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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom & @Pastel Heart

 "Rusthoof was a hoax perpetrated by mass hysteria and government bungling. Everypony knows this. Mild hoof discoloration and Upper Management tries to suggest caution and everypony looses their minds and riots break out." That was all said so fast and reflexively that it took barely half a breath as if it had been said numerous times before, or at least thought frequently. 

 "...I did always want to be a nurse. Help others heal. I kind of know alot about injuries and more than most ponies do. Reread the medical books enough times.... healing takes time, patience & stasis. I got that. Sick ponies goes into hospitals. I'm healthy! Everypony's just not ready to handle the truth, but i'll show them, expose the facts and then they'll all know. We'll see who's healthy then.

 But that would require being in contact with others!"

Which would be when the fillies would set in, of course. Perhaps it was a set of personality that made others pick on you, when you were as over-expressive as Slimspy was as this surely wasn't the last or first time he had been the target of teasing. Recoiling from two directions simultaneously, which took a lot of practice in cowardice, Slimpsy somehow squeezed in on himself between the two fillies with not much results in anything but making him look even lankier and taller. Writhing higher like that didn't seem to be out of any outright hatred of the two tiny bullies as clearly the stallion could dash away quickly if he needed to even if he wasn't always aware of that option himself. Whether he appreciated the attention was up to question as he was blushing in a sweaty sort of way, but that was kinda drowned out by how clearly he was gritting his teeth together.

 "This IS how ponies act! I might have to bump "Small Children" up the list of fears a bit!"

 Why don't you tickle daddy, huh?!! Make the big stallion giggle, yes? That way we can get you all home, and let Daddy take a rest.

 Clearly, the little misses can take care of themselves for a night if they're wandering into wild forrests! And I don't know you, but in my experiences, if Trouble needs addressing it tends to lunge at me.   ... and I know quite a few local herbs to serve as a mild sedative for sleep." The last suggestion carrying with it a statement loudly silent that covered a following two points. That Slimpsy very likely knew a lot of herbal plants to calm himself down, and frequently, and that he was once more pressing what was obviously an attempt to get everypony here out of his mane. At the very least, Stargazer and Slimpsy could connect on the feeling of exasperation. That tended to be a point of empathy of adults around more than one filly.

 Slimpsy did tend to address the two fillies like he was trying to control them enough to get their interests off him. It should also be very apparent that this never worked. Slimpsy wasn't one much anybeing listened to and he did carry the tone of most everypony who lacked experience or will to interact with fillies.

 @Blitz Boom

 "Oh there's always copies. Living in Kluge Town, there's loads of disreputable vendors to find you something even if it does come under somepony just claiming to be writing under Starswirl's name. Once he hit popular magic public knowledge, a good deal of his works got "copied" some way or another to where you find some Third-Year reprint in some old mare's back dresser drawer. So much can indeed be found in somebeing else's trash. A naga I knew back in that old dodgy port town taught me that... though he did kind of have a bit of a problem with hoarding. ....heh, and if we're noticing that!... d-don't we all do that f-from time to time?

 We did spend a couple years lairing in an old, abandoned library..." Blither's eyes dodged away again having perhaps put too much focus on the word "abandoned." It wasn't wise to explicitly state why the central, cultural building of a ponytown like a library was to most ponies was abandoned. Because even if it was a small, off-the-map fishing town it wouldn't be hard to derive how many towns had suddenly abandoned libraries and what would cause that other than a large lizard stomping into town and causing the villagers to mostly flee their town.  "... so most of what I have found is old manuscripts or vague retellings. Most of what I know is conjecture purely.

 A-and... as what was first derived in Dewey Decimal the Eldest's (There have been quite a few ponies by that name.) theories on magic A.... h-heh, the novice casting of any spell... by an inclined, but inexperienced spellcaster... i-in the situations of not acquiring the proper requirements for the spell or in times of distraction... c-can warp the spell to almost unrecgognition. There's very valid reason you don't see even the smartest minotaurs or griffons attempting specific Pony Magic. Even filly's first time spells can turn ponies into non-sentient plants that take weeks for an adult, trained, team of mages to undo.  C-casting a spell without having thought its results out fully can..... b-be pretty disasterous."

Hopefully no one had found that crater outside that small fishing town that was still smoking even after these several hundred years later.

On 6/30/2020 at 7:21 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Many I know of with closely knit siblings say the same, so there is some merit to his claims.

"And Yes... I couldn't agree more. Siblings can be almost of the same mind sometimes."


 Up till now, poor Dazzle was lost somewhat by the magic-scientific babble going on a few paces away from her between the blue, effeminate brother of Blither and Scarcity, Shortstack hadn't noticed her question for he was presently quite distracted.

 Sunny herself, had her head cocked to one side, a bit vacant in the eyes waving up above everypony like a flag of obliviousness. "See?! They playmates! They wanna spend time togefer!!"

 "Y-yeah... s-sure." Shortstack slowly stepped up to Chop the cook, all tension out of his voice and body with a face smoothed out in an awkward pout somehow lit with a light blush through his already reddened fur that only showed up for dint of a lighter tint. He had a sort of youthful chubbiness to his expression that came up sometimes when somepony more rough and tomboyish had to admit to a softer side of them, like a local rainbow mare of some renown. "Could.... um... we not bring up tha whole.... relationship business? ...If that's okay. It, uh, makes me little sis uncomfortable." 

 Judging by her expression of ignoring any finer details of her surrondings, his "little" sister didn't appear to care either way. It was evident Shortstack was asking more for himself. While he'd put it off by joking about it, Stack was the most loyal to the family and fair bit of a prude.... mostly because he had a lot of tamped down feelings of his own about forming any sort of relationship with anypony..... that didn't involve frequent wrestling.


  Meanwhile with @Blitz Boom!

 "Aww, complimentin' the teeth! Now that's a way to make a hydra hy-happy!" Flit giggled, raising his legs back up to the more usual, and cute depiction of a pony on their back. He hadn't followed Berry's observation as of yet as evidently Flit preferred attention on him over what others might be doing.


"I did quite aspire to thine aforesaid tale's beginnings. Token's prequel in which he set up thy mythos and creation of his world was utmost enlightening. Though would we be but still confounded why it was named The Sellamillion. 

 One must consider that which begat to hold true consideration over what thy live in." Monolith did have a bad habit of sounding like he was making his own deep quotes all the time. His way of speaking did seem like the sort of ponies you got at period themed fairs that didn't know when to quit with the character acting. A bit of ham. Some did find it rather defusing of his appearence once you noticed his habit of inaction and stubbornness. 

 "Hark and hasten, compatriot. Wouldst this be thine domicile that thou did regal of on times prior?"

 Translation being: 'Are we there yet?"



 "...I don't know." Kaltrop looked at Dawn Streak forlornly across the kitchen dining table in the way that looked all the more pitiful in that wide-eyed innocence those with long muzzles managed to pull off. "At this point... I don't think it would make much of a difference in anything." He paused for a moment to sigh, uncomfortable with the present topic. "...would you want your Mother to take you back?  ...after this long?"


@Catpone Cerberus

But say, young traveller! The white, floofy haired stallion? gestured towards Cerberus. What be that small, jingling pouch at your flankside, yes?

The small fairy light bobbed at his side where they stood at the mouth of the cave, light flickering behind them. Yes. It's quite interesting how easily you can collect currency by just walking into a few gems or coins. You can put so little effort into getting money that sometimes you don't even notice it happening. ... It's quite convenient. 

 If Cerberus's fairylight companion had eyes, there would be quite the expression of disgust.

Oh well. Nothing in it but to try, huh?  ... I can't quite see the items myself until you pick it up and obtain it, which I guess means buying it blind.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Windy Breeze 🥧

"...I was afraid you'd say that..."

Legion would dangle from Sorrow's neck, and make contact with Windy as Sorrow went in close and gave a shaky hug to the mare.

"We know what is asked of us. If calming her becomes impossible, bring us to her, and we will do what we must."

Legion's myriad of voices sounded worried, yet content with what they saw as the way forward in this. Whereas Sorrow were not aware of exactly what would happen, were they to get in contact with Autumn in her current state, they had a good idea of what it would entail, and they were content with that. Perhaps it were not ideal, but worse options were there, such as their hostess and her friend, falling into the same darkness which had befallen the other locals.

Letting go of Windy a little after that, Sorrow tried to take some deep breaths, to calm herself. Which didn't do much, but right now, every little actually helped a mile.

"We'll have to try to find her home. Either she'd there, or some clues are, but we can't take risks out there. If any of the possessed overtake us, they're gonna infect us too. We can't let them pin us down. Maybe if we fly, it will make it harder for them."




On 7/8/2020 at 1:12 AM, FanOfManyShows said:

"To be honest dear, the worst betrayer is Rose, element of betrayal, seriously how did we not see that coming?"

Had it a body, the spirit would purr. She were as infatuated by Skall as she ever had been, and even more possessive than back in olden times, when their powers had combined in a twisted harmony. She wanted him to herself, and hearing him call her dear, were to her, a sign that he wanted her for himself too. He did not want, nor need those other weaklings. They were but a means to an end, and soon enough, their meager value would be done, and there would be only them.

"She were weak. Wishing for all that power to be her own, but she never understood. There can be no prime carrier again. The Prime One ensured it, when they were taken away, and the Herald of Misfortune were stricken from their legends."

History varied, but to the spirit, she remembered not the name of the Prime One anymore, nor the gender, race, or anything like it. They were but a vague memory, mostly erased from the memory of every living creature, and removed from any book known to equine kind. The spirits retained each of their own fragments of what the Prime One were, and the power that had been, from carrying all the elements as one, but they did not like one another, for the most part, and would never work together to bring the pieces to a whole. And without that, there could not be another Prime One. Or as she recalled the being's title: The Herald of Misfortune.

Some theorized that there never had been a Prime One, and that the spirits had been falsely implanted with fragmented memories, to ensure that they would keep fighting one another, and aim for their own carriers to be the one to dominate the varied elements, and become the Prime One. Something which would only further ensure that they would not tolerate one another more than were needed, yet this were but a theory. The truth were shrouded in mystery, even from the spirits themselves, and they had been there for a long, long time.

On 7/8/2020 at 1:12 AM, FanOfManyShows said:

"What brings you here?"

"I came to meet an old friend"

"*nearly inaudible screeching/hissing* Traitor. How is he here? Should he not be dead now?"

The element did indeed, not like Iron. For varied reasons, yet the two main ones, were for betraying Skall, and due to her possessiveness about him, the fact that he had once been a somewhat close friend of the dragon. Something she utterly distaste, as he did not need friends, nor allies. He needed only Her. It were like that then, and it were the same now.




"I'm n-not biased sir. I volunteered to be his correctional officer, b-because I saw there was something good in him, and when I learned what brought him to this point, it... Everything were just bad decisions on worse decisions, all stemming f-from a horrible tragedy. I believed in his ability to change, and... He did.

I have given d-detailed reports ever since we started working on his reformation, and there have been nothing of note. He have behaved, shown m-marked improvement, and regret over what happened, when he attacked Canterlot. And he haven't had any v-visitors in confinement, so there haven't been any way he c-could conspire with anypony. Uhm... B-Besides me, but I hope my years of service p-proves that I know what I'm doing, and who I'm doing it for, sir.

And Chariot... He didn't escape. He were kidnapped, by a guard I at least, have been looking for for weeks, regarding some questions she made about the Elements of Disharmony. And then suddenly, she's in the prison, grabbing hold of Chariot, and taking him away, while he's c-clearly showing his unwillingness to this action. There's witnesses that can attest to that."

Which there were. A few of the other prisoners, as well as the chef, had all collaborated the story, for what it were worth. Some like Shade though, would still think it possible to be a clever ploy to make it seem like he were kidnappened, to give him a cover story, in case they found him, but there were sadly no evidence for either thing to be true. Only eye witness testimonies.




On 7/8/2020 at 12:06 PM, Sekel said:

"In two weeks ... an audience with Princess Celestia and Queen Dia'Thiz?" Atzy asked in surprise. She picked up the scroll with her name on it and looked from it to Enzo. "It will most likely be fine but I get the feeling things won't be quite as ... smooth as things went today."

"The princesses are reasonable ponies. I am sure that unless Queen Dia'Thiz does something harmful towards them, there will not be issues with the meeting. Still, even if it did, you have my personal guarantee, that I will endeavor to do what I can, to not have it affect your standing in the slightest. The actions of one, should not define what happens to all."

This would be the last the ambassador would say, before giving as good of a farewell bow as he could in his condition, before teleporting himself and his medical attendee, away.

"Of the many ways this could have gone, I suppose this ended well. Though could I ask you to stop bickering over the cave? If you want to direct your ire towards someone, let it be me. I pushed for your separation first, and directed you to the mine, wherein these creatures had lied dormant. Furthermore, it were I who freed them. Perhaps it did not go exactly as I had expected, but still, I were in parts responsible for what came to pass."

It were easier to deal with them being irritated with him, than to hear them bicker on between one another. He were a big sphinx, and he could take it... To some degree. Yet them going at one another over the same subject, time and time again, were grinding on his patience at times. It were a bad situation, in which none of them had dealt with it perfectly. Let it be what it were, and gaze towards the future. Something which beings with such short lives, should already be doing. They did not have the luxury of time to embrace everything, such as the sphinx or dragons could.

As for the scroll, it were written well, with an official stamp as mentioned, and somewhat boring to read. Legal talk were rarely enticing, but it would be official, and that were in the end, what were important. As far as the law were concerned now, they were free to wander in pony society.




Last would run in, and follow the narrow, twisted path of pebbles that they wandered upon. The only road in this dark forest it seemed, which were good for keeping them on track, but also made it easy for the manetids to follow them. Which they did. They were even gaining some ground on them, according to what Cherish could tel, as she floated behind and watched them.

Then suddenly, one would violently get pulled into the side of the forest, with nothing but a short, interrupted screech to indicate there had even been one. The others ignored this, and kept pursuit, until the next one were yanked away. At that point, they'd start to halt, and prepare their bladed hands, whilst the group would find that they were blocked from moving further, by a thick layer of thorny bushes suddenly being on the path.

