out a large, glittery white flame right into the face of the annoying pony. It wouldn't hurt him, but it sure caught him off guard, and the flame's effect caused him to end up disoriented and confused on the ground, mumbling incoherently.

It would get some reaction, starting with some statues moving closer. Guards likely, though they stopped when Marble rose a hand, and wavered them away.

"No need for alarm. Granite is a fine apprentice, but his muzzle tends moves faster than his brain. A little consequence to his actions might help teach him a valuable lesson."

A few snickers would be heard here and there, from others going from semi-shock over varied things (for example Sen and Lin not being golems, but actual beings), towards a more relaxed stance, and some laugh over Granite, who seemed to be a recurring fool around here. One whom deserved a lesson, and it were rather certain that he wouldn't forget this anytime soon. Y'know, after the flame's effects had worn off. Shrimp for one didn't care one bit about this, but just snorted towards the pony, and snuggled in closer to Lin's hair. He were done with this one.

One of those who had had a small laugh over things, were Scarcity, who had found the whole situation quite amusing to witness. Her and Brick had been standing on the other side of Marble, so Granite hadn't seen them when he were yapping on, or he would likely think that Scarcity were the buyer. She seemed to be by far the one with most means, which were true as well. And she were in a sense, buying some golems, so the estimate he had weren't completely far off.

"What a delightful little show of action and consequences. Would you not agree, Hammond?"

The small mimic would remain seated on her head, and slowly nod at the question, whilst his eyes remained transfixed between only two things: The pony on the ground, and Shrimp, as he tried to learn from what he had just seen. Scarcity did not see that nod, but she felt how his left foot slightly pinched her as a confirmation. A little system they had when she could not gaze at him directly, that worked on a simple, yes and no theme. It would be fun teaching him more intricate things once he grew wiser, but all in due time.

"As for materials dear, you needn't worry yourself about it. I assured you that I would take care of this, and I fully intend to procure everything that is needed, so fret not. I will handle what he needs."

A steep prize too really. Not just the feathers, but now what else would come as materials and work expenses for five, custom made, high end golems without a control mechanism within them? It would not come at a prize even resembling cheap, but considering what she were gaining in return, it were worth every bit, and then some.




Straw Hat didn't crack and appear affected by the sort of behavior he saw. Quite honestly, he had seen worse, and hired beings who were less able than this one. Crazier ones too, but that were besides the point.

For him it were more about analyzing what he heard and use that to evaluate the sort of being he were actually dealing with. And so far, he'd judge that to be an obnoxious thrill seeker, of the sort who did not like to look back on things and wonder what would have happened if only they hadn't been reluctant to risk it.  Something he seemed openly honest about, which yes, were better than deception, yet it also showed quite a degree of arrogance, and lack of remorse over his actions. In his opinion, it were likely that Flit actually did care for getting some degree of solid companionship, but were unable to, or reluctant to accept anything resembling being tied to responsibilities, as it would limit his chosen lifestyle.

That were just a first impression though. he'd have to see more to know what he were dealing with, though this were among the things he mostly bit notice in. That and the fact that this were not a pony, so his first thought were that this were another changeling. Not the first he'd be dealing with in here, though the most brazen of the bunch, that much were certain.

"I appreciate the honesty. And you're right in your ideals to an extend. There's nothing inherently wrong in wanting to experience life to its fullest, yet at the same time, that is not an excuse for causing others to be overtly miserable. Chippy have severe, social anxiety, and cannot handle conflict well. That is why your way of dealing with him ended so poorly, and I would appreciate it if you did not do that again."

He wrinkled his mustache, and bowed his head gratefully at Berry when she came over with their drinks, and a plate of brownies. His decaff were a good, earthy blend, and as for the one for Flit... Well, he could practically smell the high degree of sweetness just from looking at it. Not much to his own taste, but they had to be able to accommodate their customers in whatever they wanted to drink, and sweet drinks were not unusual in Ponyville. And he would admit that on occasion, a simple caramel milkshake were nice enough.

"Now then, please go ahead and drink and eat whilst we talk. As for the subject, I would like to ask you if you are perhaps a changeling? I am not judging, nor do not intent to out you, if you would be afraid of that, but the way you talked about ponies makes it somewhat clear that you aren't one yourself, and I would like to keep the conversation going."

Though right now, he were going to take a long calm sip of coffee. Today had been a long day, and yet it seemed clear that it were far from over yet.



@Widdershins @Sekel

Scarcity would wander over and give Blither a warm, calm smile. Such a peculiar one this were, even if he looked like the most normal of the family so far. Nervous, well spoken, and yet hiding something. Including what sounded like a prolonged lifespan overruling what a regular pony could hope to get to, whilst still looking like this. He may have tried to correct himself, but you did not come far in her line of work by not picking up on the little things, and this were but the latest in the pile of peculiar comments and sights that made her most assured that when she eventually got home to Canterlot, she were going to have fun sending some feelers out and gathering intel on these. Something told her that it would be very enlightening. Profitable too perhaps, if they had a usage that she were able to approach them about putting to good use. Ah, such marvelous fun she were going to have, yet that were later. For the time being, she had a nervous *pony* here whom needed to be reassured of a few things, before his nerves would get the better of him.

"Rest assured dear, that I doubt that you would see the inside of a cell for any period of time. It is simply easier to gather you here, and come to understand your predicament, than trying to do so per se, out in the street, where others might be starring and interfering with your family time. What threats our dear Stargazer have made, were assuredly just to gain your attention, and are likely connected to his apparent lack of sleep. You know how grumpy some can be, when they have not gotten enough rest, yes?

I feel confident that soon as you are all gathered, and there is no more worry about your family members wandering aimlessly around, trying to find the rest of you, things will be much calmer. If not, I know our dear officer from back in Canterlot. I am sure that i can speak reason to his tired mind, so you should have little to worry about.

As for accommodations for our peculiar friend here, I assure you that we have it handled, though your offer is of course appreciated. I'm sure that Dazzle feels delighted in hearing that so many of us have her best interest at heart, and worry about her being separated from her family. It is hard not to feel sympathy for such a regrettable situation, yes?"

Meanwhile, Chop would meet Shortstack's gaze, but keep stoic until the lot of them were done speaking. Somewhat like monolith, though he were more of a military pony than a statue in appearance, and couldn't muster the seemingly total neutrality that the large stallion were able to. He would perhaps get a few points in toughness though, from the myriad of old scars from shark bites going over his face, neck, and the large one on his torso, where the coat never grew back on the patches where he had been bitten. A pain in the flank during winter, but that's what winter clothes were for.

"I were asked to feed ponies."

His eyes narrowed and he shifted position, placing himself better between Shortstack and Stare, whilst Sunny went on about her own views on this meat situation. Something which just brought his senses on higher alert, because whilst he had thought these were off before, there were definitely something not right about them now. And no, not the massive, towering mare in front of him, that could barely be in the room. That were wonky, but he'd seen weirder than that in his day. Most folks wouldn't believe the sort of things that came out of the ocean sometimes, and it wasn't like size altering spells were unheard off. Weird and rare yes, but not impossible to come across.

Weren't any spell he knew off though, that made a pony ask for meat. Except for one, and if these were zombies... He'd honestly be a little creeped out, to put it mildly. Wasn't something he talked about, because what were the odds of actually running into a necromancer in Equestria, but zombies gave him the heebie jeebies. It were just so wrong on so many levels, that it could help make a small shiver go down his spine whenever he even saw a book about them. Once in his early guard days, he had even seen somepony dressed up as a fairly realistic one for Nightmare Night.

