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mega thread MLP FiM Season 5 Preview Info (Spoilers)


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Spring 2015? Laaaame. At least I got other things I've been waiting for in the next few days. I'm patient enough to wait for Season 5, however. :P 

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Well, that Video looks official.  "Spring" is kind of a vague date, though.  Since MLP is their best rated program it makes sense they will wait until sweeps month to premiere it.  That's what, April or May?  Oh & ad writer dude?  Twilight did not just leave her library, she had help making that decision.

  • Brohoof 1
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Spring 2015 looks to be when it premiers.

Huh the trailer is certainly well different (although that might be because it's also a toy ad), and hyping up of the princess thing huh? Let me guess they're not gonna do a single thing with it and all she's going to do is her normal stuff (with maybe a new villain thrown in). 

Edited by chirox the pony
  • Brohoof 1

No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me.

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Probably should of seen this coming when we learned they were still recording a few weeks back. They might not have footage in the teaser because they might flat out just not have anything 100% complete. Actually If I recall Season 4 started about 3 or 4 months after the first preview at Comic Con and they had nothing in final animation at that point in time.

Edited by M'gann M'orzz


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No I refuse to look forward to that dreadful season. I will enjoy the great weather we are having now. =)


It's sad that there will be no new MLP episodes this season or the next, but really absolutely nothing could make me look forward to Spring.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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While I'm happy to hear some news on S5, I hope they don't tease it too much. I doubt they'd do that though considering how much they teased RR. I'm also not suprised on the spring release date as that was what I expected.

Edited by rpc8169


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Howdy all!


Well its about time theres news on Season 5.

But in the Spring?

Thats gonna be a LONG wait.


Oh well.


Not gonna scream bloody murder over it.


As long as more seasons are coming besides the Upcoming MLP Movie and EG3 Its all right me. :)


Hasbro/Discovery Family knows what they doing.


Theyre not dumb


See ya!


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Spring 2015? :wacko:

So around 3-4 more months of wait. Regardless, it will come REALLY REALLY damn soon, considering we've gone through the days of 2014, and pretty much our lifetime in a flash... :comeatus:

Also Spring 2015 means as early as February to maybe late as April, meaning it'll air during the majority of my summer break! :yay: More fun indaFillypines! :lol:



Edited by Fillypino Pride
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Spring 2015 looks to be when it premiers.

Is this trailer Hasbro official? If so April or May makes a lot of sense to me but I totally understand the disappointment of having to wait. I was really hoping for a January,February,or March release. Experience with video production has taught me that the longer the writers and crew have the better the end product will be(in most cases). I love that the trailer is focused on Twilight because I love her. I hope they do great things with her in season 5. 

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I was hoping that we'd only be waiting until February, but looks like it's at least March if not April/May now  :(


The only saving grace is, that with it taking this long they should really have nailed the quality of the episodes as they've given themselves a bit more time to work on them.


And I think that we can now also assume that S6 will have the same launch time as 5 given when 5 should end.

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They can take all the time they want if they need to make it as good as it can be.


I just hope the longer delay doesn't hurt them.


(Please don't let this be like with the DC Nation shows! :blink: )

Edited by Jangobadass

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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Well, that Video looks official.  "Spring" is kind of a vague date, though.  Since MLP is their best rated program it makes sense they will wait until sweeps month to premiere it.  That's what, April or May?  Oh & ad writer dude?  Twilight did not just leave her library, she had help making that decision.

Yup..... Not a whole lot is more persuasive than a giant fire ball hitting your house XD

  • Brohoof 1
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