A pale glow began to show from the forest, as the manetids started to be taken away one by one. The third seemingly pulled into a tree, whilst for a brief moment, Cherish could swear she saw a clawed hand rise from the ground, and grab hold of the fourth, before dragging it into the dirt.

Within a minute, there'd only be one of them left. A scrawny one, who seemed terrified, and paranoid, as it looked around itself, fearful of what would happen to it.

And then, somepony approached.

It were hard to miss them, as they wandered from the thick brambles of the forest, as they had some sort of fungal infection of the glowing kind, that were growing from parts of their bodies. Two ponies, or at least one would assume the second one had been, as the fungus and varied mutations, made it impossible to see what the face had been like, prior to being more or less a host to some sort of combined vegetation and beetle colony. Yet there were still an equine leg, tail, and parts of a mane one could see, on the shambling being, and the one visible eye, that stared at them blankly, seemed equine in nature too.

The other were easier to see, as that one still looked like a pony in shape. One with a short, flat mane and tail, and carrying armor close to what Last were seen with, when she had first entered Ponyville. However, this pony's body, armor, etc, were more or less stripped down to the basics, with holes showing varied bugs wander along the paths that had been carved and reinforced into the living colony, where armor and body seemed fused. Despite the holes, one could barely see a skeleton either, nor flesh or vessels. It were as if the pony had been eaten away, whilst being build up as something more functional for the colony.

"...Princess... Please... Save... Me..."

The words were forcefully spoken, in a pained tone, whilst the face seemed to run through conflicted emotions. Seeing the princess, apparently resonated somewhat with whom this pony had once been, yet as Twilight could probably attest, this one were possibly far beyond salvation. At least in the sense of being a pony, but maybe, she could salvage whatever struggled against this stage, if she could get her out of here, and cleanse the bugs from her being. Or if not that, end her suffering. And she would have some incentive to do either, as Last would come out with a shaky, uncharacteristically horrified voice, shortly after turning to gaze at this horror.


This valley had just shown another side to itself. And it were one of nightmares.




"Just putting this out there: Whatever managed to throw something so hard that I got bashed aside that strongly, I don't wanna meet up close. Cause this right here, would take one crazy strong creature."

He got up, and looked more directly at the trail he had left, then further, beyond this point, to where the strike had likely come from. At which point he'd mutter some curses under his breath.

"Of course it's in direction of the Everfree. When does something bad not stem from that place? *sigh* Guess we'll figure out who's throwing... I dunno, glitter? I swear, if it's that crazy filly, I'm locking up her workshop, and eating the keys.

Urgh, anyway, if you wanna go and check on the cart, I suppose we could, but at the same time, we might as well just get this over with too. I'll be fine enough either way, though thanks for the concern. Just having a headache, but everything seems to still be stuck on my body, I ain't losing balance and there'snot blood gouging from anywhere. Considering everything, this is about as good as it gets, eh?"

He tried playing this off, but realy, his head really were aching, and had he his way, he'd currently be sitting with a bottle of moonshine, and going bottoms up on one of the big bottles. It'd bite him in the rear in the long run, but oh man, what that sweet, sweet release wouldn't be like right here and now.



@Sekel @Widdershins

There were a sizable blush on Stare's face, as Dazzle talked.

"We're both private ponies, but we will tell the others. When the time is right. We just need to talk about some things first, so please, don't tell the others?"

Stare were one of those ponies who spent most of the time alone, in her house, when she wasn't working. Honestly, she had expected herself to die a spinster, but then things had just... Sorta happened, and suddenly she had a coltfriend. Something which were still strange and terrifying at times, and yet she wouldn't trade it for the world. Even though she knew that soon as things had calmed down here, Scarcity would come around and ask questions. Which were one of the things she had tried to prepare for, ever since Chop and her started to date, yet she hadn't expected to suddenly see her sister here in Ponyville. This were far more direct than they had done things in years now, excluding birthdays, or other special occasions, where she still made use of other means to ensure they were connected. Things seemed like they were going to change a good deal from now on though.

13 hours ago, Widdershins said:

 A-and... as what was first derived in Dewey Decimal the Eldest's (There have been quite a few ponies by that name.) theories on magic A.... h-heh, the novice casting of any spell... by an inclined, but inexperienced spellcaster... i-in the situations of not acquiring the proper requirements for the spell or in times of distraction... c-can warp the spell to almost unrecgognition. There's very valid reason you don't see even the smartest minotaurs or griffons attempting specific Pony Magic. Even filly's first time spells can turn ponies into non-sentient plants that take weeks for an adult, trained, team of mages to undo.  C-casting a spell without having thought its results out fully can..... b-be pretty disasterous."

"A foal's first spell can be quite the thing, that is certain. When I were brought before the teachers to recite my homework, and my first spell accidentally happened, it ended with quite a mind reading spell. It were... Troubling, getting to hear and see so much of what lured in the minds of my classmates and teachers, even if the glimpse lasted but a few minutes, yet in a sense, I believe you could say I found my true purpose on that same day. Seeing behind the curtain, gave me a certain drive for reality and truth, rather than falsehoods, which carried on to my work with antiques, as I will not harbor forgeries, and ensure that every last item are legitimate. It would hit my reputation quite hard otherwise, and all it takes is but one bad experience, for a tower to crumble, so to speak."

There were some degree of truth to what she said. She had seen quite a few things, and had found her path from that. yet it were not as simple as wanting to not deal with the falsehoods one could be presented with. Rather, it had given her a taste of power, which she had since then build upon, as some of the things she learned were quite substantial. Some of them were also petty, and merely allowed her to begin to play certain classmates against one another, or know who to actually care to keep as friends, rather than wasting further time on those with ulterior motives. It had been quite fun.

What she had learned from her teachers though... It had been a lot for her young mind to process, but she had eyed opportunity once it had gotten settled into her mind, and she had used that to her advantage rather substantially. Golden Clover alone were one who had been willing to do nearly everything, long as his affair were not spoken of, and that had allowed her to get information that she had a better use for, than some stallion being unfaithful to his wife. A piece, which in the end, had ended up being quite valuable, and after the domino effect she had set in motion, ensured that her most desired of plans had born fruition.

ONe piece, added to another, or traded for something of lesser value to another, yet with more to her... The power she had felt, had been but a small flicker, but it were what had been the first stone in her *empire*, if you wanted to be theatrical about it.

And information were something she continued to get use of, such as all that she had just been told. Kluge Town were one thing, but towns with a naga? A rare sight, which would help narrow things down a lot, and abandoned libraries were not all that common either. Usually this only happened in ghost towns, which would also help her track this odd family's movement. Ah, what fun it would be, yet one step at a time. First, she should address the others things he had said.

"Before moving on, I would like to say though, that there are some beings who normally does not tinker with magic, who can find success with it, though as you say, an untrained creature attempting something advanced, can go disastrously wrong. That being said, some creatures - like the diamond dogs of Harrowmark - have historically been known to be able to use dark magic fairly efficient. A likely by-product of them living enough time in a land where the magic more or less seeps from the ground. What can be expected from a land with two gods I suppose, but I digress.

Regarding forgeries and Starswirl's work, there is indeed a lot who tries to copy his work, or release several of his original papers, in a new tome. The latter of which, I wholeheartedly welcome. I strongly believe that history should be taken care of, and eventually, old tomes will crumble. Hence, long as one make sure to still credit the original author, I fully encourage old books to be written on new paper. Rewriting with your own touch to it, claiming authorship, or carrying on and pretending to be the *spiritual successor* in both name and ability though, ranges from laughable to insulting."

14 hours ago, Widdershins said:

"Could.... um... we not bring up tha whole.... relationship business? ...If that's okay. It, uh, makes me little sis uncomfortable." 

"I weren't planning on putting my personal life on display anyway."

Chop weren't dumb. He could clearly see that Shortstack were the one with issues about this, since Sunny were clearly not bothered. Oblivious and somewhat dense maybe, but she were not bothered. Unless of course, she were somewhat delusional, and refused to accept this sort of truth, which would mark her as a degree of crazy that Chop did not like to interact with. Yet, they'd see. So far, it really did just seem like she were oblivious, rather than a ticking time bomb, just waiting for the right switch to have a crazed breakdown, that'd end in a lot of ponies hurt.

Strange how the exact opposite effect were on Shortstack, who seemed to have lost the air in his balloon, after being confronted by this. Not one who dealt with emotions well of any kind, it seemed, but that this one made him fall back like this, were unexpected.

That being said, he weren't sure how to address her either about this now, as this put him in a position he hadn't thought he'd have to deal with, yet ignoring her seemed like it could be bad. Perhaps if he played along with what she said to some degree, it would suffice, and let them veer away from either an awkward situation, or some kind of meltdown.

"And yes, Stare and I want to spend time together sometimes. In peace."




"Canterlot can be a nice place, and it does have some great beings living there. Sadly, it only takes a meeting with one noble to sour your perception, considering how arrogant and harsh they tend to be to those they consider lower standing than them.

They do not come here though. The arrogant ones at least. They have tried to come and flaunted superiority, and demanded to be treated before everypony else, and they did not take well to being ignored. I suppose, we didn't help things either, considering what some of our family have done to be a thorn in their sides, heh... Heh...

It impacts us some, that they turn their back on this place, but it's nothing, compared to the hostility it breeds to have them here. One of the worst even had the gall to demand getting one of our way-shrines, because his colt wanted it. Grandmother personally ensured that he and said colt, were both booted out of town, and told very clearly, that if they ever tried to obtain this, she would find out, and she would personally have their home haunted. She have enough of a reputation to where others knows that is not just talk."

"I have heard of one story where she did this. Not why, yet a certain mansion in Manehattan were apparently a focus of her ire for a time?"

"Mist Mower's place, more than likely. He were caught trading in breezies, and whilst the courts dealt him some punishment, grandmother did not think it were enough. So she *gifted* his home with spirits that had more than adequate reason to despise him, and let him know that until they forgave him, they would never leave. Took a few years, but from what I heard, he did manage to change, and they left the place again. Never been around here though. Likely don't want to risk anything."

"Understandable, considering the circumstances.

Now, if I might ask a question. As the topic of transportation with the longma, and this place, have been brought up. Suppose that we were able to connect the places, at least momentarily. Would a gate of sort, for large scale entry by the longma, be approved upon by the local authorities?"

Rosa were thinking that perhaps, if ever they got ready for it, Omen and/or Lin could help some of the longma to get here, and the question here remained mostly in case a larger flock wanted to try, which likely would require a more open area for entry, than what they had used. As such, it were mostly a *what if* question, just in case things went along more positively than he at first anticipated.

"Long as we're told about it, I don't see an issue. Long as they adhere to our rules about nonviolence. Teleportation in general isn't illegal either, but with large groups, it's nice to know in advance, just so that we're all on the same page."



@Widdershins @Pastel Heart

18 hours ago, Widdershins said:

"Rusthoof was a hoax perpetrated by mass hysteria and government bungling. Everypony knows this. Mild hoof discoloration and Upper Management tries to suggest caution and everypony looses their minds and riots break out."

"I knew somepony with a case Rusthoof. Whilst it wasn't as deadly as the stories claimed, it were no less real, and could be dangerous if you had other problems. A little modern medication helped on that before it spread though. He were pretty happy about that."

He wouldn't go so far as to say that it were a hoax, but yes, it were blown out of proportions some, and he would admit to being curious why it hadn't spread like wildfire, when that one case had come up, but it were explained to them as them having gotten to it in time. The notion of riots though, were going a bit far in his opinion. Sure there were some who would attempt one, if they saw something they considered a crisis, but surely this would not have ended that badly? If it did, there were little to no mention of it in the books he had seen at least. Or he just forgot right now, due to his tired state.

18 hours ago, Widdershins said:

"...I did always want to be a nurse. Help others heal. I kind of know alot about injuries and more than most ponies do. Reread the medical books enough times.... healing takes time, patience & stasis. I got that. Sick ponies goes into hospitals. I'm healthy! Everypony's just not ready to handle the truth, but i'll show them, expose the facts and then they'll all know. We'll see who's healthy then.

 But that would require being in contact with others!"

Oh boy, and here it went...

Stargazer rubbed his temple, feeling a familiar sting of exasperation, from having to deal with an obvious crazy pony. A particular kind at that: The conspiracy nut. A dreadful one to listen to in the long run, as most of their supposed connections and links, were debunked easily, though they kept refusing to hear the evidence. Claimed it to be *tainted* and *fabricated by the government*, and other such things. Usually the sort you did best in just tuning out, in all honesty.

"I think you would talk well with the barista at Sloppy Joe's. You hold similar opinions to one another."

Just what the world needed, right? Crazy creatures meeting up, and making groups of like-minded crazies. This were how cults got started, but right now, he'd let a cult brew, for an hour of uninterrupted sleep. It could be dealt with later.

18 hours ago, Widdershins said:

"This IS how ponies act! I might have to bump "Small Children" up the list of fears a bit!"

 Why don't you tickle daddy, huh?!! Make the big stallion giggle, yes? That way we can get you all home, and let Daddy take a rest.

 Clearly, the little misses can take care of themselves for a night if they're wandering into wild forrests! And I don't know you, but in my experiences, if Trouble needs addressing it tends to lunge at me.   ... and I know quite a few local herbs to serve as a mild sedative for sleep."

"Oh, we're not scary, mister! We just wanna make you smile."

Jelly switched over, and took part in the tickling attack, hoping that soon enough, they'd get a reaction from the stallion. He seemed resilient so far, but mark her words: They would get to him, sooner or later. They probably just had to try harder, right?

"Try to go for his neck fluff, Pastel! Somepony in school were real ticklish there."

Stargazer looked at the display, and gave of a short, tired chuckle.

"They could go after me, but you're the one they're trying to cheer up. They're like cats in a way, but I'm sure they'll get bored eventually."

"Not until he looks happy."

"I would trust that. Jelly is very persistent, when she gets an idea into her head. Gets it from her mother.