There were Still ponies in the Coastal Guard who snickered and talked about that day. Some even went so far as making a little theater out of it, pretending to flail around and hit something akin to the high pitched noise he had let out, among other things. Bloody thing would haunt him via the guard, more than it would his nightmares...

"Ponies don't eat meat. What are you hiding?"

He'd direct things mostly to Shortstack, though his eyes would gaze upwards at Sunny too, wondering exactly what the big deal were here.

Urgh, a pun... It hurt his pride to think that he made that one, even mentally. Though not as much as his inherent want to almost start snickering over it.

"You seem honest. Is it gonna hurt anypony here?"

Meanwhile, over at Monolith, Alonsus would approach him, since quite frankly, he were bored just standing and looking around, and if questions were being asked to this family, perhaps he could speak with this one? Dreadful company, but the others were occupied, so it were the only one he could get to currently. This should be... What were the direct opposite of interesting? Dreadful? Sounded about right, though perhaps he were wrong. Might have simply been a bad first impression.

"Many a merry talk going on now. Have you really no interest in joining in on any of it? They all seem so happy to have somepony to talk to. Perhaps we can try again, and see if we too can speak of something interesting? Come now friend, let the great Alonsus hear your words. Surely you must have fascinating stories of your self, or your peculiar family? Or questions to the most well groomed stallion in all of Ponyville?"

He took some pride in that, though he had to settle for stallion over pony, ever since Rarity had challenged him for that title, and won. She had done so fair and square, so he accepted his loss, though it did feel somewhat like getting second place. Alas, one should take what they could get at times, and being the top of the male population were still a good spot he'd say.





17 hours ago, FanOfManyShows said:

They would see a familiar changeling who ran in there to hide through the back door, pausing at the sight of Chariot, flying off.

"Hey, I remember that one. What's he doing here? This is the second place I've been he's turned up, and none of 'em makes sense. He stalking me or someth-"

Chow nearly jumped outta his coat when all of a sudden, Astral had started speaking behind him, and he automatically let out a string of colorful profanities for a few seconds. Best not shared among polite audiences, and definitely not when a foal were present. Awh fudge, this one were gonna end up biting him in the flank. Though in fairness, sneaking up on him like that? He had clocked folks for less than that.

"Sh- I mean, horseapples. Are you trying to gimme a heart attack or somethin'? I thought you ran the other way."

It might amaze Astral that he hadn't taken notice of her before, but there were kinda some other things on his mind that diverted away from paying attention to everything. Like harboring somepony committed of a high crime, which were gonna end up with him in so much trouble that he might as well grab a shovel and start digging his own grave, to spare them the effort.

17 hours ago, FanOfManyShows said:

"Sure sure. But I know a pair of witches who use magic illegally, who are currently harboring a warlock who terrorized the town,
I am so sure these goodvguys want to help you right now."

"Awh bugger..."

Chow rubbed his temples, trying to figure out what to do here, as these two went o like an old married couple. They were in over their heads right now, and right now, the worst thing they could do, were staying here. They had to get out of here and cool off, whilst trying to figure out what to do. They needed some safe, isolated... Awh fudge... He knew what they had to do, but frankly, the want to grab the shovel rather than that were just growing instead. Today were gonna end up on his top ten worst days. Might even slide into the top five.

He had to get these bozo's attention though. So he let his hoof up to his muzzle, and let out a short, but loud whistle. Usually that made folks shut their traps.

"Hey, shut it you two, we're going down a muddy river without a paddle here, and we gotta get out of Ponyville before the local law and everypony else gets in and starts throttling us. Astral? Think you can... *urgh* get us all to the Emerald and Sapphire? I can't think of another place we can lay low until we figure out what to do that won't end with us stuck in a cell next to this guy."

Astral's aunt and mother were in the swamp house, preparing the ritual. Something which were supposed to start in a few hours.

Meanwhile, Downtrodden saw the help arriving, and lifted a hoof in greeting, right after popping another cloud to let the water down on the fires.

"Don't know who you are, but the help is appreciated. We can control this long as we keep the wind in mind, but if you could make sure nothing's catching on down there, it should go faster."




"It's close to a miracle you even still have that leg. You owe Syringe big time."

Colonel Syringe hadn't been the one to do the major surgeries, and whatever else had been required to handle the extensive damage that were thankfully, now down to mostly just Iron's leg, but he had been the one to stabilize the general before he could be moved to the hospital, and ensured that his mangled leg got taken care off well enough to give him a chance of not needing to have it amputated. Between that prework, and the head doctor here in the hospital's efforts, Iron had gotten out of this whole thing far better than anypony had dared to think possible at first.

It were impressive to think that all that were left now, were a leg that needed to be healed, and perhaps some sore muscles, though there might be more, underlying things hiding. One of the reasons why he had a medical staffer on hoof constantly, since they still couldn't say for sure if he wouldn't relapse. Though now, that were going to be Shade's problem to deal with. Such were his orders, just in case Iron took off.

"Call if there is something. We will be watching."

With that, he vanished again, dissipating seemingly into thin air. Iron would be able to get out now, and wouldn't be disturbed or restrained until needed.



@Catpone Cerberus

"I hadn't thought of it like that. Makes more sense now, why you haven't taken other forms then."

Leviathan dealt with weather based magic, so she hadn't much idea about how transformation magic worked, hence this were rather enlightening.

Now some went on and on about how all magic were basically the same, but it really weren't, and trying to compare to two kinds of magic were like comparing apples to breezies. Or dragons and clovers. Vastly different to a point where comparing it were akin to just saying *You both breathe, ergo you are the same race*.

Much like Ruby would likely not know the first thing about making a rain cloud, or blasting out lighting, so were Leviathan little more than an observer at transformative magic. One who had slept in class, specifically, as she had never thought it too important to learn about this, beyond what sorta signs to look for. Not like she could meddle with it, so why would it matter to her, right?

"Perhaps it is something worth aiming for though? It could come in handy, and you wouldn't constantly have to lower yourself to wearing their hide to fit into a building. You could be more of yourself.

I could imagine you would find it funny too, if a dragon hunter came by, finding you easy prey, to then suddenly drop the disguise and face him with your true visage. Filthy lowlifes would deserve the fear that'd bring them, before getting skewered. Slowly."

Leviathan didn't often show her more cruel side, but when it came to beings like that, she frankly wished to do unspeakable thing to do them. Disgusting beasts should suffer for hunting dragon-kind. And especially since for most, it were a sport, and not even for gold or some past wrongdoing, which would at least make sense. It were all just fun for them, and they deserved what they got whenever they bit off more than they could chew.

As for the corpse near them, she'd get to work skinning it properly, so that there'd be more of a layer for Ruby to rest on. At this rate, who knew? Might be they'd have a full blanket for her before she were fully ready. Not a cured one, so they wouldn't be worth much later on, but those were minor details.



@Catpone Cerberus

The two animals halted their fighting once Nada started to yell.

Agni would fly down on the floor, and lower his head, looking like her words were stinging him some, and letting out a sad coo. He were unable to blush to show so, but he were embarrassed that he had done something that broke her trust to him, and made her yell at him. It wasn't something he liked, and the hurt took precedence over his pride.

As far as he were concerned, the point had gotten across. There had been a line he were not supposed to cross, he had done so over seeing someone that annoyed him, and it had gotten him shamed in the now angry eyes of someone he actually liked. He wouldn't do this again, and hope that she'd stop being angry with him over this, even if it meant tolerating the annoying rat inside the house.

As for the mimic in question, Fah'lina reacted by turning away from the edge of the water she had been about to jump into, and looking at Nada like she were about to put the facts down on her. She even got her stance ready and mouth open, ready to squeak and make some charades that would clearly show that she did not take orders from anyone, no matter how big and loud they could get.