Yet regardless, if you want me to get home, you're welcome to follow me, and try to see if the little ones might steer away from you, and push me to get some sleep then. I honestly don't think I'd need any sedative for this though I can see why you'd need to know such things. Your... Behavior, suggests a certain need for a relaxant at times, correct?"

If he'd agree, Stargazer would start to move towards the stallion. Technically, this were also where the family of this one were, such it were a little underhoofed, but in fairness to him, he were tired, and standing here all day wasn't gonna get his job done any faster. If he could just get Slimpsy outside so that they could see him, it would likely ease their minds enough, and he could take off, leaving his job to essentially be done. Which would give him perhaps a little time for a nap.

Also, technically, he were just showing him towards their home. It were not really Stargazer's fault, that the station and his home, were the same thing.




So complimenting the teeth were something which functioned to gain a positive response out of the supposed hydra? Peculiar, but informative. It helped him in knowing to address Flit like a proper predator, and they tended to like mentions of how their power were presented. Teeth, claws, large muscles, weapons, etc. Whatever they saw as their strength, tended to be something they welcomed compliments towards.

Not all the time of course. As were evident with Chippy, just because you were of a predatory race, it did not mean you had to heart for it. If they tried speaking to him like he were a predator, he usually whimpered.

Perhaps this one would too, once he saw the rather large, muscular pair coming this way? It were rather hard to say what would get to Flit, though something told him that this would not do the trick. In fact, he might just see it as competition arriving.

"Seems like we're about to have another guest. Please get the coffee maker ready, Berry. Though worry not, it will not detract from our current meeting, Flit. Now, you sound like you are rather proud of your teeth, yes? You must tend to them very well, I can imagine."

Wouldn't be more than at most, a minute until they were here, but it might leave enough time for her to prepare. The machine were likely fine regardless, so it were more to get her into the right set of mind.

17 hours ago, Widdershins said:

"I did quite aspire to thine aforesaid tale's beginnings. Token's prequel in which he set up thy mythos and creation of his world was utmost enlightening. Though would we be but still confounded why it was named The Sellamillion. 

 One must consider that which begat to hold true consideration over what thy live in."

"Ah, the name is a silly one, but the reader should respect the way the author expresses himself, in my opinion. Unless of course, the story veers in a wrong direction, yet I overall see little reason to point out minor flaws in this author's writing, as it is overall rather exceedingly good.

As to regards to when are there, we are now, as a matter of fact. Welcome to Sloppy Joe's. A rather... Peculiar name, I am aware, but the boss insists it holds importance to him, which is why he will not change it. I find that it does grow on you over time too, in fairness."

A nice front of the store, with some benches, small tables, and parasol's outside, leading into the welcoming coffee shop. Overall a homely, nice place to sit for a coffee, and whatever else might tickle your fancy.

Wandering in, Straw would lift his cup in greeting to the newcomers.

"Well met, Alonsus, and his guest. I would like you to meet Flit. We're having a fascinating conversation, but perhaps what you're here for is important?"

"Is it not always important, when it involves the great Alonsus? Ahahaha, I jest, I gest. Truthfully, we have been sent to retrieve the package that Chop have prepared. It appears as if he wants to make a point, and even the likes of Alonsus, dares not to argue against him.

Ah, and this is Monolith. Officer Stargazer are attempting to help him and and his family, reunite. A colorful bunch most certainly, yet two still remains. I believe it were... Flimsy, and Flint? Yes, that sounds correct. Those two yet remains, but until they have gathered up, we have an errand here to do. Though, perhaps either of you have met ponies with these names, perchance? It would be exceedingly helpful if you had, for our dear officer."

Considering Stargazer were his parole officer, Alonsus had a vested interest in keeping the stallion at least somewhat happy, though there were little he could do now, unless he simply stumbled upon one of the last family members. And what were the odds of that?


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Widdershins

"Aha! An all out attack! Good strategy!~"

Pastel would join with jelly in the tickling attack, though she oped to instead stand on him and use her tail to implement the attack. She didn't get all this serious stuff, but she did know how to do this! Wherever they ended up after this, she just hoped it would be fun.

  • Brohoof 1
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@Blitz Boom

Windy was surprised by Sorrow's hug but she returned the favor by hugging back, her chest touching Legion. They then seperated from each other and Sorrow spoke up. 

4 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"We'll have to try to find her home. Either she'd there, or some clues are, but we can't take risks out there. If any of the possessed overtake us, they're gonna infect us too. We can't let them pin us down. Maybe if we fly, it will make it harder for them."

“Remember the description Warn, the royal guard gave us of Autumn's house? It's third floor storey masonry house in Lemon St. Fly? Sure, let's just hope that the fog won't become a problem to us” she went to Syrup st, it was covered by thick fog. So think they could barely see anything other than the hateful words written on the street. Windy took off her flight goggles and offered it to Sorrow “You might probably need this more than i do” she said. 



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@Blitz Boom
"He won't be that easy to convince, this is different from the relationship between us, I was mistrustful of you, but he has grown up to fear those like me by instinct." Ruby explained "But I can try to get him to trust you...or at least make it so he doesn't fear you." she then moved closer to the small male, lowering her face on his level, which made him flinch. Then, she started talking to him, her tone was non-hostile, yet it made it clear that she saw the young dragons as inferior, it was really hard to tell what exactly she was saying, because her tone didn't change at all, but she pointed at the fish and Leviathan now and then, so it could be assumed she was doing what she told she would.

Rather surprisingly, the male actually responded to Ruby time to time, but every time he did, he seemingly braced himself for getting hit. After the conversation was over, Ruby pushed the fish closer to him, which again made him flinch, and walked back out of the cave.

"He's 20, and either my mother's blood or one of her sisters." "Though it's most likely the former, sounds like her."  as Ruby spoke, the small male slowly moved back with the fish until he was against the cave's back wall, before eating it a small piece at a time, looking at Ruby in fear between each piece "He didn't believe me when I told him I'm not like the others, which doesn't surprise me, you know how stubborn we are." "I also told him you're too much of a coward to hurt him...." "...And I know it sounds insulting, but remember that his worldview is similar to mine, so he's more likely to believe it if I word it like that, and he did, I think." "Rest is up to you, he may not understand you, but he will be to tell your intent from your tone and such." though her tone was the usual, the way she looked at the runt indicated that there was something she was trying to hide.

She let out a sigh and muttered to herself "How am I going to explain this?." 

"I didn't..." Nada said "...and I don't know." "He kinda chose me, and I don't think I have seen him eat anything yet, since he lives in the forest." "It's actually related to his and Fah'lina bad relationship, I'm not sure exactly what happened, my guess is that Fah'lina did something, but we were hunting fish with Fah'lina when Agni started attacking her, and I resolved the situation by singing until Agni fell asleep on my head." "I then put Agni on a branch and went on my way, but when we met again, he had taken liking on me." "That was also when I first met that dryad I was talking about." 

Scarecrow would tell the bird-thing to stop and thank it when they first saw the field, and regardless of if it listened would hide with Lyriel, looking around the field to see if there was any shed scales around, thinking that they should be pretty visible if these things worked even close to how snakes did, as in, shed the whole body at once, or in this case the whole tail. If there was any visible, he would point it out to Lyriel too, and if not, he would move along the edge of the field to see more of the area until the creature left, if it did at all, after which he would go deeper into the area.

He wasn't too worried about the manticore smelling them, because though he couldn't smell anything, he assumed that neither of them smelled like a creature that a manticore would care about, since he was a dried up corpse, and Lyriel was made of plant matter.

If things went south at any point, Scarecrow would make it his mission to lead the creature(s) away from Lyriel by any means necessary.

"The bomb looking thing it is then." Cerberus said, keeping his exact reasoning secret from even his own thoughts "I assume the currency will somehow pay itself out of my pouch too?" "Not that I can't do it myself, but it  just seems like something that would happen." he then started looking around the cave "Why did I get a sudden urge to break pottery?" this could be either related to the situation or to the fact that he was part cat, who knows?

  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

How delightful it was to be walking the streets of his city again.  Departing the inn the Sister's of Troy were staying in to make his way to the East Workshop.  The thought of using the new pocket watch from Dawn had crossed his mind, and his body sure cried for such an easy mode of transportation.  Rising needed the feel of the city, overturning the desire to skip on ahead.  With a tired body and sleepy soul, the detective had a much reduced trot in his step.  It was getting late and the street crowds were beginning to thin as ponies dispersed to partake in their evening meals.  Soon the lights would flicker on.  The layout of the city ever before the unicorn, constant, reliable.  The change Rising could always depend on, the ponies that wandered and gave life to the city.  One could hardly tell that only a couple days ago the city had come under attack.  Casting his gaze idly side to side as he traveled along.  Seeing smiles on the faces of families and friends, exchanging words, jokes and stories.  It was refreshing to see the light again.  A land that can so easily recover and get on with their lives.  The feel on the side walk instead of cobble roads or swamp under his hoofs was pleasant.  Having every memory at one's disposal wasn't always a better substitute for being in the moment.  New memories to build, reinforce and ensure the progress of life ever moving forward. 

The trip to the workshop, abet slow, did well to raise the soul of a tired detective, leaving on the bed in his future the last on his list.  Evidence of a battle scored the area around the workshop, but the lack of dark magic in the air was always a good sign.  Stepping close to examine the home of the Booms, a few notable differences from the last memory he had.  Half expecting something new and improved to jump out at him.  Tapping a hoof against the panel he knew use to at least allow him access without the greeting of a flamethrower.  A relief that such a thing didn't occur to add to his already rough couple of days.  Pushing the unlocked heavy door, he peaked his head inside, no spider greeting either. 

Mildly off character for the fortress, it was his due as a law enforcement officer to investigate.  Making his way through the dark halls of the workshop and toward familiar sounds he could pick up.  Only to find his two mechanical friends what appeared to be some kind of sleep mode.  And of course the Boom siblings toiling away on their inventions without what appeared to be a care in the world.  To be fair that seemed to be the default state of the young explosive obsessed filly.  Molotov on the other hoof, Rising could compare the mechanical wing easily to one of a Troy sister's.  Wonderful to see Molotov was indeed lending a helping hoof for Null, even if it furthered his own research.  The pony reference spine the detective of course had to question, "Do you have a permit for that?"  

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@Blitz Boom

“Well, you don’t have to worry about having a lot of teleports among the longma. Only Lin and Omen can do that. We don’t really have a natural talent for magic.”

“That’s true, and you can rest well knowing your request is always considered.” 

Lin nodded, affirming Sen’s confidence in her and in Omen. Whether or not this whole activity was for building connections or friendships, the longma’s sentiment is genuine. They knew of the wonderful things they achieved and experience when they started building their rapport with others outside the forest, and there is no reason for them to do otherwise. Even all they manage to do is make a friend, that was enough.

Sen’s mind was filled with plans and thoughts about how they would go about the carnival. What they would do, where to do, it was buzzing with activity. He definitely wanted to find some place with a camera, and there was also some talk about this kind of food that looks like the clouds and tastes of sugar. Frankly, with the carnival just about set up, there will be a lot to go through; the anticipation was starting to get to him. 

“I don’t want to make everyone else feel rushed but with the carnival starting to come together, I’m getting kind of excited to look around now. Is there some kind of ceremony to signal the start of the carnival or could we get a head start?”

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9 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Well, you don’t have to worry about having a lot of teleports among the longma. Only Lin and Omen can do that. We don’t really have a natural talent for magic.”

“That’s true, and you can rest well knowing your request is always considered.” 

"I were referring to Omen and yourself, Lin. The longma as a whole might not have the ability, both you both have strong ties to them, and somewhat to at least one of your elders. It stands to reason that if they were to want to see somewhere outside, this place would be a simpler, more optimized spot for that than Canterlot, and as such, they'd more than likely call upon either of you for safe transport. I would assume you, since your travel path is more direct, but it is always the wisest to have a backup plan, in case the primary one fails."

The important to him though, were that there were some degree of understanding from both sides, in case it came to that. But they'd see how well it might go if the case arrived. Or rather, they would, but he were sure he'd be informed of the outcome eventually, one way or another.

"Regardless, it sounds as if we have come to an understanding on the matter, which is all that is important here. I am sure that if the time comes, it will help both sides tremendously to know that there are visitors arriving, as well as the rather... Special circumstances of said visitors, allowing for an appropriate response to be formulated, rather than a more touchy one, which us equines have a tendency to hover towards."

10 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

. “I don’t want to make everyone else feel rushed but with the carnival starting to come together, I’m getting kind of excited to look around now. Is there some kind of ceremony to signal the start of the carnival or could we get a head start?”

"Yes. The start of the carnival begins when Soda makes his speech. Judging on the stage, he's preparing it, so everything should happen on schedule. I'd say... 40 minutes, maybe? It should give you time to learn a little about the layout of the town beforehoof, but still have a lot to take in, once things actually begins.

Also, some places do have open, even if the games and such are waiting for the carnival to be announced by Soda. I'm sure you could find something to do, scouring those places if it were.

I can show you some things to pass the time, while I wait for the brewery to open their doors. Though before I do, perhaps I should come clean about what happened before."

"Does that mean we can ask questions now?"

"Yes, but it's not gonna take a lot of time to explain. Soul Prison is another of my nephews. I know we speak about nephews, nieces, and cousins a lot, but well... Grandmother was a busy mare in her days, and so have several of her foals been. I were one of her last foals before my father died, which technically means she's my mother, but we all just calls her grandmother, or matron. It just sorta stuck after telling all the foals about her, and calling her grandma, or grandmother, most of the time.

Anyway, Soul Prison is a stallion, which means he doesn't have the natural way of connecting with spirits like the mares of our family does, but he have always been a stubborn one. Ended up taking up necromancy rather extensively, and became able to interact with spirits this way. It's how he earned his cutie mark, and were around the same time, when Banshee and Scary Boo found out where Abacus was.