"Say sorry to her, and make up with Agni."

Ziggy interrupted that, and made the mimic's eyes go wide. Did this mare just suddenly think she could give her orders now? and crazy ones like this? Why, she should-

"Do it, or we're not gonna go crab fishing next week."

Aaand there she went and found something she actually could hold over Fah'lina's neck. Enough to make the little thing - obviously reluctantly, judging by the crossed arms - look up at Nada and let out an apology. In squeaks granted, but still.

She still didn't like Agni, nor taking orders, but she liked even less to not get crab meat, so her stomach won over her pride here.



@Catpone Cerberus

"I would be honored to."

Shortly after that, they got to the cave, and she went to work.

As he had agreed on what she had shown him before, a good deal of the cave would have the walls covered in patches of these multi-colored, luminescent mushrooms, which gave a soft light to the entire cave, rather than the darkness that would otherwise be in the angles where the sun could not reach.

Around halfway in, she would kneel down, and touch the rocky dirt, where the rocks would soon enough start to crack and give way for a soft layer of rapidly growing moss to form. Something which she'd then finish off with a little flowery vegetation that didn't need so much light, to make it look prettier. Mostly the same leathery flowers from earlier.

The whole process would take about ten minutes, where she lovingly spread the vegetation, and gave this place more of a homely feel. At least for a forest creature like her. For a normal city pony, it would likely be pretty annoying, and make them think they had to mow the living room.

"There. Perhaps I could offer to grow you a fruit tree outside too, in case whomever needs to rest would need nourishment? I think ponies likes apples the most, yes?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"I don't think either of those two want to be near me."

"Well I don't want to be near you either, but until we get the elements back to where they belong, we need to stay low somewhere"

"Very well."

With that said they went, leaving in a slight gust of wind, as they arrived outside the house, a magical barrier directly in front of them.
Astral looked at it, poking her hoof forward at it, causing it to spark with magic, Sapphire opening the door and stepping out, looking at her. "Ah, I knew I had felt something powerful arrive."  She said, looking at Chariot, seeming a bit confused before looking to Opal. "Okay.... why is she the one I sense?"

"She has an element of disharmony and has hidden it on her."

Opal rolled her eyes as she took out a horn and blew it, as suddenly a potion bottle flew off of Opal towards her as she grabbed it.
"Horn of Retrieval, your father brought it when he came here earlier."
She opened a hole in the barrier and the door as she tucked the element away
"Emerald! Your friends are back."


The general left swiftly afterwards, taking a few minutes to arrive at the forest fire, which seemed to be a lot more intense now, as more than he expected were all over it.
"What is going on here?"
He asked floating near Downtrodden, all he could focus on was how this was kind of an overreaction to this,
especially since it seemed some of Nectar's helpers were armored.

"Chariot escaped, seems to want to wreak havoc."
Were the words Downtrodden heard after, as Opal stood right next to Iron Wing, appearing as a changeling,
she had just sneaked away from Chow's back, leaving behind a bag of dirt still disguised as her, and a random bottle of water disguised as the element.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

“I'm still disappointed for how she talked to you” Windy told her as she felt her heart cracking.

Quill soon returned with a saddlebag “Let's go” she said before passing the two mares and casually going out of her house. 

Edited by Windy Breeze ☁️ ☁️ ☁️
  • Brohoof 1



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@Blitz Boom

The longma siblings couldn’t help by try to stifle their laughs after seeing the display. This was one of those rare moments someone’s look of bewilderment led to an amusing outcome. No way they’d fault Granite for assuming they were golems, as rare as that sentiment was, and if they’d get a chance to talk to him, they might laugh it off over a meal. Of course, Lin wouldn’t forget to thank her little friend for his role in brightening up her day by stroking Shrimp’s head. 

“Alright, so I guess it’ll only be a matter of time before we give our friends some new bodies.”

“Although I still find it strange how there are golems built to be smaller than ponies. Some actually want smaller golems?” Lin Though her curiosity was piqued, Lin intended her question for anyone who could answer. 

The idea was somewhat difficult to grasp. She could understand the scholars’ reason; missing a part of themselves they wish to regain and having a semblance to a life they once had were reason enough but the utilitarian advantages of smaller golems is about as foreign as bureaucracy. That was another thing about the ponies that confused the longma. Big decisions need many elders to make informed decisions and work on what most would believe to be good but smaller matters were dealt with immediately. No need to jump through hoops and go through many unnecessary steps just to get something done. 

Even Marble’s words, the “personal feel,” didn’t sound so straightforward. Lin initially thought of what he said to mean specialized tasks but now she isn’t so sure. 

“So, no way you’re changing your minds about this? You could still go with another body shape.”

“No. This is something we’ve thought about if the opportunity ever arose. A trade-off, we lose some of our powers but we stand to gain something more valuable: agency. It is a worthy compromise. We can proceed when you are ready, Marble Wonder.”

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@Blitz Boom
"I am looking into it already, it just takes time like I said." Ruby stated while laying down again "And I'm surprised dragon hunters are still a thing, though now that I think about it, I may have met one already in my pony form." "I just didn't really think too much about it back then since it's something I do too." she was talking about the minotaur she had met at the black market, not that Leviathan would know anything about it "But it would indeed be entertaining to play with hunters sometime, I do enjoy hitting creatures with some reality, and I was thinking of joining the one I met on a hunt someday actually...he being the prey of course." small grin appeared on her face for a moment before disappearing again, showing that idea of such hunt was a pleasant one.

Fah'lina would only get a rather cold acknowledgement for her apology from Nada, after all, it clearly wasn't genuine. She was also obviously disappointed at Fah'lina, not that she was surprised by the creature's reactions. 

For Agni in other hoof, she was lot more pleasant, though there still was certain firmness in her tone "Apology accepted." she would gently pat his head if he let her "I understand you and Fah'lina don't really get along, and I'm not going to force you to like her, but, as long as you're inside or near this house, keep your fire at bay, other than that...it's not any of my business." 

She hadn't wanted to make Agni feel bad, but she hadn't seen any other  way to stop the fight before it was too late, she just hoped he would be able to get over it quickly.

She turned towards Ziggy, "Sorry for losing it for a bit there, it has been a stressful day." 

Scarecrow watched as Lyriel did her thing, not bothering her during it.
"I guess it wouldn't do any harm." He simply replied to the suggestion, he didn't know there was fruit trees that could grow in the forest considering how little light most of it got, not that he knew much about plants in general. "And yes...I think, at least some of the ponies who have gotten lost have been carrying apples with them, and I'm yet to see other fruits being carried around." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Pastel Heart @Blitz Boom

  Slimspy was a self styled realist. Some could have it said that he was perhaps a bit too unrealistically realistic. Wincing at the filly's cheery and admittedly good singing, he said back.

 "Singing strains the vocal passages. You'll go Mute that way, I'm sure. In fact, having that much near your ears will probably make you go Deaf too. I'm sure there's research on that. Either way, Singing is number 158." They carried on that way for a while further into town, making it apparent the older pony was the inevitable downer every group seemed to pick up.

 "I'm the one with the funny words? Don't strain yourself, please. You'll wear the brain out. Don't talk to me about experience, young horse creature thing. Experience puts events in your life, which means you live faster, which means you die faster.

  ...It's just.... you know, just be aware that you will die. Just... at some point. You can't go off and expect the world to keep you safe. We just got chased by some mega-predator, yes? The world's a bit risky, yes? I'll never understand the young and their forgetting what kills them."

 We basically did get killed. Pretty much. Just re-reminding you of that. I don't want to get killed or come across like I got the daughter of the local law-"

 And at that moment was when Jelly father started coming up, derailing what was the endless topic for the stallion. As most those who fear the law... and most things, Slimpsy rigidly awaited his turn for Stargazer to greet him and await his turn to speak. He did so, with the panicked, ducklike squawk one quickly becomes accustomed to with one such as him.