It's a long story, but short of it is that Soul were one of the few that Abacus didn't per se listen to at first, but they had respect for one another, and she misses having him around. Though ever since what happened with Scary and Banshee, he haven't shown in town anymore. We don't know why. We just know he talked with grandmother, and left without a sound, three years ago. Best I can tell, she might have had issues with what he did to them, but seeing how it were their own choice... It's hard to be sure. We keep hoping he'll be back, but I shouldn't have brought him up. It always makes Abacus hopeful, and then depressed, when she learns he's not back.

That's the short of it anyway."



@Catpone Cerberus

Leviathan shook her head and looked up at Ruby, when she talked about how she had told her little brother, that she were a coward.

"I asked you myself, to tell him what you had to, to try and calm him down. If that means he sees me as a coward, then that's just how it have to be, for the time being. We can always work out the truth later on, when he isn't afraid of getting his throat slit. Thank you though, for the concern."

This were probably as close as she'd ever get to an apology from Ruby, for something that she said. A big act by the dragoness, and one that were honestly appreciated, though as said, Leviathan were okay with what she had said. In a sense, she had asked for it herself, and now it were just a matter of trying to play into this. Well, that or ask into what Ruby were hiding, but the large dragoness were already moving out of her comfort zone a lot it looked like, and pushing her on this thing, might make her retract fully, and do something to try and get Leviathan out of her scales. It were easier to chase someone off, than to talk openly about things after all. At least for a good deal of the dragons she knew. Came back to that pride of theirs, which seemed ingrained in every variant of them, with a few exceptions of course.

So, seeing as she wanted to return the gesture and not ask Ruby more right now, Leviathan would wander slowly ahead, beyond the large dragon, and towards the whelp. She were making sure not to make any sudden movements, and as soon as it seemed like he'd flinch from his position at the very back of the cave, she'd stop up, and lay down flat on the ground, to bring herself more down to his height, rather than laud her size above him. Something she normally couldn't do towards many, but this one were a very young runt. Even she could tower over him to some degree.

When down there, she'd let out a small puff of smoke out of her nose, whilst keeping her eyes on him, and doing her very best to not seem combative, but actually worried. This were a kind of submissive state, for younger dragons back in her day, that wanted to surrender to someone stronger than them, rather than fight, so hopefully it would do something here too. Hopefully not including the fish being smacked back towards her, if he feared she were gonna go in and take away his food. She'd slowly, and gently, push it back towards him with the tip of her wing if it were, and use a bit of magic to make it hover the last bit. A small amount of wind magic did wonders in that regard.



@Catpone Cerberus

Ziggy tapped her chin a little, thinking as she were told the harrowing story of the majestic fight of the beasts.

"Hmmm, maybe a territory thing? Fah'lina gets pretty protective about the places she considers hers, and if he's the same, and they both claimed the same area, it might be why they started fighting? Though you could just be right, and she did something. I mean, she's sorta nice, and a real cutie, but she does like to play pranks on others. And well, not everypony takes that too well. Maybe the case here?

Anyway, we can go check for bird food, and see if that works with him. Like... Hmm... I think we have some seed around here. Hold on."

She'd rummage in a nearby cabinet for a little, them jumped out, almost shouting *Aha, got it!*, though she were quickly interrupted by the sound of her bonking her head into the shelf, in the cabinet. She would have done better if she had waited until taking her head back out again, before starting to celebrate.


She'd pull out of there, and shake her head a little.

"Hehe, guess I got a little excited. Anyway, look what I found!"

She held forth a small bag of sunflower seeds, which she'd open and put in a bowl, before pushing it slowly towards the middle of the table, where Agni would be able to eat from it. Afterwards, she'd do the same with a smaller bowl of water, and then just watched to see what would happen.

Agni would look on tentatively at first, then eventually flap down from Nada, and on to the table. Waiting for a few seconds more, observing what were there, he'd jump ahead, and look into the bowl, where he'd pick out a sunflower seed with his beak. Instead of eating it though, he jerked his head upwards and let go, sending the seed flying into the air, where he'd spew a tiny ember on it, roasting it before it dropped down. He'd be watching the trajectory, and adjust his position and head accordingly, to grab it when it got back down, and start gobbling it down. He'd repeat after that, and made sure to only use a small amount of fire, as to not anger Nada, by accidentally setting fire to something

And Ziggy? Well, she looked on with glimmer in her eyes, clutching the very end of the table, like a tiny foal trying to see what went on up here on the adults area.

"Ooooooh. He roasts his own food. That's so cool."



@Catpone Cerberus

It turned out that waiting like they did, were the smart option. The manticore would have likely pummeled them, and considering she found no mate in the area, she were also rather irate, which would not have helped them. Letting out a loud, angry roar, she'd begin to retreat back into the forest, a few minutes later. At which point, Lyriel would let out a deep sigh.

"Sweet Earth Mother that could have ended badly. I have yet to speak with many of them, but they have been simple enough to talk with. Until their mating season started, and they became more... Troubling. A matter of proving yourself to potential mates and all that, makes them more hostile and combatant until it's over. It's good we avoided a confrontation."

If they wandered forward, they'd find that there were some scales of varied size here. Also varied shapes and colors, making it rather obvious that not only manticores frequented this area on occasion. Their lunch likely did too at times.

They'd find that the ones that looked like they came from a manticore, were there in about a dozen of dark green, black, and brown coloration. One of those were likely from a manticore, yet which one were hard to tell for certain. The spider bird - who know just jumped over on it's bird legs - picked up one of the brown ones, and presented it to the two of them, before scribbling *Real* under it, and looking up towards them.  Again, it might be a deception, but if they wanted to try and trust it, they could. Either way, they would find that once they picked one scale, and considered that to be factual, the rest of them would go slippery and fall out of their hoves, if they even tried keeping one more. A little safety precaution to ensure that they didn't just pick up everything, and go *Well, it's all still technically here*. Though they could mingle things around for a bit, until they made a decision, and they'd both end up with a scale.



@Rising Dusk

21 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

The pony reference spine the detective of course had to question, "Do you have a permit for that?"

Blitz, nor the robots, weren't reacting to the sudden voice here, but Molotov did, and looked with surprise at the detective. Just before going over into a big, cheeky grin.

"Nah, I just told Felicia to bring me a lawyer. Turns out he did have a spine after all, heh."

Using his horn, he'd pull out a minor set of papers, from a local hospital, stating that it were indeed a legit purchase, as well as a fake skeleton. Or well, parts of it. Some jokesters had made away with a leg, most of the wings, and the jaw. As well as three ribs, which were all noted down as well, as to why this were an *Incomplete training skeleton, resold for scientific purposes*. Which weren't a lie. Molotov did indeed use the parts for science. He wasn't like, the creepiest puppeteer in all of Equestria.

"Nah, relax, everything's in order here.

But that ain't important. I wanna hear about You now, sport. What went on? Did you get your criminal? I bet you did, and then the local ladies just went fawning over you, right? Aaaah, I get it. That's why it took you so long to get back, right? Oh Rising, you hound! Spent a bit of downtime enjoying the local flavor did you. Hehe, good on you. You're a spry young lad, and you did a good thing for a lot of ponies. Nothing wrong in getting a little action to reward yourself after that.

Hehehe, lucky stallion. Care to share some details about your exploits? The battle too if you want. And don't worry about Blitz hearing something she shouldn't. She's buried in whatever she's working on. She wouldn't hear you unless your voice got replaced with a foghorn."



@Windy Breeze 🥧

Sorrow had made sure to bag up the syrup they had left over, and carry it with her. It might not deal with everything, but it could at least handle the hateful influence of the ectoplasm it seemed, as well as melt it away, so they could probably still find some use for it.

Afterwards, she had followed Windy  as it seemed like the mare had some minor idea about where to go, which Sorrow did not. Sure they had a description of a house, but this were a big place. And while normally she could probably just go by the feeling of spiritual energy, there were a lot of it all over town, so it were hard to pinpoint exactly where to go at a distance. She'd get an easier time with it when she got closer, and could feel out the intensity, but trial and error were dangerous right now.

That being said, when she were offered the flight goggles, Sorrow would push them back, whilst shaking her head.

"Nuh uh. Even if it gets real foggy, I can feel out the energies around us to some degree, and Legion will keep me safe from the possessing. You don't have that, and honestly, ai think you need to wear them. Like, all the time in here. One less place Ectoplasm can drip into your body."

To be fair, Legion wasn't perfect in this regard, as there were a point where it might be hard for them to drag her back, but they were a strong, spiritual presence in their own right. They could help keep her from being as easily overtaken by another, or several others, presence. At least to some extend.

"A-Anyway, we needed to find St. Lemon street, and look for a big stone house then? Have to stick out around here, if we can find the street. I feel like... It's either west, or north, maybe? It's vague, but the energies feels a tiny bit stronger those ways. I'd have to get closer to be sure though."

She'd cautiously start flying north, whilst looking for street signs, and potential possessed ones. Both would be important to know the location of, if they were to make it theough this, rather than just become part of the flock.



@Widdershins @Pastel Heart

"The Tickle Trio will defeat your grumpiness!"

Jelly were giggling and carrying on, whilst the third member of their troupe - that being Cloud - would jump further up and start scritching the neck fluff of Slimpsy. It shouldn't hurt, and be more akin to being scratched, but he mostly just focused on joining in on the fun. And judging by his happy cooing, he were in fact, enjoying himself.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Windy nodded and wore her flight goggles, concealing her her.

She followed Sorrow while looking down at the street, hoping there are no possessed ponies wandering aimlessly on the street. As they were flying, they heard a voice. 

“Razor, are you hiding something from me?” Windy blinked, and found herself in a clear blue sky. She looked down to see ponies walking around as if the curse that had befallen on the suburb had never happened. But she knew this was another memory, another hint to solve the mystery of Razor and Autumn Rake. 

Windy nudged her companion and pointed on the right, where she saw Razor and Autumn, the latter wearing a frown and suspicious look at the griffon “Over there” she said. 



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@Blitz Boom
Though it could be taken as such, Ruby hadn't meant her explanation as apology, she had just clarified why she did it to avoid any unnecessary argument, and because it really was the reason, it didn't really matter if Leviathan was a coward or not, the fact that she didn't want to harm other dragons would be seen as sign of cowardliness by this young male regardless, because that's what he has been taught to believe, and unlike Ruby, he hadn't had the time or opportunity to learn that the world wasn't as black and white as their kind believed.

The small male locked his eyes on Leviathan when he noticed she was getting closer, and though he was clearly lot less scared of her than he was of Ruby, he was still wary and would try to get away from her when she got too close, unsuccessfully considering he was already at the back wall. He tilted his head curiously when Leviathan laid down and did her thing, and Leviathan would be able to notice that like his half-sister, he knew thing or two about hiding his true feelings, as besides the obvious wariness, it was very hard to tell what exactly he was thinking.

He didn't stop eating at any point while things happened, and there was certain...feralness in his eyes, indicating that he wasn't necessarily at his full mind at the moment, and was partly controlled by instinct alone, but there was also signs of more thoughtful mind, and assuming Leviathan continued with her calm demeanor, it would change into asking confusion as the poor thing was for first time in his life shown any kind of compassion. 

While Leviathan was busy with the runt, Ruby walked away from the cave and sat down, she didn't go too far, just far enough so that the cave and what happened there was out of the range of her senses.

Nada nodded at Ziggy's response, not disagreeing with anything and just watched as she started looking for the seeds and eventually hit her head, a problem that hadn't really been something Nada had thought as a possible problem before seeing it because she had never hit her head herself, but now she realized that if she was to live in a house, hitting one's head could become something to watch out for. She stopped her own thought when she realized it started going to unrelated stuff.

She looked with a smile as Agni made his way to the seeds and started eating them, she was surprised to see him roasting them, but for bit different reason than Ziggy, because to her it was something that was to be assumed that a creature of fire would roast its own food, she was just surprised he roasted his food in the first place.

"I didn't know phoenixes eat roasted food." 

Scarecrow just nodded as response to Lyriel, he too was glad they avoided any trouble, because it would have been quite a big inconvenience if he would have had to wrestle a Manticore. When the 'bird' picked up one of the scales, he looked at Lyriel, "Are we to trust the bird? It did lead us here, but you're the one more knowledgeable of nature from two of us, so I leave the decision to you." If Lyriel said yes, Scarecrow would then tell her to take it and say the magic words, and if she was to protest, he would explain that it was better for her to do it, because though it had been said cooperation was allowed, this could still be a competition, and he for sure would not put getting this bird to himself above helping her. He would them ask the bird if there was more real ones around, and would pick that up if he could, and say the magic words.

If the answer was no, he would then ask her to choose what she saw as the right one, and rest would go the same way, though instead of asking the 'bird', he would ask Lyriel.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

“I take it you’ve got a big family. And I guess it isn’t limited to immediate members.”

“That must’ve been fun, having a lot of kin who you got to do fun things with. Sorry to hear about Soul Prison; necromancy has a reputation for being rather… uh, unsettling practice. The way you tell that story has me feeling for Abacus, even if I don’t have that kind of relation with anyone.:

Lin knew a thing or two about harnessing dark, forbidden, or otherwise outlawed arts, and could sympathize with Soul’s predicament to some degree. She wouldn’t say it outright but she wasn’t also in a position to judge his choice. Frankly, that would be something she’d find herself doing and going by Tomb’s statements, he succeeded without losing himself. 

In some sense, Lin might have learned a thing or two had they met long ago; she may not be in her current predicament if she only exercised more caution. This topic, however, seems to be bringing up sour memories, and the siblings would rather change the direction of the conversation for Tomb’s benefit. 

“Thank you for telling us about your nephew and we’ll be careful about bringing him up in future conversations. Maybe it might help if we got your mind on more positive distractions. Can you show us around the carnival grounds?” 

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On 7/12/2020 at 2:00 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“That must’ve been fun, having a lot of kin who you got to do fun things with. Sorry to hear about Soul Prison; necromancy has a reputation for being rather… uh, unsettling practice. The way you tell that story has me feeling for Abacus, even if I don’t have that kind of relation with anyone.:

"It isn't as if necromancy have a bad reputation for no reason. Historically speaking, practitioners are often selfish, powerhungry, and only use the dead to serve their own end. Combine that with the rather unsettling sight of shambling undead wandering around, and it is not hard to get both a legal, and societal stigma placed upon your craft."