 "WHAT? NOOO! WH- why would I go back? Haven't you seen them?!!? They're Lunatics! They'll bring the town down around our ears! Why would I go back willingly to those loudmouthed, abrasive, combative, death-inviting knuckleheads!??! It'd be like being strapped to another mega-predator like the one that just tried to eat your child!

... ThatIhadabsolutelynohandin.Iamcompletelynotconnectedtoanyforseentrouble.

 I'm not sticking my neck out to get bitten off again by hanging with that lot of troublemakers! ......unless your going to bite me for not doing so. Then I should probably start running again."



   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom

"Hehe, I'd say we both levelled up!"

Pastel hopped up once as if there were fanfare playing in her head. Singing princess, huh? That sounds fun! Atleast, for a day. Pastel was an odd filly and didn't like the idea of talent commitment, probably the reason she was still a blank flank.

"Singing is fun! I'd love to be surrounded by lights and be admired aaall over Equestria! But... Maaaybe on my own terms~ life without adventure sounds super boring."


Pastel wore a tired expression as Slimpsy brought up those rules again. Whatever they were. From this on she dramatically pointed at him with her hoof.

"You! You worry too much! Rules are made to be broken! What's the point in anything if you can't have fun? Boredom is WAY scarier than dying. Live a little, embrace a little chaos, go crazy~"

Pastel sounded a little demented on that last line, getting uncomfortably close to Slimpsy as she did so. This probably wouldn't get her point across.


As they reached their destination Pastel waved at Stargazer, who looked oddly serious. Slimpsy was wanted at the station? Something suspicious? Was there something going on? Slimpsy freaking out just made her even more curious.

"Huh? Is there some kinda mystery going on? Talk about Shadow Out of Ponyville! Hey mister, can we help!? Can we can we!?"

She dashed a circle around Stargazer, seemingly not gonna let him go anywhere until she got an answer. She marched to the beat of her own drum.

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@Blitz Boom

Dawn remained laying in her pristine state as Lily more fully grasped the sort of pony she was dealing with.  Polite as she was, listening intently as the witch of the wilds leaned in a little in a vain attempt to make her inquiry more private.  A lot of the ponies present at the party would in fact be instruments Dawn would be using to aid in the mixing of the two lands.  All of them completely aware of their hostess' ways.  The scroll started to drape down off her throne as the quill scribbled away with Dawn's thoughts.  "You misunderstand me, darling..." the mare smiled.  "My purpose is Balance.  I make sure the strong do not crush the weak and that the weak get what they need to grow.  I make sure resources go where they are needed, not simply where they are wanted.  A spotlight shown on me from such ambitions as politician appearance defeats this purpose.  When I pull strings, stamp out opposition, remove pieces from power, no pony will be the wiser," many ponies from below let out soft chuckles.  Vastly more focused on commerce and business, but she showed charity from time to time, none that could be traced back to her of course.  "By putting my hoof first in Harrowmark, I put leashes upon otherwise ravenous ponies that would descend upon a new land ripe to influence.  I will make sure Harrowmark receives the best services of Equestria.  Likewise, I will assure Equestria receives only the best from Harrowmark.  I will keep the Balance," Dawn expressed.  Her methods didn't need to be stated, and most would be surprised how little she actually needs to resort to violence.  It was amazing how just a little bit of dirt on a pony could make them dance on one's hoof.  She is not altruistic and Equestria will always be her number one priority.

  It was rather soothing for the detective to stare at a wooden door as his knock went unanswered.  They mustn't be in at the moment.  Rising being corrected of course as half of the sisters he was seeking had just been returning to the room, with a broom, curious.  Not that he'd get to ponder such things before the larger mare embraced him with a sudden hug.  That familiar tingle of her nullifying aura draping over his body being this close to her.  "Appears I left you in good hoofs, you don't look any worse for ware," he replied with a smile, giving her a gentle pat on the back from the hug.  "I was slightly delayed after my battle with Twisted Gears," he started to explain.  "The dark wizard was cast down." 

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On 4/14/2020 at 9:57 AM, Blitz Boom said:



The two of them looked really surprised at the sight of the frozen tear, then Benny opened his mouth, clearly ready to say something about this, before he'd get a hoof in front of it, and he'd look down to see Pop shake her head at him, indicating that he shouldn't be asking more into this. Seemed like a bad spot had been hit there, considering the tear, and she didn't want them to go and make Midnight uncomfortable by asking too much into what were going on with her. Not unless she brought it up herself.

"...So Icy, what brought you to Ponyville in the first place, if it's okay to ask?"

[=~ Well, this was an obvious question. "Well, I was just wandering, really. I tend to do that." ~=]

I apologize for the time it took for me to respond. I kind of forgot about this.

"You don't have to worry about me. A magician never performs the same trick twice."

- Trixie Lulamoon


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@Blitz Boom


"Princess ... Twilight? I'm sorry, I was only aware of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna," Atzy said in confusion. This caused Karmic to inwardly groan and rubbed her temple.

"Let me interrupt. Atzy did live with us but she didn't get out much. She was only exposed to what our parents knew and that wasn't exactly much," Karmic said immediately before either Enzo or Golden had a chance to respond.

"I really should have paid more attention," Atzy sighed softly only for her reveries to be interrupted by the calling of pie and cake. "What the heck is this stuff?"

"These are different cakes and pies by the looks of things," Karmic commented with wide eyes at the foodstuff.

@Blitz Boom


Twilight felt herself tugged along by a coldness and realising it was coming from Cherish, let herself be sent back down to ground level. SHe had no words and the paleness on her face persisted while they rejoined up with Last. It took a few minutes to swallow and wet her lips but she eventually spoke out to her guard.

"I ... you ... were right. T-This place is t-too much for me," Twilight told Last with a quick shake of her head. "I d-didn't ... wasn't prepared for the sheer weight of the battlefield when I saw it."

@Blitz Boom


"My parents mentioned a cult once and what they tend to do with ponies and griffins and yaks ... it sounded a bit like what Queen Dia'Thiz was saying," Aurora said with a violent shake of ruffled feathers. "I want to leave and talk with Onache. She'll give some insight on what I should possibly do as a new queen but ... I ... um. I'm leaning towards actually attempting to be Queen of the griffins?" she said with an extremely nervous expression and shook it off. "I can't do that! I'm too young for that!"

@Blitz Boom, @Widdershins

"Uh no, I don't need anything like that," Dazzle shook her head at the suggestion. She'd gotten by sleeping on rocks and leaves in the Everfree so it's not like she was complaining. "An actual bed would definitely be a nice change of pace, Miss. I'm sorry, I don't think I got your name and you're being so kind to me." She instinctively ducked though when Shortstack began and she sighed softly. "Shortstack is not to be trifled with. I know. I can't help it, it's how I've gone against some of the monsters in the Everfree simply because I was bored."



"I definitely have," Dawn said in a dark tone and decided to sit down on the floor next to Kaltrops. "The pony I once called mother. She left when I was a filly and I haven't seen her since. No parents around and no family so I had to figure out how to take care of myself and not get this home taken away from me in the process."



What else am I meant to put here?


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"There are currently five princesses active within the borders of Equestria: The princesses Celestia and Luna, are leading the nation as a whole, and ensures the eternal rise and fall of the sun and moon proceeds uninterrupted.

Princess Twilight, the Princess of Friendship, who governs the town of Ponyville, and essentially serve as the main diplomat of the kingdom these days.