"And to think that it were once made for the intent of communicating respectfully with the dead, and to help them protect the living. How things can change, due to selfishness.

 Like you say, it is a hard stigma to escape, and it is easy to fear the craft, as necromancy makes most think solely of shambling undead, and curses As well as being a reminder that in the end, we all die, and that might not be as simple an end as most likes to think. It is not many that likes being confronted by that.

But that is our burden to bear, and with as large a family as we have, with branches of our family all over Equestria and beyond, there's a lot of us that tends to have to deal with it in their life. Or they can chose to try and ignore it. Best we try to teach our young that what we can do is a gift, some still don't want anything to do with it. A shame, but we can't force them to take up the mantle if they don't want to.

Heh... Heh... But this have gotten into a sad place. This is a festive night, and these sorts of things shouldn't drag that down."

Tomb chuckled some, after her drawn out laugh. She had not wanted to drag things down, but it had just wandered down a path of things, where sharing information did lead to somewhat gloomy stories, and she had been in a sharing mood. Yet it were time to switch that around. Not the sharing part. By all means, if they cared to ask, they could, and she would answer. It were more the parts about trying to drag the mood down. There had been enough of that now, and the carnival were soon to start. There should be smiles here, not worry. It weren't befitting of the event.

"Come, let me show you some more of the grounds, and point you to the more fun aspects of the carnival. What do you look for the most? Food? Games? Perhaps the parade itself, or the theater performance?"

"If you could direct us to the game area at first, so we know where that is, that would be highly appreciated. We have a challenge in our group, which I look forward to win."

"The competitive types, eh? I know just the place for you then. Follow me please, and try not to get angsty if you see a changeling somewhere. Queen Cheshire and her hive likes to mingle, and I can't say for sure if they will be here early, or later tonight. I know the stand a lot have on them, but try to be open-minded. They're harmless."

Tomb would start leading them down a street where the varied vendors were setting up food stands, and though nothing were on sale yet, they were in full swing preparing the food for when the tourists showed up, and there were quite a few good smells here. Ranging from honey-glazed popcorn, to strawdogs with a thick BBQ sauce, ice cream stands, and the obligatory vegetarian corn dog stand here and there, to mention but a few. Also seemed to be a heavy, sweet smell emanating from a stand that seemed to be directed by a swarm of a dozen or so breezies, that would sell home made drinks. Judging from the smell, it would be at least partially by the usage of flowery essence, and nectar, among other things.

If they looked, they'd also find some which were marked as meat sellers, which usually involved fish in some capacity as well as a less vegetarian corn dog. Had to make sure all tourists got something that would draw them in, and like with many other towns, this place had a select few who weren't as fuzzed about dealing with meat. Something which griffons and the like, tended to appreciate.



@Windy Breeze 🥧

Sorrow were rather baffled by the sudden hole in the foggy nightmare they had gotten themselves trapped in. Clear skies? Everypony below seemingly okay, and the buildings looking all fine and normal? This couldn't be right... Had she gone insane?

Looking over on Windy, her question were asked, at around the same time she heard a familiar voice down below, and looked to find Autumn in the crowd. With whom she assumed were her husband. The infamous griffon - far as she guessed so far anyway - which meant two things.

One: This were a memory they had flown into, and as such, none of what they saw were real. Just a strong illusion, showing off a part of Autumn's memories of what had happened in her life that she considered important.

And two: Since this one also included Razor, and appeared to poke at her suspecting that he had done something that he were hiding from her, it just became increasingly likely that yes, he were indeed responsible for the foalnapping. Or at the very least, he were aware of information about it that could have stopped it, though the former seemed more likely.

That anypony could think of doing something like that... Or any griffon for that matter. Most she knew were extremely protective off their offspring, so seeing one who had so little respect for the notion of family, that he might have gathered others and done who knew what to them, probably made him the worst griffon she had ever heard about. And she knew some stories about others, that would normally be leagues above the rest.

On 7/11/2020 at 1:52 PM, Windy Breeze 🥧 said:

“Over there” she said

"We should listen in on this, and follow them. But try not to make contact, or she might twist the memory again."

Sorrow spoke in a soft tone, not wanting to stir things, as she flapped as silently as her large wings allowed, whilst still keeping her in the air, and would sneak closer with Windy if possible. Hopefully, if they stayed on the roofs and a few meters away, they wouldn't interrupt things, and they could get some good information out of this. Or perhaps locate the house they lived in even. It might be leading them home right now, after all.



@Catpone Cerberus

Such a sad state this little one were in.

Physically, she got it. He were a runt, much like herself, and his weakened state made sense with what Ruby had said of their country. He likely barely got anything to eat, and were she to venture a guess, his main course were left over scraps that he'd take a few chomps out of, before hearing a sound and running away. A dragon needed better, and more reliant sources of food than that, or they'd grow up like him: Barely able to move around on his legs, because he were too weakened by whatever strain it were to get here, and not enough sustenance to work with.

And his mental state... Poor thing were scared of Ruby, and at best, weary of her. And who would blame him? He probably never had a dragon he could trust, and seeing others of his kind were more of a death sentence, than a blessing. His age, size, and weakness, made him the eternal victim where he were from, and that sort left some harsh scars on the psyche.

Yet, there seemed to be something going on in his mind, when Leviathan halted, and presented herself in a submissive state. Confusion, and potential curiosity, as his mind seemed to perhaps accept that there were a dragon near him that didn't seem to want to harm him. Which were something which she hoped to get through to him, even if she could not do so verbally.

There were something else she'd try too, as the smoke puffed out from her nostrils. It might not go well, but she felt this were as good an attempt to communicate as any.

Using some wind magic, she'd gather the smoke in small clumps in the air, and form them to look like a small version of himself, just laying in the air, all by his lonesome.

Then another one, who were meant to look like herself, got into view and held a fish over, that she'd put down in front of the smoke him, before backing down so it could eat it. So showing him what went on so far.

It would repeat a few times, with his version starting to get up and move around, and after the fourth fish, she'd have them both show nearby one another, smiling as he jumped around.

Basically she were trying to tell him that she wanted to help him get better, and that she'd be happy to see him get stronger. Very primitive thing, but maybe it would work? She'd see his reaction, and stay in her position on the floor.



@Catpone Cerberus

"It kinda makes sense though, right? They're like cute little fire elementals, so they got the fire magic in them. Kinda makes sense they cook their food then. Hmm, maybe their stomachs can't handle raw food? Like, with bacteria and stuff? And then instead of evolving stronger stomachs, they just use their fire instead to sort the problem out. That'd be kinda awesome, and probably makes them healthier than most other birds. Some of them got some real nasty things squiggling in their tummies."

Mostly maggots, but they didn't need to talk about that when there were the smell of baked goods finishing up in the oven. That was yucky, at least to Ziggy. She weren't sure how Nada would feel about it, but she were pretty sure that Siren's didn't like thinking about chomping on maggots either, so just... Nope, nuhuh, and bleargh.

Agni didn't care about their antics and just kept on with his treat, though stopping briefly to get a sip of water. Might be he could use fire magic, but he wasn't literally made of pure fire. He needed water, like any mammal did. Just not an excessive amount of it.

"If he eats stuff like normal birds, he probably eats bugs too, and maybe smaller fish and mice? You should probably check sometime, just so you know how to make sure he keeps fed. He seems to really like you, so it's probably safe to assume that you sorta have a pet now. Or a companion at least. It kinda depends on how he looks at it. Fah'lina for example, really doesn't like being called a pet. She gets bitey if I call her that."



@Catpone Cerberus

The notion that it weren't to be trusted, seemed to offend the spiderbird, who put down the scale on the ground, erased what had been written before with it's wing, and scribbled something beneath.

It was the words "Stop being difficult.* followed by two rather crude words, calling Scarecrow a donkey in less kind terms. The spelling were on spot though, so it wasn't all bad.

"As far as I can tell, the little one is right. Mabticore tail scales does have this color, and while I have not personally done much in the way of seeing them shed these, or lose them in fights, the form does seem to fit.

Green ones reminds me more of large snake scales, whilst the last ones... I am not certain. I do sadly not know of every creature in the forest, and with the draconequus meddling in the natural order, I fear it have only gotten harder to know what might lurk out here now."

Leaning down, she'd pick up a brown scale, and feeling determined it were correct, would wedge it into her hair, where it could remain safe and tucked away.

Were Scarecrow to do the same, they'd suddenly find that a small, red flower grew from the ground, and would puff up a glittery array of pollen, spelling out their next quest. Which appeared to be getting a branch from an Everwood tree, which were a sort of magical, somewhat sentient tree deeper into the forest, near the old castle, that could be troubling to deal with. As in, they tended to zap away those who they saw as threats.

A second puff right after, would further inform them that the manticore were returning, which she most certainly were. And boy, did she look angry. Sounded like that too, judging by the roar. They best leave before she actually started to chase them down.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Windy nodded and fixed her gaze back at Autumn and Razor. He is a blond griffon, making him more handsome than any other griffon Windy saw in her life. He looked nervous but he was trying hard to smile with 'sincere' lie. 

“Honey, I'm not hiding a secret from you” he said in a calm tone.

“Then, what is this?” she brought out a paper from her saddlebag “Do you think i'll remain calm when this paper sent from your company involves terrorism?”

“Honey, I'm sure somepony is trying to frame me and my company” he defended “and please don't talk about this in the public, everypony could hear us” Sorrow blinked. She glanced around her, then at sky above, prompting Windy to lay on the roof as well as pushing Sorrow to the roof in order not to be seen.

“You're right” she said, realization in her voice “But we will be talk about this later when we got inside our house, you understand?” Razor nodded “good, now let's move” 

Edited by Windy Breeze 🥧



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@Catpone Cerberus

Of course not. Do not be the ridiculous. The white pony of pink, floofy matching mane and tail fluttered his eyelashes at Cerberus in a way intoning sarcasm or a joke. The price of the item just so happens to be exactly all of what money you have on you. Ancient Merchant wisdom, yes.

  Gratefully, the merchant did hold out the as of yet vague and undefined item and await the payment Cerberus would offer in turn. Where after having completed the transaction... would usher the two outside the torchlit darkness with a brisk and cheery manner and wish them a goodbye of "Thank you! Come again!" The cave behind would poof away again into a solid rock face and leave Cerberus outside holding the bomb item out in front of him still. The two of them would stand there for a pause before his light friend would turn to him.

Well. I guess that's over with then. Let's take a look at what you've bought now?

Sudden perhaps, but that tended to be a common reaction once a salespony got your bits. Or when the subject of somepony's stuff getting broken was brought up... or really, the usual response to cats when they start looking curious at things you own.


@Pastel Heart & @Blitz Boom

Slimpsy stretched himself taller between the two fillies, noticeably gritting his teeth together in restraint as most schoolcolts will do when teased. Then, with a suddenness he would snap back down to lay flat on the ground and leave a cloud of feathers about the two. No one did question how he managed to lose so many feathers all the time.

 Resisting he was, but by his expression didn't actively hate the attention as much as could be expected. Perhaps it was from fear of how to respond and his usual habit of more avoidence that led him to be clamping himself down on the ground as he was currently, a hoof over his head as if there was a filly explosion about him.


More to Blitz Boom! And @Sekel!

 Worriedly brusque Blither's smaller form looked at Scarcity with the expression clearly asking whether she was capable, or doing as such to him currently. "M-mindreading? It... does have a bit... a bad reputation as schools of magics go." Reading his, any of the Cephalli Family's, minds would raise some obvious observations and not for the usual reason. Reading the mind of a hydra was a murky thing, especially theirs and for things deeper than even Blither suspected. Such an exercise would be not reading just one, but multiple minds simultaneously and such was something most practitioners were rarely prepared for. Particularly when what this case was, was one touched by uncontrolled Chaos magic warped beyond what it was, by the already fickle nature of a hydra, to something markedly unique. A Smart Hydra.

"Yeah! Friends! Maybe we can throw a party together sometime ta celebrate your happiness together!" Sunny cheerfully beamed another smile down at Chop, yet again verbally trampling the subtle intonation of his particular usage of the word "alone."  Unrestrained emotion and obviousness did seem to run in this family.

 Force obliviousness wasn't all too uncommon. Most noticeably in those most outgoing of ponies. After all, one of the rarer words to describe Pinkie Pie would be "Stable." Unless, of course if it came to her baking which most agreed was tasty. Though bakery explosions did tend to happen around Sugarcube Corner frequently enough. But that wouldn't be the only of Pinkie like qualities that could be attributed to Sunny Flush and her bouncy mane, bouncy face and general airheadedness. Were it not for her habit of beaming cheeriness, it wouldn't be hard to see her like one of the Ogres that tended to be written into some of the more nerdy pursuits ponies like Spike got up to.

 Shortstack, however, continued sulking. 


 From almost the second Monolith's hoof touched the threshold of the door, from which he stood straight like a solider once again, Flit jerked his head the opposite direction towards the counter Berry was behind. You didn't have to tell a member of the Cephalli family when another one of them was approaching. They had a special connection. One that was shown clearly by the unconstrained disgust on Flit's face with all the playful roguishness edged out of his voice. In a not particularly well hidden grumble of a whisper he shot under his breath.

 "Oh great. The Dull One."

"Salutations, Shopkeep." Monolith posed behind Alonsus in the doorway with his soft grey mane billowing in a slight breeze that always seemed to be there, in a dour, deep tone that would insinuate a casual nod of acknowledgement and respect were it not the look that even Monolith couldn't get him to move if he didn't feel it was required. "Would our own selves be but on a Quest to inquire of a comestible from thine premises to bring henceforth to the hooves our Elder of Blades." Monolith did have a habit of making things sound important, and when that something was Alonsus... well, perhaps they had something in common. Perhaps it wasn't that he was playing along, so much as it helped one's own self-importance to have a large stallion formally announcing your presence. To Monolith anyway, it wasn't important currently to specify that the blades were ones used in cooking.