Princess Cadence rules the Crystal Empire, along with her husband, the Captain Shining Armor, of the Solar Guards. Her official title is the Princess of Love, which if ever you meet you, you will find to be a most fitting title.

And then there are her daughter, Princess Flurry Heart. The only known alicorn foal in Equestria's history. She does not have a title at this point, but there are quite a few who is curiously awaiting what will happen from such an unusual, yet powerful foal. ONly time will tell I suppose.

I hope this is somewhat informative, though I hope that in time, you will get to meet them all, and see for yourselves the kind of rulers this country have to lead it. They are a sight to behold."

Golden would take a slice of blueberry pie with his tea, and let Karmic explain what the varied things Atzy now saw were. Not in details that were, but just the general thing about this being treats, and what they were called, which seemed odd to him that she did not know. Her life must truly have been sheltered... Yet there were still time to correct that. One should focus on that positive.

(minor mention to @FanOfManyShows here)

Suddenly, a frantic amount of knocking would come on the door to the outside, and Golden hardly had the time to answer *come in* before a limegreen mare with glasses would wander in.


"Oh. I'm s-sorry sir, I thought the generals might be here with you. We have a situation."

"I believe they're down in the cursed locker, taking assessment of the inventory. May I ask what the situation is though?"

The mare gulped, and looked around at the strange creatures in this meeting. What exactly had she interrupted here?

"It's Chariot, sir. He's been extracted from prison against his will."

Atzy and Karmic might not remember who this were, even when Enzo with narrowed eyes hissed out the word *Warlock*, which were the name of a certain witch who had attacked Canterlot and Ponyville a few weeks back.

Golden sure knew who it were though, and were already visibly grimacing and looking like he were having a migraine. Oh the things this were going to lead to...

The mare would excuse herself and be on her way right after saying this, not wanting to delay further. she had to find the generals while she still had time to sort it out.




"War isn't a pretty sight. But my ancestors still chose it willingly, because her majesty asked it of them, and their legacy continues. There is nothing we will not do for our princesses."

Last looked behind her, directly at Twilight, with a stone hard, serious expression painted on her face, as she repeated a single word from what she had just said, with quite some gravity behind it.


She could say more, but the princess were a bit out of it, so she'd save history hour until asked, or another time when she were more collected. No need to poke at Twilight whilst she were shaken up by seeing the mere shadow of Last's everyday life, prior to Princess Luna relieving them of service, after she came back from the moon.

INstead she'd start to lead them down the hallways, until they got to the center of the shrine. What everything had been build around, and staffed to protect: A stone cube, around the size of two carts, inscribed with so many varied spells and runes that it could be hard to keep track off. Several of which Twilight would likely be able to identify as being sealing spells, and negating effects from whatever would be oozing out from within.

There were a way in though. A door in the side, sealed as shut as the rest of the thing, with a large inscription on the top part. A carving of three full moons, circling a crude shadow with a single eye showing, and question marks carved around it.

"This is the thing that her majesty sent us here to protect, a millennia ago. We never knew what any of these symbols meant, nor what were in here. Not even now, when it have been emptied for whatever were lingering within. We were just asked to keep it safe, and for that cause, we fought endlessly.

I'm not a unicorn, but I've been stationed to guard here before, and it isn't the same anymore. It lacks that feeling of unrest and the mind trying to slip away that were once here, so I know it is empty of whatever were there. Likely taken away, or cleansed by her majesty."




Aurora would find that Happy would be over and wrap a hoof around her shoulder, trying to be looking and acting as friendly as could be.

"Heeey, relax there, alright? It's not gonna happen overnight. You'd need some studies in governing, get your transformation act perfectly down, and then start working on a plan to unite griffinkind. It's gonna take awhile, so you have plenty of time to get ready for the role."

"Are you sure that it is wise to ask Onache for tips though? Her idea of ruling have historically not been well looked upon by others.

"Hey, I take offense to that. My queen's always ruled her subjects with compassion."

"I were in Chrysalis's hive when her hive were overtaken, and she were brought in to train the troops. I've been on the receiving end of her *compassion* before."

Thorax didn't look none too happy as those particular memories entered his mind, though Happy were still pretty dismissive of it.

"Bit of tough love to get folks into shape. Besides, that's in the past. She's turned a new leaf, and opened herself up to a better way, where she can get things into proper perspective. And don't you think the view of someone who's seen how bad it can go on either side ain't useful?"

This, Thorax could not argue against, if Onache indeed had learned a lesson and regretted how she used to be. If not, then this were more troubling, but he couldn't say what were right currently, only hope that it were indeed better.



@Sekel @Widdershins

"My name is Long Stare. I live a few houses away from the post office."

Guess she hadn't made her name clear even. Apparently it slipped her mind, but there were thankfully still time to sort that, and were just one of several things that'd have to be gotten used to soon enough, as she hadn't lived together with anypony since... Well, since she grew up with Scarcity, really. She just wasn't used to having others around, but it had seemed the right thing to agree to at the time so she'd just try to get used to it. Not like she were planning on being alone forever either, though she hadn't thought this were how she'd invite somepony into her home, that much were sure.

"It's pretty quiet there though, and so am I so try not to get scared if I suddenly show up behind you sometimes. It's not something I can just stop doing."

Something which did scare her some though, were seeing how Chop were getting into a ready position to get down to business with Shortstack, whom apparently were rubbing him the wrong way, for obvious reasons. The little one were surely suspect, as Sunny confirmed as much too, with what she said, and as such he had gotten ready to keep those less able to handle a fight, safe.

"Please calm down, Chop. We don't have to start a fight here, please? We're okay. Everything's fine."

He were still none too happy, but feeling her putting her hoof on his shoulder and talk him down did take the worst of the edge off, though it remained to be seen if Shortstack would make it worse somehow.



@Rising Dusk

"We'll see if your words holds true, Dawn. In my experience, those who aims to fix things, holds only one thing in high regards, and that is themselves. I have a hard time believing that one way or another, this will not benefit you personally.

Still, it is none of my business. I merely wanted to warn you if you aimed for the throne, or thought yourself a potential god slayer, as I did not want Rising to blame me for your suffering if you did either. Stealing a throne seldom goes well, and I doubt you would enjoy an eternity being chained to Harrowmark, because you were made to take the place of what you removed. Primordial beings lives on a balancing scale far above our mortal understanding, and a vacuum left by their passing will not stand. It will be filled out again, if one likes it or not."

Lily were suspicious about what Dawn said, and as it seemed like she were not bothered that others below heard things, she would stop trying to hide her words too. Maybe this warning would reach the ones below too, and steer them away from trying something foolhardy.

It might be that the mare were genuine in her ideology, and that she would indeed steer the worst rabble from taking advantage of their country, but this were not the house of one who did not know how to spin things in her own favor. It were the sort of place that were inherited, or belonged to one who knew how to make even altruism profitable for themselves. and judging by how Rising looked, and the words she had been given about the mare in advance, inheritance didn't seem likely. At the very least, it would not cover everything she had seen.

"Regardless, if this is truly your plan, I would advice you to be honest of this towards the queen and the high priestess. They will respect it, and understand the need of a situation where one hoof washed the other.

Be that as it may though, what is the plan for the immediate future? Do you have more plans with me for now, or perhaps more questions? I may know more that you could have some use of, even if I have not been much of a traveller in my life, and as such know lesser about certain things."

21 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

 "Appears I left you in good hoofs, you don't look any worse for ware,"

Void let go and wandered a few steps back, to allow Rising to feel his magic again.

"I've b-been keeping busy. D-Didn't feel right to just s-stay here without g-giving something, so I've been o-offering to help with cleaning, c-cooking and other things l-like that. I uhm, j-just finished sweeping t-the stairs."