 "They want ta BUY something. Yeesh, Mono. How many hours does it take for yee to say a HELLO?" Flit said from what here sat, front hooves folded in stubbornness, from where his chair was turned away from the table. Both brothers made no attempt to look at each other as they talked; they didn't need to. You did get a long history of how siblings acted towards each other whenever you got between them.

 "Salutations and Acknowledgement, Brother Flit. Winged denizen of the skies. Wouldst thou presence be bespoken of in-"

 "Oy! Killjoy! I take it you've gone dragged Slimpsy into things again, kickin' an' screamin' as he does. Lest he's bitten 'is face intae a fencepost again."

"-The offices of law enforcement. With which I do bespake onto thy that thine own actions hath not run afoul of the debauchery thine own self oft aquires." Monolith chose to steamroll right over Flit's interruption in what was clearly a learned habit of addressing his much far more animated brothers. Flit, in turn, chose to ignore Monolith's ignoring his ignoring him, and went into the hurt whining every little brother goes into when their elder sibling has made a history of forcing them to do things they don't want to do. Like obeying the law.

"I'm havin' a Lark wit' the locals! Sittin' in a coffee shop all innocent like! I ain't assault nobody! ...just grabbed a snack, is all. Not like I done murdered nopony by talkin' 'em to death! You go get ya stuff and creak back like the boulder yee are, Mono!"

"As to whit, when thine proceedings accomplished, thy will accompany us back, Brother."

"You know that don' end well, Brother Dear."

 "But as such it shall be."

 Flit gave a defeated, but rebellious snort. In short order, it looked like another had joined Alonsus's party. Whether the flat judgement Flit got from his brother was because of his disgressions or the cause of it, who could tell? It didn't look like he would resist going back with them, but wasn't in any hurry to be agreeable about it.


Edited by Widdershins

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom

The most striking thing the siblings caught were the scents of the carnival. All of this food was just so tantalizing to the senses, they seemed to get distracted by their stomachs rumbling. Everything looked so appetizing that even Sen was already tempted to wander off and buy something. Of course, he had to stay on on the path lest he get lost. And even getting lost in all of this didn’t seem like a bad idea…

There was just so much of this food, and most of it was foreign to the longma. Corndogs, popcorn, ice cream… the most Sen ever had to tasting pony delicacies were the donuts from Sugarcube Corner and Pony Joe’s back in Canterlot. 

“Mmm… this place is starting to smell so good! I’m actually feeling a little hungry now.”

“So… we just walk up and ask for a sample of what the vendors are selling? It’s that simple?”

Lin joined in on the conversation, though she was a little more confused than anything. She had her reservations about the whole concept of having vendors hawking food and goods with a setup like the one coming into form before her. Even if the imagery was similar to how things worked back home, the booths aren’t as spaced out. It was more like buyers had to go into the workshops or stands outside a home to do business, a little bit like the shops in Canterlot but more rustic. 

“And since you mentioned this Queen Cheshire, can you tell us a little more about her? I admit, I’m sort of interested in seeing a changeling after hearing about them.”

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@Widdershins @Blitz Boom

Pastel broke out laughing happily. She seemed both relieved and happy.

"Nyahaha! I knew you had some soft side on ya~! Mission complete, my friend!"

She hopped up, casually bouncing Cloud up in the process as she looked to high hoof Jelly. This didn't effect the plot in the long run but atleast it hopefully loosened up their new friend a bit. Pastel seemed ready (and eager) to follow the trio wherever.

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On 7/14/2020 at 4:20 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Mmm… this place is starting to smell so good! I’m actually feeling a little hungry now.”

“So… we just walk up and ask for a sample of what the vendors are selling? It’s that simple?”

"A few stands does have samples for the quick ones, but mostly, you'd have to buy what they're selling for a taste. The carnival tends to draw a lot of beings in, and if they start giving out samples to anypony who asks, they won't have anything to sell. Considering they tend to work hard to get these things ready, and also have to put down bits for the equipment, materials, and stuff, it wouldn't be fair to ask them to basically into debt. I hope you understand."

"We do. This place thrives on tourism to ensure the local economy is thriving, and as such, requires both an investment of the locals, and an expected payoff from hungry and curious tourists, to make it all function well. Otherwise, the vendors would have no incentive to set up shop, when all they are faced with are losses, which in turn would mean less tourists, due to the lack of local goods. A vicious cycle, if you will."

Tomb nodded. This one understood it, so that were good, though she did not blame the longma for their thinking. She knew only little of their culture, but what she did, she could understand it being different from the regular equine one, that she were used to. Things would clash when two different cultures like this intercepted like this, yet this were just a minor thing about explaining how it usually went around here. Nothing bad would come of it, though they might get a little disappointed. A shame, yet it were how things were. She didn't have the authority, nor the will, to make the local ways change on this matter.

On 7/14/2020 at 4:20 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“And since you mentioned this Queen Cheshire, can you tell us a little more about her? I admit, I’m sort of interested in seeing a changeling after hearing about them.”

"I can explain about her fairly easily. Queen Cheshire is from a small, dozen or so strong strong hive in Las Pegasus. Soon as the news about Thorax getting relations started with Equestria, and changelings being allowed to wander around, long as they didn't cause trouble, she sprung out of the shadows with her hive, and went to speak her case with the mayor. I don't know all the details, but I know she and her hive, currently have an old theater in Las Pegasus that they've renovated, and get a fairly good crowd in to see their shows. They're a festive bunch, and very talented too. Especially Cheshire herself. I think you will enjoy hearing her sing.

Don't judge them on what you hear about other changelings. They're not hostile, to a point where I doubt they really could fight, if they tried to. All the emotion harvesting they do, is via the shows they run, or infiltrated, so the better a show they make, the more joy they get to feast on. It provides them with a good incentive to stay on the good side of as many as possible, and give it their best at the shows."

"It should also be mentioned, that yes, love is the most well known emotion changelings are known to eat, though some hives have other things. As far as I am aware, she is correct in Hive Cheshire getting sustenance from joy. A fitting one, considering their performance tendencies."

"Indeed. It's a pretty discussed... Discussed... Uhm, are you okay?"

She'd look over to Omen, who looked as if she were trying to cough up a hairball, without actual sounds accompanying it. And they'd soon see what were the matter, as she'd cough up a pouch, emblazoned with an imagine of Discord, pulling his tongue at whoever looked at the bag. No matter the angle, it would look as if he were targeting them directly.

"Yes. It got stuck."

Considering the pouch shouldn't even be able to get through her neck, as it were about the same width as her head, one might wonder how she even got it through in the first place. Tomb did at least, as she were not aware of Omen's... Oddities, to the extend that the others were.



@Windy Breeze 🥧

Sorrow followed the motion from Windy, and ducked down with a small *meep* escaping her muzzle, as she tried to stay out of sight. Usually a tough sell, considering she were on the taller side, but the roof were a good thing to hide behind, as they waited for the memory to stop *feeling them out* so to speak. She weren't entirely sure about the details of this, and just sorta saw it as a half-lucid state of mind, that would detect others not supposed to be there, if they got too noticed. Kinda like a dream visitor, sort of thing.

"Terrorism? This just gets worse and worse. If he hid a lot of dark secrets from her like this, and the foalnapping, then it's no wonder she wants to get him. Grandma used to say that spousal betrayal cut deep, and if he then did something to her too... No wonder she can't listen to reason right now.

Do you think it's safe to follow them? I think we're gonna learn more stuff if we follow them to their house. Probably a lot of memories there to sit through, but they might help us find out what to do, and what happened with her. And him for that matter. If hes still out there, I don't think she can rest, before he have been caught."

If the coast were clear, Sorrow would follow the memory, and see where it would lead them. Hopefully not into an ambush, but in this place? It really were impossible for her to say. It wasn't as safe as where she usually went.



@Widdershins @Pastel Heart

Jelly wouldn't respond to Pastel at first, as she had a muzzle full of feathers she had to spit out before that, after Slimpsy's surprise, speed preening had left quite an amount on the group. She had never seen anypony loose so many feathers at once, but really, she had never seen anypony with as many feathers as Slimpsy either, so perhaps it were normal? Like with percentages of feathers dropped and stuff. Maybe she could ask Mrs. Cherilee about this. She were a smart teacher. She'd probably know.

On 7/14/2020 at 4:41 PM, Pastel Heart said:

"Nyahaha! I knew you had some soft side on ya~! Mission complete, my friend!"

"Nuh-uh, he still isn't smiling and laughing. I bet we're getting there though! Come on mister: Let's see a smile, let's hear a giggle, let all the laughing out, and do a little wriggle."

Jelly joyfully sang the little verse she had learned in preschool, whenever Mrs. Bunnyhop wanted to cheer them up. She wasn't sure why, but it always helped to bring a smile on her face, and right now  also on her fathers face, who had a little laugh over it himself. With all the horrible things that could happen out in the world, and with all the street and danger that had gone on the last few days, it were nice seeing the innocence of youth just having some harmless fun. A ray of light, through a somewhat bleak sky.



@Widdershins @Sekel

Scarcity looked at Blither amused, taking her time where she simply looked at him, silently, as if ahe were reading him. Which she were, but not in the way that he were obviously fearing. Yet she played along with that for about ten seconds regardless. Mostly just for her own entertainment, yet there were a certain urge of hers, to see what would happen, were she to go on with this. How much would Blither crumble, were he to think that she were scouring his mind?

Amusing as it were though, she did not wish to torment him too much, so after the aforementioned ten seconds, she'd raise a hoof to her muzzle, and let out a short, low laughter.

"You have nothing to fear Mr. Blither. I can assure you that I have not been able to replicate the same degree of mind read since then, nor have I been interested. It is a messy, potentially dangerous thing to do, to scour through the minds of others, and I consider the risk to not hold much appeal to me. Who would wish to target a surprisingly strong mind, a more skilled practitioner, or merely mess up the spell ever so slightly, and end up instead exposing your mind to them?

Besides, I do not hold much need for such skills in my day to day life, nor professionally. What reading I have use for, are more in body language, and actual paperwork. Those help me substantially more, when procuring items of high value, or reselling them."

It were not entirely true that she couldn't make use of mind reading in general, but again, one risked it backfiring, and she would be loathe to have any creature gaze into her mind. She had wards specifically to prevent that, but attempting mind reading would leave a channel open, which could circumvent that. Not worth it, despite how mind reading could have its perks.

Meanwhile, Chop let off a silent sigh. It seemed he hadn't been able to get through to Sunny fully. Though he supposed, she seemed to get that Stare and him were happy together, and at this point just wanted to take part in it. In a sense, that was more or less harmless, and basically the same as what Pinkie would eventually do. A situation they both dreaded, but they had seen the way the mare had looked at them when she were around the coffee shop. Somehow, he just knew that she knew, and were planning something. And when it came to Pinkie Pie's plans, two things they rarely included, were subtlety and privacy. The party mare were about as subtle and silent as a thunderstorm.

"Not been much for parties the last few years. They're noisy, and usually have others drinking. Haven't seen a reason to risk getting tempted like that."

He could probably get through it and not get tempted to have a drink himself most days currently, but there were days even now, when it got a little tougher, and he didn't want to risk anything. Not this close to hitting his sobriety goal.

He'd send a glance to Shortstack as he talked, surprised somewhat that he seemed to remain pretty sullen and gloomy about everything. The little guy had to man up and speak about what were nagging him. Or remain silent. Frankly, he'd be happy with that too. The little firecracker could be a hooffull, though the silence were unnerving in a way, considering how shouty the shrimp were before. Made him think something was building up.

"Guess you wouldn't have a reason to drink alcohol anyway. Happy types normally don't dabble in that a lot. At least not as badly as those who have it rough.

Anyway, maybe you should try focusing a party on your brother instead? Looks like he needs it."




What a peculiar bunch this were. A massive figure of a stallion, making even Alonsus seem like a smaller, frailer pony by comparison, and he were the brother of the gangly Slit? How very strange, though their talk did make it fairly obvious that they truly were family. Those close to one another had a certain way of speaking, and when it came to family, that were not unusual to a bit on the harsher side, even if they did care for one another. He had a few members of his own family that had a similar sort of way of talking to one another, though it were more clearly in jest than with these two. More smiles and whatnot, but every family were different after all.

He didn't get the first word in of the ones working here though. No, that would belong to Berry, who let out a short, pointed laugh when Flit said he hadn't done anything.

"You scared the tar out of Chippy. And you broke into Sugarcube Corner and cobbled down like, most of their sugar. You might not have hurt anypony, but the big guy's right. You went in on the debauchery, *Mr. Adonis*."

She'd pull her tongue at him, then start to whip up a couple of coffee's for their guests. A double shot, caramel latte with whipped cream and cherries for Alonsus, and as for Monolith... Eh, it were hard to tell what he might drink actually. The morning dew that fell from his grizzled brow? Mmm, she could just imagine it...

Berry spaced out for a moment as she looked at Monolith in a sort of enthralled way. What could she say? He spoke funny, but he was a big, gruff lad, who had been very direct and to the point with Flit. Who wouldn't like a stallion with a bit of sass and authority in them? Though knowing this family, he'd turn out to eat parasprites, and fart live eels or something. Always something to ruin it, right?

Alonsus smirked a little at seeing Berry like this. Such a strange sight to behold, considering she never had much interest like that in him. Ah, but he supposed, Monolith and him whilst comparable somewhat in size, their styles were different. He were more pampered and well groomed, whilst Monolith ran the gruff, no nonsense look. That might well be a difference. Behavior as well, as he were more personal.

"Monolith? Mayhaps you care for a drink? If so, simply tell Berry. I get the feeling that she would be thrilled to serve you."

"Hmm, yes, I could see that. Regardless, it sounds as if you are less than enthusiastic about meeting up with your family, Flit? Have this something to do with your claim that you are a hydra?

In fact... Ah, yes. Could it be that that side of you don't show, unless all of you are together? I wondered how a massive creature like that, would come from one such as you. No disrespect of course. Though if the mass is shared over several beings, who then connects... I've heard stranger, though please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong."

"A hydra? Have this one told you tall tales, Straw?"

"I am reluctant to say I don't believe him, due to some things I have seen. He's no normal pony, that much I can say for sure."

Alonsus curiously looked over on the odd, gangly stallion, who seemed like he wouldn't be worth much more than as a tooth pick for Alonsus.

"No offense, but to one such as Alonsus, you do not seem impressive. What might one such as you do, to convince my companions of such a tall tale?"

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

“Sure. But I don't how should we follow them since I doubt those ponies down there are no different from them” she said, referring to the ponies below them “Using them to blend is a good idea, unless it destroyed the memory” she spread her wings and hover just 1 meters from the roof “I just hope the illusions of pegasi flying above us aren't as hostile as those below us” 



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@Blitz Boom
The dragon watched with interest as the smoke dragons did their thing, though it wasn't clear if it was because he understood the message or just because he was curious about the smoke forming dragons that moved. After the show was over, it seemed that some kind of message had reached him as he got himself into a sitting position and started scratching something into the cave floor, he was still shaking a bit, but it seemed that the fish had made him feel a little better. He drew 3 pictures, two dragons and a fish, and if the scale in the picture was comparable to reality, the other dragon was about two to three times the size of Ruby, he first pointed at the small dragon, then pointing at himself, and after getting some kind of confirmation that Leviathan understood, he pointed at the bigger dragon, then the fish, and then did a gesture that looked like he was giving something, after that he pointed at himself and did a taking gesture, and last he pointed at the bigger dragon again and slashed the air before acting like he was hit by something.

He then pointed at Leviathan, slashed the air again and shook his head, before tilting his head in confused manner. 

"I don't think him as a pet, I feel that calling him pet would imply that I control him, companion is probably a better word for it." Nada stated "He's free to come and go as he pleases and to do whatever he wants...as long as he doesn't burn down buildings while doing it that is." "He's a creature of nature and I'm not planning to stop him from doing what he naturally would." she herself may have made the decision to go against her own nature in pretty big way, but she didn't like the idea of forcing others to do the same, because like with banishing someone, forcing someone out of their natural space was just plain wrong. 

Scarecrow ignored the insult towards him, after all, it was quite hard to insult someone who saw themselves as monstrosity already.

Since Lyriel believed the 'bird', so would he too, and he too took a brown scale, putting it under his wing's feathers, where it would stay like glued until he himself took it away.

He was going to say something before the manticore message appeared, but after it did appear, he decided to wait and fled the area, though not before making sure that Lyriel got out unharmed, even if it required him to face the beast.

After they were out and safe, he would look at Lyriel once again "Do you know what Everwood tree is?" "I know few special trees around here but I don't know what they are called by others." He had a guess that it was probably one from the more dangerous trees knowing their game-master but that narrowed it down surprisingly little in this forest. 

If Lyriel knew to answer, Scarecrow would know the location as he had visited the castle few times and even with his memory it was hard to forget trees that shot out lighting. If Lyriel didn't, and she didn't ask the bird, Scarecrow would ask it with a wording along the lines of "Sorry for my distrust, but you can blame that on your creator, do you know what or where this Everwood tree is?"  

If more money hadn't appeared when compared to what he had before being teleported, this was quite a steal, since Cerberus only had few bits with him, but if there was more money than then...who cares, it wasn't like it was his money.

He would give whatever money there was, and after getting ushered out and the cave disappearing he just said to himself "That explains a lot." before turning towards his bright companion who had just talked to him "Sure, do I need to say something specific or can you just explain it?" 

  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

“Well, we ought to say thanks to the vendors we buy stuff from with bits, Lin. Trading good back home is similar to how we do business with the shopkeepers throughout Equestria.”

“Yeah, I don’t know what got me thinking otherwise. Probably just the whole setup here had me assuming the vendors were already paid to set up shop for the carnival.”

Sen nodded, and the siblings continued following Tomb to the games. When the processes are broken down to the most essential elements, a barter system didn’t seem all too different from paying for goods. It boiled down to using different implements for payment. The longma did notice Omen coughing up a strange pouch; no guesses who put it there though why it came out now of all moments was something to think about. He hung back a bit to walk alongside the Ki’Nathar.

“That looked like it hurt, seeing as the pouch was bigger than your neck… Did Discord put that in there long ago or did he find some way to deliver it to… or through you?”

Only Discord could come up with the weirdest ways to move things around, if he was even behind this one. Chaos could come off confusing and no one would ever tell themselves they’d seen everything. Sen fiddled around with the pouch but ultimately just resigned to carrying it. Lin, however, moved up ahead and caught up to Tomb.

“Strange things never get old, but even that was stranger than most things I’ve seen. I guess with Omen, expect the unexpected. What were you going to say about Cheshire’s shows. Have you seen one? What are the shows like?”

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@Blitz Boom

That would have needed to be one heck of a hunt on Felicia's part to find a lawyer in the city with a spine.  Generally at odds with law enforcement, ever budding heads, but they have their purpose like anypony else.  At least Rising found Molotov in good humor per usual.  Actually he wasn't all that sure if this was good humor or just Molotov being Molotov.  He wouldn't be all that surprised if such thoughts actually did cross the pony's mind.  Papers floated his way though to confirm at least part of the side in the humor.  The detective smirk, satisfied enough that the spine had been acquired legally.

With the barrage of questions coming from the older stallion, he'd have thought Blitz had taken over his mind for a moment.  His ears twitching at each question while he was working through how to explain his venture into Harrowmark to a mad scientist.  "Sadly no arrest was made, but the dark wizard was defeated.  No, no fawning," he admitted, but such things appeared to more fit Molotov's own fantasy instead of his own.  "My long absence was due to the side effects of an enhancement pill.  Knocked me out for a day before I could send for a ride home.  Harrowmark is pretty far away," the detective informed.  "The only exploits I have to share is a banquet to celebrate the fall of a tyrant.  Food was decent," he smirked and lulled his head in Blitz's direction.  The young filly appeared to be far more interested in her own work than what adults were talking about.  Something Rising can't say he'd seen often among younger ponies who were all to eager to ease drop in on adults.  Lulling his head to the other side in thought, although she could be like him, absorbing everything around her without anypony being the wiser.  It always was hard to tell.

"Dark magic, necromancy, gods of Light and Dark fighting for dominance in a faraway land.  I went to arrest a criminal for attacking Manehattan and instead stirred a sleeping land," Rising put poetically with a tired smile.  The detective went into further detail, telling the tale of his encounter with the specter pony Thistle and his venture through Twisted's 'Garden'.  The struggle of dark magics whispering at his extra sensitivity to magic.  The battle with Twisted and encounter with the dark avatar.  The celebration Oaksbrook threw for the detective.  "Oh, and the cage imploded after three days.  Luckily I stopped it before it crushed anypony."

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On 7/16/2020 at 4:55 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“That looked like it hurt, seeing as the pouch was bigger than your neck… Did Discord put that in there long ago or did he find some way to deliver it to… or through you?”

"The yellow mare made Master Discord give it to me. She said I should put it where I hide things."

"...So you ate it?"

Tomb sounded cautious about Omen as she heard this, taking note of what Sen were saying, yet at the same time, thinking this were perhaps a bit too out there. Even for one who seemingly called Discord her master, which were a whole nother can of worms to process later.


"Pray tell, Why did you get this?"

"For doing what he told me to. He called me there to do things. I answered."

SO at least that confirmed that the time she had been gone, she had spend doing something for Discord, and seemingly, whatever it were, Fluttershy had then made him give her something for it. As the element of kindness, he supposed it made sense that she did not like seeing Discord more or less take advantage of his creation/servant, without some sort of recompense. Seemed odd how she appeared to have actually made him *pay* her for her services, though it would depend on what were in said bag. He would not rule out it contained a talking roll of gumballs, or some sort of insect colony. It were Discord after all.

"Can we ask what it were you did for him?"


Seconds ticked by, where Omen didn't say more than that, and simply observed them curiously. As if she were waiting for them, rather than the other way around.

"So... What did he make you do?"

"I am not allowed to tell anypony. He said I could only say it was not illegal."

"But you just said we could ask you what you did?"



"If I may, I think I know the flaw in communication here. When we bring up if we can ask about it, we assume her yes means that she will then answer. Omen's logical reasoning are somewhat more... Simplistic though. To her, we only asked if we could ask the question, which in itself is fine. It is the details beyond that which she have been told to keep.

To put it simpler: Omen, Discord ordered you not to tell anyone what you did, beyond it being legal, and you only think we wanted to ask the question. Is that right?"


Rosa rubbed his temple, trying to keep down what felt like it could be the start of a migraine, whilst Tomb just looked increasingly confused, and concerned.

"What's going on here, exactly?"

"The short story version is that Omen were essentially created as Discord's servant back in his ruling days, and have now broken free of complete, unquestionable follow by Sen and Lin's friendship. However she still retains a degree of loyalty to him, which includes an unwillingness to speak a word of anything he very directly tells her she's not allowed to, long as he still draws breath. She also answers, if he calls for her, and she is not doing something more important. I can assure you that you are not going to get an answer out of her regarding her actions, beyond what she have been told, though I can personally vouch for the fact that she does not contain the sort of ill will, nor ability, to actually harm anyone. Ingrained pacifism if you will, though not from Discord. It is a longer story beyond that, but.. Suffice it to say for now, that she is ancient, rather innocent, and due to a lack of focus from Discord prior to his disappearance, woefully uneducated. I would put her mental faculty at around a filly age 7-10, with the greatest of respect to my companion, of course. She is also build up rather oddly, which yes, does include her carrying things in one of her stomachs."

"You are saying a lot of big words."

"I know Omen, I know. I promise you, I'm just telling her about you, and saying nice things."

Tomb were still confused, and slightly concerned, but she couldn't say that she had seen any sort of aggression from Omen. And it would make sense with her more or less acting like an easily distracted foal. Still some odd, halfway concerning things to hear, but well, she had said this were an inviting town, and if they could accept Discord (to an extend) so too could they his servant. She hadn't appeared interested in meddling with their sacred relics yet, so that were already a plus over him.

"...Okay, going to be honest and say that I think it's probably best if I keep an eye on her all for a while, just to be safe, but I don't think there's a problem here. Just worried that well... Discord. It's hard to say what might happen, and as one of those tasked with keeping the carnival safe, it's best that I make sure. Thank you for the rundown though.

Now... Right, Cheshire. Sorry, got a little distracted there. I have seen her shows before, and a lot of it involves musicals. Hive Cheshire are performers, and most of them can sing well. Few who doesn't, can still do other things though, like set work, playing an instrument, and so on. You should watch out for Cheshire herself though. Don't let her looks fool you. There's a wide ranging, massive voice in that mare when she wants to use it. I once heard her from the other side of town, and with all the trees here, that's saying something."

Whilst she talked, Omen would go over and try to unfurl the bag, which had a fair bit of elastic string closing the top. Not more than about a meter all in all, but she still managed to hogtie herself, whilst opening the bag. How exactly, not even Rosa could tell. And he had been watching her as she did this.

Tomb though, looked not only on this, with a bit of a chuckle going on from seeing just how silly this were, combined with Omen's deadpan look, as if this were just normal. She also gazed at the now open pouch, which already from the top, seemed to be carrying slivers of gold. Or as they were more well known in this country: Bits. A good deal of them too in fact, which if they were real, were a fairly impressive bunch to work with. Made one wonder what exactly she had done, that made Discord pay her this much. Though Rosa suspected it would have more to do with him overcompensating to prove a point to Fluttershy. Consider what he had heard about them, that seemed to be likely.

"I get the feeling you don't need to worry too much, about sampling a lot of local food anymore, Lin."

"Help please."

"*sigh* I got this."

Unless intercepted, Rosa would go over and start unfurling Omen again.



@Catpone Cerberus

Her chest started to feel a little boiling as she saw what the little one were showing. Not that she were angry with him. Dragon lord no, that wasn't the case at all. She were feeling angry with what he were showing him, which seemed to be his way of communicating what had happened between him, and Ruby and his' mother. One who too had fed him, but then violently chased him off, and now it seemed as if he were wondering if that were her intention as well. What sort of messed up place would instill the fear in one's own young, that the one who were supposed to keep them fed and happy, would one day suddenly turn, and treat you like a pariah? Just attack you to get you away from their area, and leave you on your own, to either fend for yourself, or die.

Ruby had plenty of reason to want to see her mother pay for varied reasons, but quite honestly, though she rarely wished serious harm upon another dragon, Leviathan were getting increasingly more okay with that one being an exception. To see her get what came to her, and then somehow topple their whole, darn system. One built on a primal system beneath dragon kind, which would only end up weak and vulnerable, regardless of how much they boasted about strength. Yeah, and what did all that personal strength matter, against a force of banded against creatures - several of them wielding magic? Especially is some were willing to use some of the forbidden schools. Leviathan had lived long enough to see what sacrificial magic could cause, and it were neither pretty, nor weak. It were a sickening display of morbid power. For the most part at least. There were always exceptions where some found good ways to use the craft.

Her personal thoughts on the dragoness aside, she had to answer the little one, and as she saw it, there were only way she knew how to.

So the small smoke figures would return, and start up much like they had ended before. The two of them standing closely, smiling and having a good time. Then from the side, came a larger one. One she tried as best she could to get to scale, which were nearing, and looking down on the smallest figure.

The one representing Leviathan herself, would move to stand in front of him, so block the path between them, whilst the large dragon seemed to be opening her mouth and saying something. To which her figure would respond by taking an aggressive stance, and shoot sparks up towards the larger dragoness, who were pelted with these sparks of varying sizes until she left. All the while, the figure keeping the smaller dragon safe, would hiss at her, and wrap her tail around the small dragon.

Once the large one were gone - and had dissipated - her figure would turn around and look down on the dragon, then pat him on the head with a big smile on her face once more. Her way of trying to show the little one that she'd help him, and wanted to be his friend, rather than another who'd like to harm him. Like she had, and like he feared Ruby were going to. In large part likely because of her resemblance to her mother.