A bit unusual maybe, but it made her feel more comfortable about the whole situation, and they seemed to like having an extra pair of hooves around to help with things when there were time for it, so it functioned well enough. They got some help, and she felt like less of a leech, so everything was good.

22 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"I was slightly delayed after my battle with Twisted Gears," he started to explain.  "The dark wizard was cast down." 

This bit made Void give off a long, drawn out sigh of relief.

"Good. He s-sounded like a very unpleasant p-pony. Hopefully things will b-be better for them n-now. Let me just o-open the door and we can go t-talk to Null about this t-too, okay? She doesn't w-want to show it, but she w-were worried about you."

Unlocking and opening the door,t hey'd find Null leaning over a desk, sleeping, with a, unmarked hip flask next to her. There would be no smell of alcohol on her, nor in the room, so this were likely another of the items she had to work with. Or maybe it had been used for juice or water. It were hard to say, and really, a water container were a water container. Right?



@Pastel Heart @Widdershins

(before Stargazer landed)

Jelly bounced around their nervous little companion, with a big smile on her face, regardless of his strange talks about rules and how they were all going to die, as if he were some sort of doomsday prophet. The sort you saw on street corners with big signs, that daddy told her had enough loose screws to fill a toolbox with.

"Well yeah, we're all gonna die someday, but we should have fun while we live, right? Going around being nervous all time and avoiding things just means you're kinda uhm... Stagnant, right. Sounds like a real bad life to me."

So far, Slimpsy were two against one in the *just try to enjoy life* camp, against his pessimistic, bleak outlook on life. It probably wouldn't change his opinion one bit, but they could at least try, right?

On 5/28/2020 at 4:51 PM, Pastel Heart said:

"Singing is fun! I'd love to be surrounded by lights and be admired aaall over Equestria! But... Maaaybe on my own terms~ life without adventure sounds super boring."

"Maybe you could be like... A bard or something? Singing adventurer, out and discovering stuff all around the world, and then writing real nice songs about it that others can sing. We just need to find you something like a magical, music instrument. I dunno how hard those are to find, but you could totally be a bard if you had that."

Pastel's charisma stat were already through the roof, so it'd be perfect!

(after Stargazer arrived)

On 5/28/2020 at 8:12 AM, Widdershins said:


 "WHAT? NOOO! WH- why would I go back? Haven't you seen them?!!? They're Lunatics! They'll bring the town down around our ears! Why would I go back willingly to those loudmouthed, abrasive, combative, death-inviting knuckleheads!??! It'd be like being strapped to another mega-predator like the one that just tried to eat your child!

... ThatIhadabsolutelynohandin.Iamcompletelynotconnectedtoanyforseentrouble.

 I'm not sticking my neck out to get bitten off again by hanging with that lot of troublemakers! ......unless your going to bite me for not doing so. Then I should probably start running again."

Stargazer just kept a neutral, rather tired look on Slimpsy through his tantrum, switching closer to a more surrendered kind of annoying the more things went on. As if he were looking at a pet causing trouble once again, whilst being resigned to the fact that it were probably never gonna stop, no matter what he did.

"Sir, it have been a very, very long few days, so I apologize if this sounds a little blunt: Man up, and get over yourself.

I've been trying to find all of you, since I were told that your siblings wanted to find you. I'm down to you, and some gangly fellow I can't remember the name of right now, and then you'll all be gathered. Not be thrown in jail, or simultaneously get booted out of town, but just to get you all together, like I'd do with any missing family member that's brought to my attention. You can wander off after that again for all I care, but it is my job to get you all found and accounted for, and you can either submit to that willingly, or I can drag you there. And not by the teeth. It's a stereotype with no basis in reality. I wouldn't do that, even if I learned that you had brought my daughter into danger."

One of the more hurtful ones for bat ponies actually, as they had gotten accused of biting others for centuries now, and yet, they just didn't do so. A few crazies maybe, but not them. Their sharp fangs were meant to help them get the juices out of fruits more effective, not chomp down on ponies like they were cougars.

As for the deal with Jelly... His eyes narrowed some, and he felt a little more hopeful that he got to drag this one to the station unwillingly, but he weren't acting on it yet. There were probably more to the story, and he'd ask about it later.

"He didn't do anything bad, daddy. He got chased, and Pastel and I tried to help him. And we did too! We saved him from a big rock thing, and a timberwolf, before he bashed the badger away. Then the biiiiiig timberwolf came and he ran away with us before it caught us."

Ah, the matriarch... Of course. He had several reports about her today already, and frankly did not like those who came and thought he'd go hunting for her just because of it. It seemed like a territory thing, and he had better things to do these days. Like trying to find an actual time where he could get some sleep.

On 5/28/2020 at 4:51 PM, Pastel Heart said:

"Huh? Is there some kinda mystery going on? Talk about Shadow Out of Ponyville! Hey mister, can we help!? Can we can we!?"

It did bring him a bit of a smile on his face to see Pastel bouncing around, trying to gather up into the case though. Even got a small chuckle once Jelly joined in on it. It were fun to see how well they did together already honestly.

"I'm just trying to find a lost family and get them together again, you needn't worry yourselves about that sorta thing. Though if you really want to help, you can go around Ponyville, and then if you see (he'd give a description of the gangly one) you can come to the station, and let me know. If you help find him, I'll make sure you get a reward."

It would keep them in town, ergo safer, so it would probably work better than trying to tell them to just wander off and play elsewhere. Who knew what kind of thing they could get into if they were unsupervised like that? Likely nothing good.



@Catpone Cerberus

"You'd do a great service to several dragons if you did take even one out, that's for sure. Some of them are low rung fools who doesn't have the strength to take out anything but the youngest or most weakened of our kind, and they're revolting. Even the upper rung ones that actually goes into real hunts and only goes against the strong, I keep wishing will turn up as charred husks. Especially Ludvig, the self proclaimed *Hide Hunter*."

She spat on the ground as she said the name of the minotaur, not liking even the feeling of his name passing her slit tongue.

"To think, even exiled from his own kind and hunted by at least five countries worth of law enforcement, he's still taking out time to try and kill our kind. Just for a small trophy to add to his armor.

Urgh, I can't even think straight whenever that Thing comes up. I just..."

She went silent for a few seconds to take some deep breaths, and attempt to relax herself. It were just one of the things that really got to her, were dragon hunters, and that one especially. She had found remnants of his kills, left behind mostly intact, and it were revolting to think that creature were still out there, doing things like this. Where were the justice, when he were allowed to remain free in this world?

"... It's good you've already been working on the other form. If you need anything to make it go faster, like some spell books on these sorta things, just let me know, and I'll try to help. The libraries have a lot of books one can check out, and with the changelings coming into society, there should be more information on transformation magic."



@Catpone Cerberus

Agni pressis his soft, feathery head against her hoof when she started to pet her again, and cooed affirmatively as she laid out the ground rules. Seeing as he didn't want her to yell at him again, he'd do his best to keep himself in check around her, whenever he were in town. No guarantee outside of it though. That still remained to be seen, and would depend on whatever or not the rodent started to play ball too.

Said rodent in question had also just rolled her eyes again at seeing Nada's response, and jumped into the pool, to swim away and into the forest, away from all this drama.

On 5/27/2020 at 7:04 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Sorry for losing it for a bit there, it has been a stressful day."

"It's okay, you have to be a little firm before something accidentally happens. And I'm sure Fah'lina's gonna come back and apologize properly later. she's just kinda prideful and doesn't wanna do it that easily. She's sorta like a cat actually, but with more teeth."