Once this were done, she wouldn't have the small ones go away again though. The fog figures would remain above her, whilst she looked at the small one, and got a smile on her face. A small one, compared to the open mouthed one of the figure, but it would hopefully get the point through. She figured barring her teeth currently were a bad idea.



@Catpone Cerberus

Considering how Agni momentarily stopped his lunch, to go over and rub his head against her scales, with a pleased coo, he seemed to like her stance on this. He saw her more as a friend from the city-folks (he figured all creatures who looked even a little equine were from there) who he could hang around with, than an owner. And he liked to stay on good terms with his friend, especially since he were afraid that she might leave him too, like the other city-folk he had found curious the first time, whom had liked to keep him around. The pony had even given him a name that he liked, and had kept, but then after a small flight to see something, the pony had been gone, and he had been alone again.

He had flown around town for days, looking for the pony around buildings, in parts of the forest, sometimes in locked sheds etc. but hadn't found the strange little colt with the odd magic going over him. He were simply gone, and when he had finally accepted that the pony hadn't just hidden from him, but had actually just left him behind, Agni had ended up pretty depressed. That's the stage Lyriel had found him in, and she over time, had helped him to see that there were light left, and that maybe another time he found a friend, he wouldn't be left behind again.

Now, he considered Nada to be that friend, and he didn't wanted her to be dissapointed in him. He wanted her to smile, to be glad to have him there too, and protect her from da-



The sound of the egg watch made him give off a surprised shriek, and got on his wings, flying directly toward the sound, where he'd start pecking at the thing until it almost fell off the counter. Ziggy thankfully got there before that, and took the now silent egg watch away.

"Hey hey, eeeeeasy there, okay Agni? It's just making a sound so we know the food is done. Everything's fine and dandy."

The phoenix quieted down, and slowly lowered his wings, looking weary, but trying to trust the calm voice the pony were talking to him in. Also, he didn't want to make more of a fuss, though in fairness to him, this had been a surprise sound.

"Sorry. That one's mu fault. I should've warned you that this thing gets kinda loud like that when it's about finished. Let's see if we can't make it all better with some fresh baked muffins."

Pulling out a drawer, she grabbed some oven mitts, and took a breath before opening the oven, and letting the puff of warm, delicious smelling air just blast into her nostrils. It was one of the better parts about cooking in her opinion, as sure, it were warm, but the smell were incredible.

The smell of chocolate and a lesser one of lemon, would waft through the entire house, as she pulled out the two trays, and put them on the table. Agni looked curiously on, and would cautiously touch the hot platter with a talon. It had a cozy warmth to him, though for either Nada or Ziggy, it would likely feel rather painful to touch it with their bare hooves right now.

Not that it should be what one focused on either. The important part were the delicious muffins that stood perfect and warm on the tray, cooling a little off in the room temperature. Or okay, not perfect per se. Some of them were a little uneven in size, but who cared? They tasted all the same, and this was home cooking, not a bakery. Nopony would care that theirs weren't Cake quality, hehe.

"Yey, just look at this! We did a good job on the muffins, right? Just gotta wait a teensie bit for the heat to go off, or we'll burn our tongues, and then we can't taste it right. That's no fun."

Agni would sit in the side of the tray with chocolate and lemon muffin, and look down on the cakes, curious as to what they were, whilst soaking in the warmth basking up towards him.



@Catpone Cerberus

Thankfully, the manticore had better things to do than to hunt them, and as they left promptly after her warning, she wouldn't pursue them further. Not unless they returned. In which case, they had disrespected the territory, and would get punished for it. Also manticores weren't scavengers, and Scarecrow looked like someone had left out their meal for far too long. Since he didn't look or smell appetizing, and one minor meal in the oddly looking pony wouldn't get her much sustenance, she decided to stick with her more primal urges for the time being. Took a better meal, threat or case of insolence to overrule that urge during mating season, than these few creatures, who had promptly left when warned.

This time around, the spiderbird actually took usage of its wings, and flew about a half meter off the ground as they retreated, so it wasn't just some sort of mimic with a pretend bird body, which just made it harder for Lyriel to understand the creature. What mad mind would make such a thing, and for what reason? Currently, the answer seemed to be as a prize, and/or to prove a point, and that just seemed nonsensical to her.

On 7/16/2020 at 3:49 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Do you know what Everwood tree is?" "I know few special trees around here but I don't know what they are called by others."

"I know of them, yes. They grow near the old castle, and are some of the only trees I have found that possess an actual, spiritual presence that can talk back. I were as surprised as they seemingly were, but we had some interesting talks about things a week or so back. Though now that I cannot communicate with them anymore, and my form have changed, I do not know how they will react. They may not remember me, and they are very protective of their saplings. We must thread near them with caution."

The spiderbird would know too, and would go in front of them, where it would scrawl an arrow into the ground, pointing in the right direction. Afterwards, it would start on a longer sentence, and in case they tried to move past before it were done, it would spread it wings, and let out a few sounds that resembled what one would hear, where they to hammer a few sturdy sticks on a hollow tree. If that didn't work, the tip of it's wingbones, would also sprout a pair of rather nasty looking spider fangs. Lyriel had briefly wondered where those might be, though this had not been her first guess, if it were. Though it wouldn't attack either. It just wanted for them to give it a minute to write down what it wanted to say to them, though mostly meant towards the one who highly distrusted it currently. That being Scarecrow.

"I were made as a prize for you. What happens to me if you lose?"

Though it were hard to get any real emotions on its face, or the eyes, there should still be something over its calmer stance after writing this, and the way it gazed towards Scarecrow, to indicate that it meant this not as a question it had no answer to, but rather a statement about Why it were trying to help them: Survival. It were made as a prize, and if it wasn't going to be handed to Scarecrow as one, after being specifically made for the purpose of shielding him, what then? Were it going to go back to being a bundle of sticks, leaves, dirt and rocks again? It weren't sure, but what else were it to think would happen to it, were at least Scarecrow to fail? At least if he won, it would remain as it were, but just supposed to be near him. That was fine. They'd both be better off that way.



@Windy Breeze 🥧

"Well, since she's controlling them, they're probably either enthralled in the memory, like she is, or just illusions. I think if we just try to blend in and try to stay out of sight, we should be able to sneak along. Though uhm... We just gotta hope she's not too attentive, since Legion doesn't blend in all that much. Actually, thinking about it again, perhaps we should just try to blend with the fliers? I can cover them with my legs up here, and long as we don't fly into others, it might work well?"

It were fairly, monstrously rare to see any pony carrying around bones like this, without being a zebra. And even then, they usually didn't go with a full on, large skull like this. It might get her seen, but since the air wasn't completely safe either, Sorrow begrudgingly had to concede that both areas were risks, and would follow Windy where she thought best. Including down to the ground, and hope that they wouldn't be spotted. Or at least not too quickly. It'd be good if they managed to find out something on the way. Like the exact place where they lived, which likely had the majority of the bad, personal memories. She expected that part to be quite harrowing, actually.

"You're better at leading, Windy. I'll follow your uhm... Lead, on this, and just provide information if you need any. About ghosts and stuff."



@Rising Dusk

Molotov would keep listening in until he were sure that Rising were done. He weren't convinced that the detective wasn't just shy, and unwilling to talk about his adoring fans, but that's fine. They didn't know one another enough to be on that level yet it seemed, but perhaps one day, the shy guy would open up a little, and the stories would be the stuff of legends.

Best focus on other things and just wait until he seemed more willing to share, which would at first land on the cage they had made, and the decay rate of three days.

"A three day decay rate? Are we talking 72 hours, or less? I need the exact timing to write down, so that when we get future tests done, we know over how long a time we're best off testing it, to see if it improved. Also, were there any external factors playing in, like attacks, or attempts at magic from the outside? It's radiating the aura inwards, so the shell is exposed. Gotta keep that in mind during the calculations.

And in what way did it implode? Let's hear the details so that we can avoid this going badly another time. Oh right, and good it didn't kill somepony on the first attempt. Even with the best of ideals, it's impossible to hit a 100% guarantee of safety, and this is a highly untested project. Happy that the trial run didn't result in somepony becoming mush."

Whilst talking, he had a pen and some paper floating over to him, so that he could scribble down all the details he could get about the cage down, and wouldn't stop writing until he had as much as Rising felt like he could give on the subject.

Either after that, or in case the officer asked that they waited with that for another day, he'd float the things back in the right drawer, and nod slowly.

"Alright then, that's a start. Anyway, if you say you got knocked out by some O.M.I. Powerpill (TM), and woke up to a banquet to the fall of a tyrant, I'm guessing that the battle did not go well for him, and he met a permanent end to his games? Not saying you did it though mate, no worries. You strike me as a lot of things, but not a killer. Just saying, that all the data you've given me here, make it clear he didn't get a happy ever after. Especially when you mention there were necromancy and gods fighting for dominance. I don't personally believe in worshiping any sort of god, but I have the data to prove they're real, somewhere in the files from Center Zero, and the data doesn't put it as a minor deal if any of them are involved. They work on a whole nother plane of intent and thought than us mere mortals.

But I doubt you care about that right now, do you? Long trip, you're still locking knackered- I bet you're wanting to go home and just conk out for a few days in your own bed, yeah? No need to worry about us, if you came here to check up on how things went. I'm helping the shrimpy one with her wing, and hoping to have a few more attempts at wooing that smoking sister of hers, and everypony here is safe. I'm working, Blitz is-"


"- Making me reconsider getting a bigger fire extinguisher, and Felicia is charging up, whilst Carmen rests her system a little. Everything is fine and calm here."

"Uuuh, maybe if I add a few more wires, it could melt steel?"

"...For now."

He probably should be nervous, but he had his precautions ready, so what he heard from the still oblivious Blitz, just made him grin. Quite frankly, he looked forward to seeing what she were doing over there, with that old piece of junk. She had a weird mind for these sorts of things.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Windy nodded and did a mock salute with a playful expression “Yes, ma'am” she deadpanned. She first took the skies and flew, cautiously following Razor and Autumn. She could see a few pegasi flying on the skies.

As she flew, she spotted a few familiar faces on the busy suburban streets. She saw Quill Rhyme, who just waved at the couple; then Sandy, who was talking to a neighbor. She decided to ignore them both so she could focus to following her targets.

Finally, Razor and Autumn finally arrived at their destination but it was not their house, but rather a small restaurant. Windy thought the two maybe have been talking about eating and she didn't hear them. She look at Sorrow “They went inside that restaurant” 



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@Blitz Boom

“If I may add to the conversation… Discord can still call upon Omen whenever he needs her even if she is with us. It came about from an agreement with him, though I guess it wasn’t a formal one. Still, it’ll be upheld because it fosters goodwill with the draconequus.”

“And not because he made a good impression on you? Hmm?”

“H-Hey! We should do right by our friends, even Discord.”

Sen chuckled as he riled up a reaction out of his sister. Lin would try to hide her embarrassment but Sen knew his sister’s friendship with Discord would sound out of place if spoken aloud, especially in present company. The longma knew this despite he himself seeing the physical manifestation of chaos as a friend just like Lin. 

The oddities that come with Omen would cause some to raise their eyebrows in confusion but being around it often made the siblings appreciate that little bit of chaos it brings to daily life. They may be the odd ones out but there was no way they’d want Omen to change that. Sen stopped beside Tomb and offered his reassurances.

“Don’t worry, Tomb. You don’t need to be overly concerned with the implications involving Discord. He isn’t here, and if anything should happen, Lin and I will take responsibility.” 

Lin overheard her brother’s words, looking up and nodding, before turning her attention to the pouch full of bits. That and Tomb’s sentiment on sampling the food at the carnival got her more excited to eat, way before they even tried out the games. By the end of the night, she’d imagine herself gorging on so much she wouldn’t be able to open a gate back to Canterlot. Still, the thought got her more excited than anything. 

But that will have to wait as Omen got herself tangled again on some string. Maybe the longma will need to consider working on a lesson plan involving string safety. 

“Time to get our friend untangled again. Do you need any help, Rosa?”

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"Ultimately?" Dawn sighed softly and cast her gaze down at the kitchen table. "I just want to see if she's even alive or not. Me actually wanting her here is another story entirely. I don't think I want her back. I've been on my own for so long I've forgotten what it's like to even have her around."

@Blitz Boom


"Fine, whatever," Atzy muttered and huffed with a glare towards the scroll in front of her. "At least I can walk around freely now and not really on a host."

"We'll keep it to ourselves. Sorry, Enzo. Is there a plan for what we do now?" Karmic asked quietly, looking away from her own scroll and up at Enzo to look for a response.

@Blitz Boom


Twilight was unsure of what to feel. Horror? Disgust? Compassion? All these emotions felt like they had a right for her to feel but slipping off of Last to stand on her own two feet, she looked between the fungal pony and Last herself. Pity is what she settled on and slowly turned her gaze to what appeared to be Last's mother. "I ..." Twilight tried to speak but shook her head to get the words right. "I wish to help everypony I can, ma'am," she eventually said and coughed a couple of times as she looked to Last and spoke softly. "As far as I can tell, whatever is left of her, wants help. I'm sure I'll be able to at least make it so she's not feeling any pain."

@Blitz Boom


Aurora sighed and wasn't able to believe she was about to say this. "Happy, get on my back. We're walking in that direction the glitterbomb was thrown," she told him in a commanding voice. She hoped it wasn't too harsh or demanding of him but with the way he looked and swayed, she wasn't exactly taking any chances in leaving him alone. So she laid and spread her wings out to either side so Happy could comfortably lie on her back.

@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


"I don't want to alarm you, but I'm pretty sure everypony that saw you two in this room knows," Dazzle said quietly, leaning in so she wasn't overheard. "But still, I'll keep my lips zipped as best as I can." Dazzle did notice Shortstack's awkward stance and couldn't help but laugh. "You were successful in making Shortstack look awkward though!" she looked away from Shortstack and over at the other members of the family that were currently around. "The other members look really interesting though. Did I speak with one earlier or was that somepony else? It wasn't Scarcity, it was a stallion that acted like a gentlestallion."




What else am I meant to put here?


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