The mimic also didn't like being threatened into giving an excuse, but perhaps after being given a few hours to mull over things, she'd get to her senses, and pass her pride to get this sorted our properly. It were kinda hard to say though, but Ziggy liked to think so at least.

"Do you wanna talk about your day? Sometimes it helps sharing, and you have my doctor oath that I won't tell anypony about things, if you don't want me to.You might not be my patient, but I can be veeery hush hush about things when I want to, and I don't break my words if I can help it."



@Catpone Cerberus

Nodding, Lyriel would go over and lean down, putting her right front hoof on the ground whilst concentrating.

Sowly at first, would sprout something from the ground, growing more and more rapidly into a flourishing little plant, then healthy tree, and finally a fairly sized apple tree, carrying about six ripe apples, but having more growing, and seemed to have a capacity of about two dozen, currently.

Yet as he said, it would nee sun light, which is why she then afterwards went over to some of the larger trees, and touched their bark.

The loud, creaking sound that came from the varied trees slowly moving their trunks and branches even a little, were ringing through the surrounding area, yet the effect would be seen, as soon enough there'd be a hole in the crowns, leaving room for sunlight, as well as water, to get directly down to the tree. It wouldn't always hit, and the larger trees would need some maintenance to keep them spread like this every so often, but it should work well enough. At worst, she had to go in once a season to give it an energy boost.

"There, I think that will do, yes? If not, you must give me a little time to catch my breath, please. My magic is sadly not unlimited."




On 5/27/2020 at 4:20 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Although I still find it strange how there are golems built to be smaller than ponies. Some actually want smaller golems?” Lin Though her curiosity was piqued, Lin intended her question for anyone who could answer.

"Not every being want golems just for protection. Some have lost beloved pets they wished to have remade, or have more use of seemingly weak looking constructs. Some wish for beings to spy on others on, and a few I know of, have been scholars, trying to infiltrate some sort of animal tribe with a realistic golem That it is mostly the larger golems, meant to be physically strong and intimidating, that you will find out there. These are the ones most requested."

On 5/27/2020 at 4:20 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“So, no way you’re changing your minds about this? You could still go with another body shape.”

“No. This is something we’ve thought about if the opportunity ever arose. A trade-off, we lose some of our powers but we stand to gain something more valuable: agency. It is a worthy compromise. We can proceed when you are ready, Marble Wonder.”

"I think there is a degree of comfort in it for them too, in that this is how they once were. They might get hulking bodies, but what then if it would never feel quite right? It sounds like a frustrating life to wander through, rather than to have a shell you feel represent you to the fullest.

In any case, follow me please."

Marble would guide them on, as the group kept getting some stares here and there, and Granite were dragged away from the main area, before someone stumbled over him. A situation he'd likely be hearing for for quite a while, and which Shrimp didn't feel any remorse for having caused. Especially not as he were petted, which to him meant that it were okay to do this to really annoying ones that started to point him almost right in the face. This might be an issue down the line, but for the time being, it seemed everything were fine, as they made their way over to the trees on the other side of the stone quarry, yet didn't pass them. Instead, they too a left, and ended up at a hole in the ground, with stairs leading further into the dirt.

A flight of straight ahead stairs later, they'd find themselves in a large, expansive cavern, with luminous rocks lining the ceiling, and a single pillar with a large, flat disk on top of it, sitting in Marble's height, if he were sitting down. All around said pillar, were a good deal of malleable clay, though that were essentially all there were to look at in the barren cave.

"I have much to discuss in the way of materials and other things needed for this, but it will take time, so I think it best if we get our part done, so that you can be on your way again while we discuss the price.

May I please borrow the orb? I need to get a read of them, so that I may see what forms I should be making."

If they gave him the orb, he would place it gently in his hands, sit down in the clay with the ball about a half meter above the disk, and start... Praying? The words were impossible to understand, and sounded like gravel being crunched more or less, yet there would be an effect, as the clay would start to crawl up the pedestal, and gather on the disk. There, it would start to split up, and slowly gather into five balls, that then began to seep excess clay from them, until there stood five representations of the spirits within the orb. Matching the spirits that were hanging within, they should be near perfect in their representation of the individual soul, long as they still had some memories of how they looked, and their souls hadn't gotten to be muddied out over the years. Some souls could lose form after a prolonged time, but it were rare with strong spirits. Though if that happened, their representations would be a little more generic.

After everything were said and done, Marble would lower the orb before the small figurines, which seemed to even have the correct colors. Not bad for a large pool of clay, though the magic likely had the most to do with this.

"Is this how you looked? Do not think of the size, it is merely a representation of what is to come."



@Windy Breeze ☁️ ☁️ ☁️

Sorrow would follow Quill, and try to speak her case to the annoyed/angry/scared mare, before she started to feel bad towards Breeze instead. Something which shouldn't be the case, just for the mare to have brought Sorrow to Quill in the first place. Wasn't her fault that there had happened something afterwards, right?

"Please try and understand Quill, the problems aren't just gonna go away. Poltergeists needs others to help them pass on, or they just keep there, and it just gets worse and worse. It could end up so bad that it starts speaking to the whole side of town if the energies gets too strong, and others end up dying in the process. it has to be dealt with, and I'm sure that you don't want her to suffer either, right? Poor thing should be going to a peaceful afterlife, not be stuck here."




"I don't have friends."

Emerald's voice came up from down below as she were called out for, and not long after, she would wander up the stairs in her newest, comatose body, which she had to deliver again tomorrow, before finding a new host once more. The trademark red coloring on her legs were present on this mare too, and she looked at them with red eyes, annoyed at the interruption that were presenting itself in front of her.

"You're too early. We're still an hour and a half away from the ritual's start, and the concoction is not done simmering until then. Ressurection spells cannot be rushed unless you want dangerous monsters out of it. And what is He doing here?"

She pointed at Chariot, whom she had not expected to see for years to come at the very earliest.

"He got spirited away by Opal here, far as I can tell anyway,a nd we have to lay low somewhere until we figure out what to do. This place is about as remote as it goes, with wards set up. It gives us some time to work with.

Look, I ain't happy about seeing you either, Emerald. After I finally got the last taint of you outta my head, there's nothing I want more than to never see your mug in any way, shape or form again."

"You say cleansed, I say prepared."

"What're you on about?"

This finally got a smile on Emerald's face, though not a kind one. More one that showed a morbid amusement with the situation at hoof, as she looked between Astral and Sapphire.

"Oh, so you didn't tell him? And this close to the ritual? Tsk tsk. I would start talking if I were you then. There's not long to go."

What she were on about, where the clear instructions she had given that she needed a specific type of body to complete the ritual, as it took more out of you than a simple spell any old low rung witch could cast. It took one with high magic, of great potential, which is why she had told both Astral and Sapphire weeks ago that she were going to need to borrow Chow's body for a time. Seems like neither of them had yet told him that yet. She wondered why. Perhaps they did not think his bond to Emerald's niece strong enough to make him agree to this after all? Oh, this should be fun to see unfold.

As for Chariot... They'd see. She were not sure what to think of his presence here currently.




On 5/27/2020 at 5:58 AM, FanOfManyShows said:

"What is going on here?"

"Just a small forest fire sir, it looks worse than it actually is, We're focusing on keeping it from spreading, and Drizzle is on his way from Canterlot, to help pour over the fire within the next five minutes or so. It should be fine. Especially with the extra volunteers."

On 5/27/2020 at 5:58 AM, FanOfManyShows said:

"Chariot escaped, seems to want to wreak havoc."

"Chariot? That's the one Hogweed is taking care of, right? Man, she must be going frantic over this... You should focus on finding him sir, but be careful. No telling what sorta thing he could end up trying to do. Do you have guards nearby?"

"He does."

Shade would appear between the two of them, but his attention would only briefly be on Downtrodden, who rolled his eyes and flapped back a little.

"Oh. You. Sorry you have to deal with them, sir."

Shade did not care one bit though, but rather kept his focus on Opal, whom he glared at with the single, pale eye showing contempt towards her.

"Step away from the general, or I will make you."

He didn't know this were Opal. He just saw someone standing too close to the general for his taste, who reeked of magic. He could practically smell it, and he didn't know if it were trouble, or general changeling magic, as something seemed off about it. What exactly though, he couldn't say for sure.

Opal might find that magic actually did hung over Shade too, though it too were hidden somehow, as if shrouded in a dense fog. Likely related to how he stayed out of sight, and up until this point, had not been noticed by anyone. At best, she might have felt one presence nearby without a physical presence before he showed up, though with an inability to pinpoint it.




"I used to that too, back in Dragon Land. Tried finding someplace that felt right, but just couldn't figure out why it always felt like something were missing. Until I found the first bottled letter from Pop here."

Benny would reach down and plant a kiss on Pop's left cheek, who blushed vaguely at the action. Silly dragon liked doing that when others could see them.

"Been seeing a lot of things, and wandered some more since I moved to Equestria, but I found where to settle down, so I'm happy to circle back every time. Still nice with a walk and just seeing what's out there. All kinds of crazy things to run into."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Windy, who stood behind Sorrow let out a gulp when Quill suddenly halt. The unicorn glanced and gave Sorrow a look as if her head's about to burst “Fine, go and make her move on. Just don't expect me to continue to be your guide if I saw a knife thrown at my head. Remember this: that ghost tried to behead me while I was taking a nap” she huffed and continue on her way “After appeasing her, we won't speak of this again, understand?”

Windy trot forward with a look of concern “I think your crossing the line, Quill” she told her.

“Oh, yeah? And what made you say that?” at that moment, Quill's horn glowed as she gave Windy a death glare “Remember this orphan: I might be the little sister of Writer Rhyme, but that doesn't mean I'm as generous as him. Now both of you shut up before I deliver a beam of magic at your faces” she told her and Sorrow coldly before muttering somepony's name.

  • Brohoof 1



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@Blitz Boom
Ruby didn't show it but she liked what she heard about Ludvig, hopefully this one wouldn't disappoint her when the time would eventually come for their little game, she was tired of creatures that were challenging only because of their size. 

"I have gone through the libraries, there's nothing for me to use." Ruby stated, fighting the urge to bring up Ludvig to annoy Leviathan more, it was a weird feeling to want and to not want to do something at the same time, but that was part of knowing oneself "Our magic works differently to those in Equestria, we cannot wield Equestrian magic, and Equestrians can't wield ours." "The difference is most likely why regardless of the many ways to detect magic that Equestrians have, I have yet to be spotted by most."

"There isn't much to say really." Nada stated "Overgrown Timberwolf didn't like me and two of my friends got injured because of that." "I know it's not really my fault, and I know I'm not blamed, but I was still part of it." "Then I found the thieving mimic here, and because I had just came out of a fight, it annoyed me lot more than it honestly should." "And if I wasn't tense enough, I decided to read more of pony history, which from point of view of one of the 'defeated evils' is quite unfairly written." 

Scarecrow again observed Lyriel's doings, he wasn't really surprised by her abilities, not because they weren't impressive, they were, he just knew that pretty much everything was possible, being himself a thing he wouldn't have believed to be possible if he wasn't one. "Looks good, thank you." he responded, he didn't see anything wrong with the result, not that he would have necessarily said anything regardless since he didn't want to be a burden. He looked towards the hole in the crowns "It feels weird to see the sky here." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

The siblings followed Marble up the stairs and into a cavern, a pillar as the centerpiece, representative of the golem-crafter’s trade. As bare as this place is, the two couldn’t help but feel awestruck at what is in their presence. Sen handed the orb over to Marble and awaited the next step, but the scholars were the ones feeling a bittersweet anticipation, anxious but ready to see what becomes of them. The shape, the contours, every cut and corner slowly taking form until it materialized before their eyes and…

They’re tiny. 

Well, the minotaur mentioned the result wasn’t a one-to-one recreation yet. Even the siblings thought they were a little too small to match the scholars’ description. At least the appearance had to match before proceeding with the next step. 

“Uh, this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind when you gave us your description.” Lin scratched her head while moving in for a closer look.

“We only said we were about half the size of full-grown adult pony; no mention of other defining features were made. Evolution has a way of altering appearances to meet the demands of the creatures that eventually become the modern-day equine. Frankly, if our line ended, that means there was likely another species that eventually led to them. Might have been the Plessipians. They certainly had the size and gait to match the ponies of today.”

But back to the constructs, the scholars looked it over and for those most part, the features are near-identical representations of the real deal. A brush-like tail, bulky torsos with toned flanks, four toes on the front feet, three on the rear, and an elongated head with small ears defined the key aspects of the ancient Hyracotherian and those were represented rather nicely. If possible, the finished golem shell might even sport the characteristic spots lining the length of their bodies. 

“Those those look just… like us. A scar matching a claw mark, a discolored line of spots, a long beard, and two with shorter snouts and longer eyelashes. The second of the lattermost design even has a long and wavy mane. We once thought we’d only see our old selves in our memories but this… this remarkable. It’s been a long time since we could feel any semblance of wonder and yet we see it here.”

There were no words left to say that could encapsulate the scholars’ thoughts on the golems’ designs. Even Sen and Lin could only stay quiet and see a spectacle happening before them. The long-extinct Hyracotherians may live once more, at least as long as the scholars remain around. 

“Temporarily bringing back a long-gone race to life. This could be an achievement for you, wouldn’t you say, Marble?" 

(I've provided a reference image of a Hyracotherium here for the Hyracotherian scholars. Yeah, I'm terrible with names :derp:.)


Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom & @Pastel Heart:

 "Oh yes, that would be Flit. It always is. But... just..."

"Look, Pony, you don't understand." Slimpsy shifted his weight fast from side to side as the stallion always seemed to be in motion. The Cephalli family often joked about attaching a series of belts to him and being able to sustain an entire city's energy needs just by popping a bag near his ear. "Us and ponies don't mix well! Surely you've seen what trouble just one of them can do? You get all of us together and all the Magic Hoopla kicks in and its inevitable! Some buildings WILL get crushed! We're not welcome anywhere, especially not as a whole! That's a fact of life! Written in stone! No horse wants to be around a... a monster like us! Even when They-" He waved his hoof loosely in a guessed direction which, oddly enough from an overhead view would have turned out to be the entirely correct direction of where the other four were currently. " ask me to rejoin, I don't! Because would YOU want to be a part of that monstrous mess?!!? The only thing that comes out of us being together is Death! And that's as clear as solid ground!" It should be clear to anypony and even the young fillies, through Slimpsy's scattered warnings, that he had to be outright dragged much of anywhere.


   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom @Widdershins

At this point, Pastel was just gonna take Slimpsys paranoia with a grain of salt. Seems thats how he was. She shrugged and looked to Jelly.

"I'm all for strolling around town! One might call it a casual stroll."

The non-existent audience all claps.

"We could go see grandpa, maybe he's seen something! Or if you know any pony else who sees things! I dunno the layout here so I think I'd get lost on my own, nyaha... I don't think the big guy likes us, so he probably won't come."

With that, Pastel pouted and began talking loud enough for him Slimpsy to hear.

"Poor us~! Just two lonesome fillies alone in a town like this. It would be awfully irresponsible if we were left all alone and met with a terrible fate!~ what kinda awful, irresponsible grown up would allow such a thing~?"

...What a deceptively manipulative filly.

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